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Samoilova Maria
Conversation with children “What is a book? Where do books live?

Conversation with children on the topic:

What such a book? Where live books?

Description: introducing children to the world of book culture and the rules of conduct in the library.

Target: educate love, respect for book, to develop interest, the need for reading, respect for book. To educate a competent reader who knows the rules of behavior in the library.

Guys let's talk about book. What do you think such a book? (children's answers)

Books meet a person from early childhood and accompany him throughout his life. Before paper was invented, people made books from the bark of birch-bark, then from parchment - this is the thin skin of animals. Therefore, earlier books were big and heavy.

They were treated with care. To make one book, it was necessary to put a lot of work, effort, they were passed down from generation to generation, decorated the covers books precious stones, gilding.

And tell us what can tell us book? (children's answers)

If you read books, you can learn a lot. It opens up a huge magical world. Introduces history, epic, proverbs, sayings, pleases with his fairy tales, teaches to think about poems, stories. Book is the wisdom of the people.

Guys, where do you keep yours at home? books? (children's answers). Yes, at home we keep our favorite, interesting books on the shelves, in a bookcase. But imagine if books very, so many. Where can we store them? (children's answers).

For a large number books Every city has a special house called a library. Guys, which one of you was in the library? What is this is a library?

The library is a place where a lot of things are kept. books. They are neatly on the shelves, but they are not just on the shelves for beauty, but they are also given to read at home. A person who comes to the library is called a reader.

Why do you think the form is filled out? (children's answers) So that the reader does not forget when to return book to the library that he took it only for a while to read.

Tell me, who works in the library? What is the name of this profession? (children's answers)

A person who works in a library and helps to find an interesting book is called a librarian.

The library has two halls, in one you can choose picking up the book, home on time. This hall is called a subscription. And another reading room. Why do you think? (children's answers).

The library is a public place where there can be many lovers of reading - readers. Therefore, in the hall of the library it is necessary to observe the rules of conduct. What do you think these rules are? (children's answers) Let me take you with them introduce: in the library you can not scream, run, interfere with others. Tear, crumple, draw, bend, tear out pages books. Books love a caring attitude.

Many different people come to the library to read, and therefore you need to try to follow the rules so that after reading book remained neat and clean, so that it was pleasant to take it into the hands of the next reader. If to take care of the book, then she can tell her story to many lovers of reading. And the basic rule in the library that everyone should know reader: read book take it back to the library.

Guys, if by chance you saw a book with a torn page, how do you think how to help her? (children's answers).

At the end of our conversation I want to wish you: love more books, be their true friends, take care of them and books will reveal to you their secrets, stories, mysteries. And know that the doors of the library are open to all lovers books.

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Librarian, Baba Yaga.

Bib: Hello guys! Do you know where you are today? (Children's answers) That's right, to the library. You know, there are miracles in our library. I will now introduce you to them. But first listen to the story.

Librarian takes a book of fairy tales, opens it and reads.

“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there were books. But they didn't have a home. Can you imagine how they lived? The sun burned their sheets, the rains soaked their bindings, the wind fluttered the pages all over the world. And then one day all the books gathered in the central clearing of knowledge. And then the smartest book, the encyclopedia, said: “Book people! How long are we to travel? We are losing our best friends! Let's build our brick house, collect all the books in it. Let's call it the library. Why exactly? Here's why. "Biblio" means book, and "teka" means storage.
No sooner said than done. The library seems to have grown out of the ground. Books began to live in its halls. There were also adults here: encyclopedias, novels, stories and funny children's books: fairy tales, stories, poems. And boys and girls, their fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers began to come to the library. They took books home to read. And in order to help children and adults choose the right books, special people appeared in the library - librarians. Books began to live cheerfully, interestingly and sang:
In the rural library
We'll live well!
We are visiting a wonderful house
We are waiting for you, reader!
That's the end of the tale, and who listened well done!

There is a noise, a roar, a scream. Baba Yaga runs out.

