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Hemlock has been known since antiquity. This plant was mentioned in the treatises of Hippocrates. It is considered a weed, and is also very poisonous. That is why in ancient Greece hemlock juice was used as a poison.

Today, hemlock is not officially suitable for health purposes. This article will focus on whether hemlock grass has medicinal properties.

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Previously, products made from hemlock were widely used in medicine. Moreover, the following diseases were treated with hemlock:

  • tumors, including cancer;
  • scrofula;
  • heartburn;
  • rheumatism;
  • headaches;
  • anemia;
  • insomnia.

Due to the fact that the medicinal properties of hemlock are very unreliable and even controversial, in addition, there are strong contraindications due to frequent poisoning, since 1990 it has ceased to be used as a medicine. That is why hemlock is not recommended for women, men, or children.

Description of hemlock spotted (speckled)

It is very important to find out what hemlock looks like and where it grows. It is important not to confuse it with an ordinary weed, because the grass is quite dangerous for humans.

Where does grass grow?

In our country, one of the four types of hemlock, the name of which is Conium maculatum, is widespread. Translated from Latin as hemlock spotted or speckled. There is a lot of it in the European part of the country, in the Caucasus and western Siberia. Finding a weed does not require any effort, because it grows under every fence.

It can also be found on the side of the road. As a rule, the most exceptional soil for growing hemlock is moist and well-fertilized. So the plant feels good in meadows, forest edges, various pastures and landfills.

This plant is also widespread in Europe and Asia.

What does it look like?

Hemlock grass belongs to the umbrella family. The life cycle of this plant is two years. In the first year, it is very similar to parsley: it has a bunch of leaves at the very roots. They themselves are large, feathery, pointed in shape. The root is slightly bent. At this time, the weed can easily be confused with parsley and get poisoned.

hemlock flower

As a rule, neither cows nor other cattle suffer from eating this plant. In order to receive a lethal dose, an animal must ingest about 4 kilograms of weed. And since it does not grow in such quantity in one place, therefore, such cases are excluded. As for poultry, in this case you should be afraid, because seventy grams of a plant is enough to take the life of unfortunate ducks or chickens.

The weed becomes taller in the second year of life. It can reach two meters in height. It has a tubular branched stem, hollow inside. There are dark red spots in the lower part. Often, children during the game break off the stems of hemlock and make whistles out of them, which is fraught with serious poisoning.

In May, the hemlock plant begins to bloom. The flowers are small, snow-white in color, form inflorescences in the form of panicles. This flowering continues until August. If you rub the leaves of the weed in your hands during this period, you can feel an unpleasant mouse smell.

It is very important to wash your hands with soap after such manipulations. But if this is not done, if you still touch your lips or eyes with your hands, unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided.

Given some of the healing properties of hemlock, in folk medicine, its leaves can also be used in another way: they are applied at night for pain in the spine or joints. Also, a weed stalk is added to a birch broom, which is used in the bath.

What to do in case of plant poisoning?

If poisoning has occurred with a plant such as speckled hemlock, in this case, the patient must be given first aid.

In order for the poison to be no longer absorbed from the stomach, you need to start washing. The patient should drink about half a liter of water, to which olive or sunflower oil should be added. After that, it is necessary to induce vomiting.

This procedure is contraindicated in small children, as well as patients who are unconscious.

After such manipulations, the patient takes activated charcoal in proportions: three or four tablets per ten kilograms of body weight. This drug can be replaced by Smecta or Polysorb.

Then the patient is best put to bed and covered with a blanket. Windows must be open. Fresh air will make breathing easier for the patient. Also, the patient should drink as much liquid as possible. It may be, or a decoction of oak bark.

Useful video

The video below will also tell about the healing properties of the hemlock:


  1. Hemlock is a poisonous plant that grows in pastures and forest edges. In appearance, it resembles parsley, so it is easy to inadvertently pluck it and get poisoned.
  2. Official medicine does not consider hemlock to be a medicinal plant.
  3. Judging by the reviews, the tincture of this weed does not give visible results, but there is a risk of getting poisoned. That is why it is better not to use it inside, only externally.

In contact with

Hemlock grass is one of the few medicinal plants with high toxicity. Despite this, since ancient times it has been used by healers and healers in the treatment of a number of diseases. Today we will talk about this plant, its medicinal properties and contraindications.

In ancient Greece, this poisonous plant was used to poison criminals who were sentenced to death by the court. There is a version that a public figure, the philosopher Socrates, was poisoned with such a poison. Today, hemlock grass (you can see the photo below) is practically not used in official medicine. Its use was discontinued in 1990 due to the danger of the method and officially recorded cases of poisoning in the treatment of patients.

