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Unfortunately, cars are stolen quite often. Despite the fact that new alarm systems are constantly being developed, the hijackers are also "improving their professionalism." Therefore, not a single car owner is insured against theft.

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What is it

Theft is a synonym for theft, but this concept is applied specifically to vehicles. That is, this is a willful unlawful action aimed at taking possession of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of stealing it.

Most often, the hijacking is of a commercial nature.

That is, the stolen car is repainted, repaired a little and sold as a completely different car. It is for this reason that the risk of buying a previously stolen car is so great.

What is regulated

Since theft is an illegal act, its commission is criminal in nature. The commission of such an action leads to the imposition of punishment, according to

Since the car is property, the right to it must be registered in accordance with

What is it for

If the car is nevertheless stolen, then you must immediately call the police or visit the nearest branch yourself.

This is necessary in order for the fact of committing illegal actions to be documented.

Documents are needed in order to remove the car from the register. This is done to save money for the owner of the car until the car is found. As soon as he removes it from the register, he is exempt from paying transport tax and will be removed from the register at the tax office.

As soon as the vehicle is found and returned to the owner, it will again need to be registered with the traffic police.

Other purposes of car deregistration after theft:

  • exclusion of the sale of a car;
  • saving money on paying for the OSAGO policy;
  • resolving issues with the bank if the car was bought on credit.

Video: buy or not

Where to contact

It is necessary to contact the traffic police department. Since in 2013 year the procedure for registering and deregistering a car has been simplified, then you can contact any department of the traffic police, and not the one in which the car was registered.

In addition, now there is an opportunity to contact government agencies using the World Wide Web. It has been successfully operating for several years state services portal... With its help, you can register a car or remove it from the register.

You can also visit the official traffic police website and complete all registration actions through it.


How to deregister a car that is hijacked?

To deregister a stolen car from the register, the following procedure must be followed:

  • write a statement to the police that the car was stolen;
  • wait until all the necessary procedures are carried out and a criminal case is initiated;
  • to receive a notification from the bodies of preliminary investigation or bodies of inquiry that the criminal case has been terminated or suspended;
  • visit the nearest traffic police department and submit all the necessary documents. You can also use the official traffic police website or the portal of the State Service .

What documents are needed

To remove a car from the register due to theft, you must submit the following documents to the traffic police department:

  • a statement of the appropriate form;
  • your passport;
  • registration certificate for the car;
  • a document confirming the applicant's ownership of the car;
  • a document that confirms that the applicant has paid the state fee.

When submitting documents through state services portal there is a discount in the amount of 30% to pay the fee. The discount works during the period from 01/01/2017 to 01/01/2019.

Copies must be made from the applicant's passport, vehicle registration certificate and registration certificate. There is no need to certify with a notary.

You also need to present a document that confirms the fact that a theft case has been initiated, suspended or closed. Such a certificate is given in law enforcement agencies.

Cost and terms

The law does not establish clear deadlines for filing documents for removing a car from the register after theft. This is, first of all, beneficial to the owner himself. The faster he does it, the more funds save on transport tax.

If the owner wishes to submit documents as soon as possible, he can make an appointment with the traffic police through official site or through state services portal... At the appointed time, he will only need to go to the department and hand over the originals of documents.

To deregister a previously stolen vehicle, you must pay a state fee. Its size is 850 rubles... When submitting documents through state services portal and when paying the duty by bank transfer, there is a discount in the amount of 30% from the duty established in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

How to remove a car from theft if it is found

If the car is found, then you need to warn the traffic police about this and put it on record again. Then the car will be transferred from the traffic police database about stolen cars to the traffic police database about cars found and registered.

But to put the car on record again. The owner needs to perform a number of actions.

  1. contact an independent appraisal bureau so that they estimate the cost of the car and calculate the real damage;
  2. then you need to visit the police department that was engaged in the theft and contact the investigator who conducted the given criminal case. He will issue a certificate stating that the car was found and no longer listed in theft;
  3. now it's tedious to prepare documents and submit them to the traffic police.

The package of documents for re-registration of the right to a car includes:

  • statement;
  • copy of the owner's passport;
  • TCP for the car;
  • conclusion of an expert technician;
  • a certificate from the investigator;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • receipt of payment of the duty.

