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tourist walk

"Together it's fun to walk"

(senior preschool age)

Venue: territory of the kindergarten

Time spending : May

Route type: radial, starting and ending at the same point

Composition: 2 groups, age 5-6 years; 2 groups age 6-7 years

Target: To develop in children the desire for a healthy lifestyle, interest in tourism and knowledge of the nature of their native land.

Tasks: - to improve the ability of children to determine the route according to the plan-scheme;

To acquaint children with the device of tourist equipment - a compass;

Improve motor skills and abilities;

To expand and consolidate preschoolers' knowledge of nature;

Develop the ability to navigate the map, logical thinking and observation;

Develop dexterity, coordination of movement, speed of reaction, endurance;

To form the skills of conscious implementation of the rules of behavior in nature;

To evoke in children the joy of communicating with nature;

To cultivate strong-willed and friendly qualities in outdoor games, a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance.

Preliminary work:

To acquaint with the concepts of "tourism", "tourists";

Give a general idea of ​​the hike, camping equipment, clothing, necessary things;

Familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct in the campaign;

Introduce children to topographic signs;

Conduct safety briefings with children.

Equipment and inventory: a tape recorder, a map-scheme, topographic signs for designating stations, flags - 3 pcs., a backpack 3 pcs., a compass - 3 pcs., a tourist flask - 3 pcs., a flashlight - 3 pcs., a metal mug - 3 pcs., a newspaper - 3 pcs., toys, books, wooden spoons - 3 pcs., stew - 3 pcs., socks - 3 pairs, matches - 3 boxes, bandages 9 pcs., plantain leaves - 9 pcs., cards with the image of plants, 2 ropes, 10 steps, 3 logs of 3 meters each, cones 42 pcs., target 2 pcs., hoops with a diameter of 80 cm - 8 pcs., 2 ropes, 2 ropes of 10 meters each, gymnastic ladder, gymnastic sticks 21 pcs., tent, tea, cheesecakes, disposable cups - 30 pcs.

Musical accompaniment: phonograms "Together it's fun to walk", "Smile", "St. John's wort", "It's great that we all gathered here today."

Characters: Kuzya, Spring, Little Red Riding Hood, Dr. Pilyulkin, Kikimora, Forest Fairy, Baba Yaga.

Children line up in one column in front of the entrance to the kindergarten.

Under the march "Together it's fun to walk" they go in a circle and stop near the landmarks (flags).

Leading: Attention attention!

I hasten to ask you

Today's journey

Do you want to commit?(Yes)

Today I invite you to go on an unusual journey.

And what other word can replace the word "journey" (hike). Each of you knows that those who are not afraid of long journeys, who are looking forward to new meetings with the sun, wind, fire, tent and interesting people go on a hike. What are these people called? (tourists).

Before starting a difficult road, let's learn the speech. I will pronounce the line, and you must answer me in unison: “We are tourists!”, But be careful.

Leading: Who walks with a backpack?

Children: We are tourists.

Leading: Who doesn't know boredom?

Children: We are tourists.

Leading: Who is on the road all day?

Children: We are tourists.

Leading: Who does not know the word laziness?

Children: We are tourists.

Leading: Hey! Guys, step harder!

What does the tourist take on the road?

Children: A song, a spoon and a backpack!

Leading: So tourists, are you ready?

Children: Ready!

Leading: You can go hiking!

(Kuzya Brownie appears on the path)

Leading: Oh guys, who is this?

Kuzya: Hello guys!

Don't you recognize me?

I am Kuzenka - the named granddaughter of Grandmother Yaga.

Leading: You are not yourself,

Not ruddy, not alive

Maybe someone offended you?

Where did you see Miracle Yudo?

Eat an apple here, my friend.

Kuzya: Not

Leading: And a pie with cabbage.

Kuzya: No guys, I'm fine

I'm not afraid of enemies

I got lost along the way

I can't find the way.

In the dark thicket at the edge

Yaga and I lived in a hut.

lived happily

They drank tea with cheesecakes.

You guys help and find the way.