But after 2000, the herb hemlock became the basis of drugs for the treatment of malignant tumors. These medicines were patented by Russian specialists - N. Aleutsky and N. Nazarenko. They managed to develop a method for treating neoplasms using hemlock extract.

Hemlock grass: description, photo of grass

This plant belongs to goes through a two-year life cycle. In the first year, it looks very much like parsley: the same carved leaves, collected in a basal bundle, the same root - curved, not having large processes. It was during this period that a lot of hemlock poisoning was recorded: it is mistakenly plucked and used as food as a seasoning for salads.

Cattle, in particular cows, hemlock grass will not bring significant harm. The lethal dose for these animals is contained in four kilograms of greens. But hemlock, fortunately, does not grow in mass plantings, it usually grows in single specimens. But for poultry, grass is dangerous: for ducks, chickens, a “portion” weighing about 70 grams is fatal.

In the second year of life, hemlock grass is transformed. It grows to a height of up to 80 cm, and sometimes reaches a meter. The practically bare tubular stem is branched, has characteristic nodes. Unfortunately, it is the stem that attracts children. They make whistles out of it. Such games, unfortunately, lead to poisoning, often severe.

Longitudinal grooves are clearly visible on the greenish stem with a blue bloom. Large leaves are rarely located on the stem on long petioles. They are naked, have a characteristic feathery edging. A distinctive feature of hemlock grass is a scattering of spots on the stem and leaves. For this plant is called speckled.

In May, the flowering of the hemlock begins. White umbrellas appear on it, which remain until the end of September, and sometimes until the first days of October. During this period, the plant emits a rather unpleasant odor. If you crush any part of it in your hands, the smell is felt even during the growing season. At the end of the flowering cycle, seeds appear, which are in boxes that easily crumble from the bushes.


The plant is widely distributed in Algeria, North Africa, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey, Europe, China. On the territory of our country it is found in Siberia and the Caucasus. The grass is resistant to any temperature conditions, it equally easily tolerates cold, heat, drought, and high humidity.

plant composition

The medicinal properties of hemlock herb are determined by the presence of alkaloids in its composition. The most toxic is horse meat. In addition to it, it includes:

  • conicein;
  • methylconiine;
  • conhydrin.

Most of the alkaloids are found in the fruits of the plant. In flowers and leaves they are approximately the same amount. Interestingly, growing in different parts of the planet, hemlock can have a different composition. For example, plants grown in Scotland are almost completely devoid of the complex of alkaloids that are characteristic of crops that grow in Russia.

Hemlock has the following actions on the body:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • antispasmodic;
  • hypotensive;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • antitumor;
  • soothing;
  • immunostimulating.

Dried hemlock retains medicinal properties for three years. After collection, it must be dried immediately - exposure to high temperatures eliminates a small part of the poisons, but it is impossible to completely get rid of them. Raw materials are used for the manufacture of infusions, decoctions, and tinctures. Useful properties of hemlock are maximally revealed in its inflorescences and leaves.

Indications for use

In folk medicine, the use of hemlock herb is widespread. What are the drugs based on it used for? Healers recommend using healing hemlock for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • migraine;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypertension;
  • intestinal ulcer;
  • constipation;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hearing loss;
  • syphilis;
  • night involuntary ejaculation;
  • urinary retention;
  • obsessive cough;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle.

Hemlock grass is very toxic, and therefore its use in official medicine is limited. Until now, scientists continue to study the medicinal properties of the plant in oncological diseases, but there are no official statistics on the effectiveness of therapy yet.

Painkiller tincture

For its manufacture, a mixture of leaves and seeds is used. The tincture has, in addition to the analgesic effect, sedative, anticonvulsant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Mix equal parts dry leaves and hemlock seeds. Pour two parts of the mixture with four parts of medical alcohol. Put in a dark place for fifteen days to infuse. Shake the bottle daily. Then strain the composition. Take tincture 1-2 drops per tablespoon (table) of water no more than three times a day.

Cancer tincture

In some countries of the world (Austria, Germany, Spain, France, Portugal, Mexico), hemlock is also used in traditional medicine in the treatment of cancer. A poisonous plant is a natural analogue of chemotherapy, but with a milder and selective effect. Coniine negatively affects cancer cells. In this case, the body does not self-destruct, but gradually gets used to the action of the poison. Healthy cells do not die, they adapt, and in the affected foci, which are not capable of recovery, cancer cells are suppressed.

You need to know that hemlock herb tincture does not give a 100% guarantee of healing from cancer. It acts in complex treatment and gives results only with its timely and correct application.

