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This attractive and unusual female name takes its origins directly from hot countries. The origin of the name goes back to Persia, inspired by images of mysterious oriental women. Initially, the name was widely popular in Muslim countries, but in the form of its interpretation - Jasmine.

Despite its widespread prevalence in Arab, Muslim and Persian cultures, girls are now increasingly being named after Yasmin in Europe. A characteristic feature is the fact that in each country the name sounds differently. For example, in Catalan - Jesmi, in Italian - Gelsomina, in Hungarian - Yazmin. There are no analogues in Chinese and Japanese.

The name stone is jasper. And since the name is not Orthodox, he does not have a name day. According to church customs, there is also no consonance with this name, therefore, at baptism, a girl is usually given an Orthodox name based on her date of birth.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Yasmina

If translated from Arabic, the name will have a meaning such as “jasmine flower” or “paradise flower”. There is another version, in a figurative sense - “a girl who will end up in heaven”, “a gift from the gods”. In other words, Muslim culture identifies the bearer of this ancient Persian name with an exquisite, magical and fragrant flower.

Yasmina as a child is cheerful and unpredictable. What she will do in the next minute is a surprise for everyone around her, not excluding the girl’s parents. She can be playful and affectionate one moment and become irritated the next second. Yasmina definitely doesn’t have the makings of a quiet person, although she will be cheerful and life-loving throughout her entire life. He will never let himself be offended.

In adolescence, a girl will have to restrain the passion burning in her soul: power and romance will constantly confront each other. Achieving success and gaining recognition will be the desired outcome of actions. The goal that Yasmina sets for herself will be achieved with one hundred percent accuracy, but she will not follow the principle “all means are fair in the fight.”

The matured owner of the name has not only will, but also ambitions. Temper goes hand in hand with masculinity. If some work hooks her, then, armed with powerful motivation, she will not leave it until she finishes it to the end. Along with masculinity, magnetism and charm will become her faithful companions. Originality will manifest itself in hobbies, appearance and statements.

Although Yasmina is unpredictable in childhood, in the future you should not expect sudden actions from her in love affairs. So, the girl is not one of those who will forget about everything and rush to meet her feelings. Not the type to get married unexpectedly. The owner of the name will first be firmly convinced of her chosen one, of the similarity of life views, and only then will she think about the future. Yasmina is extremely attentive and sensitive with her loved ones. A diligent housewife and caring mother, a good wife, but her companion may lack temperament or sensuality.

Yasmina's relationship with health is similar to her name - just as fragile. He practically doesn’t encounter any physical illnesses, but he gets sick often.

The name comes from the name of the jasmine flower (English jasmine, German Jasmin, Spanish jazmín, Italian gelsomino), going back to the Persian “yasmine”.

It is not Christian, therefore it is not included in the calendar, name days are not celebrated.


The name Yasmina is widespread not only in the East, but also among European peoples.

  • Options: in Asian countries, the name Jasmine is most often used, but you can also hear Yosuman (Yesuman). In England, the girl will be called Jasmine, Jesmine, in Spain - Hasmine, in Portugal - Zhazhmin, Jasmin, Zhazhmina (Jasmina), in Italy - Jelsomina, Jesmi, Jesmi, Zhesmil, Jasmina, in Hungary - Yazmin, in Bulgaria - Jasmina, Jasmine , Yasmina, Yasmin, in the Netherlands - Yasmein, Yasmin, in Finland - Yasmin, Yasmina, Yasmiina.
  • Diminutive forms: Yasminka, Minitsa, Minka, Mina, Yasma, Jelsa, Jelsina.


As a child, Yasmina has a calm character, although the girl is quite cheerful. Yasmina is easy to raise, because the girl grows up obedient and does not contradict without a good reason. However, you should not consider Yasmina a shy quiet person; she can quite stand up for herself and often very persistently defends her point of view. Already at an early age, she develops a strong and strong-willed character, although Yasmina rarely demonstrates these qualities in public. It is important for parents not to indulge their daughter’s whims, but at the same time to show that her opinion is listened to. Then Yasmina will quickly learn to negotiate with others, and it will be much easier for her to build relationships in the future. In the case of authoritarian pressure, a girl can grow up losing many of the qualities of her name.

