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We will develop for you a complete package of documents that are subject to verification. These are documents for inspections of Rospotrebnadzor (SES), fire safety documents (Ministry of Emergency Situations), labor protection documents.



Occupational Safety and Health

1.Permit for the type of activity from Rospotrebnadzor

2.Production control program

3.Medical books of employees

4.Sanitary measures orders

5.Magazines: accounting for disinfectants, accounting for disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems, and many others

6.Contracts for sanitary measures: a contract for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization, a contract for the removal of household waste, etc.

1.Registered declaration of fire safety

2. Fire safety orders

3. Instructions for fire safety at the enterprise

4.Certificate of training of employees responsible for security


6. Evacuation plan

7. Fire prevention plan

8.Regulations for the maintenance of fire automatics systems, fire alarm systems, fire extinguishers

1. Regulation on labor protection

2. Order of the head on the approval of labor protection instructions

3. Instructions for labor protection

4. Journal of accounting instructions for labor protection

5. Journal of accounting for the issuance of instructions on labor protection

6. Documents confirming the qualifications of employees

6 reasons to contact us

1 financial guarantee

We have no hidden fees or additional payments. If necessary, you can pay for the order in installments.

2 High quality guaranteed

We guarantee the execution of ALL orders thanks to a two-stage quality control of documents by a personal consultant and the head of the department.

3 Transparency and honesty of work

Honesty is what we put at the heart of our interaction with clients. You will be provided with complete and reliable information on all.

4 First class service

Your order will be dealt with by a personal manager who will complete the order with high quality and in the shortest possible time.

5 Confidentiality

All data about your company is used solely to fulfill your order and is not disclosed to third parties.

6 100% result guarantee

The professionalism and many years of experience of our employees help to solve your any legal issue.

Leave a request and we will call you back as soon as possible!

Opening a workshop for the production of semi-finished products is becoming an increasingly promising business. At the same time, the opening of such an enterprise is associated with a number of issues. “How to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products? What documents for a semi-finished products workshop will an entrepreneur need?
Any entrepreneur is obliged to take care of the execution of all necessary documents for the semi-finished products workshop in time. The presence of permits is a prerequisite for the operation of the enterprise.


So, what documents are needed to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products? How to start collecting documents for the semi-finished products workshop?

A package of documents for the workshop semi-finished products includes many papers. You need to have sanitary documents: various magazines, contracts, orders and certificates. In addition, to open a workshop semi-finished products you need to collect fire safety documents, including instructions, logs, plans and orders. Do not forget about personnel documentation, statutory documents and documents for the premises if you are planning to open a workshop semi-finished products.

The production of frozen semi-finished products is a promising direction for investing money, since there is always a demand for these products. The organization of the business does not require much time, the main task is to equip the workshop where the automatic line will be located - the production of semi-finished products, hire qualified workers, find reliable suppliers of high-quality raw materials and establish a sales system. The easiest way to establish an enterprise of individual ownership, it is faster and cheaper. It is necessary to obtain a state permit for this type of activity, a sanitary and epidemiological permit.

Features of production areas

When choosing the premises where the production will be located, one should take into account the proximity to farms that will supply raw materials, this will reduce transport costs. The optimal workshop area is 200 m 2, a warehouse for raw materials and finished products will be required. The building must have all communications, household rooms, an administrative department.

Before starting work, you must obtain permission from the fire supervision and SES authorities. All elements of the line for the production of semi-finished products are powered by the mains, so it is necessary to provide an emergency power generation system, the power of which should be enough for at least two hours of work to complete the production process. Since the finished product is produced in a frozen form, the warehouse for its storage should be either a large cold store or equipped with industrial refrigeration units. If the enterprise is located in a rented premises, then the rent will be 15 thousand rubles, another 15 thousand for utility bills per month.


The production of semi-finished products involves the manufacture of different types of cutlets and pancakes. Each type of product has its own set of equipment. The cutlet production line is operated by two workers, the pancake line will also require two people per shift. One person will be enough to prepare the raw materials and one to prepare the pancake filling. It will require a loader, a technologist who controls the production process and the quality of finished semi-finished products, and a service engineer to maintain the line. The payroll fund will amount to 100 thousand rubles per month, when the enterprise operates in one shift.

