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Additional requirements for the movement of cyclists. Technical requirements for a bicycle.

Class hour on traffic rules

Target: to form knowledge and ideas about the safe movement of cyclists on the roads.

Equipment: road signs, leaflets “Requirements for the movement of cyclists”.

1.Teacher's opening speech.

Every day newspapers, radio and television bring reports of another accident: cars collide, pedestrians fall under the wheels of vehicles. These and many other accidents that occur on the roads are called traffic accidents. We are accustomed to the abundance of cars on the roads, we consider them part of our life and sometimes we forget about the dangers that are associated with them.

Every year, about a million people die in traffic accidents on the planet’s roads, and 20 million are injured.

In our country, almost 200 thousand road accidents are registered every year, in which more than 35 thousand people die and 190 thousand receive various injuries. Road accidents are one of the main causes of death among children and youth. Who will help a person who finds himself on the street of a modern city or village, where there is a lot of traffic and there are more cars than people?

First of all - himself!

At school, during life safety lessons and class hours, you study the Rules of the Road - the basic law of streets and roads, which applies to both children and adults, drivers and pedestrians. Each of you is obliged to know and follow them, that is, to move in such a way as not to create dangers or obstacles to the movement of others.

2. Repetition of pedestrian rules.

A) quiz for pedestrians:

What part of the street is for pedestrians?

Where should pedestrians walk if there are no sidewalks?

What should a pedestrian do if, while crossing an intersection, the green traffic light changed to yellow, but he did not have time to cross the road?

How to cross the road correctly when getting off a bus (tram)?

Who does the pedestrian obey if the intersection is regulated by a traffic light and a traffic controller?

B) "Traffic light".

Teacher's additions:

The first traffic light appeared on the streets of New York in 1920. It was a circle with arrows colored yellow, red and green.

A traffic light controls traffic. By obeying its signals, pedestrians can cross streets and intersections. Traffic signals help drivers avoid accidents.

Students read a poem about traffic lights

The traffic light stays at the post day and night,

He stands there day and night, watching the movement.

If there is a red light on his chest -

Never follow a dangerous signal!

If a traffic light winks with a yellow eye,

Get ready to go, he gives the signal.

And when the green light is on along the way,

You can safely go, the intersection is open.

C) competition “Road Signs”

(students prepared signs and poems about them)

Task: find out what sign is being talked about.

The highway rustled with tires,

Running cars.

But near the school, slow down the gas -

Here's a sign, drivers, for you.

And you guys too

Be careful!

Wonderful sign -

Exclamation point!

So you can scream here.

Sing, walk, play mischief!

If you run, go barefoot.

If you go - with the breeze!

People answer strictly:

“This is a dangerous road.

A road sign is asking for help

Drive very carefully!”

("Other Hazards")

This is the sign, I can’t believe my eyes:

What is the battery for?

Does it help with movement?

Steam heating?

It may be blizzardy in winter

Do drivers need to warm up here?

Why in the summer heat

Has the sign been removed from the pavement?

("Railroad crossing")

Here is a big green square,

And opposite the letter and “R”.

The difficult letter "R"

And the square contains the letter “r”.

Is it near the park?

Can't you pronounce "R"?

(“Parking area”)

3. Introducing students to the rules of cycling.

A). Teacher's explanation.

Teacher . You know the Pedestrian Rules well. But once you get behind the wheel of a bicycle, you become a driver. And in terms of your responsibility for observing traffic rules, you are equal to a motorist. This is a big responsibility, and therefore the age of a cyclist riding on the roadway must be at least 14 years old, and a moped driver must be at least 16 years old.

Children under this age are allowed to ride only where there is no traffic - in closed areas. In the courtyards, at the stadium. There you should also learn to ride bicycles and practice driving. You are not allowed to ride on sidewalks or pedestrian paths!

Driving on the roadway is permitted only in one row, no further than one meter from the edge of the roadway, with the exception of cases of overtaking or avoiding obstacles, as well as permitted cases of turning left or making a U-turn. You can only turn left or make a U-turn on roads with one lane in each direction and when there are no tram tracks. If the traffic is multi-lane, then to turn left or make a U-turn you need to get off the bike and cross while driving it. Go to the other side, observing all the rules for crossing the roadway, and resume driving.