Success in studies and sports

Yasmina finds it easy to study and is especially successful in the humanities. She tries to please her parents with her grades, and usually she succeeds. Failure to do well may only be due to a lack of interest, but usually girls with this name are interested in everything in the world, from a small bug to the vast Universe.

Yasmina grows up as a creatively gifted child and is often interested in various extracurricular activities. She can go to dances, to a theater studio or somewhere else. If she likes it, then she can achieve serious success in this. Among her hobbies she selects games that in one way or another involve erudition and creativity; she is of little interest in sports.

Fate in love, marriage and family

Yasmina is attractive, has an inner attraction and is capable of breaking more than one man’s heart. Yasmina chooses her life partner, guided, first of all, by the arguments of her heart, but not through cunning calculations. However, initially Yasmina makes high demands on her future husband. It is important for her that the person is attractive, wealthy, educated and, of course, appreciates her as a person. Despite practicality in everyday life and the desire to live securely, Yasmina strives to do a lot herself. In family life, a woman with this name will be the head, even if her husband opposes this. She is very powerful, and also smart, so it will not be difficult for her to forever tie her chosen one to her, even if he is not particularly pleased with the constant pressure from his wife.

But the characteristic of the name Yasmin is such that if she comes across a truly strong, sincerely loving man who can restrain his wife’s irrepressible will for freedom and power, then in the end we can expect significant changes in the girl’s position in the family - she will become affectionate, obedient, loving , and when the kids appear, you can call her an ideal mother.

Name compatibility

  • Excellent Compatibility: Maxim, Danil, Mikhail, Dmitry, Andrey, Kirill, Vasily, Igor, Egor, Ruslan.
  • Poor compatibility: Sergey, Ilya, Matvey, Nikita, Grigory, Vladislav, Denis, Alexey, Roman.

Characteristics in career

Yasmina chooses a profession related to something that will constantly maintain her interest. These can be areas of the artistic or aesthetic sphere; you can often find owners of this name among doctors. Yasmina is not averse to trying herself in the humanities (psychology, astrology, graphology, pedagogy). Yasmina prefers a family business or a job where she will receive not only pleasure from work, but also profit from her activities (business, finance, management).

Yasmina loves and knows how to work. Her characteristic hard work and responsibility are especially respected by her colleagues and, of course, in demand among employers. Yasmina knows how to improve relationships in a team, although sometimes she herself is the cause of quarrels, since she takes many work issues very seriously, and she boldly points out their shortcomings to careless people. Of course, this does not lead to much popularity, but in the end everyone understands that she is right.

For her subordinates, the owner of this unusual name will be an unquestioned authority, although often a slight whisper of discontent will be heard behind her back, since she is very demanding and wants strict obedience and exact fulfillment of demands from workers.


Yasmina's health can be called ideal. She rarely gets sick, and if she does get infected or catch a cold, she usually tolerates the disease easily. A woman named Yasmin maintains her health and beauty for a very long time and with almost no effort. However, sometimes this natural gift can be the origin of problems, since often those with good health neglect preventive measures.

How to choose a name for a girl according to the horoscope

  • Zodiac: Suitable for changeable zodiac signs such as Gemini, Cancer or Libra.
  • Patron planet: the name Yasmina corresponds to the Moon, which gives Yasmina a charming feminine energy.

The mystery of the name

Yasmina's secret can be called her excessive desire to make her family ideal. It happens that Yasmina tries so hard to achieve perfection in a relationship that she loses the ease of life.

Ultimately, this can lead to the fact that love fades away, and the relationship turns into the implementation of the “Ideal Family” business plan. She should be careful and prevent this from happening.


  • Element: water, just as changeable and stormy when it overflows its banks.
  • Metal of Yasmina and Moon: silver.
  • Color: white - a symbol of purity, the color of the Moon and jasmine petals.
  • Totem animal: seahorse.
  • Stone-amulet: Yasmina's stone is considered to be jasper.
  • Amulet plant: the best flower for Yasmina will, of course, be jasmine. It is very favorable for Yasmina to acquire a jasmine bush in front of the house or in the garden. Another decoration of her garden will be lilies.

