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work in the city on weekdays (night shift)

work on weekdays (2nd shift, by 16.00)

From 04.04.2016 until 31.12.2016

work on weekdays (evening delivery)

From 04.04.2016 until 31.12.2016

Flight number Departure time from LNPP Traffic route from Leningrad NPP
16.05; 16.15; 16.20; 16.35; 16.45; (5 buses) Leningrad NPP 1 - bldg. 777 - Base ORS - Pozh.depo (traffic police) - Voronezh - Mail - Solnechny - DK (Heroev Ave.) - Priroda - Moscow - Irtysh - Ring (ATP)
16.10; 16.25 (2 buses) Leningrad NPP 1 - building 777 - Base ORS - Pozh.depo (traffic police) - "Baltika" - "Sosnovy Bor" - "Solnechny" - DK (Prospect Geroev) - "Priroda" - "Moscow" - "Irtysh" - Ring (ATP)
16.10; 16.15; 16.20; 16.25; 16.40; 17.00; 17.30 (7 buses) Leningrad NPP 2 (checkpoint 8) - building 609 - Fire depot - Leningrad nuclear power plant 1 - building 777 - Base ORS - Fire depot (GIBDD) - Voronezh - Mail - Solnechny - DK (Heroev Ave.) - Nature "-" Moscow "-" Irtysh "- Ring (ATP)
16.15; 16.30; 16.45 (3 buses)
16.30; 16.40; 17.05 (3 buses) Leningrad NPP 2 (checkpoint 8) - building 609 - Fire depot - Leningrad nuclear power plant 1 - building 777 - SKK - 9 school - gost. "S. Bor" - street Mashinostroiteley 4 - 7 school - magician. "Pyaterochka" - Ring (ATP)
building 672 16.15 (1 bus) Building 672 - Fire depot - Leningrad NPP 1 - building 777 - Base ORS - Fire depot (GIBDD) - Voronezh - Mail - Solnechny - DK (Heroev Ave.) - Priroda - Moscow - "Irtysh" - Ring (ATP)
16.10 (1 bus) bld. 380 - Fire depot - Leningrad NPP 1 - bldg. 777 - Base ORS - Fire depot (GIBDD) - Voronezh - Mail - Solnechny - DK (Geroev Ave.) - Priroda - Moscow - "Irtysh" - Ring (ATP)
8C 16.20; 16.48 (2 buses) Leningrad NPP 2 (checkpoint 8) - building 609 - Fire depot - Leningrad nuclear power plant 1 - building 777 - Base ORS - Fire depot (GIBDD) - Voronezh - Mail - Solnechny - DK (Heroev Ave.) - Leningrad "- Ring (ATP)
16.15; 17.15 (2 buses) Building 460 - building 380 - Fire depot - LNPP1 - building 777 - Base ORS - Fire depot (GIBDD) - Voronezh - Mail - Solnechny - DK (Heroev Ave.) –Nature - Moscow - Irtysh - Ring (ATP )

The bus schedule for the delivery of NPP personnel to

work on weekdays (3 shift, by 24.00)

From 04.04.2016 until 31.12.2016

Timetable of buses for the delivery of NPP personnel from

work on weekdays (2nd shift)

From 04.04.2016 until 31.12.2016

Flight number Departure time from LNPP Traffic route from Leningrad NPP
00.15 (1 bus) Leningrad NPP 2 (checkpoint 8) - building 609 - Fire depot - Leningrad nuclear power plant 1 - building 777 - Base ORS - Fire depot (GIBDD) - Voronezh - Mail - Solnechny - DK (Heroev Ave.) - Nature "- Forts d.41 - Mashinostroiteley d.4 - school. No. 6 - magician. "Pyaterochka" - Ring (ATP)
8C 00.25; 00.30 (2 buses) Leningrad NPP 2 (checkpoint 8) - building 609 - Fire depot - Leningrad nuclear power plant 1 - building 777 - Base ORS - Fire depot (traffic police) - Baltika - Sosnovy Bor - Solnechny - DK (Geroev ave. ) - "Nature" - "Moscow" - "Irtysh" - Ring (ATP)
00.15 (1 bus) Building 460 - Fire depot - Leningrad NPP 1 - Building 777 - Base ORS - Fire depot (GIBDD) - "Voronezh" - Mail - "Solnechny" - DK (Geroev Ave.) - "Priroda" - "Moscow" - "Irtysh" - Ring (ATP)

Timetable of buses for the delivery of NPP personnel to the place

Here you can find out the departure time of buses or buy tickets (conclude a charter agreement) for buses departing from the Autoexpress auto-ticket office at Udomlya, Kurchatova Avenue, 7 (in the shopping center "Rus")

The commission of the website is 7% of the value of the charter agreement concluded with the auto cashier, including the fee for transferring money through payment systems. Bus travel documents are closed 2 hours before the bus leaves. The cost of the charter agreement is indicated with all fees included. There is no pre-sale fee. The arrival time information is for reference only and may not coincide with the actual one.

You can board the bus only at the departure station. Boarding with an electronic travel document is subject to the coincidence of the passenger's personal data with the personal data specified in the electronic travel document.

