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Igor Nikolaev

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The milk of a cow, like other mammals, is intended for feeding offspring. When breeding animals, cattle owners do not have the luxury of feeding a calf for up to ten months. He is separated from his mother, the cow is milked and part is given to the cub. Every zealous livestock breeder strives for high milk yield and fat content. The latter sells for more and is considered tastier. Is it possible to outsmart nature in the case of cow's milk and change its properties?

Scientific approach

For many decades, breeders have struggled to create a breed of cattle that would have equally high fat content and milk yield. But these properties are in the opposite relationship: to increase fat content means to get little milk and vice versa.

Based on current achievements, there are breeds in which, in comparison with others, the desired indicator will be higher. The maximum fat content was obtained from the Jersey breed - 14 percent. Of course, the average value is much lower - from 4.5 to 6. But this allows this species to top the list for high fat milk.

Therefore, if you want to increase the fat content of milk in a cow, you need to choose foreign animals. However, they prefer to live in special climatic conditions.

In Russian cows, the fat content of milk ranges up to a maximum of four percent.

If you follow a scientific approach to the question of how to increase the fat content of milk in a cow, then it is best to achieve this among your own livestock by the following actions.

A cow with a low fat content is crossed with bulls of breeds whose cows give a higher result in this indicator. It is best that the breed is not too far apart genetically. For example, red steppe breed and Danish red cattle are suitable.

So females with a higher fat content will begin to appear in the herd. But you need to remember that this is a long process.

An increase in the figure by at least half a percent will result in systematic work over the course of fifteen years.

In the case of selection, attention should be paid to the values ​​in fat content and excellent results in terms of milk yield.

For example, in Denmark, it was possible to improve the performance over three decades in the red Danish breed. More than 5250 kilograms of product are obtained from one cow annually. During this time, livestock breeders were able to increase the percentage of fat from 3.44 to 4.28. In particular, they focus on "relatives" in the herd - no closer than the third generation.

In the Russian market, work is also underway to increase fat content on a scale of large herds. For ten years, milk fat increased by 0.25 percent in the Kholmogorsky district of the Arkhangelsk region. From 3.7 percent to 4.1, the fat content of the Latvian brown breed has increased. Experiments were carried out for forty years.

Methods of influence

Selection to improve milk properties is slow. As long as the livestock breeder can take daily measures in the direction of how to increase the fat content of the cow's milk. There are several factors.


The health of a domestic cow and its productivity directly depend on the feeding of the cow. The farmer must watch what he gives the animal himself and what kind of food he gets on the pasture. If a cow wanders into a field where sugar beets or corn cobs have recently been harvested, you can expect stomach problems.

And so, nutrition:

  1. fresh or well-harvested hay. In summer, the cow should walk daily. In winter, receive hay without rot particles, delivered not from swampy or other bad terrain. Preference is given to herbs, clover with timothy grass, alfalfa, plants saturated with protein;
  2. certified compound feed, wheat bran, brewer's yeast, ground barley and oatmeal;
  3. cake, linseed and sunflower meal increase the fat content of cow's milk after milking is completed. The glucose they contain is better produced when the udder is empty;
  4. carrots contribute to the production of a high-quality product. In milk, fat content also increases due to the use of fodder and semi-sugar beets. Need vegetables harvested a month or two ago, so as not to upset the stomach;
  5. You can also increase the indicator with table salt, food with phosphorus and calcium. All vitamins are sold in veterinary pharmacies. They can be assigned by a specialist.

living conditions

Caring for a cow is expressed not only in the observance of the diet. The animal must be kept in clean, dry pens. The premises should be constantly ventilated, but drafts should not be allowed.

Bedding needs to be changed periodically, most often it is straw, dry sawdust. Most importantly, the floor should not be icy. Burenka should not be too hot, this does not increase the fat content of milk.

During lactation, regular exercise is important. A cow should walk a lot, not only in summer. For two or three hours it must be taken out even in the cold season. Fresh air and movement contribute to an increase in the fat content of milk.

This indicator is also affected by massage before milking and closer to completion. It is very important to get the last drops of milk. They are considered the fattest - up to ten percent. Therefore, competent manual milking or responsible machine milking will only benefit the breeder and will not harm the animal.

