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The generator is designed to treat air in residential, medical, office and other inhabited premises that are not polluted with harmful impurities, and can be used to enrich the air with ions of both signs, remove electrostatic charges from various objects and people's clothing, purify the air from dust, bacteria and spores fungi. The ion generator contains a group of corona and accelerating electrodes located in a purgeable housing connected to the output bipolar tires of the high-voltage corona voltage generator, equipped with a second group of corona and accelerating electrodes, similar to the first group of such electrodes and located next to it, while the corona electrodes of the first group are electrically connected with the accelerating electrodes of the second group, and the accelerating electrodes of the first group are electrically connected to the corona electrodes of the second group. The technical result is to increase the uniformity of the distribution of ions of both signs in the ionized air and improve the quality of the ionic composition of the air due to this. 1 ill.

Drawings to the RF patent 2343361

The invention relates to a technique for treating air in residential, medical, office and other inhabited premises that are not polluted with harmful impurities, and can be used to enrich the air with ions of both signs, remove electrostatic charges from various objects and clothing of people, purify the air from dust, bacteria and fungal spores.

There are many physical processes of natural origin that are different in nature and are involved in the ionization of the air around us (see, for example, N.A. Kaptsov. Electrical phenomena in gases and vacuum. State publishing house of technical and theoretical literature. M.-L., 1950 ., pp. 222-241, 589-604). However, in the technique of artificial air ionization, mainly ion generators have found application, in which ions are created either by low-energy -active isotopes, for example, tritium, carbon-14 or nickel-63 (see, for example, SU 106280 A, 1957), or corona discharge between two electrodes (see, for example, SU 842347 A, 06/30/1981, V.P. Reuta).

Ion generators that use -active isotopes make it possible to create an artificially ionized atmosphere that is closest in quality to the natural one by simple technical means. But the safety regulations for handling radioactive materials to protect them from destruction, the conditions of disposal require the presence of special control services, which makes it impossible to widely use such ion generators.

A great variety of ion generators, in which air is ionized by a corona discharge between two electrodes, to which a constant, pulsating or pulsed high-voltage voltage is applied, have been developed, but none of them can compete with radioactive ion generators in terms of the qualitative composition of the generated ions.

In radioactive ion generators, the process of ion formation proceeds continuously, and ions of both signs appear in pairs. At the same time, the process of volumetric recombination of ions is continuously going on, in which ions of different signs, meeting, neutralize each other's charges (for more details on these processes, see, for example, J.Kay, T.Laby. Tables of physical and chemical constants. M. Gosizdat. nat. 1962, pp. 191-193 - on recombination and pp. 215-216 - on specific ionization by charged particles).

The presence of volumetric recombination of ions does not allow most of the ions to "grow old" and turn into medium and heavy ions, the presence of which in the air is undesirable, if not harmful to health, although they participate in air purification from dust (On the processes of formation and structure of atmospheric ions detailed in the article: Eichmeier J. Beitrag zum Problem der Struktur der atmospharischen Kleinionen - "Zeitschrift für Geophysik", 1968, Vol.34, S.297-322).

At the end of this article, Fig. 10 shows a diagram of the process of formation and structure of light, medium and heavy ions, indicating the life span of these ions.

In well-known bipolar ion generators containing corona electrodes located in a purgeable housing connected to the output buses of a high-voltage corona voltage shaper, ions are created in bursts of one or the other sign with a duration of bursts of several minutes (see, for example, US 3936698 A, 03.02.1979 ) to units of milliseconds.

And although these packets of heteropolar ions are moved by an air stream, the process of recombination of ions from these packets begins with a delay, which leads to the formation of a large number of medium and heavy ions, since the lifetime of light ions lies in the range from 10 -4 to 100 seconds - this is the time during which an unrecombined light ion will necessarily collide with a large conglomerate of molecules or a condensation nucleus and form a medium or heavy ion.

Any known bipolar or unipolar ion generator can serve as a prototype, containing corona and accelerating electrodes located in a purged housing, but the closest in functionality is a bipolar ion generator containing a group of corona and accelerating electrodes located in a purged housing connected to output bipolar tires of the high-voltage corona voltage driver (see: RU 42629 U1, 10.12.2004, V.P. Reuta, A.F. Tuktagulov).

Since in the prototype, bursts of unipolar pulses of either positive or negative polarity are applied to the discharge electrodes, ions of both signs also appear in the air in bursts of one or the other polarity, which leads, as noted above, to the formation of an excessive amount of unnecessary medium and heavy ions.

The task is to increase the uniformity of the distribution of ions of both signs in the ionized air and improve the quality of the ionic composition of the air due to this.

To do this, a bipolar ion generator containing a group of corona and accelerating electrodes located in a purgeable housing connected to the output bipolar tires of a high-voltage corona voltage generator is equipped with a second group of corona and accelerating electrodes similar to the first group of such electrodes and located next to it, while the corona electrodes of the first group are electrically connected to the accelerating electrodes of the second group, and the accelerating electrodes of the first group are electrically connected to the corona electrodes of the second group.

The drawing shows a circuit diagram of a bipolar ion generator, created on the basis of the above prototype. It adopted the standard designation of elements. Here, in the housing 1, two groups of corona electrodes 2 and 4 and accelerating electrodes 3 and 5 are installed on insulators, where the corona electrodes 2 of the first group are electrically connected to the accelerating electrodes 5 of the second group, and the accelerating electrodes 3 of the first group are electrically connected with corona electrodes 4 of the second group, and both groups of electrodes are connected to bipolar outputs 6 and 7 of the high-voltage corona voltage generator 8. The air to be ionized is blown through the housing 1 in the direction of the arrows "A", and in the direction of the arrows "B" and "C" exits bipolar ionized air. If the body 1 is metal, then it is connected to a common bus.

To the output buses 6 and 7 inside the shaper 8, bipolar conclusions of the secondary 9 winding of the high-voltage transformer 10 are connected, the primary winding 11 of which is connected at one end through the booster capacitor 12 to the output of the first 13 voltage switch, assembled according to the scheme of a complementary emitter follower on a complementary pair of Darlington transistors 14 and 15, the bases of which are combined and connected to the output of the inverter 16, the input of which is combined with the input of the second 17 voltage switch. The switch 17 is made similar to the switch 13 on a complementary pair of Darlington transistors 18 and 19, and its output is connected to the second end of the primary winding 11 of the transformer 10. The combined inputs of the inverter 16 and switch 17 are connected to the output of the EXCLUSIVE OR logic element 20, the first input of which is connected to the output of the ion concentration controller 21, which is a high-frequency pulse generator with adjustable duration and repetition rate of output pulses of positive polarity. The pulse generator 21 is assembled on two series-connected inverters 22 and 23, where the output of the inverter 23, which is the output of the generator 21, is connected to the input of the inverter 22 through the time-setting capacitor 24 and the decoupling resistor 25. The common point of the inverters 22 and 23 is connected to the movable the contact of the potentiometer 27, which acts as a regulator of the duration of the output pulses of the generator 21. The right output of the potentiometer 27 through the potentiometer in a rheostatic switch 28 and the forward diode 29 is connected to the common point of the capacitor 24 and the resistor 25, where the left output of the potentiometer 27 is additionally connected through the reverse diode 30. The second the input of the logic element 20 is connected to the output of a low-frequency pulse generator 31 with a constant frequency and an adjustable duty cycle of the output pulses. This generator consists of series-connected inverters 32 and 33, where the output of the inverter 33, which is the output of the generator 31, is connected to the input of the inverter 32 through the time-setting capacitor 34 and the decoupling resistor 35, and the common point of the inverters 32 and 33 is connected to the moving contact through the current-limiting resistor 36 potentiometer 37, which acts as a regulator of the duty cycle of the output pulses of the generator 31. The extreme terminals of the potentiometer 37 through the reverse diode 38 and, accordingly, through the forward diode 39 are connected to the common point of the capacitor 34 and the resistor 35. A positive supply voltage is supplied to all necessary points of the circuit relative to the common bus through bus 40.

