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With Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade (CCO) you will have the most complete, logical and fully customizable blacksmithing experience in Skyrim. The main purpose of this mod is to correct the logical inconsistencies in the game's blacksmithing system, as well as increase the functionality and correct the balance of crafting. Also, this mod can serve as a framework that eliminates conflicts, as well as ensuring compatibility between other mods affecting crafting.

= List of main functions =

  • All recipes from the original game and DLC have been reworked in accordance with the general concept of the mod.
  • All changes fit perfectly into the game world and are designed to complement the crafting system.
  • A more functional crafting menu with extensive options for customizing the list of displayed recipes.
  • Most of the options are optional and are configured in the MCM menu.
  • Scrap recipes that allow you to smelt weapons and armor into ingots.
  • Missing recipes and items returned to the game.
  • Ability to upgrade unique leveled items. Now you don't have to worry about completing the quest too soon.
  • You can now craft armor of a specific faction only after joining it.
  • Possibility of flexible adjustment of ore mining and wood cutting.
  • Ingots and other raw materials in the smelter and tannery are now sorted by material.
  • The ability to flexibly adjust the strength of enchantments and blacksmithing enhancements to weapons.
  • Full support for Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn.
  • The Bandoliers, Jaysus Swords and JewelCraft plugins are fully integrated into CCO, eliminating the need to install extra esp files and allowing for more customization.
  • CCOR is fully compatible with Immersive Armors V7 and other popular mods such as Book of Silence, Cloaks of Skyrim, Winter is Coming and Heavy Armory to name a few.

The mod is designed to be used in conjunction with Weapons & Armor Fixes, Clothing & Clutter Fixes and Smithing Perks Overhaul. Technically, they are not required, but they complement each other perfectly.

= Requirements and Installation =

  • Requires official Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn expansions.
  • For those who do not have all the DLC installed, there are versions of the mod in the form of separate files.
  • The MCM menu requires SkyUI and SKSE.
  • It is also recommended to install Weapons & Armor Fixes, Clothing & Clutter Fixes and Smithing Perks Overhaul.

Make sure this mod is loaded after Weapon & Armor Fixes and Clothing & Clutter fixes.

  • Unofficial patches
  • Weapons & Armor Fixes
  • Clothing & Clutter Fixes
  • Complete Crafting Overhaul
  • Smithing Perks Overhaul (location of this file is not critical)


If you want to remove a mod, then before removing it, you must start the corresponding operation from the MCM menu.

= Compatibility =

Most mods that add new weapons and armor to the game should be compatible with Complete Crafting Overhaul. Without built-in support, they won't get many of the benefits of CCO, but there shouldn't be any major conflicts. At the end of this guide, CCO-compatible mods and available compatibility patches are listed.

Any mods that modify MineOreScript or ResourceFurnitureScript scripts will be NOT COMPATIBLE with Complete Crafting Overhaul. Changes to scripts must have been merged to resolve conflicts, or you must install CCO last.

Additionally, Crafting Overhaul will conflict with any mod that affects smithing recipes in any way.

There are some known conflicts between CSO and Realistic Needs & Diseases. They are minor, so I did not release a patch. Just download Realistic Needs after MTR and everything will work fine.

  • Frostfall- requires a compatibility patch, which you can download on the CCOR page. The patch fixes conflicts in the functioning of the felling deck. Frostfall also conflicts with the function of gaining experience from using the tanning machine from the CCO. To fix these conflicts, disable blacksmithing experience from workbenches in the SSO settings.
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures- requires a compatibility patch, which you can download on the CCOR page. If you are using a mix of SIC + Requiem mods, then use the patch from the Requiem page instead of this patch.
  • Skyrim Redone- you can download the patch.
  • Requiem– you can download the patch on the Requiem page.

More information on mods compatible with CCO can be found below.

= Improved crafting menu =

One of the main functions of the CCO is the advanced ability to customize the blacksmith menu of recipes.

You can control the display of all MCM menu recipes. Absolutely any recipe from the original game can be hidden from the crafting menu with one click. Are you playing as an archer who doesn't need to craft heavy armor and two-handed weapons? Or maybe you are a heavily armored knight and have no interest in light armor and decorations? Or do you want to find the best weapon for your archer companion?