Leading: Guys, can we help Kuza? (Yes)

What do you have in your hands?

Kuzya: Here's a map of sorts. Baba Yaga gave it to me when I left home and said that I could find my way back home using it.

Guys, do you know what a map is?

Children: A map is a drawing of the surface of the earth.

Leading: You can't go on a trip without a map.

Only the weak, friends,

You can't go on our trip.

You first practice

Run and compete.

Look at us

We are top notch athletes!

Before you compete, you must definitely warm up.

(Warm-up-dance "Zverobika" music by B. Saveliev, lyrics by L. Zavodnova)

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Kuzya: Well done! The training was done very well. Do you know, friends, what things you need to take on a hike?(Yes)

Leading: Two straps weigh on me

There are pockets on the back.

If you go on a hike with me,

I'll hang on my back.(Backpack)

Relay "Collect a backpack".(Children are divided into three teams)

Leading: But we can't go camping without a motto. Let's say the motto of our tour group.

Children: Be friends always, be friends everywhere

And don't leave your friends in trouble.

Leading: One, two, three, four, five-

We're going camping again.

And so it pulls us to freedom

Seek adventure.

Here we are again with a song

Together we leave together.

We are not afraid of anyone

And we always have fun.

(The journey through the stations begins to the music of “Smile”. At the stations, the children complete tasks, the guys follow the map.)

Station No. 1 "Connoisseurs of Nature"

Leading: The sun plays with a ray

And the snowdrop blooms

The birds couldn't sleep

Came to visit us ... (Spring)

Spring: Are you talking about me? Here I am! Hello my friends!

I am the sorceress of spring.

I am the meadows and the forest and the field

Woke up from sleep.

I bring my warmth to everyone

For everything to bloom.

Brighter you, rays, shine

And warm up the earth.

We will go to the round dance

Let's start a song together.

(children with Spring lead a round dance "Zemelyushka-chernozem")

Spring: Guys, do you know the signs of spring?

Kuzya: I know the sayings about spring.

April with water, May with grass.

Children tell proverbs and sayings about spring.

April flower breaks the snow.

Water flowed, brought spring.

April starts with snow and ends with greenery.

The sun shines, the sun shines - all nature is resurrected.

Spring day, what an affectionate word.

Rook in the air - spring on the street.

May, May, don't take off your coat.

As it rains in May, so will the rye.

Mother spring is red for everyone.

Spring is rich in water.

Ah, ah, the month of May is both warm and cold.

April streams drill the earth.

Spring: And now I'm for you guys

I want to do riddles.

Breathes, grows, but cannot walk. (Plant)

He will give us a dozen arms and thousands of palms. (Wood)

The house is open on all sides.

It is covered with a carved roof

Come into the green house

You will see miracles in it! (Forest)

What kind of girl is this

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round. (Spruce)

Alina is standing - a green scarf,

Thin camp, white sundress. (Birch)

What kind of tree is worth:

There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling. (Aspen)

Very straight I grow in height,

If I'm not on the edge -

Branches only at the top. (Pine)

He drilled the earth, left the root.

He himself came into the world, covered himself with a hat. (Mushroom)

Spring: We had a lot of fun!

I loved all the guys.

But it's time for us to say goodbye

What to do? Waiting for business!

Goodbye, kids!

I wish you a happy journey.

Station No. 2 "Tourist"

(Little Red Riding Hood appears on the path, cries)

Leading: The girl lives in the forest

And dancing and singing

Everyone loves her and waits

Children, what is her name? (Red Riding Hood)

Leading: What happened, Little Red Riding Hood? Why are you crying?

Red Riding Hood: While collecting flowers, I lost the path.

Leading: Can we help Little Red Riding Hood find her way?

Children: Let's help.

Leading: After all, we are tourists.

Red Riding Hood: Guys, tell me, who are the tourists?

Children: Tourists are people who love to travel, admire the beauty of nature, explore the unknown.

Leading: Let's tell Little Red Riding Hood what types of tourism are.

Children: Bicycle, hiking, skiing, mountain, equestrian, automobile.