BY: Is this a library?
Bib: Yes, the library.
BY: Well, then I came right! Give me quick books, but more, more.
Bib: Wait, wait. What books? After all, you are not recorded in our library, and you have not even introduced yourself.
BY: Don't you recognize me? (to children) Guys, do you know what kind of cat I am? (children's answers)
Bib .: Well, actually, the guys and I immediately guessed that you were Baba Yaga. After all, you came here and did not even say hello.
BY: Oh, it's true.
He runs up to the guys and begins to shake hands with everyone, saying his name.

Bib: Baba Yaga! Is that how they say hello! You don't have enough hands to say hello to everyone.
BY: How about it?
Bib .: Guys, how should Baba Yaga say hello? (children's answers)
BY: Ah, I get it. (loudly) Hello guys! (Children answer)
Bib: Now it's a different matter.
BY: Yes, I just forgot to say hello. I was in such a hurry. My girlfriend, a magpie, chirped to me that many readers would come to you today.
Bib.: Who - whom?
BY: Readers. Well, isn't it clear. Because they are reading books, means readchildren.
Bib .: Yes, Baba Yaga, you came up with this in an original way, only it would be correct to call them readers. By the way, do you know what the word "library" means?
BY: No.
Bib: Come on guys, we'll tell her. So, the word library” consists of two words “biblio” - a book, “teka” - storage.
BY: (disappointed) So, this is where the books are kept? And I wanted to borrow a whole bunch of books from you.
Bib.: What does it mean to take a whole bunch of books? Somehow you talk about them disrespectfully.
BY: No, what are you, I love and respect them very much. And if you're afraid that I won't carry them, well, I have a string bag. (shows a string bag)
Bib .: Well, who is in such string bags books wears? What if it rains or snows, or the car splashes with mud? Books love to be treated with respect. And since you started talking about the fact that you would like to take books home to read, then tell me, do you know where to choose books?
BYA: (looks around thoughtfully) Well, probably everywhere. (points in different directions with his hands) There, there and there.
Bib: So you don't know. Now I'll tell you.

The librarian tells about where in the library there are books for adults and children.

BY: How interesting. How many books are in the library?
Bib.: A lot, nine thousand.
BY: Wow! Yes, I won't take that much.
Bib .: Baba Yaga, so much for you books no one will. After all, our readers take only five books. And they must read these books in 10 days.
BY: Yes, I won't have time to read books in 10 days.
Bib: It's not a problem. If you do not have time to read the books you took home in 10 days, you can either come to library or call by phone and renew the book, i.e. take it for another 10 days.
BY: Do you have any books in your library, for every taste?
Bib: Of course!
BY: So you have cyclopedias too?
Bib: What, what?
BY: Cyclopedia. Well, the books are so huge that the cyclops read.
Bib.: You mean the fabulous one-eyed giants?
BY: Yeah.
Bib: I don't really know what the Cyclopes read or if they read at all, but maybe you're asking about encyclopedias?
BY: Are they big?
Bib.: There are both big ones and smaller ones. But most importantly, they store a lot of useful information. Therefore, these books, like many others, the most in demand, are stored in the reading room. This means that they can only be read in the library.

Librarian shows where the encyclopedias are located, talks about the most interesting children's encyclopedias, shows them.

Bib.: In these encyclopedias you can find answers to any questions.
BY: Ah, I get it! These are “Kudakalki”, “Chtokalki” and “Ktokalki”.
Bib.: Well, you came up with Baba Yaga. There are no such encyclopedias. But in our library there is a wonderful children's encyclopedia “What is it? Who it?". This encyclopedia contains information about different planets, famous writers, literary heroes, countries of the world, animals, plants, achievements in science and technology, and much more.
And we also have an interesting children's encyclopedia “Where does it grow? What do they eat? This encyclopedia has a section called "Fairytale Village" which lists animal tales. And now I will read to you what the fairy tale is about, and you guys have to guess what kind of fairy tale it is.

The game "Fairytale Village".

