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Topic: Why do people explore space?


around the world

for 1st grade “School of Russia”

Prepared by: Serova L.V.

primary school teacher

Guess the riddles

Try to determine what the lesson will be about.

He is not a pilot, not a pilot, He's not flying a plane, And a huge rocket. Children, who, tell me, is this?

A plate floats across the blue sky.

The Moon is a natural satellite of our Earth.

  • For thousands of years people walked the Earth, but could not see it all at once. On November 4, 1957, our country opened a new era to the world - the cosmic era. On this day the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. It weighed 83.6 kilograms and was shaped like a ball with a diameter of 58 centimeters.
  • Now, although not with their own eyes, but with the help of equipment, people were able to see their planet from space

In 1957 in the USSR launched second artificial satellite Earth .

Laika- first traveler V space. They built a special rocket for her and put on a special spacesuit. Scientists learned about the dog’s health using special devices that were installed. Laika did not return from space. Following Laika, other dogs flew into space and all returned. This is how scientists became convinced that living beings can live in weightlessness.

Why were dogs launched into space first?

  • Monument to the dog Laika - the first cosmonaut

Can a person withstand the enormous overloads during takeoff? Can an astronaut live in zero gravity? How will cosmic radiation affect the human body? Scientists at that time could not answer these questions and risk the lives of other people.

With the help of satellites, the captain guides the ship through the vast waters of the ocean

2.With the help of satellites, the captain guides the ship through the vast waters of the ocean.

3. The satellite transmits its observations to Earth, and meteorologists use them to make weather forecasts.

4.Artificial satellites help study the Earth, the sun, planets, stars, and unravel the mysteries of nature.

  • Why do you need to follow safety rules on the railway, on the train, on the plane, in the car?
  • What did you learn about in class today?
  • Do you feel proud of our country?

Sections: Primary School

Class: 1


  • systematize and expand children’s ideas about astronautics;
  • expand students' vocabulary;
  • cultivate a sense of patriotism;
  • introduce the artificial satellites of the Earth, space stations and their role in the life of modern man;
  • actively use new ICT technologies in the educational process (MacBook)

Equipment: photographs of astronauts, children's drawings, drawings on the topic of the lesson, projection screen, MacBook`e.


1. Organizational moment

– They turned to each other, looked, smiled, and began the lesson.

2. Teacher's introduction

Teacher. Look at the drawings on the board. What unites all these items?

The drawings depict a hot air balloon, an airship, a rocket, a flying carpet, birds, and Carlson.

Children. All of them are capable of flight.

U. What groups can these items be divided into?

D. Fairy-tale characters, living creatures, air transport.

U. Since ancient times, people have dreamed of flying like birds. What heroes of fairy tales and legends didn’t go to heaven on! And on golden chariots (Ilya the Prophet), even on bats! (little spirits Shakespeare "The Tempest").
– Remember what the heroes of your favorite fairy tales flew on? (Students’ answers: on brooms - Baba Yaga, on ducks - a frog-traveler, on a flying carpet Hottabych, on his own beard - Chernomor.)
- Those were fairy tales. Centuries passed, and people managed to conquer the airspace of the Earth. At first they took to the sky in balloons that could not be controlled. Wherever the wind blows, the ball flies there. Then they came up with an airship - a controlled balloon. He was very clumsy and clumsy; later airplanes appeared. They were replaced by high-speed airplanes and helicopters. And finally, the most

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,
Arrived in a flock of stars. (Rocket)

– Guess one more riddle, it is connected in meaning to the first one.