After the entire procedure, the owner will receive a new certificate of ownership. In the TCP will be affixed a label about the theft and re-registration of the right.

Is it possible to use the website of the State Service

Can! State Service Portal was developed specifically to facilitate the relationship of state and municipal authorities with the population.

To submit documents through this portal, you must go through the registration procedure. This is not difficult!

The system gives hints. After the personal account becomes available, you can submit documents.
To do this, you need to make their scanned copies of a certain format and attach them to the application. At the appointed time, you need to visit the traffic police department and hand over the original documents. After a short period of time, the owner will receive a paper on the removal of the car from the register due to theft.


There are issues that I would like to highlight in addition.

What to do if a car is stolen with documents

The situation is more complicated if the car was stolen along with documents. You still need to deregister it. But the procedure will be slightly different.

The vehicle will be deregistered through disposal.

For disposal, you must visit the traffic police department, and submit the following documents:

  • application for disposal of the machine;
  • owner's passport;
  • receipt of payment of the duty;
  • if there are any other documents, they must also be submitted.

    For example, title documents, as a rule, are kept at home, they are not carried in the car as unnecessary.

This approach is used if the car is not of particular material value to the driver. But, often it is expensive cars that are stolen. Therefore, if the owner hopes to get his car back, then it is better to submit documents specifically to remove it from the registration register.

Through an intermediary

You can also submit documents through an intermediary. This is done if the owner himself, for some reason, cannot submit them on his own.

Then the intermediary writes the application, but indicates in it that he acts on behalf of the owner.

In addition, the owner must issue a power of attorney addressed to the intermediary with a notary. Without a power of attorney, documents will not be accepted for consideration.

Important! If the intermediary is a representative of a specialized firm, then he will need to pay for the provision of such services.

If this is a friend / relative / acquaintance, then the services are provided by agreement.

Remove a car from the wanted list

You can remove a car from the wanted list by application.

But this will happen for 2 reasons:

  • the car was found;
  • the statute of limitations for such a crime has expired.

The question of how to deregister a stolen car worries many owners. In most cases, this is due to the unwillingness to pay and be held liable for illegal actions involving the vehicle, when the owner actually does not have a car. Often the situation is complicated by the fact that the main documents for the vehicle were in the cabin at the time of the theft. How to solve all such problems, read our article.

Why is it necessary to remove vehicles from the register in case of theft?

Most often, theft is carried out with the aim of enrichment at the expense of someone else's property. In the future, the hijacked vehicles can expect the following:

  • driving across the state border for sale;
  • analysis for spare parts with subsequent implementation.

In rare cases, if an organized criminal group with the participation of a corrupt traffic police officer is involved in the theft, then the car can be registered in another region. Sometimes the theft of a car also occurs to commit other crimes with its participation.

In order not to be held liable for a wrongful violation, the owner must report the theft and carry out the deregistration procedure. It can be passed:

  • in the nearest department of electronic equipment or traffic police;
  • at the MFC;
  • on the portal of the State Service.

To submit an application, a standard form is filled out, regulated by Appendix 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 08/07/13. No. 605.

How to understand that the car was stolen

If the car was not found in the proper place, the first step is to establish the reason for its absence. It is best to interview neighbors and passers-by, perhaps they saw the moment of loss or heard the operation of the engine. If the car was parked in a public place and was not found upon returning from the store or office, you should also call the State Traffic Inspectorate. Perhaps the car was parked in the wrong place and sent to.

When all the information has been received and it is obvious that the car has disappeared for an unknown reason, you should contact the traffic police. To report a theft, you will need to provide the following data:

  • car make and registration number;
  • when and at what time the owner last saw the car;
  • visible special signs of transport.

The success of the vehicle search depends on the amount of information provided. However, as practice shows, if it was not possible to find a car in hot pursuit, the chances of success are extremely small.

What is needed to deregister a vehicle due to theft

To register or terminate registration, you need to prepare a package of documents:

  • sample application;
  • an identity document of the applicant;
  • registration marks;
  • certificate and passport of the vehicle.

