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A pregnant woman experiences a variety of sensations throughout all 9 months of gestation. The first movements and kicks, the movements of small heels are one of the most pleasant and touching moments. The reverse side of the coin is toxicosis, heartburn, pain in the groin, ligaments, bones.

Why does a woman have pelvic pain during pregnancy? When do groin pains occur during pregnancy? How to get rid of this phenomenon?

Causes of pain in the pelvic bones and ligaments during pregnancy

A woman usually begins to voice her complaints about pain in the pelvic area during pregnancy for the first time in the later stages. The constantly increasing load on the pelvic organs, and, accordingly, the musculoskeletal system affects the condition of the pregnant woman before childbirth. The occurrence of pain between the legs in the groin area can be associated not only with physiological causes. Pain is also a manifestation of pathological changes in the body - inflammatory processes or infectious diseases.

In the early stages

At the very beginning of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is so small that the woman feels absolutely no discomfort. If pain in the groin appeared early, this indicates the formation of a corpus luteum cyst on one of the ovaries. This condition does not pose a threat to the embryo.

The patient needs to take care of herself - moderate physical activity, regularly monitor the growth of the cyst with a specialist. In most cases, a corpus luteum cyst resolves on its own after a few weeks/months. Pain and other discomfort in the bones are also experienced by patients with chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for example, those suffering from osteochondrosis.

Another one possible reason the occurrence of discomfort between the legs - a lack of calcium. Such a problem is easy to identify, because in this case, patients have bone pain during pregnancy, mainly at night. The pains are aching, protracted, excruciating.

At a later date

Pain and other discomfort in the bones and ligaments after 30 weeks are mainly associated with an increased load and preparation of the body for childbirth, as a result of which there is a gradual divergence of the bones and sprains. A woman in position should not ignore pain.

Among the pathological causes that require immediate medical care, can be attributed to:

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes. Before starting a therapeutic course, the doctor needs to identify the cause of the inflammation and eliminate it.
  • Inguinal hernia. The pain affects the entire abdomen, the woman feels acute attacks in the upright position of the body. The main symptom is a round or oval raised area in the groin.
  • Chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis, arthritis, sciatica. All these lesions are accompanied by mild aching pain in the neck, lower back or joints.
  • Infectious diseases in the organs of the little pelvis. Inflammatory processes in the ovaries, rectum are reflected in the condition of the ligaments and bones of the pelvis.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder - urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, renal colic. These reasons are the most common during pregnancy.
  • Varicose veins in the groin area. In this case, the pain between the legs may be aching, throbbing in nature, and the condition of the pregnant woman may be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness.
  • Genital herpes. This viral disease prevents natural delivery due to the risk of infection of the fetus, the disease can cause pain in the groin.
  • Appendicitis. In addition to severe and acute pain in the pelvic bones, a woman is worried about vomiting, nausea, dizziness, fever.

Symphysitis, its degrees and concomitant symptoms

Symphysitis, or symphysiopathy, is a complication in which the pubic bones diverge and soften ahead of time. Before pregnancy, the pubic bone looks hard, it consists of two parts, tightly closed together, which cover the urethra and bladder. For the safe passage of the baby through the birth canal, the pubic bones gradually soften and slowly diverge by 5 mm, while remaining mobile. If the baby is large, the discrepancy can reach 10 mm. At the end of childbirth, the bones gradually return to their places, acquiring their former density.

If the divergence of the pubic bones exceeds 6 mm, the gynecologist diagnoses "symphysiopathy" (we recommend reading: why does the pubic bone hurt during pregnancy?). Depending on the discrepancy indicator, doctors diagnose the following degrees of the disease:

  • 1 degree - 6-8 mm;
  • 2 degree - 8-10 mm;
  • 3rd degree - 10 mm.

Symphysiopathy is difficult to confuse with other diseases - the disease is asymptomatic in very rare cases. The onset of the disease is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain. Initially, the patient has periodic pain between the legs (sometimes its localization is not precisely determined). Some doctors confuse this manifestation with a sign of osteochondrosis or sciatica. Acute pain is felt when walking up stairs or standing upright for a long time. The bones hurt regularly, regardless of the position of the body, if the divergence of the bones is significant.
  • Clicking and grinding in the pubic area. These symptoms usually occur with twisting, tilting, and pelvic movements.
  • Swelling. In recent weeks, gynecologists often notice swelling of the pubis on examination. In addition, the patient at the same time feels severe discomfort during palpation of the vagina.