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
He's not flying a plane,
And a huge rocket.
Children, who say this? (Astronaut)

(During the conversation, drawings may be shown)

3. Setting lesson objectives

– Who guessed what the lesson will be about? (About space.)
U. How do you understand what it is space ? In your drawings you showed how you imagine space. (Before the lesson, the children drew on the theme “Space”).
Student statements..
– What do you think, where can I find the exact meaning of the word? (In the explanatory dictionary). (Show and read out).
– S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary explains this word this way.
Space, the universe - the entire system of the universe, the whole world.
– Our planet, together with its air envelope, is surrounded by an infinitely large space; it contains celestial bodies, the Sun, stars, planets, the Moon, gas, dust. The center of this entire system is the Sun.
Speaking about space, the topic in our lesson will be - Why do people explore space?
– Formulate the objectives of our lesson. (After the statements - on the board)

Learning objectives:

1.Why do astronauts fly into space?
2. Why are artificial Earth satellites needed? (With the help of our hero - Question Ant.)


Let's remember:

– What shape does our Earth have? (Ball shape)
– What is the Moon? (Natural satellite of the Earth)
– How do you understand a natural satellite? (Which nature created)
– What is an artificial Earth satellite? (It was created by people)
- Let's listen to my assistant now. (Children prepared short messages for the lesson in advance)

Student performance

Artificial satellites

– On October 4, 1957, our Earth had a satellite, which was created by our scientists. This is what he looked like.
Satellites monitor the movement of clouds - this helps to more accurately predict the weather. They monitor the movement of ships in the oceans, distribute telegrams, telephone conversations, television broadcasts throughout the Earth, and study the stars and planets. Satellites take photographs of the Earth to make maps. There are reconnaissance satellites.

– Let’s open the textbook on pages 72,73. Of course, long before space flight, animals flew. Let's hear about them.

Animal astronauts

– The first reconnaissance cosmonauts were dogs, rabbits, insects, even microbes.
The first mouse-astronaut stayed above the Earth for almost a whole day. White hairs appeared in her black fur. They turned gray from cosmic rays, but the mouse returned alive.
– The dogs flew into space after the mice. Not every dog ​​is suitable for flying. She should be slightly larger than a cat, weigh 4-6 kilograms, she should be 2-3 years old, and her coat should be light.
Purebred dogs were not suitable for difficult tests. Affectionate, calm mongrels were best suited for space experiments.
The dog squad trains every day. The dogs were taught not to be afraid of shaking and noise, to endure heat and cold, and to eat at the signal of a light bulb.
The smart and brave dog Laika was the best of all. A rocket was built for her, and on November 3, 1959, the brave scout rushed into space.

First cosmonaut

– On April 12, 1961, the planet was shocked by the unexpected news “Man in space! Russian!"
On a sunny morning, a powerful rocket launched the Vostok spacecraft into orbit with the first person on board. It was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.
The first flight lasted more than an hour 108 minutes (1 hour 48 minutes). During this time, the ship flew around the entire globe and landed on the ground.
Gagarin returned to earth alive and well. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
In the same year, the day of space flight was declared a holiday - Cosmonautics Day.

– What is the name of the astronaut suit?


– In space there is both extreme cold and unbearable heat. It gets hot in the sun, but everything freezes in the shade. The only way out is a spacesuit.
A spacesuit is a special sealed suit. It has the same temperature as a room, and you can breathe easily. If the Sun is shining brightly, you can lower the blinds while wearing a helmet. The suit has a radio through which you can talk with your comrades remaining at the station.
It would be more correct to call the spacesuit a separate cabin. Only this cabin is made of soft material and sewn according to height.
Of course, the spacesuit is not very comfortable, it restricts movement, but it is safe. The suit has its own air supply system. If an autonomous breathing system is connected to it, a person can go into outer space. This system is located in the backpack. They put it on the back, like our briefcases, but such a backpack weighs about forty kilograms. But in zero gravity this weight is not felt at all.

– Do you think astronauts have their own home in space? What is it called?

