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For those who like to operate the car in the winter, the use of a starting device is suitable. With this device, you will not only extend the life of your battery, but will also be able to start your car in winter, even when the battery is low.

Everyone knows that in cold weather, the battery reduces its output by 25-40%, and if the battery also has a low battery charge, the car may not start at all, due to the complete lack of charge return, which is needed to start the starter in the moment of spinning the cardan shaft of the engine. The starter at the time of scrolling consumes approximately 80A, but at the time of starting, the energy consumption is much higher.

Starter circuit quite simple, but has some nuances in the manufacture of a network transformer. For its manufacture, it is recommended to use toroidal iron from any type of LATR, this will give smaller dimensions and reduce the weight of the launcher. When cutting iron, try to keep its perimeter from 230 to 280mm. Please note that there are different types of transformers and this figure may vary.

Sharp edges on the edges, it is advisable to round off a little with an ordinary file, then wrap it with winding. As a winding, you can use varnished cloth or fiberglass.

The usual winding in the transformer has about 260-290 turns, made of PEV-2 wire, with a diameter of 1.5-2 mm. You can choose any wire, the main thing to consider is that it is insulated with a varnish coating. Distribute the winding evenly, three layers at a time using interlayer insulation. After completing the primary winding, you should connect the transformer to the network and measure the current at idle.

The result should be around 200-380mA. If the current measurement reveals a lower indicator of the presented one, then part of the turns should be unwound, but if the result gave a higher indicator, then, accordingly, you will need to wind a few more turns until you finally get the desired result.

If during the operation of the transformer you detected heating in the area of ​​​​the turns, then it means that interturn short circuits were allowed during the winding, in which case you will need to re-wind.

We wind the secondary winding with stranded, insulated copper wire, the cross section of which should not exceed 6 sq. mm., as an example, you can use the rubber insulating wire PVKV. The winding is performed in 15-18 turns.

We wind the secondary winding simultaneously with two wires, this will help to achieve a more symmetrical winding, which in turn will give the same voltage in both windings.

For motorists, a dead battery can be a real problem. It should also be borne in mind that in the winter it is quite difficult to start a car. In this regard, there is often a need to use a starter-charger. To date, many manufacturers are ready to offer this product. According to the characteristics of the chargers are quite different. However, you can make a model of this type absolutely independently. For this purpose, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the device device, as well as to find out its main configurations.

Scheme of a conventional charger

Includes a threshold transformer and a series of resistors. The instrument coil is most often used at 20 V. It should also be noted that the models have a damper. It is intended for resonant vibrations. Expanders in chargers are most often installed of a dynamic type. Transistor blocks are used in a variety of ways. To connect the model to the battery, clamps are used, which can vary quite a lot in shape.

6V device

The circuit of a starting-charging device of this type of transformer involves the use of a threshold one. However, first of all, you should make a solid case for the model. Making it yourself is pretty easy. For this purpose, it was important to select sheets with a thickness of about 2.3 mm. At the same time, the foundation needs to be further strengthened. To do this, many experts recommend using the help to build a foundation. After that, the transformer is laid. The coil should be next to it. In this case, it is best to select a low-frequency damper.

The output voltage must be at the level of 5 V. It should also be noted that ROM expanders for this type of car are only suitable for dynamic ones. Field capacitors are used. To install them, first of all, all contacts are cleaned. The elements are directly soldered using a blowtorch. At the end of the work, the appropriate clamps are selected for the battery.

How to make a 10V charger?

Making such a start-charger with your own hands is quite simple. In this case, it is necessary first of all to deal with the body of the model. Some make it from boards. However, in this situation, much depends on the dimensions of the transformer. If we consider the threshold analogues, then they weigh a lot. Thus, the base of the device must be strong.

It is also important to make the model transportable. To do this, in the upper part it is necessary to fix the handles for carrying the device. In this case, it is better to install the transformer in the center of the base. After that, the damper is installed. If we consider linear resonant analogs, then they must withstand a minimum output voltage of 10 V. In this case, the vector frequency should fluctuate around 44 Hz.

Further, in order to assemble a device of this type, you need to take an expander. Many in this situation prefer non-condenser modifications. However, in this case, the load on the transistors will be quite large. It is more expedient to select clamps for an autonomous starter-charger of the aluminum type. They are practically not subject to corrosion.

