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MBOU "Makulovskaya secondary school"

Verkhneuslonsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Scenario of an extracurricular event

« It's fun to walk together!"

Prepared by a Russian teacher

language and literature

Belkina Tatyana Alekseevna

year 2013

"It's fun to walk together!"Meeting of savvy teams "Children" and "Ancestors"
Target: from to contribute to the formation of a culture of children, to cultivate love and respect for their family, to encourage children to join in a game situation with adults, to develop emotional responsiveness, goodwill.

Equipment: a stand with photographs and excerpts from children's compositions "Dad, Mom, I am ... a family", an exhibition of family coats of arms prepared by students and their parents; improvised frigate; multimedia projector.

Event progress

The song of V. Shainsky sounds to the words of M. Matusovsky "It's fun to walk together ..."Slide #2
teacher's word

Good evening, dear mothers, fathers, children! I am glad to see you all together at our holiday "It's fun to walk together!". Not so often we can get together like this, putting aside all the affairs, although each of us understands that it is necessary to do this in order to get to know our children better, to see them in a completely different environment, so that your daughters and sons can also see on you with different eyes. I am sure that each of you will make at least a small discovery for yourself today, getting to know those with whom you live under the same roof.

Preparing for today's holiday, each of the guys wrote an essay about his family. What kind of epithets they did not use in their stories: someone has a friendly family, someone has a wonderful, funny, athletic, interesting. But in all the works I saw a sense of pride of children for their family. And that's great. Our class is also a family, but only a big one. As in any family, we have our problems, our joys, our secrets, victories and failures. But I think that all the difficulties ahead of us will be on our shoulders if we solve them all together: parents and children. From today we begin to keep our family album, the annals of our class, our big and small deeds. And the first page of this family album will be our holiday today.

Yunga, is everything ready to sail?

Cabin boy:

Yes sir! Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! In a few minutes our ship sets sail. All participants of our holiday are our fellow travelers!



There is a boatswain!


Signal in form number one, general! All hands on deck! Prepare to sail, scrub the deck!

(I. Dunaevsky’s song sounds to the words of Lebedev-Kumach “Merry Wind”. Sailors run out. They clean the deck, hang up lifebuoys)

Slide #3


Crew of the ship, listen to my command! Equal! Attention! (Approaches the captain) Comrade captain! The crew is ready to go. All participants of the holiday on board.


Navigator, report course!


Is to report the course! The course is the island of the Curious.


Remove the ladder! Give me the mooring line! Raise the anchor!


Sailors, on the yard! Raise the sails!


Got to raise the sails! (The flags go up.)


Full speed ahead!


There is full speed ahead!

Cabin boy:

Captain, we can already see Curiosity Island.


That's right, this is the island of the Curious, an island where they love various puzzles, jokes, riddles. We enter the harbor. Give up anchors! Parking 1 hour. Rest everyone!


Is to give away the anchor! Where do we start, comrade captain? They say theater begins with a hanger...


Let's start with a greeting. All clear?


So exactly We greet all the inhabitants of the Island of the Curious. I pass the command to our leader.

The host invites 2 teams to the stage: "Children" and "Ancestors".

Competitive part of the holiday

Slide #4

1. "Lucky case." The team with the most correct answers in 3 minutes wins.

Questions for the Ancestors team

    Which of the notes is not needed for compote? (Salt)

    Which composer's last name is similar to a hunter's shot? (Bach)

    Can I bring water in a sieve? (You can. A piece of ice)

    Which wheel does not spin in a car while driving? (Spare)

    Who speaks all languages? (Echo)

    Night bird of prey. (Owl)

    What Russian word consists of three syllables and indicates 33 letters? (Alphabet)

    The bird that first arrives to us in the spring. (Rook)

    Which city is flying? (Eagle)

    Which wing never flies? (Automotive)

    Hidden treasures. (Treasure)

    Birch basket. (box)

    Smooth, shiny surface that reflects. (Mirror)

