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Didactic games on the topic: AUTUMN

1. "Find your leaf"

Fixing the names of colors.

On small cards (6 pieces) images of leaves that differ from each other in color. Children, together with the teacher, examine the leaflet. They call it a color. Then, on a large field, where all the leaves are depicted, the child must find his own and close it with a card.

2. "Listen to the rain"

Objectives: Development of auditory attention.

Dictionary activation.

The teacher demonstrates the sound of "rain" (fingertips) on various surfaces - fabric, table, glass, plastic, etc. Then the children are invited to close their eyes and guess by the sound where the rain is “dancing”.

3. "Such different leaves"

Objectives: Comparison of leaves of different trees in color and size.

The game involves paired pictures with the image of leaves that are the same in color. The game is played like Lotto. The child needs to find a pair to his picture.

4. "Colorful clouds"

Objectives: To develop the ability to compare objects by color.

Dictionary activation.

Fixing the names of primary colors.

Formation of the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender.

Children are offered clouds of different colors. The teacher says that multi-colored rain was falling from the clouds, and invites the child to pick up items that have been in the rain from the proposed clouds.

Didactic games on the topic: TOYS

1. "What's gone"

Objectives: Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic.

Toys are placed on the table (up to 5). Children, together with the teacher, examine them, name each toy. Then the teacher invites the children to close their eyes and removes one toy. Then the children open their eyes and name a toy that is not on the table.

2. "Who has what toy"

Objectives: Comparison of toys in size.

Dictionary activation.

Children are offered three balls of different sizes (large, smaller and smallest), three bears (matryoshka dolls, dolls, cars) also differ in size. It is necessary to find the owner for each ball, correlating the toys with each other in size.

3. "Find a couple"

Objectives: Compare toys by color.

Formation of the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender.

The game involves paired pictures with the image of toys that are the same in color. The game is played like Lotto. The child needs to find a pair to his picture.

4 . What toy is missing?

Objectives: To develop the ability to compare toys by color and shape.

Education of visual attention.

Dictionary activation.

Children are offered a table of 9 cells, in 8 of them there are images of three different toys or the same, but in three different colors. One cell is empty. The child, together with the teacher, establishes the regularity of the arrangement of toys in the cells and determines which toy is missing.

5. "What is hidden here"

Objectives: Development of imagination.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Children are offered geometric shapes - a circle, a square, an oval, a triangle. Children determine what toys these figures look like.

Didactic games on the topic: CLOTHES

1. "Dress Tanya, dress Vanya"

Goals: Development of visual attention and logical thinking.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Fixing the names of colors.

On small cards (10 pieces) there are images of clothes for girls and boys. Children, together with the teacher, examine the cards, name each of the items of clothing. Then, on a large field, cards are laid out, respectively, to the image of a girl or a boy. Find out what clothes everyone can wear.

2. "Choose clothes for nesting dolls"

Objectives: Development of visual attention.

Fixing the names of colors.

Adjectives and nouns agree in gender and number.

On a large canvas there is an image of nesting dolls in yellow, blue, red and green. Small cards depict a sundress, scarf, apron, socks for each matryoshka. Children are invited to choose clothes of the appropriate color for each matryoshka.

3. "Who is wearing what"

Objectives: Development of visual attention and the ability to listen to a question and answer it in one word.

An adult asks a question like: Who is wearing white tights today? Who is wearing a denim jacket? And so on.

4. "Mishka and Mishutka"

Objectives: Development of the ability to compare objects by size.

Education of visual attention.

Dictionary activation.

Formation of the diminutive form of nouns

Children are offered toys small and big bear or their images. The small cards show a shirt and a shirt, shorts and shorts, a hat and a hat, a scarf and a scarf, socks and socks. You need to “dress” toys, naming what is for whom. For example: We will put on a shirt for Mishka, and a shirt for Mishutka.

Didactic games on the topic: HOUSE

1. "Building a house"

Objectives: Development of visual attention, the ability to navigate in space.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

The practical use of prepositions B, ON.

Children are invited to build a house for a doll from the details of the designer, for a drawn doll from geometric shapes. The child comments on his actions, based on the questions of the teacher: What is it? Where did you put the roof? How will the doll enter the house? And so on.

2. "Who lives in the house"

Objectives: Development of visual attention.

Consolidation of the ability to use the diminutive form of nouns in singular.

The teacher offers the children images of a large house and a small house. Each child has several cards with the image of objects of different sizes. The child names the object and, depending on its size, places it in the appropriate house (This is a big pillow. It will be in a big house. And this is a small pillow. It is in a small house).

3. "What is missing in the house"

Goals: Development of logical thinking and phrasal speech.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Children have cards with the image of houses in which one detail is missing - doors, roofs or windows. The child looks at the card and says: - There is no window in my house. It will be dark there. and so on. - Then, from the proposed geometric shapes, he selects the necessary one and “repairs” the house.

4. "Whose house"

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

In the window of the drawn house, the teacher exposes objects belonging to fairy-tale characters or animals, the children determine who owns this house.

5. "Colorful houses"

Objectives: Fixing sensory standards.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

The development of visual attention.

On a large panel there are several houses made of geometric shapes of different colors. The teacher invites the children to find the same houses, all high houses, all low. Each child chooses for himself some geometric figure (for example, a blue rectangle), correlates it with a detail of the house (this is a door) and looks for the same figures on the panel.

Didactic games on the topic: PETS

1. "Who is calling us"

Objectives: Development of auditory attention.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

The formation of a diminutive form of nouns in units. h.

B - 1. The teacher has toys for pets and their cubs, the teacher closes the toys with a screen, pronounces onomatopoeia for an adult animal or for a cub, the children guess who called.

B - 2. Children have images of cubs, and the teacher has adult animals. The teacher shows a picture, the children who have the cubs of this animal “respond”.

B - 3. Children are given images of animals and cubs, the teacher shows a large or small circle, the children pronounce the corresponding onomatopoeia.

2. Lost and Found

Formation of logical thinking and phrasal speech.

The teacher shows the children cards with the image of parts of the body of the animal. Children determine who lost it: This is the tail, the cat lost it. And these are the paws, the puppy lost them.