12V Models

You can assemble this type of start-charger with your own hands using electrostatic capacitors. These days it's pretty easy to get them. For this device, it is necessary to make a platform in the case. Before installing the transformer, a seal must be laid on it. Only after that it will be possible to deal with the inductor.

It is selected most often with a primary winding. At the same time, capacitors for the model are more suitable for open type. They are able to withstand a maximum output voltage of 20 V. It should also be noted that expanders in this case must be installed last. Before this, it is important to fix the damper. In some situations, regulators are also used to control power.

In this case, a good power supply is required. It should also be noted that it can only be installed with a zener diode. In order to fix the clamps on the device, you can use a welding machine. At the end of the work, it remains only to fix the damper of the device. It is installed, as a rule, near the transformer. As the instructions say, the launcher must be checked for grounding before starting.

Single phase modifications

To make this type of start-charger with your own hands, you will need an integrated transformer. Nowadays, these modifications are quite popular among motorcyclists. First of all, when assembling the device, it is recommended to prepare all the necessary tools in advance. In particular, for self-production, high-quality ones are selected and together with a set of keys. For a 12-24V starter-charger, the case is made of metal sheets with a thickness of at least 1.4 mm.

At the same time, they can be twisted simply with the help of screws. After that, it is important to lay a rubber seal on the bottom of the case. Next, it will be possible to directly install the transformer. To fix it, many experts recommend making a special insert. It is a U-shaped stop. To do this, you need to take boards about 3.5 cm wide. In order to fasten them correctly, you must first measure the body. The next step is to install a damper on the 12-24V starter-charger.

In this case, it can be used resonant type. The specified component must withstand the output voltage at a level of 20 V. It should also be noted that only open-type capacitors are purchased for the model. They are able to maintain a minimum frequency at around 45 Hz. At the end of the work, it remains only to fix the power supply and solder the wires to fix it on the battery.

Two-phase devices

To assemble this type of start-charger with your own hands, you will need to use a powerful transformer. At the same time, the coil must withstand its maximum output voltage at a level of 20 V. The most diverse dampers are suitable for the device. In this case, much depends on the type of capacitors. Some experts in this situation prefer open modifications. They are able to serve quite a lot.

Resistors for the device are suitable only integral. Finding them in the store is easy, but they cost a lot. Further, to assemble the device, you will need to use a powerful expander. Dynamic type modifications are not suitable in this case. Induction models are considered more stable. In order to fix the clamps, it is necessary to use a cable with a diameter of about 0.4 mm.

Three-phase models

Circuits of this type involve the use of powerful transistor blocks. In order to install them, you must first prepare a site for them. In this case, the body can be built open without a top. In this case, the car charger can be transported on wheels. Transistors in this situation are selected network type. The minimum output voltage they can withstand is about 15 V.

The frequency parameter for these elements does not exceed 40 Hz on average. The transformer for the model is selected as a standard threshold type. In this case, the coil must be designed for low frequencies. The damper for a car starter-charger of this type is selected resonant. It is necessary to install it only on the seal. Some specialists additionally install indication systems for three-phase modifications. They are necessary in order to look at the panel for the level of output voltage.

Application of pulse transformer PP20

Device circuits include transformers of the PP20 series, as well as resonant-type dampers. Capacitors for this model are only suitable for electrostatic type. It is necessary to start assembling the device by welding the base. For this, metal sheets are prepared with a thickness of about 2.2 mm. Coils with a primary winding in this case are used quite often.

At the same time, a wide variety of display systems are suitable. In general, the above transformer output voltage is capable of withstanding at the level of 15 V. Only magnetic zener diodes are used. Aluminum clamps can be successfully used as clamps. Their conductivity is quite good, but they differ in shape. In this case, it is better to give preference to small-sized modifications.

Use of PP22 transformers

Transformers of the PP22 type are very common today. Coils in this case are used with a copper winding. Their density is quite high, and they can serve for a long time. However, such devices still have disadvantages. First of all, it should be noted that models with the specified transformer suffer from increased output voltage. Thus, sharp surges in the network can lead to complete overheating of the capacitors.