Sooner or later, every nursing mother wonders how to increase the fat content of breast milk. There are suspicions that the baby does not eat enough or does not receive enough nutrients.

The fat content of milk in a nursing mother is 4-4.5%. To determine the percentage, you need to express 100 g of milk into a measuring cup. Then leave the vessel for several hours. When the cream separates, measure the width of the strip. This method does not help to assess the fat content of milk as a whole, it is relevant only at the moment.

Composition of breast milk

Women's milk changes repeatedly as the baby grows. Even before the birth, a yellow-orange colostrum appears in the breast of the expectant mother. It is much fatter and thicker than the usual milk, it contains 3 times more protein and vitamins. In order for the newborn to be able to get enough of them, a few drops are enough. You should not worry about whether colostrum has enough fat content, because the baby’s stomach and kidneys have not yet adapted to life outside the womb and cannot process other food.

Transitional milk arrives after a few days. It contains more vitamin B and carbohydrates. The amount of proteins and immunoglobulins is reduced to the required level. During this period, you need to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible so that the quantity and quality of milk increases.

When the baby is 2-3 weeks old, the transitional milk is replaced by mature milk. Its composition is influenced not only by the state of health of the mother, but also by her diet.

To increase the fat content of milk during this period, you need to monitor whether the baby empties the breast during feeding. In no case should you shift the baby from one breast to another, it is better to follow the rule 1 feeding - 1 breast.

After a year, milk production gradually decreases. The level of enzymes that protect against intestinal diseases is growing. That is why it is not recommended to interrupt breastfeeding in the summer, during the period of intestinal infections.

Breast milk can be conditionally divided into 2 servings. First, the baby receives liquid milk, it flows in strong jets and eliminates the thirst of the child. And only then comes the "hind" milk with a high percentage of fat content. Such milk is almost impossible to express with your hands, only a child can suck it out. The percentage of fat content varies depending on the time of day.

Correct attachment

To make milk fatter, you need to properly attach the baby to the breast. So the baby will be able to get more nutritious "rear" milk.

If the attachment is correct, the baby captures most of the areola of the nipple. Feeding in the correct position ensures that there are no cracks, stagnation of milk, mastitis, pain when sucking.

How to attach the baby correctly:

  1. Get comfortable. Mom should take a comfortable position, straighten up, not hang over the child. The baby lies with the nursing mother at chest level, the head is slightly thrown back to open the mouth wider. He clings to his mother, the back is even.
  2. Bring the baby's head closer so that your nipple is facing the baby's nose.
  3. Place your palm under the base of the head and shoulders, slightly tilt the baby's head.
  4. Bring the baby to the breast and insert the nipple into the wide open mouth to cover most of the lower areola.

A hungry baby opens its mouth and presses the tongue to the lower jaw. When he takes the breast, the nipple is deep in the mouth, the cheeks swell slightly, and the nose does not rest anywhere and breathes freely.

Feeding a nursing mother

How to improve milk quality through nutrition:

  1. Follow the routine. Adjust to the feeding of the child. The daily diet should include 3 main meals and 2 snacks. The number of snacks can be increased. The main thing is that you have time to eat before feeding.
  2. Balanced diet. No "useless" food! Nutrition should be varied and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. The calorie content of breast milk is very dependent on your diet. Do not eat foods high in fat. It won't do the kid any good. The diet should contain high levels of calcium and some vegetable oils.
  3. Drink liquid. To make milk easy to suck, make it a habit to drink warm drinks before feeding. This will facilitate the passage of milk and help the baby get to the nutritious "rear" milk.

To increase nutritional value, the mother's diet should include foods that increase the fat content of breast milk:

  • nuts;
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • dairy products;
  • soups;
  • baked apples and pears;
  • dried fruits compote.

You can prepare an infusion that increases the fat content of milk: peel a few nuts and grind them in a mortar. Pour in hot milk and leave to infuse. The infusion should be taken with caution so that it does not cause a negative reaction in the child.

Feeding mode

The nutritional value of milk depends on the amount and duration of application. Let's look at how to increase the fat content of breast milk using the regimen.

Feeding by the hour

This technique appeared in Soviet times. Mothers had to go to work almost immediately after giving birth, and therefore the children were fed according to the schedule. In the middle of the day they were applied to the chest every 3 hours, the night break was 6 hours. Each feeding was given 20 minutes.