Ways to relieve pain

Pain in the pelvic bones and groin during pregnancy cause severe discomfort in women, which makes them very irritable. In this case, the pregnant woman should consult a doctor for advice. If the patient has pain and pulls the pelvis, gynecologists, as a rule, give the following advice:

  • Decreased physical activity. If the patient has pain and breaks bones when walking, experts usually advise her to exclude or limit physical activity - carrying heavy bags, walking long distances, long sessions in the gym, etc.
  • Change body position once an hour. Women in position like to watch movies or read literature. All this time they usually stay in one position - sitting or lying down. In order to get rid of obsessive pain between the legs, a pregnant woman should change position as often as possible.
  • Reception of calcium and vitamin D. Painful sensations in the bones and ligaments indicate a deficiency of these trace elements, so the normalization of the condition becomes possible only after their use.
  • Physiotherapy. A pregnant woman can do it both in a professional fitness center and at home. The main rule for a future mother is not to overdo it and listen to the signals of her body. Gymnastics includes the following exercises - raising the pelvis with closed knees in the supine position, breeding and bringing the knees to the buttocks in the starting position, as well as the well-known "kitty".
  • Therapy in a hospital setting. Severe pain that is felt even after taking the above measures requires treatment in a hospital. The therapeutic course includes physiotherapy, therapeutic bandaging, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Prevention of pain in the pelvic bones in pregnant women

Discomfort in the groin on the left or right, pain in the ligaments are common complaints of patients in late pregnancy. These manifestations are not only an additional cause for concern, but in some cases require therapy in a hospital setting. The only sure way to avoid unpleasant symptoms is to prevent them. Prevention of pain in the bones and ligaments of the pelvis includes the following activities:

  • Taking vitamins. In recent weeks, an actively growing baby needs more nutrients. During this period, many pregnant women eat chalk with pleasure, which indicates a lack of calcium in the body. Its deficiency leads to the development of symphysitis. In order to avoid this, a woman in position should not neglect the doctor's recommendations regarding the intake of vitamins throughout the entire period of pregnancy.
  • Balanced diet. A woman needs to diversify her diet with foods enriched with useful trace elements - low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, seafood, dietary meats, herbs.
  • Weight control. Being overweight during pregnancy puts extra stress on the bones. At each scheduled visit to the doctor, the nurse measures the patient's weight. There are certain limit values ​​for each week. With their constant excess, the birth weight of a pregnant woman can exceed the prenatal body weight by 20-30 kg. A woman should not neglect the advice of a gynecologist regarding the kilograms gained.
  • Soft surface for sleeping. A woman during pregnancy should prefer soft mattresses. In addition, during any exercise in the prone position, the pregnant woman should put a roller or pillow under her feet.
  • Use of a prenatal bandage. A prenatal band is a must. Its main function is to hold the abdomen in the correct position, which eliminates the stretching of muscles and ligaments. Pharmacies also sell bandages that are used to support the pelvis and prevent pubic symphysis divergence.
  • Swimming. Swimming helps to relax all the muscles of the body. In the summer, a woman can swim in the river or the sea, and in winter, go to the pool.

Expecting a baby is the most desirable and exciting period in the life of every woman. While carrying a child, expectant mothers begin to take a more responsible attitude towards their health, listen to the body, to the signals that it sends. Unusual painful sensations, discomfort, changes in the body cause a lot of questions and make pregnant women anxious. Expectant mothers are especially wary and concerned about bone pain during pregnancy: the bones of the pelvis, legs, and pubic bone. Why do bone pains occur and how to cope with painful sensations?

Very often you can hear complaints of pregnant women about pain in the bones of the pelvis, pubis and lower extremities. In most cases, pain and discomfort are observed already in the late period of bearing a baby, being harbingers of an approaching birth. Pain in the bones and pelvis is caused by physiological changes associated with stretching of the muscles due to a significant increase in the size of the uterus and fetus. The tummy is growing rapidly, and along with its growth, the load on the skeleton increases: the pelvis, spine, lower limbs. During this period, it is recommended to carefully control your weight, every month to monitor weight gain in order to eliminate additional stress on the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, it often breaks bones during pregnancy due to a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, in which softening of the bone skeleton occurs in the body of the expectant mother. Also, the lack of vitamin D affects the pain and aches in the bones. In this case, the expectant mother is prescribed vitamin complexes and preparations containing calcium. It is worth noting that the drugs should be prescribed by a gynecologist, and after 34 weeks, calcium is not prescribed to pregnant women.

At the end of pregnancy, a woman can experience pain and discomfort in the pubis due to the divergence of the pubic symphysis - a process in which the pelvic bones rapidly diverge during pregnancy, preparing the fetus to exit through the birth canal. The expectant mother feels pain in the middle of the pubis, while there may be a change in the gait, which resembles a “duck” gait, fatigue increases, weakness in the legs and muscles is felt. During this period, it is important to undergo an ultrasound examination and a consultation with a gynecologist.