Also, resistors often fail. If an indication system is installed in the device, then the diodes burn out from overvoltage. It is necessary to install transformers on models only with seals. At the same time, the toggle switch is suitable for the P2 series. In turn, indicators are often used class IN3.

You need such a device. Especially if your car is constantly having problems at the start and with the battery, who knows where it will happen next? And in the event that you purchase a charger for personal use, you will not only save yourself from the possibility of getting stuck in some unpleasant place, but you will also be able to help a person who finds himself in a similar situation, especially in cold weather, when many engines refuse start up. In addition, almost any charger can charge a phone or tablet - they have long included such a function as additional ports, especially for such purposes.

There are several types of starting chargers, and before you start choosing them, you should familiarize yourself with the benefits of each of them.

Pulse. The operation of a pulsed device is based on pulsed voltage conversion. Under the influence of the frequency of the electric current, the voltage first rises, and then decreases and is converted. These devices, as a rule, have little power and are only suitable for recharging a dead battery. And in the event that the charge is very low and it is cold outside, charging with it will take a very long time. Among the advantages of such a charger are an affordable price, low weight and small dimensions. As for the shortcomings, this is primarily a small power and the complexity of the repair. In addition, they are very sensitive to unstable voltage.

transformer. At the heart of the operation of such a device is a transformer that converts current and voltage. They are able to increase the charge of any battery, no matter how discharged it is. In addition, such units are absolutely independent of the stability of the network and drops in it do not affect their operation in any way. They work in any condition and in the vast majority of cases will start the engine, even if the battery is almost at zero. Among the main advantages: power and reliability, absolute unpretentiousness. Disadvantages, however, also exist. This is a high price of products, a lot of weight and dimensions.

Boosters, or battery type starters are portable batteries. They work on the principle of a portable charger - first the battery is charged, and the car starts from the battery, with a low battery charge. As a rule, they are of two types - household and professional. The difference is in the volume of built-in batteries and dimensions. Household starting devices of this type usually have a small capacity, which is enough to power one car. A professional battery device is a full-fledged autonomous charger for a car, and not one, but several. And thanks to the extremely large capacity, they can be used to start engines with a different on-board network, both at 12V and at 24V. Their advantage is that they are autonomous and mobile, but due to their weight and dimensions, it is really convenient to move only on a flat surface on the wheels of the hull.

capacitor starter. Starting the engine and discharging the battery is carried out according to a rather complex scheme, the main part of which is powerful capacitors. First, they are charged, and then give their charge to start the engine. Due to the fact that they charge themselves very quickly and also quickly start the engine. They are not very popular due to the high cost. In addition, their use leads to rapid wear of the car battery.

Charging starter presented in this article allows you to start the car in the winter. As you know, starting in the winter the internal combustion engine of a car with a dead battery requires a lot of time and effort.

The density of the electrolyte, due to prolonged storage, decreases significantly, and the sulfation process occurring inside the battery increases its internal resistance, thereby reducing the starting current of the battery. Plus, in winter, the viscosity of engine oil increases, which requires more starting power from the car battery.

As you know, there are several ways to make it easier to start a car in winter:

  • warm up the oil in the crankcase of the car;
  • start the car from another car with a reliable battery;
  • start "from the pusher";
  • use a charger-starter (ZPU).

The option with the use of a starting device is more convenient when storing a car in a garage or in a paid parking lot, where it is possible to connect the starting device to the mains. In addition, this charger-starter will help not only start a car with a dead battery, but also quickly restore and charge it.

Basically, in industrial models of a charger and starting device, the battery is recharged from a medium power source with a rated current up to 5A, which, as a rule, is not enough for direct current selection by the car starter. Despite the fact that the internal capacity of car battery ROMs is very large (some models have up to 240 A / h), but after several factories they “sit down” one way or another, and it will not be possible to quickly restore their charge.

This charger-starter differs from the industrial prototype in its low weight and the ability to automatically maintain the working condition of the ROM battery, regardless of the period of storage or operation. Even if the ROM does not have an internal battery, it can still provide a starting current of up to 100A for a short time. There is also a good one with adjustable charge current.