Consumption of raw materials for the production of semi-finished products

The main ingredient for making frozen meatballs is meat. According to the original recipe, there should be 50% pork and 50% beef, the total share of meat in cutlets is 55%, the rest is: water (22%), raw fat (5%), bread (13%), onions (3% ), breadcrumbs (2%), pepper (0.1%), salt (1%).

Table for calculating the cost of manufacturing 100 kg of cutlets:

To make pancakes you will need:

  • flour;
  • eggs or egg powder;
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

For the filling, you can use fruit jams, curd mass, minced meat or liver. In the production of frozen pancakes, a wide variety of fillings can be used, catering to the tastes of potential buyers.

Pancake production technology

Pancake maker The manufacturing process is carried out using an automated pancake production line. The first step is to prepare the dough. In the bowl of the beater, the necessary ingredients are mixed and mixed for several minutes. The finished mass is fed to the pancake machine, where the dough is rolled out and baked. Semi-finished products are cut according to the specified sizes and served on the table for stuffing. There are lines in which this process is manual, but still most of the devices are fully automated. The baking line is followed by a filling dispenser, then a mechanism that folds the pancake in half and wraps the edges. Finished products must be blast frozen. It is speed that plays an important role, since the dough can be soaked with filling and change the structure and color. After freezing, semi-finished products are ready for packaging and transportation to refrigerators.
Line for double-sided frying of pancakes

To organize the manufacture of this type of semi-finished products, you will need:

  • pancake production line;
  • cooling chamber;
  • low temperature monoblock.

The automated line performs dough kneading, baking blanks, stuffing, wrapping. Characteristics:

The refrigerating chamber is intended for storage of finished goods. Characteristics:

  • dimensions - 4040 * 6460 * 2200;
  • volume - 58 m 3;
  • cost - 177,500 rubles.

The low-temperature monoblock is used for shock freezing of semi-finished products:

  • chamber volume - 80 m 3;
  • power - 380 V;
  • temperature - up to -22 ° C;
  • cost - 160 thousand rubles.

Cutlet production technology

Cutlet production line

At the initial stage, it is necessary to prepare all the constituent ingredients. The meat is cleaned and deboned, veins, cartilage, small bones are removed. To create minced meat, a minced mixing plant is used, which is part of the cutlet production line. All other ingredients required by the recipe are gradually added to the bowl of this installation. At this stage, it is important to observe the temperature regime - do not allow the minced meat to be heated above 14 ° C, otherwise its bacterial characteristics may deteriorate. The resulting mass is sent to the molding unit, in which the dosage of semi-finished products takes place according to the specified parameters. Cutlets of different weight, size and shape are obtained through the use of various nozzles. The next step is the blast freezing process. Finished semi-finished products can be packaged and sent to the finished product warehouse.

Profitability of production

For the convenience of calculations, the profitability of the production of cutlets on the line for the production of semi-finished products will be given. The cost of the line itself from different manufacturers may differ, for example, let's take the KOPPENS VM model, its cost is 1,450,000 rubles. The cost of finished products consists of the cost of raw materials, wages of employees, rent of premises, transportation costs. Monthly fixed costs will be:

  • salary - 100 thousand rubles;
  • rent - 15 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 15 thousand rubles;
  • packaging - 8 thousand rubles;
  • transportation costs - 10 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 10 thousand rubles;
  • total - 158 thousand rubles.

The cost of production is calculated on the assumption that 50 kg of cutlets will be produced in one shift, there will be 22 shifts in a month, and the cost of raw materials per 1 kg of finished products is 101 rubles. We multiply all the indicators - we get 111,100 rubles of the total cost. The retail price of 1 kg is 400 rubles, the monthly revenue will be 440 thousand rubles. Profit calculation: revenue (440,000) - cost (111,100) - fixed costs (158,000) = 170,900 rubles. With such a value of net profit, the profitability of production will be 40% - this high figure indicates a quick payback of capital investments (within 18-24 months).

Video: Process for the production of semi-finished meat products

The demand for fresh meat products is constantly growing. The main competition is developing between the segments of chilled and frozen products. There is still a place in this niche for everyone, because different types of semi-finished products are clearly separated by purpose, distribution channels.