If a bicycle path is laid next to the road for cars (or marked on the roadway), then you should only move along it (show the corresponding road sign).

In places where a bicycle path crosses a road, a cyclist must give way to an approaching vehicle.

While driving, you should strictly follow the rules of cyclists, warn all your maneuvers with signals, monitor traffic lights and the actions of drivers!

B). Practical lessons.

Preparing the bike.

Before riding your bike, you should check that it is in good working order. First of all, the brakes and sound signal (bell) on the bicycle must be in working order, and the steering wheel must be well secured. You should check the wheels (there should be no “eights”, tire pressure, spoke tension, nut tightening on the axles should be uniform), and also check the chain tension and the tightness of all threaded connections.

To ride in the dark, the bicycle must be appropriately equipped: a white light (headlight) is attached to the front of the bicycle, and a red light or reflector is attached to the back.

Bicycle maneuvers and riding.

IN). Getting to know the memo

"Requirements for the movement of cyclists."

4. Final part.

Requirements for the movement of cyclists

1. Persons at least 14 years old are allowed to drive a bicycle, and persons at least 16 years old are allowed to drive a moped.

2. Cyclists and mopeds must travel only in the far right lane and in one row.

3. It is prohibited to drive on the road if there is a bicycle path nearby.

4. Bicycle and moped drivers are prohibited from riding without holding the handlebars with at least one hand.

5. It is prohibited to carry passengers other than children under three years of age.

6. The cyclist must have working brakes, handlebars and a sound signal.

7. To ride in the dark, the bicycle must be equipped with a flashlight or headlight.

The driver is the main figure in ensuring road traffic.

Let us remind you that in our country the number of cars is growing at a high rate: every year there are approximately 1,300,000 more cars. According to experts, in the near future there will be 330-440 cars per 1000 people (in 2009, this figure averaged 225 cars).

Consequently, the number of drivers is also growing rapidly. At the same time, the level of their professional training and level of culture in the field of road safety is not very high and does not fully meet the increasing requirements for road users to ensure road safety in modern conditions (as already mentioned, more than 70% of road accidents occur due to the fault of drivers ).

Therefore, road safety primarily depends on the level of training of drivers and instilling in them a high sense of responsibility for personal safety and the safety of others.

By what spiritual and physical qualities of a driver can one judge the level of his culture in the field of road safety? In our opinion, the most significant features can be identified:

  1. Compliance of the driver’s health status and performance with the physical and psychological stress that arises when driving a vehicle on modern roads.
  2. Deep knowledge of the rules of the road, their conscious observance and ability to apply in various situations arising on the road.
  3. Continuous improvement of professional qualities in driving a vehicle.
  4. Cultivating a sense of high responsibility for the safety of other road users (pedestrians and passengers), respect for their rights in the field of life safety.

Such qualities do not appear by themselves. They will not arise when obtaining a driving license. They should be brought up from school age and should serve as the foundation for training a modern driver, because most young people will become vehicle drivers in life. This is evidenced by the intensive motorization of the country.

These qualities must be purposefully formed from the moment a person becomes a participant in traffic. From this moment on, he must begin to comprehend the basics of the Traffic Rules and form the conviction of the need to comply with them constantly.

The first vehicle that a person begins to drive during his school years is a bicycle. It is from this moment that you need to begin to cultivate the qualities of a cultural driver.

A bicycle is a vehicle that has two or more wheels and is driven by human muscular power.

    Persons at least 14 years of age are allowed to drive a bicycle while driving on the road, and persons at least 16 years of age are allowed to drive a moped.

Bicycling is not permitted on most city streets, populated areas and highways. A bicycle as a vehicle has its own characteristics. Firstly, it is driven not by the engine, but by the muscular efforts of the cyclist. Consequently, its speed depends on the physical training of the driver. Secondly, the bicycle has high maneuverability and, thirdly, it is characterized by insufficient stability. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously learn to ride a bicycle and be prepared for various situations that may arise on the road.

The best way to learn to ride a bicycle is at a velodrome or in cycling towns, which have now begun to be established in various regions of the country.

    A cyclist is the driver of a vehicle, so he is subject to the same requirements as any driver.