Red Riding Hood: And what do they wear when they go camping?

Children: In a backpack.

Red Riding Hood: Where do tourists sleep?

Children: In a tent, and the pastel is a sleeping bag.

Leading: We have a map-scheme, we will help you find your way home.

(according to the diagram and topographic signs, children tell how to get to the grandmother’s house using the words - “to the right”, “through the bridge”, “straight”, “deciduous forest”, “along the rough road”, “to the left”, “animals on the road”, “meadow”, “straight”, “coniferous forest”, “house”).

Leading: The guys, in order not to get lost in the forest, use a compass(a special device for determining the sides of the horizon).

(Children look at the compass, try to determine the sides of the horizon)

Red Riding Hood: What parts of the world are there?

Children: North South West East.

Red Riding Hood: Where does the sun rise?

Children: In the east, and sets in the west.

Leading: Let's give Little Red Riding Hood a compass, let her learn to navigate in the forest.

Red Riding Hood: Thank you my friends! Now I won't get lost!

(thanks children and treats pies)

Station No. 3 "Green Pharmacy"

(Doctor Pilyulkin meets the children at the station, he has in his hands pictures of plantain, celandine, dandelion, medicinal chamomile, mint and the plants themselves)

Dr. Pilyulkin: Greetings, fellow travelers! It often happens that troubles happen on a hike - a scratch, a bruise or a bite of some insect, but there is no doctor nearby. What to do?

Nature has its own pharmacy, it grows under your feet. Plants will help you if you know how to use them properly. Plantain is needed if you cut yourself - attach a clean leaf to the wound and hold - the blood will stop.

Dr. Pilyulkin: Let's try to help the victim.

Relay race "Help a friend".

Dr. Pilyulkin: Here's a task for you. Identify the plant from the description.

    Medicinal plant, in medicine all its parts are used - from the root to the flower. It is edible - it is part of salads, even jam is made from it.(Dandelion) It also helps with an insect bite - a wasp, a bee or a gadfly. Just pick a flower and lubricate the bite with the milky juice of the flower. Find a dandelion in the meadow, but don't pick it.

    Name more medicinal plants and show them if possible. Celandine is a poisonous plant and should not be eaten. But if you rubbed a corn on the road, pick a leaf and grease the corn with yellow juice that comes out of it. And celandine will help remove the wart if it is regularly lubricated with the juice of this plant.

    Name medicinal plants that can be used in the campaign.(Chamomile, leaves of strawberries, lingonberries, blueberries ...)

Field chamomile is small, and its leaves look like dill sprigs. If you take a few chamomile flowers and leaves of wild strawberries, lingonberries, you can make real forest tea, which will give strength, soothe and prevent you from catching a cold even in cold weather. You will love this delicious forest tea. But you can use plants only those that grow in the forest, far from the roads.

    The game "Which plant will help out?" pictures depicting plants are laid out in a clearing far from one another. The facilitator names the situations(scratch, bite, callus, cold) and the children should run up to the plant, say its name and explain how it should help.

Dr. Pilyulkik: Well done guys, now I'm calm for you, you can find a way out in any situation. Goodbye!

Station No. 4 "Agility"

(Kikimora appears)

Kikimora: I won't let you go any further.

And I will turn into snags.

I, forest kikimora,

Not even very simple.

I live in the swamp

I will fool everyone in the world.

To compete with me

We need to get strong first.

Leading: Stop getting angry!

Well, where does it fit?

Don't waste your energy in vain

We are not afraid of you

If we only want

And we will defeat you.

Kikimora: But I won't give up so easily!

Not! This is not to be!

With the help of tasks, I will test your dexterity.


    "Crossing" - go along two parallel ropes.

    "Kochki" - go through the bumps through the swamp without getting your feet wet.

    "Frogs" - jump as far as possible.

    "Rock" - climb through the stairs and crawl under it.

    "Swamp" - run along the log, do not fall.

    "Tir" - throwing cones at the target.

    "Loops" - climb through hoops suspended at different heights.

    "Spider web" - climb through horizontally stretched ropes without hitting them (in a plastunsky way).