1. “Once upon a time there were three little pigs in the world. Three brothers. All the same, round, pink, with the same cheerful ponytails. Autumn came, and the piglets had to think about housing. Only one of the brothers turned out to be reasonable, prudent and noble.
("Three piglets")
2. “Grandma and grandpa had a chicken, but not a simple one. She laid golden eggs."
("Ryaba Hen")
3. “One owner had a donkey, and for many years he tirelessly dragged sacks to the mill, but in old age he became weak and unsuitable for work. The owner decided that it was not worth feeding the donkey now. The unjustly offended donkey left home and went to the city of Bremen, where he met friends.
("The Bremen Town Musicians")
4. “Once upon a time there lived a miller. He died, leaving his sons a mill, a donkey and a cat. The eldest son was the luckiest of all - he inherited the mill. The middle one got a donkey and decided to leave home in search of happiness. The younger brother had to adopt a cat.”
("Puss in Boots")
5. “It happened a long time ago. A duck was hatching eggs in a peasant's yard. Finally, the eggshells crackled, and six fluffy ducklings climbed out of them. And only the seventh egg, the largest, remained intact ... "
("Ugly duck")

After the game, Baba Yaga approaches the magazine rack.

BE: What is this? books such?
Bib: It's not books. Guys, tell me what is it? (Children's answers) That's right, guys, these are magazines.

The librarian talks about what magazines the library subscribes to for children.

Bib .: Do you like to do something with your own hands, Baba Yaga?
BY: Yes, I generally do everything with my own hands: I sew, I embroider, and I bake children in the oven. Uh, actually, I used to bake children in the oven, but now I’ve become kind, I love children, so I don’t do that anymore. Don't be afraid guys.
Bib .: Well, if so, then I advise you to take the magazine "Collection of Ideas", in it you will find many interesting crafts.
BY: I'll definitely take it!
Bib.: In general, Baba Yaga, what books did you want to take from the library?
BY: Fairy tales! I love fairy tales very much. I have read so many of them! And I want to read more.
Bib .: Well, now I’ll check whether you read fairy tales carefully! Do you guys like fairy tales? Do you know them well? (Children's answers) Then you can help Baba Yaga solve riddles about fairy-tale characters.

Quiz "Riddles about fairy tale characters".

1. From the ballroom of the king
The girl ran home
Crystal shoe
Lost on the stairs.
The carriage became a pumpkin again ...
Who, tell me, is this girl?
2. Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? …
3. Mom gave birth to a daughter
From a beautiful flower.
Good, little one!
The little girl was about an inch tall.
If you've read a fairy tale
Do you know the daughter's name?

4. Grandfather and woman lived together
They blinded a daughter from a snowball,
But the campfire is hot
Turned a girl into steam.
Grandfather and grandmother are sad.
What was their daughter's name?
Snow Maiden
5. She taught Pinocchio to write,
And she helped to find the golden key.
That doll girl with big eyes
Like an azure sky, with hair,
On a pretty face - a neat little nose.
What is her name? Answer the question.

6. The turtle is 300 years old
She is no longer older.
And she told
The secret that I knew
And which she kept
Pinocchio gave the key:
“Here it is, the golden key.
Open the door to the city of Happiness.
I'll stay here in the pond."
What is the turtle's name?

7. He is always like a day of jam,
Celebrates a birthday
Pressing a button on the pants,
To take flight
Will hang under the propeller
And it flies like a helicopter.
He's a guy, "in the prime of his life."
Who is he? Give me an answer.

8. This fairy-tale hero
With a ponytail, mustachioed,
He has a feather in his hat
All striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots.
Puss in Boots

9. What is the name of this old woman?
The grandmother asks for a hut:
"Unfold your facade:
To me - in front, to the forest - ass!
Stomp with a bone foot.
Call grandma...
Baba Yaga

10. This hero has
There is a friend - Piglet,
He is a gift to the Donkey
Carrying an empty pot
Climbed into the hollow for honey
The bees chased the flies.
bear name,
Certainly, -

Winnie the Pooh

Bib.: Well done, Baba Yaga! Thank you guys for helping Baba Yaga solve the riddles. And now Baba Yaga can choose a book.
BY: Wow!
Baba Yaga begins to run, sort out, grab books, rearrange them from place to place.