Hence, the owner has a question - how to remove the stolen car from the register if some of the documents are missing. In some cases, the owner is allowed to present only the available documents to the State Traffic Inspectorate. But for this, you will need to attach a document to the application that has legal force and confirms the impossibility of presenting the entire list of papers. Such a case may be:

  • Sale. If the buyer has not registered the car, the seller has the right to go through this procedure on his own.
  • ... The owner must attach a document confirming that the car has already been scrapped.
  • Hijacking. In the State Traffic Inspectorate, an appeal remains on the fact of the theft of a car, which confirms the absence of the required documents for deregistration. If the municipality of the traffic police and the REO are independent departments and are located in different areas, you will first need to obtain a certificate of theft and provide it to another body of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

The application is filled out in the name of the head of the REO department with an indication of the reason why deregistration is required. At the bottom of the document is the date and signature of the applicant, and on the reverse side is a list of the attached documents.

When deregistration is performed through the MFC, it is enough to provide the department employee with the available list of documents. If the owner does not have time to visit government agencies, the vehicle registration can be terminated through the State Services portal. However, this method is suitable if all the documents for the car are with you and it is possible to specify the necessary information.

Why is it necessary to urgently report theft and deregister the vehicle?

Some car owners are skeptical about the work of the traffic police and believe that if the car is stolen, it can no longer be found. In fact, this is not the case, and the chances of a speedy return of the car to the owner depend on the prompt report of the theft. The likelihood of vehicle detection is high immediately after the hijacking and decreases over time. Also, after reporting the theft, you should immediately remove the vehicle from the register, otherwise the owner:

  • is obliged to continue to pay transport tax;
  • fulfills obligations under insurance contracts;
  • continues to be liable for any illegal actions involving the stolen car.

The situation is even more complicated when hijacking cargo vehicles, the owners of which fulfill their commercial obligations under the contract. If the car is not removed from the register due to theft, it will be difficult to prove innocence of failure to fulfill obligations to other persons, which is fraught with penalties.

When the car is found

After searching for a vehicle, the car owner can immediately register it, regardless of the region of presence. If, in the course of the proceedings against the hijackers, a criminal or administrative case is opened (the process can be transferred to the status of administrative, if a case is initiated under Article 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “taking possession of the vehicle without the purpose of theft”), the car owner or car may be required for further legislative processes. However, they do not impose restrictions on the registration or operation of the vehicle.

It is best not to face the question of how to deregister a stolen car. But as practice shows, the progress of the underworld is not lagging behind and the hijackers even use modern hacking tools. In order not to find yourself in a difficult situation after stealing a car, you should adhere to several rules:

  • Never leave a key in the ignition. The hijackers just have a moment to open the door and drive away. If the criminals see that the car is easy to open, it will be hijacked in a crowded place.
  • If you are away for a long time, take your documents with you. Cars are often stolen at night, when the yard is deserted. If documents are stolen along with the car, it will be extremely difficult for the owner to prove the ownership of the vehicle.

The best protection against theft will be a modern alarm system with auto start, which responds in a timely manner to attempts at burglary and blocks the ignition lock. This rule applies to all car brands, regardless of price category. According to the largest domestic auto resource Drom, in 2017, cars of the manufacturer AvtoVAZ were most often stolen in Russia.


The owner of a stolen car must deregister the car immediately after the hijacking. And the sooner the registration of a vehicle is terminated, the sooner it will be relieved of responsibility for any actions committed with the participation of a stolen vehicle. There are all the conditions for this - the opportunity to use one of the convenient options for sending an application and accepting an application only on the basis of available documents.

Not always contacting the police brings any results in the event of theft of the vehicle, and then the owner has no choice but to remove the stolen car from the register. The legislation is constantly being corrected and supplemented, therefore, the owner, who is faced with such a nuisance as the theft of his own transport, will be useful to find out everything related to the termination of registration.

How a car is removed from the register when stolen

The first step before going to the traffic police is to visit the police. This is not necessary for the authority to be notified of the theft, to start searching for transport and to open a criminal case. Indeed, in the event that, unfortunately, the car is not found, the owner will be issued a certificate of theft as a result of the termination or closure of the case. Only then can you contact the MREO, and together with a certificate, since it is she who will justify the reason for deregistration.