Complete Crafting Overhaul allows you to quickly and easily hide recipes you don't need. The main idea of ​​the mod is to give the player the opportunity to customize the crafting menu so that it best suits his character.

In addition to the ability to customize the display of recipes, a number of other functions are at your service:

  • The complexity of the recipes You will be able to choose whether the recipes should use simple ingredients as the main ingredients, or require additional ingredients like hides and wood to more closely match the type and appearance of the item being crafted.
  • The use of skins. You will be able to choose whether the recipes for fur equipment should use normal components or require each of its own specific skin.
  • Inventory status. The inventory state is applied to many recipes, preventing them from appearing in the menu until the player has all the required components to craft the item. If you prefer to see all recipes, regardless of whether you have the required components to craft, you can disable this feature in the mod's options menu.
  • Recipes for dismantling and smelting. Now you will be able to smelt or dismantle equipment, getting back some of the original materials.
  • Things in oriental style. This option will allow you to hide the recipes for items such as katanas, tantos, samurai armor and other equipment related to oriental cultures.
  • Things not from the TES universe. This option will allow you to hide recipes for those items that are too unusual or do not fit into the game universe
  • Unenchanted options. This option will allow you to display recipes for unenchanted versions of various items that are only enchanted in the game. These include deity amulets and faction armor.
  • Copies of artifacts. This option will allow you to display recipes for unenchanted copies of various unique items and artifacts. These include Daedric artifacts, Nightingale items, and ancient Falmer armor. Although this feature does not really fit into the gaming universe, I decided to make it optional. It is disabled by default. All of these recipes require the original item to be in your inventory.

= More logical and organized recipes =

Reworked all the recipes from the original game to make them more logical and organized. It means. That some recipes have become simpler and require fewer ingredients, others have become more complex and require 1-2 specific ingredients. I tried to generalize all the existing recipes in the game and bring them to a single template, which would then expand depending on the type of item.

In general, most recipes are based on the following schemes:

  • Boots = 3 main components + 1 auxiliary + 1 leather + 2 leather strips
  • Breastplate = 5 main components + 2 auxiliary + 2 leather + 4 leather strips
  • Gloves = 2 main components + 1 auxiliary + 1 leather + 2 leather strips
  • Helmet = 3 main components + 1 accessory + 1 leather + 1 leather strip
  • Shield = 4 main components + 1 auxiliary + 2 strips of leather
  • Dagger = 1 main component + 1 auxiliary + 1 leather strip
  • Sword = 2 main components + 1 auxiliary + 1 leather strip
  • Ax = 2 main components + 1 auxiliary + 2 strips of leather
  • Mace = 3 main components + 1 auxiliary + 2 strips of leather
  • Two-handed sword = 3 main components + 1 auxiliary + 2 strips of leather
  • Ax = 3 main components + 2 auxiliary + 3 strips of leather
  • Hammer = 4 main components + 2 auxiliary + 3 leather strips
  • Onion \u003d 3 main components + 1 auxiliary + 2 strips of skin
  • Arrows x24 = 1 main component + 2 logs + 1 leather strip
  • Some items have been given a more logical weight and price, better reflecting the relationship between inputs and end products.
  • Coal + Iron = Steel. Coal can be created in the smelter from wood and other wooden items.
  • A number of parameters of Dwemer scrap metal have been changed, its variety has been increased.
  • Added some variations on recipes that already exist in the game, such as making fondue from sliced ​​cheese or assembling an entire weapon from its broken parts.
  • Some recipes have added a number of additional conditions for verification. For example, recipes for bone and chitin equipment will become available to the player only after traveling to Solstheim.
  • Auxiliary ingot in Nordic armor changed from ebony to orichalcum, and Nordic armor now requires the Orcish forging perk.
  • Quicksilver Ore Bar is now an auxiliary component for Light Stalhrim Armor, and Ebony Ore Bar is now a sub-component for Heavy Armor. This scheme is more in line with the general pattern of recipes.
  • Heavy chitin armor now requires an advanced armor perk.