Bib: Stop! Wait, Baba Yaga!
BY: What is it?
Bib.: You choose the wrong books. If you took a book, but did not want to take it home, then you need to put this book back to the very place where you took it from.
BY: Oh, well, just think ... And what's the difference where to put it.
Bib .: Yes, no, Baba Yaga, very big. Just imagine: each of the guys sitting here lives on his own street, in his own house, in his own apartment, and you take them and take them to other people's addresses: Sasha - at Maksimkin's address, and Sveta - at Alyosha's. What do you think, Baba Yaga, what will happen then?
BY: Oh, this is some great confusion.
Bib .: And indeed, probably, no one will like it: neither parents nor the children themselves. Really guys? So, remember, Baba Yaga, that there is a whole system of arranging books in the library so that they can be easily and quickly found.
BY: Ahhh. Understood. Books are residents of a large house and they are registered at their addresses.
Bib .: That's right, Baba Yaga, I see that you understood everything correctly. And I just came up with an interesting game for the guys.

Competition "Address book".
On the shelves are attached drawings of objects from different fairy tales. Children are invited to arrange books on these shelves, i.e. find the address of the book.
1. "The Princess and the Pea" - peas.
2. "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" - a barrel of honey.
3. "Cinderella" - a glass slipper.
4. "Puss in boots" - boots.
6. "Baby and Carlson" - a jar of jam.
7. "Gingerbread man" - a gingerbread man.

Bib: Well done guys! And now, Baba Yaga, finally choose a book.
BYA: (carefully, carefully and slowly chooses) Of course, of course, I will choose this way, I will choose this way. (takes the newest and most beautiful book) Here, I want to take this book.
Bib .: Well, Baba Yaga, you have chosen an interesting book, a new, beautiful one. But, guys, if a shabby, not very new book falls into your hands, will you refuse to read it? (children's answers) A shabby book may be more interesting than a new one, and it is shabby because many children have read it. But books must be handled with care so that they can serve other readers as well. And in order to keep the purity of books, you must follow the rules for using the book.
Baba Yaga, if you don’t read the book to the end, how will you remember the place where you finished reading?
BY: I'll turn the page of the book and that's it.
Bib? Well, what do you guys say to that? (Children's answers) Of course, you need to use the bookmark. As a bookmark, you can use any piece of paper, or you can buy a special bookmark in the store.
And how are you, Baba Yaga, going to leaf through the pages of the book.
BY: And that's it! (starts spitting on fingers)
Bib .: (grabs the book from the hands of Baba Yaga) No, no, Baba Yaga, you can’t flip through the pages of a book!
BY: What?
Bib.: Turning the pages of the book should be done carefully. (shows how to do it) And if you, Baba Yaga, leaf through them with wet hands, they will get dirty and ugly bend.
BY: Ah, I got it, I got it!
Bib.: What do you think, Baba Yaga, can you draw and write in books?
BY: Ha, of course you can! I always add mustaches or glasses to someone.
Bib.: No, Baba Yaga, you are wrong again. You can't draw or write in the book. After all, if you add a mustache to the hero, then the guys who will read this book after you will not be able to understand what kind of hero he is.
BY: (offended) Well, since I don’t know anything at all, let the guys tell me other rules for using the book.

The guys, with the help of a librarian, tell Baba Yaga that books should be carried in a bag, not touched with dirty hands, you can’t throw, tear, you need to keep her away from pets.

Bib.: And most importantly, Baba Yaga, books must be returned to the library on time.
And now, when you know everything about the library and have learned the rules for using the book, you become a reader of our library. I will get a special book in your name - a form where I will write down all the books that you will borrow from the library. (shows the form)
And you guys, in order to become library readers, you need to come with your mom or dad, grandma or grandpa, older brother or sister.
BY: I remember! After all, when I was walking through the forest, I came across a money tree. Money hung on it, I collected them and brought them to the guys.
Baba Yaga distributes chocolate coins to the participants of the event.
BY: Well, okay, I chose the book, now I'm going home. Goodbye, guys! (leaves)
Bib.: Our tour of the library has come to an end. Guys, I invite you to become active readers of our library. After all, if you read a lot, you will know a lot, you will be able to discover the magical secrets of the planets and stars, you will be able to solve the mysteries of nature, and maybe one day you will come across a book on the bookshelf that will lead you through life.