Everyone should know this

Before leaving, each driver is obliged to check and ensure that the vehicle is in good technical condition while on the road.

Basic requirements for the technical condition of a bicycle

  • A bicycle must always have working brakes and a sound signal (bell).
  • When driving on the roads at night, a bicycle must be equipped with a white flashlight (headlight) in front, a red flashlight or reflector at the rear, and orange or red reflectors on the sides.

Bicycle drivers are prohibited

  • Drive if there is a problem with the brake system or steering.
  • Ride a bicycle without holding the handlebars with at least one hand.
  • Carry passengers, except a child under 7 years of age, on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests.
  • Carry cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m in length or width beyond the dimensions of the bicycle or interferes with control.
  • Move along the roadway if there is a bicycle path nearby.
  • Turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction.
  • Learn to ride a bicycle on city streets and highways.
  • Drive on sidewalks and pedestrian paths (a sidewalk is a road for pedestrians).

Basic responsibilities of a cyclist

  • On the road, you must stay in the far right lane, at a distance of no more than 1 m from the sidewalk or curb. This will ensure the safety of the cyclist.
  • You can make a left turn or turn around only on roads with one lane for traffic in a given direction and without tram traffic. On such roads, the carriageway has a small width, which allows the cyclist to make a turn or turn relatively safely. If it is necessary to turn left or turn around on a road with tram tracks and having more than one lane for traffic in one direction, the cyclist must get off the bicycle and guide it with his hands, observing the rules established for pedestrians.
  • If you intend to turn or stop, you must warn other road users in advance using hand signals. When turning left, raise the left arm to the side or the right arm bent at the elbow. When turning to the right, raise the right arm to the side or the left arm bent at the elbow. Before stopping, raise your right or left hand.
  • At an unregulated intersection of a bicycle path with a road, you must give way to a vehicle moving along the road being crossed.

By mastering and improving your skills in driving a bicycle, it is advisable not just to ride it recklessly, violating all traffic rules, but to prepare to become a professional vehicle driver.

It should be noted that in the Russian Federation in 1995, the Association of Youth Automotive Schools of Russia was created.

As of January 1, 2011, the Association includes youth automobile schools in 46 regions of Russia, the main ones being Moscow, Saratov, Rostov, Samara, Penza, Kursk, Perm, Stavropol, Nalchik, Kaliningrad, Ryazan, Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region and many other educational institutions.

The main task of the Association of Youth Automotive Schools of Russia is to create a unified holistic system for teaching safe behavior skills to children and adolescents on the streets and roads starting from the age of 5.

Youth automobile schools have the status of institutions of additional education. During their studies, students receive professional training as vehicle drivers.

The vehicle driver training program includes:

  • 3-year training from 14 years of age;
  • 2-year training from 15 years of age;
  • 1-year training from 16-16.5 years of age.

Youth automobile schools have an equipped educational and material base, which includes classrooms, educational and methodological rooms for laboratory and practical classes, as well as educational equipment. Currently, the driving school fleet includes over 2,000 vehicles, including more than 200 trucks. The annual renewal of the vehicle fleet is up to 100 cars.

The work of youth driving schools is based on the requirements of the Federal Law “On Road Safety”, regional programs “On Road Safety”, taking into account the requirements of regional and city administrations in matters of educating the younger generation.

The following pedagogical tasks are solved in youth driving schools:

  1. Increasing the general level of culture of road users as a guarantee of safety.
  2. Professional training of drivers from among teenagers and young people.
  3. Professional orientation of young people towards professions in the automotive industry.
  4. Teaching children and adolescents the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads, preventing road traffic injuries.
  5. Organization of free time in order to prevent neglect and delinquency among minors.
  6. Improving civic-patriotic, aesthetic, moral, physical education.
  7. Creation of racing tracks, motor towns, sections, clubs for children to learn how to safely drive bicycles, motorcycles, and cars.
  8. Organization of methodological assistance to teachers of general education institutions, additional education institutions, employees of health camps, parents and public organizations on the problem of preventing children's road traffic injuries.

In conclusion, we note that reducing the number of road accidents, injuries and deaths on the roads depends on each person - a road user. It is possible to reduce the negative impact of the “human factor” on road safety provided that there is a radical change in the attitude of road users to the implementation of the Traffic Rules and compliance with well-known road safety measures, with each person realizing the fact that life and health depend largely on his behavior.