Why do pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy

Pain in the pelvic region is considered to be a normal physiological symptom associated with childbearing. Changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy lead to softening of the ligaments and muscles surrounding the pelvic bones. At the same time, pregnant women feel pain not only in the pelvic region, but also in the womb, lower back, which radiates to the coccyx or perineum. The pain can be moderate or very intense. However, do not forget that pain in the pelvic bones can also indicate serious diseases, such as symphysis or kidney stones, so if pain occurs, do not neglect the advice of a gynecologist. What are the causes of pelvic pain in pregnant women?

With the growth of the fetus, the load on the muscles of the back and pelvis increases, therefore, in order to slightly reduce the load, it is necessary to pay attention to posture, regularly wear a prenatal bandage and perform special exercises for expectant mothers that help strengthen and train muscles and ligaments. Swimming in the pool would be helpful. It is not recommended to lift weights, and try to reduce physical activity.
  • Chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
    If before pregnancy you were bothered by diseases of the back or spine, then during the bearing of a child, the disease may remind you of itself with pain in the pelvis. Women suffering from osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, may experience severe pain in the bones of pregnancy.
  • Symphysite.
    One of the most serious causes of unbearable pelvic pain in expectant mothers is symphysitis. This is a complication in which there is a divergence of the ligaments and excessive softening of the pubic joint, the bones of the pubic arch diverge and become mobile.
  • The expectant mother experiences pain in the pelvis and pubic bone. Especially the pain intensifies and brings unbearable pain when walking up the stairs, with sudden movements, changes in gait occur, with a progressive course of the disease, it is difficult for a woman to raise her legs from a prone position, she is physically unable to do this. When observing this symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor, undergo an ultrasound scan and find out how much the space between the bones has diverged in order to determine the severity of the disease. Symphysitis gives a lot of inconvenience and torment to a woman, but the main danger for a pregnant woman suffering from symphysitis is a possible rupture of the symphysis during natural delivery. The consequence of the gap is a long rehabilitation period, the inability to live a full life, since you will have to spend at least two weeks in bed rest, take a course of therapeutic exercises. A young mother will not have the opportunity to care for and take care of her baby. Therefore, it is so important to be under the supervision of a specialist during pregnancy, who will be able to make a diagnosis in time and decide on a caesarean section.

    Pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy in the first trimester

    Sometimes pregnant women have pain in the pelvic bones at the beginning of bearing a child. Such pains are unstable and not intense, do not cause discomfort. Under the influence of hormones, physiological changes occur in the body, leading to pulling pains in the pelvic region and above the bosom. Also, the cause of discomfort is the lack of magnesium and calcium in the body. Early toxicosis, which is accompanied by nausea and severe vomiting, can lead to a deficiency of vital trace elements. A woman may be disturbed by heaviness in her legs, convulsions occur at night, pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy, pain in the perineum is felt. Having replenished the body with the microelements it lacks, painful sensations and pain are significantly reduced, and relief comes.

    Why does the pubic bone hurt during pregnancy

    Pain in the pubic bone is observed, as a rule, shortly before childbirth. The body is intensively preparing for the upcoming event, the uterus with the fetus gradually descends into the small pelvis. This natural process is associated with the appearance of severe pain in the perineum and pubic bone, as the load on them increases many times over. If a pregnant woman experiences pain in the pubis and perineum for up to 37 weeks, this may indicate the likelihood of preterm labor. To relieve pain, it is recommended to wear a prenatal bandage that will support the lower back. Wear it from the 20th week of pregnancy. For the benefit of therapeutic exercises, swimming or yoga. This is a great way to reduce pain in the pelvic and pubic area.

    Pain in the bones of the legs during pregnancy

    In addition to pain in the pelvic bones, pubis, associated with hormonal and physiological changes occurring in the body, expectant mothers often experience pain in the bones of the lower extremities, especially in recent months. The following symptoms associated with pain and discomfort in the legs should be especially alert:

    • a feeling of severe pain that is permanent in one or both legs. If the pain intensifies and does not go away for more than 3 days;
    • the leg changes appearance- turns blue, swells, deforms;
    • ulcers appear;
    • in addition to pain in the legs, general well-being also worsens.

    If one of these symptoms appears, you should seek help immediately. In other cases, pain, discomfort, heaviness in the bones of the lower extremities is a phenomenon that is observed in almost every future mother and is considered a normal physiological process.