The volume of meat consumption in Russia has been constantly increasing over the past 10 years. Even according to the results of the depressive 2015, there is an increase (3%) compared to the previous period. At the same time, the production of semi-finished products is growing most actively, as well as their consumption. This is due to the employment of the population, the accelerated dynamics of modern life. To understand whether this direction is promising for small businesses, we briefly characterize:

  • features of the Russian market of meat products;
  • types of products, preferences, distribution network;
  • technologies and equipment for meat processing;
  • regulation of this type of business.

Supply and demand for semi-finished products

About 50% of the total volume of meat (Russian and imported) is sold raw. Approximately 30% - goes to sausage products, 5% - canned food, about 15% - the production of semi-finished meat products and supplemented with other ingredients. In recent years, their consumption has increased by 10-15% annually, while sausages - by only 5% (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Dynamics of growth in the production of semi-finished meat products according to Rosstat.

Almost a tenfold increase is a response to ever-increasing demand. But production is distributed unevenly across regions (Fig. 2). Traditionally, over 60% falls on the Central and North-Western districts, where large meat processing plants are concentrated. According to experts' forecasts, consumption of these products will grow in the next 3 years, the highest rates are expected in the periphery.

Figure 2. Distribution structure of meat processing enterprises by districts in 2013.

Increased demand has changed the strategy of large meat holdings (Fig. 3). If earlier they focused on the production of sausages, sausages, and other delicacies, then in the last two years they have been actively re-profiled into raw semi-finished products. This, of course, will lead to increased competition. The developed capacities of giant enterprises, their own raw materials base, the possibility of acquiring imported equipment and new technologies put small businesses in obviously unfavorable conditions.

Figure 3. Zones of influence of Russian agribusinesses for the production and processing of meat in the European part of Russia. According to Kommersant.

Most large meat processing plants produce frozen products. The transition from sausage production to products for cooking, the purchase of new technologies - increases its cost. Standard packages are also inconvenient: small ones are expensive for the manufacturer, large ones do not suit the buyer. Goods by weight are now in high demand.

Small businesses find a place in this niche for several reasons. Proximity to sales outlets saves transport costs. And the price in times of crisis is the main regulator of consumer demand. In addition, more and more buyers are choosing chilled meat over freezing; even if its cost is 10-15% higher. Since the shelf life of such products is up to 7 days, retailers take them from local producers. However, they often complain about the poor assortment, low quality of goods.

Varieties of products, sales directions

Meat semi-finished products are produced from all types of meat: beef, pork, poultry, including offal. Currently, their range includes about 40 units. Products are usually divided into two broad categories: chilled and frozen. According to the manufacturing technology, they are:

  1. natural. Large, small-sized products, mainly from chilled meat: brass beef and pork, steaks, natural cutlets, shish kebab, stew, soup sets.
  2. Breaded. Ready-to-cook dishes from fresh and thawed meat in liquid (with egg) crumb crumbs: offal, chops, rump steaks.
  3. Chopped. Products from low-grade raw materials, often with the addition of bread, spices: cutlets, steaks, meatballs. This group also includes packaged and loose minced meat.

Mixed semi-finished products with the addition of dough and, to a lesser extent, vegetables are widespread on the Russian market (Fig. 4). The undisputed leader is dumplings, they even came up with a special vending machine for them.

Figure 4. Consumption rates of fast foods by type (2014).

Sales channels for products:

  1. Retail chains- their share is about 50%. Dumplings, cutlets sell well in outlets of all kinds. Sliced ​​​​(shish kebab, goulash), minced meat, pancakes, pasties, manti - prevail in the markets, supermarkets. Both frozen and chilled products are sold.
  2. Specialized Culinary occupy approximately 10%. These are ordinary stores selling goods from the counter. Own culinary workshops allow us to prepare a diverse range of ready-made dishes, quickly respond to seasonal changes, changing tastes and needs. They sell finely chopped meat in marinades, kebabs, goulash, khinkali, cabbage rolls.
  3. HoReCa segment- about 14% of semi-finished meat products are sold through it. It is developing faster than anyone, thanks to the spread of fast food. Buyers - restaurants, bars, canteens, fast food cafes. Frozen products are supplied to public catering establishments more often, large-scale high-tech production wins here.

Main trends for 2016-2019:

  1. Increasing demand for chilled products; increase in the proportion of poultry meat: chicken and turkey.
  2. Expansion of the range of dishes in sauces, marinades of the original recipe; with vegetable ingredients.
  3. The replacement of traditional products with new, original dishes of the national cuisine of the peoples of the world.
  4. Growth in the consumption of expensive semi-finished products, ready-to-eat meals.