  1. What factors indicate an increasing influence of the level of training of a vehicle driver on road safety?
  2. What qualities characterize the level of general driver culture in the field of road safety?
  3. What role can the bicycle play in training the future vehicle driver?
  4. What are the basic requirements for the technical condition of a bicycle?
  5. List the main responsibilities of a cyclist.


From the Traffic Rules, select and remember the main provisions of what is prohibited for a bicycle driver.

A cyclist often has to navigate a busy road in a stream of cars and pedestrians. And in order to do this correctly and reduce the risk of emergency incidents to a minimum, you need to know the rules.


You should know that a cyclist is both a driver and a participant in traffic, and a bike is classified as a vehicle driven by muscular force. Therefore, the law obliges you to comply with all basic rules of the road, namely:

  • When moving, pay attention to the markings;
  • Follow road signs and traffic lights;
  • Comply with the requirements of the regulator.

That is, a cyclist is the same full member of the road traffic as a motorist. But keep in mind that rights and responsibilities in this case are equal. In other words, in case of an accident, you can receive the same administrative punishment as the driver of the car and no one will relieve you of responsibility.

When riding a bike, you are the driver. However, as soon as you get off your bike and start rolling it, you automatically become a pedestrian.

Basic requirements for a bicycle

The law clearly establishes the requirements for the appearance of a bicycle. So, the bike must have a working brake system, pedals, bell or horn and steering. If you ride in the evening, at night or in any other conditions of poor visibility, you should equip your bike with reflective headlights - white on the front and red on the sides and rear. Experienced cyclists recommend additionally equipping your iron horse with LEDs. Then the car driver will definitely notice you. However, the legislation in the field of automobile traffic does not require this and leaves the right of choice to you.

Traffic Laws

Now let's move on to the main points of the rules. A cyclist is required to ride on a bicycle path. If there is none, then when moving you must stick to the far right lane of the roadway, staying as close to the side of the road as possible. In earlier editions of the traffic rules, the distance between the bicycle and the edge of the road was 1 meter. However, now you may not adhere to this width and be guided when moving only by your feelings and common sense.

Walking on sidewalks is prohibited. However, this applies to all automobile and motorcycle transport. But, as practice shows, both law enforcement agencies and pedestrians are quite tolerant of violations of this ban by cyclists.

When driving through intersections and on busy roads, follow the traffic rules for cars. That is, if you have priority at an intersection, the car driver is obliged to let you through. Remember, you are a full-fledged participant in traffic, just like him.

Signals on the road should be discussed separately. Often cyclists do not know or forget that no driver is able to predict your next route, which means you must inform him of your intentions. Since your two-wheeler does not have turn sensors or brake lights, you should use your hands.

These signals should be learned and used as often as possible on the road. Believe me, this will reduce the risk of an accident by three times.

  • Persons at least 14 years of age are allowed to operate a bicycle.

Restrictions and prohibitions

A cyclist is prohibited from:

  • Drive without holding the steering wheel;
  • Drive a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • Move along the roadway if there is a bicycle path;
  • Drive in the dark without headlights on;
  • Transport passengers;
  • Tow another vehicle.

As you can see, there are very few rules. However, knowing these basics can protect you from serious accidents and make driving on the road more organized and correct.

So you've purchased a bike. However, in order for cycling to give you only pleasure, you must comply with traffic regulations when driving on city roads. We hope that this article will help in this matter and teach you basic rules of conduct on the roads.

Below we have provided excerpts from the text of the traffic rules (in bold text) and also set out our comments on them.

IN The bicycle must have a working brake, steering wheel and sound signal, be equipped at the front with a white reflector and a flashlight or headlight (for driving in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility), at the rear with a red reflector or flashlight, and on each side with an orange reflector or red.

The bicycle must have a working brake and a sound signal

If the bicycle is used in the dark or in conditions of poor visibility, the bicycle must have a white headlight on the front and a red light or reflector on the rear. The bicycle must have red or orange reflectors on each side

8.1. Before starting to move, change lanes, turn (U-turn) and stop, the driver is required to give signals with light direction indicators in the appropriate direction, and if they are missing or faulty - with his hand. In this case, the maneuver must be safe and not interfere with other road users.