Hemlock tincture is recommended for people who have undergone surgery to remove malignant neoplasms to prevent the appearance of metastases. Many well-known herbalists recommend drinking a course of tincture as a prophylactic.

Preparation of tincture

Only apical inflorescences with young leaves should be collected. Going to collect raw materials, you need to take medical alcohol in a jar with you. The collected raw materials are immediately crushed and placed in a jar of alcohol in the ratio of two parts of grass and one part of alcohol. For example, two glasses of unpacked fresh raw materials are poured with a glass of alcohol. Use only sharp scissors to chop the hemlock. Do this quickly so that the volatiles do not evaporate during processing. Use gloves when collecting and grinding raw materials. Do not forget that hemlock is a poisonous plant.

Having collected the required amount of raw materials, put the jar in a dark and inaccessible place for children, where it will infuse for three weeks. Shake the tincture two or three times daily. After three weeks, the tincture must be carefully filtered through several layers of gauze. The composition is poured into a jar or bottle of dark glass. Store in a cool dark place at room temperature.

Rules for taking tincture

A scheme for taking the tincture has been developed, the effectiveness of which has been proven by doctors and healers. The application scheme looks like this:

  1. The first day - in the morning on an empty stomach, one drop, diluted in a spoon (table water).
  2. The second day - two drops.
  3. The third day - three drops.

All subsequent days, the dose of tincture is increased by one drop. The course is carried out up to 40 drops. Having brought the drug to forty drops, the countdown begins. On day 41, you need to take 39 drops and then, in descending order, up to one drop.

Patients who have undergone oncological operations need to drink two courses of tincture. If the patient's body is too weakened, the first course is carried out up to twenty drops, and then their number begins to decrease. The second course is carried out completely.


Judging by the description of the hemlock herb in Bulgarian folk medicine, it is successfully used for external use. On its basis, poultices are prepared, which are used to reduce pain in rheumatism and gout, external tumors.

Pour boiling water over the collected hemlock leaves and immediately wrap them with gauze. Apply medicated poultices to affected joints.


  • The main alkaloid coniine, even in very small doses, causes a sharp increase in blood pressure.
  • If the dosage is exceeded, respiratory depression is observed up to its complete stop.
  • Means based on hemlock are contraindicated in children, people with individual intolerance, allergic reactions.
  • Hemlock preparations should not be taken by patients with problems of the digestive system and respiratory tract.

Signs of intoxication

Evidence of hemlock intoxication are:

  • nausea;
  • profuse salivation;
  • dizziness;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • headaches;
  • convulsions;
  • burning in the mouth and throat.

Paralysis that extends from the lower extremities to the upper body is a symptom of acute intoxication. If one of these symptoms appears, the patient must call an ambulance or take him to the nearest hospital.

Hemlock is a weed plant that can be found in almost any garden and looks like parsley.

This plant has been known since antiquity, when the extract from it was used as a strong poison.

Indeed, all of its ground part is dangerous for both humans and animals.

But at the same time, for more than 1000 years, doctors have known about its beneficial properties, because it is the ability of a person to various diseases.

Hemlock tincture is sold in pharmacies and is made independently, because its most famous ability is to destroy cancer cells.

It is important to remember that the plant is very poisonous and the utmost care should be taken when making infusions on your own.

Features of tincture of hemlock spotted

In order for the medicine to be effective, the herbs are harvested in the first two months of summer.

Do it better with gloves. Recently, a patent has even been obtained for the treatment of certain types of sarcoma and other tumors with hemlock tincture.

It has been proven through medical research that it can achieve improvement even in very severe cases.

Unfortunately, attempts to cure oneself lead to severe poisoning, and this significantly undermines the reputation of this effective medicine.

The composition of the drug

First of all, it is important to remember that the alkaloid coniine is a part of plants - this is the strongest toxin, which is equally destructive for both cancer cells and living organisms.

There are other alkaloids in it - conhydrin, pseudoconhydrin, conicein, methylconiin, all of them of varying degrees of toxicity, but it is thanks to them that the plant acts so aggressively on diseases.

They contain carotene and tannins, essential oils, caffeic acid, and various fatty oils. There is a lot of provitamin A and vitamin C.

Useful properties of components

Hemlock tincture has the following medical characteristics:

  1. It relieves pain and spasms.
  2. Promotes the resorption of bumps and inflammation sites.
  3. It has a calming effect on the nervous system and is able to prevent convulsions.
  4. Increases immunity and sharpens its ability to defeat viruses.
  5. Its main ability is to destroy cancerous tumor cells.