To restore the battery plates and reduce the temperature of the electrolyte during charging, the charging and starting device has a regeneration mode. In this mode, there is an alternation of charging current pulses and pauses.

circuit diagram

The starting charger circuit contains a triac voltage regulator (VS1), a power transformer (T1), a high-power diode rectifier (VD3, VD4) and a starter battery (GB1). The charging current is selected by the current regulator on the triac VS1, its current is regulated by a variable resistor R2 and depends on the battery capacity.

The input and output charging circuits have a filter that reduces the degree of radio interference during the operation of the triac regulator. The triac VS1 provides regulation of the charging current when the mains voltage fluctuates in the range from 180 to 220 V.

Triac piping consists of R1-R2-C3 (RC circuit), VD2 and diode bridge VD1. The time constant RC - the circuit affects the moment the dinistor opens (counting from the beginning of the network half-cycle), which is included in the diagonal of the rectifier bridge through the limiting resistor R4. The rectifier bridge synchronizes the switching on of the triac in both half-cycles of the mains voltage. In the "Regeneration" mode, only one half-cycle of the mains voltage is applied, which helps to clean the battery plates from the existing crystallization. Capacitors C1 and C2 reduce the degree of interference from the triac in the network to acceptable levels.


In the charging and starting device, a power device from the Rubin TV was used. It is also possible to use a transformer type TCA-270. Before rewinding the secondary windings (the primary ones remain unchanged), the frames are separated from the iron, all the former secondary windings (up to the screen foil) are removed, and the vacant place is wound with a copper wire with a cross section of 1.8 ... 2.0 mm2 in one layer (up to filling) secondary windings. As a result of rewinding, the voltage of one winding should be approximately 15 ... 17 V.

For visual control of the charging and starting current, an ammeter with a shunt resistor was introduced into the charging-starting device circuit. The SA1 mains switch must be designed for a maximum current of 10 A. The SA2 mains switch (type ТЗ or П1Т) allows you to select the maximum voltage on the transformer in accordance with the mains voltage. The internal battery brand 6ST45 or 6ST50 should be enough for 3-5 simultaneous starts. Resistors in ZPU can be used such as MLT or SP, capacitors C1, C2 - KBG-MP, C3 - MBGO, C4 - K50-12, K50-6. Diodes D160 (without radiators) can be changed to others with a permissible current of more than 50 A, a triac - of the TS type. Connection of the ZPU to the car battery must be made with powerful Crocodile clips (for a working current of up to 200 A). It is important to use grounding in the device.


When setting up, the internal battery GB1 is connected to the device (observe the polarity!) and the charging current regulation by the resistor R2 is tested. Then the charging current is checked in the charge, start and regeneration modes. If the current is not more than 10 ... 12A, then the ZPU is in working order. When connecting the charger-starter to the car battery, the charge current should first increase by about 2-3 times, and after 10-30 minutes it should decrease to its original value. After that, the switch SA3 is clicked into the "Start" mode, and the car's engine starts. In case of an unsuccessful attempt to start the engine, additional recharging is carried out for 10-30 minutes, and the attempt is repeated.

It is familiar to many of our compatriots, especially those who regularly operate their cars in winter, during frost periods, encounter it. If the engine refuses to start, there are several ways to solve the problem, but one of the most effective options is to use a starting device (PU). How to make a starting device for a car with your own hands and what is its principle of operation, we will describe below.

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Description of the starting device

What is such an engine start system, how does the module work and what is its purpose? Let's briefly consider these questions.

Purpose and functions

The purpose of the car charger is to provide a better engine start. Such a need may arise in different cases, but as practice shows, our compatriots usually face such a problem in cold weather. In addition, most modern charging modules also allow you to charge mobile gadgets - tablets, smartphones and other devices. To do this, they even have additional ports.