Space orbital station

– Cosmonauts have a second home – in space. The space house is special. It's called an orbital station. This is where astronauts live and work.
The space house looks like a huge bird that has spread its wings and flies above the earth. But wings are not needed for flight - they are a “home power plant.” Shiny plates collect the sun's rays and turn them into electric current, which powers all scientific instruments, illuminates and heats.
How do astronauts work?
– Work on the space station does not stop for a single hour. One crew is replaced by another. Cosmonauts observe the stars, planets, the Sun, photograph and study the Earth, care for the plants and animals that live on the station, repair their space home, and conduct many different scientific experiments. The space flight is monitored from Earth from the Control Center.
– Thanks to my assistants for the prepared messages. Now on the workbook page you will work in pairs. Let's remember the rules of working in pairs.

Rules for working in pairs

1. Both must work.
2. One speaks, the other listens.
3. If you don’t understand, ask again.
4. Express your disagreement politely.

Page 50, task No. 1. (having completed and checked each other’s work, raise their hands)
#3 – at home – find posts about how astronauts work today.

U. What should an astronaut be like? (Hardworking, smart, kind, brave, resourceful, attentive, determined, quick-witted, healthy, caring, hardy, patient, observant).
During flight, astronauts must perform special "space rules". I will say the beginning of the rule, and you finish it.

Astronaut, don't forget
You hold into the universe... (path).
Our main rule is
Do any... (order).
Do you want to become an astronaut?
I have to do a lot, a lot... (know).
Any space route
Open to those who love... (work).
Only friends, starship
Can take with you... (in flight).
Bored, gloomy and angry
We will not take on... (orbit).


Working on a MacBook- 10 min.

Your task is to launch your space rocket into space. (You can use a ready-made background and rockets).
Summarize the work.
In conclusion, let’s watch a film created by our guys about Yu.A. Gagarin (IMOVIE program) (The song “You know what kind of guy he was” was used. - 4 minutes. Annex 1)

– You did well today, you completed your assignments well. Open the envelopes, take a red rocket if everything worked out for you in the lesson, you completely mastered it, or a green rocket if you had difficulty with something, you needed help. Pick them up.

Before the first man flew into space, scientists first sent various animals into the cosmic unknown. The first astronaut scouts were dogs, rabbits, insects and even microbes. The first little mouse-astronaut stayed above the Earth for almost a whole day. White hairs appeared in her black fur. They turned gray from cosmic rays, but the mouse returned alive.

Then it was the turn of dogs, smarter animals than mice and rabbits. But not every dog ​​is suitable for flying. You need to find one that is a little larger than a cat, weighs 4-6 kg, is no more than 2-3 years old, and has light fur—it’s easier to see with a movie camera.

Purebred dogs were not suitable for difficult tests: they were too pampered and capricious. Affectionate, calm and hardy mongrels were best suited for space experiments.

In the dog "space squad" there are classes and training every day. The dogs were taught not to be afraid of shaking and noise, to endure heat and cold, to start eating at the signal of a light bulb, and much more.

The smart and brave dog Laika passed the final exams better than others.

A special rocket was built for her, with a supply of food, water and air. On November 3, 1959, a special spacesuit was put on Laika, and the rocket carried the brave scout into space. Scientists learned about the dog’s health using special instruments that were installed on the rocket. Laika did not return from space.

Then there were Chanterelle and Seagull, Belka and Strelka, Bee and Mushka (died). And then there were Pearl and Zhulka, Chernushka, Zvezdochka. They all returned to Earth.

On April 12, 1961, the planet was shocked by unexpected news: “Man in space! Russian, Soviet!”

The centuries-old dream of people about flying to the stars has come true. On a sunny morning, a powerful rocket launched the Vostok spacecraft into orbit with the Earth's first cosmonaut, citizen of the Soviet Union Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, on board.

More than an hour, namely 108 minutes (1 hour 48 minutes), lasted the first manned flight into space. During this time, the ship flew around the entire globe and landed in a precisely specified area. Yuri Gagarin returned to Earth alive and well, and scientists decided that man can live and work in space

Nowadays, astronauts live and work at space stations for long periods of time.