Kikimora: Well done boys. I see that you are very friendly, kind and always ready to help each other. This completes your test.

Station No. 5 "Young Ecologist"

(meets the children of the Forest Fairy)

Forest Fairy : Hello guys! I am the Forest Fairy.

I love to wander

Through the green country.

Make friends here

I like it very much.

In that country - grace,

Amazing light.

Let's figure it out:

What is the main secret here?

Take a look with me

Into this glorious life

And with the green country

Forever make friends

My friends are plants and animals. When people go to the forest, they do not want to harm anyone, but they themselves, unwillingly, cause pain to nature. To prevent this from happening, you need to know what can and cannot be done in the forest. How to behave in the forest?

Children: You can’t go far from your parents, litter, destroy anthills, bird nests, you can’t kindle a fire near trees.

Forest Fairy: Can you drink water from rivers, lakes and various sources?

Children: No, it can only be drunk after being filtered and boiled for 10 minutes.

Forest Fairy: Is it possible to take the found cubs of animals and birds from the forest?(Not)

Do you know what mushrooms and berries you can pick in the forest?

Children: Edible.

Forest Fairy: What edible mushrooms do you know?

Children: Boletus, boletus, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, white mushroom, etc.

Forest Fairy: What inedible mushrooms do you know?

Children: Toadstools, fly agarics, false mushrooms, false chanterelles, etc.

Forest Fairy: What kind of berries can you eat in the forest?

Children: Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, cranberries.

Forest Fairy: Which ones can't?

Children: Wolfberry, raven eye, elderberry and unfamiliar berries.

Forest Fairy: Let's test your knowledge of the forest and play the game "Edible - inedible".

Remember these rules, and then nature will always be glad to see you. Have a good trip!

Station No. 6 "Prival"

(The guys stop at the House of Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga: Hello guys, hello Kuzenka.

Oh, Kuzya, where have you been?

I cried all my eyes.

Kuzya: Grandma, I got lost, and the tourist guys helped me find our house according to the map you gave.

Leading: Guys, let's ask permission from Baba Yaga to arrange a halt.

1. The game "Who will light the fire faster"

The players of each team must light their own fire. stack firewood(gymnastic sticks) "well", get paper out of backpacks, crumple it, put it in the middle of the "fire" and "set fire"(insert a lit flashlight in the center).

Baba Yaga: What wood is best for making a fire?(From spruce)

What do tourists cook in?(In a bowler hat)

2. “Put up a tent” with the help of adults, children set up a tent.

Leading: And tourists are sitting by the fire, they love to sing songs, let's sing a song too.

(Children sing the song "It's great that we are all here today")

Baba Yaga treats everyone with cheesecakes and tea.

Baba Yaga: Love nature is your command

Always remember that

That the whole earth

Our common home.

(to the music of the song "Smile" children return to kindergarten)

Kamneva S.V. - physical education instructor

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68 "Firefly", Tambov

Sports and entertainment program for schoolchildren It's fun to walk together"

The material is aimed at establishing and strengthening parent-child relationships, a friendly attitude towards each other and will be useful to teachers of boarding schools, as well as preschool teachers.

Target: organization of space for establishing and strengthening child-parent relationships

- to promote the establishment of friendly relations between adults and children;
- to form a sense of community, consistency and cohesion of actions, the ability to interact in a team;
- introduce a healthy lifestyle;
- to promote the development of friendly relations with each other

Participants of the event: pupils of grades 4,5,6, potential adoptive and biological parents, invited foster families (families raising foster children).

Event progress.

