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Often, a car or other vehicle is purchased not in the region of registration, but in another. Moreover, this operation is quite risky. It is necessary to remember about a large number of different nuances - including the procedure for registration.

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Very often cars are brought for sale from other regions. It should be remembered that in this way the seller often tries to hide the very fact of the sale due to theft of the vehicle from the rightful owner.

Registration procedure

The procedure for registering a car with the traffic police itself is simple, it involves only 3 main stages:

  • submission of properly executed documents;
  • inspection vehicle traffic police officer;
  • issuance of new registration documents and license plates (if required).

All documents required for registration must be prepared in advance. In this case, the process takes a minimum amount of time.

When registering new owner the car may face the only difficulty - long queues. But such a question can be easily solved by contacting a paid institution.

Also, some traffic police, carrying out registration actions with cars, work around the clock.

If possible, you should familiarize yourself with the registration immediately before the registration visit complete list necessary documentation... This will make it possible to avoid repeated circulation in the absence of any document.

When the registration process is fully completed, the new owner of the car should get the following documents in his hands:

  • new registration certificate;
  • state license plates;
  • all previously submitted documents.

The owner's details will be entered in the JTS. In this case, you should check the correctness of their spelling. Since in the presence of inconsistencies, questions may arise at the traffic police posts, when checking the documents for the car.

If you find any inaccuracies, you should immediately contact the appropriate window to make the necessary corrections.

For obtaining new license plates, it will be necessary to pay a state fee without fail, and its value today is quite significant.

But when registering in another region, you should remember an important nuance: the license plates will have the region marking on the right side, consisting of two digits. For example, 34 - Volgograd region, 74 - Chelyabinsk.

This kind of feature should be taken into account. Since in most cases, traffic police officers pay attention to cars with non-local state license plates.

For what and how much you need to pay

A prerequisite for registering a car in any region (residence or otherwise) is the payment of a state fee. Its amount depends on various kinds of accompanying legal actions taken during registration.

The amount of the state duty is the same for all regions on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is:

The name of the action to be taken Amount, rub.
Making any changes to the previously issued passport of a technical device 350
Issuance of new state registration plates for cars 2 000
Obtaining a new COP 500
Obtaining transit registration plates 1 600
Temporary registration 350
The size of the state fee in 2020
Obtaining state registration plates 1 500
Registration of a new OB vehicle 500
Issuance of a new vehicle registration certificate 300
Temporary car registration 200
Making changes to the existing TCP 200
Issuance of transit license plates
metal 1 000
on paper base 100
Obtaining a new certificate for a vacated numbered unit 200

In most cases, in 2020, for registration, it will be enough to pay the following state fees:

The total amount of funds required for registration in any region is 2 500 rubles... This moment is fixed at the legislative level.

It should be remembered that the state duty is indexed almost every year.

Before visiting a banking institution or other place to pay the state fee, it is advisable to first familiarize yourself with the amount of payments.

You should also find out exactly the details of the institution in whose name the payment should be made. A payment document confirming payment must be submitted with all other mandatory documents.

Special cases

The very process of registering a car in another region is not difficult.

But at the same time, it is necessary to remember about some special cases:

  • temporary registration in another region;
  • registration without registration in 2020;
  • registration of a car purchased in another region.

Registration of documents for temporary registration

From 15.10.13, the temporary registration was canceled. This is due to the absence of the need to register the car at the place of registration.

Previously, this procedure was necessary in the following two cases:

  • if a car was bought in another region and it took time to drive it to another city;
  • if the owner moved to another city and received a temporary residence permit there.

Today, any citizen of the Russian Federation who has a permanent registration within the country has the right to register a car in any city, without restrictions.

Car registration in another region without registration in 2020

Previously, in the absence of a registration, it was simply impossible to register a car. This moment was enshrined in legislation.

But at the same time, there were two ways to get out of this situation:

  • put the vehicle on temporary registration;
  • obtain temporary registration at the place of actual residence.

To date, there are simply no problems of this kind. Therefore, it is quite simple to figure it out. You just need to visit the nearest traffic police department.

Registration of a car bought in another region

Speaking about whether it is possible to register a car in another region, it is worth pointing out that the issue of purchasing cars is currently quite relevant. A possible disadvantage is that from the legal side, some nuances may arise when drawing up an agreement and other papers. There is a list of mandatory actions that must be performed by the parties to the contract. Buying a car in another region is somewhat more problematic. However, amendments have been made to the legislative provisions, according to which the process under consideration has become easier.

Considering the issue related to the fact that you can register a car in another region without a registration, you should pay attention to what changes are taking place in legislative acts.