The driver of the high-voltage corona voltage 8 is completely borrowed from the prototype, where it is described in detail. In turn, it uses almost classic knots. Thus, the complementary Darlington emitter followers used in voltage switches 13 and 17 are described in the book: Claude Galle. Useful tips for the development and debugging of electronic circuits. M .: "DMK", 2003, pp. 106-107, fig. 2.67. Here on page 63 and fig. 2.27 information about Darlington transistors is placed. Pulse generators 21 and 31 are based on classic multivibrators (see: R. Melen, G. Garland. Integrated circuits with CMOS structures. M .: Energia, 1979, pp. 105-107, Fig. 6-1 .), in which, using diodes 29, 30 and 38, 39, respectively, the charge and discharge circuits of capacitors 24 and 34, respectively, are separated. Similar circuits are described in SU 1132340 A, 12/30/1984 (V.P. Reuta).

During pre-tuning of the bipolar ion generator, the potentiometer 27 sets the minimum pulse duration at the output of the pulse generator 21; the potentiometer 28 sets such a repetition rate of the above pulses, at which transients in the primary winding 11 of the transformer 10 will end in less than half the repetition period of these pulses; potentiometer 37 set the duty cycle of the pulses at the output of the pulse generator 31, equal to two.

The bipolar ion generator works as follows.

After switching on the supply voltage, the high-frequency pulse generator 21 and the low-frequency pulse generator 31 immediately begin to generate continuous pulse trains, and the repetition rate of the output pulses of the latter, as a rule, is several orders of magnitude lower than the repetition rate of the output pulses of the generator 21. If inside the generator 21 at the output of the inverter 23 “single” state, then the capacitor 24 is charged, through which the charge current flows from the output of the inverter 23 through the diode 30, the left side of the potentiometer 27, the resistor 26 and through the “zero” output of the inverter 22 to the common bus. Due to this current, at the common point of the capacitor 24 and the resistor 25, at the initial moment, a “single” voltage will be set, which, through the resistor 25, will go to the input of the inverter 22 and will maintain a “zero” state at its output. As the capacitor 24 charges, the charging current and, accordingly, the voltage at the input of the inverter 22 will drop. As soon as the voltage at the input of the inverter 22 drops to the level of operation of this inverter, it will tip over to the "single" state at its output and transfer the inverter 23 to the "zero" state at its output. This will form a pulse at the output of the inverter 23 and, accordingly, at the output of the generator 21. The duration of this pulse is determined by the time constant of the charge of the capacitor 24, i.e. resistance in the charging circuit of this capacitor. By changing this resistance using the potentiometer 27, you can change the duration of the output pulses of the pulse generator 21. After the transition of the inverter 22 to the "single" state at its output, and the inverter 23 to the "zero" state, the process of recharging the capacitor 24 will begin. The recharge current of the capacitor 24 will flow from output of the inverter 22 through the resistor 26, the right side of the potentiometer 27, the potentiometer 28, the diode 29 and through the output of the inverter 23 to a common bus. In the process of recharging the capacitor 24, the potential at the common point of the capacitor 24 and the resistor 25 will grow from the initial negative value in the positive direction until it reaches the inverter 22 response level. When this level is reached, the inverter 22 will tip over to the "zero" state at its output and will transfer to the "single" state the output of the inverter 23, after which the pulse formation process will be repeated according to the above. By changing the resistance of the potentiometer 28, you can change the pulse repetition rate at the output of the inverter 23 at a constant duration of these pulses, and by changing the position of the potentiometer 27 slider, you can change the duration of the output pulses of the inverter 23 at a constant repetition rate.

The electrical circuit of the pulse generator 31 is similar to the circuit of the pulse generator 21, when its potentiometer 28 slider is set to the extreme left position, therefore the pulse generator 31 works similarly to the generator 21, and the potentiometer 37 serves to set the duty cycle of the output pulses of the generator 31, equal to two at a constant repetition rate these impulses.

The output signals from the generators 21 and 31 are fed to the inputs of the logic element 20 "EXCLUSIVE OR", the output signal of which takes a "zero" value when both signals at its inputs have either a "zero" or a "single" value. If the input signals have different values, then the output signal of element 20 will be "single".

Suppose, at the initial moment, the output signals of the pulse generators 21 and 31 have a "zero" value. In this case, the output signal of element 20 will also be "zero". This signal will transfer the switch 17 to the "zero" state, in which it will close the transistor 18 and open the transistor 19, and the switch 13 will transfer due to the presence of inverter 16 at its input to the "single" state, in which the transistor 14 will open and the transistor 15 will close. In such a state of switches 13 and 17, from the power bus 40 through the open transistor 14, the booster capacitor 12, the primary winding 11 of the transformer 10 and the open transistor 19, the charging current of the booster capacitor 12 will flow to the common bus, which will be charged to the value of the output voltage of the switch 13. the output of the pulse generator 21 of the “single” signal, the logic element 20 will also switch to the “single” state, as a result of which the transistor 14 will close in the switch 13 and the transistor 15 will open, and the transistor 18 will open in the switch 17 and the transistor 19 will close. In this state of the switches 13 and 17 to the upper end of the primary 11 winding of the transformer 10 according to the scheme, the negative voltage of the charged capacitor 12 will be applied relative to the common bus, and the positive voltage from the power bus 40 to the lower end of this winding. to the primary winding 11 of the high-voltage transformer 10 will be applied almost double the supply voltage of the bus 40, which will cause the current to flow through the winding 11 of the transformer 10. As a result, a voltage pulse will be generated on the primary winding 10, equal in duration to the output pulse of the generator 21, and on the secondary winding 9 transformer 10, a high-voltage pulse will appear, which, through the output buses 6 and 7 of the high-voltage shaper 8, will simultaneously arrive at both groups of corona and accelerating electrodes, respectively 2, 3 and 4, 5. Suppose that the voltage on the output bus 6 will be positive relative to the output bus 7. Then a high-voltage positive voltage will be applied to the discharge electrodes 2 in relation to the accelerating electrodes 3, which will create a positive corona between these electrodes, and a negative high-voltage voltage will be applied to the discharge electrodes 4 in relation to the accelerating electrodes 5, which will create a negative corona between these electrodes. As a result of such corona treatment, the non-ionized air blown through the housing 1 in the direction of the arrows "A" is conditionally divided into two bipolar ionized flows - in the direction of the arrows "B" a positively ionized air flow is formed, and in the direction of the arrows "C" a negatively ionized air flow is formed . These two streams, due to the turbulence of the air stream at some small distance from the accelerating electrodes 3 and 5, mix into one bipolar ionized stream, with the help of which the ions propagate in the surrounding space and "live" until they recombine with oppositely charged ions.

Since in the process of forming a working pulse on the primary 11 winding of the transformer 10, the booster capacitor 12 is discharged, the value of its capacitance is chosen such that during the action of the working pulse the amplitude of the high-voltage pulse formed on the output winding 9 of the transformer 10 does not fall below the corona threshold of the corona electrodes 2 and 4.

At the end of the pulse at the output of the generator 21, transistors 14 and 19 will open again, and transistors 15 and 18 will close. The process of recharging the booster capacitor 12 to the level of the output voltage of the switch 13 will begin. the output voltage of the switch 13 and the residual voltage on the capacitor 12, decreasing exponentially in the process of recharging the capacitor 12. A pulse of reverse polarity will also form on the secondary 9 winding of the transformer 10, but its amplitude will be significantly lower than the corona threshold of the corona electrodes 2 and 4. The process of air ionization will stop before the arrival of the next pulse from the output of the pulse generator 21.

The described process of forming a high-voltage corona voltage supplied to the corona electrodes 2 and 4 will continue under the action of the output pulses of the generator 21 until the output signal of the pulse generator 31 takes a "single" value. After that, the circuits of the current flow of the charge or additional charge of the capacitor 12 and the operating current during the formation of a high-voltage pulse will change places, as a result of which the polarity of the output high-voltage pulses coming from the secondary winding 9 of the transformer 10 through the output buses 6 and 7 of the shaper 8 will change to corona electrodes 2 and 4 This will lead to the fact that now between the corona electrodes 2 and the accelerating electrodes 3, during the action of high-voltage pulses, a negative corona will appear, which will ionize the air flow going in the direction of the arrows "B" with negative ions. Similarly, the air flow going in the direction of the arrows "C" will be ionized by positive ions. This process will continue until the output signal of the pulse generator 31 takes a "zero" value, after which the signs of the ions leaving with the air flows "B" and "C" will change again.