Participants become in a circle.
- Good afternoon guys and adults! We are glad to see all of you together at the sports and entertainment program "Together it's fun to walk." We know that when we are together, when we are friendly, it is easier for us to cope with any problems, solve complex problems.
Sports have a start and a finish. And what does it mean to start in our ordinary life? Start is the beginning of something new, kind and good. For children, this is the beginning of a new school year, for adults, the beginning can be a good relationship with someone or a decision that can be very important in their life. Let our start be a fun and good start for everyone.
- To begin with, I suggest that all participants get acquainted.
1. Exercise "Say the name"
The first calls his name, the second - his name and the name of the first, etc., until the circle is completed.
- That's how we met. And now we need to pay off on 1-2-3.
(3 teams of players, each comes up with a name for their team, the presenters tie ties of 3 colors around the neck)

2. Relay "Write your name"
- To better remember each other's names, let's do one task:
A blank sheet of paper is attached to the wall in front of each team. The baton is a red flag. Each player in turn runs up to the paper and writes his name. Loud applause for the winners.

3. "Merry trio"
- And now let's play an interesting game "Merry Troika". Let's see whose team is the most friendly and cohesive.
(3 teams line up one after another. The first participant runs forward with an arc and a bell on his shoulders, runs around the obstacle, returns to the team. The second participant joins him, they run along the same route, then the third, etc. until the last the participant will not join and the whole team will not run. Important condition: do not let go of each other.)

4. "Show"

- Sometimes we like to portray, to show someone. Now you are invited by the whole team to depict what will be written on the piece of paper. And the other two teams must guess what you showed. (A representative of each team pulls out a piece of paper with a written word: orchestra, centipede, zoo)

5. Autumn riddles
- Children and adults! Do you like to solve riddles? Then listen carefully, each team has 3 riddles, and if the team does not guess, then the rest of the participants help.

1. All striped from showers
The ninth month has come to us
We run home through the puddles
Umbrella is a little wet.
So what month is it?
Did you come to visit us, my friend? (September)

2. A crowd through the heavens
Leaky bags are running,
And sometimes it happens
Water leaking from bags

3. Without a path and without a road
Walks the longest
Hiding in the clouds, in the mist,
Only feet on the ground (rain)

1. I am under a colored hat
I stand alone on my feet.
I have my habits
I always play hide and seek. (mushroom)
2. Above you, above me
Dropped a bag of water.
Ran into a distant forest
Lost weight and disappeared. (cloud)

3. Where the sun is
That's where he looks (sunflower)

1. Its spring and summer
We saw dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
They ripped off all the shirts. (wood)

2. Roams the field,
Sings and whistles
breaks trees,
Bends to the ground (wind)

3. Dark-skinned toddler
Not in growth pulls the load (ant)

6. "Dress up nicely."
- When we are going somewhere: to visit, shop, for a holiday, etc. we, of course, dress beautifully. And our next competition is called "Dress up beautifully."
(One participant from the team is selected - they will be dressed up. These participants stand next to a basket of things (skirt, vest, scarf, shirt, hat, etc.). Take turns from the team run up and put on one thing, until cart will not be empty.

7. The game "Transfer purchases"
- Each of us likes to go to shops and make purchases. Now each team, like one family, will shop.
(Opposite each team, on the other side of the hall, there are 2 chairs. They are laid out: skittles - a bottle of milk, a cube - a loaf of bread, fruit - props, etc. On a signal, the first one takes a basket and runs to the chair. Puts one "product" in the basket and goes back, passes it to the next member of his team, and so on, until all the “products” are in the basket.

8. Tree of friendship(creative task)
- For several competitions, the team members became friends, performed various tasks together, and you did it well. And now your team should get creative and draw a tree of friendship. Tell what it is, what benefits it brings.
(Teams are offered a drawing paper with a drawn tree trunk and each team member circles his hand, forming a crown of a tree. If desired, write a good wish to your family or friends in the middle of the palm. At the end of the work, describe what kind of tree it is, what benefits it brings to people and animals, birds .

Make a conclusion:
- A tree has roots, branches, foliage ... and friendship has its own roots, relationships are strong and not very strong. Foliage and branches together, forming a crown, are beneficial, protecting on a hot day, creating a home for birds, etc. So it is with people, when they are together, when they are friendly, both children and adults - everything works out for them and they do not care about any obstacles and troubles, they do it well together.

9. Performance of the song to the soundtrack "Together it's fun to walk across the open spaces"
All participants are invited to stand in a large circle and to the music, performing dance movements, sing the song "Together it's fun to walk across the open spaces."