Natalia Yangulova
Conversation with children 4–5 years old “What is a library?”

Description: Conversation introduces preschool children to the world of book culture and the rules of behavior in the nursery library

Target: Introducing preschoolers to the world of book culture, educating a competent reader


1. Develop cognitive interest in the book

2. Raise the need to communicate with a book

3. Form a respect for the book

4. Attract to the nursery library of new readers

Conversation flow:

caregiver: Guys today we will talk about books. What about such a book? (children's answers)

caregiver: The book is an ancient human invention, with its help people wrote down, saved useful and important information. The book was treasured and passed down from generation to generation.

Books meet a person from an early age and accompany him throughout his life. Many centuries ago, before the invention of paper, books were made from birch bark (birch bark, then parchment). (thin animal skin).

Ancient books were large and heavy. They took up a lot of space. To whom the production of one book took a lot of effort and expense.

caregiver: Guys, what does the book tell us about? (children's answers)

Books give people a huge world, tempting, interesting. The book surprises readers with different genres. Fairy tales, stories, stories, epics, poems, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings. Books carefully store the wisdom of the people.


Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but tells.

caregiver: Guys, what else do we know about books? Among the people, people who could read were respected and revered. The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about the book.

You will lead with the book - you will gain your mind.

The book is your friend - without it, as without hands.

Without a book, it's like without the sun, and the windows are dark during the day.

caregiver: Tell me guys, where are the books stored? (children's answers)

caregiver: Everyone has favorite books at home, which are neatly placed on the bookshelves. But imagine that there are a lot of books accumulated. And they don't fit in the house anymore.

Where, then, should we store the books? (children's answers)

caregiver: It turns out that our true friends live - books in a special house called - library.

What is a library? (children's answers) Who was in library?

caregiver: Library This is a place where books are kept. But the books library, not only store, but also give out to read at home. The man who came to library behind the book is called - the reader.

poem about library:

One hundred miracles for a man

Save library!

Shelves line the walls

Waiting for change.

Books are interesting

famous writers,

exhibitions, museums,

Miracles, tricks.

The team is kindhearted

Waiting for readers, of course.

little kids -

For those who love books!

caregiver: Per person in library start a special document - the reader's form. In the form write down: last name, first name and address of the reader. The form will mark those books that the reader chooses for home reading, indicating the number of return of the book.

IN library All books are stored on special shelves. These are such big bookshelves, from floor to ceiling.

caregiver: Guys, think and say the name of the profession of people who work in library? (children's answers)

caregiver: Profession of a person who works in library and helps children find an interesting book called - librarian.

IN library there are two big hall:

The first hall is called a subscription. A special place where children, with their parents, choose what they want to read, and then they take the book they like home for a while.

The second room is called the reading room. Think and tell me why? (children's answers)

Reading room - such a place, where children can take an interesting book and read it without taking it outside libraries. In this hall, the rules of silence are observed so as not to disturb the readers.

Library is a socially significant place, so you need to be able to follow the rules of conduct. What do you think should not be done in library? (children's answers)

caregiver: DO NOT talk loudly, run, shout and play;

DO NOT tear, throw or soil books;

DO NOT draw or write in books;

DO NOT bend and crumple the pages of books;

DO NOT tear out sheets;

DO NOT cut pictures from books

caregiver: Tell me guys, how should you treat books correctly? (children's answers)

caregiver: Books should be treated with care. library books are read by different children. These books pass from child to child, and therefore you need to try to keep the book clean and tidy after you.

You must remember the rule: read a book, return it to library.

caregiver: What should we do if we suddenly get a book with a torn page? (children's answers)


Let's not lose heart, friends

We will get transparent glue.