    What kind of fabric is not to sew a shirt? (From the railway)

    Plot of land for vegetables. (Garden)

Questions for the "Children" team »

    What part of the word can be found in the ground? (Root)

    Liquid that gives shine to the treated surface. (lacquer)

    Water in a gaseous state. (Steam)

    Equilateral Rectangle (Square)

    The outer layer of the fruits of citrus plants. (Zest)

    Place on the square for trade. (Bazaar)

    Lint-free carpet (Palace)

    A break between acts of the performance, sections of the concert. (Intermission)

    what land will never grow old? (new)

    Walks along the sea, reaches the shore, disappears. (Wave)

    Women's sleeveless dress. (Sundress)

    Place of performance in the circus. (Arena)

    Unicellular fungi used in winemaking, brewing, baking. (Yeast)

    What state is worn on the head? (Panama)

    How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One)

Slide #5

2. "Black box"

Each team is given a box containing an object. It is necessary to talk about the thing that is in the box, choosing well-known expressions, examples from life, according to which the rival team must guess what thing is in the box.

Slide #6

3. "Draw"

The teams are given proverbs, the meaning of which the participants must express in the picture.

    The smart one will not go uphill, the smart one will bypass the mountain.

    The hut is not red in the corners, but red in the pies.

Slide number 7

4. "What the song is about"

I you he she -

Together friendly family

Big-eyed, mischievous, cute, kind and funny!

And we sing and we dance

All our family.

What is the song about? And the song, it turns out, sings about many things without which we cannot live in the world. What is the next song about?

    It will make everyone warmer from her ... (from a smile)

    With her it's fun to walk across the expanses ... (with a song)

    Drawing of a boy ... (solar circle, the sky around)

    He runs, swings ... (blue wagon)

    They run clumsily ... (pedestrians through puddles)

    They are made of paper and blotting paper, of bells and flowers ... (girls)

    If you set off with him, the road is more fun ... (with a friend)

    He didn’t pass anything, they didn’t ask him anything ... (Antoshka)

    Imagine, imagine, he was green ... (grasshopper)

    She lies still and strokes the sun ... (turtle)

    Do not twist it, you will not find on it that special country that we sing about ... (globe)

    They are so wonderful: with a book, with friendship, with a song - they fly so fast ... (school years)

Questions are given to both teams in turn. Having guessed the word, the team performs several lines from the song.

Slide #8

5. “What? Where? When?"

Promised a party

Look like a light into the courtyard ...

The beginning has a filling -

Red thread in the conversation.

As once in the old age,

And in recent years:

Let's start the quiz

Like "What? Where? When?"

Who will answer faster?

    What does the watchman do if he has a sparrow on his hat? (asleep)

    Who rides on someone else's back and carries the load? (Backpack)

    When is a boy called by a woman's name? (When he sleeps - sleepyhead)

    Where is the water standing? (In glass)

    What lies between the city and the countryside? (Union I)

    What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

    Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Which are worth)

    What disease on land does no one get sick with? (Nautical)

    What does half an orange look more like? (For the second half)

    Which tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (on wet)

Slides #9 - 17

6. "Let's go to the forest for mushrooms"

Our next contest is "Called a loader - climb into the back." (If it is not possible to use the presentation, riddles can be written on leaves in the shape of a mushroom. Then each team will have to collect four mushrooms).

Slide #18

7. "Bluff Club"

Are the following statements true?

    In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a colored ink brush? (Right)

    In Australia, the use of disposable blackboards is practiced. (Not)

    The great Goethe gave his pen to the great Pushkin. (Right)

    For a lengthy letter, 2-3 quill pens were required. (Right)

    The ballpoint pen was used at first only by military pilots? (Right)

    In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to gnaw on anything. (Right)

    Carrot extract is added to some types of colored pencils for greater lead strength. (Not).

Slide #19

    "Support Your Team"

Pantomime. Children depict a scene from adult life, adults - from a nursery.


