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A car is a real need of any person. But the task of every novice motorist is to carefully study driving lessons for beginners, traffic safety can depend on it and sometimes even the life and health of the surrounding people.

Whether you have attended a driving school or not, when you get a car, you need to immediately "refresh" acquired knowledge or, otherwise, start learning from scratch. If you want to re-learn how to drive your “four-wheeled friend”, and training in a driving school was several years ago, driving lessons for beginners will help you.

Before learning to drive a real car, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of the road. And not just read them, but also learn them. And after you learn - observe. Your life will depend on this not very thick book.

So driving lessons for beginners should start with learning the rules. In that specialized textbooks will help you. Unlike dry rules, such textbooks make it possible to illustrate each rule with a traffic situation, clearly show the markings, sign and position of vehicles. Thanks to the illustrations, while moving, you will remember the correct actions.

Also there are good driving simulators, which are made in the format of a computer game. They will be a great helper for those who want to quickly learn the rules and road signs.

For self-control, taking driving lessons for beginners, you can use exam tickets. They take driving school exams. They are available in print form and can also be accessed online. To whom which method is more convenient - decide for yourself. By answering all the tickets correctly, you will not only consolidate your knowledge, but also prepare yourself for the exam “for rights”.

So, the theory is over. If you have never driven a car before, then for a start you need to get used to it and stop being afraid of it. To do this, sit in the driver's seat, turn on the ignition and listen to the sound of the engine. Periodically try to press the gas pedal.

This is necessary so that you get used to the sound of the engine, to the way the car is gaining momentum.

How to learn to drive a car on the mechanics from scratch for a woman?

Fifteen or twenty years ago, men feared for their lives when they saw a lady driving. Today, half of the students in the courses are girls who want to learn how to learn how to drive a car on a mechanic from scratch for a woman.

Firstly, choose the right clothes and shoes for this occasion. Choose loose-fitting clothes, do not wear short and tight dresses and skirts. And also give up heels and thick platforms, at least while driving. Alternatively, change your shoes in the car while driving.

Today, most girls prefer an automatic transmission, and a woman who knows how to drive a car "with mechanics" causes admiration and delight of the surrounding men. Therefore, if you are planning to become “your boyfriend” on the road, do not be lazy and find out how to learn how to drive a car on a mechanic from scratch for a woman.

After all, there is nothing difficult in mechanics. It's easy enough to get used to it. Well, one pedal in the car will be more. Girls, be sure to read the next section. But various videos on how to learn to drive a car from scratch on your own, teaching all the basics and subtleties, you can see on this page.

Let's talk about security. Nature ordered in such a way that girls have much more developed instinct for self-preservation. That is why they try to control the situation on the road while driving. Most girls behind the wheel try to drive a vehicle in a "safe driving" style. But for men, driving is more of a game and a way to get adrenaline.

How to move off in a car with a manual transmission?

Before learning how to pull off in a manual transmission car and start moving, you need to do the following:

  • carry out a visual inspection- check the condition of the wheels, if there are any leaks of oil or fuel, if you plan to move in the evening - check the headlights and dimensions.
  • adjustment– adjust the seat (distance to the steering wheel, backrest tilt), side mirrors,
  • Check your safety by fastening your seat belt.

The preparation is completed, it remains to understand with a specific example how to move off in a car with a manual transmission. Even for dummies, it is clear that, first of all, you need to start the car. Turn the key in the ignition lock so that the engine starts. When you hear the characteristic sound of the engine, release the key. Make sure the machine is not on the handbrake. Since we are considering the question: how to move off in a car with a manual transmission, the video instruction located at the beginning of this section will tell you more and more colorfully, and the text will help supplement this knowledge.

  1. To start moving turn on first gear.
  2. Press the clutch pedal to the floor(the leftmost pedal) and move the gear lever to the first gear position.
  3. Then press the gas pedal(far right side) so that the tachometer reads 2000 rpm.
  4. Release the clutch very smoothly with your left foot, while holding the gas pedal with your right foot and gradually add gas. Here you go.

It is important to work with both feet simultaneously and in parallel. If you release the clutch abruptly, the car will twitch and stall. From practical recommendations on how to move off correctly in a manual transmission, let's move on to the skill of braking.

How to brake correctly in a car with a manual transmission?