You don't need to think that as a result of contacting the police, the traffic police will immediately remove the car from the register, because sometimes he is, like the criminal who committed such an act. That is, in order to remove a car from the register, you need to additionally contact the competent authorities, otherwise the transport tax will continue to be charged.

Any registration actions regarding the stolen vehicle are impossible while it is being searched for and a criminal case is open.

You can stop registration after theft in accordance with clause 5 (last paragraph) of the Vehicle Registration Rules listed in the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1001 (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”).

I. General Provisions

5. In respect of lost, stolen, and also transported vehicles outside the Russian Federation, registration is terminated on the basis of applications from the owners (owners) of vehicles.

Making a statement

There are several ways to apply in order to remove a car from the register if it is stolen. We will take a closer look at each of them.

Personal visit

The traditional way to deregister a stolen car is to personally contact the competent authority. You can come to any nearby area. When contacting MREO, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • PTS, STS (if any, and were not stolen together with the vehicle);
  • passport;
  • statement;
  • certificate of theft.

If the documentation for the car was stolen along with it, you will have to deal with the restoration first. The fact of theft must be known to the police. In this case, it will be possible to obtain required papers, testifying to the closure of the case, and only after that, first proceed with obtaining new documents, and then terminate the registration.

You can easily write an application yourself - it is simple and does not require additional consultation. In case of difficulties and a question, it is enough to contact the inspector who deals with this issue. The paper indicates the reason according to which the registration is terminated, and a notice from the police about the closure of the case is the justification for this reason.

Online application

Through Gosuslugi - a portal created to facilitate the receipt of services in government agencies - it is also possible to deregister a car in case of theft. The only obstacle for an ordinary user will be only the lack of an account on the portal, since you need not only register with the exact data, but also verify your identity. For the rest of the citizens who already have an activated account, it will be possible to receive the service with the maximum temporary benefit for themselves.

First, in the catalog you should select from all categories of services the column "Vehicle registration". Next, select "Deregistration". We are interested in a procedure called "Termination of vehicle registration". Next, you need to carry out the following steps in sequence:

  1. Filling out the application. Here one should not only indicate the reason for the appeal, but also the data from the personal passport, as well as STS and PTS. It is better to print the application itself so that during a personal visit it would be easier for an employee to find it in the system.
  2. Selecting a unit and a suitable date for visiting it.
  3. Sending an application for processing the provided data by the system.
  4. At the final stage, the application will be reviewed and the applicant will be invited to receive personal service. All that remains is to bring the documents and stand in a separate queue, which, as a rule, is noticeably shorter than usual.

After the inspector checks the data specified in the application with the documentation provided, the vehicle registration will be terminated.

Termination of registration through an intermediary

Stolen cars and firms specializing in providing such legal assistance are removed from the register. In this case, all the nuances associated with the case are taken on by people who are competent in this area. This method of deregistration assumes minimal involvement of the vehicle owner in the business and is excellent for very busy people, however, they will have to part with a much more impressive amount than when the owner goes through all the stages himself.

Here it should be noted that a car is removed from the register for free, the state duty will only need to be paid for the release of the license plate, and this amount is not so large and amounts to 200 rubles. For representation on the part of the company, you will have to pay several thousand.

Any relative or friend can become an alternative to an intermediary lawyer if you yourself cannot handle the case. It will be enough to issue a power of attorney with a notary for a person to represent your interests in the traffic police.

Important nuances

If some time after the car was deregistered, it was still found, it can be registered again. This rule is specified in clause 15 of the Rules.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of November 24, 2008 N 1001 (as amended on March 20, 2017) "On the procedure for registering vehicles"

I. General Provisions

15. Amendments to the registration data of vehicles that have a modified marking of the vehicle and numbered units as a result of corrosion, repair and (or) returned to the owners or owners after theft, is made on the basis of the owner's statement and a copy of the decree of the bodies carrying out preliminary investigation, with the provision of a certified copy of a certificate of research or an expert opinion containing the results of the study, on the basis of which the vehicle was identified.