Famous people with this name

  • Yasmina Reza is a French film and theater actress, novelist and playwright.
  • Jasmina Mihailovic is a writer of Serbian origin, literary critic and literary scholar.
  • Yasmina Khadra is the pseudonym of the Algerian-born writer Mohammed Moulesoul, which was taken to protect him from military censorship.
  • Jasmin Woehr is a German tennis player who played in doubles.
  • Yasmine Lafitte is a porn actress of Moroccan origin who worked in France.
  • Yasmin Wagner - actress, singer, model, TV presenter.
  • Yasmin Levy is an Israeli performer.
  • Yasmin Ghauri is a top model of Canadian origin who began her career at the age of 17.
  • Yasmine Blyth is an American model and actress, known for the TV series “Baywatch” and “Detective Nash Bridges”.

A person’s name partially determines his character and, as a result, his destiny. The degree of this influence varies from person to person, but it is simply impossible to doubt the existence of this phenomenon. The name Yasmina gives its owner a number of traits - both good and bad. To understand yourself and learn to live in harmony with your name, it is important to know its origin, meaning, weaknesses and strengths.


The name Yasmina is of Muslim origin and is a form of the name Jasmine (Jasmina). It is not difficult to guess its meaning - Yasmina means “jasmine flower”, “jasmine”. This plant is highly valued for its aroma and healing properties, and wonderful jasmine oil is made from its flowers, which has long been used by beauties around the world for various purposes.

Jasmine flowers have a delicate aroma

A beautiful legend about an Indian princess named Jasmine is associated with this name and flower. She was in love with the Sun God, but he rejected her. The desperate girl committed suicide, and the saddened god turned her into a beautiful fragrant jasmine bush. That is why jasmine flowers bloom only at night - so that the girl’s soul can be freed at least for a while, but not disturb the Sun God.

Name forms

The name Yasmina is abbreviated in different ways:

  • Yasminka;
  • Mine;
  • Minka;
  • Yasma;
  • Yasmi.

They affectionately call Yasmina like this:

  • Yasmochka;
  • Minochka;
  • Mulya;
  • Yasminushka.

Matching middle names

The following middle names go well with the name Yasmina:

  • Mikhailovna;
  • Eduardovna;
  • Nikolaevna;
  • Kirillovna.

Related names

Yasmina is related to the female Muslim names Jasmine and Jasmina, as well as to the masculine form of the name Yasmin.

Table: analogues of the name in other languages

Church name

Yasmina is not listed in the Orthodox calendar, so she does not celebrate her name day. At baptism, the girl chooses a different name from the church list.

When registering for a foreign passport, the name Yasmina, according to the new rules, is written as IASMINA.

There is another form of recording that is used in accordance with ISO 9 (GOST 7.79-2000) - YASMINA.

Transliteration standards exist to simplify the writing of words in the Latin alphabet

Nicknames for social networks

  • Yasmene;
  • Yasmineta;
  • Yasmeena;
  • Yasmin;
  • Yasminn;
  • Yasmain;
  • Yasmyne;
  • Yasmine;
  • Yasmim;
  • Yasmani;
  • Yasmean;
  • Yasmen;
  • Yasmyn;
  • Yasm;
  • Yasmeen;
  • Yasminnair.

Name and character

Modern scientists do not deny the fact that a person’s name chosen at birth plays an important role in shaping his personality. Today science is studying this phenomenon and puts forward various hypotheses and theories that would explain this phenomenon.

Onomastics and anthroponymy study the names of people.

Most of the assumptions made by scientists are in one way or another connected with associative series. Associations are the ability of our mind to unconsciously evoke one phenomenon in our consciousness when another appears. This happens almost simultaneously, so often the properties of phenomena in consciousness are combined and blurred with each other.

According to the theories of anthroponymy, this works with names as follows. Hearing an unfamiliar name, a person immediately draws associations based on its sound, similarity with other words familiar to him, and his own preferences. This is how the initial idea of ​​a stranger is often formed. Of course, the bearer of the name himself makes similar associative series, but projects them onto himself. It plays a significant role in shaping personality and character.

Yasmina in childhood

Yasmina is a playful and mischievous girl. From a very early age she loves to play around and play small and harmless pranks. It is almost impossible to be angry with her - she radiates cheerfulness and optimism, infecting everyone around her with it. Yasmina is quite smart and smart for her age, but sometimes she can get carried away and accidentally harm someone.

It is important for Yasmina's parents to let their daughter understand where other people's rights begin, otherwise she may go too far in her mischievous pranks. The girl does not wish harm to anyone, but her desire to have fun sometimes goes beyond all boundaries.

