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The tradition of decorating a house with candles is rooted in the distant past, from time immemorial it is believed that candles symbolize the resilience of the human soul, and also fill the home with light, comfort and warmth. Old Believers believe that on New Year's Eve, all candles in the house must be extinguished, and after the chimes are struck, light them from a new fire (matches or lighters). This tradition symbolizes the beginning of a new life period, the renewal and rebirth of life.

Of course, candles can simply be placed around the house, but it is still better to make harmonious New Year's compositions with candles, so we will simultaneously honor age-old traditions, and also bring something new and effective into the interior design.

What to use as candle decor.

  1. Fresh or artificial spruce branches;
  2. Decorative beads;
  3. Christmas toys, balls;
  4. Fresh foliage;
  5. Fresh berries;
  6. Nuts, cones, acorns, chestnuts;
  7. Christmas candies - sticks;
  8. Tapes;
  9. Chains;
  10. Tinsel;
  11. Dry twigs;
  12. Artificial Poinsettia Flowers;
  13. Dried fruits.

Birch logs as a candlestick.

In birch log cabins of different heights, it is necessary to create shallow holes with a chisel, the size of a candle-tablet. Install candles in these holes (it is better not to go far from such a candlestick, safety is above all).

Candle decor with candies Christmas sticks.

A spectacular composition can be obtained by decorating a large candle with Christmas sticks. Place the candy sticks around the perimeter of the candle and tie it with a beautiful ribbon.

Compositions of candles and fir branches.

To create a composition, it is enough to lay a branchy spruce branch on a flat surface (table, tray or shelf), put three red candles of different sizes in the center. As a supplement, you can use fresh cones, Christmas tree decorations or New Year's figurines.

Branched candlestick chandelier.

If your home has a spectacular candelabrum, then it should definitely be used to create a stunning composition. For example, in addition to candles, a branched candelabrum can be supplemented with Christmas balls, beads and earrings.

Composition with tinsel.

Put a transparent vase on a plate, drip wax from a lit candle into it, to which you glue the candle itself. Put red matte tinsel around the vase, paste over the tinsel around the perimeter with large beads.

Candles decorated with Christmas balls.

Pick up a vase to match the candle, for example, you can pick up a purple bowl for a lavender candle. Put the candle in the bowl, and fill the space around it with the smallest colored Christmas balls.

Compositions with candles and glasses.

This decor is perfect for a festive table. Pour a little water into tall straight glasses and set them on a sprig of spruce, thuja or fir. Nearby, in small transparent gravy boats, set a tablet candle.

Arrangements with candles in a row.

On a rectangular dish, place four bright candles according to height, and put Christmas-tree balls matching in color in front.

Composition with red candles.

Place two large red candles on a red dish, place artificial Poinsettia flowers next to it or sprinkle sparkles and lay a large Christmas ball.

Composition of candles with viburnum branches.

Put a twig with ripe and green viburnum in a ceramic or earthen glass, and place a candle in the center.

A candle in a glass with thuja sprigs.

Place the thuja twigs in the glass, place a candle in the center.

Composition of candles and dried fruits.

String various dried fruits on a thread: apple, orange, tangerine slices, as well as cinnamon sticks, tie both ends, forming a wreath. Place a large candle in the center of the dried fruit ring.

Candles in the form of cones.

By themselves, such candles look festive, so it is enough to line them up on an oblong dish.

Composition in a glass with a floating candle.

Pour water into a large glass, put the leaves of viburnum, hawthorn or lingonberry on the bottom, and on top of the fruits of one of these trees or shrubs, "lower" a floating candle into the center. The whole composition in a glass can be placed on a spruce twig.

Spruce wreath with candles.

A ring is formed from the spruce branches so that it does not disintegrate, wrap it with a transparent fishing line, place four candles around the perimeter, decorate the composition with decorative beads and Christmas balls.

Candle among the nuts.

Pour various nuts into a transparent vase: walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, and also add a few bright orange fruits - small kumquats. Place a candle on top in a transparent cup. The rest of the examples with nuts can be seen below in the photo.

Christmas candle decor:

New Year's compositions with candles are quite easy to bring to life, besides, this activity is very exciting, after the first composition, you want to create at least a couple of other even more spectacular decorative elements based on the use of candles.

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One of the most important aspects of Christmas table setting is the central composition of the table. You can either buy such a composition ready-made, or do it yourself. We propose to consider three master classes on creating a central composition for winter holidays.

Idea number 1. Christmas wreath with candles

On the table, such a composition will be a real decoration: candles will add romance, a Christmas tree will have a pleasant coniferous smell, and artificial snow will look no worse than real snow.