3. "Evil and good"

Objectives: Development of logical thinking and phrasal speech.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

On the table or in toy houses, mood symbols (anger, smile, sadness, fear). Each child has cards depicting various objects or situations. Children are invited to arrange their cards to mood symbols and explain when an animal is like that.

4. "Whose mother"

Goals: Development of logical thinking.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

noun agreement with numbers 1, 2, 3.

On large cards, children have images of an adult animal, the teacher has small cards with images of cubs. The teacher shows a card, the child says "This is my kitten." Then, the children count the cubs and say "The cat has 3 kittens", etc.

Didactic games on the topic: TREES (spruce and birch).

1. "Plant a tree"

2. Goals: Development of visual attention, the ability to navigate in space.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Children from details (triangles, counting sticks) assemble a tree on a piece of paper on which a line is indicated - the earth.

2. "Hide and Seek"

Objectives: Development of visual attention.

Strengthening the ability to use prepositions FOR, ON, UNDER.

The teacher offers children images of various trees and small pictures (mushroom, leaf, flower, bird, droplet). On the instructions of the teacher, the children place objects under a tree, behind a tree or on a tree, naming where the object is located. Then everyone closes their eyes, and one child, under the guidance of a teacher, swaps objects. The rest must determine what has changed.

3. "Decorate the Christmas tree"

Objectives: Development of sensory representations.

Exercise in the use of adverbs UP, DOWN, MIDDLE.

Children have cards with the image of a Christmas tree and multi-colored circles - balls (each child has 3). Children, on the instructions of the teacher, place circles on their Christmas tree. Then the teacher invites the children to “dress up” the Christmas tree as they want and tell where the ball is.

Didactic games on the topic: INSECTS

1. "Find a place"

Objectives: Development of visual attention, the ability to correlate colors.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

The development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

The teacher invites the children to carefully examine a sheet of cardboard with multi-colored squares laid out on it (green, yellow with black stripes, red with yellow spots, black, red with black circles) and figures of a grasshopper, a fly, a ladybug, a bee, a butterfly cut out along the contour. The task of the children is to find their "house" for the insect.

2. "Hide and Seek"

Objectives: Development of visual attention.

Consolidation of the ability to use the prepositions FOR, ON, UNDER, V.

Formation of spatial representations and phrasal speech.

The teacher invites the children to find as many insects as possible on the table with the image of a clearing (only part of the body is visible), naming where they are.

3. "What is it for"

Goals: Development of logical thinking.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Practical use of the simple sentence.

The teacher calls the body parts of the insect, for example, WINGS, the children imitate the flight; PAWS - crawling. The teacher's words alternate. Gradually the pace increases.

4. "Big - small"

Objectives: Activation of the vocabulary on the topic.

The formation of a diminutive form of nouns in the singular.

The development of phrasal speech.

The teacher calls a large insect




Children - small (bee, fly, bug)

Didactic games

Card file of didactic games on ecology in the middle group

"What grows where?"

Target: To form elementary ideas in children about where vegetables, fruits, flowers, berries, mushrooms grow.

"Tops and Roots".

Target: To consolidate the knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops, some have edible tops and roots.

"What do they plant in the garden?"

Target: To promote the ability to classify objects according to individual characteristics (according to their place of growth).

"Determine the taste"

Target: Exercise in the ability to determine the taste of vegetables and fruits (sweet, sour, salty, bitter).

"Find someone to talk about."

Target: To consolidate the ability to find an animal by its characteristic features.

"One, two, three, name the tree."

Target: Fix the name of the trees (birch, oak, maple, spruce, mountain ash).

"Who lives in the forest".

Target: Consolidation of knowledge about animals living in the forest.

"Who knows, let him continue."

Target: Learn to select words for a generalized word (insects are ...).

"Find a sheet, which I will show."

Target: Contribute to the ability to find a leaf by showing.

"Assemble a tree from parts."

Target: Strengthen the ability to assemble the whole from parts.

“Who lives with the owner, what does he give to the owner? »

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about pets and the benefits they bring.

"What branch are the kids from?"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about trees and their fruits.

"Mysteries about animals" (forest and domestic).


"Who crawls and who flies"

Target: To form children's knowledge about insects and how they move.

"Fold the picture"

Target: To improve the ability to assemble the whole from parts. Strengthen knowledge about the seasons.

"Yes and no".

Target: Exercise children in recognizing vegetables and fruits.

"Who's wearing what?"

Target: To consolidate the ability of children to systematize animals according to the cover of the body (feathers, scales, wool).

"Hunter and Shepherd".

Target: exercise children in grouping wild and domestic animals.

"When does it happen?"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the parts of the day, exercise them in comparing the picture with the part of the day.

"In the Plant Store"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about plants, the ability to correctly classify them.

"Who lives with us in the winter."

Target: Consolidation of knowledge about the wintering birds of our region and their names.

"What season"

Target: To promote the ability of children to correlate the description of nature in poetry or prose with a certain season.

"cut pictures".

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of the body of pets.

"Who lives where"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about insects and their habitat.

"It happens - it doesn't happen"

Target: Develop logical thinking, the ability to notice inconsistency in judgments.

"Zoological Lotto"

Target: Exercise in the ability to combine objects according to their habitat.

"All at home"

Target: To teach, by the appearance of the house, to determine the animal that lives in it.

"Whose kids?"

Target: To promote the ability to name animals and their cubs.

"Mysteries about vegetables"

Target: To promote the ability to guess riddles based on keywords.

"Find by name"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about birds, develop auditory perception.

"When It Happens"

Target: Clarify and deepen children's knowledge of the seasons.

"Who loves what"

Target: Clarify children's ideas about what. What do wild animals eat.

"When It Happens"

Target: Learn to guess riddles according to the characteristic features of the seasons.

"What is the weather today?"

Target: To promote the ability to choose the right pictures according to the description.

"Know by taste"

Target: exercise in determining the taste of vegetables and fruits (sweet, sour, salty, bitter).

"Flower shop".

Target: To promote the ability to describe houseplants to be purchased.

"Edible or inedible"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of edible and inedible plants.

"Where did the matryoshka hide?"

Target: To consolidate knowledge of the names of plants, to cultivate curiosity.