An important nuance - before re-registration actions, you will need to attach to the application a copy of the police decree, as well as a copy of the examination carried out regarding the similarity of the vehicle to the data provided by the owner. If the VIN code was broken, then this fact must be indicated so that it does not interfere with the registration of the found car.

Keep in mind that even if you decide to deregister a long-stolen vehicle, you will not have to pay any fees for proving the theft during this period. The rule that a vehicle on the wanted list is not taxed is specified in clause 7 of Art. 358 NK. Of course, for this, the tax authority will need to submit an appropriate certificate, which can be obtained from the traffic police.

Tax Code of the Russian Federation Article 358. Object of taxation

1. The object of taxation is cars, motorcycles, motor scooters, buses and other self-propelled machines and mechanisms on pneumatic and caterpillar, airplanes, helicopters, motor ships, yachts, sailing ships, boats, snowmobiles, snowmobiles, motor boats, jet skis, non-self-propelled (towed ships) and other water and air vehicles (hereinafter in this chapter - vehicles), registered in accordance with the established procedure in in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. Are not subject to taxation:

7) vehicles that are on the wanted list, subject to confirmation of the fact of their theft (theft) by a document issued by the authorized body;

Of course, a car is no longer a luxury, but a means of transportation.

But, often envious people or simply scammers steal cars in order to make money on it or just to drive.

This is considered a crime and the culprit will be punished if found.

But, the owner needs to take some measures. When the car is not located, the question arises of how to deregister the stolen one. To a greater extent, this is required to be done in order not to pay an annual tax on it.

Navigating the article

When the vehicle is deregistered

The first thing to do when a car is stolen is to report the incident to the police. Usually, the task force arrives at the crime scene. After all, it is very rare to steal a car on the move. The bulk of thefts occurs from the yard, garage and other similar place.

On the basis of a written application, police officers are obliged to initiate a criminal case. It is filled out in the prescribed form at the nearest police station. Only when the case is closed or suspended will the owner be able, on the basis of the relevant document, to remove the vehicle from.

There are several conditions under which a car is deregistered:

  • Utilization of transport. When it was decided to write off the car so as not to pay taxes for it. Before disposal, the transport must be removed from the registration register. Utilization can be of two types: full and partial. In the first variant, the machine is completely out of order and cannot be used. In the second option, separate parts are used for scrap. In this case, the serviceable part can continue to be used.
  • In the case when illegal actions have been committed against the car, including theft. In this situation, the car owner writes two statements: about theft and deregistration. If the car is subsequently found, it can be re-registered. But during the search, there will be no need to pay taxes for it.
  • According to the new rules, if the car is not registered during the sale, the responsibility rests with former owner... In order not to pay, the old owner, after 10 days, has the right to write an application to the inspectorate to remove the vehicle from registration.
  • Another reason is the fact of moving abroad. The owner of the car must register the car at the place of his new residence.

Forced removal of the machine from the register by persons is allowed:

  • The plaintiff, who, according to the decision of the court, is the new owner.
  • Bailiff by the executor, on the basis of the relevant decision of the court.
  • Officials of the legal entities in whose favor it was transferred.
  • An authorized person for social protection, who implements the decision of the superior body.

Some people, if the car was old and has no special value, make it easier, go and write a statement to the (traffic police) for recycling.

Required Documentation

When a car is not found, there is no point in paying tax on it. Therefore, having collected a certain package of documentation, you need to go to (traffic police):

  • statement of the prescribed form
  • identification
  • technical passport for the car and its photocopy
  • registration
  • payment document confirming payment of the state fee

In addition to the above documentation, when the car is stolen, you will have to provide a paper confirming the fact of the incident. This can be a special document on the initiation of a case, its suspension or closure. When the statutory limitation period passes, the (traffic police) provide a paper that testifies to the closure of the case.

When the owner of the car for some reason cannot personally appear at the inspection, it is allowed to send a person representing his interests instead.

Then one more paper will be added to the general list of documentation - notarized.

At the same time, in the application it is necessary to state in detail the reason for the appeal of the third party and the basis for this.

For example, a mark is put “in connection with the departure of the owner abroad”.

In order to deregister quickly, it is better to pre-register in the queue. This can be done by phone or via the Internet. Then, it will remain at the appointed time to appear with the required package of documentation to the inspection.