= Return missed recipes =

  • All standard (non-unique) weapons that previously had no crafting recipes can now be crafted and upgraded at the forge, provided they have the appropriate perks.
  • Added missing recipes for crafting arrows.
  • Added recipes for hoops, pickaxes, cleavers and torches.
  • Added new jewelry recipes. Now the player will have access to more types of decorations with various precious stones. Flawless gems have also been added to the game, which can be bought from merchants or found on travels.
  • Added recipes for Nordic Hero Armor, which is crafted at the Skyforge.
  • You can now "earn" equipment recipes for certain factions. Once you have joined a faction and reached a certain rank there, you will be able to craft the appropriate equipment. This means that, for example, you will be able to craft Imperial equipment only after joining the Imperial Legion, and the recipes for Stormcloak equipment will only become available to you after joining them.
  • "Learn" recipes for certain equipment. Added another method of obtaining recipes - learning how to make. This applies to the equipment of those factions that cannot be joined. This includes Falmer, Ancient Nord, and Forsworn gear. After dismantling a certain item several times (usually 3-4 times), you will learn its recipe.
  • A number of recipes have been added to speed up the smelting of ore and the manufacture of leather strips.

= Realism, immersion, Lore =

  • All recipes are based on general principles accepted in the game, and were changed only when it was necessary to establish a connection between the components of the item and its appearance(for example, in recipes for fur things, leather is replaced with skins).
  • Daedric equipment can now only be crafted at night (between 9pm and 5am). You can disable this restriction in the mod's settings.
  • Crafting ingots now requires more ore - 5 pieces. Also increased the weight of the ore, now it is correlated with the weight of the final ingot. This is done for more realism and immersion. The miners are obviously not very rich people, and mining the ore must be difficult. The most effective for the production of ingots from Dwemer metal.
  • During ore mining, rough (uncut) gemstones can be found. Cut and you can in the forge.
  • In the settings menu, the chances of finding these gems can be adjusted.
  • Black soul gems have been removed from the list of possible gems that can be mined in Blackreach, as in the TES universe, black soul gems are created by necromancers and mages, meaning they are not of natural origin.
  • Certain soul gems now correspond to each type of ore, and the gem type is independent of the player's level. In the mod settings, you can go back to the original system, or choose a settings option in which there is no dependence on the type of ore, but without the influence of the player's level.

Below is a list of matching ore veins of various stones:

  • Iron = amethysts, sapphires
  • Corundum = garnets, rubies
  • Silver = rubies, sapphires, emeralds
  • Orichalcum = garnets, amethysts, rubies, sapphires
  • Gold = garnets, amethysts, emeralds
  • Mercury ore = rubies, emeralds
  • Moonstone = garnets, emeralds
  • Malachite = amethysts, diamonds
  • Ebonite = amethysts, diamonds

These connections were chosen with an eye to balance and gameplay, I also took into account the available number of certain ore veins in the game, the natural connection between the components, etc.

= Mining and materials =

Now you can customize the process of extracting raw materials to your liking. The options allow you to choose the mining speed and the amount of ore you get, as well as the amount of wood you get when using a cutting deck. Also included in the mod are fixes for the mineorescript script from USKP.

In addition, you can activate blacksmithing experience from mining ore in the settings.

= Additional features =

Tier item update. You will now be able to upgrade leveled quest reward items. There are corresponding options available in the settings menu, which allow you to either update immediately, or enable automatic updating, or add the appropriate service spell to the player.

Renaming materials. Some materials can be renamed to better match the geological names and previous TES games: corundum can be renamed copper, mercury mithril, and malachite either glass or moldavite. This is a completely optional feature, you can choose to rename in any combination, or not at all.

Complete set of hoops. Allows you to craft reinforced hoops to match different armor sets. Each hoop can replace a similar helmet, so the "Complete Set" perk will work with them as well. The option is made for those players who prefer to see the face of their character and do not want to hide it under a helmet.

= Compatibility and mod options =

While the Complete Crafting Overhaul should not directly conflict with most mods that add new weapons and armor, some of the STS options will not affect recipes from other mods until STS support is added to those mods.

Mods included in the MTR:

These mods are completely optional, and are included with the MTR for your convenience. Models and textures for Jaysus Swords and Bandoliers must be downloaded from the original mod pages.