A uniform change in the polarity of the voltage applied to the corona electrodes 2 and 4 is necessary to create the same physical conditions in time during the corona discharge of these electrodes, because with positive and negative coronas, corona electrodes wear out differently. This is due to the fact that with a negative corona, the corona electrode emits electrons, as well as a certain amount of the material of the electrodes themselves, and with a positive corona, the corona electrode separates from air molecules and absorbs electrons. Reversing the polarity of the corona voltage applied to electrodes 2 and 4 increases the reliability and durability of these electrodes.

The described bipolar ion generator allows you to simultaneously enrich the ionized air with ions of both signs, setting them approximately the same amount per unit volume of air by changing the duration of corona pulses using potentiometer 27 and partially using potentiometer 28, which changes the repetition rate of these pulses. Simultaneous generation of ions of both signs increases the probability of their subsequent recombination and reduces the probability of formation of medium and heavy ions.


A bipolar ion generator containing a group of corona and accelerating electrodes located in a purgeable housing connected to output bipolar buses of a high-voltage corona voltage shaper, characterized in that it is equipped with a second group of corona and accelerating electrodes similar to the first group of such electrodes and located next to it, with In this case, the discharge electrodes of the first group are electrically connected to the accelerating electrodes of the second group, and the accelerating electrodes of the first group are electrically connected to the discharge electrodes of the second group.

The generator is designed for air treatment. The generator contains a multivibrator, a pulse shaper, a low-frequency rectangular pulse generator, an ion concentration control unit, four voltage switches, a booster capacitor, two high-voltage transformers, and a group of corona and accelerating electrodes installed in the ventilated duct. The technical result is an increase in the uniformity of the distribution of ions of both signs. 2 ill.

The invention relates to air treatment and can be used in everyday life, in offices, in classrooms with television, computing and other office equipment for enriching the air with ions of both signs, neutralizing all kinds of electrostatic fields on various surfaces, objects and clothing of people, as well as for cleaning air from dust, bacteria, yeast and fungal spores. It can also be used in industrial (not gassed) premises for the same purposes and in premises for storing various food products.

There are many physical processes of natural origin, different in nature, that are involved in the ionization of the air around us (see, for example: N.A. Kaptsov. Electrical phenomena in gases and vacuum. State Publishing House. Technical and theoretical literature. M. - L., 1950 g., pp. 222-241, 589-604). However, in the technique of artificial air ionization, mainly ion generators have found application, in which ions are created either by low-energy β-active isotopes, for example, tritium, carbon-14 or nickel-63 (see, for example, SU 106280 A, 1957), or corona discharge between two electrodes (see, for example, SU 842347 A, 06/30/1981).

Ion generators using β-active isotopes make it possible to create an artificially ionized atmosphere that is closest in quality to the natural one by simple technical means. But the safety regulations for handling radioactive materials, protecting them from destruction, and disposal conditions require the presence of special control services, which makes it impossible to widely use such ion generators.

A great variety of ion generators, in which air is ionized by a corona discharge between two electrodes, to which a constant or pulsating, or pulsed high-voltage voltage is applied, have been developed, but none of them can compete with radioactive ion generators in terms of the qualitative composition of the generated ions.

In radioactive ion generators, the process of ion formation proceeds continuously, and ions of both signs appear in pairs. At the same time, the process of volumetric recombination of ions is continuously going on, in which ions of different signs, meeting, neutralize each other's charges (for more details on these processes, see, for example: J. Kay, T. Leby. Tables of physical and chemical constants. M., Gosizdat 1962, pp. 191-193 - on recombination, and pp. 215-216 - on specific ionization by charged particles).

The presence of volumetric recombination of ions does not allow most of the ions to "grow old" and turn into medium and heavy ions, the presence of which in the air is undesirable, if not harmful to health, although they are involved in cleaning the air from dust. (The processes of formation and structure of atmospheric ions are described in detail in the article: Eichmeier J. Beitrag zum Problem der Struktur der atmospharischen Kleinionen. - "Zeitschrift fur Geophysik", 1968, vol.34, s.297-322).

At the end of this article, Fig. 10 shows a diagram of the process of formation and structure of light, medium and heavy ions, indicating the life span of these ions.

In well-known bipolar ion generators containing corona electrodes located in the ventilated duct and connected to a source of high-voltage corona voltage, ions are created in packs of one or the other sign with a duration of packs from several minutes (see, for example: US patent No. 3936698 A, 03.02. 1979) down to units of milliseconds.

And although these packets of heteropolar ions are mixed with an air flow, the process of recombination of ions from these packets begins with a delay, which leads to the formation of a large number of medium and heavy ions, since the lifetime of light ions lies in the range from 10 -4 sec to 100 sec - this is the time , during which an unrecombined light ion will necessarily collide with a large conglomerate of molecules or a condensation nucleus and form a medium or heavy ion.

The closest in the set of functional units is a bipolar ion generator containing a low-frequency rectangular pulse generator, an ion concentration control unit, an EXCLUSIVE OR logic element, voltage switches and a high-voltage transformer, the secondary winding of which is connected to a group of corona electrodes located in the ventilated duct - see Fig. .

Since in the prototype, bursts of unipolar pulses of either positive or negative polarity are applied to the discharge electrodes, ions of both signs also appear in the air in bursts of one or the other polarity, which leads, as noted above, to the formation of an excessive amount of unnecessary medium and heavy ions.

The task is to increase the uniformity of the distribution of ions of both signs in the volume of air blown through the generator immediately after their formation and to improve the quality of the ionic composition of the air due to this.

To do this, in a bipolar ion generator containing a low-frequency rectangular pulse generator, an ion concentration control unit, an EXCLUSIVE OR logic element, voltage switches and a high-voltage transformer, the secondary winding of which is connected to a group of corona electrodes located in the ventilated duct, the ion concentration control unit consists of series-connected multivibrator with adjustable pulse repetition rate and a pulse shaper along the front and fall of the output pulses of the multivibrator, built on the EXCLUSIVE OR logic element, the first input of which is connected to the output of the multivibrator, and the second input is connected to the common point of the serial RC circuit, consisting of potentiometer and a capacitor connected to a common bus, three voltage switches, the first of which is made according to the scheme of a complementary emitter follower on Darlington transistors, and the second and third - according to the scheme of switches with three states at the output, and the second switch is transferred to the third state by a "single" signal , and the third - "zero", while the first and second switches form a bridge, in the diagonal of which a booster capacitor is connected, and the second and third switches form a bridge, in the diagonal of which the primary winding of the high-voltage transformer is included, while it is equipped with a second group of corona electrodes, similar to the first group of such electrodes and located next to it, the second high-voltage transformer, the output winding of which is connected to the second group of corona electrodes, the fourth voltage switch, similar to the third voltage switch, while the primary winding of the second transformer is connected between the outputs of the fourth and second switches, both transformers have in-phase windings, and the pulse shaper is additionally equipped with two diodes, a second potentiometer and a pulse distributor assembled on two EXCLUSIVE OR logic elements loaded on the first inputs of two 2I logic elements, the second inputs of which are combined with the third state control input of the second switch and with the output of the first element "EXCLUSIVE OR", to the second input of which the second potentiometer is connected, and both potentiometers having a rheostatic connection, through back-to-back diodes, are connected to the output of the multivibrator, where the first inputs of the second and third elements "EXCLUSIVE OR" are also connected , between the second inputs of which an inverter is installed, connected by its input also to the output of a low-frequency generator of rectangular pulses, having a duty cycle equal to two, while the output of one logic element "2I" is connected to the control input of the third state of the third switch, and the output of the second element " 2I "- with a similar input of the fourth switch, and the signal inputs of all four switches are connected to one or to different outputs of the multivibrator.

The electrical circuit diagram of the bipolar ion generator is shown in Fig.1, and Fig.2 shows the graphs of pulses at individual points of the circuit according to Fig.1.