Well, friends, you really, as we are told, won a brilliant victory.

And we will gladly take you with us. Let's sail to where you will meet your old friends. And as it turned out, you know how to make friends.

It's not for nothing that our ship is called "Victory". He takes on board only worthy children and adults.

You are mistaken, Khristofor Bonifatievich. The name of the ship is completely different.

We're not joking, mate.

Jung: (addressing the audience)

What is the name of the ship? (Answer: "Trouble")

Again, the paint was washed off with salt water. But nothing, it's fixable. Jung, fix the situation. (Junga attaches the letters PO)

And to you, dear friends, I wish that in life you will always be lucky and ...

Parking time is running out. Let's go further. Listen to my command. Give me the mooring line!

Have to give mooring line!

Raise the sails!

Got to raise the sails"

Full speed ahead1

There is full speed ahead!

Children and parents together sing a song by V. Shainsky to the words of M. Matusovsky "It's fun to walk together"

Slide #20


    Kutach.A. Give mooring line. Holiday on the last day of vacation. - M .: School press, the journal "Education of schoolchildren", No. 5, 2000 Lesonen V. Eyes charm. - M .: School press, the journal "Education of schoolchildren", No. 8, 2000 Sukhin I.G. 800 riddles, 100 crosswords. - M .: New school, 1996. - 176 p. Trembolsky Ya.L., Chekalov I.V. Your word, scholars! The book for the teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990. - 144 p.

Olga Trusova
Synopsis of sports entertainment "Together it's fun to walk" (senior preparatory group)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Seed"

Abstract of sports entertainment

« It's fun to walk together» .

(Senior preparatory group)


physical education instructor

Trusova Olga Gennadievna

Makasovo village, 2016

Conduct form: competition.


Strengthening the health of children, the ability to act in the interests of the team, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance.


Involve children in a healthy lifestyle;

- develop motor activity of children;

To consolidate the rules of conduct in active games, relay races, competitions;

-develop endurance, speed of reaction in relay races, dexterity, skills of orientation in space, attention, determination;

To promote the ability to work together with the team;

To cultivate friendliness, honesty, diligence, responsibility and respect for each other.

Educational area "Health"

- develop the ability to self-control, when performing movements;

Form the concept of active recreation

Educational area "Socialization"

- develop ingenuity the ability to solve problems independently

Educational area "Security"

To develop in children an understanding of the need to comply with safety rules.

Educational area "Communication"

- develop free communication with adults;

Learn to be kind and compassionate

Equipment: medium-sized balls 2 pcs, baskets 2 pcs, small plastic balls and clubs 2 pcs, balloons 2 pcs, train 8 pcs, skittles 6 pcs, rackets 2 pcs, plastic balls 50 pcs, chipboard discs (bumps) 4 things.

Event progress:

Leading: Hello! Today the teams of the most dexterous, quick and quick-witted guys will prove in an honest, open and fun duel that they deserve the title of "Champions!" In competitions « Fun starts» teams meet "Dodgers" and team "Healthy". So, meet the participants of our competitions.

(Under sports march children come on sports ground.)

Sports march

Leading: We wish our teams good luck! Guys, before we go to our cheerful competition we need to warm up. You are ready?

(Warm-up by showing a physical education instructor.)

Leading: Well, gained strength, are you ready? Then let's start!

Leading: Everyone knows that man oars, happy, cheerful only when he is healthy. And staying healthy is not easy! Guys, what do you think it takes!

(Answers of children, conversation.)

1. Relay "Swamp".

The guys line up one after the other (boy - girl - boy - etc.) and on signal "Attention - March" the first participant overcomes the swamp along the painted bumps on the floor with the ball in his hands. Reaches the mark and rolls the ball to the next participant. The next and all participants repeat the movements of the first.

Leading: Our guys are not only fast and dexterous, but also smart, they know a lot of proverbs and sayings about a healthy lifestyle. (The host begins to say the proverb, the children finish).