"What are the benefits"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about pets and the benefits they bring.

"Describe, we will guess"

Target: promote the ability to classify plants according to their characteristics.

"And then what?"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day, about the activities of children at different times of the day.

"The Birds That Come in the Spring"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about migratory birds.

"Who lives where?"

Target: To consolidate the ability of children to systematize animals according to their habitat.

"Find the mistake"

Target: Develop attention, learn to find errors in the image of the seasons.

"Shop "Flowers""

Target: To promote the ability to describe the flowers to be bought.

"The Fourth Extra"

Target: To promote the ability to notice mistakes, develop observation skills.

"Paired Pictures"

Target: To cultivate observation, the ability to find similarities and differences in the objects depicted in the pictures.

"Choose and name the flowers that you know"

Target: Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name flowers.

"Hunters and Shepherd"

Target: Exercise children in grouping wild and domestic animals.

"Whose shadow is this?"

Target: To fix the names of animals, to promote the ability to recognize animals by silhouette.

"Assemble a flower from parts"

Target: Encourage children to build the whole from the parts. Fix the names of plants.

Card file of didactic games on ecology in the senior group


Target: to teach children different ways of distinguishing the gifts of fields, gardens. Raise respect and interest in agricultural work.

"Help resettle the insects"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about insects.

"Ripe - not ripe"

Target: learn to determine the ripeness of vegetables and fruits by external signs.

"Collect a picture"

Target: exercise in compiling a whole picture from separate parts. Through the content of the pictures will consolidate knowledge about trees.

"Tops and Roots"

Target: will consolidate the knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops, that some fruits have both tops and roots are edible.

"Guess the Taste"

Target: exercise in determining the taste of vegetables and fruits (sweet, sour, salty, bitter).

"What an autumn job"

Target: to teach children to choose from the proposed pictures those that depict the work of people in the autumn period.

"What a bird"

Target: classify birds according to their habitat (forest, pond, open space.

"What first, what next?"

Target: fix the stages of the life cycle of the ant uterus.

"Compote from garden berries"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of garden berries, learn to distinguish between garden berries.

"For mushrooms, for berries"

Target: to form knowledge about mushrooms and berries; learn to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms, wild berries.

"Choose the animals that live underground"

Target: introduce children to the inhabitants of the underworld.

How to make tomato juice

Target: to form knowledge about the process of making tomato juice.

"Guess the name of the flower"

Target: learn to guess riddles; consolidate knowledge about garden flowers.

"Forest - a multi-storey building"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the forest as a natural community; to form ideas about the ecological niches (floors) of a mixed forest and the place of animals in them.

"How the forest helps a person"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about how the forest helps a person.

"Zoological Domino"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the animals of the middle zone.

"Guess a riddle"

Target: learn by characteristic features, guess plants.

What did autumn bring us?

Target: to form knowledge about autumn changes in nature, about the gifts of nature, which are only in autumn.

"What can water do"

Target: fix the properties of water.

"Guess the Weather"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about weather conditions, the development of visual-schematic thinking.

"Vegetable store"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the storage of vegetables.

"Find and feed the wintering birds"

Target: learn to distinguish wintering birds, pick up food for birds.

"Food Chains"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the relationships and dependencies between phenomena and objects of nature.


Target: consolidate knowledge about the inhabitants of reservoirs.

"Guess what tree the seeds are from"

Target: learn by the type of seed, identify the tree.


Target: test the ability of children to sequentially name the seasons.

"Where, whose tail"

Target: teach children to identify the animal by the shape of the tail.

"Find the same snowflakes"

Target: to teach, to select a pair according to characteristic features.

Card file of didactic games on ecology in the preparatory group

"What do we take in the basket"

Didactic task: to consolidate in children the knowledge of what kind of crop is harvested in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest.

Learn to distinguish fruits according to where they are grown.

To form an idea of ​​the role of people in the conservation of nature.

Materials: Pictures with the image of vegetables, fruits, cereals, melons, mushrooms, berries, as well as baskets.

Game progress. Some children have pictures depicting various gifts of nature. Others have pictures in the form of baskets.

Children - the fruits disperse around the room to cheerful music, with movements and facial expressions depict a clumsy watermelon, tender strawberries, a mushroom hiding in the grass, etc.

Children - baskets should pick up fruits in both hands. Prerequisite: each child must bring fruits that grow in one place (vegetables from the garden, etc.). The one who fulfills this condition wins.

"Tops - roots"

Didactic task: teach children how to make a whole out of parts.

materials: two hoops, pictures of vegetables.

Game progress:

Option 1 . Two hoops are taken: red, blue. Lay them so that the hoops intersect. In the red hoop, you need to put vegetables that have roots for food, and in the blue hoop - those that use tops.

The child comes to the table, chooses a vegetable, shows it to the children and puts it in the right circle, explaining why he put the vegetable there. (in the area where the hoops intersect, there should be vegetables that use both tops and roots: onions, parsley, etc.

Option 2. On the table are tops and roots of plants - vegetables. Children are divided into two groups: tops and roots. Children of the first group take tops, the second - roots. At the signal, everyone runs in all directions. To the signal "One, two, three - find your pair!"

"Nature and Man"

Didactic task: to consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what man has created and what nature gives man.

Materials: ball.

Game progress: the educator conducts a conversation with the children, during which he clarifies their knowledge that the objects around us are either made by people's hands or exist in nature, and people use them; for example, wood, coal, oil, gas exist in nature, and man creates houses and factories.

"What is man made"? the teacher asks and throws the ball.

"What is created by nature"? the teacher asks and throws the ball.

Children catch the ball and answer the question. Those who cannot remember miss their turn.

"The Fourth Extra"

Didactic task: reinforce children's knowledge of insects.

Game progress: the teacher calls four words, the children must name the extra word:

1) hare, hedgehog, fox, bumblebee;

2) wagtail, spider, starling, magpie;

3) butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

4) grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, cockchafer;

5) bee, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

6) grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, mosquito;

7) cockroach, fly, bee, Maybug;

8) dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug;

9) frog, mosquito, beetle, butterfly;
10) dragonfly, moth, bumblebee, sparrow.