At school, Yasmina usually does not stand out - she is a strong “good girl”. Teachers may praise her for her sincere interest in the subject and her intelligence, but one cannot expect brilliant grades from her. However, the girl is far from stupid - as a rule, Yasmina understands the subject perfectly (especially the exact sciences), can easily solve one or another problem, but does not set herself the goal of getting an excellent grade, so she rarely follows the rules: she may not describe the solution to an equation step by step in mathematics (as required by the teacher) or write down an exercise in the Russian language in such clumsy handwriting that the teacher will give her a “C” without looking.


In general, Yasmina rarely suffers from chronic diseases. Thanks to the activity that she maintains from childhood to old age, she is not susceptible to diseases of the musculoskeletal system and she practically never has problems with being overweight. However, hyperactivity sometimes leads to problems with nerves - Yasmina may suffer from insomnia and attention deficit disorder (especially in childhood and adolescence).

Yasmin's heart, like a flame, burned like fire
Tears burn her palm and a river of love flows

Dervishes - Yasmin

Talents and abilities

Yasmina is a girl with an underdeveloped sense of responsibility. As a rule, she should not hold a leadership position, be a manager or manager. She feels much more comfortable without the heavy burden of great responsibility on her shoulders. If you free her from this burden, she will demonstrate excellent analytical skills and creative inclinations.

Yasmina is good at the exact sciences, but at school a bad teacher can easily discourage a girl’s desire to engage in scientific activities.

Yasmina is usually quite ambitious and dreams of demonstrating her talents on stage or in films. Fortunately, she has a predisposition to this type of activity. This is a charismatic, beautiful girl who knows how to achieve popularity and love from fans.

Yasmin Ghauri is a top model of Canadian origin who began her career at the age of 17

Love and marriage

Since Yasmina hates to bear too much responsibility, a young man who is not ready to take her under his wing will not suit her. Yasmina is very picky in choosing a gentleman, so she usually gets married late. Her criteria for choosing a spouse are quite varied. Yasmina's ideal husband is smart and educated, calm, has determined his goal in life, and knows how to stand up for himself and his family.

Yasmina melts next to men who exude an aura of reliability and security - she values ​​these feelings most of all, since only in such an environment can she fully realize her potential.

Hey Yasmina, hey Yasmina

My nights are filled with wine

There are no more beautiful eyes than yours

Dado Polumenta - Jasmina

Table: compatibility with other names

Name horoscope

The zodiac sign, like the name, has a significant impact on the formation of a person’s personality. It gives its bearer certain traits that intersect with the qualities that bring the name. Thus, they either mutually reinforce each other or suppress each other.

Yasmina-Aries is a punchy and persistent girl. She never stops until she reaches her goal, and this goal is not always worthy of her attention. She often wastes time on absolutely useless activities because she cannot resist her stubbornness.

Aries is the brightest fire sign

Yasmina, under the sign of Taurus, values ​​care and concern. It is important for her that there is always a person nearby who is ready to caress her and lull her to sleep, make her some hot tea and pat her on the head. She loves home comfort and strives to create a friendly family.

Taurus is a very gentle and “tame” sign

Yasmina-Cancer is very emotional and often comes up with reasons for frustration. She is often prone to insomnia due to nervousness, as she exaggerates the importance of negative events and forgets about positive ones.

Cancer - water sign of the zodiac

Yasmina under the sign of Gemini is very smart and resourceful. She is broad-minded and loves to put her knowledge into practice. Such a girl can easily become an outstanding scientist - Yasmina-Gemini has well-developed analytical thinking, she is able to see things from an unexpected angle and make discoveries.

Yasmina-Leo quite often suffers from excessive self-confidence. She often becomes a little arrogant, especially if she is lucky with her appearance. However, she does not like to be proud out of nowhere, so she grooms and cherishes the object of her pride (which, as a rule, is her beauty). Thanks to this quality, she can become an excellent model or TV presenter.

Leo is a fire zodiac sign

Yasmina-Virgo loves punctuality and accuracy. She is efficient and hardworking, but, like representatives of other zodiac signs with this name, she does not like to take on too much responsibility.

Virgo is an earthly zodiac sign that gives prudence

Yasmina, under the sign of Libra, often suffers from forgetfulness. She has her head in the clouds, and her thoughts and preferences change often and quickly. Yasmina-Libra is a creative person, but she has big problems with discipline.