That is why doctors prescribe hemlock tincture for the following diseases:

  • especially sarcoma.
  • Severe pain in the last stages of oncology.
  • Gastrointestinal problems such as severe pain.
  • Pronounced swelling and weight gain.
  • Various gynecological diseases.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the joints.
  • Severe bruises.
  • Lupus erythematosus.
  • Mastopathy.
  • Nail fungus.

Regardless of the diagnosis, the doctor must carefully examine the patient, conduct all the necessary studies, and only then develop a detailed scheme for taking hemlock tincture.

In case of any discomfort, exacerbations, the patient should immediately stop treatment and come for examination by a doctor.

How to apply hemlock tincture

An experienced physician, before prescribing such a treatment, should examine the liver and stomach, a healthy diet may be needed to prepare the organs.

This process is commonly referred to as cleansing. He must also warn the patient that it is absolutely not permissible to increase the dosage on their own, take breaks or prolong treatment.

Application Methods

There are several schemes according to which hemlock tincture is treated, depending on the disease and the general condition of the patient.


On the first day, you can drink 100 milliliters of water in which 1 drop of the tincture will be dissolved.

If everything is fine, then the next day two drops are drunk in the same 100 mm.

Such dynamics is observed during the month. Then the reverse process begins, when the patient finishes treatment at 1 drop per 100 ml.

A shorter course is 40 days, that is, the maximum dosage is 20 drops per 100 ml.


Some methods advise you to immediately start with 5 drops and drink this way for about a month, 3 times a day.

This is a fairly serious dosage, at which treatment should take place under the daily strict supervision of a doctor.

Also, some cancer patients are allowed to take five drops every 2 hours.


For young children or sufficiently weakened patients, alcohol tincture is replaced with water. To do this, a teaspoon without a slide and pour 350 ml of boiling water.

Such an infusion should stand for at least 10 hours, then it is divided into two equal parts. The first is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, the second immediately after dinner, before going to bed.

Strict dosed

Phytotherapist Tishchenko V.V. developed hemlock tincture instructions for use, in which he painted the detailed number of drops depending on the age and health of the patient.

The first group: children and very weak adults

If they feel well, then for 3 days they take medicine 2 times a day - for breakfast and lunch.

The next three days they take 1 drop 3 times a day - for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. Finally they reach the average dosage of 1 drop 4 times a day.

In the same way, adding one drop at a time, they should reach 2 drops 4 times a day. Until the moment of recovery, the dosage does not increase.

Second group: only weak adults

The first 3 days they take one drop 2 times a day for breakfast and lunch. Then fixing 3 days 1 drop 4 times a day.

After a week, the dosage will be 2 drops 4 times a day. A week later, 3 drops 4 times a day.

Finally, the patient will take the required 4 drops 4 times a day until recovery.

Third group: patients after chemotherapy
Fourth group: seriously ill

It is important to remember that most doctors consider the maximum allowable dose of 25 drops per dose.

A larger amount can not only effectively defeat the disease, but also cause great harm to the body.

Contraindications for the use of folk remedies

There is no doubt that such a medicine as a hemlock herb tincture has many contraindications:

  • Such treatment is strictly prohibited for the diagnosis of epilepsy, for any problems with the kidneys and the cardiovascular system.
  • It is dangerous with often low blood pressure and pregnancy.
  • If pancreatitis is diagnosed, the minimum dosage that is possible should be taken.
  • The drug is not suitable for the treatment of children if there are more suitable drugs.

In view of the fact that poisoning with hemlock tincture often occurs, it is necessary to know its signs:

  1. Feeling of coldness and goosebumps in the hands and feet, and a person can freeze, regardless of the air temperature.
  2. Pupils dilate and salivation occurs.
  3. It starts to burn in the mouth, a person may begin to feel sick, then vomiting will open.
  4. Also often pain in the abdomen, uncontrollable diarrhea begin.
  5. In severe cases, ascending paralysis is possible, which begins with a feeling of numbness in the feet and gradually covers the whole body. This sign indicates that the situation is very critical and requires immediate resuscitation.

There are many ways to help a poisoned person before the ambulance arrives:

  • First of all, you need to chew and drink at least 30 activated charcoal tablets.
  • Be sure to drink saline laxatives.
  • To support the heart, you need to take heart pills or drink caffeine.
  • The victim must be removed to fresh air.
  • To clear the stomach of food, it is necessary to give a drink or pour a mixture of warm boiled water and olive oil into the throat.

As soon as the condition begins to improve, the patient should be given warm water with a little honey to drink.


Unfortunately, no medicine has yet been invented that can cure all diseases with a 100% guarantee.