The advantages of this feeding regimen:

  1. Daily regime. Mom can freely plan her affairs, because she knows when the baby wants to eat.
  2. Night sleep. The child sleeps peacefully for 6 hours and gives mom to replenish her strength.

But this method of feeding has more disadvantages:

  1. The breast for the baby is not only food, but also comfort. He becomes restless, sucks fingers and fists.
  2. The baby does not get to the most nutritious fatty milk. Each feeding has a different composition and volume of milk, and if one time he ate, the next he simply did not have time to get enough.
  3. An increase in the intervals between feedings threatens the loss of lactation. The hormone prolactin is responsible for milk production and is released only in response to suckling. The less breastfeeding, the less milk is produced next time.
  4. Increased risk of developing lactostasis. When the breast is poorly emptied, congestion occurs in the milk ducts. The woman's temperature rises, it is necessary to decante the breast for a long and painful time.
  5. Increased sucking reflex. Children are taught to suck fingers, fists, diapers.

Feeding on demand

This method of feeding is called natural, because the baby receives breast milk every time he needs it. The duration of feeding is not limited, which helps not only to develop lactation, but also to increase the fat content of milk, since the child will be able to get enough of the "hind" milk, which he would not receive when feeding by the hour.

Night feedings are especially important: prolactin production rises at night.

Breastfeeding has many advantages:

  1. Stable development. The baby receives all the valuable vitamins and minerals, gains weight well.
  2. The breast is completely emptied, there is no risk of lactostasis.
  3. Excellent digestion. If the baby eats on demand, he does not need to introduce complementary foods. Problems with the tummy torment him not so often.
  4. The child is calm. He fully satisfies the need for suckling and receives the attention of the mother. There is no need for pacifier training.
  5. Adjusted lactation. Milk is always enough.

However, even this method has its drawbacks:

  1. Mom sometimes has to feed on the street, in transport or other unsuitable places. This is helped by special clothing for feeding and wearing a sling.
  2. The child is constantly near the breast, sleeping with it in the mouth.
  3. Due to night feedings, you often have to get up or sleep in the same bed.
  4. After natural feeding, the baby is very difficult to wean from the breast.

breast massage

Blockage of the milk ducts greatly affects the fat content of breast milk. The most nutritious part of it is not added to the total portion, and the baby does not eat up.

To prevent lactostasis, you need to massage the breast before feeding. This allows you to facilitate the discharge of stagnation and prevent their occurrence in the future.

Benefits of breast massage:

  1. Milk separates better, and the baby gets to the most nutritious part more easily.
  2. In the massaged area, the flow of lactation improves.
  3. Massage tones the skin, relieves pain.

Wash your hands with soap and rinse your chest with running water. You can not rub the nipples with a towel and wash with soap, cracks form on the delicate skin. It is better to choose liquid soap and a soft cloth or wipes.

Pour some olive oil or baby massage oil into your palm. Massage your chest with light circular motions. Then swipe from the base of the breast to the nipple. Place the breast on one palm, place the other on top and gently massage from all sides. Massage procedures are recommended to be completed with a warm shower.


Breast milk has a constant fat content of 4-4.5%, the main part of its composition changes only with the age of the child. But you can increase the nutritional value of milk, the content of all the necessary elements and fatty acids in it, and facilitate its discharge.

  1. Attach the baby correctly to the chest. Make sure that his head is slightly thrown back, support his head with his hand under the base. The mouth should cover most of the areola of the nipple.
  2. Eat right. Eat enough foods containing calcium. Introduce fish and vegetable oils into your diet. Eat nuts.
  3. Place your baby on your breast more often. Focus on his needs, feed on demand.


How to increase the fat content of milk - find out in the next video.

Breastfeeding is an important stage in the development and maturation of a child. Young mothers should make every effort to ensure that breast milk is produced in the right amount and has a sufficient level of fat content.

What factors lead to a change in fat content

Conventionally, breast milk is divided into several parts. It happens back and front. At the beginning of feeding, milk is 85% water. Hind milk is quite dense, has a good fat content. At the very beginning of feeding, the baby drinks foremilk, so he can quench his thirst. And also it gets into the container when decanting.