The following designations are used in the drawings:

1 - multivibrator;

2, 3, 21, 27, 29, 30, 56, 62 - inverters;

4, 10, 31 - timing capacitors;

5, 32 - decoupling resistors;

6, 33 - current-limiting resistors;

7, 11, 13, 34 - potentiometers;

8 - pulse shaper;

9, 25, 26 - elements "EXCLUSIVE OR";

12, 14, 35, 36 diodes;

15 - second voltage switch;

16, 38, 52, 58 - Darlington p-p-transistors;

17, 39, 53, 59 - p-n-p Darlington transistors;

18 - power bus;

19, 54, 60 - elements "2OR-NOT";

20, 55, 61 - elements "2I-NOT";

22 - pulse distributor;

23, 24 - elements "2I";

28 - low-frequency generator of rectangular pulses;

37 - the first voltage switch;

40 - booster capacitor;

41 - primary winding of a high-voltage transformer 42 with a secondary winding 43;

44 - air duct;

45, 50 - the first and second groups of corona electrodes;

46 - accelerating electrodes;

47 - primary winding of a high-voltage transformer 48 with a secondary winding 49;

51 - third voltage switch;

57 - fourth voltage switch;

Arrows "A" and "B" show the direction of ionized air flows;

The arrows "C" show the direction of the non-ionized air entering the ion generator;

The dots indicate the conditional beginning of the windings of transformers 42 and 48;

And 1 - pulses at the output of the multivibrator 1;

And 8 - pulses at the output of the pulse shaper 8;

And 28 - pulses at the output of the generator 28;

And 24 - pulses at the output of element 24;

And 23 - pulses at the output of element 23;

And 40 - the form of voltage on the capacitor 40;

And 47 - pulses on the primary 47 winding of the transformer 48;

And 18 - the level of the supply voltage on the bus 18;

And 41 - pulses on the primary 41 winding of the transformer 42;

The multivibrator 1 is assembled according to the standard scheme (see, for example: R. Melen, G. Garland. Integrated circuits with CMOS structures. M., Energia, 1979, pp. 105-107, Fig. 6-1) on two serially connected inverters 2 and 3, where the output of the inverter 3 through the time-setting capacitor 4 and the decoupling resistor 5 is connected to the input of the inverter 2. with a common point of capacitor 4 and resistor 5. By selecting the values ​​of the capacitance of the capacitor 4 and the maximum resistance of the potentiometer 7, the lower pulse frequency of the multivibrator 1 is set, and the value of the capacitance of the capacitor 4 and the resistance of the resistor 6 with a shorted potentiometer 7 determines the upper pulse repetition rate of the multivibrator 1.

The output of the multivibrator 1 (in this case, it is the output of the inverter 3, although the output of the inverter 2 can be taken as the output with the same success; what this will lead to will be discussed later) is connected to the input of the pulse shaper 8, assembled on the logic element 9 "EXCLUSIVE OR", the output of which is the output of the pulse shaper 8, and the first input is the input of the shaper, the second input of the element 9 is connected to the time-setting capacitor 10 connected to a common bus and through the charging and discharge circuits connected in parallel, consisting of a potentiometer 11 connected in series, respectively with diode 12 and potentiometer 13 with diode 14 - to the input of the shaper..

The output of the pulse shaper 8 is connected to the control input of the third state of the second switch 15, consisting of a series-connected pair of complementary Darlington transistors 16 and 17, the collectors of which are connected, respectively, to the power bus 18 and the common bus, and the emitters are combined and are the output of the switch 15. Bases transistors 16 and 17 are connected to the outputs of logic elements, respectively, "2OR-NOT" 19 and "2I-NOT" 20, in which an inverter 21 is installed between the first inputs, additionally connected by its input to the output of the pulse shaper 8, and the second inputs of the elements 19 and 20 are combined into a signal input and connected to the output of multivibrator 1.

The output of the pulse shaper 8 is also connected to the signal input of the pulse distributor 22. As a signal input, the combined first inputs of the logic elements "2I" 23 and 24 are used, the second inputs of which are connected to the outputs of the elements "EXCLUSIVE OR", respectively, 25 and 26, the first inputs which are combined and connected to the output of the multivibrator 1, and the second inputs - one - directly, and the second - through the inverter 27, connected to the output of the low-frequency rectangular pulse generator 28.

The pulse generator 28 is built on two series-connected inverters 29 and 30, while the output of the inverter 30, used as the output of the pulse generator 28, through the time-setting capacitor 31 and the decoupling resistor 32 connected in series with it, is connected to the input of the inverter 29, the output of which is through a current-limiting resistor 33 is connected to the midpoint of the potentiometer 34, the extreme conclusions of which, through back-to-back diodes 35 and 36, are connected to the common point of the capacitor 31 and the resistor 32 (the principle of constructing this generator is based on the circuits described in the USSR author's certificate No. 1132340 dated February 28, 1983, H03K 3/02, author - V.P. Reuta). In this generator, the potentiometer 34 serves to balance the output pulses in order to obtain a duty cycle of two pulses, and in general it is a pulse generator with an adjustable duty cycle.

The first voltage switch 37 is assembled on a complementary pair of Darlington transistors 38 and 39 according to the emitter follower circuit connected by collectors between the power bus 18 and the common bus. The input of this switch is connected to the output of multivibrator 1, and a boost capacitor 40 is connected to the output, the second output of which is connected to the output of the second switch 15 (the complementary emitter follower is widely used as a digital signal switch - see, for example: Claude Galle. Useful development tips and debugging of electronic circuits. M., "DMK", 2003, pp. 106-107, Fig. 2.67).

The start of the primary winding 41 of the transformer 42 is additionally connected to the output of the second 15 switch, the secondary winding 43 of which is connected between the first group of corona electrodes 45 placed in the purge housing 44 and accelerating electrodes 46 connected to a common bus. The primary 47 winding is also connected to the output of the second 15 switch. transformer 48, the secondary winding 49 of which is connected to the second group of corona electrodes 50 and accelerating electrodes 46. Corona electrodes 45 and 50 are most often made in the form of needles or pointed pins, and accelerating electrodes 46 are in the form of rings connected to each other and a common bus, each of which is installed coaxially with one of the needles of the corona electrodes. There may be other designs of both electrodes - there is even a series of patents protecting various exotic designs of these electrodes.

The second output of the primary winding 41 of the transformer 42 is connected to the output of the third switch 51, assembled on a serially connected complementary pair of Darlington transistors 52 and 53, the collectors of which are connected between the power bus 18 and the common bus, and the emitters are combined and are the output of the switch. The bases of transistors 52 and 53 are connected to the outputs of logic elements, respectively, "2OR-NOT" 54 and "2AND-NOT" 55, the first inputs of which are combined into a signal input and connected to the output of the multivibrator 1, and the third state control input is connected to the second input element 55 directly, and element 54 - through the inverter 56. Additionally, the control input of the third state of the switch 51 is connected to the output of the element "2I" 23 of the pulse distributor 22.

The second output of the primary 47 winding of the transformer 48 is connected to the output of the fourth 57 voltage switch, assembled by analogy with the switch 51 on a complementary pair of Darlington transistors 58 and 59, logic elements "2OR-NOT" 60 and "2I-NOT" 61 and inverter 62. Difference consists in the place of connection of the control input of the third state of the switch 57, which is the output of the element "2I" 24 block 22.

The combination of multivibrator 1 and pulse shaper 8 is a regulator of the concentration of atmospheric ions, in which potentiometer 7 can simultaneously change the concentration of ions of both signs, potentiometer 11 - the concentration of ions of negative polarity, and potentiometer 13 - the concentration of ions of positive polarity. As for the potentiometers 11 and 13, this statement is true for the specific circuit shown in Fig.1. It should be noted here that there may be other variants of the circuit of the bipolar ion generator. Figure 1 shows the voltage switches 15, 51 and 57, made according to the scheme of inverters with three states at the output (the third state is when both transistors in the switch are locked, and the switch output is isolated from the power bus 18 and the common bus by a large resistance of the locked transistors) . But the internal circuit design of these switches may be different, and if the signal input of any of these switches is connected to the second output of multivibrator 1 (with the output of inverter 2), then a switch without signal inversion should be used as a switch. There may be just other options for the circuit solution [see. application for utility model "Electronic switch with three output states" No. 2005109639/22 (011356) dated 04.04.2005 and No. 2005109640/22 (011357) dated 04.04.2005 of the same authors as this application, in of which a total of ten switch circuits are described, among which five circuits invert the input signal, five circuits repeat it; according to another gradation of differences - five circuits are transferred to the third state by a "single" signal, and five circuits - by a "zero" one. Any of these circuits can be used in an ion generator, since they are all of the same complexity and quality, so the claims do not specify the internal structure of these switches].

The bipolar ion generator works as follows.

After the power is turned on and the transients are completed, all the nodes of the ion generator operate, issuing their signals in accordance with the graphs of figure 2, where these signals are shown as a clipping in time. On the graphs, for the positive voltage And 40, such a voltage is taken when the capacitor 40 has a “plus” on the left plate in Fig.1 relative to the right plate, and for the positive voltage And 41 and And 47 on the primary windings, respectively, 41 transformers 42 and 47 transformers 48, such a voltage is accepted when a “plus” voltage is applied to these windings to the beginnings of the windings, indicated by dots, relative to the ends of these windings.