Therefore, such a wonderful medicine as hemlock tincture did not help everyone, although often the patients themselves violate the regimen.

Medicine still does not have an unequivocal opinion on how justified the use of hemlock tincture is. And is this tincture necessary for a person. Hemlock spotted is one of the controversial medicinal plants.

Is there any problem? Enter in the form "Symptom" or "Name of the disease" press Enter and you will find out all the treatment of this problem or disease.

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious physician. All drugs have contraindications. You need to consult a specialist, as well as a detailed study of the instructions! .

It contains exorbitant doses of lethal substances and leads to fatal intoxication. But it also effectively copes with malignant tumors, thanks to the ability to “boost” the human immune system.

Hemlock tinctures - methods of application

Due to the fact that hemlock is a plant that requires handling, the use of tinctures based on it occurs according to already established methods. They differ markedly in the duration of the course and the intensity of the dosage, so each patient can start with the most gentle, and then, carefully controlling their well-being, move on to stronger options.

Method number 1 (the most gentle)

The classic alcohol tincture of the plant is used. The course begins with taking one drop of tincture diluted in 50 ml of water.

If the patient feels dizzy or has an overwhelming aversion to the drug, you can start to reduce the dosage one drop at a time until the condition returns to normal.

"Royal" technique (according to Tishchenko)

Refers to the gentle. The course begins with the use of 1 drop of tincture, diluted in 100 ml of water.

Every day, one drop is added and up to forty, then everything is repeated, but in the reverse order - from 40 drops to 1.

The advantage of this technique is that it starts with minimal doses, and the increase in dosage occurs slowly and evenly.

During this time, the body has time to adapt to the action of the drug, so peak dosages are perceived normally. As you increase the dosage of the tincture, you need to increase the amount of liquid (50 ml for every 10 drops of tincture).

Technique No. 3 (intensive)

This technique is used if malignant neoplasms are rapidly progressing, and it is required to achieve a therapeutic effect faster.

The dosage is as follows:

  1. On the first day, 1 drop is drunk in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 3 in the evening.
  2. The next day, the morning dose is already 4 drops, the afternoon dose is 5, and the evening dose is 6.

At this rate, the dosage is increased until it reaches 40 drops per day, then a 3-5 day break is made, and the course is repeated.

Technique No. 4 (for the treatment of aggressive tumors)

In general, it almost repeats the "royal" method, but differs from it in that it does not have an upper dose limit. The build-up occurs until the side effect of the tincture on the body begins to appear.

At this time, the increase in dosage stops until the condition returns to normal, then resumes again. Each patient needs to reach their own boundary line. and take the drug in this mode for up to 10 days with an even background, then gradually follow in the reverse order.

The use of tincture according to method No. 4 carries a large share of the risk, so it is better if the patient is under the supervision of a doctor while taking the medicine.

Although the body is able to withstand dosages up to 90 drops, and without harm to itself.

Useful and harmful properties

The benefits of this plant can not be overestimated. Its medicinal properties were discovered by man in ancient times. Domestic herbalists have used hemlock as a universal medicine since the 10th century.

Tincture treated:

  • Benign and malignant tumors;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • ulcers;
  • various inflammatory processes.

The high efficiency of tinctures is explained by the fact that the alkaloids that make up the plant are natural immunomodulators. Irritating the human immune system, they cause it to reboot, after which it starts to work 7-10 times more efficiently.

Hemlock preparations also have another important feature - they stimulate the hematopoietic system, helping it to renew cells faster.

The harm of the hemlock preparation lies in its toxicity, its constituent alkaloids:

  • Conicein;
  • Propylpiperidine;
  • Methylconiin;
  • pseudoconin;
  • Konyin.

In case of an overdose, it has a completely opposite effect, depressing the immune system and causing acute poisoning. WHO has banned official medical institutions from using hemlock to treat patients, despite all its unique properties.

Although cases of poisoning with tinctures are rare. The main thing is to follow the dosage and carefully monitor your well-being in order to adjust the course in time.

Indications and contraindications

What does this tincture treat, in addition to cancer:

  • Constipation and diarrhea, accompanied by severe intestinal pain;
  • Morbid obesity, leading to the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum;
  • Severe pain with inflammation;
  • Migraine;
  • hypertension;
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Gout;
  • Arthritis;
  • Gynecological diseases (delayed menstruation, uterine fibroids).

Many healers claim that anyone can take hemlock at any time. But there is a clear list of contraindications in which the use of hemlock is prohibited.

  • Allergic reaction to the plant;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Serious problems with heart rate and blood pressure;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver.