Device and principle of operation

Charging modules are of several types:

  1. impulse blocks, the principle of operation of which is based on pulsed voltage conversion. In such a module, the voltage first increases under the influence of the current frequency, after which it decreases and is converted. Such devices are usually characterized by low power and, as a rule, are used to recharge a discharged battery. But if the battery charge is very low, while it is cold outside, then in this case, recharging the battery can take quite a long time.
    The main advantages of such blocks include low price, low weight, and compact size. As for the minuses, this is the low power of the module, as well as the complexity of its repair, especially, as practice shows, they can often fail due to unstable voltage.
  2. Transformer blocks- in this case, the main element of the device is a transformer used to convert current into voltage. Such charging modules allow you to increase the charge of any battery, regardless of its discharge, even if it is almost full. In addition, devices of this type are immune to voltage drops, they can function in any state. Of the main advantages, it is necessary to highlight the power of the modules and their reliability, as well as unpretentiousness in terms of operation. As for the minuses, this is the high cost, large size and weight.
  3. Boosters are another type of blocks. The booster is a portable battery that functions on the principle of a portable unit - first, the booster charges the battery, and the power unit starts from the battery. Boosters can be household or professional, they differ in volume and size. In household boosters, the capacity is quite low, but it is usually enough to start one engine.
    Professional devices are full-fledged chargers that can run several cars, and the on-board network in such machines can be either 12-volt or 24 V. The advantage of boosters is their compactness and autonomy, but due to their size, they can only be installed on flat surface.
  4. capacitor modules. In this case, the procedure for starting the motor is carried out according to a rather complex principle; powerful capacitor devices are the basis of the circuit of such devices. First of all, they are charged, after which the capacitors transfer the charge to start the motor. Capacitors charge pretty quickly and just as quickly they give up their charge to start the internal combustion engine. As a result of the fact that the cost of such modules is quite high, they are not so popular. Moreover, in practice, their frequent operation can lead to accelerated battery wear (the author of the video is the carpow carpow channel).

Selection Options

The choice of starting device is based on the voltage used in the car battery. Passenger cars usually use 12-volt batteries, tractors use 24-volt batteries. If you are in doubt about what kind of battery you have, then you need to pay attention to the marking of the device - the numbers 12 or 24 should be indicated on it. To ensure the normal start of the power unit, you can purchase an ordinary household remote control, but if you drive a tractor, then for such an internal combustion engine you need to buy a device with a large current.

However, the main parameter to pay attention to is the starting current. The current can be different, it all depends on the specific battery, so in any case you will need to study the marking. It should also be borne in mind that the starting current indicator may be different, especially if the battery is discharged and it is cold outside.

If you have decided on the starting current, then pay attention to the volume of the PU. The choice of volume depends on the conditions in which the PU will be used. For example, for a passenger vehicle, the best option would be to choose a more compact device, the battery life of which will be low. As for the same tractors or SUVs, in this case it is better to give preference to launchers with a large margin. Moreover, the higher this indicator is, the better (the author of the video is the channel Made in the garage).

DIY instructions

If you decide to build a control panel for your car, then at least you should have some experience in electrical engineering. Of course, you can save a significant amount by assembling the device yourself, but you will still need to spend money on its constituent elements.

Briefly consider the process of manufacturing PU at home:

  1. First you need a transformer device, its minimum power parameter should be 500 watts.
  2. In the primary winding, the cable section must be at least one and a half mm2, as for the secondary winding, it should be removed.
  3. After removing the secondary winding, a new one is installed, while you will have to wind the wire around it yourself. The number of turns on the winding may vary - in this case, the choice is made in a practical way. For example, you wind ten turns of wire with any section, after which you will need to connect a transformer device and measure the voltage indicator. The result obtained is eventually divided by ten - thus, you can calculate the voltage on one turn. Then 12 volts should be divided by the number obtained as a result of the measurement - this is how you get the number of turns of one arm.
  4. After the calculation manipulations are performed, the secondary winding should be removed and another one should be put in its place, while winding the winding should be done with a wire with a cross section of 10 mm2.
  5. The next step is to connect the diode elements. Alternatively, you can use diodes removed from welding equipment. Ultimately, the voltage level at idle should be no more than 12 volts. If, as a result, this indicator is higher or lower, then it will be necessary to either rewind or unwind a certain number of turns.
  6. When the voltage is normal, you can proceed to the final stage of completing the assembly. Given the fact that the current parameter at the output of the device will vary around 100 amperes, wires from the same welding equipment can be used as output cables.

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Video "How to make a pre-heater with your own hands?"

Detailed and visual instructions on how to build a pre-heater with your own hands in a garage are presented in the video below (the author of the video is Sergey Kalinov).


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