In a healthy body healthy mind.

Walking is a duty to live.

Give back sports time and get health in return.

Ingenuity is needed, and hardening is important.

Who loves sport he is healthy and vigorous.

Who goes in for sports, that strength is gaining.

Health is more valuable than wealth.

Well done boys!

Let's move on to the next relay.

2. Relay "Planting Potatoes".

Team members line up in columns one at a time. 5 circles are drawn in front of the teams or hoops are laid down. Buckets of potatoes are handed to the first numbers, at the whistle they run, plant potatoes in their nests, return with an empty bucket, pass to the second player, he runs to harvest, returns to the next, etc. The team that completed the relay race earlier wins. (potato cubes)

Jury evaluate: Speed, and correctness

Leading: Spring is on the street, the ice began to slowly melt, but we are not afraid. Show picture from hockey player's sports equipment(children must guess for what kind sports need this sports equipment. (children answer). Right! and so the next relay "Hockey players".

3. Relay "Hockey players".

The first participant dribbles a small ball with a stick, bending around 3 pins, brings it to the mark, picks up the ball and stick, runs back, passing the baton to the next one. Mistakes: (you can not knock down pins while dribbling).

Leading: Co sports need to make friends

To all those who are not yet friends with him.

He will help you all to cheer up,

It is essential for health!

Sports dance with hoops: "FizkultPRIVET!"


Defense does not sleep, we go on the attack,

Approaching the shield

We put the ball in the basket. (Basketball)

4. Relay "Pass the Ball".

The guys line up one after another in front of the lines start. On command "Attention-march" the first member of each team on a badminton racket carries the ball to the turning pin, goes around it and goes back, passes the racket with the ball to the second participant, 2-1 participant repeats the movements of the first, etc.


disperse quickly,

In the bean are placed

On the ice track from the hill,

Twos and fours rush. (Bobsled)

5. Relay « fun ball» .

The guys line up one after another in front of starting line. On command "Attention-march" the first participant rolls the ball to the mark, takes the ball in his hands, returns back by running, passing the ball to the next participant. The next ones do the same.


He skis dexterously,

Behind his back is a rifle.

He's on his way

pass the firing line:

Shoot lying down and standing

It's like he's on the battlefield.

And then don't relax

Rush to the finish line quickly. (Biathlete)

6. Relay "Knock down the pin".

5 pins are placed in front of the team. The task of the players is to knock down the skittles, with a big ball, as much as possible. 1 attempt is made.


Here they met in the ring in a fight.

Each has gloves on.

Gong cheerful sounded,

By the beginning of the battle gave a signal. (Boxing)

7. Relay of captains.

At the command of the referee, two captains begin to carry balls from one basket to another for 30 seconds. (balls can only be carried in hands, cannot be worn in a T-shirt, the distance between the baskets is 5 meters. The captain who brings more balls wins.

The jury sums up.

Leading: So ours ended funny relay races. All the guys showed their dexterity, strength, speed, and most importantly, they got a charge of vivacity and a lot of positive emotions! We wish you good health, smile more often and never lose heart!

Rewarding. The jury awards children with medals and a sweet prize.

(To the cheerful music, the competitors leave.)

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 5, Kotelnich, Kirov Region

Compiled and hosted by:

Kotrekhova Elena Alekseevna

Primary school teacher

Goals and objectives:

  1. promotion of healthy lifestyles;
  2. development of contact between parents and children;
  3. identification of common family interests and inclinations;
  4. fostering a sense of responsibility, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.
  5. active involvement of parents in the educational process of the school.

Conduct form: competition.

Members: primary school students, dads, fans.

Location: gym.

Equipment and inventory:cut pictures, ball, cubes, baton, chalk, hoops, buckets, eye patches, tape recorder, team numbers, tape, letters.

Musical accompaniment: record player, sports march, dance of little ducklings.

Rewarding: each participant of the sports and entertainment program is awarded with a diploma and a commemorative toy.