Libra - air zodiac sign

Yasmina, under the sign of Scorpio, does not know how to determine the boundaries of other people's personal space. She often plays jokes and pranks that can seriously offend or hurt a person. However, Yasmina-Scorpio does this not out of malice, but simply out of a desire to have fun. It is important for her to understand that other people, like herself, can be upset by such antics.

Scorpio is one of the most aggressive signs of the zodiac

Yasmina-Sagittarius is the life of the party and a regular guest at parties. She loves noisy pastimes, loves to organize holidays and is afraid of being alone more than anything else. It is important for her to have a large circle of friends (which, fortunately, she makes easily).

Sagittarius is a fiery, active zodiac sign

Yasmina, under the sign of Capricorn, is a home-loving girl for whom it is important that love and peace reign in the family. She is most afraid of quarrels among relatives. While Yasmina-Capricorn grows up with her parents, she is very traumatized by squabbles between adults. Being a married woman, she prefers to remain silent rather than prove her point of view to her husband if this could lead to a quarrel.

Capricorn is a gentle earthly zodiac sign

Yasmina, under the sign of Pisces, dreams of love adventures, romance and a crowd of suitors. She often has a rather vague idea of ​​the reality around her, preferring to hide in the world of dreams and fantasies.

Pisces is a water sign of the zodiac, bestowing imagination and changeability.

Yasmina, born under Aquarius, is most often calm and reasonable. She knows how to think analytically and has extraordinary intelligence, but, as a rule, she lacks the perseverance to realize her potential.

Aquarius is an airy, intellectual zodiac sign


The formation of personality is also influenced by the time of year in which a person was born. Like the signs of the zodiac, the seasons give us their own unique characteristics, which are intertwined with those that the name presents to us.

Summer Yasmina is a cheerful and cheerful girl who loves to make new acquaintances. She is fickle, moves through life easily and rarely cares about the future.

Summer is the time when the most active and optimistic people are born

Autumn Yasmina is more serious, but she also loves noisy fun. This girl is capable of carrying out painstaking and monotonous work, but she should not stay too long in such a position - to realize her potential, you need to find something more creative, because the autumnal Yasmina has extraordinary intelligence and is capable of solving far from typical problems.

Autumn gives people peace of mind and prudence

Yasmina, born in winter, has outstanding intelligence. She boasts brilliant abilities in the exact sciences. It is important for her to develop perseverance and hard work - then she will be able to achieve incredible heights in her chosen field.

People born in winter are often gifted with talents

Yasmina, born in the spring, is a lovely beauty who will have no end to her suitors. She is very charismatic and charming, loves and knows how to behave in public, and also has first-class facial expressions, so it is easy for her to break into the professional stage.

In spring, lucky people are born, for whom life is easy and pleasant.

Semantic-phonetic analysis

Russian astrologer Felix Kazimirovich Velichko proposed to analyze names not only by origin, general meaning and esoteric properties of the whole word, but also letter by letter. This is how the method of semantic-phonetic analysis, or simply letter-by-letter analysis, was born. According to this technique, each letter has its own energy charge, which carries certain information. Since the name consists of letters, it can be regarded as the sum of these charges. This method allows you to reveal the hidden potential of a name and find out its secret.

I am self-esteem and the desire to defend it.

S - common sense, some down-to-earthness in material matters.

M is a gentle, caring nature with a desire to help others.

And - subtle aesthetic taste, a well-developed sense of beauty, creative inclinations.

N - critical thinking, the desire to test all acquired knowledge through personal experience.

A - having a true desire and goal, having the energy to achieve it.

Having considered the meanings of the letters, we can say that Yasmina is an extremely versatile person. She is ambitious and caring, gentle and self-sufficient, knows how to stand up for herself and often dreams of simple domestic happiness.

Yasmina is gifted with subtle taste and excellent critical thinking, so creative professions suit her.

Table: esoteric correspondences

Photo gallery: famous bearers of the name

Yasmina Reza - playwright, novelist, famous French theater and film actress Yasmina Mihailovic - writer of Serbian origin Yasmin Woehr - German tennis player Yasmin Wagner - actress, TV presenter, singer, model

Yasmina is a multi-talented girl. The education she receives in childhood and adolescence plays a very important role in her life. To realize her potential, she needs support from family and friends.

So beautiful and so unusual, very rare, and therefore attractive, the female name Yasmina is again beginning to gain popularity among parents who choose a name for a child.