The teacher reads the words, and the children should think which ones are suitable for the ant (bumblebee ... bee ... cockroach).

Dictionary: anthill, green, fluttering, honey, evasive, industrious, red back, belt, annoying, beehive, hairy, ringing, river, chirping, cobweb, apartment, aphids, pest, “flying flower”, honeycomb, buzzing, needles, “champion jumping", motley-winged, big eyes, red-whiskered, striped, swarm, nectar, pollen, caterpillar, protective coloration, frightening coloration.

“What would happen if the forest disappeared »

Didactic task: to consolidate knowledge about the relationship in nature.

Game progress: the teacher suggests removing insects from the forest:

What would happen to the rest of the inhabitants? What if the birds disappeared? What if the berries were gone? What if there were no mushrooms? What if the hares left the forest?

It turns out that it was not by chance that the forest gathered its inhabitants together. All forest plants and animals are connected to each other. They cannot do without each other.

"Birds Have Arrived"

Didactic task: clarify the concept of birds.

Game progress: the teacher calls only the birds, but if he suddenly makes a mistake, then the children should stomp or clap.

For example: Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts.

Children stomp -

What is wrong? (flies)

And who are the flies? (insects)

Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta.

Children stomp.

Birds flew in: pigeons, martens ...

Children stomp. Game continues.

The birds have arrived:

pigeon tits,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Lapwings, swifts,

storks, cuckoos,

Even owls are squishy

Swans, starlings.

All of you are great.

Bottom line: the teacher, together with the children, specifies migratory and wintering birds.


Target: provide the child with the opportunity to experience direct communication with nature.

First option : "Am I good at photography?"

The children split up in pairs. One child is a "photographer", the other is a "camera". The “photographer” points the “camera” at some object of nature, “takes pictures” (slightly pulls his ears, having previously thought about what he wants to “photograph”. The teacher asks the children questions:

What did the “camera” “picture”?

What did the “photographer” want to “photograph”?

Is it a natural object or not?

Why exactly did the “photographer” want to “photograph” it?

What did he like about this natural object?

Why did the "camera" "photograph" the same object of nature?

When children learn to notice something special, unique, very beautiful in nature, then the “camera” and the “photographer” will “photograph” the same thing ..

Second option: "Instant photography".

The principle of the game is the same, but the "photographer" directs the "camera", which has its eyes closed, then "takes pictures" (the child - the "camera" instantly opens and closes its eyes). This snapshot remains in the memory of the child for a long time. It is better to photograph something special in nature: a bright insect or an unusual flower (you should not take many pictures in one day).


Target: check and consolidate children's ideas about the world around them.

Children should be divided into two teams: "Owls" and "Crows". Those and others stand in a line opposite each other at a distance of 3 meters, behind their backs their houses, also at a distance of 3 meters. The teacher gives the task:

Owls love the truth, Ravens love lies, so if I'm telling the truth, Owls should catch Ravens. "Crows" run away to their homes and vice versa.

Then the educator pronounces phrases of natural history content:

  • bears love to eat tigers
  • a birch has catkins in spring
  • elephants can't swim
  • a dolphin is an animal, not a fish

Children must realize the correctness or incorrectness of the phrase, based on their knowledge on this topic, and themselves respond with their behavior (run away or catch up) to this phrase. It is advisable after each time to ask the children why they did one way or another, and after 2-3 phrases, change the players.


Target: to develop observational and creative abilities of children.

Children stand in a circle. The first child names an animal (a bird, an insect, depending on the topic proposed by the teacher) and makes a characteristic gesture of this animal. The next child repeats what the first child said and did, names his animal, shows his gesture. The next one repeats what the first two children said, names his animal and makes his gesture, etc.

Basic rule: you can not repeat the names of animals and gestures. But you can tell each other, it even brings the children together and makes the game more interesting.

The game involves 5-8 children, then you can increase the number of players.


Target: ensure the experience of direct communication with nature (conducted in nature).

Children should become a “goose”, holding on to the belt in front of the one standing. The teacher blindfolds them and leads them along a certain route, overcoming the "obstacle course" (stepping over stones, bypassing trees, passing low under a lowered branch, etc.). The route is planned by the teacher in advance and it is better if it goes in a circle. Having reached the beginning, the teacher unties the eyes of the children and offers to go through the same route with open eyes, without holding on to the belt, in order to be able to see and touch what the teacher told them while passing the obstacle course, but what they themselves did not see. Let the children themselves try to guess where they stooped, where they walked around the stone.

Evgenia Lazarenko

Didactic game "What to wear when?"

Target: Consolidation of ideas about clothes and shoes, the purpose of things.

Tasks: To teach children to name items of clothing and shoes, to clarify children's ideas about clothes and shoes, to teach to differentiate types of clothing according to the seasons, to learn to remember the sequence of dressing. Clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic "Clothes", "Shoes". Develop dialogical speech, visual attention and perception, speech hearing and phonemic perception, memory. Cultivate a sense of collectivism, empathy.

Game progress: 5 children are playing. Of these, four receive a card with the time of year. Fifth child as leader.

The facilitator shows one card with items of clothing or shoes and asks: "When to wear this?"

The child whose season corresponds to the given clothes or shoes takes the card and explains why he chose it.

The game goes on until all the cards are gone.

There may be a continuation of the game: Didactic game "What first, what then?"

The teacher invites each participant to lay out the selected cards in the order in which they put on the street. Explain why you need this or that clothing or footwear.