If an entrepreneur decides to open a meat business, first you need:

  • determine in which market segment to work, select an assortment;
  • find, master, develop recipes taking into account modern technologies;
  • purchase professional equipment, transport for delivery.

The technological process, for example, for natural semi-finished products includes:

  • defrosting carcasses, half carcasses (defrosting) in the amount of daily processing - if necessary, if the workshop is located separately from the place of slaughter;
  • washing, drying, cutting into large cuts, trimming, stripping;
  • preparation of portioned, small-sized, chopped products on special machines;
  • packing of goods in functional containers, sealed bags, labeling;
  • cooling (freezing), storage, transportation to a warehouse.

As for the recipe, buyers prefer semi-finished meat products with a minimum degree of processing. For example, if these are chickens, then they are simply cut into half carcasses, breasts, wings, etc. However, there is a growing demand for "convenient" products, balanced in composition, with different ingredients, allowing you to prepare a dish in quick culinary ways. For this, modern packaging such as "protective atmosphere", "gaseous environment" is used. Experts believe that owning them will soon become a pass to the natural chilled food segment.

Inexpensive equipment for all types of processing is produced by Russian factories. It can be selected separately, or you can purchase a ready-made modular workshop for the production of semi-finished products. The set depends on the future assortment. As a rule, the equipment of the workshop is formed by: band saws, cutting presses, meat grinders of various capacities, machines for applying breadcrumbs, cutlet or dumpling machines. If there is no work experience, it is advisable to find a supplier providing comprehensive services, including training, information support. Often such equipment is purchased on lease. The main selection criteria: an integrated approach (multifunctional lines) and rationality - the ability to ensure the sale of the entire volume of products.

Organizational and legal issues

Production of meat, other food products with it (semi-finished products, canned food, sausages); rules for storage, transportation, packaging, labeling - are regulated by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of meat and meat products" (TR TS 034/2013). This document contains all the requirements, manufacturing conditions and classification of products with different meat content, for example:

  • meat - (> 60%) with the addition of other ingredients;
  • meat-containing - (5 - 60%), with the inclusion of flour, eggs, cereals, water;
  • meat and vegetable - (30 - 60%) using herbal ingredients.

Only the main groups are listed, in fact there are many more. After the development of the relevant GOSTs, their name will be indicated when marking. In accordance with the Regulation, manufacturers are required to issue one of three documents:

  • veterinary certificate- fresh unprocessed meat (veterinary organization of the Ministry of Agriculture);
  • state registration certificate- meat products for baby food (Rospotrebnadzor);
  • declaration of conformity(DoS) - processed meat, including semi-finished products (certification body).

Declaration is carried out according to three schemes: for the period of storage, 3 and 5 years (Fig. 5). The accredited laboratory of the Customs Union has the right to conduct tests, draw up and register DoS.

Figure 5. List of actions for obtaining a declaration of conformity for 3 years.

Each manufacturer must have a package of documents, including technical documentation, laboratory test reports and DoS. As for the sale of meat products, it does not have any special differences, and is regulated by the general rules for retail trade.

Summing up. For small enterprises, it is unprofitable to manufacture finished products, since it is difficult for them to compete in terms of quality with sausages, sausages from large meat processing plants. It is more practical to produce fresh products that do not require deep processing of meat and do not duplicate common well-known brands. It is cheaper, does not require the development of complex processes, the involvement of qualified specialists.

With the high pace of life in the modern world, people often do not have enough time to cook food, studies show a constant increase in demand for convenience foods. This state of affairs indicates that the workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products as a business is a promising area that allows the owner to make a significant profit. The opening of such an enterprise is of great social importance, as it allows you to create new jobs and give additional money to the regional budget.

What are semi-finished products?

Semi-finished products are products that are converted into ready-made food through simple manipulations. Their preparation is characterized by high speed, which is why this type of product has recently become increasingly popular. Production can be carried out from meat or other raw materials, that is, a natural or processed product is obtained. A distinctive characteristic of the product is its division into portions in the factory.