Learning how to start is good, but for a full ride you also need to be able to stop. Yes not just stop, but slow down. Sometimes even abruptly. No, of course, you can wait until the car stops on its own, driving by inertia.

However, what to do if there is an obstacle or a traffic light in front of you? That's what the brake pedal is for. She is in the middle. Pressed with the right foot. Do you want to avoid jerks and unpleasant situations? Press the brake pedal smoothly(except for emergency braking). Therefore, it is very important for novice drivers to know how to properly brake on a car with a manual transmission.

  1. To begin with, try to reduce the speed of the car - take your right foot off the gas pedal and press the brake pedal.
  2. If a full stop is necessary, the right foot is on the brake pedal, and the left foot is on the clutch.
  3. The harder you press the brake, the more brake pads will put pressure on the wheel and the car will stop faster.

It is important to remember that braking distances car depends on several factors:

  • car load;
  • the presence of ice on the road;
  • dry or wet asphalt;
  • asphalt or dirt road;
  • tire condition, etc.

Therefore, the brake pedal sometimes does not work. Don't panic. In this case, the car came up with hand brake, the so-called "handbrake". This is a lever that is located slightly behind the gear lever. To use the handbrake as a brake, you need to lift it up. Remember that this is not a replacement for the brake and in the event of a malfunction of the brake, you cannot continue to move until repaired.

At what rpm is it correct to change gears while driving?

In order to keep the car on the move longer, as well as for the most efficient fuel consumption, you should pay attention to the gear shifting process.

At what rpm do you shift gears?

Gear shifting at tachometer readings at 2500 - 3000 rpm. It is this that is the most comfortable zone for the operation of the engine. This will result in the lowest fuel consumption.

How to shift gears correctly?

Gear change process almost identical to the process of starting the movement. You release the gas pedal, depress the clutch, switch gears on the gearbox and, smoothly releasing the clutch, begin to smoothly depress the gas pedal. There are situations when it is necessary not to increase the transmission, but to lower it. Alternatively, when driving uphill. The switching rules will be identical.

These were the basics of how to learn to drive on your own. Remember that p The first time you need an experienced driver who will prompt and help make decisions. He will also analyze your mistakes and tell you where you broke the rules and how to act to avoid this in the future.

Now, if you look at it, for every newcomer, a car is an object that he has already encountered in one way or another: at least he traveled as a passenger. And there are no such geniuses who just got behind the wheel and immediately drove through a busy city, observing the rules of the road. If the decision to master driving skills is made, then it is worth starting with the elementary - to look closely at how experienced drivers do it, sitting in the same car with them. Where and when they slow down, how they drive at reverse speed, before which traffic lights they change lanes to the left, and so on. Such a kind of training of attention will come in handy in the future, and the answers of a person who performs a certain maneuver can be simply priceless.

If you want to learn how to drive fast, practice automatic skills

No matter how trite it may sound, but still: there is a desire to drive a car - it will be much easier to learn than to do it just because you need to. For a beginner, the main thing is not to be afraid of the car and understand the basic principles.

It is better to work out automatic skills even before the first trip:

  • Squeezing the clutch, smooth release of this pedal and pressing the gas. It won’t be easy right away, but it’s quite possible to learn. The main thing is not to be nervous and everything will work out. And, of course, remember once and for all where the brake pedal is located.
  • Inclusion of turns. It is easy to remember that the right turn is up, the left turn is down, that is, in the direction of the steering wheel. Dipped beam - turn the same lever along the axis, press it towards you, the far beam - away from you.
  • Use of rear-view mirrors. Immediately, it is likely that anything will be seen, but not what is needed. But for starters, it’s worth at least accustoming yourself to the idea that you need to periodically look at them.

In general, you can quickly learn how to drive a car, meaning the performance of technical functions behind the wheel, if:

  1. there is a certain idea that the car is moving by pressing the gas pedal by the driver, switching speeds and turning the steering wheel in the right direction;
  2. it is known that there is a plump little book under the strict title "Rules of the road" and that ignorance of such is fraught with at least unpleasant communication with traffic police inspectors.

Newbie driving? Perhaps the car is new? Find out everything about running a new car from our article.

At this address: /tehobsluzhivanie/uhod/prikurit-avto.html detailed instructions on how to “light up” your car. Read all newbies.

You need to learn not only to manage, but also to take care of your iron friend. Find out how to wash your car perfectly and without scratches.