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Card file of didactic games in five educational areas. Educator: Fedotova Elena Sergeevna GBDOU No. 82 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg 2015

Social and communicative development 1. “Dress Tanya, dress Vanya” Objectives: Development of visual attention and logical thinking. Activation of the dictionary on the topic. Fixing the names of colors. On small cards (10 pieces) there are images of clothes for girls and boys. Children, together with the teacher, examine the cards, name each of the items of clothing. Then, on a large field, cards are laid out, respectively, to the image of a girl or a boy. Find out what clothes everyone can wear. 2. "Choose clothes for nesting dolls" Goals: Development of visual attention. Fixing the names of colors. Adjectives and nouns agree in gender and number. On a large canvas there is an image of nesting dolls in yellow, blue, red and green. Small cards depict a sundress, scarf, apron, socks for each matryoshka. Children are invited to choose clothes of the appropriate color for each matryoshka. 3. “Who is wearing what” Objectives: Development of visual attention and the ability to listen to a question and answer it in one word. An adult asks a question like: Who is wearing white tights today? Who is wearing a denim jacket? And so on. 4. "Bear and Mishutka" Objectives: Development of the ability to compare objects by size. Education of visual attention. Dictionary activation. Formation of a diminutive form of nouns Children are offered toys small and big bear or their images. The small cards show a shirt and a shirt, shorts and shorts, a hat and a hat, a scarf and a scarf, socks and socks. You need to “dress” toys, naming what is for whom. For example: We will put on a shirt for Mishka, and a shirt for Mishutka.

1. "Hide and Seek" Objectives: Development of visual attention. Strengthening the ability to use prepositions FOR, ON, UNDER. Formation of spatial representations and phrasal speech. The teacher offers children images of various trees and small pictures (mushroom, leaf, flower, bird, droplet). On the instructions of the teacher, the children place objects under a tree, behind a tree or on a tree, naming where the object is located. Then everyone closes their eyes, and one child, under the guidance of a teacher, swaps objects. The rest must determine what has changed. 2. "Decorate the Christmas tree" Objectives: Development of sensory representations. Exercise in the use of adverbs UP, DOWN, MIDDLE. Children have cards with the image of a Christmas tree and multi-colored circles - balls (each child has 3). Children, on the instructions of the teacher, place circles on their Christmas tree. Then the teacher invites the children to “dress up” the Christmas tree as they want and tell where the ball is. 4 . "Set the table" Objectives: Development of visual attention, the ability to correlate colors. Activation of the dictionary on the topic. The development of fine motor skills of the fingers. The teacher offers the children to choose from the items of utensils placed on the table those that are needed for tea drinking. The task of the children is to set a table with a blue napkin for tea (blue dishes are selected), similarly, work is carried out with other colors. 3. "What happens in winter" Objectives: Development of ideas about the signs of winter. Improving connected speech. The game is played using the board game "Seasons". Children pick up small cards with signs of this time of year to a large map that depicts winter.

Cognitive development The game "Guess and bring." Purpose: To develop perception. The teacher shows the children pictures of half a spoon, a saucepan, a plate, a lid from a saucepan, a cup, a teapot. Children must guess which object is shown and bring it from the play corner. Visual material: pictures depicting half of the object. Game: Truck repair. Purpose: To teach children to put together a whole from parts. Stroke: The teacher distributes to each child the details of the split picture with the image of a truck. Based on the sample (the whole image of the truck) and the help of the teacher, the children put together a split picture, naming the parts of the truck: cab, body, wheels, steering wheel, windows. Visual material: Whole and cut image of the object. Game: "Show the object of the desired shape." Goal: Learn to find objects of the desired shape. Stroke: The teacher lays out several square and round objects. Round objects are like a ball (shows a ball and objects that look like it), and square objects are like a cube (shows a large cube and objects that look like it). After the explanation, the teacher asks each child to show first square-shaped objects, then round ones. Visual material: objects of square and round shape.

Did. game "Who is screaming?" Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children. Stroke: The mother of the bird had a small chick (puts up pictures). Mom taught him to sing. The bird sang loudly: “chirp - chirp” (children repeat the sound combination). And the chick answered quietly: “chirp-chirp” (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). The chick flew and flew away from the mother (rearranges the picture with the image of the chick away). The bird is calling son. What does she call him? (Children together with the teacher repeat the sound combination). The chick heard that his mother was calling him, and chirped. How does he chirp? (Children say quietly). He flew to his mother. The bird sang loudly. How? Visual material: pictures of animals and birds (with cubs). Did. game "Call your mom" Purpose: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation. Stroke: All children have subject pictures with baby animals. Educator: “Who have you drawn, Kolya? (chicken) Who is the mother of the chicken? (chicken) Call your mother, chicken. (Pee-pee-pee) The teacher imitates the cackling of a chicken and shows a picture. The same work is done with all children. Visual material: subject pictures depicting baby animals.

Speech development The game "Butterfly, fly!" The game "Loud - quiet" Purpose. Teach children to change the strength of the voice: speak either loudly or quietly. Education of the ability to change the strength of the voice. Preparatory work. The teacher selects paired toys of different sizes: large and small cars, large and small drums, large and small pipes. Stroke: An adult shows 2 cars and says: “When a big car drives, it signals loudly: “beep”. How does a big car signal? Children say loudly: "beep". The teacher continues: “And the small car honks softly:“ beep. How does the little car honk? Children quietly say: "beep". The teacher removes both cars and says: “Now be careful. As soon as the car starts, you have to give a signal, make no mistake, the big car honks loudly, and the small car honks softly. Other toys are played in the same way. Methodical instructions. Depending on the number of children in the group, one pair of toys or 2-3 can be used in the lesson. Make sure that with a quiet pronunciation of onomatopoeia, the children do not switch to a whisper. Target. Achieve a long, continuous oral exhalation. Preparatory work. Prepare 5 brightly colored paper butterflies. Tie a thread 50 cm long to each and attach them to the cord at a distance of 35 cm from each other. Pull the cord between the two posts so that the butterflies hang at the level of the face of the standing child. Move: Children sit on chairs. An adult says: “Children, look at how beautiful butterflies are: blue, yellow, red! How many! They are like alive! Let's see if they can fly. (Blows on them.) Look, they flew. Try to blow too. Who will fly further? The adult invites the children to stand one by one near each butterfly. Children blow on butterflies. Methodical instructions. The game is repeated several times, each time with a new group of children. It is necessary to ensure that the children stand straight, do not raise their shoulders when inhaling. You should blow only on one exhalation, without getting air. Cheeks do not puff out, lips slightly push forward. Each child can blow for no more than ten seconds with pauses, otherwise he may feel dizzy.