The signal for a left turn (turn) corresponds to the left arm extended to the side or the right arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upward. The right turn signal corresponds to the right arm extended to the side or the left arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upward. The brake signal is given by raising your left or right hand.

8.2. The turn signal or hand signal must be given well in advance of the maneuver and cease immediately after completion (the hand signal may be terminated immediately before the maneuver). In this case, the signal should not mislead other road users.

At intersections, cyclists can turn right, as well as left, if there are no tram tracks on the road and there is only one lane in this direction. You can turn only when there are no corresponding prohibitory signs (Section 24.3 of the Traffic Regulations)

When driving on the roadway, a cyclist is required to give turn and brake signals. To indicate a turn, you need to extend your arm in the appropriate direction. An arm bent at the elbow indicates a turn in the opposite direction. Braking is indicated by raising your hand (either)

behind the wheel

16.1. Prohibited on motorways ride a bike

24.1. Persons at least 14 years of age are allowed to ride a bicycle when driving on roads.

24.2. Bicycles must only travel in the rightmost lane, in one row as far to the right as possible. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if this does not interfere with pedestrians.

Columns of cyclists when moving along the roadway must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists. To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m.

Cyclists are prohibited from riding on sidewalks and footpaths, or riding without holding on or keeping their feet on the pedals.

24.3. Bicycle drivers are prohibited from:

  • drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;
  • carry passengers, except a child under 7 years of age, on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests;
  • transport cargo that protrudes beyond the dimensions by more than 0.5 m in length or width, or cargo that interferes with control;
  • move along the road if there is a bicycle path nearby;
  • turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction.

It is prohibited to tow bicycles and mopeds, as well as bicycles and mopeds, except towing a trailer designed for use with a bicycle or moped.

Left turns and U-turns are prohibited on the following roads:

-with tram tracks

-roads with more than two lanes in both directions.

24.4. At an unregulated intersection of a bicycle path with a road located outside the intersection, drivers of bicycles and mopeds must give way to vehicles moving on this road.

When driving on a bicycle path, approaching an intersection with a highway, give way to traffic.

Briefly about the main thing.

In a modern metropolis, moving along the roads on a bicycle requires a biker to seriously concentrate and know the traffic rules, but even following all the rules does not guarantee an accident-free ride.

According to statistics, the probability of a biker getting into an accident on the road is five times higher than the probability of a car driver getting into an accident.

You can protect yourself from various unpleasant situations and maintain your health using the following tips:

Try to always control the situation (think one step ahead), especially when driving on the roads.
- When driving on the sidewalk, always pay attention to the exits/entrances from the yards; often the driver and the biker meet here.
-Do not break the rules where possible (you won’t be able to ride without breaking the rules anyway)
-Follow the 3D rule - the golden rule of the car enthusiast “Give Way to the Fool.”
-Don’t be afraid to lose a couple of minutes of your precious time waiting for the green light at the intersection, and after waiting, still be careful, as some cars, as a rule, try to rush past your traffic light.
- It is better to cross difficult intersections as a pedestrian - next to the bike, especially for beginners with little riding experience. The same applies to any left turns.
-Ride more on the sidewalks, in residential areas this is quite normal, and in the center it is also possible, but less quickly (many pedestrians and narrow sidewalks).
-Actively use lighting equipment, protection (helmet, gloves) and cycling clothing, preferably in bright colors, so that you can be clearly seen on the road.

Any malfunction of the bicycle can cause a traffic accident. It must be remembered that all mechanisms and components of the bicycle must be in good condition.

For hand brakes, the gap between the pads and the wheel rim should be 2-3 mm, the gaps on the right and left should be approximately the same. The brake cable must move freely in the jacket. When you press the brake lever fully, it should not rest against the steering tube.

Wheel rims should not have cracks or large “eights”; the spokes should not be loose. As a result, when rotating, the wheels should not touch the sidewall of the tire against the fork or frame stays. Tires must not be worn out; they must maintain a certain pressure (usually at least two atmospheres).

All moving parts and mechanisms of the bicycle (steering column, axles of bushings and pedals, carriage, for double suspension links - rear suspension connections) must not have any play or jamming during rotation.