Work on the space station never stops for a single hour. One crew of astronauts is replaced by another. The astronauts observe the stars, planets and the Sun, take photographs and study the Earth, care for the plants and animals that live on the station, repair their comic house, and conduct many different scientific experiments. The space flight is monitored from Earth from the Control Center.

The "wings" of the space station are solar panels. They catch the sun's rays and turn them into electric current. And the current illuminates, heats the station and powers all scientific instruments.

The Mir space station operated in space for more than 15 years (since 1986) and on March 21, 2001, at 08:59:40, it was lowered from orbit in a controlled manner and sank in a shipping-free area of ​​the Pacific Ocean. It was replaced by the International Space Station (ISS).

You can watch a computer animation of the last three orbits of the Mir station before entering the dense layers of the atmosphere and subsequent destruction.

Another person was able to create and launch into space artificial earth satellites.

The first artificial Earth satellite was created and launched into space in our country. This happened October 4, 1957. On this day, radio stations around the world interrupted their broadcasts to report the most important news. The Russian word "sputnik" has entered all languages ​​of the world.

Currently, thousands of artificial satellites are flying around our planet.

Satellites help watch TV shows, conduct telephone conversations, send and receive telegrams, and connect people with each other.

With the help of satellites, the captain guides the ship through the vast waters of the ocean. As satellites fly around the Earth, they continuously send out radio signals. Using these signals, the captain determines where the ship should sail. Circling around the Earth, the satellite uses television cameras to observe our planet. From the flight altitude, clouds, hurricanes, and storms are clearly visible. You can see where and at what speed they are moving. The satellite transmits its observations to Earth, and meteorologists use them to make weather forecasts. People have created artificial satellites so that they help study the Earth, the Sun, planets, stars, and unravel the mysteries of nature.

Exercise. Find out about the latest developments in space exploration (for example, which astronauts are currently in space, what jobs they are doing) from television news programs, the Internet, or other sources of information. Be prepared to talk about this in class.

See you in the next lesson!

There have always been and are skeptical people who do not understand the value of why people explore space. They keep trying to prove that this is just a waste of taxpayers' money and that the research is not really needed. However, if the most ardent skeptic begins to study the issue in detail, then, most likely, he will understand everything very soon. The fact is that much of what is already an integral part of life today became possible thanks to space research.

Let's look at the most common reasons why people explore space.
Most of us don’t even realize that the most common things around us are used only thanks to space programs. Why do people explore space? Weather information, mobile phone conversations, satellite television and so on - all this has been achieved with space exploration. Navigators in cars, airplanes and ships receive information directly from there.


Other planets moving around the Sun with the Earth have huge quantities of various minerals and substances that can be very useful for earthlings. For example, on Mars they are located almost at its surface. In addition, in places where there is no atmosphere, nuclear bombs can be developed openly. It is possible to extract silicon and helium-3 from the Moon, which will be widely in demand in electronics and energy. Asteroids and comets that fly near the Earth contain huge amounts of metals and ice on their surface. Gas giants can become a source of hydrogen. Energy in space is practically infinite. This is one of the main reasons why people explore space. The photo, which is a projection of Mars, clearly illustrates the planet's wealth of minerals.

Nickel, gold, tungsten, platinum - this is just a small list of what distant Mars is rich in.

Transferring environmentally harmful production beyond the Earth's borders

People are producing more and more, especially in recent decades. Not all industry is environmentally friendly. And the prospects that it will slow down in the future are zero. Waste plastic, household chemicals, metal and other artificial substances pollute nature, which will not be able to process them on its own for a long time. People's living space is shrinking. At the same time, if it is possible to establish production on others, the problem of ecological existence on Earth will be solved. This is another important reason why people explore space (the photo below shows the process of exploring distant spaces).