You will need:

  • Spray - artificial snow
    Decorative crystals


Spruce wreath

Step 1

We take a tray, which will be the basis for the Christmas composition, and put three candles on it, in the center.

Step 2

Next, place the wreath on the tray so that the candles are inside the wreath. If desired, additional small candles can be added to the large candles.

Step 3

Decorative crystals are very reminiscent of ice chips, so they go well with pine needles and artificial snow. It is better to add them to a Christmas wreath, thanks to this combination, the whole composition will look like "just brought in from the street." An alternative to this decoration can be any commercially available white light decor, repeating the shape of leaves or branches.

Step 4

The last highlight of the composition will be semolina, which can be tied on top of the candles to give the impression that the whole composition is covered with snow.

As an additional decoration, you can use cones and rowan twigs.


Idea number 2. Apples in the snow

For the composition "Apples in the Snow" you need the most beautiful selected apples, from their appearance depends on how appetizing the whole structure will look.


You will need:

  • Apples (the amount depends on the size of the dish)
    A plate, fruit bowl or tray on which the apples will be
    Egg white plate
    Sugar plate

Step 1

We lower the lower part of the apple into a plate with egg white and immediately into a plate with sugar, which it is desirable to put next to it.

Step 2

Next, we give the apples time to dry, and lay them out on a plate (or tray). Above you can add the inscription "Christmas", " New Year"Or any other. When the composition is ready, the fruit bowl with apples can be placed in the center of the table.

Idea number 3. Jar with berries, needles and candles


Decorative jar


You will need:

  • Jar
    Tree branches
    Artificial berries (you can use real ones if you wish)

Step 1

We take any jar (clean and presentable) and set a candle with coniferous branches at the bottom. Next, we need branches with berries, or rather, we need the berries themselves separately, so that we take turns removing the berries from the branch. Ornamental berries the size of a cherry will suit us.

Step 2

Add berries to the jar and decorate the bottom with cones. The main thing to consider is that the candle should be higher than the needles, cones and berries, it is better for them to be out of the reach of the flame. To create the effect of "frozen" berries, you can dip the berries in protein and sugar, as in a composition with apples.


Master Class. Craft "The Magic House of Santa Claus"

author: Akhmadeeva Raisa Vladimirovna, educator, secondary school №1 "OC" Construction ceramics structural unit Kindergarten"Rainbow", Samara region, Volzhsky district.
You can make such a craft together with your children for an exhibition-competition at school or in older groups of a kindergarten!

For manufacturing we need: cotton pads, cardboard, gouache, cotton wool, brush, ruler, ceiling tiles, PVA glue, colored paper, white sock, colored sock, cereal (any, for stuffing a snowman), a piece of wire, yogurt bottles, beads and tinsel for decoration.

Let's start creating a composition by making a Christmas tree. To do this, we fold each cotton pad in half, and again in half, triangles should turn out so that they hold, we glue them with PVA glue or you can hook them with a thread.

We make a cone-base of our Christmas tree from cardboard, and starting from the top we glue our cotton pads.

We glue the entire cone in this way, decorate the resulting Christmas tree with multi-colored beads

To make Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, we take 2 jars of yogurt for the base, and cotton pads for pasting. We cook the paste, dip cotton pads in the paste and glue the jars, form cones from 4 cotton pads and soak them with paste (future sleeves of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden), and form heads from 2 cotton balls, coat them with paste as well. until completely dry.

After drying, we cover our Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with paint, it is better to use gouache (because it hides irregularities).

Using PVA glue, we glue the sleeves and heads, draw the eyes, nose and mouth.

We glue, with the help of PVA glue, cotton wool coats, Santa Claus's beard, hats. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are ready!

To make a snowman, fill a white sock with groats, and tie it with threads to form balls, insert a wire through and through into the middle ball (these are the snowman's hands).

With the help of beads we make eyes and a nose, we cut out a hat and a scarf from a multi-colored sock.

To make a house, we take a ceiling tile and draw details (4 walls, and 2 rectangular parts - a roof). Sizes can be any, depending on what kind of house you want to get in the end.

We cut them out with a clerical knife, and glue them on the inside with masking tape (it holds the parts from the ceiling tiles stronger than ordinary adhesive tape).

We glue the outer corners of the house with pieces of colored paper.

We glue the PVA glue the roof; window and door, cut out of colored paper. We decorate the house with tinsel.

On another sheet of ceiling tiles, we form our composition. If you wish, you can make a fence from the remains of the tile, decorating it with tinsel. Here we have such a Magic House of Santa Claus!


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