3. "What happens in winter" Objectives: Development of ideas about the signs of winter. Improving connected speech. The game is played using the board game "Seasons". Children pick up small cards with signs of this time of year to a large map that depicts winter. 4. "Big - small" Objectives: Activation of the vocabulary on the topic. The formation of a diminutive form of nouns in the singular. The development of phrasal speech. The teacher calls the big insect BEE FLY BEETLE Children - small (bee, fly, bug) 2. “Whose mother” Objectives: Development of logical thinking. Activation of the dictionary on the topic. noun agreement with numerals 1, 2, 3. On large cards, children have images of an adult animal, the teacher has small cards with images of cubs. The teacher shows a card, the child says "This is my kitten." Then, the children count the cubs and say "The cat has 3 kittens", etc. 1. Lost and Found Objectives: Development of visual attention. Formation of logical thinking and phrasal speech. The teacher shows the children cards with the image of parts of the body of the animal. Children determine who lost it: This is the tail, the cat lost it. And these are the paws, the puppy lost them.

Artistic and aesthetic development Game "Guess what to do" Purpose. To teach children to correlate the nature of their actions with the sound of a tambourine. Education in children the ability to switch auditory attention. Preparatory work. Prepare 2 flags for each child. Move: Children sit in a semicircle. Each person has 2 flags in their hands. If the teacher rings a tambourine loudly, the children raise the flags up and wave them, if it is quiet, they keep their hands on their knees. Methodical instructions. An adult needs to monitor the correct posture of children and the correct execution of movements; alternating loud and soft sounding of the tambourine should be no more than four times so that children can easily perform movements. The game "Sun or rain?" Target. Teach children to perform actions according to the different sound of the tambourine. Education in children the ability to switch auditory attention. Stroke: An adult tells the children: “Now we will go for a walk. We go for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring a tambourine, it will be fun for you to walk to its sounds. If it starts to rain, I will start to knock on the tambourine, and you, having heard the knock, must run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings, and when I knock on it. Methodical instructions. The teacher conducts the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times. Did. Guess What Sounds 2 game Objective: Continue to isolate and recognize the sounds of individual musical instruments. Stroke: The teacher shows musical instruments one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different instruments, and children recognize what different sounds belong to. Did. game "Guess what sounds 1" Purpose: To acquaint children with the sounds of the world, isolate and recognize them. Stroke: The teacher shows the objects one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different objects, and children recognize which objects belong to different sounds. Explains that there are many sounds in the world and all sound in their own way.

Physical development Baby and mother stand opposite each other. Between them are toys, skittles or cubes placed in a circle (circle diameter 2 meters). Mom slowly pronounces a rhyme, and the child performs movements in accordance with the text: We stamp our feet. We clap our hands, we nod our heads. We raise our hands, we lower our hands. We give hands. (They take each other's hands.) And we run around, And we run around. At the signal of the mother "Stop!" the baby must stop. The game can be repeated with running in the other direction. We stomp our feet. Mice lead a round dance In the middle of the room "sleeping" "cat" - one of the children. The rest of the children are “mice”, they dance and sing: Mice dance, A cat is napping on a couch. “Hush, mice, do not make noise! Don't wake the cat Vaska. When Vaska the cat wakes up, he will break our round dance! On the last words, the “cat” wakes up and catches “mice”. “Mice” can hide in their “minks”: each child must have time to sit on a high chair before the cat catches him. Train Children stand one after another in a column and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. It turns out a "train", which begins to slowly move around the room. The children say: Here is our train, the wheels are knocking, and the guys are sitting in this train. "Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo!" The locomotive is running far, far away, he took the guys far, far away. But here's the stop: "Who wants to get off? Get up, guys, let's go for a walk! (A. Anufrieva) At the last words, the children scatter and can pretend that they are picking mushrooms and berries. At the signal of an adult, they again stand one after another, depicting wagons.

The eighth game of the "Second Team Tournament".


Ivan Starikov

Andrey Shumakov

Alexander Bulavchuk

  • Ivan Starikov, teacher from Pushchino
  • Andrey Shumakov, journalist from Chelyabinsk
  • Alexander Bulavchuk, teacher from Krasnoyarsk

Game progress

First round


  • Crime
  • Ends with "u"
  • Archeology
  • Who is wearing what
  • Eastern theme
  • Author!

Crime (500)

Where is this house? (500)

Cat in a bag. Subject: Where is this house?. “I’m leaving the dog playground to pose,” Pushkin wrote. The house on Volkhonka, where this artist lived, is marked with a memorial plaque, but instead of a museum, the house houses a restaurant.

Ivan plays. The bet is 500.
Player response: Kipretsky.
Correct answer: Tropinin

Ends in "y" (400)

This grandson of a native of France served in the Russian fleet, explored the Arctic, rose to the rank of admiral ... And the islands in the Arctic Ocean are named after him.

Ivan answers.
Player response: Kotzebue.
Andrew answers.
Correct answer: Anjou

Ends in "u" (500)

Ends in "u" (500)

He had nicknamed his house in Orville "The White House" long before he was elected President of the Fifth Republic.

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: Pompidou

Ends in "u" (300)

This curly-haired acquaintance of the yard Barbosa lived "in contentment and kindness", for she walked in front of the owners on her hind legs.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: zhuzhu

Ends in "u" (200)

Ends in "u" (200)

From the 30th king of Portugal, he retrained as the first emperor of Brazil.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Pedro

Ends in "u" (100)

Ends in "u" (100)

He is shiny, and nosy, and naked-eyed, and Filipino - and all this ...

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: Cockatoo

Crime (400)

Thanks to the letters of this serial killer, a DNA analysis was carried out and a monstrous assumption was made: a woman killed the prostitutes of Whitechapel.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Jack the Ripper

Crime (300)

At their own peril and risk, these Novgorodians made robbery campaigns on their boats, mainly to the east.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Ushkuiniki

Crime (200)

In the 1960s, the Rostov gang of the Tolstopyatov brothers “worked” in masks, which is why they got this nickname.

Correct answer: "Phantomes"

Eastern theme (300)

Auction. On the facades of this Parisian building there are statues symbolizing the cities of Strasbourg and Verdun.