Finished goods are classified according to the following criteria:
- according to the applied production process (natural, chopped);
- for animal meat (rabbit, pork, beef, lamb);
- according to the characteristics of the temperature state (chilled, frozen).

Semi-finished products can be sold at retail and wholesale, when concluding contracts with shops, cafes, etc. The production of dumplings is currently a fairly busy niche, but the production of pancakes with meat or other fillings, cabbage rolls, sausages for frying and other meat semi-finished products of various degrees of readiness is growing demand and such products are in great demand among the consumer. A separate area in the business of semi-finished products can be considered the production of ready-made meals, using shock freezing of raw materials and the sale of sets of products and spices with instructions for preparing dishes of various cuisines.

Today's business for the production of semi-finished products, using modern equipment, allows you to produce high quality products with the preservation of all nutrients, quickly reconfigure your production for the production of a particular product.

Consider the business of semi-finished products based on the production of cutlets. Someone will say that cutlets are nonsense. You can supply your products to schools, institutes, canteens, cafes and various eateries. So the market for this product exists and requires cheap and high-quality raw materials for its development.

Description of the enterprise

When choosing an organizational form of doing business, it is better to open an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. It is cheaper and faster to open an individual entrepreneur, therefore we choose this organizational form for our enterprise. To pay taxes, it was decided to choose a simplified system of taxation "income-expenses". Such a system will avoid a number of problems that novice entrepreneurs usually face. Before starting production, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with GOST R 52674-2006 and GOST R 51187-98, you can search for other standards on the Internet.

OKDP codes:

1511400 - semi-finished frozen meat products;

1511410 - quick-frozen ready-made products;

1511420 - portioned natural semi-finished products.

Future products are subject to conformity certification, the production facility must receive an epidemiological conclusion.

Workshop space.

In order for the possibility of food production to be present, the premises must comply with the standards of Rospotrebnadzor, the sanitary and epidemiological service and fire safety. The best choice would be a place where work has already been carried out in this area (cooking, a confectionery shop), otherwise a fairly high-quality repair is required. You should not consider the option of selecting premises for production in the basement, located in a residential building, with low ceilings, where it is impossible to bring the necessary communications, including supply and exhaust ventilation.

The logistics component is important, the building must have convenient access ways so that raw materials can be unloaded and finished products can be loaded without any problems. The cost of real estate in the center reaches high values, this is not the best choice for starting a business, so you can consider the available options on the outskirts, in close proximity to the resource base.

The premises for the production of semi-finished products should be divided into the following zones:
- acceptance and cutting of raw materials;
- direct production of semi-finished products, in the form of minced meat;
- packaging and labeling operations;
- stock.

Separately, a room for the employees of the workshop should be equipped; a convenient location for the shower and toilet will be a big plus. The administration requires a separate room for comfortable work.

For our calculation, we assume that we have rented a room of 100 sq. meters, the cost of the rent is 300 rubles / m2. This area will house the production itself, warehouses for storing products and amenity premises for employees.

The cost of the initial investment in equipment and repairs to organize a semi-finished business.

We remind you that at our enterprise we are going to produce homemade cutlets from minced meat. The functioning of the enterprise cannot be imagined without the purchase of specialized equipment, this will become the main line of expenses for starting a business. In total, the purchase of equipment in the amount of 828,500 rubles is required, such costs consist of the purchase of the following things:

SPLIT-System - 70,000 rubles. (the temperature when cooking minced meat should be no more than 14C);
- meat grinder - 40,000 rubles;
- apparatus for molding cutlets - 150,000 rubles;
- a freezer for storing raw materials and finished products (2 pieces) - 200,000 rubles;
- meat mixer - 160,000 rubles;
- packaging machine - 88,500 rubles;
- other production equipment and improvised means (cutting tables (2 pieces), hooks for carcasses, knives, bowls, buckets, etc.) - 50,000 rubles;
- organization of household premises for the manager and employees - 50,000 rubles;
- computer and printer - 20,000 rubles.

The costs are not limited to the purchase of equipment, the following costs should be taken into account:
- carrying out repair work in the premises - 200,000 rubles;
- connection of communication networks - 300,000 rubles;
- purchase of additional equipment and special clothing - 50,000 rubles;
- other associated costs, including product certification - 60,000 rubles.