    The main reasons why the bones in the legs hurt during pregnancy

    1. Load on the legs due to an increase in the size of the uterus and fetus.
    2. The hormone relaxin, produced by the body of a pregnant woman, helps soften the ligaments and bones. The bones of the legs, feet, knees and pelvic bones can hurt.
    3. Vitamin D calcium deficiency. Proper nutrition and taking the necessary drugs can improve well-being and relieve pain in the legs.
    4. Diseases of the spine that were observed before pregnancy (scoliosis, osteochondrosis), as well as bone diseases (arthritis, coxarthrosis, dermatomyositis).
    5. Fractures, injuries received before pregnancy, now remind of themselves. Such pain is aching in nature, especially when weather conditions change.
    6. The cause of pain and discomfort in the legs can be the asymmetric position of the pelvic bones. It is recommended that the pregnant woman find the position of the body in which the pain will not be so intense.
    7. Pain in the legs can be a consequence of flat feet, which can begin to develop during pregnancy. The pain may be intermittent or it may be constant.

    Why do the bones between the legs hurt during pregnancy

    At week 37, many pregnant women suffer from severe pain in the bones between the legs, this pain can appear for the following reasons:

    Prevention of bone pain in pregnant women

    To relieve severe bone pain, pregnant women should follow several preventive recommendations that will help reduce the pain that occurs in the body:

    Pregnancy exercises to help relieve bone pain

    By performing the exercises below, you can relieve bone pain, strengthen your back, gluteal muscles, ligaments, and prepare your body for childbirth in advance.

    Expectant mothers need to be more attentive to their health. At the slightest change, severe pain, especially if they last a long time and do not go away, in the pelvic, perineal or pubic area, you should immediately tell your gynecologist to determine the cause of their occurrence in order to prevent dangerous health situations.

    Almost 50% of women complain that their bones hurt during pregnancy. Especially often, this symptom begins to bother expectant mothers from the 14th week of pregnancy, and by the end of the third trimester, the pain can be completely unbearable. Most often, the bones in the hip region hurt, pubic bone, joints (especially the hips and knees), the spine in the lumbar region, etc. Many women are concerned about the question of whether this is normal, and what can cause such pain.

    This symptom is observed in many women and in most cases does not mean anything serious. Such pain of the hip bones becomes especially noticeable during pregnancy.

    • Causes of pain

    During pregnancy, the body produces large amounts of an important hormone, relaxin, which relaxes the joints and muscles. Thus, the body prepares for the upcoming birth, because thanks to this hormone, during childbirth, the pelvic bones move apart more easily. The other side of the coin is that very bone pain and muscle pain; it also increases the risk of bone damage.

    Another reason is the increased stress on the bones and joints. The weight of a woman during pregnancy increases significantly, and therefore the pressure on the bones of the lower body (especially pelvis) increases significantly, which can also lead to the development of pain.

    • What to do?

    Here are some tips to help you get rid of or control your pregnancy bone pain:

    1. When sleeping, place it between your legs at the hips or knees.
    2. Do not cross your legs while sleeping - this will only increase the pain.
    3. Get more rest and relaxation.
    4. Take up swimming.
    5. Sign up for prenatal foot massage.
    6. Try yoga or.

    Pubic bone pain

    This type of pain is most often associated with diastasis of the pubic symphysis. Simply put, such pain occurs due to the divergence of the pubic bones.

    Causes of pain

    The causes of pain are similar to the case described above: the production of a large amount of relaxin and the divergence of bones due to the preparation of the body for childbirth.

    What to do?

    To relieve pain, you can try the following methods:

    1. Avoid situations where pain intensifies. For example, if you don't feel comfortable putting on pants or shoes while standing, do it while sitting.
    2. Avoid prolonged standing on your feet.
    3. Apply heat to the area where the pain is most intense. To do this, you can heat up microwave oven any cereal - rice, buckwheat, millet, etc. - wrap it in a cloth and attach it to the body. You can also add dried herbs to the cereal - and then you get the effect of aromatherapy.
    4. In some cases, only medications can help.

    If other bones hurt during pregnancy

    In addition to the above, pregnant women often complain of pain in the spine, neck, and shoulders. In most cases, all this is explained by the increasing load on the body: the uterus increases (at the end of pregnancy, it can exceed its original size by 1000 times), the fetus grows, and the total weight of the woman increases. All this cannot but affect the balance of the body. Thus, with an increase in the abdomen, the posture of many pregnant women deviates back, which causes pain and discomfort in the lumbar region, neck, shoulders, and also leads to tension in the back muscles.

    You can relieve this pain in the following ways:

    • Sign up for a massage or exercise (swimming, yoga for pregnant women, etc.).
    • Refuse high heels, but do not switch to flat soles.
    • Sitting on a chair, you can lay a pillow behind your lower back. A roller or towel can be used during sleep (placed between the legs).
    • Wear a support bandage.

    In any case, if the pain in the bones is severe and uncomfortable, you should consult a doctor who will assess your condition and recommend the best way to relieve pain.


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