Registration: wall of creativity: an exhibition of drawings "My dad", essays "We are with dad", creative works "Joint rest".

Preparatory work:

Inviting fathers to our sports and games program;

Hall decoration;

Photo and video filming;

Preparation of the necessary equipment;

Diplomas, prizes.

Course of the competition:

Good morning! We are pleased to welcome you to the sports and games program.

Everyone wants to compete
joke and laugh
Show strength, dexterity
And dexterity to prove.

Today, when every now and then you meet gloomy faces, it is always joyful and pleasant to see people with a kind, friendly smile, a happy look. And if they are men, then doubly so. Now with you we will be divided into teams that will participate in our competitions.

We are all happy with this meeting.
We didn't come here for a reward.
We need to meet more often
So that we all live together.

I suggest you get to know each other in the team and shake hands and choose the commander of DAD AND SON

To run a competition
You need an experienced judge.
This seems to be a calling -
The judge, of course, will be Shilova Svetlana Yurievna

And I also want to add
And introduce you to the referee
Alalykina Ekaterina Gennadievna, Ostanina Irina Vasilievna - good coaches
They will help in both word and deed in sports.
We want to invite you
Competition to judge.

I have introduced you all, you can start. I would like to wish our school teams success and victories.

And now attention, get ready to take the solemn oath of our competition.

(sports march sounds)

The oath

On behalf of all participants in the competition, we solemnly swear:

Participate in these competitions, observing the rules by which they are held, respecting a weak opponent;

We swear to uphold the Olympic motto: “Faster! Above! Stronger!";

We vow to compete in true sporting spirit for the glory of sport and for the honor of our team.

We swear! We swear! We swear!

- I declare the friendly meeting open!

  1. Warm up

Before any competition, it is necessary to warm up, i.e. prepare your body for physical activity, stretch all the muscles, everything is like in serious athletes.

Now the teams will simultaneously conduct a warm-up under the guidance of their captains, and we will see how efficiently, effectively, fun, friendly and coordinated the teams will prepare themselves for the next test.

Commanders please come forward! Please,warm-up music.

  1. Dance of little ducks

The workout went well! Congratulations on your first test.

It's time to start our sports competition. But, something I do not see the name of our competition. Now it all depends on the teams. Your task is to place the words of the names of our competition on the opposite wall. All children and 2 dads participate in the competition.

The children take turns carrying the letters. One dad hangs on the wall, the other prepares the next student for the competition. Each team gets a word of 6 letters. (adhesive tape, letters)

Let's read the name of our competition together.

"It's fun to walk, run, think and play together!"

  1. Competition #1

"Twisted Path".Overcome obstacles: the first is to jump over the barrier, crawl under the second barrier, run around the ball and come back.

  1. Competition #2

"Mushroom picking in the dark forest". A blindfolded player with a bucket in his hands goes to the "forest" - to the hoop, in which cubes - "mushrooms" are scattered. Finds one "mushroom", puts it in a bucket, returns to the team, passes the bandage and bucket to the next player.

  1. Competition #3

"Grasshoppers" . The first player jumps from a place with two legs in length. From the landing mark, the second player jumps further - the "grasshopper" and so on.

Game with spectators

“It's me, it's me, it's all my friends”

Which of you is always ready
life without doctors?

Who doesn't want to be healthy
cheerful, slender and cheerful?

Which of you does not walk gloomy -
Do you love sports and exercise?

Who is not afraid of frost -
Skating flies like a bird?

Well, who will start dinner-
With imported chewing gum, sweets?

Who doesn't love tomatoes
Fruits, vegetables, lemons?

Who - ate and brushes his teeth
Daily, twice a day?

Who according to the schedule

Doing physical exercises?

  1. Competition #4

« Spiders spinning webs.Standing with their backs to each other, holding hands (under the elbows), walk a distance in this position - “weave a web”.