Lack of documents for the car

It is very rare, but it still happens that a car is stolen with a full package of papers. Then the question arises of how to deregister a stolen car without documents. The easiest way is to contact the inspection with a statement for recycling. Of course, if it is of particular value, then it will be possible to deregister it only with the presence of a document from the police.

Legislation regulates the procedure for restoring documentation, but this will require the machine itself to reconcile the numbers. Therefore, in a situation with theft, an identity card and a corresponding certificate from the police will be enough. In both cases, for transfer to the scrap or in case of theft, if there is a statement in the competent authorities, the car will be caught at the traffic police post. Unless, of course, she was already not allowed to parse.

Application procedure

When writing a petition to the inspection, it is required to take into account the reason for the appeal.

If there are no numbers and documentation for a car, it is imperative to write about this in.

Its form is in the inspection, where the deregistration is carried out.

Now, it is allowed not to personally go to the (traffic police) to write a statement.

You can use the Internet, and more specifically a special state site.

Many people are interested in how to deregister a stolen car through government services. It is a widely used portal. With its help, you can not stand in queues, but perform a huge number of operations remotely, including sending an application for the removal of transport from.

Through state services, the removal of a vehicle from the register takes place online. To do this, simply enter the required entries in a separate window.

After checking the electronic application by the system, it is sent to the authorized bodies. In this case, the applicant receives a notification of dispatch. Further communication with the person is kept by authorized employees. They must report on the decision. If a refusal is received on the application, then the specific reason for this circumstance must be spelled out in it.

Using the services of the site helps to save a lot of time, since you can send an application right from home, sitting on the couch. But, it is worth knowing that on the specified portal you need to go through the appropriate registration and identification. This will take a certain amount of time. Therefore, this must be taken care of in advance.

When a person has doubts about the correctness of the application, he has the right to contact the support service, which will provide appropriate assistance.

Thus, there are three ways to submit an application to the inspectorate to deregister a car:

  • personally
  • through a trusted person
  • using the internet

The general procedure for the deregistration procedure includes the following:

Submission of documentation to the inspection by any of the above methods.

Documentation check

If the vehicle is found to be under arrest, the debt will have to be paid first.

Usually, bailiffs impose a restriction on de-registration.

In such a situation, it will be possible to remove the car from the register only after paying off the debt and canceling the arrest.

Therefore, you will additionally have to contact the bailiff service. Accordingly, the total time of the de-registration procedure will drag on until the debt is closed.

When the verification of papers is completed successfully, the vehicle is removed from the register.

Important! After the car theft, the owner first writes to the police, then to the inspection. But, this must be done when the case is suspended or closed.

Of course, the procedure for deregistering a car takes a certain amount of time, but this is necessary, first of all, for the owner of the car. From the next day after the date of deregistration, the person will no longer pay transport tax.

You can watch the video on how to register a car:

Ask your question in the form below

The theft of a car frees the rightful owner from having to pay transport tax and be responsible for it, but only after proper registration with the traffic police and the Federal Tax Service. It is important to know when it is time to go there. And it is impossible not to inform both services at all, as this can lead to problems with the law. It is pointless to give money for lost property and be considered the owner of a car that cannot be disposed of.

Read about how to deregister a stolen car in the article.

Read in this article

When can a stolen vehicle be deregistered?

Sometimes stolen cars are found and returned to their owners. In other cases, property is said goodbye forever. But it is imperative to contact the police, where a criminal case will be opened on this matter. Without explaining the reason, that is, documents from there, it will not work to remove the vehicle from the traffic police and tax authorities.

A certain period of time is allotted for the investigation of the theft case, usually 2 months. By decision of the management, it can be extended for another 90 days, but this does not always happen. At the end of the specified period, and if the search for the car was unsuccessful, the police draw up a decree to stop production.

The applicant, that is, the owner of the stolen vehicle, receives a notice of the closure of the case. From that moment on, he can deal with the procedure for removing equipment from the traffic police register.

You need to appear at the MREO in person, best of all by making an appointment. You should take with you:

  • passport;
  • documents for the car, if preserved;
  • a notification from the police about the termination of the criminal case of theft.