At the end of the event, a sweet treat for all children and the opportunity to speak (optionally) to potential adoptive parents.

Scenario of sports entertainment "Together it's fun to walk"

PARTICIPANTS: children of MDOU "KINDERGARTEN No. 9" in Kimry, Tver region and children of KINDERGARTEN No. 22 in Dubna, Moscow region.

PURPOSE: to maintain friendly relations between children from different cities;

cultivate friendliness, the ability to rejoice in the success of others; create a positive emotional state in children.

EQUIPMENT AND EQUIPMENT: hoops, tunnels, small throwing balls, baskets, bouncing balls, kinder boxes, cords.

MUSICAL SUPPORT: Songs "If you are good", "Sol-

radiant nyshko”, music for sports dance with ribbons.


Children enter the hall and sit on benches.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR: Guys, today children from the city of Kimry came to visit us. They really want to make friends with you and play with you.

The song “If you are good” sounds, the cat Leopold enters the hall.

LEOPOLD: Hello kids,

Girls and boys.

You recognized me, I am the cat Leopold. My motto is "Let's live together".

I see that children from different cities have gathered today. You probably really want to make friends with each other? I know an interesting game that will help you. Get up all in a big and friendly circle.


In a wide circle, I see

All my friends got up.

We're going to the right now

Now let's go to the left

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we will all return to our place.

Let's smile, wink.

And let's get to know each other.

You guys don't be shy

And let's introduce ourselves.

(Children pass the ball to each other in a circle, calling their name)

LEOPOLD: Well, we became friends.

Guys, do you like sports? (children answer)

I also love sports and exercise. And I want to tell you a secret:

If you want to be skillful

Strong, fast, agile, brave,

Never be sad

Run, jump and play.

Learn to love jump ropes

Ball, hoops and sticks.

Live a hundred years

That's the whole secret.

And today we will have a competition.

Today, two teams participate in our competitions "Solnyshko" and "

Teams are invited to start. (teams line up opposite each other).

1. Greeting teams.

2. Poems about the cities of Kimry and Dubna.

3. Teams exchange souvenirs.

LEOPOLD: Now we will start the competition,

Fun competition.

Everyone gathered, everyone is healthy?

Ready to run and play?

Well then don't be lazy

Get on the charger.



1. "Change the subject"

LEOPOLD: What a strange road?

There are a lot of obstacles here.

Whatever step, then miracles,

This is such a miracle strip.

2. "Obstacle course" (hoop, tunnel, run around the landmark)

3. "Throw the ball into the basket"

LEOPOLD: And now you rest,

Watch the ribbon dance.



They love miracle balls

Girls and boys.

Taking them by the horns

They jump along the path.

4. "Jumpers"

5. Competition of captains. (who will collect more kinders)

6. Run with two balls.

7. Game with fans ("Take off the tail")


All the guys are great

We tried very hard!

Honest and brave

Everyone competed.

All were strong, brave, dexterous.

You all deserve sweet prizes today.

Don't forget the main motto:

" Guys let's be friends!"

Leopold presents certificates to the teams, distributes chocolates, says goodbye and leaves.

Game-journey "It's fun to walk together ..."

Goals: to form the concept of the term friendship;

Develop critical thinking, group work skills;

To form respect for other people;

Develop emotional responsiveness, a sense of confidence.

Attention! Attention!

A fun party opens.

Hurry, honest people,

Our holiday is calling you!

How many people are in the hall,

A glorious holiday will be here.

So they told us right

That the guys are waiting for us here.

So let's be friends!

Let us remember the verses more than once.

If friendship is always valued,

Any wish will come true!

Don't stand by indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

You need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

The one you make friends with.

So that everyone in life has enough

Great human kindness.

You will hear someone's song.

And it will become brighter around.

The most magical miracle

We don't call friendship for nothing!

Let's greet each other.

Girls raise your hands! And the boys will clap their hands for them. What beautiful and smart girls we have.

Now boys raise your hands and girls clap them. What strong, brave boys we have.

Stomp your feet for those with dark hair.