  1. Competition #5

"Snake" . In a full squat, holding on to the belt in front of the walker, bending around obstacles in a zigzag, “crawl” the distance to your nest and return back in the same position.

  1. Competition for captains “Gold Rush”

Everyone knows the power of knowledge
Need to value knowledge
With a smart, interesting book
Everyone deserves to be friends.
There are many books about sports.
There is a taste for everyone.
Sports sublimely - beautiful,
He is worthy of all the arts!

I invite you to take part in the Gold Rush competition. You answer my questions and the team that gives the last correct answer will get 1 point. There will be 3 questions in total, in this competition a team can earn 3 points.

1 question: Name sports games in which the ball is played with hands (volleyball, basketball, rugby, baseball, handball, rounders, etc.).

2 question: Name the water sports (swimming, water polo, rowing, sailing, water skiing, diving, etc.).

3 question: Name the sports in which skis are used (cross-country skiing, biathlon, ski jumping, freestyle, etc.).

  1. Competition #6

"Aibolit ". "Aibolit" - a player with a thermometer (relay baton) runs to a chair on which one of the spectators is sitting, puts a "thermometer" under his arm and returns to the team. The next "Doctor Aibolit" takes the "thermometer", etc.

  1. Competition #7

"Mosaic ". Fold the picture correctly cut into pieces and determine which animal is depicted on it.

  1. musical surprise,but need your man's help

(teachers sing along with dads and children)

"Song about Dad"

How many songs we sang
They sang to their own mother,
And about dad before this song,
There were no songs.


Dad can, dad can do anything:
Swim with a brass, argue with a bass, chop wood.
Papa can, papa can be anything
Only a mother, only a mother can not be.

Dad is at home and the house is serviceable:
The gas burns and the light does not go out.
Dad at home, of course, the main one,
If mom isn't around.


And with the most difficult task
Dad will do it, give it time.
But then we will decide with mom.
Something that dad couldn't figure out.


We rested well
You rightfully won.
Worthy of praise and rewards.
And we are happy to give you prizes!


Diplomas for each family and a gift

There is no better recipe in the world!
Be inseparable from sports
Live a hundred years
That's the whole secret!

Scenario of sports entertainment "Together it's fun to walk"

PARTICIPANTS: children of MDOU "KINDERGARTEN No. 9" in Kimry, Tver region and children of KINDERGARTEN No. 22 in Dubna, Moscow region.

PURPOSE: to maintain friendly relations between children from different cities;

cultivate friendliness, the ability to rejoice in the success of others; create a positive emotional state in children.

EQUIPMENT AND EQUIPMENT: hoops, tunnels, small throwing balls, baskets, bouncing balls, kinder boxes, cords.

MUSICAL SUPPORT: Songs "If you are good", "Sol-

radiant nyshko”, music for sports dance with ribbons.


Children enter the hall and sit on benches.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR: Guys, today children from the city of Kimry came to visit us. They really want to make friends with you and play with you.

The song “If you are good” sounds, the cat Leopold enters the hall.

LEOPOLD: Hello kids,

Girls and boys.

You recognized me, I am the cat Leopold. My motto is "Let's live together".

I see that children from different cities have gathered today. You probably really want to make friends with each other? I know an interesting game that will help you. Get up all in a big and friendly circle.


In a wide circle, I see

All my friends got up.

We're going to the right now

Now let's go to the left

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we will all return to our place.

Let's smile, wink.

And let's get to know each other.

You guys don't be shy

And let's introduce ourselves.

(Children pass the ball to each other in a circle, calling their name)

LEOPOLD: Well, we became friends.

Guys, do you like sports? (children answer)

I also love sports and exercise. And I want to tell you a secret:

If you want to be skillful

Strong, fast, agile, brave,

Never be sad

Run, jump and play.

Learn to love jump ropes

Ball, hoops and sticks.

Live a hundred years

That's the whole secret.

And today we will have a competition.