Learning to drive well

Any road user will tell you it's better to learn slower, but learn to drive well. As a rule, professional drivers have children who know how to drive a car from an early age. Such a person receives his first driving skills in early childhood, at the same time, even if unconsciously, he masters the rules of the road. When the time comes, you just need to clearly repeat everything after your parent and do what you have watched for many years.

But this is not always the case. Not every dad wants to explain something to his beloved child when he maneuvers in traffic during rush hour, when he is tired, in a hurry and ... the list is endless. In short, if you didn’t have such a dad as a child, you need to learn how to drive a car well in adulthood on your own. Driving schools have not been canceled yet. There, in principle, the training program is drawn up correctly: the alternation of theory and practice.

Beginners usually start learning to drive from scratch at closed training grounds, in some advanced establishments there are simulators that are close to reality. In general, in order to become a good driver, you first need to master the theory, work out on cards, simulators, on special sites on the Internet, various moments of movement: intersections, difficult turns, traffic lights, overtaking.

As a rule, it is much easier to learn driving skills. They also need to be worked out to automatism. When there is a little experience in the correct gear shifting and an idea of ​​how to behave on the road, you can definitely try, with an instructor, a trip to less busy parts of the city.

Learning to drive on mechanics

The manual transmission is a real classic of the genre. Most drivers, as they say from God, respect mechanics from a good manufacturer (Japanese, Germans, Koreans). A manual gearbox will allow you to quickly slow down in ice, while the car, unless, of course, randomly turning the steering wheel, will remain manageable. And in principle, if you learn to drive in mechanics, then it will not be difficult to drive with an automatic transmission. But on the contrary, retraining is almost impossible.

I advise you to still learn the basics of driving only in a car with a manual transmission. It will allow you to feel the car, to hear it. When you need to switch to the next speed, the engine starts to work more aggressively, which means, say, you need to switch from the second to the first. When the car is moving, to put it in the driver's language "at a stretch", you need to slow down the speed.

When training in mechanics, any instructor focuses on the fact that there is no neutral speed when the car is moving. Big gas savings when going downhill in neutral is a myth. But if you accustom yourself to ride like this, in winter you can get into a very bad situation.

On ice, the driver of a car with a manual gearbox must forget about the existence of brakes. You can and should brake only with the gearbox. This means that when driving around the city, before performing the maneuver, you need to release the gas pedal and smoothly shift to a lower gear. Squeeze out the brake only at low engine speeds - first, second speed, maximum third.

Car instructors say whoever learned to drive a car on mechanics in the winter is guaranteed to become a great driver. Modern cars have ABS and EBD - these functions greatly help with emergency braking, it is more confident to drive with them on our roads in winter. But still an inexperienced driver should move at low speed and extremely carefully in bad weather conditions.

Learning to drive on an automatic (accp)

No wonder I wrote this title. With an automatic transmission, driving becomes really "on the machine" over time. The driver does not need to listen to the engine, it is not necessary to think over maneuvers in advance in winter. You just need to get in the car, start it and go.

Learning to drive well with an automatic transmission is much easier than with a manual. The rules of the road must be taught in any case. And with an automatic transmission, you need to select a certain mode to drive around the city.
When learning to drive a car "with a gun":

  1. no need to be afraid that she will go back at the crossroads,
  2. no need to use the handbrake on the slopes when stopping,
  3. in the end, you do not need to learn how to squeeze the clutch, smoothly throw it while pressing on the gas pedal.

But learning to drive a car with an automatic transmission can lead to the fact that another type of car will simply no longer be available to drive, the car does a lot on its own, especially fancy, in which there are a lot of different functions, such as cruise control, even when you press the pedal no need to push gas.

You can understand the principles of driving a car with automatic transmission from this video:

In general, my opinion is that if you want to become a good driver who can easily change from car to car, it is better to learn how to drive on the mechanics. The automatic transmission should be offered for training only to those who prefer not to strain much behind the wheel.

First self-driving car

It’s scary not to get behind the wheel for the first time, but to go to the city for the first time on your own, without an instructor, without an experienced driver, on your own. The main thing is that in such a situation, calmness, a cold mind and at least a little bit of confidence that it is not the Gods who burn the pots - everything will work out.