Let's work with our hands

Let's fix the book ourselves!

caregiver: Guys, today we have learned a lot of new and interesting things about the wonderful world of books. I hope you guys will be true friends of books! And remember the nursery door libraries always open to young readers, that is, to you!

Related publications:

Conversation "What is friendship" with children of the older group Purpose: to continue to help children learn the norms of behavior, to teach goodwill. Tasks: -formation in children of the skill to establish.

Conversation "What is good and what is bad" with children of the middle group Purpose: to disassemble with children the concepts of "bad" and "good" deeds. Tasks: 1. To form the ability of children to solve moral situations. 2. Teach.

Conversation "What is Easter?" We will celebrate the Christian holiday - Easter. This holiday is the victory of life over death, a holiday of love, peace and bright life. Once.

Conversation with the children of the preparatory group "What are microbes?" Purpose: to give children an idea and microorganisms. Tasks: 1) to acquaint children with the properties of microorganisms (growth, reproduction, nutrition);

A conversation with a presentation with the children of the older group, on the topic: “What are reserves, reserves and national parks?” Purpose: to introduce children.

Dorohova Marina Anatolievna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MADOU "Kindergarten of combined orientation No. 7" of the city of Sosnovoborsk
Locality: Krasnoyarsk Territory, the city of Sosnovoborsk
Material name: summary of direct educational activities
Topic: Tell kids about the library
Publication date: 04.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Synopsis of direct educational activities

for older preschool children

"Tell the kids about the library"

M. A. Dorohova, educator, Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational

institution "Kindergarten of combined orientation No. 7" of the city of Sosnovoborsk

Topic: "Tell kids about the library"



intellectual and creative


improving the skills of cognitive activity.


I. Educational






the importance of the library.





librarian, bibliographer, rack, bookshelves, reading room, etc.

To form in children realistic ideas about the work of adults.

II. Educational

To form the experience of group intellectual action (brainstorming).

III Educational

To instill in children an interest in the book, responsiveness, respect for the work of adults.

Fix the rules for handling the book.


tricks. Drafting



structuring information and optimizing thinking, creating living and "speaking"

records that can convey information, socio-game.


Job. Reading



librarian. Excursion to the library. Computer presentation "Children's clips of songs

about the library and the benefits of reading.

Equipment. Favorite



photographs from an excursion to the library, a form, pictures of the professions of people working

in the library, glue, 2 sheets of drawing paper, felt-tip pens, colored pencils.

The children are in the reception room, the kids come in and turn to the guys with a request:

to play



library, who works there and why it is needed to make our game interesting.”

Q: Can we help the little ones? Let's think."

Passing the ball to each other, each child puts forward his version. (Tell, read,

look at the information on the computer, play).

As a result, the teacher invites the children to make a “smart map” and reflect on it everything that

we know about the library so as not to forget anything.

Children come to the table, on which there is whatman paper and felt-tip pens. in the center of the sheet

picture of the "children's library".

Q: Do you recognize this building? That's right, it's a children's library. Library word not

Russian, it consists of two words "biblio", which means "book" and "teka", which means


Q: Among the proposed pictures, select those that will help the little ones to know which

there are libraries. Stick your pictures in the upper left corner of the sheet.

(Children choose photos depicting different types of libraries: children's, adults,

school, book corner in kindergarten and call the types of libraries).

Q: What are the names of people who visit the library and read books? (Readers)

Find information that will tell the children what books are in the library and how

books are on the shelves. Stick the selected pictures in the upper right corner.

take away





alphabetical indexes, talk about the principles of arranging books on bookcases


Q: To remember who works in the library, let's leave the ball and remember

required professions.

Ball game around the table "Who works in the library?" (Children throwing the ball to a friend

friend, call the professions of people working in the library).

Q: Let's find pictures with the professions of people working in the library and stick them in the right

bottom corner. (Children select pictures with images of people of the necessary professions and

pasted on a mental map).

Q: People need books very much. Remembering how to handle them will help us

yes and no game. If the statement is true, then we clap in the rhythm of "yes-yes-yes", if it's wrong,

then we stomp with the word “no”, keeping the rhythm.

The book is the best friend, everyone knows it.