The chain should run smoothly and without jamming, and the links should not be bent.

The saddle must be adjusted to the correct height and provide an optimal fit.

Almost any driver will say that a cyclist has no place on the big road, they ride without protection, there is no body and they need to go around it far to avoid hitting it.

In fact, a bicycle is a vehicle, which means it is a full-fledged participant in traffic, according to the rules of the road.

The cyclist behind the wheel is the driver.

A cyclist driving a bicycle nearby is considered a pedestrian and, accordingly, the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the road begin to apply to him. Thus, a cyclist can change his status on the road, which is something that drivers of cars, motorcycles and other vehicles do not have.

Any vehicle entering the road must be technically sound. This is the very first rule of all drivers.

Every time before leaving, the driver/cyclist must check the condition of the tires, evaluate the serviceability of the brake system and sound signal, and make sure that the steering wheel and seat are securely fastened.

It is also necessary to monitor the availability and serviceability of lighting equipment:

  • in front of a white lantern, headlight or reflector;
  • behind a red lantern, headlight or reflector.


  1. Bicycle traffic in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility, without lighting or working lights;
  2. Movement of bicycles in case of malfunctions of the steering and braking systems.

Modern bicycles can be technically equipped with an electric motor of up to 0.25 kW, and even an automatic engine switch when reaching a speed of 25 km/h or more. Such vehicles are allowed to move and are treated the same as a regular “big bike”.

Age at which you can ride a bicycle

Many people have never even thought about the question: “At what age can you ride a bicycle?” In our life, a child buys a bicycle almost from birth: first a small one, with three or four wheels, then a child’s, then a teenager’s. The technical capabilities of the “iron friend” grow with a person’s age.

If we are talking about the presence of a cyclist on the roads, the traffic rules for cyclists clearly state that a cyclist under 14 years of age is prohibited from driving on roadways and roadsides.

From the age of seven to fourteen, a bicycle driver can ride on sidewalks, along special pedestrian and bicycle paths, in pedestrian zones, but he is not allowed to ride on the road.

Children under seven years of age are only allowed to ride bicycles on pedestrian and bicycle sections of the road. In general, for safety reasons, children under 7 years of age should be supervised by adults and should not be left alone, especially close to the road.

You can become a cyclist very quickly. A trip to the store - and after half an hour you are already on horseback, driving along the road like drivers of any other vehicle. Accordingly, the traffic rules for cyclists must be absolutely observed, and everyone who participates or plans to participate in traffic on the roads of our country should know them. Yes, one can only dream of bicycle paths in many, or rather most, cities in Russia. They simply don't exist.

Unfortunately, many drivers will confirm that cyclists riding on main roads often do not bother to learn the rules and believe that “they will be passed anyway.”

So, every bicycle driver should know that:

  • driving a bicycle or driving it next to you on foot is done only in the direction of travel;
  • if there is a specially designated lane for cyclists (bicycle path), you should only ride along it;
  • it is allowed to move along the right edge of the roadway (no further than 1 m from the edge) or along the side of the road, only one person in a row;
  • in the absence of the above-mentioned places, you can move along the pedestrian traffic zone or sidewalk;

Features of the movement of a column of cyclists:

  • movement of the column is possible in two rows with the permissible overall width of a two-wheeled vehicle not exceeding 0.75 m;
  • with single-row traffic, the column must be divided into groups of ten cyclists, with double-row traffic - ten pairs;
  • the permissible distance between groups is from 80 to 100 m.

Thus, it is clear that most cyclists in cities violate riding rules. They drive more than 1 meter from the edge of the right lane of the road, or on sidewalks. And most importantly, they don’t even seem to be guilty or violators.

Rules for crossing intersections

Turning right is carried out according to general rules and priority signs. on a single-lane road it is carried out along a complete trajectory, in one step.

In other cases, you can turn left:

  • as a pedestrian, that is, dismount and carry the bicycle next to you;
  • in two steps: drive straight, stop with a turn, drive straight.

Cyclist and pedestrian – who gives way?

Based on the definition that a cyclist is the driver of a vehicle, he is obliged to give way to pedestrians at unregulated pedestrian crossings. And at pedestrian crossings equipped with traffic lights, allow pedestrians to complete their crossing of the roadway, in accordance with the general rules.