Played by Andrew. Rate - 400.
Correct answer: Eastern Station

Eastern theme (400)

As soon as the Portuguese troops left the former colony, Indonesia invaded there. This state achieved independence only after a quarter of a century.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: East Timor

Archeology (200)

Gold-plated glass beads found in a 5th-century Japanese tomb were made in this empire, far from where they were found.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Roman

Archeology (300)

Archeology (300)

The oldest rock carvings in Europe - traces of palms in the caves of Spain. The ancient artist pressed his hand against the wall, and applied the paint in this way.

Andrew answers.
Player response: second hand.
Correct answer: Picking it up in your mouth and spitting it out

Eastern theme (200)

This branch includes Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: East Slavs

Who is wearing what (200)

During the gold rush, this "poor man's clothing" was extremely popular with miners: it is not a pity to get dirty or torn.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Jeans

Who is wearing what (300)

After the appointment of Joan of Arc as commander-in-chief of the French troops, a commission of theologians from Poitiers prepared a special permission to wear this.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Men's clothing

Who is wearing what (400)

Who is wearing what (400)

From an expedition to Lapland, this naturalist, in addition to other trophies, brought a Sami costume, in which, in fact, he was immortalized.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Carl Linnaeus

Eastern theme (500)

Art requires sacrifice (500)

Cat in a bag. Subject: Art requires sacrifice. Athena did not like this lesson: they say, her cheeks swell ugly. And ordinary Greek women did not disdain this occupation, judging by the antique painting.

Played by Andrew. The bet is 500.
Correct answer: flute playing

Author! (400)

Don Juan, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Macbeth.

Correct answer: Richard Strauss

Author! (300)

Don Juan, Corsair, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage.

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: Byron

Author! (100)

"Don Juan", "Magic Flute", "Abduction from the Seraglio".

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Mozart

Author! (200)

"Don Juan", "Miserly", "Tartuffe".

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: molière

Who is wearing what (500)

Who is wearing what (500)

Among the representatives of the lower castes, they were shorter: it is inconvenient to work in long ones.

Correct answer: Dhoti

Eastern theme (100)

The east wind brought her directly to the house where the Banks couple and Jane's children, Michael, John and Barbara, lived.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Mary Poppins

Crime (100)

Butch Cassidy is compared with this noble robber, who at first stole cattle, and then robbed trains and banks.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Robin Hood

Archeology (400)

It has been under construction in Thessaloniki since 2006. Not yet completed, but already dug up about a thousand ancient tombs.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Metro

Archeology (500)

Archeology (500)

The seal found in Israel is more than three thousand years old. On the seal, a man fights with a beast. Archaeologists consider the find to be the oldest portrait of this hero.

Alexander answers.
Player response: Hercules.
Correct answer: Samson

Archeology (100)

Recent excavations have increased the size of this army by 100 men and 12 horses.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Terracotta Army

Who is wearing what (100)

In a Las Vegas hotel, Prince Harry, having lost in billiards, was photographed in such a “suit”. Scandal!

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: Adama

Round result

  • Ivan - 1 200
  • Andrey - 2 200
  • Paul - 1 100

Second round


  • Questions from…
  • book feasts
  • generals
  • What did we sing about
  • Siberian theme
  • Struggle

Book feasts (400)

At dinner, the Coquenards served aged chicken and bones instead of lamb. This Musketeer returned home hungry and angry.

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: Porthos

Book feasts (600)

In the novel Cancer Ward, Kostoglotov, after leaving the hospital, gave as much as three rubles for a stick of this unprecedented delicacy. And ate it with pleasure.

Correct answer: Shashlik

Book feasts (800)

Alexander answers.
Player response: Koroviev.
Correct answer: Woland

Generals (800)

Fidgets (1 000)

Cat in a bag. Subject: fidgets. In 1831, John Ross discovered it in the Canadian archipelago, but over the years, Ross's discovery has moved north a thousand kilometers. The route is in front of you.

Ivan plays. The rate is 1,000.
Correct answer: north magnetic pole

What we sang about (400)

"... Happy May hello ...".

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: "Lilies of the Valley"

What We Sang About (600)

“... With every failure, know how to give back. Otherwise, you will not see good luck.

Andrew answers.
Player response: "Chance".
Correct answer: "The Song of Boxing" from the movie "The First Glove"

What we sang about (800)

"The road winds long, hello ...".

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: "Virgin Earth"

What We Sang About (1,000)

"... The sun in the sky shines wisely, the ancient land is getting younger ...".

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: "From Baikal to Amur"

Wrestling (1,000)

Auction. In order to win the Macedonian wrestling, which is called the "soovcharsky stap", it was necessary to wrest this from the enemy.

Played by Andrew. The rate is 1,000.
Player response: The skin of a ram or sheep.
Correct answer: shepherd's staff

Wrestling (800)

The British are sure that the name of this technique lives on the memory of the battle of Abukir, where the French fleet was engulfed from two sides.

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: double nelson

Wrestling (600)

Four-time world judo champion Seizo Fuji visited this Soviet republic to study the national Chidaoba wrestling.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Georgia

Generals (200)

Russian troops twice deprived the "Iron Marshal" Louis Nicolas Davout of this; now one is in the Historical Museum, the other is in the Hermitage.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Wands

Generals (1,000)

At the request of the people of Kaluga, Tsar Mikhail Romanov sent him to defend the city from the claims of the Polish prince Vladislav.

Correct answer: Dmitry Pozharsky

What we sang about (200)

"What are you standing, swinging ...".

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: "Thin Rowan"

Wrestling (400)

Half a century ago, Hawaiian Jesse Kuhaulua was the first foreigner to compete in the professional league of this wrestling.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Sumo

Wrestling (200)

Wrestling (200)

The film "Wrestler and Clown" told the Soviet audience about Anatoly Durov's friendship with him.

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: Ivan Poddubny

Book feasts (200)

At Christmas, Hogwarts students were treated to pudding with ice cream, butterbeer and such juice.

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: Pumpkin

Questions from… (200)

Questions from the technology teacher and his wards

Questions from… (200)

Questions are asked by students of the Bashkir gymnasium in the village of Uchaly. I have been studying ship modeling for 2 months and have already made 3 ships. I called one model "Pinta", another - "Ninya", but what will I call the third one?

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: "Santa Maria"

Questions from… (400)

This box contains fairy tales of the gray Urals.