This aspect includes both the prospect of settlement on other planets and the increase in earthly space suitable for human life. Referring to the previous point, that is, the possibility of moving production off the planet, we can conclude that if it is implemented, the territory on Earth that is currently polluted by current and former production facilities will be cleaned up. In addition, the likelihood of developing new territories that are currently inaccessible increases.

The science

Here the dependence of one on the other is directly proportional. The higher the level of development of science, the more space will probably be explored. And vice versa, the deeper you go, the more scientific discoveries will appear. And not far off is the development of the following spheres of people’s life.


By developing an industry such as space exploration, states will not only be able to compete with each other, as was the case in recent years between the USSR and the United States. Why do people explore space? Whatever the reasons for this, such a grandiose and very expensive study will require people to consolidate, put aside rivalries and ambitions as outdated and irrelevant, and together solve new super-tasks. In the near future, this will involve the involvement of many talents and minds capable of increasingly developing astronautics. In the future, a lot of jobs will appear, which will improve the living conditions of many earthlings. In an even more distant future, when people will be able to extract minerals on other planets, there will be a smoothing out of the uneven distribution of natural resources on Earth, when the south is slightly deprived of them.

Why else do people explore space?

So that there are no surprises

It is known that there were global cold snaps on Earth, which ended disastrously for all living things. Well, if we imagine that humanity will be able to move, for example, to a giant self-governing one in the event of a threat of catastrophe, then it will gain a chance to survive in difficult times and then return to Earth, and maybe explore the expanses of the Universe or find shelter and a new planet for its habitat . This is why people explore space.

1 class

More recently, one could only read about extraterrestrial possibilities in science fiction literature. But modern children already learn in secondary school why people explore space. The 1st grade already knows, having completed presentation lessons, about the main tasks of this industry, and children themselves can tell their parents about them.

From school, having become interested in a global topic, a child is able to expand his horizons, and, immersing himself in studying the issue and reading relevant literature, develop and learn about the world around him.

Why do people explore space? For children, grandchildren and other generations following us, for the further development of humanity!

Flight to Mars

Manned flights with further colonization to other planets are no longer science fiction. These are very realistic plans. And they will be implemented not in centuries, but in a matter of years. We are recruiting volunteers for a one-way flight. People understand that they most likely will not see their native Earth again. But, nevertheless, they decide to take this step. The number of applicants ready to go to Mars is not decreasing. The first volunteers will be sent as early as 2030. And then it is planned to send new groups there every two years.

Large supplies of food and water are collected on spaceships, as well as everything necessary for growing food far from their home planet, on Mars.

Many hypotheses have been put forward about how people will behave far from Earth, including the development of mutations and significant changes in body size. But these risks do not stop the daredevils, and they are ready to go on a long journey.

More than half a century has passed since man actively began to explore space. We can say with confidence that astronautics, along with computerization, became the backbone of the development of the 20th century. How many mysteries, paradoxes, interesting facts and perspectives these endless spaces contain. Astronautics is a wonderful science, and every thinking person should be at least a little interested in what surrounds our tiny planet. Of course, in recent years, constant news about lunar rovers, the ISS and Mars has made these topics rather hackneyed cliches. But you must agree that the conquest of space is perhaps the most mysterious journey in the history of mankind, which has just begun.

More than half a century has passed since man actively began to explore space. We can say with confidence that astronautics, along with computerization, became the backbone of the development of the 20th century. How many mysteries, paradoxes, interesting facts and perspectives these endless spaces contain. Astronautics is a wonderful science, and every thinking person should be at least a little interested in what surrounds our tiny planet. Of course, in recent years, constant news about lunar rovers, the ISS and Mars has made these topics rather hackneyed cliches. But you must agree that the conquest of space is perhaps the most mysterious journey in the history of mankind, which has just begun.