Side effects from use

Anyone who plans treatment with hemlock should read the list of side effects and preferably learn it by heart. If any of them appear, it is necessary to immediately suspend treatment or reduce dosages, otherwise, instead of healing, a quick and inevitable death may occur.

A list of typical side effects that occur when taking a tincture looks like:

  • Pupil dilation;
  • Dizziness;
  • Profuse salivation;
  • Drowsiness;
  • visual impairment;
  • Nausea;
  • Dullness of consciousness.

If the first signs were ignored and “ascending” paralysis occurred (begins with numbness of the feet, which gradually rises higher), it is necessary to immediately take the person to the hospital and explain to the doctors the essence of the poisoning.

Preparation of hemlock tincture

There are many different recipes. The classic tincture is made only on an alcohol basis with a strength of at least 60 degrees, and all parts of the plant, except for the roots, are suitable for its preparation.

from dry leaves

To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 0.5 l of alcohol base;
  • 30 g dry hemlock leaves finely ground.

The mixture is infused in glassware for 2 weeks.

The tincture container should be shaken daily to accelerate the release of alkaloids.

From fresh raw materials

You can use inflorescences or hemlock leaves. The plant mass is not crushed, but simply carefully placed in a bowl (without tamping) by 2/3 of its volume and filled with alcohol to the brim.

After 3 weeks, the tincture will be ready.

From plant seeds

The recipe as a whole repeats the previous one, the strength of the alcohol base for tincture on seeds should be at least 70 degrees.

Once the tincture is ready, it must be cleaned with a coffee filter (you can also replace it with gauze folded several times) and stored in a refrigerator or a cool dark basement.

Efficacy in cancer

Hemlock will help defeat cancer, it hits the most vulnerable spot of cancer cells - their uncontrolled metabolism.

Cancer cells are constantly reproducing and in order to maintain this process, they accumulate and consume a lot of nutrients. Poison hemlock, entering the body, is absorbed by cancer cells and, concentrating, gradually kills them.

Hemlock treatment is similar to traditional chemotherapy, only differs in a more localized effect. The only difference is that hemlock is able to kill already formed cancer cells.

It cannot completely eliminate the pathogenic process, but “freezes” it or greatly slows it down. The use of hemlock tincture for cancer should be along with traditional treatment.

How to harvest a hemlock plant

In the official pharmacology of a number of countries, in the production of painkillers, a herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family is used - spotted hemlock. Of all parts of the plant, the grass itself, inflorescences and unripe seeds in umbrellas are used for medicinal purposes. To use the healing properties, you should know when and how raw materials are harvested for medicines.

Under the grass include flowering and leafy shoots. In hemlock, these parts are harvested at the beginning of flowering.

The basic rules for collecting plant materials must be observed:

  • Harvesting is carried out only in dry weather, preferably in the morning, when the dew has come down;
  • Green shoots, leaves and inflorescences must be intact;
  • Cut off the shoots at the level of the bottom sheet using pruners, scissors or a sharp knife.

The lignified parts of the plant do not go into harvesting, they have a different biochemical composition. It is important to take this into account when assembling a hemlock - the plant is poisonous. Umbrellas with seeds are collected at the stage of immaturity. Selectively take healthy parts of the plant.

Sometimes the collected raw materials are used fresh. Bulky blanks are subject to drying. This should be done in a shaded (but well-ventilated) area, hemlock contains essential oils and emits unpleasant odors. To speed up the drying process, the herbal parts must be crushed.

Chemical composition

Hemlock has a number of medicinal properties. In addition to the mentioned analgesic effect, preparations based on this plant also have a stimulating effect on the hematopoietic organs. In folk medicine, the herb is used for hypertension, neuralgia, menstrual disorders and uncontrollable cough.

This is due to the chemical composition of the plant:

  • The leaves contain essential oils (up to 0.08%), alkaloids (0.1%) and caffeic acid;
  • The flowers contain kaempferol and quercetin;
  • Seeds are saturated - they contain alkaloids (about 2%), tannins, fatty oils, beta-carotene, vitamins and trace elements.

Strongly acting alkaloids (nitrogen-containing substances) that make up the hemlock:

  • Koniin - the strongest toxin with a nerve action;
  • Conhydrin belongs to secondary alkaloids and is a derivative of coniine;
  • Pseudoconhydrin is an isomer of the previous alkaloid.

These components make the composition of the plant chemically complex and quite poisonous. No need to engage in uncontrolled self-medication, which leads to severe poisoning.