One more note. The logical elements "EXCLUSIVE OR" 9, 25, 26 use the feature to give a "zero" signal at the output whenever the signals at their inputs are the same, that is, either "zeros" or "ones". If the signals are different, the output signal for these elements will be "single".

So, the multivibrator 1 creates a sequence of rectangular pulses AND 1, which are fed simultaneously to the input of the pulse shaper 8 and to the signal inputs of all four voltage switches 15, 37, 51, 57, as well as to the inputs of the elements 25, 26 of the pulse distributor 22.

In the pulse shaper 8, the AND 1 pulse arrives at the first input of the element 9 and diodes 12, 14. Since at this time the capacitor 10 is discharged to "zero", at the output of the element 9, and hence the shaper 8, an AND 8 pulse will be formed along the leading edge pulse And 1, the duration of which will be determined by the charge time of the capacitor 10 through the diode 12 and potentiometer 11, which set the duration of this pulse AND 8, to the voltage level of the element 9. This level from element to element can have a different value from 0.4 And 18 up to 0.7 and 18. Upon reaching this level, the voltage on the capacitor 10 first pulse And 8 will end, and the capacitor 10 will continue to charge almost to the level And 1 . After the end of the pulse AND 1, the first input of the element 9 will be under the "zero" potential, and the "single" voltage of the charged capacitor 10 is applied to the second input, so the second pulse will appear at the output of the element 9 And 8, formed on the trailing edge of the pulse AND 1. The duration of this pulse AND 8 will be determined by the discharge time of the capacitor 10 through the potentiometer 13, with which the duration of this pulse is set AND 8, and the diode 14 to the level of operation of the element 9, after which the pulse AND 8 will end, and the capacitor 10 will be discharged further to "zero ". With the advent of the next pulse And 1, the process of formation of pulses H 8 will be repeated. The process of formation of pulses And 1 , And 8 , as well as pulses And 28 at the output of the pulse generator 28 will go continuously until the power is turned off And 18 . These three named sequences of pulses control the operation of all other nodes of the ion generator.

Where the impulses And 1 go is said above. The AND 8 pulses are fed to the control input of the third state of the second switch 15, in which, regardless of the presence or absence of AND 1 pulses at the signal input, the “2OR-NOT” element 19 is transferred to the “zero” state at the output, which locks the transistor 14, and after passing through the inverter 21, the element "2I-NOT" 20 is transferred to the "single" state at the output, as a result of which the transistor 17 is turned off. Thus, the arrival of any pulse AND 8 at the input of the switch 15 puts it into the third state. In the absence of these pulses, switch 15 inverts the pulses AND 1 arriving at its signal input, that is, with a “single” pulse, AND 1 opens transistor 17, connecting the output of switch 15 to a common bus, and with a “zero signal” AND 1, transistor 16 opens, and the transistor 17 closes, that is, the switch output is connected to the power bus 18. Immediately, we note that the switches 51 and 57 work in the same way as described with the reverse polarity of the pulses AND 8, that is, the “zero” pulses H 8 transfer these switches to the third state, and with "single" pulses And 8 the state of the outputs of these switches is determined by the type of pulse And 1 . The first switch 37 at its output repeats the pulses AND 1 in shape, amplifying them in power, and switches the left capacitor plate 40 according to the scheme of Fig.1 either to the power bus 18 (with a “single” signal AND 1), then to a common bus (with "zero signal" AND 1).

And, finally, about the operation of the pulse distributor 22, the inputs of which receive all three types of pulses - And 1, And 8, And 28. The task of the node 22 is to control the sequence of switching on the switches 51 and 57. So if the pulse AND 28 is equal to "one", then the pulse distributor 22 passes through its element "2I" 24 the pulses And 8 formed on the leading edge of the pulses AND 1 to the control input of the third the state of the switch 57, and the pulses And 8, formulated on the trailing edge of the pulses And 1, to a similar input of the switch 51 through the element "2I" 23. When the "zero" signal And 1 passes through the element 24 at the same address, the pulses And 8, generated by the trailing edge of the pulses AND 1, and through the element 23 - along the leading edge of the pulses AND 1.

As can be seen from the graphs of figure 2, there are eight combinations of pulses And 1 And 8 And And 28 , which determine the order of switching on the corona electrodes 45 and 50 of the ion generator and the polarity of the ions created using these electrodes. These eight combinations of pulses consist of two groups. The first group includes four combinations of pulses AND 1 and AND 8 with AND 28 = "1", which are repeated many times until AND 28 becomes equal to "0". In this state of the signal And 28 the same combination of pulses And 1 and And 8 are again repeated many times until the appearance of a "single" pulse And 28 again.

So, the pulse And 28 has a "single" value (see graphs of figure 2 and the diagram of figure 1).

1) And 1 \u003d "1", And 8 \u003d "1". With this combination, transistor 38 is open in the first 37 switch, and transistor 39 is closed. A "single" pulse And 24 is fed to the control input of the third state of the fourth switch 57, in which, due to the presence of pulse AND 1, transistor 59 opens at the signal input, and transistor 58 remains closed. At the same time, the pulse And 8 is transferred to the third state of the second 15 switch, which in the previous cycle charged the capacitor 40 to a negative voltage (see graph And 40). The third switch 51 at this time is in the third state due to the "zero" signal AND 23 applied to its third state control input. As a result of all this, the end of the winding 47 of the transformer 48 through the open transistor 59 of the switch 57 will be connected to a common bus, and to the beginning of this winding, thanks to the open transistor 38 in the switch 37, the total supply voltage from the bus 18 and the voltage of the charged capacitor 40 will be applied. Due to this on the winding 47, a pulse And 47 of positive polarity with a closed top will be generated due to the partial discharge of the capacitor 40 during the lifetime of And 8 . This pulse is transformed by transformer 48 into a secondary high-voltage winding 49, from which it is of negative polarity relative to the common bus and accelerating electrodes 46 will go to corona electrodes 50. A negative corona discharge occurs between electrodes 46 and 50, which will lead to the formation of a cloud of negative polarity ions, which will be be carried away by the air flow in the direction of the arrows "A". At the end of the pulse And 8 will stop the corona discharge between the electrodes 46 and 50, the fourth switch 57 will go into the third state, and the second switch 15 will go into active mode.

2) And 1 \u003d "1", And 8 \u003d "0". With this combination of pulses, transistor 17 will open in the second 15 switch with the transistor 16 locked, and through the open transistors 17 and 38 (in the first switch 37) from the bus 18, the recharging current of the capacitor 40 will flow from minus almost And 18 to plus And 18. At the same time, the primary 47 winding of the transformer 48 will be discharged from the stored energy through the protective diode of the transistor 58 to the power bus AND 18 . This discharge current flows from the power bus AND 18 through the open transistor 38, capacitor 40, winding 47 and the protective diode of transistor 58 again to the power bus AND 18, i.e. the voltage of the charged capacitor 40 is applied to the winding 47. As soon as the voltage across the capacitor 40 reaches zero, this current will stop. Due to this process, the AND 47 pulse has a collapse of the trailing edge, as in the AND 41 pulses, which will be discussed below. And the capacitor 40 will be recharged to plus AND 18 and will wait for the end of the pulse AND 1.