The total initial investment in the business for the production of cutlets is 1,438,500 rubles. Also, at the initial stage, working capital will be needed to start production. In our case, it took 1430 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

working capital

Repair work

Organizational expenses

Total expenses

The technological production process is divided into separate stages:
- reception of raw materials;
- primary processing;
- cutting;
- sorting operations;
- cooking individual products (grinding the main ingredients, kneading minced meat, molding cutlets and freezing);
- packing work.

To gain credibility, it is required to use the highest quality raw materials that meet the highest standards. For certain types of products, their own GOST standards apply. It is preferable to work with farmers or established large producers. All purchased meat must pass the maximum control by the veterinary service.

Marketing plan.

The high demand for high-quality semi-finished products shows that opening a workshop at the moment is a profitable investment. There is some competition in this area, but the lack of relevant products in retail shows that there is a necessary place for development in the niche. Promotion of products is carried out by advertising in local newspapers, bulletin boards and specialized Internet resources, debugging personal relationships.
To achieve maximum efficiency, the sale of manufactured products will be carried out in three directions:
- retail outlets;
- wholesale sales to large suppliers;
- Wholesales directly in the network of stores.

Staff for business organization.

The full operation of production involves the work of a staff of 4 employees, which includes:

Preparation of raw materials - 1 employee;
- accountant - outsourcing services;
- preparation of products - 2 employees;
- cleaner - 1 employee.

As production develops, wage indicators can be increased. In some cases, the use of the work of an accountant is not efficient, the services of outsourcing companies are more economically viable.



Cleaning woman



Enumeration of the let out production.

The profitability of the enterprise largely depends on a successful start, it is important from the very first stages of the functioning of the business to start making tangible profits. To solve this problem, it is necessary to decide on the goods offered, as the initial product of our workshop will be the production of homemade cutlets, the cost of 200 rubles per kg. or 15 rubles apiece.
For wholesales, such prices are quite natural. As income increases, the list of products offered can be replenished with new positions.

For our calculations, every day we will produce and send 500 kilograms of products to stores, with an increase in productivity up to 1000 kilograms per day in six months. If the manufacturer can prove himself from the best side due to high quality, a worthy demand for his products is guaranteed.

Immediately after the start of activities, reaching such a volume is a problematic task; initially, as many semi-finished products will be produced as it is possible to provide buyers. Building connections, finding sales outlets will gradually increase production capacity, characterized by the amount of goods produced.

Our business costs consist of the following:

fixed costs


Payroll taxes



Accountant services

Variable costs

Food cost

Communal expenses


Insurance IP

Packaging cost

Other variable expenses

Total cost

The cost of raw materials for the production of cutlets.

The cost of production of cutlets.

price, kg/r.


article, rub/kg

meat beef

Raw beef fat

wheat bread


Bulb onions

Ground black pepper


drinking water

Total consumption per 1 kg of minced meat

Meat yield rate after deboning,%

Payback of business and its financial results.

More clearly, the profitability of a business is demonstrated by performance indicators, which, according to the calculations, acquire the following values:
- profit for two years - 13,842 thousand rubles;
- profitability of the enterprise - 17%;
- payback period - 10 months.

Determination of the net profit of the enterprise.

We will determine the profitability and payback of the business.

According to the results of the planning horizon, the profit will be slightly less than 14 million rubles, and the profitability indicator will be 17%. If these values ​​are accurately reflected in practice, then all investments will pay off in 10 months, which is an excellent result.

To start the operation of the enterprise, an amount of about three million rubles will be required. If possible, you can take advantage of various small business support programs that will cover part of the costs for starting a business.

Conclusion. The market for the production of semi-finished products is interesting, there are many niches for development that are currently not occupied. Since this business employs quite technological equipment, it is worth paying special attention to debugging production so that goods of exceptionally high quality are produced. Such products can easily win the competition in the market and bring you to a leading position. Good luck in business!

Semi-finished products are food products made from meat or other minced meat with flavoring and stabilizing additives.

There are several types of semi-finished products:

  • according to the methods of processing raw materials: natural, chopped, or processed, breaded products and dumplings;
  • depending on the type of raw materials used: beef, pork, lamb, chicken, rabbit and offal products;
  • according to the method of storage: chilled, frozen.

The composition of semi-finished products includes various additives: water, flour and cereals, sugar, salt, spices, eggs and egg products and other ingredients. The quantity and quality of additives often affects the taste of the product.