If you like a picture, tear it from the middle.

Hold the book carefully, put a bookmark in it.

Ride the book down the hill, offer the bear a ride.

Put your pen in the book, write on the pages.

Do not throw a book into the water, take care and respect it.

Q: What can this game teach?


You did a good job today. Look at our map. If you think she

helps children learn what a library is, then raise a funny emoji if not

can help, then - sad.

In conclusion, the children, to the sound of the song "Reader", take the card to the kids in the group.

Marina Dorokhova
NOD "Let's tell the kids about the library." Children of senior preschool age about the professions of library workers

Synopsis of direct educational activities

for children senior preschool age


M. A. Dorohova, educator, Municipal Autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 7" the city of Sosnovoborsk

Topic: « Tell kids about the library»

Target: development of the intellectual and creative potential of the children of the group through the improvement of the skills of cognitive activity.


I. Educational

1. Expand knowledge about professions of librarians. Show significance libraries.

2. Expand and activate children's vocabulary on the topic « library» : librarian, bibliographer, rack, bookshelves, reading room, etc.

3. To form in children realistic ideas about the work of adults.

II. Educational

1. Form the experience of group intellectual action (brainstorm).

III Educational

1. To instill in children an interest in the book, responsiveness, respect for the work of adults.

2. Fix the rules for handling the book.

Methodical methods. Drawing up a mental map on the topic library, structuring information and optimizing thinking, creating live and "speaking" records that can convey information, socio-game.

preliminary Job. Reading works of art, talking about work librarian. Excursion to library. computer presentation "Children's clips of songs about library and the benefits of reading» .

Equipment. Favorite books of children of the group, pictures of different types libraries, photos from the excursion to library, form, pictures occupations of people, working in the library, glue, 2 sheets of whatman paper, felt-tip pens, colored pencils.

The children are in the reception area kids and turn to the guys with request:

"We wanted to play a new game - library help us to know what is library, who's there works and why it is needed to make our game interesting.”

IN: "Can we help kids? Let's think".

Passing the ball to each other, each child puts forward his version. ( Tell, read, look at information on the computer, play.)

As a result, the teacher offers children to do"smart card" and reflect on it everything that we know about library so as not to forget anything.

Children come to the table, on which there is whatman paper and felt-tip pens. picture in the center of the sheet "children's libraries» .

IN: Do you recognize this building? That's right, it's childish library. Library is not a Russian word, it consists of two words « biblio» , which means "book" And "teka", which means "storage".

IN: Among the proposed pictures, select those that will help kids learn, what are libraries. Stick your pictures in the upper left corner of the sheet.

(Children choose photos depicting different types of libraries: children's, adults, school, book corner in kindergarten and name types libraries)

IN: What are the names of the people who visit library and reading books? (Readers)

Find information that will tell the children what books are in library and how the books are arranged on the shelves. Stick the selected pictures in the upper right corner.

(Children select pictures with images of different books, photographs of shelves with alphabetical indexes, tell about the principles of arranging books on bookshelves.)

IN: To remember who works in the library, let's leave the ball and remember the right professions.

Ball game around the table "Who works in the library(Children throwing the ball to each other, call professions of people, working in the library.)

IN: Find pictures from people's professions, working in the library, and paste it in the lower right corner. (Children select pictures with images of people they need professions and stick it on a mental map.)

IN: People really need books. Remember how to handle them, the game will help us "Yes and no". If the statement is true, then we clap in the rhythm of yes-yes-yes, if it is incorrect, then we stomp with the word "No" keeping the rhythm.

The book is the best friend, everyone knows it.

If you like the picture. tear it from the middle.

Hold the book carefully, put a bookmark in it.

Sgorki ride on a book, offer to drive a bear.

Put your pen in the book, write on the pages.

Do not throw a book into the water, take care and respect it.

IN: What can this game teach?


Are you good worked today. Take a look at our map if you think it will help children to know what, such library, then raise a cheerful smiley, if it can’t help, then - sad.

In conclusion, the children to the sound of the song "Reader" refer the card kids in a group.

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