The value of other components included in the chemical composition:

  1. Kaempferol is a flavonoid with a wide spectrum of biological activity - from the usual antiviral agent to antitumor effects.
  2. Quercetin is another flavonoid. It has antioxidant properties that fight free radicals, which helps keep cells healthy.
  3. Caffeic acid helps inhibit carcinogenesis, is a good immunomodulator.
  4. Essential oils give the plant a smell (mouse), have medicinal properties that are useful in many diseases.

The use of tincture in cosmetology for the face and body

Alcohol tinctures of hemlock can be bought at a pharmacy and taken for treatment, both inside and out. If desired, the tool can be prepared independently, with extreme caution.

It is better to use already dried chopped grass.

  1. Pour 2 tablespoons into a half-liter bottle of vodka. Dry component, close the lid and shake well.
  2. 3 weeks the composition is infused in a dark place (somewhere in the closet). The temperature should be room temperature.
  3. Shake the bottle every 2-3 days.
  4. The tincture must be filtered, only then it can be applied, following the instructions.

In addition to the therapeutic effect of hemlock, it also gives a good cosmetic result if you use the tincture externally:

  • As compresses on the rough skin of the feet and in the formation of spurs there;
  • Apply wipes moistened with a diluted tincture to sore spots with varicose veins;
  • The ability to inhibit hair growth is used in hair removal.

With the help of alcohol tincture, you can get rid of unwanted hair on the body, on the face. It is enough after each depilation session (it is better to use wax), wipe the treated areas with a cotton swab moistened with this preparation. On the face, this must be done with extreme caution.

The course of such "therapy" should be carried out for one and a half months. Hair on the legs, in the armpits, in the deep bikini area and on the face stop growing. But for greater reliability, these places should be treated with tincture for another month with a frequency of 2-3 days.

For compresses, use a composition diluted with water in the proportion of 1 part hemlock and 10 parts water. Keep the compress should be no more than 2 hours. The course of treatment must be agreed with the doctor (especially with varicose veins).

The general opinion of those who took this tincture for cancer

According to the composition of hemlock - a potent analgesic. It can inhibit cell growth. Increasingly, you can hear how effective the tincture is in the treatment of oncology.

Hemlock has long been known both as a powerful poison and as an effective medicine. Even in the centuries of Paracelsus and Hippocrates, preparations based on this herb were used in the treatment of tumors.

In the 17th century The Austrian doctor Sterck spoke enthusiastically about the results he received in the treatment of cancer patients: "The most glorious of all medicines for cancer is hemlock." This herb was also valued in ancient Russia.

Russian oncology cannot do without this drug in the treatment and prevention of cancer development. It does not matter where the tumor has settled - in the chest, internal organs or head.

Those people who have already gone through hemlock therapy say that the technique developed by the oncologist Yu.V. Justifies its name "royal". The entire treatment cycle takes 80 days, during which a person may become worse. But as a result, a positive trend is still manifested, if under the control of the attending physician.

Patients are aware of how serious cancer is, and this tincture alone is not a panacea for cancer. The medicine does not kill harmful cells, but stops their growth in combination with other components. It is important to use the tincture as an anesthetic, which will be a good alternative to morphine-based narcotic drugs.

The doubts expressed by some ordinary people about the effectiveness of hemlock in the treatment of cancer are not justified. Just look at the chemical composition to make sure that the plant contains the necessary components for this.

4.4 / 5 ( 16 votes)

Hemlock is a flower with a very dubious reputation: this is evidenced by the nicknames with which the savvy Russian people bestowed a healing herb. Pig louse, tar, smelly grass, gorigol - tenderness and admiration for the plant in these words is clearly not enough. The hemlock has been infamous since ancient times - they allegedly poisoned the philosopher Socrates. But already from the Middle Ages, the most severe venereal diseases and tumors began to be treated with tar, and modern oncologists and herbalists develop entire treatment courses on its basis. What is it, hemlock - deadly herb or giving new life?

Good-eyed villain

This is exactly how - romantically and with gratitude - the Simferopol oncologist Valery Tishchenko christened hemlock, who has long and successfully treated cancer patients with tincture of tar. But not everyone knows how to look into the eyes of hemlock grass - the photo and description of the plant strongly resemble parsley, and lovers of fragrant spices have poisoned themselves more than once, having found a pretty weed in their garden ...

Another dangerous twin of the hemlock is hemlock, or poisonous milestone. It grows closer to the swamps and smells enticingly of sweet carrots, unlike ordinary tar, which loves dry soil, and its smell is ... mousey and rather nasty. Some historians even assure that Socrates was killed with hemlock, and hemlock was to blame.