For a beginner on the road, dangers lie in wait everywhere: pedestrians are too active, and fellow drivers often do not respect timid cars on the road, they try to overtake them, cut them, press them to the side of the road, it is important to remember: there are enough fools everywhere if you drive carefully, not fast and on rules, bad moments will be much less.

When traveling alone for the first time, it is best to:

  1. Drive along a route that is very familiar.
  2. Park so that you can then leave without hitting other people's cars. You can walk a little more for the first time, but stand up so that the car does not create an emergency.
  3. If suddenly an unforeseen situation arose during the movement - the car stalled at a traffic light, you can’t move when lifting, it turned around the traffic, you need to turn on the emergency gang, gather your mental strength, wait as much as possible so that the especially nervous ones drive around and still bring the maneuver to its logical end. In such situations, invaluable experience is gained.

How hard is it for a woman to learn how to drive?

It is not difficult at all, more precisely, not more difficult than for a man. The stereotype that a woman driving is worse than a monkey with a grenade is not supported by statistics that say that ladies get into road accidents much less often than representatives of the strong half of humanity.

Of course, it is more difficult for a woman to understand the principle of operation of an internal combustion engine and learn how to change oil, but now this is not necessary. From a woman, as well as from any participant in the movement, the following is required:

  • knowledge of traffic rules;
  • the ability to think logically;
  • driving accuracy;
  • respect for all road users.

As a driver with 8 years of experience (of course, not anyhow, what experience, but during this time I have driven 300,000 kilometers on three of my cars, including abroad), I advise: girls, do not be afraid.

If your husband teaches you, and, in my opinion, this is the worst option, try to learn more yourself before driving with your spouse, read on the Internet, watch videos, try to switch gears yourself. Then the husband will have less reason to consider you a complete fool and clumsy.

Under no circumstances should you drop out of school. Even if it doesn’t work out, I want to cry and feel sorry for myself. Everything will turn out. You are not the only one, all the girls who have learned to drive from scratch have gone through this.

Still not confident in your abilities? Watch the video of how a journalist (namely a girl!) Learned to drive a car from scratch in the "Risk Zone" program:

Try not to buy the rights, but to get them yourself. So on the road you will feel more confident, and you will be able to prove something to the traffic police inspector, and you will wipe your husband’s nose.

Never lose your cool. Men, and women too, are afraid when a lady is driving in a neighboring car, so most likely they will try not to create an emergency on the road.

When the skills are obtained, the car somehow obeys the steering wheel, it is better to spend the first independent trip without children, who can distract from the road.

Having learned to drive, drive constantly, only then will the necessary experience and such a desired freedom of movement appear.

Author's personal experience

Personally, I was taught to drive a car by a friend named Yura (a good friend of my husband). He believed that I started this business in vain, shouted for any reason, was very nervous, upset, and each time said that that was all, I had caused irreparable damage to the car. I couldn’t concentrate, I was worried, confused speeds and already thought that I really was extremely superfluous in the car.

Then, I got incredibly angry, told Yura that I would become a great driver and I would drive everywhere and everywhere. I went to a regular driving school, asked my dad to ride with me and explain, three months later I went abroad with my father. In total, the journey was 400 kilometers. For me, this march was an excellent school of life on the road.

So I advise everyone to study and not be afraid, try and analyze. And all will be well!

Despite the fact that in childhood, girls, as a rule, do not play cars, every lady can cope with driving a car. The widespread belief that a woman cannot learn how to drive a vehicle at the level of a man in reality turned out to be just a myth. By the way, this is confirmed by the statistics of traffic accidents, where the beautiful half of humanity is much less likely to become the culprit of an accident.

A woman can drive a car, sometimes even better than men

Undoubtedly, there are quite funny situations on the road where ladies are the culprits, but such incidents with men still occur much more often.

By the way, a frivolous attitude towards a lady behind the wheel is a purely Russian privilege. For example, in Germany and America, a female driver is quite a common phenomenon that will surprise no one. However, not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance, because in some countries a woman is completely forbidden to drive.

Should you or shouldn't you drive?

Curious incidents on the road with men still occur much more often than with ladies.

The claim that a lady can't drive any vehicle well other than a supermarket cart is confusing to many. Uncertainty, doubts in combination with the opinion that has taken root in society regarding a driving woman often become a decisive factor that stops ladies in the most critical situation. And instead of going to a driving school, they forever refuse to conquer the roads and go to the kitchen.