Bandoliers - Bags and Pouches by Dragten

Peculiarities: all recipes from the mod are included in the MTR, as well as the options for distributing items around the game world. Additional settings will help you adjust the strength of the enchantments applied to all things from the mod, as well as choose the place where all things are made: a forge or a tanning machine.

Installation: First, install the original Dawnguard mod and add-on (optional). From the mod, only models and textures should be installed, you do not need esp files. After installation, activate the built-in CCO Bandoliers - Bags and Pouches.

JaySuS Swords by Jaysus

Peculiarities: weapon recipes from Jaysus Swords are directly built into CCO. All parameters and perk requirements have been changed in accordance with the general concept of the mod, as well as Weapons & Armor fixes. The MTR options menu contains a number of settings for JaySuS Swords that allow you to activate the distribution of weapons from the mod around the game world.

Installation: Install JaySuS Swords v14 first. Then make sure you DISABLE all esp and esm files from the mod. And only after that activate the JaySuS Swords built into the MTR.

JewelCraft by Happy Spike

Peculiarities: additional jewelry recipes from Happy Spike's JewelCraft mod. Both crafting settings and distribution settings for things in the game world are available.

Installation: just activate the corresponding module in the settings. You do not need to download any additional files, because. all the necessary models and textures are already included in the MTR.

Mods with MTR support:

A number of mods have built-in support for CCO, others have optional compatibility patches. The files presented by me are not patches, but a replacement for the original esp from the corresponding mods. In any case, you must first install the original mod, because. used models and textures from there.

aMidianBorn Book of Silence by CaBaL and AMB team

Peculiarities: The content addon from aMidianBorn Book of Silence (Content Addon) includes built-in support for many CSO features. This file provides support for most types of CaBaL armor. All recipes are fully compatible with the CCO menu, including recipes for dismantling things. Additional options allow you to activate racial restrictions for armor and select some bonuses

Installation: You can download the addon on the AMBS page. If you're only using Book of Silence to replace textures, and you don't need access to the new armor options, then you don't need to install this patch.

Cloaks of Skyrim by Noodles

Peculiarities: The CCO version of Cloaks of Skyrim is available for download on the CCOR page. It provides full support for all CCO functions, including the correct operation of the crafting menu. CCO automatically disables the requirement to have a tailoring book for making raincoats, you can re-enable this requirement in the settings.

Installation: First install Cloaks of Skyrim with desired options. After installation, replace the esp files of the mod with the corresponding files from the archive with CCO for Cloaks of Skyrim. Activate the installed esp files.

Heavy Armory - New Weapons by PrivateEye

Peculiarities: Has full MTR support, including disassembly recipes, and keywords for compatibility with Weapons & Armor Fixes and Smithing Perks Overhaul.

Installation: The patch is available on the mod's page on SkyrimNexus. Install Heavy Armory Dragonborn first, along with the Dawnguard add-on. Disable the PrvtI_HeavyArmory_DG_Addon.esp file. Then replace the main file with the updated file from the Heavy Armory CCO archive. Activate the new PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp file.

Winter Is Coming - Cloaks by Nivea

Peculiarities: the CCO version of Winter Is Coming can be found on the CCOR page. Parameters and recipes have been reworked in line with the general concept of the SOS, and keywords have been added for compatibility with Weapons & Armor Fixes. The display of recipes can be configured in the CCO menu, and all recipes have an effect of the state of the inventory. MTR automatically disables the requirement for a special component to craft raincoats. this requirement is redundant, but you can re-enable it in the settings.

Installation: First install Winter Is Coming with your desired options. Once installed, replace the mod's esp files with the appropriate files from the Winter Is Coming CCO archive. Activate the installed esp files. Note: The Cloaks-Dawnguard.esp file does not affect any recipes, so no CCO version is needed for it.

Immersive Armors by hothtrooper44 and Eckss

Immersive Armors v7 includes full support for the Complete Crafting Overhaul features. Just download and install this mod as usual.

Lore Weapon Expansion by InsanitySorrow and Elvarheim

The latest Lore Weapon Expansion update has for MTR. Future versions will most likely have built-in support. The required files are available on the CCOR page

Nightingale Weapons Retexture by FrankFamily

The CCO version is available on the CCOR page.