Today, two teams participate in our competitions "Solnyshko" and "

Teams are invited to start. (teams line up opposite each other).

1. Greeting teams.

2. Poems about the cities of Kimry and Dubna.

3. Teams exchange souvenirs.

LEOPOLD: Now we will start the competition,

Fun competition.

Everyone gathered, everyone is healthy?

Ready to run and play?

Well then don't be lazy

Get on the charger.



1. "Change the subject"

LEOPOLD: What a strange road?

There are a lot of obstacles here.

Whatever step, then miracles,

This is such a miracle strip.

2. "Obstacle course" (hoop, tunnel, run around the landmark)

3. "Throw the ball into the basket"

LEOPOLD: And now you rest,

Watch the ribbon dance.



They love miracle balls

Girls and boys.

Taking them by the horns

They jump along the path.

4. "Jumpers"

5. Competition of captains. (who will collect more kinders)

6. Run with two balls.

7. Game with fans ("Take off the tail")


All the guys are great

We tried very hard!

Honest and brave

Everyone competed.

All were strong, brave, dexterous.

You all deserve sweet prizes today.

Don't forget the main motto:

" Guys let's be friends!"

Leopold presents certificates to the teams, distributes chocolates, says goodbye and leaves.

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary general education Spasskaya school

Compiled and hosted by:

Korshunova Margarita Ivanovna

Goals and objectives:

    promotion of healthy lifestyles;

    development of contact between parents and children;

    identification of common family interests and inclinations;

    fostering a sense of responsibility, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

    active involvement of parents in the educational process of the school.

Conduct form : competition.

Members: primary school students, dads, fans.

Location: gym.

Equipment and inventory: cut pictures, ball, cubes, baton, chalk, hoops, buckets, eye patches, tape recorder, team numbers, tape, letters.

Musical accompaniment: record player, sports march, dance of little ducklings.

Rewarding: each participant of the sports and entertainment program is awarded with a diploma and a commemorative toy.

Registration: wall of creativity: exhibition of drawings "My dad", compositions "We are with dad", creative works "Joint rest".

Preparatory work:

- invitation of fathers to our sports and games program;

-decoration of the hall;

-photo-video filming;

- preparation of the necessary equipment;

- certificates, prizes.

Course of the competition:

Good morning! We are pleased to welcome you to the sports and games program.

Everyone wants to compete
joke and laugh
Show strength, dexterity
And dexterity to prove.

Today, when every now and then you meet gloomy faces, it is always joyful and pleasant to see people with a kind, friendly smile, a happy look. And if they are men, then doubly so. Now with you we will be divided into teams that will participate in our competitions.

We are all happy with this meeting.
We didn't come here for a reward.
We need to meet more often
So that we all live together.

I suggest you get to know each other in the team and shake hands and choose the commander of DAD AND SON

To run a competition
You need an experienced judge.
This seems to be a calling -
The judge, of course, will be Shilova Svetlana Yurievna

And I also want to add
And introduce you to the referee
Alalykina Ekaterina Gennadievna, Ostanina Irina Vasilievna - good coaches
They will help in both word and deed in sports.
We want to invite you
Competition to judge.

I have introduced you all, you can start. I would like to wish our school teams success and victories.

And now attention, get ready to take the solemn oath of our competition.

(sports march sounds)

The oath

- On behalf of all participants in the competition, we solemnly swear:

- participate in these competitions, observing the rules by which they are held, respecting a weak opponent;

- We swear to uphold the Olympic motto: “Faster! Above! Stronger!";

- we swear to compete in a truly sporting spirit for the glory of sport and for the honor of our team.

We swear! We swear! We swear!

- I declare the friendly meeting open!

    Warm up

Before any competition, it is necessary to warm up, i.e. prepare your body for physical activity, stretch all the muscles, everything is like in serious athletes.

Now the teams will simultaneously conduct a warm-up under the guidance of their captains, and we will see how efficiently, effectively, fun, friendly and coordinated the teams will prepare themselves for the next test.