Clap your hands for those with blond hair.

You are all different, but you study at the same school, we celebrate holidays, we love sweets and ice cream.

THEREFORE, OUR holiday-journey is dedicated to friendship and tolerance. It was celebrated this week on November 16

Leading: - Our today's holiday is called "Together it's fun to walk." It is dedicated to friendship and tolerance.

Travel conditions:

Each class receives a route sheet and with the teacher goes on a journey through 4 stations. Move quietly, calmly, without rushing. For correctly completed tasks of each stage, the class will receive FRIENDSHIP TALISMANS and stick on your posters

-A fun journey that you will go on today,will helpmake your class, our school, our country and the whole worldspacefriendship and tolerance!

Stage 1"Kind".

1. Guys, who knows what it means to be polite? (children's answers)

-Guys, listen to the poem, guess what "magic" word you need to say, finish it:

-Even an ice block will melt,

from a warm word ... (Thank you)

- The old stump will turn green,

when he hears ... (Good afternoon)

-When we are scolded for pranks,

we say: ... (Excuse me, please)

-Both in France and Denmark at parting

say: ... (Goodbye)

- The boy is polite and developed,

says, meeting, ... (Hello)

- And if it's an English boy? How does he say hello? Does it forgive?

- Does the Uzbek boy say hello?

-And the German boy? And the French boy?

Well done, YOU even know foreign polite words.


You will be a protector, not shy before the strong. (S.Ya.Marshak)

3 . The game "What is good and what is bad."

It is necessary to decompose the pictures into groups: good or bad. (Well done!)

4. Guys, you answered very well. Here are the talismans of friendship, move on, success!

( Give a petal and a leaf with a poem )

Stage 2 "Living Word"(prepare cards with words and lay them out on 1 table)

1.-- Guys, name the best and most beautiful qualities of a person (what kind of people do we love?) Children answer: kindness, cordiality, care, love, etc.) - Well done! These are all qualities of a tolerant person.

2. Tolerance is peace and friendship.

3. And the task is.

Before you is the word Tolerance". It is necessary for each letter of this word to choose words related to the concept of tolerance. For example: on the letter T - patience, on the letter E - unity.

But the trouble is, the first letters of the words are lost.

Substitute the words for the missing letter.

(The words will be: - Patience, communication, love, unity, joy, activity, morality, cordiality.

4. - Well done! How many good and kind human qualities you have named! Get friendship talismans and move on!

(Children receive a petal and a leaflet with a poem)

Stage 3 "Friendship"

1. - Our station is called "FRIENDSHIP".

Do you have friends? What are their names?

- And who is the very first, closest and beloved friend in the whole wide world for children of all countries and peoples? (mother)

And at school? (teacher) Another might be an old teddy bear who listens to you when you're in a bad mood.

A favorite book can become a friend!

2. Game: "Guess a friend."

- I will call a fairy-tale character, and you guys call his friend in chorus. So let's start:

Good Kid and ……. (Carlson).

Green Crocodile Gena and ……. (Cheburashka).

Good Snow White and ……. (Seven gnomes).

Funny Chipmunks Chip and ...... (Dale).

Trusting Pinocchio and ...... (Pierrot, Malvina).

Funny Winnie the Pooh and ... .. (Piglet and others).

Uncle Fedor and ... (cat Matroskin, Sharik)

Dunno and .... (Znayka and others.)

Girl Ellie and ... (Scarecrow, Leo, etc.)

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf)

3. If there are friends in the world, everything is fine, everything blooms.

Even the strongest wind, even the storm will not bend.

We will walk merrily in the rain, and in the snow, and in the cold.

We are friends in any weather, this friendship cannot be broken.

So let's be friends!

Let us remember the verses more than once.

If friendship is always valued,

Any wish will come true!

4. Now show how friendly you are. Assemble the picture from the puzzles.

5. Well done guys! Dealt with quickly. Get friendship talismans and move on. ( Children receive a petal and a leaflet with a poem)

Stage 4 "Friendly hands"

Let's draw a symbolic picture "Friends" as a symbol of friendship for the guys in your class. You will paste this picture on your poster. The picture is extraordinary. Your pens will make it.