These include:

  1. The deadline for registering the vehicle will be extended. Previously, such a period is injured for five days, now - 10.
  2. A certificate can also be issued at the place of temporary registration of the person purchasing the car. This suggests that you can register in the place where the owner lives. Withdrawal from accounting is also carried out in a similar manner. The rule indicates that you can re-register a car to yourself at the place of purchase. It is not necessary to register a person in the region of purchase.
  3. In addition, the permanent numbers on the car can not be changed if the new owner so wants. It will not hurt to deregister and re-register.
  4. You can apply for registration in absolutely any MREO of the traffic police. This reinforces new law... The order of registration is electronic or customary personal visit. In the first case, you need to refer to the State Services website.

It is envisaged that a car can be registered in another region - yes, while the same rules apply as for registration at the place of residence.

Speaking about where you can register the car, it is worth reflecting this possibility remotely. Over the past year, the service in question has been used by a large number of citizens.

It is worth reflecting some positive and negative points in a question like this:

  • when the new owner decides to register at the place of purchase, the number one advantage is that the previous owner is nearby and it is much easier to contact him;
  • the transaction is carried out on a clean basis, that is, there are no unpaid penalties, tax has been paid, there are no open criminal cases involving a car, etc.

It should be noted that in the future, the car will have a previously established state number. It reflects the code of another region. Some car enthusiasts distinguish their car in the area by the fact that it has numbers from a different region. Change under Russian law is implemented in some situations. To do this, the owner needs to read the laws.

Speaking about whether it is possible to register a car in another region, it is worth paying attention to what requirements are put forward regarding a person. The person must meet the list of requirements reflected in the Resolution issued by the Government of the Russian Federation. It was adopted at the federal level in 1995. After adoption, it was assigned the number - 713.

This document includes the following provisions:

  1. If a person moves to another region, then a temporary registration must be issued. It is better if you immediately have the opportunity to register permanently.
  2. In addition to the fact that you need to register, you need to report the move to the authorities conducting registration activities.

The peculiarity of the issue under consideration is related to the fact that a person does not have the opportunity to use conditions that are social in nature. This provision may become a condition for initiating a case. In this case, the law enforcement officer takes into account the provisions of the administrative legislation. Anyone who will live without a registration runs the risk that they will be subject to penalties.

Such measures are fixed as a penalty. It is worth considering that the amount varies depending on who pays the amount of money. If a person decides to buy a residence permit, then this also provides for the punishment reflected in the law. Proceedings are initiated on the basis of the provisions of Article 19.15.1. Administrative Code. This suggests the possibility of applying a fine of two to five thousand rubles to the guilty party. These provisions apply only to citizens.

If the perpetrator is an organization, then the size becomes much larger. You will have to pay from 250 to 750 thousand rubles. Living without a registration after reading these provisions should leave fewer and fewer applicants. Only with the presence of a residence permit can you expect to receive the necessary documentation.

Continuing to talk about whether it is possible to register a car in any other city, it is worth mentioning Order No. 605. This by-law gives reason to believe that the registration of a vehicle, which is of a temporary nature, has been abolished by the legislator. Registration will now be only on an ongoing basis. There remains an option associated with the correction of information that is of a registration nature. At the same time, these norms apply to cars that are within leasing limits.

It is reflected that:

  • persons who do not act as residents of Russia must enter information about the car for temporary registration, for which standard procedures apply;
  • if a person is not a citizen of any state, the specified information also applies to him.

The preservation of these rules provides that the appeal is made to any department of the traffic police. The conditions in this case are the same as for citizens. The only difference is the list of required documentation to implement the specified action.

It is necessary to clarify whether it is possible to re-register a car for a legal entity in another region. It is worth reflecting that this process practically does not differ from that which is associated with citizens. The only clear difference will be the list of documentation that will need to be submitted.

These include:

  1. Statement. Filled in according to the established sample.
  2. A receipt showing the payment of the duty to the state.
  3. Certificate issued during the registration of the company.
  4. Power of attorney issued to represent interests.
  5. Documentation for the car. This includes STS and PTS. OSAGO will also be required.
  6. You need to present an act that gives reason to believe that the company really is the owner of the car.

The specified act has different forms of expression. In particular, it can be an agreement providing for the purchase and sale of a car, as well as a decision made by a judicial authority. This act touches upon issues that have arisen in the process of resolving litigations that are of a procedural nature. An extract made from the deed of transfer can also be submitted. This happens when there is a merger, merger or transformation of several companies. Among other things, a receipt drawn up by the commander of the military unit may be issued. This affects situations when a car is purchased in a unit during service.


You can rewrite a car to a friend or other persons in a similar manner. This will require collecting some documents. The list is reflected in the Order issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is numbered 605.