The most controversial place for cyclists and pedestrians to mix together remains bicycle paths. There is a feeling that cyclists have an advantage in this area. But the rules do not prohibit pedestrians from walking along these special lanes. And this means that pedestrians must give way on the bike path.

Modern bicycle models are often equipped with turn signals, and therefore signals indicating a turn are given like any other vehicle. If the bicycle is not equipped with turn signals, then signals about planned maneuvers should be given the old fashioned way, with your hands:

  • turn right, change lanes - extend your right arm or bend your left arm at the elbow;
  • turn left, change lanes - extend your left arm or bend your right arm at the elbow;
  • stop - any hand raised up.

Cyclists, as full-fledged road users, must know and be able to use while driving all road signs established for mandatory use by traffic rules. You should learn special road signs for cyclists. It is important to pay attention to prohibition signs and signs indicating the end of a special lane for cyclists.

Please remember that bicycles are strictly prohibited on the highway.


All mechanically moving vehicles must have lighting devices available and working properly; for bicycles, these are headlights, lanterns or reflectors.

The front lights are white. The back ones are red.

Overtaking rules

Traffic rules require cyclists to overtake according to the general rules, on the left. Before starting the maneuver, the driver of a two-wheeled vehicle must make sure that the intended action is safe, not cause interference to other road users, and take into account their speed capabilities in comparison with their own.

Driving on the roadway and sidewalks - how to do it correctly?

The requirements for bicycle drivers in 2019 remained the same as in previous years. However, the ever-increasing number of cars and bicycles on the roads, making traffic difficult, has an impact on safety. Of course, the safest and most correct way of transportation for bicycle lovers is riding on bicycle paths.

But there are very few of them, and if a cyclist rides on the sidewalk, he interferes with pedestrians, and if on the roadway, he interferes with car drivers.

Where can you ride a bike?

Lawyer's answer: The correct way to ride is on the right edge of the roadway (1 meter from the edge), and if there is no edge, then the cyclist can ride on the sidewalk!

No one is allowed to drive after drinking strong drinks. The fact is well known.

But suppose that one tipsy driver, in the midst of a holiday, decided not to get behind the wheel of a car and, knowing about the responsibility, decided to ride to the nearest store on a bicycle. What punitive measures can he expect if he meets with the traffic police?

Let's figure it out. On the one hand, the person who gets behind the wheel of a bicycle is the driver, on the other hand, he does not have a special driving license, and the law is not required to have one. And everyone knows that the punishment for driving a vehicle while drunk is deprivation of a driver’s license for 1.5 to 2 years and a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

But few people know about the existence of Article 12.29 clause 3 of the Traffic Regulations, which clearly states that violation of the traffic regulations (driving while intoxicated is a violation) by a person driving a bicycle is punishable by an administrative fine of 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles.

This means that in the event of a meeting between State Traffic Inspectorate employees and a two-wheeler driver while intoxicated (as a result of taking alcoholic beverages or drugs), the above norms will be applied.

What benefits are available to cyclists?

In addition to the familiar special lane on the roads for cyclists, three years ago cyclists had the privilege of traveling on those roads that are equipped with specially designated lanes intended for the movement of cyclists, minibuses and passenger taxis. Traffic on these special lanes can go either towards the general flow of vehicles or along the way.

Not every city in Russia has such innovations.

But, the main thing is that the increasing number of people who prefer cycling as an environmentally friendly transport has already received the attention of the legislative authorities and new laws have already been adopted for their safety.

Penalties for cyclists

Any penalties are a deterrent to committing an offense, and the most effective is punishment in the ruble.

Therefore, traffic rules and administrative law apply to cyclist drivers.


Road, electric, cyclocross, fatbike, touring, tandem, chopper and cruiser - these are the modern bicycles that exist. We know little about many varieties, and have never heard of others at all. For every taste, budget and every type of riding you can choose a “two-wheeled friend”. Many people choose a bicycle - environmentally friendly transport, cost-free, fairly cheap to maintain and repair, and also very good for health and good physical shape. If you properly understand the rules of the road and learn all the signs for cyclists before heading out on the road, then cycling will be safe.

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