Before you get behind the wheel of a car, you should answer yourself only two questions:

  1. Does your health condition allow you to drive?
  2. Would you like to travel by car?

If the answers are in the affirmative, without hesitation, go to a driving school ahead of your dream.

What is the difference between a man driving a car and a woman?

Peripheral vision in women is better developed than in men

Women have much better peripheral vision than men. This makes it possible to see the danger much faster, but also distracts from the driving process.

Everyone knows that women are more emotional beings than men. They perceive failures very painfully, get upset at every occasion, taking everything personally. You should not react like that, only those who do nothing are not mistaken. The main obstacle that prevents a woman from learning to drive a car is her own fear, as well as stereotypes that have taken root in society.

How to learn to drive a car for a woman or What are ladies most afraid of?

Whatever the ladies are afraid of, learning to drive a car is difficult for two genders.

Women are afraid that they will not be able to drive a car at the male level, and they will look awkward on the road. But in fact, learning to drive a car is not easy for both sexes. All the mistakes that are typical for beginners are equally inherent in both women and men. You can’t let your fear drive you into a corner, you have to try and confidently follow your dream.

Some ladies are afraid that they just won't succeed. If not everything comes out at once, do not be upset. This does not mean that you do not have a talent for driving a car. Believe me, even those aces who casually turn the steering wheel with the little finger of their left hand, while talking on the phone and discussing the legs of lovely ladies, were in a similar position at one time, shedding liters of sweat and confusing the brake and gas.

Some women are frightened, oddly enough, by other cars that rush at breakneck speed. The stream of cars that rushes towards is not so terrible. None of the drivers will deliberately crash into you and try to push you to the side of the road. And if drivers of other vehicles see that a novice is driving a car, they themselves become extremely attentive. Therefore, do not try to keep up with the general flow, take your time, do all maneuvers carefully. Nothing bad will happen if the car following you has to wait a bit.

Video tutorial on teaching driving women

Many women are stopped by the fear of getting into an accident and damaging their own or someone else's car, the damage of which will have to be compensated. In fact, such situations are extremely rare, and an emergency on the road is created not by slow-moving novice women, but by self-confident, frisky men. But if this does not calm you down, then you can simply insure yourself and feel more confident on the road.

Some of the fair sex are afraid to get lost, to get lost in the cycle of city roads, even if they have traveled along them more than once, although as a passenger. To overcome this fear, perhaps just buy an atlas and study it thoroughly before driving a car on a city trip?

Women behind the wheel are afraid of the traffic police, but in vain, because no one has canceled the female charm

Some representatives of the fair half are catastrophically afraid of the traffic police. Then we will remind you that representatives of the opposite sex work there, and it will certainly not be difficult for a beautiful autolady to find a common language with strict inspectors.

Another fairly common fear is a possible vehicle breakdown. Such a case may well be and, as practice shows, not often, but still occurs. However, there is always an attentive driver on the road, perhaps not even one, who will definitely help the confused young lady, will help her. In any situation, you can find a way out.

What not to do for a beginner car lady or The most common female mistakes:

On the way to your dream or Learning to drive a car

To feel confident on the road, you do not need to know at all how the engine and other working parts of the car work. After all, the goal that faces you is to become an auto lady, and not a mechanic at all. It is quite enough to confine ourselves to general information regarding the operation of all vehicle components and controls. Everything else will be entrusted to specialists in this field.

We sit behind the wheel

To learn how to drive a car well and quickly for a woman, you should take into account some simple driving truths:

Everyone can learn to drive, you need to discard stereotypes, fear, insecurity and prejudice

Learn to drive a car according to the strength of every woman. You just need to try to learn, discarding all stereotypes, fear, insecurity and prejudice. Despite the fact that ladies came to the automotive world much later than men, they have every opportunity to skillfully drive a car. And many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity prove this to us by their example. Today, more and more often on the roads you can meet a young lady at the wheel, who does an excellent job of driving and does not stand out from the general flow of cars.

A young lady can master the art of driving just like a man. The main thing is patience, determination and understanding of the process. With all these qualities, very soon it will become commonplace for you to go shopping to the store, to work, to visit a girlfriend, or even pick up your spouse from fishing.