To do this, select 2 artist guys who will draw it.

And the rest will circle their fingers and sign the kindest and most polite words on each finger.

Children circle their hands and draw themselves (as a symbol of friendship for the class).

4. Well done guys!

Remember that it is easier for kind, merciful, tolerant people to live and communicate with each other; communication with such people brings joy.

(Children receive a petal, a leaflet with a poem and their own drawing, a symbol of friendship)

Children stick their mascots on the poster.

Rewarding with certificates for participation in the game "Together it's fun to walk."

Leading: Let's conclude our holiday and in honor of true friendship, which there is a fireworks display in your class. .

"Red" - the girls clap.

"Yellow" - the boys clap.

"Green" - all clap together.

Host: Our holiday has come to an end. Thanks to everyone who shared it with us! Until we meet again, friends!

At the end of the holiday, a round dance is performed to the song “If you went on a journey with a friend”.

Poems to print:

If you are polite and not deaf to conscience,

You will give way to the old woman without protest.

If you are polite in your soul, and not out of sight,

In the trolleybus you will help the disabled to climb up.

And if you are polite, then sitting in the lesson,

you will not crackle with a friend like two magpies.

And if you are polite, you will help your mother,

And offer her help without asking - that is, yourself ...

And if you are polite, - to those who are weaker,

You will be a protector, not shy before the strong.

Tolerance is peace and friendship.
Everyone needs to know about this!
Be tolerant always and in everything.
And any business will be nothing to you.

If there are friends in the world, everything is fine, everything blooms.

Even the strongest wind, even the storm will not bend.

We will walk merrily in the rain, and in the snow, and in the cold.

We are friends in any weather, this friendship cannot be broken.

So let's be friends!

Be cheerful to be happier

The one you make friends with.

So that everyone in life has enough

Great human kindness.

Will you hear someone's song

And it will become brighter around.

The most magical miracle

We don't call friendship for nothing!

MBOU "Secondary School No. 94"

Journey Game Grade 2

"Together it's fun to walk"


primary school teacher

Isaeva Valentina Vasilievna

Novokuznetsk, 2015

(Middle preschool age)

Entertainment progress

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit down at the entrance on the rugs.

Instructor: Guys, today we will go on a trip, and so that we do not get lost, we have a map (shows a map).

Let's have fun walking

Let's jump and play.

There are railroad tracks on the map, what does that mean?

That's right, we need to get on the train now.

By wagons!

Children line up one after another and move forward at a signal -"Vagons".

Instructor: Well, guys, we reached the turn, as shown on the map. Next you need to go over the bridge - "On the bridge to the meadow."

Instructor: Well done, we have overcome the bridge!

Children stand in a circle and, together with the instructor, look where to go next.

Correctly you need to go over bumps and not a step from them - "From bump to bump."

Instructor: How clever and attentive you are!

Let's turn to the map again.

Instructor: How many obstacles we have overcome, well done! But look, the map shows logs that you need to climb over. Let's, carefully one after another - "Through the log."

Instructor: Look, the lawn is all strewn with stumps. And we're so tired, let's sit down.

Children sit on stumps and perform breathing exercises with the instructor - raise their hands up and lower them down.

Instructor: Well, we rested a little, now let's play a game - "Find yourself a stump."

Children sit on stumps, start running around the lawn to the music (at this time we remove one stump), as soon as the music stops, they look for a stump. Whoever didn’t find it, we say to him: “Petya, Petya, don’t yawn, take your place!”. After these words, the music starts again. The game is repeated 3 times.

Instructor: Well done guys!

We had fun walking, jumping, playing, but it's time to return. Do you remember the whole road that we walked along? Then go ahead!

Children perform all tasks in the opposite direction. And they run to the exit from the hall.

Instructor: I don’t understand something, but what kind of red cross is drawn on the map.

Do you think treasure? Then he must be found.

Children are looking for treasure in the hall and find it.

Instructor: Well done guys! You did a good job today, and this is for your efforts.


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