3) AND 1 \u003d "0", And 8 \u003d "1". In this cycle, when the pulse AND 1 takes a "zero" value and the second pulse AND 8 is formed on its trailing edge, the following occurs. In the first switch 37, the transistor 38 closes and the transistor 39 opens, thereby connecting the left side of the capacitor 40 in Fig. 1 to a common bus. The second 15 switch is transferred by a pulse AND 8 to the third state, and the pulse AND 8 in the form of a pulse AND 23 appears at the output of the element "2I" 23 and at the control input of the third state of the third 51 switch, the signal input of which has already received a "zero" signal AND 1 . As a result, the transistor 52 will open in the switch 51 with the transistor 53 locked, and the winding 41 of the transformer 42 will be connected to the power bus AND 18 at its end, while the voltage of the charged capacitor 40 is applied to its beginning with a "minus". That is, the winding 41 will be under double supply voltage And 18, and it will form a pulse of negative polarity And 41, which will be converted by the transformer 42 due to the high-voltage winding 43 into a positive high-voltage pulse supplied to the corona electrodes 45 relative to the accelerating electrodes 46. A positive corona discharge occurs between these electrodes, which will create a "cloud" of positive ions carried away by the air flow in the direction of the arrows "B". Since the duration of the pulse And 1, as established by practice, is less than one millisecond, and the air flow velocity along the arrow "C" is less than one meter per second, the previously formed "negative" cloud of ions will have time to fly off from the discharge electrodes 50 to an insignificantly small distance of 1- 2 millimeters. Therefore, ions of both signs will be very quickly mixed by the air flow, and all physicochemical processes in ionized air will be very close to the processes when using a β-active ionizer, which was mentioned at the beginning of the application. The process of forming the top and trailing edge of the pulse AND 47 occurs in the same way as that of the pulse AND 47, only now the protective diode of the transistor 53 will participate in the process of discharging the energy stored by the winding 41.

4) And 1 \u003d "0", And 8 \u003d "0". At the end of the pulse AND 8, the switch 51 will be transferred to the third state, and the transistor 16 will open in the switch 15 with the transistor 17 locked. it will charge up to minus And 18 and will be in this state waiting for the arrival of the next impulse And 1.

The described four cycles of operation of the circuit elements will then be repeated until the signal And 28 at the output of the generator 28 takes a "zero" value. After that, the next four cycles of operation of the circuit elements will begin, which will be repeated until AND 28 takes on a “single” value. According to the graphs of figure 2, it can be seen that these cycles differ from those described above in that the element "2I" 24 will transmit to its output pulses And 8 formed not on the leading, but on the trailing edge of the pulse And 1 . And the element "2I" 23 - on the contrary, will pass the pulses And 8 formed along the leading edge of the pulses And 1, and not along the trailing edge. As a result, the polarity and duration of the pulses generated by transformers 42 and 48 will change. Now, between the corona electrodes 50 and the accelerating electrodes 46, a positive corona discharge will occur and positive ions will form in the air, and vice versa between the electrodes 45 and 46. This process of changing the polarity of the corona discharge on the corona electrodes 45 and 50 relative to the accelerating electrodes 46 will occur at regular intervals set by the generator 28. It is necessary to create the same operating conditions for these electrodes, which increases their reliability by reducing the wear of the electrodes that create the negative corona , and reduce contamination of the electrodes that create a positive corona.

Due to the uniform formation of positive and negative ions and their mixing immediately after their occurrence, the lifetime of the ions decreases - the ions recombine and a smaller number of them “age”, turning into medium and heavy ions. This is the main purpose of this invention, which makes it possible to bring artificially ionized air closer in quality to naturally ionized air.

Notes for experts:

1 - Pulse shaper 8 is described in utility model patent RU 48126 U1 dated 10.09.2005.

2 - The pulse shaper 8 in conjunction with the pulse distributor 22 is described in the patent for the invention RU 2286008 C1 20.10.2006.

3 - Electronic voltage switches with three states at the output 15, 51, 57 and other variants of their execution are described in utility model patents RU 48674 U1 10/27/2005 and RU 48675 U1 10/27/2005.

4 - It is assumed that Darlington transistors 52, 53, 58, 59 have built-in protective diodes (see, for example: reference book FOREIGN MICROSCHEMS, TRANSISTORS, DIODES, 0 ... 9, p. 539. Science and Technology, St. Petersburg, 2004).

Bipolar ion generator containing a low-frequency generator of rectangular pulses, an ion concentration control unit, an EXCLUSIVE OR logic element, voltage switches and a high-voltage transformer, the secondary winding of which is connected to a group of corona electrodes located in the ventilated duct, characterized in that the ion concentration control unit consists of series connected multivibrator with adjustable pulse repetition rate and a pulse shaper along the front and fall of the output pulses of the multivibrator, built on the EXCLUSIVE OR logic element, the first input of which is connected to the output of the multivibrator, and the second input is connected to the common point of the serial RC circuit, consisting of a potentiometer and a connected with a common capacitor bus, three voltage switches, the first of which is made according to the scheme of a complementary emitter follower on Darlington transistors, and the second and third - according to the scheme of switches with three states at the output, the second switch being transferred to the third state by a "single" signal, and the third - "zero", while the first and second switches form a bridge, in the diagonal of which a booster capacitor is connected, and the second and third switches form a bridge, in the diagonal of which the primary winding of the high-voltage transformer is included, while it is equipped with a second group of corona electrodes, similar to the first group such electrodes and located next to it, the second high-voltage transformer, the output winding of which is connected to the second group of corona electrodes, the fourth voltage switch, similar to the third voltage switch, while the primary winding of the second transformer is connected between the outputs of the fourth and second switches, and both transformers have a common-mode turning on the windings, and the pulse shaper is additionally equipped with two diodes, a second potentiometer and a pulse distributor assembled on two EXCLUSIVE OR logic elements loaded on the first inputs of two 2I logic elements, the second inputs of which are combined with the control input of the third state of the second switch and with the output of the first element EXCLUSIVE OR, to the second input of which the second potentiometer is connected, and both potentiometers having a rheostatic connection, through back-to-back diodes, are connected to the output of the multivibrator, where the first inputs of the second and third elements of the EXCLUSIVE OR are also connected, between the second inputs of which an inverter is installed, connected by its input also with the output of a low-frequency rectangular pulse generator having a duty cycle equal to two, while the output of one logic element 2I is connected to the control input of the third state of the third switch, and the output of the second element 2I is connected to a similar input of the fourth switch, and the signal inputs of all four switches connected to one or different outputs of the multivibrator.

The invention relates to devices for creating microclimate systems in residential and industrial premises for industrial, medical, and agricultural purposes, as well as in any other where there is a need for air ionization, using ventilation systems and creating a microclimate

The invention relates to methods and devices for powering electrical installations for generating ozone from the air using an electric discharge and can be used in agriculture, food and chemical industries for disinfection, antiseptic, purification and deodorization of air in livestock buildings and during the storage of agricultural products

The invention relates to air treatment and can be used in everyday life, in offices, in classrooms with television, computing and other office equipment for enriching the air with ions of both signs, neutralizing all kinds of electrostatic fields on various surfaces, objects and clothing of people, as well as for cleaning air from dust, bacteria, yeast and fungal spores

The utility model relates to air treatment technology and can be used at home, in living quarters, in working rooms with computer and television equipment, etc. The task is to increase the thermal stability of the ion generator with changes in external temperature and improve the control characteristics. To do this, two pulse generators with adjustable duty cycle, two electronic switches and a high-voltage pulse polarity control unit, for example, a logical element "exclusive or ”, installed between the outputs of the pulse generators and the control inputs of the electronic switches, to one of which it is connected through an inverter, the outputs of the electronic switches are connected (one directly, and the other through a booster capacitor - to the primary winding of the transformer), and the power inputs are connected between the output power supply and a common bus. 1o. p.f-ly, 1 ill.

The utility model relates to air treatment technology and can be used at home, in residential premises, in work premises with computer and television equipment, etc.

Bipolar ion generators are known (see, for example, USSR author's certificate No. 550077 for an ion generator, M. Cl. H 05 F 1/00 ​​- not published). A disadvantage of the known ion generator is the presence of a radioactive element as a source of ionization, which makes its use in everyday life unacceptable.

The closest in technical essence is the "Device for air ionization" according to the author's certificate of the USSR No. 919452 M.Kl. 3 F 24 F 3/16 (not published), containing corona electrodes located in a purged housing connected to the output winding of a high-voltage transformer with a low-voltage primary winding, and a power supply unit.

In this device, two blocking generators switched on in turn are used to create high-voltage pulses, and the concentration of ions of one sign or another is controlled by changing the time of the on state of one or another blocking generator and the time of the off state of both blocking generators.

Significant disadvantages of the prototype include a strong dependence of the frequency of blocking generators on the external temperature (see, for example, B.C. Moin, N.N. Laptev. Stabilized transistor converters. Energia, Moscow 1972, p. 403), which means and dependence of the concentration of formed ions on temperature. The second disadvantage is the difficulty of regulating the operating mode of such a device due to the intermittent operation of the blocking generators, which leads to uneven air ionization and complicates the measurement of the ion concentration in the air when adjusting the operating mode of the ion generator.

The task is to increase the stability of the ion generator with changes in external temperature and improve the control characteristics.