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If you are just learning how to drive and experience fear in the very first lessons, do not worry. This happens to absolutely everyone who gets behind the wheel of a car for the first time. And if you are confident in your abilities and feel your car, its movement and speed, then soon you will overcome this fear and be a real driver. But how to learn to drive a car from scratch on your own? Before you begin to learn the intricacies of shifting, you need to master the theory. Today we will look at several aspects that should be focused on for those who are just going to master the skills of driving.

Knowledge of the rules of the road - first of all

The first step on the road to success is, of course, knowledge of the theory. Before you start studying the question of how to learn to drive a car from scratch, remember all the rules of the road. If you don’t distinguish between signs or don’t know the intricacies of getting out of traffic situations (for example, then, of course, in this way you won’t become a real driver. Even if you have certain skills, you can’t go anywhere without knowledge of traffic rules. It’s really impossible to learn theory as difficult as it seems at first glance.At some stage it is even exciting, so be sure to learn the traffic rules before the first trip.

from scratch? Leaving for the autodrome

After you have mastered the theory, you can safely move on to practice. Why autodrome? Because a simple knowledge of the rules of the road will not give you the opportunity to feel normal in a dynamic flow of cars. First you need to get used to at least a race track for this just intended. Here you can learn everything that will be required of you in a driving school: starting off, downhill with the handbrake on, parking, "snake" and so on.

Moreover, each of these maneuvers requires knowledge of the dimensions of the car, especially when parking. The autodrome is also advantageous in that it does not have such obstacles as "Lexus", "Mercedes", and most importantly, that there are no pedestrians on it. At this stage, the main thing you need to master is Feeling the car itself, you will trust your actions and not be afraid to pass near the parking posts at a distance of less than 10 centimeters. As a rule, you can get used to the size of the car in 3-5 lessons. All this will take you less than one week. But at this stage, the question "how to learn to drive a car from scratch" is not yet closed. At the final stage, you need to learn how to confidently stay in a dense stream of cars.

How to learn to drive a car from scratch? Learning to drive around the city

If you didn’t need to apply the knowledge of traffic rules in the classes at the autodrome, then on the city streets you will have to remember everything that you learned earlier. Both theory and practice will come in handy. In fact, if you've overcome your fear of cars, then city driving won't seem intimidating either. The main thing is to watch the road and other road users, especially pedestrians. After 2-3 days of such a ride, you can move out onto a fairly busy road.

As it was sung in one old song: "Cars literally flooded everything ...". Yes, indeed, cars have already flooded literally everything. If earlier a car was a luxury, and only very well-to-do people could afford to buy it, now almost every family has a car. In the modern world, a car is a means of transportation, especially in large cities, where a resident of a metropolis needs to cover a distance of several tens of kilometers. If you decide to learn how to drive a car, then in this article we will tell you about the technique of driving a car.

Let's first look at some organizational aspects of driving a car. Before you start learning to drive, you must not only read, but also learn the Rules of the Road, along with signs and types of road markings. It is imperative to learn the rules, since not only your life, but also the lives of other road users depend on it. To study the rules, it is best to use special textbooks that teach the Rules of the Road, demonstrating it all in illustrations. In addition, on the Internet you can find video tutorials on learning both the Rules of the Road and driving a car itself. The fixing stage of studying the rules is familiarization with the primary source of the Rules of the Road. We also recommend that you purchase a collection of exam tickets on the Rules of the Road, or take tests online, services that provide a fairly large number of them. These tickets will help you both in passing the exam for obtaining rights, and will teach you how to apply your theoretical knowledge in practice.

So, let's summarize what you need to study the Rules of the Road:

  1. Traffic Laws;

  2. A study guide for studying the Rules of the Road (illustrated);

  3. Examination tickets for the Rules of the road.
Practical part

Driving a car is not only knowledge of the rules and the physical ability to drive a car, driving should be considered more deeply. While driving, you must constantly monitor the traffic situation: through the windshield and side windows, as well as through the rear-view mirrors. There are three rear-view mirrors in the car: two side rear-view mirrors, which are located on the front doors of the car and through the central rear-view mirror located on the windshield. It is necessary to monitor the actions of all road users: drivers and especially pedestrians. In a word, you must constantly be in control of the situation on the road, this is necessary: ​​to select the trajectory of the car, to select the speed mode, as well as to prevent an emergency and emergency response in case of its occurrence. This does not mean that you have to constantly be in suspense and literally look out for everything that happens on the road - no, it will be very difficult at first, in the future control of the traffic situation will become an involuntary habit, the main thing is to initially accustom yourself to this .