Technology for the production of semi-finished meat products

And the purchase of equipment, you need to understand what stages the technological process consists of. First, frozen in the form of large briquettes enters the plant, and it is preliminarily thawed and crushed. Defrosting, or defrosting, is very important: improper organization of the process leads to a loss of taste and freshness of raw materials. The optimal conditions for defrosting are defrosting for 12-16 hours at a temperature of 20˚C and 95% humidity.

The cooled raw materials are ground in a meat grinder, then, to obtain a homogeneous mass, the minced meat and additional ingredients (spices, water, and others) are placed in a meat mixer. The device helps to make the mass homogeneous, saturate the minced meat with oxygen, which improves the taste and appearance of cooked dishes.

After the meat mixer, the mixture enters the molding machine. The product is given a certain size and shape according to the recipe.

If, according to the recipe, semi-finished products need to be breaded, then after shaping, they enter the machine for lezonirovanie and breading apparatus.

For dumplings, it is additionally prepared using a dough mixer. Minced meat and dough are placed in dumpling machines, and the finished product is sent along the conveyor for freezing. The final step is freezing and packaging.

In industrial conditions, shock freezing is used, allowing to freeze products in 20-30 minutes. To implement the stage, a shock freezing chamber or a compact spiral quick freezer is required.

Products are packed in plastic bags or cardboard boxes manually or using special machines.

Equipment for the production of semi-finished meat products

A small enterprise does not require the purchase of expensive equipment; to start the rational use of funds, you need to correctly calculate the production capacity.

The main equipment for the production of semi-finished meat products:

  1. Band-saw needed for the manufacture of large pieces of raw materials that are convenient for processing bars. The cost of saws varies from 45 to 300 thousand rubles. For a small plant, models from Russian manufacturers RostPishMash and MM Pris are suitable.
  2. Meat grinder- a machine for turning meat into minced meat. The cost of the machine is from 40 to several hundred thousand rubles. When choosing a meat grinder, you need to focus on the planned production volume. At small factories, it is enough to use reliable machines from the Belarusian manufacturer Torgmash: MIM-80 meat grinders allow you to produce up to 80 kg of minced meat per hour.
  3. Meat mixer gives the mass of minced meat a uniform consistency and airiness. The cost of the machine is 60-300 thousand rubles. For a small plant, it is enough to purchase an installation with a volume of 50 liters from the RostPishMash enterprise.
  4. molding machine necessary to create products of a certain size and shape. Depending on the type of molding machine, it is possible to produce several types of semi-finished products at the same time, such as meatballs and meatballs. The cost ranges from 25 to 450 thousand rubles. For small businesses, the machine of the Russian manufacturer RostPishMash is ideal, allowing you to produce 2000 units. products per hour.
  5. Tray Sealer required for packaging finished products. The cost of equipment is from 150 thousand to a million rubles. For a small enterprise, semi-automatic machines from the Russian company CAS are suitable.

assumes the presence of dumpling machines, a dough mixer and a flour sifter. Do not forget about the freezer, separate rooms for storing raw materials and finished products, sanitary products and consumables.

Manufacturing plant requirements

According to sanitary standards, the workshop must comply with the following parameters:

  1. Air temperature - 18-20˚С;
  2. Humidity - 40-60%;
  3. Water supply and sewerage must be centralized, the quality of drinking water must comply with GOST R 51232-98;
  4. Rated voltage in the mains - 380 V.

There are also regulatory documents (SNiP, SanPiN and others) for different premises of the enterprise and production stages.


To get started, it is enough to hire 2-3 workers in one shift. In addition to the workers, we need a chef, a logistics specialist, an accountant, an economic manager, an IT specialist, a technologist, and a cleaner. As the plant develops, the number of employees will increase.


The collection of documents when organizing a business is the most important part. Before a legal entity is registered. You can become an individual entrepreneur (IP) or organize a limited liability company (LLC). This takes into account the size of the business and the difference in taxation systems.

Besides, before starting production, you need to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service and make certificates of conformity for the entire range.

When collecting documents, a beginner should consult with a lawyer and equipment suppliers.


Before it is worth considering the channels for selling products, the need for an advertising campaign. You need to be ready to resist competitors, constantly improve production. Do not forget also about government programs that help solve a large number of problems of small businesses.


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