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: Malachite Box

Questions from… (600)

This toy of three mirrors has been arousing interest in adults and children for a hundred years.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Kaleidoscope

Questions from… (800)

He forced one boy to run briskly along the sink.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Moidodyr

Questions from… (1,000)

This Soviet military leader, like me, loved to make musical instruments, violins in particular.

Correct answer: Mikhail Tukhachevsky

Siberian theme (200)

Siberian theme (200)

Its Latin name includes the word "sibiricus".

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Chipmunk

Siberian theme (400)

Two to five (1,000)

Cat in a bag. Subject: two to five. In St. Petersburg on the bas-relief of the metro station "Pl. Alexander Nevsky ”you can see a unique image - there are five riding vigilantes, and there are exactly so many horses.

Ivan plays. The rate is 1,000.
Correct answer: 4

Siberian theme (600)

Siberian theme (600)

Russian envoy Nikolai Demidov founded an art gallery and an orphanage in Florence. Residents erected a monument to Demidov with figures of art, mercy, pleasure and her.

Ivan answers.
Player response: motherhood.
Correct answer: Siberia

Siberian theme (1 000)

Auction. According to the Tatar legend, this city was founded on the site of a camp of ten thousand soldiers.

Ivan plays. The rate is 3,600.
Correct answer: Tyumen

Siberian theme (800)

The 1st Siberian Cossack Regiment bore his name.

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: Ermak

Round result

  • Ivan - 7 200
  • Andrey - 5 800
  • Alexander - 1 300

Third round


  • Love in the cinema
  • Heraldry
  • Trains
  • Museums

Wives (900)

The wife was able to revive the hangover Semyon Semyonovich Gorbunkov only with the help of this item.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Alarm.

Wives (600)

“How the corporals of Peter were escorted from the yard quietly. And the wife in front of the palace rode famously on horseback ... ". Whose wife did Ryleev and Besstuzhev write about?

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: About the wife of Peter III, Catherine II.

Love in the cinema (1 500)

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Begbeder.

Wives (300)

Chekhov said that he needed a wife who, like the moon, would not appear in his sky every day. And he found his ideal in this actress of the Moscow Art Theater.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Olga Knipper.

Movie love (300)

Last year, "Love" by Michael Haneke was honored with this "branch".

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: palm.

Movie love (600)

In this film, the spouses Sergei Yursky and Natalya Tenyakova played an elderly couple, Uncle Mitya and Baba Shura.

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: "Love and pigeons".

Movie Love (900)

Karine Foliyants transferred the plot of this novel to Russian soil. The result was the series "Two Colors of Passion".

Correct answer: "Red and black".

Wives (1 200)

She opposed the First World War, her husband, the artist Georg Zundel, in defiance of his wife, signed up as a volunteer. The case ended in the separation of the spouses.

Correct answer: Husband of Clara Zetkin.

Museums (300)

Auction. The United States National Aviation Museum was founded in 1946, and since 1966 it has had this name.

Played by Andrew. The rate is 4,000.
Correct answer: Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics

Museums (900)

The museum-apartment of this ballerina in a high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment is a branch of the Bakhrushin Theater Museum.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Galina Ulanova.

Trains (600)

Auction. In Russia, the carriages of such a train are painted bright red with white stripes.

Ivan plays. The rate is 3,600.
Correct answer: Firefighter

Trains (600)

In his rock musical Starlight Express, toy trains come to life in Baby Control's dream.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Andrew Lloyd Weber.

Trains (300)

These "life-saving trains" were first used by the British during the Crimean War.

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: Sanitary.

Salt (300)

Correct answer: 4

Heraldry (600)

The harp and sling on the coat of arms of the Bagration princes denoted descent from this biblical hero.

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: David.

Salt (900)

In the 1930s, endocrinologist Oleg Nikolaev, for the first time in the USSR, suggested adding this to salt. And sick thyroid glands began to decline.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Iodine compounds.

Heraldry (300)

There are about 200 types of them in heraldry: clawed, crutch, mill, stump ...

Andrew answers.
Correct answer: Crosses.

Salt (1 200)

In Bolivia, next to the world's largest Uyuni salt marsh, the San Playa Hotel was built. This hotel is unique in that.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: It's all built from salt crystals..

Trains (1,200)

Having bought two antique cars at Sotheby's, tycoon James Sherwood restored 35 more. And on May 25, 1982, this updated train set off again.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: "Eastern Express".

Museums (1 200)

The world's first electrified train station has been turned into this Parisian art museum.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Musee d'Orsay.

Heraldry (1 500)

On the coat of arms of Anadyr, he holds a caught fish and smiles hospitably.

Ivan answers.
Player response: Polar bear.
Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Brown bear.

Wives (1,500)

The ancient Egyptians revered the goddess Isis as his sister and consort.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Osiris.

Trains (1,500)

Trains (1,500)

According to the order of the People's Commissariat of Railways and Communications, the three thousandth steam locomotive of this series, handed over to the engineer Nikolai Lunin, bore the official title of "the best steam locomotive of the Soviet Union."

Andrew answers.
Player response: Joseph Stalin.
Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Felix Dzerzhinsky.

Museums (1 500)

After the revolution, this estate near Moscow became the Tyutchev Museum; the grandson of the poet became the curator of the museum.

Correct answer: Muranovo

Crimea (1,500)

The word "salt" in this language means "if".

Correct answer: Solresol

Round result

  • Ivan - 16 800
  • Andrey - 11 000
  • Alexander - 9 700

Final round

Subject: Under a false name

The radiogram signed by Vasiliev read: "You can appoint the day of the resettlement of Fedorov and Ivanov at your discretion." "Fedorov" and "Ivanov" were named army commanders Vagutin and Eremenko. From whom and to whom was the message of 15 November 1942 sent?

Ivan's answer: Stalin to Zhukov
Rate - 5 201.

Andrew's answer: Stalin Timoshenko
Rate - 5 800.

Alexander's answer: Stalin to Zhukov
Rate - 1 300.

Correct answer: Stalin to Zhukov

Outcome of the game

  • Ivan - 22 001
  • Andrey - 5 200
  • Alexander - 11 000

Ivan Starikov is declared the winner of the game.


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