The act indicates that the list of documentation includes:

  • a statement drawn up according to the fixed model;
  • documentation through which it is possible to identify a person;
  • reduction of the list may be in some cases, for example, when there is no owner, acts are submitted indicating the presence of the representative's powers;
  • documentation regarding the vehicle and units for it (refers to the situation when they were changed);
  • a document indicating the availability of the owner's powers.

Insurance can be obtained through the use of the Internet, which provides for a reduction in the time for the production of the considered actions. If the applicant decides to use the State Services portal, it is necessary to insure the car before going through the registration procedure. Otherwise, the portal will refuse to perform the actions in question.


Tax legislation provides for provisions under which payment is made. These norms are reflected in article 333.33 of the Tax Code. The vehicle owner has the ability to independently calculate the amount to be paid to the competent authority. Taking into account these provisions, the amount of the state duty is formed.

It is necessary to pay attention to the provision according to which amendments to the legislation allowed the car enthusiast to leave old license plates on cars. These innovations allow the new owner to save about two thousand rubles.

Prices for other services are entered:

  1. If the owner decided to take new numbers, he will have to pay. The amount is 2 thousand rubles.
  2. For a trailer, numbers cost 500 rubles.
  3. When it is required to issue a STS, then 350 rubles are paid.
  4. Entering new data into the TCP requires you to pay 800 rubles.
  5. If a temporary registration is being implemented, the owner pays 350 rubles.

According to the amendments made to the legislative provisions, the owner of the vehicle was able to carry out the re-registration procedure at any of the traffic police departments. You can select a subdivision within the country. The conditions that are established regarding the provision of such a service do not limit the requirements. They apply to both citizens and organizations. In this case, the provisions are similar. The main distinguishing point is what list of documents the applicant will need to collect.

MOSCOW, October 15 - RIA Novosti. The new rules for registering cars will take effect in Russia from October 15th. Among the main innovations is that cars can be registered in any region, regardless of place of residence, the procedure time is reduced from three hours to one, and cars can be sold without deregistering, a spokesman for the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia told RIA Novosti.

"In connection with the entry into force of the new Administrative Regulations, all owners of vehicles for registration of vehicles can now apply to any department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, regardless of where they are registered," said the agency's interlocutor.

Taking into account all the innovations introduced in the regulations, the execution time registration actions reduced from three hours to an hour. In addition, the time allotted for waiting in line should be reduced to 15 minutes.

The owner of the car will be able to deregister it after the saleOn October 15, the new administrative regulations for the registration of vehicles come into force. According to the document, now the owner of the car will not need to remove it from the registration register before selling it.

The new registration rules will significantly simplify the life of car owners, because now they can sell a car without removing it from the registration register. "If you sell a car, you sell it along with the license plates. In this case, you do not need to contact the traffic police to remove the car from the register or make this change of registration data yourself. The task of the buyer is to put the car on record within 10 days, just when doing this the actions of the traffic police will change the data in the database, and the old owner will not have to answer for violations committed on the sold car, "the agency's interlocutor explained.

At the same time, he noted, the owner of the car changes not on the basis of registration documents, but on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement, which can be drawn up in a simple written and even oral form. True, in the latter case, both parties to the transaction must come to the traffic police. The seller will be required in order to officially confirm that he sold this car to this particular person.

"Thus, the innovation automatically leads to the cancellation of the need to obtain transit numbers, which will be issued if the car is removed from the register for transportation outside Russia," said a spokesman for the press service.

At the same time, the new edition of the Administrative Regulations determines the procedure for the production of state registration plates to replace the lost (stolen) ones; now it is possible to make their duplicates.

In the event of theft or loss of car license plates, the owner will not need to undergo a complete re-registration of the vehicle. It is enough to contact an authorized organization that produces duplicate license plates to get exactly the same ones. Now they are already in almost every region, only 240 points.

By the way, the storage period of numbers has also increased. Now the traffic police will store them for six months instead of one month. This was done because often motorists did not have time to purchase new car... As a result, their numbers went to other people's cars.

What else does the new regulation provide?

The Ministry of Internal Affairs will not interfere with the pricing of companies that will be able to produce duplicate numbers. "Special organizations will be engaged in their manufacture, they are already in almost every region, there are only 240 points," said the head of the Department of Supervision of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Police Colonel Alexander Borisov.

Also, according to the new regulation, citizens will not be able to save on transport tax by registering a car in a region other than their own. The fee will have to be paid in the region where it is registered.

The article tells how the registration of a car in another region takes place, what rules apply when registering.