How not to be afraid to drive

Before you start your first driving trials, you should not be afraid of the car itself. To a greater extent, this applies to women - for some reason they are terribly afraid of the “iron horse” and this is the main trouble, because until you stop being afraid, you will not be able to learn how to drive a car well, because driving is always the main thing keep calm. In order not to be afraid of the car, at first just start it, and occasionally pressing the gas pedal to get used to the sound of the engine and its picking up speed, and to the car itself too.

As for the fear of driving, this is the next thing that a novice driver faces. In order not to be afraid to drive a car, you need to initially learn on a special site or road where there are no other road users. After you have mastered sufficient driving skills, you can try driving on city roads where there is not very heavy traffic.

In order not to be afraid to drive a car in the city, think over your route in advance, even if it is longer - it's okay, the main thing is that the traffic is not heavy. Then mentally walk that route. Subsequently, when you feel more confident behind the wheel, try the opposite - to drive on routes where there is more traffic in order to gain driving experience in various places and under various road conditions. In order to learn how to drive a car for the first time, it is best to have an experienced driver supervise you to help you cope with the mistakes and difficulties that novice drivers face.

And the last thing to note here is clothes and shoes. Clothing should not hinder your movements, should be comfortable and not tight. Pay special attention to shoes, their soles should not be thick. The best shoes for driving are shoes with thin but durable soles that will glide well on the pedals. These shoes will help you feel the pedals of the car well. In order for a woman to learn how to drive a car, we strongly recommend that you never wear shoes with heels and a large platform, if necessary, change your shoes in the car.

Preparing for departure

Every time before you start driving, you need to check the car - this is the basis for starting to drive. The check consists of the following steps:

  • visual inspection
Before leaving the garage or parking lot, you need to carefully check the car. First, make sure that there are no smudges under the car. If any have been noticed, try to determine where this fluid has leaked from and fix the problem. Then pay attention to the tires, they should not be flat: either pump them up, or in case of a puncture, replace the wheel. Also check the operability of external lighting devices: rear and front lights, as well as turn signals.
  • Adjustment
Once in the car, especially if you drive this vehicle with someone, then adjust the driver's seat: the distance from the steering wheel, the angle of the backrest, and also, if the device of the car allows it, adjust: the height of the seat and the height of the steering column. Then adjust the center and side mirrors.
  • Safety regulations
Be sure to fasten your seat belt before you start moving your vehicle, and make sure your other passengers do as well. Check the functionality of the brake system. Before driving away, make sure that the start of your movement will not interfere with other road users. That is, you need to skip all vehicles moving in the same direction.

Driving Rules

So, now let's directly touch on the technique of driving a car. To begin with, it’s worth telling you how to start in a car with a manual transmission. Remember: the left foot works only with the clutch pedal - this is the left pedal; the right foot works with the brake pedal - the center pedal and with the gas pedal - the right pedal.

How to start and stop a car

Start the car by turning the ignition key to the ACC position, then turn the key to the ON position, after 10 seconds, turn the ignition key to the START position, as soon as the car starts, release the key, it will automatically turn to the ON position. To turn off the vehicle, the ignition key must be turned to the ACC position.

How to drive a car

  • How to move off level ground in a car
After you have completed all the steps that we described in the part about preparing to leave, check that the car is on the handbrake and the gear lever is in neutral. After completing all these steps, you need to start the car.

To move the car forward, you need to engage first gear. To do this, press the clutch with your left foot (left pedal to the stop), moving the gear lever to the appropriate position, that is, engaging first gear. Place your right foot on the accelerator pedal (right pedal) and lightly step on the gas so that the needle on the tachometer points to a deuce (the engine should reach 2,000 rpm). Then, with your right foot, depress the brake (center pedal), remove the car from the parking (hand) brake by pressing the lever button and lowering it down. After that, we put our foot on the gas pedal to maintain the number of revolutions the engine has gained, and slowly, very, very smoothly, release the clutch pedal. When the car starts to move, lightly press the gas pedal and continue to gently release the clutch pedal. Always move your left foot to the resting area when you are not operating the clutch pedal, it is on a hill to the left of the clutch pedal. By pressing the gas pedal, regulate the speed of the car: the more you press on the gas pedal, the faster the car will go and vice versa.