In childhood, especially in the company of little peers, the so-named girl will try with all her might to stand out, and will choose the most varied methods for this - from associating herself with a boy, to exaggerated femininity, flirtatiousness, which for a girl is not so bad, unlike from the first option.

In general, the origin of the name Yasmina from hot countries, from Persia, evokes images of magnificent and mysterious oriental women, and the grown-up girl will express the true beauty of a pure and unapproachable soul with all her appearance, behavior, and manners.

The interpretation implies the presence in her character of some masculine traits, such as courage, ambition, assertiveness, although these qualities will be very harmoniously combined with femininity, a somewhat bitchy temper, and truly animal magnetism.


Yasmina greatly values ​​self-sufficiency in men; what is important to her is the position of the intended partner in society, his financial self-sufficiency and generosity. And, by the way, she will not hide her slightly selfish intentions, external gloss and brilliance, the ability to afford excesses are very important requirements for her future life partner.


In family life, Yasya will be the head, even if her husband opposes this with all his might. This means that she is very powerful, and also smart, so it will not be difficult for her to forever tie her chosen one to her, even if he is not particularly pleased with the constant pressure from his wife.

But, the characteristic of the name Yasmin is such that if she comes across a truly strong, sincerely loving man who can restrain his wife’s irrepressible will for freedom and power, then in the end we can expect significant changes in the girl’s position in the family - she will become affectionate, obedient, loving, and when the kids appear, you can call her an ideal mother.

Business and career

The meaning of the name Yasmina for business and career includes such qualities as assertiveness, the ability to set a goal and successfully achieve it. And also a love for material wealth, coupled with developed intuition, can make a woman an excellent businesswoman, which means that it will be quite difficult for anyone to deceive her.

Another important advantage for career development is very strong energy, great activity, which, if Yasmin is really passionate about an idea and goal, even turns into aggressiveness, and the ability to go into open conflict.

For her subordinates, the owner of this unusual name will be an unquestioned authority, although often there will be a slight whisper of discontent behind her back, since she is very demanding and wants strict obedience and exact fulfillment of demands from workers.

Origin of the name Yasmina

It’s not at all difficult to guess where such a wonderful name came from. Since etymology leads to the consonant word jasmine - the name of a flower from Arab countries, then, consequently, the origins of the word are located in the region of the Persian plains.

What is Yasmin's story? Unfortunately, there is no such information in official sources, although it can be assumed that in the Far East, in ancient times, people, delighted with the flowering of the beautiful jasmine plant, began to call newborn girls this name. Also, Yasmina Khadra called herself an Algerian writer, whose real name is Mohamed Moulesoula.

Characteristics of the name Yasmina

The meaning of the name Yasmina carries pros and cons, just like everything else. Positive qualities include a fairly strong will, great internal motivation, which allows you to stubbornly and persistently pursue your goal until you achieve it.

A negative quality is too much passion for a task, which can lead to a disregard for the needs of other people, overt aggression, and the use of any means to achieve a goal. She may be too intolerant of others, so it is very important to teach her from childhood to treat people with respect, despite her age and position in society.

About the character of this woman, we can say that its main features are concentration, responsibility, and the ability to think logically and coherently. Yasmina is very emotional, feelings often overwhelm her to the fullest, she can be very temperamental and passionate.

Because of the above features, a girl, especially in adolescence, can do stupid things that can be irreparable. Having already matured, she can get married a couple of times, and each time for great love - after all, it’s all about the feelings that Yasminochka seethes like a mountain river.

The mystery of the name

  • The stone is jasper.
  • Name days are not Orthodox, so there are no name days.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Pisces.

Famous people

  • Yasmina Omrani is a French athlete, participant of the World Athletics Championships in Moscow, 2013.
  • Yasmina Rossi is a French top model who, even at the age of 57, remains in demand in the modeling business.

Different languages

The translation is very easy to find - it’s the same Jasmine, only in a different pronunciation. Well, you can easily guess how jasmine is translated - it is a beautiful flower, and, in general, can be interpreted as “a blooming, fragrant branch of jasmine.”

In different languages ​​you can find different, quite interesting sounds of this name. For example, in Catalan - Jesmi, Zhessami, in Hungarian - Yazmin, in Dutch - Yasmein, in Spanish - Hasmin, and in Italian, in general - Gelsomina. Only in Chinese and Japanese there are no analogues to Yasmina.