Commanders please come forward! Please, warm-up music .

    Dance of little ducks

The workout went well! Congratulations on your first test.

It's time to start our sports competition. But, something I do not see the name of our competition. Now it all depends on the teams. Your task is to place the words of the names of our competition on the opposite wall. All children and 2 dads participate in the competition.

The children take turns carrying the letters. One dad hangs on the wall, the other prepares the next student for the competition. Each team gets a word of 6 letters. (adhesive tape, letters)

Let's read the name of our competition together.

"It's fun to walk, run, think and play together!"

    Competition #1

"Twisted Path". Overcome obstacles: the first is to jump over the barrier, crawl under the second barrier, run around the ball and come back.

    Competition #2

"Mushroom picking in the dark forest". A blindfolded player with a bucket in his hands goes to the "forest" - to the hoop, in which cubes - "mushrooms" are scattered. Finds one "mushroom", puts it in a bucket, returns to the team, passes the bandage and bucket to the next player.

    Competition #3

« Grasshoppers». The first player jumps from a place with two legs in length. From the landing mark, the second player jumps further - the "grasshopper" and so on.

Game with spectators

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

Which of you is always ready
life without doctors?

Who doesn't want to be healthy
cheerful, slender and cheerful?

Which of you does not walk gloomy -
Do you love sports and exercise?

Who is not afraid of frost -
Skating flies like a bird?

Well, who will start dinner-
With imported chewing gum, sweets?

Who doesn't love tomatoes
Fruits, vegetables, lemons?

Who - ate and brushes his teeth
Daily, twice a day?

Who according to the schedule

Doing physical exercises?

    Competition #4

« Spiders spinning webs. Standing with their backs to each other, holding hands (under the elbows), walk a distance in this position - “weave a web”.

    Competition #5

"Snake". In a full squat, holding on to the belt in front of the walker, bending around obstacles in a zigzag, “crawl” the distance to your nest and return back in the same position.

    Competition for captains “Gold Rush”

Everyone knows the power of knowledge
Need to value knowledge
With a smart, interesting book
Everyone deserves to be friends.
There are many books about sports.
There is a taste for everyone.
Sports sublimely - beautiful,
He is worthy of all the arts!

I invite you to take part in the Gold Rush competition. You answer my questions and the team that gives the last correct answer will get 1 point. There will be 3 questions in total, in this competition a team can earn 3 points.

1 question: Name sports games in which the ball is played with hands (volleyball, basketball, rugby, baseball, handball, rounders, etc.).

2 question: Name the water sports (swimming, water polo, rowing, sailing, water skiing, diving, etc.).

3 question: Name the sports in which skis are used (cross-country skiing, biathlon, ski jumping, freestyle, etc.).

    Competition #6

"Aibolit ". "Aibolit" - a player with a thermometer (relay baton) runs to a chair on which one of the spectators is sitting, puts a "thermometer" under his arm and returns to the team. The next "Doctor Aibolit" takes the "thermometer", etc.

    Competition #7

"Mosaic ". Fold the picture correctly cut into pieces and determine which animal is depicted on it.

    musical surprise, but need your man's help

(teachers sing along with dads and children)

Song about dad.

How many songs we sang
They sang to their own mother,
And about dad before this song,
There were no songs.

P rip:

Dad can, dad can do anything:
Swim with a brass, argue with a bass, chop wood.
Papa can, papa can be anything
Only a mother, only a mother can not be.

Dad is at home and the house is serviceable:
The gas burns and the light does not go out.
Dad at home, of course, the main one,
If mom isn't around.


And with the most difficult task
Dad will do it, give it time.
But then we will decide with mom.
Something that dad couldn't figure out.


We rested well
You rightfully won.
Worthy of praise and rewards.
And we are happy to give you prizes!


certificates for each family and a gift

There is no better recipe in the world!
Be inseparable from sports
Live a hundred years
That's the whole secret!


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