But inquisitive healers who know how to recognize hemlock among other forest herbs were rewarded a hundredfold: in Europe, medieval monks used tar to treat tumors, and the ancient Russian “Izbornik of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich” advised hemlock as a remedy for venereal diseases and malignant neoplasms. And in 1866, the strongest anesthetic hemlock got into the Russian State Pharmacopoeia - an official document! and remained there until 1902.

The healing properties of tar grass

The main secret of smelly grass is in the chemical composition. Hemlock contains 5 strongest alkaloids, the main of which - the nerve poison koniin - is comparable in strength to the deadly Indian poison curare.

Official medicine and herbal medicine fear and do not recognize hemlock - its medicinal properties and contraindications are actively used only by traditional medicine at your own peril and risk. For therapy, tincture, powder and juice from the aerial parts of tar - stems, leaves and flowers are used.

Hemlock is not taken for ordinary "everyday" diseases - this is a truly powerful medicine, dangerous in inexperienced hands. Tar is the strongest immunomodulator, sedative and analgesic, anticonvulsant and cardiac drug, effectively resolves polyps, cysts and tumors.

Traditional healers advise using hemlock for such diseases:

  • Benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • Atherosclerosis and varicose veins;
  • Prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  • Migraines and tinnitus;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Gynecological problems (ovarian cyst, polyps in the uterus, etc.);
  • Polyps in the bladder;
  • In the form of plasters, lotions and baths - for skin cancer, external organs, eye ailments, etc.

Contraindications and signs of poisoning

It is no coincidence that official medicine still does not use hemlock in its recipes - its medicinal properties are unique, but there are no less contraindications. It is necessary to use the plant under the vigilant supervision of a doctor, but there are categories for which "tar therapy" is clearly prohibited. These are small children, pregnant women, hypotensive patients and people with chronic kidney pathologies.

In the process of preparing medicines from smelly grass, you also need to be more careful: the slightest overdose can cause poisoning, and if fresh hemlock juice gets on the skin, dermatitis is guaranteed. It is also important to know the symptoms of pork louse poisoning: if you dripped yourself an extra tincture or accidentally picked a hemlock sprig in the garden along with, you can recognize the cause of the trouble and get to the doctor in time.

The main signs of "tar poisoning" are a burning sensation in the mouth and a feeling of scratching in the throat, heaviness in the head, severe salivation, vomiting, dizziness, suspicious drowsiness, dilated pupils and even convulsions.

How to use hemlock correctly and safely?

Hemlock has one interesting quality - its use for a variety of ailments is practically the same: the main options are tincture and ointment. You can find tar tincture in online stores or make it yourself - from freshly picked grass or ready-made dry raw materials.

A tincture of fresh summer hemlock is prepared as follows: put the grass together with the seeds loosely in a jar for 2/3 of the total volume, pour vodka (a couple of glasses of alcohol into a glass of tar) and hide in a dark closet. In 10-14 days, the supermedicine will be ready. To make a dried tincture of smelly grass, you need to pour 50 grams of dried stems-leaves into 0.5 vodka and remove for 21 days.

Taking a hemlock tincture is very simple - dilute a drop of medicine in 100 ml of water and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. The next day - already 2 drops. When it comes to 20-30 drops, you need to start moving in the opposite direction. The break between such treatment courses is 1-2 weeks.

For herbal tar ointment, you will need 50 grams of chopped fresh hemlock grass and half a liter. Pour the herb with oil, cork the container well and insist for three weeks, periodically taking it out and shaking it. Then strain through triple gauze and make healing compresses. This method is better than the first, as it does not use alcohol, which cripples instead of healing.

Forest doctor for cancer

Oncology is considered one of the most terrible threats of the 21st century - no one is safe from deadly tumors, so doctors and desperate patients are looking for more and more new cures for a terrible ailment. But hemlock for cancer is not a modern invention: “fragrant” grass for tumors was used by medieval healers, and today certified doctors and herbalists from all over the country offer their own courses of tar against oncological ailments.

Remember: hemlock is not a universal drug against all types of cancer: tar tincture is most successful in fighting cancer of the prostate, breast, uterus, as well as the throat, stomach, liver and thyroid gland. It is necessary to use the medicine according to the traditional scheme, increasing the dosage to 30, maximum 40 drops, and then gradually reducing it.

It is important to use hemlock for oncology fresh, it is best to prepare a tincture with chopped young leaves. And most importantly - do not rely on tar as the only and last salvation! Hemlock acts only in combination, and not only with special medicines, but also with other non-poisonous medicinal herbs.

Hemlock from cancer: what the reviews say

When used against oncological ailments, it causes a lot of controversy hemlock -


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