Young mothers who do not have much experience in breastfeeding a child are worried about what the fat content of breast milk depends on. They start looking for a solution and an answer to their problem. To determine if a baby is getting enough breast milk, weight gain should be analyzed. With normal development, he should gain at least 500 grams every month. His health and general well-being depend on this. If the baby is gaining weight monthly and the indicator is normal, then the young mother does not need to worry about how to increase the fat content of breast milk.


In the absence of deviations, the calorie content is about 290 kJ. It consists of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Nutrition cannot change the fat content or determine the quality by visual inspection. It is important to pay attention to the way you breastfeed.

Some young mothers make a gross mistake when they alternately put the baby on each breast, and the rest is pumped into a container. With this approach, the baby receives a minimum amount of nutritious foods. The baby is malnourished, so his weight gain gradually decreases.

Fat check

Every new mother can check the fat content of her breast milk. But this cannot be done at home. It is important to remember that composition of breast milk changes during feeding. You can take it for analysis, which is carried out in the laboratory. But even experts with a properly conducted analysis will not be able to establish the correct indicator of fat content.

The most important attribute of good milk is weight gain. If the child is steadily gaining weight, he is in good health and mood, then this indicates the excellent quality of breast milk and there is no need to increase its density. Young mothers, in this case, should not panic.

Causes of poor baby weight gain

A child may not gain weight well, not only because of the insufficient fat content of breast milk. Every mother should know other probable causes:

  • improper attachment of the child to the breast;
  • feeding according to a special regimen;
  • the baby does not grasp the nipple correctly;
  • during feeding, the child quickly falls asleep and does not have time to eat hind milk;
  • regular change of breasts in the process of sucking.

Only after receiving the results, it is necessary to take action and think about how to increase the fat content of breast milk and increase its density. If all indicators are normal, then the child needs to be fed in the same mode.

Delivery of analysis

This analysis can be done at home, but it should not be considered completely accurate and reliable. To carry it out, you need to follow the following sequence:

The resulting figure must be multiplied by 2. On average, a woman should get breast milk with a fat content of 4%. This analysis is easily carried out at home and does not require special training.

Does Diet Affect Fat?

If the experiment has shown that breast milk is not fat enough and the baby is not gaining weight well, then you need to change the daily diet or feed him off schedule. Young mothers should choose the optimal diet for themselves, as well as make a menu to maintain lactation.

Nursing mothers do not need to try to lose extra pounds after childbirth, to exhaust themselves with various diets. With this mode, the body will receive a minimum amount of fats and useful vitamins. They contribute to the preservation of lactation, maintaining the health of mother and baby.

Experts forbid women and girls to lose weight while breastfeeding. It is necessary to get rid of extra pounds gradually, without sudden jumps. It is considered normal if a young mother loses no more than 400 grams in one week. They should always remember that they need to feed their child.

Making a diet

Many women believe that increasing the amount of food or daily calories will help increase lactation. But this is an erroneous opinion. Breastfeeding experts recommend eating small, frequent meals. Care must be taken to ensure that the diet is varied. And also it should be rich in various vitamins and nutrients.

The optimal ratio of proteins and fats is 25/35%. The remaining 40% is important to compensate with cereals, vegetables and fresh fruits. You can increase fat content with different products:

Meat and fish must be cooked in the oven, baked in a sleeve or in a slow cooker without adding oil. To young mothers who are breastfeeding a child, categorically it is forbidden to eat sausage, smoked foods, fried foods.

Walnuts and cauliflower help in a short period of time to increase the fat content, as well as the density of breast milk. It is important to remember that some children are allergic to nuts, so experts recommend limiting the daily diet to 2-3 pieces. Cauliflower is boiled in water, can be added to salads.

No less useful almond nuts. They also cannot be overdone. You can eat about two per day. You can’t season salads with mayonnaise, but replace it with natural sour cream. Butter is not used in its pure form, but is added to soups and milk porridge. Breastfeeding experts categorically forbid replacing butter with various substitutes (spread).

The best breakfast option for a young mother who wants to increase the fat content of breast milk is 2 slices of bread with butter and hard cheese. It is better to brew green tea, in which heavy cream or milk is necessarily added. Restrictions on sweets or halva are present, because these foods can cause intestinal colic or excessive flatulence in infants. This is due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract is weak and not fully adapted to such food.