The problem is solved by the fact that a bipolar ion generator containing discharge electrodes located in a purgeable housing connected to the output winding of a high-voltage transformer with a low-voltage primary winding and a power supply unit is equipped with two electronic switches, two pulse generators with adjustable duty cycle and a high-voltage pulse polarity control unit, for example, in the form of an exclusive or logic element, the inputs of which are connected to the outputs of pulse generators, and the output is connected to the control inputs of electronic switches, moreover, to the control input of one

it is connected directly to the switch, and to the input of the other - through an inverter, the outputs of the electronic switches are connected to the primary winding of a high-voltage transformer, one of the outputs is connected to the specified winding through a booster capacitor, and the power inputs of the switches are connected between the output of the power supply unit and a common bus.

The drawing shows one of the possible options for the circuit implementation of the proposed bipolar ion generator, where in the housing 1 there are discharge electrodes 2 and 3, a fan 4 connected to the power supply 5, and discharge electrodes 2 and 3 are connected to the output winding 6 of the high-voltage transformer 7, the primary the low-voltage winding 8 of which is connected at one end through a booster capacitor 9 to the output of the first electronic switch assembled on a complementary pair of transistors 10 and 11. The second end of the primary winding 8 is connected directly to the output of the second electronic switch assembled on a complementary pair of transistors 12 and 13. The first power the inputs of the switches-collector of transistors 10 and 12 are combined and connected to the output of the power supply 5, and the second power inputs of the switches - the collector of transistors 11 and 13 are connected to a common bus. The control input of the first switch - the combined bases of transistors 10 and 11 - is connected to the output of the inverter 14, the input of which is connected to the output of the exclusive or logic element 15, which acts as a node for controlling the polarity of high-voltage voltage pulses supplied to the corona electrodes 2 and 3 from the secondary 6 windings of the transformer 7. The output of element 15 is additionally connected to the control input of the second electronic switch, that is, to the combined bases of transistors 12 and 13. The first input of element 15 is connected to the output of the first pulse generator 16, assembled on two series-connected inverters 17 and 18 with a complex timing circuit, consists of a limiting resistor 19, a potentiometer-pulse duration regulator - 20, a potentiometer - pulse frequency regulator-21, decoupling diodes 22, 23 and a time-setting capacitor 24. This circuit is indicated in the drawing, connected between the common point of inverters 17 and 18 and the output of the inverter 18, which is the output of the pulse generator 16. The common connection point of the diodes 22, 23 and the capacitor 24 through the decoupling resistor 25 is connected to the input of the inverter 17. The resistor 19 is connected between the common point of the inverters 17, 18 and the midpoint of the potentiometer 20, one output of which connected to the potentiometer 21, connected to the rheostat and through the diode 22 connected to the capacitor 24. The second output of the potentiometer 20 through the diode 23, which is back-to-back with the diode 22, is connected to the same point of the capacitor 24, where an additional one output of the resistor 25 is connected.

The second input of the element 15 is connected to the output of the second pulse generator 26, assembled on series-connected inverters 27, 28, the common point of which is connected through the limiting resistor 29 to the midpoint of the potentiometer - the regulator of the ion unipolarity coefficient - 30, the two extreme outputs of which are through the back-to-back diodes 31, 32 are connected to the common connection point of capacitor 33 and resistor 34,

the second ends of which are connected, respectively, to the output of the inverter 28 and to the input of the inverter 27. It should be said that the principle of constructing electrical circuits of pulse generators 16 and 26 is described in detail in the USSR author's certificate No. 1132340, NOZK 3/02, published on 12/30/84. in Bull. No. 48 (author V.P. Reuta), therefore, in the future, the subtleties of the operation of these generators will not be described, especially since the pulse generators 16 and 26 may have a completely different circuit design. The arrows "A" show the direction of the air flow created by the fan 4.

The bipolar ion generator works as follows. After turning on the supply voltage through the internal cavity of the housing 1 and discharge electrodes 2 and 3, the fan 4 connected to the power supply 5 blows air in the direction of the arrows "A". On the corona electrode 2, consisting, for example, of a set of needle-shaped rods, from the secondary winding 6 of the transformer 7, bursts of high-voltage short pulses of either positive or negative polarity are continuously supplied with respect to the electrode 3, made, for example, in the form of rings rigidly connected to each other, coaxial with electrode rods 2. The dimensions of the electrode rings 3, the number of rod-ring pairs and their mutual longitudinal arrangement are determined by the maximum required performance of the ion generator and the power of the transformer 7. If positive pulses are received at electrode 2 relative to electrode 3, then air flow into the air space positive ions will be blown out from fan 4. When negative pulses arrive at electrode 2, relative to electrode 3, negative ions will enter the air space.

The duration of high-voltage short pulses determines the lifetime of the corona discharge and, accordingly, the concentration of positive and negative polarity ions per unit volume of air during the lifetime of short pulses. The formation of high-voltage output pulses supplied to the corona electrodes 2 and 3 is carried out by switching the ends of the chain of the series-connected primary 8 windings of the transformer 7 and the booster capacitor 9 by switches on transistors 10, 11, 12, 13 between the output of the power supply 5 and a common bus.

The first electronic switch on transistors 10, 11 is identical to the second electronic switch on transistors 12, 13. Both of them are complementary emitter followers and are controlled in antiphase to each other due to the presence of the first inverter switch 14 at the control input.

The control switching pulses arrive in antiphase at the control inputs of electronic switches from the output of the "exclusive or" element 15, which acts as a node for controlling the polarity of high-voltage voltage pulses supplied to the corona electrodes 2 and 3. For this, the property of the "exclusive or" element is used to repeat at its output the polarity and shape of the pulses arriving at one of its inputs, if there is a zero signal at its second input. If at this input the signal becomes single, then the element works as

inverter on the first input. The role of the pulse generator that sets the duration and repetition rate of short pulses is performed by the first pulse generator 16, assembled on two series-connected inverters 17, 18, in which the duration of short positive pulses at the output of inverter 18 is set by potentiometer 20, and the repetition frequency of these pulses is set by potentiometer 21 If we designate:

τ 1 - the duration of short pulses at the output of the inverter 18;

τ 2 - duration of pauses between short pulses,

That:τ 1 \u003d 0.7С 24 (R 19 + R 20a + R 23),
τ 2 =0.7C 24 (R 19 +R 20b +R 21 +R 22);

here: C 24 - capacitor capacitance 24 (Farad);

R 19 - resistance of the resistor 19 (Ohm);

R 20a - resistance of the left part of the potentiometer 20 according to the scheme (Ohm);

R 20b - resistance of the right side of the potentiometer 20 (Ohm);

R 21 - resistance of the potentiometer 21 (Ohm);

R 22 - resistance in the forward direction of the diode 22 (Ohm);

R 23 - resistance in the forward direction of the diode 23 (Ohm).

Then the pulse repetition rate

When setting up the ion generator, the frequency f 1 is set optimal for the selected type of transformer 7. For example, if a line transformer from any TV is used as transformer 7, then for it the optimal frequency f 1 \u003d 15625 Hz plus or minus a tolerance that does not worsen the operation of the transformer.

By changing the pulse duration τ 1 change the concentration of ions of both signs per unit volume of air.

The role of the pulse generator that sets the polarity of the pulses at the output of element 15 is performed by the second pulse generator 26, assembled on series-connected inverters 27, 28. Its circuit and calculation of parameters are similar to those described above, if we put R 21 =0 in the first case.

In the pulse generator 26, the potentiometer 30 changes the duty cycle of the pulses at a constant repetition rate of these pulses f 2 . By selecting the capacitance of the capacitor 33 and the resistance value of the potentiometer 30, f 2 is pre-set

If, during adjustment, the potentiometer 30 slider is set to the middle position, then the ion generator will emit the same number of ions of both signs. By changing the position of the potentiometer slider 30, the ion unipolarity coefficient is controlled

n + is the concentration of positive ions in cm 3 of air;

n - - concentration of negative ions in cm 3 of air.

When setting up the ion generator according to the ion counter, the required ion unipolarity coefficient is first set, since when it changes, the concentration of ions of both signs changes - the concentration of some increases, while the others decrease. Then the ion counter is adjusted

potentiometer 20 the duration of the pulses at the output of the pulse generator 16, thereby changing the concentration of ions of both signs to the desired value. In the first approximation, the ion unipolarity coefficient does not change with this adjustment.