What are the rules for registering transport

The Ministry of Internal Affairs approved how to register a car. The registration procedure (hereinafter referred to as the “Procedure”) was approved by Order No. 1001 of November 24, 2008. You have to hurry up during registration. The law established a period of ten days to complete the necessary registration actions. Violators of the deadline pay a fine. The collection amount varies from one and a half to two thousand rubles. For registration, a fee is paid.

Table. Amount of duty

To register, you need the owner's passport, Title Deeds, documents confirming the rights to the car, and a compulsory motor third party liability insurance policy. The rights to transport are confirmed by a contract of purchase and sale, donation. Upon registration, additional documents may be required from the applicant. A power of attorney is needed when a representative applies.

When changing numbered units, supporting documents are required.

Where can I register

You can register a car without a registration, made in another city. Documents are drawn up in any region of the country. Registration ceased to play a major role. You can register transport in another city, even when there is no registration. Codes depend on the region where the car is registered. There is no clear indication of where to go with the documents. Any traffic police inspection registers the car.

Important! You can register a car without registration and registration, apply to any region of the Russian Federation. The procedure does not limit where to register.

True, there are exceptions to the general rule.

4 exceptions in the order of registration by registration:

  1. Foreigners who came to live for a while. Car registration is not allowed in another region for temporary residents of the country. Foreigners who have arrived for a while apply to the MREO at the place of registration, which is indicated in the permit: “to live temporarily in the Russian Federation”.
  2. Foreigners permanently living in Russia. Car registration is also prohibited in another region. It is necessary to submit documents according to the address indicated in the residence permit.
  3. Persons who do not have citizenship. The residence permit also determines where to submit documents.
  4. Refugees and IDPs. This category has found itself in such a position that it is forced to be on the territory of the Russian Federation. You should apply for registration of the car at the place of stay. For registration actions, you need documents confirming the passage of customs.

For legal entities, a different procedure applies.

The procedure for registration of transport assigned to organizations

A separate procedure applies to companies. If the address of the company is Moscow, then the documents cannot be submitted in another city. The appeal will be accepted by MREO specialists at the place of registration of the company or its subdivision.

A foreign company can also register a car. Applications are accepted at the place where the Russian representative office of the company is located.

If the subject of state delivery is transport, then it is registered where the recipient of the property is located. There is no intermediate clearance.

When property is given under a lease agreement, the parties independently determine for whom to register.

Can the traffic police refuse to register a car

There are cases when registration at the place of registration or residence is refused. The refusal may be due to various circumstances.

8 main reasons for refusal to register:

  1. There are not enough documents.
  2. The documents are fake or contain false information.
  3. The design of the machine does not match the data in the documents.
  4. The design of the car threatens safety on the road.
  5. The license plates do not match the vehicle.
  6. The manufacturer has forged the labeling.
  7. Traffic police inspectors have information about the theft of a car or forgery of signs.
  8. Prohibitions have been adopted to register transport.

Bounce can be avoided if you prepare properly.

Advice. Check if the car bans were imposed using special services before registering.

4 tips for filling out documents:

  1. Write legibly.
  2. Avoid blots and erasures.
  3. Write with a pen, stop using a pencil. You can also fill out documents on your computer.
  4. Completely indicate surnames, patronymics, names of the parties. If applications are submitted from companies, please indicate exactly the names of the companies. Check if the names of the organizations correspond to the constituent documents.

The documents are drawn up carefully, since mistakes are a reason for refusing to register a car.

Until the clearance is completed, it is dangerous to get behind the wheel. The Code of Administrative Offenses establishes fines for driving without registration. Repeated violations will result in deprivation of the right to drive the machine.

How to proceed if registration is refused

Refusal does not mean that everything is lost and you can give up. If the refusal is accepted unreasonably, it can be appealed.

Algorithm for appealing refusal:

  1. Receive a written refusal with the seal of the MREO subdivision.
  2. Choose a way of appeal: judicial or without a court.
  3. Submit a complaint to senior management if a pre-trial appeal is selected. Explain in writing the circumstances of the case, indicate the reasons why the applicant objects to the refusal. Attach evidence to the complaint that the civil servants refused unlawfully. The complaint can be filed in person, as well as sent by e-mail or regular mail.
  4. File a claim. The application is submitted according to the rules of the Code of Administrative Procedure.
  5. Wait for the court decision.

There are two options: the court will take the side of the applicant or recognize the refusal as legal.

How is registration going

The disadvantages of the procedure include queues. We'll have to wait to get through the checkout. True, there are divisions that provide services all day long. There are such bodies in the capital and other cities. The fee can be paid at a discount if you apply through the website


The procedure for registering a vehicle has been simplified. You can register vehicles in any city in the country. Exceptions are established for legal entities, as well as persons who do not have Russian citizenship. If there are problems with registration, the refusal can be appealed in pre-trial order or through the court.


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