Name forms

The most commonly used diminutive meaning of the name Yasmina is Yasminochka or Yasminka. The name Yasenka, Yasenochek, sounds very affectionate and beautiful. There are also other derivatives: Yasmin, Yazmin, Jasmina, Jasmina.

You can call a girl Yasya for short, but a short, even somewhat disparaging name is also used - Yaska. Abbreviated to the point of impossibility - Yas, but here the whole mystery and mystery of the name Yasmin is already lost. The full name Yasmina has the same case declensions as Marina, Alina, and other variants of consonant Russian names.

The meaning of the name Yasmina is such that according to the church there is practically no consonance with this word, therefore, at baptism, the holy father will call your daughter a name that is used in Orthodoxy, most often it is given by date of birth: whose name day is on this day, this is the Orthodox name your child will receive .

Feature named after Yasmina is the tendency to contact. Children with this name are sociable and cheerful, they make acquaintances easily and often, but, as a rule, they give preference to their “best friend”, for whom they are ready to do anything.

Short-term benefits are not taken into account. Preference is given to long-term relationships and commitments, both business and personal.

Yasmina is a multi-talented girl. The education she receives in childhood and adolescence plays a very important role in her life. To realize her potential, she needs support from family and friends.

So beautiful and so unusual, very rare, and therefore attractive, the female name Yasmina is again beginning to gain popularity among parents who choose a name for a child.

In childhood, especially in the company of little peers, the so-named girl will try with all her might to stand out, and will choose the most varied methods for this - from associating herself with a boy, to exaggerated femininity, flirtatiousness, which for a girl is not so bad, unlike from the first option.

In general, the origin of the name Yasmina from hot countries, from Persia, evokes images of magnificent and mysterious oriental women, and the grown-up girl will express the true beauty of a pure and unapproachable soul with all her appearance, behavior, and manners.

It’s not at all difficult to guess where such a wonderful name came from. Since etymology leads to the consonant word jasmine - the name of a flower from Arab countries, then, consequently, the origins of the word are located in the region of the Persian plains.

What is Yasmin's story? Unfortunately, there is no such information in official sources, although it can be assumed that in the Far East, in ancient times, people, delighted with the flowering of the beautiful jasmine plant, began to call newborn girls this name.

Also, Yasmina Khadra called herself an Algerian writer, whose real name is Mohamed Moulesoula.

Characteristics of the name Yasmina

The meaning of the name Yasmina carries pros and cons, just like everything else. Positive qualities include a fairly strong will, great internal motivation, which allows you to stubbornly and persistently pursue your goal until you achieve it.

A negative quality is too much passion for a task, which can lead to a disregard for the needs of other people, overt aggression, and the use of any means to achieve a goal.

She may be too intolerant of others, so it is very important to teach her from childhood to treat people with respect, despite her age and position in society.

About the character of this woman, we can say that its main features are concentration, responsibility, and the ability to think logically and coherently. Yasmina is very emotional, feelings often overwhelm her to the fullest, she can be very temperamental and passionate.

Because of the above features, a girl, especially in adolescence, can do stupid things that can be irreparable. Having already matured, she can get married a couple of times, and each time for great love - after all, it’s all about the feelings that Yasminochka seethes like a mountain river.

The artistry of your nature implies a certain pretentiousness in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, eye-catching accessories, and all kinds of stylistic delights.

Well, this is quite consistent with your friendly, open character. It is only important to observe moderation and not go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is quite ephemeral.


You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.

Compatibility of the name Yasmina, manifestation in love

Yasmina, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first for you, and you will choose a partner based mainly on how well he can correspond to your life interests.

Manifestations of strength of character, determination and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, should one happen, you will first of all value in your partner the ability to empathize with your ideas and the ability to provide support.

The girl named so will have more than enough admirers, because she loves and knows how to flirt, presents herself perfectly, which means that not every man can resist her charm, and will certainly never forget the slightly daring and slightly arrogant girl.

And she will make special demands on her future husband, and if he does not fit at least one of the criteria, then he will not be with his beloved Yasminochka.

Yasmina greatly values ​​self-sufficiency in men; what is important to her is the position of the intended partner in society, his financial self-sufficiency and generosity.

And, by the way, she will not hide her slightly selfish intentions, external gloss and brilliance, the ability to afford excesses are very important requirements for her future life partner.