At the time of breastfeeding, it is advisable to abandon the daily consumption of chicken meat. It is a strong allergen and causes rashes on the face of the baby. Breastfeeding mothers are not allowed to eat sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. To enhance and improve their taste, light frying in a dry frying pan is allowed. A handful of sunflower and pumpkin seeds will help improve the fat content of breast milk.

At the time of feeding a baby, you should not refuse to use natural fat. Dairy and sour-milk products do not need to be removed from the diet. Can be bought cow's, goat's milk, cream, fatty cottage cheese, sour cream. It is important to pay attention to drinking enough fluids and clean water. In some situations, it is she who can cause insufficient production of breast milk. To improve lactation, you need to include the following drinks in your diet:

  • green tea with cream;
  • ginger hot tea;
  • carrot milk;
  • rosehip decoction.

It is necessary to increase lactation only when there is a need for it. Excessive fat content of breast milk leads to the fact that a small child may develop a serious disorder of the digestive tract and develop paratrophy.

In order for the child to develop harmoniously, a nursing mother must have nutritious breast milk. This means that it should be fatty, contain a sufficient amount of trace elements and other useful substances. Sometimes it seems to women that it is “empty”, that is, not fat enough and the baby does not eat up. Is fat content really so important, on what parameters does the quality of lactation depend, what to do to increase fat content and increase the nutritional value of the product are questions of interest to nursing mothers.

Breast milk is a unique natural product that has no full-fledged analogues. Only such food meets the needs of the baby, because together with mother's milk he receives all the microelements, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats necessary for growth.

Breastfeeding mothers often have concerns about the nutritional value and fat content of milk. In order not to worry in vain, you just need to understand the mechanism of its formation in the body, what is included in the composition.

What determines the quality of lactation

Already during pregnancy, the process of preparing for lactation begins, which is manifested in hormonal changes in the body and external changes in the breast. During pregnancy, the amount of estrogen increases, which stimulates the start of the production of another hormone - prolactin. It is he who is responsible for lactation. By the end of pregnancy, its level rises, and during childbirth, the hormonal background is already completely converted to produce milk.

Factors that affect the quality of breast milk:

  • hormones;
  • child's requirements
  • Times of Day;
  • emotional state of a woman.
  • How hormones affect breastfeeding

    A sufficient amount of milk is formed due to the interaction of prolactin and oxytocin. The main function of prolactin is to stimulate the production of milk in the body of a pregnant woman, and then a lactating woman. The process of its effect on lactation is something like this:

  • The baby suckles the breast, affects the nerve endings located on the nipple, and sends signals to the mother's brain.
  • Prolactin reacts to these signals and the concentration of the hormone in the body increases at the time of breast sucking.
  • By the next feeding, thanks to prolactin, enough milk is already produced in the breast.
  • Another hormone, oxytocin, is responsible for stimulating the release of milk from the mother's breast. It is responsible for the contraction of the muscles inside the mammary gland, more precisely, those muscle cells that are located near the alveoli. Thanks to this, milk flows through the ducts to the nipples.

    The oxytocin reflex is the process that links the stimulation of the nipple by the baby to the release of milk from the breast. The prolactin reflex is the process that links a baby's nipple stimulation to milk production.

    How can I increase the amount of milk on demand of the baby

    The connection is quite simple: in response to the baby suckling, milk production will increase in the breast. In other words, the more often and more the baby suckles, the more milk will be produced. How much the baby needs, so much milk will be.

    If the mother seeks to increase lactation, you need to put the baby to the breast more often and keep it longer. And also in this matter, pumping out the remaining milk helps.

    Accounting for the time of day

    More prolactin is produced at night. As a result, it is important not to forget about night feedings in order to maintain lactation. In addition, during the day, milk is always thicker than at night, so do not worry that night feeding will negatively affect the baby's intestines. You can take it more like a drink.

    The influence of a woman's emotional state on lactation

    The emotional state of the mother affects the oxytocin reflex, therefore, it affects the receipt of milk from the breast in such a way that it complicates or facilitates it. This reflex is inhibited by a feeling of discomfort, excitement, pain, mother's feelings. Psychological factors cannot be ruled out either, which is why it is so important for a nursing mother to rest often, relax more and enjoy such a special state of unity with the child.