Suppose that at some point in time at the output of pulse generators 16 and 26 zero signals, that is, pauses between pulses. In this case, the output of element 15 will have a zero signal, which will open transistor 10 through inverter 14 and close transistor 11, as well as close transistor 12 and open transistor 13. As a result, the lower end of the primary winding 8 of transformer 7 will be connected to a common bus, and the capacitor 9 will be connected to the output of the power supply 5. The capacitor charge current will flow through the capacitor 9 and the primary winding 8, which will create an exponential pulse, say, of negative polarity, on the output winding 6 of the transformer 7. But its amplitude will be less than the corona threshold of electrodes 2 and 3 (this is set by the value of the supply voltage obtained at the output of power supply 5).

During the pause between pulses, the capacitor 9 will charge up to the amplitude value of the supply voltage applied to it. The appearance of a short positive pulse at the output of pulse generator 16 will cause the appearance of a pulse of the same duration at the output of element 15. This pulse will close transistor 13 and open transistor 12 for the duration of its existence, and through inverter 14 it will close transistor 10 and open transistor 11. As a result, to the primary winding 8 of the transformer 7, a double supply voltage will be applied, provided by the power supply 5 - one - directly from the power supply 5 will be applied to the lower terminal of the winding 8 according to the circuit, and the second - due to the charged capacitor 9, which will be connected between the upper output according to the circuit winding 8 and a common bus. A reverse current will flow through the winding 8, which will create a positive voltage pulse on the output winding 6 of the transformer 7, the amplitude of which will be higher than the corona threshold of electrodes 2 and 3, and positive ions will appear in the air, which will be blown out by the fan 4 into the surrounding space. At the end of the pulse at the output of the pulse generator 16, the first and second switches on the transistors 10, 11 and 12, 13 will switch to the previous state. A new charge will begin, or rather, the recharging of capacitor 9, which is only partially discharged during the duration of the pulse. This is ensured by the value of the capacitance of the capacitor 9 and the maximum duration of the pulse, during which the capacitor 9 is discharged to a level at which the voltage on the winding 6 remains above the corona threshold. Further, this process will be repeated until a positive voltage appears at the output of the pulse generator 26. After that, the polarity of the pulses and pauses at the output of element 15 will change, that is, during pauses at the output of element 15 there will be a unit voltage, and during the presence of pulses - zero. This will lead to a change in the polarity of the high-voltage pulses supplied from the winding 6 of the transformer 7 to the corona electrodes 2 and 3. This will happen because during the pauses between the pulses, the charge of the capacitor 9 will not occur through the transistor 10 and the winding 8, but through the transistor 12 and the winding 8 per common bus,

that is, the charge voltage on the capacitor will have a different sign, and when discharging, the supply voltage from the power supply 5 through the transistor 10 will add up with the voltage on the capacitor 9 and will be applied to the winding 8, the lower end of which through the open transistor 13 will be connected to a common bus. As a result of the corona of electrodes 2 and 3, negative ions will now be blown into space by the fan 4. This will continue as described above until the pulse at the output of the pulse generator 26 is over. The formation of positive ions will begin again. And so there will be a continuous emission of either positive or negative ions in some given portions, which will replace each other many times within a second. Outside the housing 1 of the ion generator, due to the air turbulence created by the fan 4, and due to convective air flows, there will be almost uniform mixing of ions of both signs, which eliminates problems when measuring their amount per unit volume of air. And the temperature stability of the ion generator operation is mainly determined only by the temperature stability of the timing elements used in it. And, importantly, the proposed ion generator allows you to use any horizontal television transformers for operation, and does not require the manufacture of special transformers, as is done when using a prototype.

Utility model formula

A bipolar ion generator containing discharge electrodes located in a purgeable housing connected to the output winding of a high-voltage transformer with a low-voltage primary winding, and a power supply unit, characterized in that it is equipped with two electronic switches, two pulse generators with adjustable duty cycle and a high-voltage pulse polarity control unit, for example, in the form of an XOR logic element, the inputs of which are connected to the outputs of pulse generators, and the output to the control inputs of electronic switches, and it is connected directly to the control input of one of them, and to the input of the other through an inverter, the outputs of electronic switches connected to the primary winding of a high-voltage transformer, one of the outputs is connected to the specified winding through a booster capacitor, and the power inputs of the switches are connected between the power supply output and the common bus.

In medicine, an air ionizer is sometimes used for medicinal purposes. In everyday life, they are often used to clean the room from dust and germs and create more comfortable conditions. A simple ionizer can be made using the circuit, fig. 1.

circuit diagram

In it, a high voltage is formed due to the inductive release of the counter-emf. in the coil 1 of the transformer T2, which occurs every time after the termination of the current through the winding 2. This voltage is rectified by the diode VD4 and fed to the emitter E1.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the generator of negative ions.

As a network transformer T1, you can use unified ones that provide a current of up to 0.8 A in the secondary winding, and T2 can be easily made on the basis of any one used in line-scan generators for color TVs by winding a winding of 2 - 8 ... 12 turns, and as winding 1, connect the existing one, containing the largest number of turns (high-voltage).

The diagram only shows how high-voltage voltage can be obtained, and in order to create light air ions of negative polarity using this voltage (they have useful properties), it will be necessary to make an emitter E1. It is made of wire and should have many needle (sharp) endings.

The shape and dimensions of the structure do not matter much. Different versions of such emitters can be seen in the store - they are part of household ionizers manufactured by the industry (the so-called “chandelier of Chizhevsky A.L.”).

With a small size of the emitter, it is desirable to install a fan to speed up the circulation of air in the working area (motor M1 is shown in the diagram), in this case, the process of formation of air ions takes place more intensively.

Literature: Radio amateurs: useful schemes, Book 5. Shelestov I.P.

This chandelier-ionizer was made by the guys from the Gorky club of young technicians "Seeker". Such a chandelier, suspended in an auditorium, assembly or sports hall, workshop or laboratory, forms negative ions in the air, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

The main components of the air ionizer - the so-called electro-effluvial chandelier, DC voltage converter and rectifier.

An electro-fluvial chandelier is. From each tip of the chandelier, electrons flow down at high speed, which then “stick” to oxygen molecules. Air ions arising in this way also have a high speed - this explains their survivability.

The efficiency of the ionizer largely depends on the design of the chandelier. The upper and lower plexiglass bases are connected by a common circuit board. It contains all the elements of the rectifier and voltage converter. Flexible metal rods with a diameter of 2-3 mm are attached to the bases with screws, forming a sphere.

Make holes in the rods with a diameter of 0.7-1 mm and fasten sharp stationery pins with a ring in them. Pins can also be soldered to the rods.

The chandelier is suspended from the ceiling on a stand made of insulating material. The distance from the chandelier to the floor must be at least 2.5 m, and all metal grounded objects must be at least 2 m.

The mains transformer and choke are made on a core made of Sh-16 electrical steel. The thickness of the set is 25 mm.

The primary winding of the transformer Tr1 contains 2200 turns of PEV 0.27 wire, and the secondary - 130 turns of PEV 0.9 wire.

The throttle has 200 turns of PEV 1.5 wire. It can be replaced with a 300-500 ohm resistor rated for at least 2 watts.

The semiconductor voltage converter is assembled on transistors T1 and T2 of the P217A type. Transformer Tr2 is made on a ferrite core fromany type. The primary winding consists of 6 turns of PEV 0.9 wire with a tap from the middle. The secondary winding connected to the collector terminals of the transistors has 14 (7 + 7) turns of the same wire. From the output winding III, which has 8000 turns of PELSHO 0.08 wire, a high voltage is supplied to a multiplication circuit consisting of high-voltage semiconductor diodes D5-D10 and filter capacitors C5-C9 of the POV or PSO type, designed for an operating voltage of 10-15 kV.

If the ionizer circuit is assembled correctly, a thin squeak of the transformer-converter is heard during its operation. Sometimes you have to swap the conclusions of the secondary winding of the transformer Tr2.

The simplest indicator of the performance of an air ionizer is a small piece of cotton wool. It should be attracted to the chandelier from a distance of 50-60 cm.

When the ionizer is working, no odors should appear in the room. If they are still felt, then something is done wrong and therefore harmful gases are formed. The ionizer must be turned off immediately.

Remember that the air ionizer is a high-voltage installation, so be very careful when making, setting up and operating it.



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