The car owner must fill out an application form for deregistering the vehicle, indicating the reason. After the acceptance and verification of the submitted documents, the registration of the car in the traffic police will be terminated. The owner must submit a certificate to the MREO. And if the car is found and returned to him, a new document will be drawn up.

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Smirnova

Automotive Law Expert

You can remove the car from registration earlier. After its loss and filing an application with the police, they will be able to issue a certificate of theft or theft of the vehicle. It will also serve as the basis for removing it from the traffic police register.

Documents and rules for their submission to the tax

The next problem to be solved is how to remove tax accounting stolen car. As paragraph 2 of Article 358 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states:

Not subject to taxation: ... vehicles that are on the wanted list, subject to confirmation of the fact of their theft (theft) by a document issued by the authorized body ...

The fact that the car is no longer registered with the traffic police, the service must report to the tax. This is required by paragraph 4 of Article 85 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

The bodies ... carrying out the registration of vehicles are obliged to report information about the real estate located in the territory under their jurisdiction, about vehicles registered with these bodies (rights and transactions registered with these bodies), and about their owners to the tax authorities at their location within 10 days from the date of the corresponding registration, and also annually before February 15 to submit the specified information as of January 1 current year.

But until this moment it can take a long time (depending on when the car was stolen). And therefore, the owner of the stolen vehicle is better off going to the Federal Tax Service at the place of his own registration. The service should be provided with:

  • your passport;
  • a certificate from the traffic police on the removal of the vehicle from the register;
  • a statement about the absence of a taxable object in the property, that is, a car.

Moreover, the law makes it possible to deregister a hijacked vehicle from the Federal Tax Service even without terminating its registration with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. After all, he is already on the wanted list, since a criminal case has been opened. Consequently, subparagraph 7 of paragraph 2 of Article 385 works here. A stolen car ceases to be an object of taxation if its owner provides the Federal Tax Service with a certificate of theft from the police.

How to rent a stolen car through State services

After the abduction of the car, the owner has the right to simplify many actions for himself. Unfortunately, it is impossible to deregister a stolen car through State Services. It will be possible to terminate registration only if the procedure is performed for other reasons: export of the car abroad, disposal or sale.

And in case of theft of movable property, it is already on the wanted list, that is, restrictions are imposed on it. This is indicated on the portal as the reason for the refusal to implement registration action as an electronic service. And the owner must carry out the procedure directly at the MREO.

True, State Services will help you make an appointment, eliminating the need to stand in line. To do this, a person must be registered on the site, indicating that he owns a vehicle. These techniques should also be entered. It is equally important to prove your identity by appearing after registration with a passport at the MFC. Having an account on Public Services, you need to take the following steps:

  • in the section concerning transport, select the option "Vehicle registration";
  • find among the opportunities provided for deregistration for disposal, click;
  • choose not an electronic service, but a personal visit to the traffic police;
  • find an inspection unit in the list that opens, where it is convenient for the car owner to come, and determine the acceptable time of the visit.

At the appointed time, you should appear at the MREO with documents and an application to terminate the registration of the vehicle.

A stolen car can be removed from the register at the disposal inspection, and here the use of State services - perfect option... But it makes sense to do this when the chances of finding it and returning it to the owner have been lost, that is, a lot of time has passed since the initiation of the criminal case. Because if the car is still found safe and sound, it will be difficult to restore the registration, you will have to do it through the courts.

Watch this video on how to deregister a car through State Services:

Situations in which the car cannot be deregistered

You will not be able to stop registering a stolen car only in a few cases:

  • the documents preserved on it were recognized as fake;
  • the information in them differs from that in the traffic police database;
  • restrictions have been imposed on transport by the court, for example, due to the fact that the property is the subject of a dispute or is pledged to the bank;
  • the procedure is attempted not by the owner, but by another person who does not have a power of attorney from him.

In these cases, the car will remain registered with the traffic police until the circumstances that interfere with the procedure are eliminated.

But the presence of obstacles does not mean that the owner is obliged to pay transport tax on the stolen property. A visit to the Federal Tax Service department and the provision of a police certificate on the theft of a car in accordance with Article 385 of the Tax Code will save him from such a need.


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