    Chemical composition of the product

    Breast fluid is produced through the synthesis of blood and lymph, but not from food. Even during pregnancy, the body accumulates all the necessary nutrients for the development of the fetus and for future feeding. Due to this, the usefulness and fat content of the product is optimal for the full growth of the child. And up to 9 months it is not necessary to introduce complementary foods. Although you can give the baby to try juices, fruit purees.

    The composition of milk is related to the timing of lactation:

  • Colostrum - is produced in the first days, it is distinguished by increased nutritional value.
  • Transitional - appears 4-5 days after the birth of the child, is characterized by a smaller amount of minerals, but there is still a lot of fat.
  • Mature - a diet stabilized in composition, which begins to be produced when the baby is already 2-3 weeks old. Its average fat content is 3.5%. In this case, the baby receives milk of two fractions that differ in fat content:
    • the first is liquid and less fat;
    • the second is viscous and dense, the child sucks it with effort and not excitedly, like the first, and its fat content is at least 4%.
  • The first part of mature milk is often referred to as "fore" and the second part as "back". When pumping, only the “front” comes out, which is often a concern for moms who consider it not fat enough.

    How to determine fat content at home

    You can determine the low level of fat content by simply observing the condition of the child. If he is in a good mood, has normal stools, does not bother his tummy and takes the breast with pleasure, then these are signs that the fat content of milk is enough.

    Another way is to do a little experiment. You need to do the following:

  • prepare a container with a measuring scale and express the remaining milk into it (approximately 100 mm);
  • leave the container for 7 hours at room temperature so that the fat rises to the top;
  • evaluate the result - 1 mm = 1% fat, the norm is 4%.
  • How to increase the nutritional value of the product

    Despite the fact that the diet of a nursing mother is not a determining factor in the quality of a baby’s nutrition, it is important to provide a diet with a variety of dishes. There is no need to increase the caloric content of the diet, since this will not lead to an increase in the fat content of milk and all the excess will accumulate in the mother's body. Accordingly, she can noticeably recover. A poor diet is also the wrong choice. If the body does not receive enough nutrients, this will affect the health of the mother and her emotional state. And this, as explained above, negatively affects lactation.

    Opinion of pediatricians: is it worth it to increase fat content and why

    Most pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, are of the opinion that there is no need to consciously increase fat content. This simply does not make sense, since the composition of milk does not depend on the woman's diet. Moreover, the desire to make it fatter and healthier often becomes dangerous and causes digestive problems in the baby.

    It is more important to master the rules of breastfeeding, among which the most important are not to exclude night feeding, to give each breast in turn and only on demand, to maintain the emotional and psychological comfort of the mother. Do not neglect the recommendations for nutrition, stick to a balanced diet. A sensible approach to nutrition is important for healthy lactation.

    Dr. Komarovsky about breastfeeding - video

    Proper nutrition of a nursing mother to improve the quality of lactation

    A nursing mother should make a diet that will provide her body with all the nutrients. The diet should be varied.

  • include cereals, potatoes, cottage cheese, fish and lean meat in manu;
  • provide the body with fiber, for example, eat baked apples in the oven;
  • raise the fat content and nutritional value of milk by using beef liver, walnuts, condensed milk;
  • introduce oil into the daily diet - butter (at least 25 g), olive (15 g);
  • limit sugar;
  • eat fractionally and in small portions;
  • add greens to dishes;
  • replace white bread with black bread.
  • What foods, not only fatty ones, increase the nutritional value of a woman's milk - photo gallery

    How to “increase the fat content” of breast milk for a nursing mother - folk recipes

    Although lactation depends on the hormonal and psycho-emotional state of the woman, the quality and quantity of milk can be improved using time-tested recipes:

  • Cumin seeds. 1 st. l. cumin seeds pour 1 liter of water, add peeled and chopped lemon and 50-100 g of sugar (preferably honey). Put the mixture in the oven and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Drink the cooled composition twice a day in a glass.
  • Vitamin blend. In equal proportions, take raisins, figs, dried apricots, walnuts and grind. Add 100 g of honey per 400 g of the mixture, mix and consume 1 tbsp. l. before every feeding.
  • Carrot milkshake. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and pour completely hot milk, then add honey, cool and drink the composition 2-3 times a day, starting with a teaspoon and gradually increasing the dose to a third of a glass.
  • Walnuts. Steam the nuts in a thermos with hot milk (hold for at least 1 hour) and eat in small portions throughout the day.
  • Whitened black tea. Brew tea in hot milk instead of boiling water and drink with or without sugar 5-6 times a day.
  • A breastfeeding woman may consider increasing the percentage of fat content in her breast milk if her newborn baby is slowly gaining weight. The most effective way to increase the amount of fat in breast milk is through diet.

    Before you start supplementing your baby with artificial formulas, you need to use dietary recommendations that help solve the problem of skim milk.

    Do I need to increase fat

    As in any business, in this matter it is important not to overdo it. Determining the level of fat in breast milk at home is not difficult. For this purpose, it is necessary to express a small amount of milk into a clean transparent container and leave it for 6 hours in the room. During this period of time, milk is stratified into its liquid part and fats.

    Under normal conditions, the amount of fat is at least 4% of the total volume of expressed milk. If this percentage is significantly reduced, then the nursing mother should think about revising her diet.

    Increasing the amount of food eaten or its calorie content will not give the expected result, but will only lead to weight gain. It is recommended to eat food fractionally, in small portions. The nutrition of a young mother should be varied and contain the right amount of nutrients.

    The amount of protein in the diet of a nursing woman should be 25%, fat - 35%. The remaining 40% is offset by cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables.

    The following products contribute to the increase in the percentage of fat content in breast milk:

    • milk cream and sour cream;
    • red meat (beef, lamb, pork);
    • fatty fish;
    • butter and hard cheese;
    • cauliflower;
    • cereal soups;
    • cereals and muesli with milk;
    • hazelnuts and walnuts;
    • sunflower seeds or halva.

    In order not to cause a child, the mother should consume no more than 3 walnuts per day. To improve the taste of the product, you should use this recipe: pour 3 tbsp. l. peeled and chopped nuts and pour 300 ml of hot cow's milk. Leave the resulting mixture for 1.5 hours. Cooked nut milk should be divided into equal parts (100 ml each) and drunk throughout the day.

    You can increase the quantity and quality of breast milk with the help of. You can’t overdo it with this product, so a woman should consume no more than 2 almonds per day.

    For breakfast, you can eat 2 sandwiches with butter and hard cheese. It is necessary to drink green tea with the addition of milk or cream. Halva and other sweets are recommended to be consumed in limited quantities, as they can lead to flatulence and intestinal colic in infants.

    It is better to refuse the use of chicken for a while, as it has allergic activity. For a nursing woman, not only sunflower seeds are useful, but also pumpkin seeds. To enhance the taste, it is recommended to fry them in a dry frying pan. To increase the fat content of breast milk, it is enough to eat a small handful of pumpkin or sunflower seeds daily.

    Indispensable sources of natural fats are dairy and. It is recommended for a nursing mother to eat products made from cow and goat milk (cream, cottage cheese, kefir, whole milk, sour cream).

    Often there is a situation where the low fat content of breast milk is associated with insufficient production of breast milk. To cope with this problem, the correct drinking regimen will help. To improve lactation, the following drinks are useful:

    • 30 minutes before applying the baby to the breast, it is recommended to drink warm green tea with the addition of milk or cream.
    • Ginger tea has a lactogenic effect. To prepare it, you need to grind 10 g of ginger root and pour 700 ml of boiling water. The resulting tea should be consumed warm, 50 ml 2 times a day.
    • Another effective remedy is carrot milk. To prepare it, grate 1 medium carrot on a fine grater and pour 500 ml of hot milk. It is recommended to drink carrot milk in a warm form, regardless of the meal.
    • Rosehip decoction will help increase lactation and strengthen the body. To prepare it, you need to take a small handful of rose hips, pour 350 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 7 minutes. A healthy drink is recommended to drink a quarter cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

    Increase the nutritional value of breast milk should be only if necessary. Too high fat content leads to digestive disorders in the child and the development of paratrophy in infants.


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