A ticket can be refunded through the website and at the ticket office of Autoexpress. When returning a ticket through the ticket office, you must fill out an application for a return (the form is provided at the ticket office), receive a return receipt and send a scan or photo of the application and return receipt to the address.

From the city to the Kola nuclear power plant

Bus routes of Polyarnye Zori - KNPP

Stops: Yablochko store; Market; ost. Pushkin street-7


: 6:25, 6:28, 6:30, 6:32, 6:33, 6:35, 6:37, 6:43, 6:48, 6:52, 6:55, 6:58, 7:00, 7:03, 7:07, 7:10, 7:14, 7:17, 7:20, 7:23, 7:27, 7:30

from the stop at the Yablochko store: 7:31, 7:35, 7:38, 7:41, 7:44, 7:47, 7:50, 7:55, 7:58, 8:00, 8:05, 8:10, 8:15, 8:20, 8:25, 8:30, 8:37, 9:30, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00

from the dispensary through the bus stop on Pushkin street: 14:00, 14:30, 14:32, 14:35, 14:38, 15:00, 16:00, 17:30, 18:20, 18:40, 19:55, 20:40, 22 : 35, 22:37, 22:40 (shift)

Departure from the Kola NPP on weekdays:

from SBK-2: 7:40, 14:30, 15:15, 15:30, 15:35, 15:40, 15:45, 15:50, 16:00, 16:05, 16:10, 16 : 15, 16:20, 16:25, 16:30, 16:35, 16:40, 16:45, 16:50, 23:40

from SBK-1: 7:40, 15:15, 15:40, 15:45, 15:50, 16:00, 16:05, 16:10, 16:15, 16:20, 16:25, 16 : 35, 16:45, 16:50, 17:05, 23:40

Departure from the Kola NPP from SBK-2 with a stop at SBK-1:

from SBK-1: 5:00, 6:50, 7:05, 7:50, 8:15, 8:30, 9:15, 10:00, 11:05, 11:55, 12:00, all following from the dispensary: ​​12:30, 13:30, 16:50, 16:55, 17:00, 17:05, 17:10, 17:15, 17:20, 17:35, 17:45, 18: 00, 18:15, 18:35, 18:45, 19:10, 20:25, 21:10, 23:50

Weekends and holidays

from the town of Polyarnye Zori at the Kola NPP:: 6:35, 6:40 (shift), 7:15, 7:25, 8:35, 14:35, 14:40 (shift), 17:25, 18:40, 19:55, 20:40 , 22:35, 22:40 (shift)

from the Kola NPP to the city of Polyarnye Zori (from SBK-1 with a stop at SBK-2):: 5:00, 7:40 (from SBK-2), 7:40 (from SBK-1), 7:50, 8:20, 9:00, 15:40 (from SBK-2), 15:40 (from SBK-1), 15:50, 16:00, 18:00, 19:10, 20:25, 21:10, 23:40 (from SBK-2), 23:40 (from SBK-1) , 23:50


Suburban bus routes

Route number 102 "Kandalaksha-Afrikanda"

from Kandalaksha: 5:45 (without arrival at Nivsky)

from the town of Polyarnye Zori to the village of Afrikanda: 6:30, 8:25, 11:15, 13:00, 14:30

from the village of Afrikanda-1 to the city of Polyarnye Zori: 7:10, 9:20, 12:05, 13:50, 15:10

: 15:50 (without arrival at Nivsky)

Route number 127 "Kandalaksha town - Polyarnye Zori town - Zasheek settlement"


: 07:00, 08:40, 10:35, 11:50, 13:20, 14:50, 16:20, 17:40, 19:10, 21:10

: 06:30, 07:25, 09:00, 11:05, 12:20, 13:50, 15:25, 17:00, 18:10, 19:40, 21:20

from Polyarnye Zori to Kandalaksha: 06:50, 07:45, 09:20, 11:25, 12:40, 14:15, 15:50, 17:25, 18:35, 20:05, 22:05

On Saturdays

from the town of Polyarnye Zori to the village of Zasheek: 07:00, 08:20, 09:35, 11:00, 12:20, 13:20, 14:20, 15:20, 16:20, 17:50, 19:00, 21:10

from the settlement of Zasheek to the town of Polyarnye Zori and further to the town of Kandalaksha: 07:25, 08:45, 10:05, 11:30, 12:50, 13:50, 14:50, 15:45, 16:45, 18:20, 19:30, 21:20

from Polyarnye Zori to Kandalaksha: 07:45, 09:10, 10:30, 11:55, 13:15, 14:15, 15:15, 16:10, 17:10, 18.45, 19:55, 22:05

Sundays and public holidays

from the town of Polyarnye Zori to the village of Zasheek: 07:00, 09:35, 13:20, 14:50, 17:40, 21:10

from the settlement of Zasheek to the town of Polyarnye Zori and further to the town of Kandalaksha: 07:25, 10:05, 13:50, 15:25, 18:10, 21:20

from Polyarnye Zori to Kandalaksha: 07:45, 10:30, 14:15, 15:50, 18:35, 22:05


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