Space is necessary

Astronautics has become a part of our daily lives and has brought many benefits to humanity. Navigation systems, weather forecasts, television, telecommunications and much more - this is all space. How many lives of pilots, sailors and ordinary travelers have been saved thanks to these technologies. Nowadays satellite phones are no longer so popular, but they still remain in demand in their niche. Reconnaissance satellites provide national security benefits. And this is only a small part of all the technologies that would not be possible without space exploration. Currently, thousands of scientists and engineers work in this segment, who are constantly improving and inventing something new.

Space is beautiful

It’s hard to argue with the fact that space views are truly beautiful. And no matter whether it is taken from Earth, orbital or telescope photographs, distant landscapes of celestial bodies and various galaxies delight and delight the eye. If it were not for astronautics, we would not even be able to see how beautiful our planet is from a height of several hundred kilometers.

Beauty does not disappear in our solar system. Just look at the photographs of the deserted terrain of Mars or distant cold Neptune. And if you look beyond our Galaxy, you will find amazing views of nebulae, black holes and distant galaxies. Thanks to computer technology, humanity has the opportunity to receive and process hundreds of thousands of photographs from space telescopes and probes.

Space is educational

At the beginning of the last century, people were sure that Mars appeared before the Earth, and Venus later. In this regard, humanity expected to see the destroyed ruins of ancient civilizations on the Red Planet, and dinosaurs or the first people on Venus. With the advent of space stations, everything fell into place. Now we know that no one can live on Mars except bacteria, and Venus with its hot surface is completely dead. Now every child can know that the only satellite with an atmosphere in the solar system is Titan, and its surface topography is similar to that of Earth with mountains, valleys and dunes.

Scientists have learned that there is an underground ice ocean on Pluto, and a supernova explosion in 10 minutes releases more energy than the Sun does in 10 billion years. There are an innumerable number of similar facts. You can talk about each individual planet or star for hours, and then talk about black holes, nebulae and quasars for months. Just think about how many interesting discoveries have been made through space exploration, and how many more remain to be made.

Space is a grandiose project

Since Gagarin's first flight, humanity has stepped far forward in space exploration, and goals have become more and more ambitious. However, all progress comes at a price. In this case, the price is too high, literally and figuratively. The most expensive space project was the ISS. The cost of creating and maintaining the station in operational condition is approaching $150 billion. The station, weighing more than 400 tons, was assembled by space agencies around the world and has been continuously used by astronauts for eighteen years. More than 400 thousand people worked on the American manned lunar program Apollo, and about $26 billion was spent. Similar grandiose projects include NASA's reusable space shuttles, the global positioning system and space telescopes.

Space is complex technology

Since its inception, astronautics has been associated with complex and interesting technology. It’s hard to believe that almost forty years have passed since the first Voyager probes were launched, and they are still working and transmitting invaluable information to Earth. Similar results are demonstrated, for example, by Mars rovers. Opportunity has already exceeded its 90-day warranty period by more than 50 times. In addition to reliability, space technology is also distinguished by excellent accuracy. For example, many telescopes are capable of obtaining an image with a resolution greater than 20 microarcseconds. This is comparable to the size of a matchbox on the surface of the Moon photographed from Earth. Spaceships, international space stations, satellites and much more deserve a separate discussion. All this makes astronautics one of the most high-tech and expensive sciences today.

Space means significant people

Space does not tolerate people with weak psyches and whiners. There are no beauty standards for astronauts, but there are many other requirements that an ordinary person cannot meet. Of course, we do not know the names of all the astronauts, but all of them, along with the legends of astronautics, made a significant contribution to the development of humanity.

Space has a glorious history and a promising future

The history of astronautics is breathtaking. Humanity has come a long way, which was full of dizzying victories and resounding failures. Castles in the air and extraterrestrial civilizations of dreamers and science fiction writers. Observations of ancient astronomers. Tsiolkovsky's first experiments. Conquest of technology and physics by pioneers of astronautics. Heroes who became the first and those who gave their lives in the name of progress. All this allowed us to achieve what we can see now.


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