  • How to drive uphill in a car
Another very difficult issue for novice drivers is starting a car uphill. We all know that if you do not react correctly and quickly in this situation, the car can roll backward or stall. What do you need to know in order to start on the rise? First of all, you need to completely relax - this is the main thing, believe in yourself. There are 2 ways to start uphill, the first is for beginners, the second is for experienced drivers.

The first way to start uphill with a handbrake is a beginner's way. So, you are on the rise and you need to move. To do this, put the car on the handbrake, squeeze the clutch and engage first gear. Along with this pressing the gas pedal, you must bring the engine to 2500-3000 rpm and fix the right foot in this position. Then slowly lower the hand brake lever and at the same time smoothly release the clutch pedal. As soon as the car starts moving, gradually add gas so that the car does not go too tight. When you release the clutch pedal, move your left foot to the rest area and use your right foot to control the speed of the car by pressing on the gas pedal.

The second way to start a car uphill is the so-called "leg transfer". This method is used by most experienced drivers. This way to move uphill is as follows: the left foot depresses the clutch, the right foot presses the brake pedal, the clutch pedal is smoothly released to start moving, and as soon as it feels that the car is about to move, the right foot is thrown from the brake pedal to the pedal gas. At the same time, it is necessary to press the gas pedal in such a way that the engine reaches about 3000 revolutions, this will prevent the car from moving backward and help to take intensive acceleration uphill. Now you know how to properly drive a car, pulling away.

How to change gears in a car
  • How to change from first gear to second
So, when you started off and accelerated a little, you must definitely change gear, this must be done in order to unload the engine, since 1st gear is the most powerful, and it is designed solely to move the car off. In order to switch from first gear to second, you need to slightly accelerate the car and then squeeze the clutch all the way, then switch the gear lever to second gear and slowly start releasing the clutch pedal, while you need to gently press the gas pedal. With the clutch pedal up, place your left foot on the rest area and use your right foot to control vehicle speed. Many novice drivers are interested in the question: when to switch to second gear. It is necessary to shift into second gear almost immediately after the start of movement, if you continue to pick up speed.
  • How to shift from second to third gear and beyond
The principle of gear shifting is the same and is no different from the actions that we described above. After you have dispersed the car to 35-40 km / h in second gear, you need to switch to third gear. Having reached a speed of 50-60 km / h, switch to fourth gear. Fifth gear is turned on outside the city at a speed of over 80 km / h, when you will already feel quite confident behind the wheel. Also, when shifting gears, you can focus on the tachometer readings, when its value reaches 2500-3000 rpm - go to the next gear.
  • How to downshift
In order to downshift, for example from third to second, you need to depress the clutch, shift into a lower gear, then lightly press the gas pedal, gaining about 2500 rpm, and gently release the clutch pedal while adding gas.

How to properly brake in a car

  • How to slow down in a car
In order to slow down - you need to remove your right foot from the gas pedal and gently press the brake pedal, it is possible that in this case you will have to shift to a lower gear.
  • How to stop a car
To stop the car completely, you need to depress the clutch pedal and gently press the brake pedal with your right naked, gradually stopping the car.

How to return a car

In order to reverse, the car must be completely stopped. Squeeze the clutch, shift the gear lever to reverse gear (in modern cars, this will require you to lift the ring located on the gearshift lever up). Make sure there is no one behind and you can start moving. Reach 2500 rpm by depressing the gas pedal and fix your right foot in this position, then slowly start releasing the clutch pedal. As soon as the car starts to move, you can gradually add gas.

How to learn to drive fast

In order to quickly learn how to drive a car, you need to practice as much as possible. Do not focus on easy, unloaded roads, as soon as you feel confident, complicate the conditions. Try to go around the whole city, both in the daytime and at night - the main thing is attentiveness and caution. As a rule, to acquire the first skills of driving a car, both in the city and on the highway, will be helped in a driving school when your actions and movement will be controlled by a driving instructor.

This video tells and shows how to start the car. Be sure to watch this video, as it is better to see it once than to read about it several times.

How to move up the hill is described in detail in this video. The process of starting a car uphill is somewhat more complicated, and different from the process of starting a car on a flat road.

The last difficult stage of driving - gear shifting, is shown in this video, so we also recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.


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