In family life, Yasya will be the head, even if her husband opposes this with all his might. This means that she is very powerful, and also smart, so it will not be difficult for her to forever tie her chosen one to her, even if he is not particularly pleased with the constant pressure from his wife.

But, the characteristic of the name Yasmin is such that if she comes across a truly strong, sincerely loving man who can restrain his wife’s irrepressible will for freedom and power, then in the end we can expect significant changes in the girl’s position in the family - she will become affectionate, obedient, loving, and when the kids appear, you can call her an ideal mother.

Business and career

The meaning of the name Yasmina for business and career includes such qualities as assertiveness, the ability to set a goal and successfully achieve it. And also a love for material wealth, coupled with developed intuition, can make a woman an excellent businesswoman, which means that it will be quite difficult for anyone to deceive her.

Another important advantage for career development is very strong energy, great activity, which, if Yasmin is really passionate about an idea and goal, even turns into aggressiveness, and the ability to go into open conflict.

For her subordinates, the owner of this unusual name will be an unquestioned authority, although often there will be a slight whisper of discontent behind her back, since she is very demanding and wants strict obedience and exact fulfillment of demands from workers.

The mystery of the name

  • The stone is jasper.
  • Name days are not Orthodox, so there are no name days.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Pisces.

The meaning of the number 2 in a person’s destiny manifests itself in the form of a permanent decision to resolve the conflict, to reconcile everyone around. Anyone who came into the world with a name that represents two can proudly bear the title of peacemaker.

Such people are born diplomats with the gift of persuasion. At the same time, they do not resort to flattery and falsehood; their arguments are always convincing. They know how to resolve a dispute in such a way that all warring parties are satisfied. Even people who barely know each other gain confidence in those born under the number 2.

The disadvantage of those who are patronized by the number 2 may be excessive modesty and shyness. Also, these people can be overly scrupulous and pedantic, which often irritates others.

To achieve success, it is better for you to work in pairs, in a team. You will not be able to live as a recluse; it will result in depression and disappointment. Join associations and societies. Make friends with a lot of people.

Which profession should I choose?

Almost all doors open for a person whose destiny number is 2. You have a subtle artistic taste, a penchant for calculations and statistics, and a love of art. Two can be a wonderful manager, administrator or accountant, bank employee or financier.

Twos are found among coaches of personal growth and self-development. You are also prone to singing and playing music. If you want to conquer the stage with your vocals, dare, deuces are rarely singled out from the crowd, you need to make your way on your own.

A dance career or theater is also for you. A sense of rhythm and innate artistry will allow you to master these professions. You can engage in activities where the sense of taste is decisive. This could be design, architecture.

Relationships of the deuce with the people around him

People whose Destiny Number is 2 need marriage and a partner like no other. It is important for them to be in union both at work and at home. Loneliness is one of the biggest misfortunes for a two.

Thanks to their goodwill, they easily get along with people and win their sympathy, and the ability to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings helps maintain a favorable climate in the family.

The partner should remember the pedantry of the deuce; the house where she lives must be clean and comfortable. The partner himself is neat and well-groomed. The opposite irritates the carrier of the number two and leads to despondency. He is often fixated on clothing, nutrition, and cleanliness.

When raising a child with such a Destiny Number, it is important not to use parenting methods based on rudeness. Strict discipline can destroy a refined nature. It is undesirable for Twos to find themselves in structures where subordination is observed too strictly and power is clearly emphasized.

Twos need to be more decisive and courageous. The fact that people make you want to give them care, settle quarrels and conflicts is not a manifestation of a weak character. Consider this as one of your positive qualities and do not pay attention to unfriendly views from the outside. They are rarely objective.

Higher (spiritual) purpose

Twos have the ability to gather and inspire people to achieve great goals. Such a person will not resort to violence or deception to obtain benefits.

He considers it his task to follow the path of least resistance, but the result should not suffer. The deuce is ready to be patient, to postpone the implementation of the idea for a while, it is important that everyone is happy.

Numerology says that the bearer of this number has an inner light, its strength lies in love for the world. Even if he is subjected to ridicule from people who are more down-to-earth and selfish, he should not change himself, his views, or moral principles because of their views and ridicule.

Time will pass, and the two, who love to gather people around themselves, will discover former scoffers among them. Now they will listen carefully to her advice and follow her.


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