Eckss, Happy Spike, Dragten, QuickFox, Elenear.

Translation: Chronicles of Tamriel

NEW ITEMS TO CRAFT[Update!] (Plugin “Items” series) Plugin author Introduction: My second work for Skyrim. This time I decided to make plugins for subjects. As a result, weapons and armor are added so far based on the existing ones. Mostly updates and improvements, although there are some new things that were not previously available for creation. I did this for a change, and also to practice in the editor with these things.+

Whether there were similar plug-ins on this site or not, I don’t know because I myself have been here recently. I strongly ask you not to shout strongly that this is bad and terrible, because comrades are different in taste and color. Whoever likes it will download and use these plugins. Respect other people's work.

Description: - The “Items - Armor&Weapon” plugin adds to Skyrim new sets of different armors and weapons from existing ones, only their enhanced versions, or things not previously available for creation, to be created in the forge. - The plugin “Items - Dragon masks priests” adds the ability to craft masks of dragon priests. - Plugin “Items - Daedric artifacts” adds crafting of all Daedric artifacts to the game. Changes: Plugin “Items - Armor&Weapon”:

ARMOR: - 2 sets: fur and durable fur armor (tanning machineRawhide) - Thick iron armor set (forgeIron) - Blade set (forgeEbony) - Heavy Dwemer armor set (forgeDwemer) - Strong rawhide armor set (forgeRawhide) - Robe of shadows (tanning) LoomLeather) - Shadows Set (TannerIron) - Jagged Crown (ForgeDragon) - Thalmor Set (ForgeLeather) - Jester's Set (TannerLeather) - Ancient Nordic Armor Set (ForgeIron) - Robes: Archmage, Expert, Master, Adept, Apprentice, Novice (ForgeLeather) - Falmer Set (ForgeRawhide) - Imperial Light and Heavy Armor (ForgeImperial) - Wolf Armor Set (ForgeLeather) - Mystic Tuning Gloves (ForgeLeather) - Greybeard Robe (ForgeDragon) - Thieves Guild Set (ForgeLeather) - Psijic Set kov (forgeLeather ) - Wedding attire (tanning machineLeather) - Nightingale armor (forgeEbony) - Stormcloak officer set (forgeIron) WEAPONS: - Executioner's ax (Iron section) - Cleaver and pickaxe (Miscellaneous section) - Imperial sword and imperial bow (Imperial section) - Hunting bow (Steel section) - Arrows: Falmer, Forsworn, Nordic Changed crafting of all types of arrows - Falmer: bow, sword, ax (Rawhide section) - Ancient Nord: bow, sword, two-handed sword, axe, ax (Iron section) - All celestial weapons (Steel Partial Celestial Forge) - Silver two-handed and one-handed swords (Steel Partial Celestial Forge) OTHER: - Smelter for weapons made from the simplest materials (iron, steel, silver)

Plugin “Items - Armor&Weapon” :

All the same as in the “All” version, but without: ARMOR: - Set of Blades - Falmer Set - Robes of Shadows - Set of Shadows - Jester's Set - Wolf Armor Set - Jagged Crown - Greybeards Robe - Thieves Guild Set - Psijic Set - Nightingale armor WEAPONS: - Sword of blades - All celestial weapons - Falmer: bow, sword, ax

Plugin “Items - Dragon masks priests” :

(All masks can be found in the “Dragon” section) - Krosis - Morokei - Nakrin - Hevnorak - Konarik - Otar - Ragot - Vokun - Volsung - Wooden Mask

Plugin”Items - Daedric artifacts” :

(All artifacts can be found in the Daedric section) - Mehrunes' Razor - Molag Bal's Mace - Wabbajack - Volendrang - Azura's Star - Namira's Ring (Jewel) - Hircine's Ring (Jewel) - Clavicus Vile's Mask - Spellbreaker - Sanguine Rose - Dawn's Radiance - Skull of Corruption - Black Star - Skin of the Savior - Ebony Mail (Ebony) - Ebony Blade (Ebony)

Attention: (!) Standard enchantments in the “Items - Armor&Weapon” plugins if they were removed on the added weapon or armor.(!) Set the “Items - Armor&Weapon” plugin to either the “All” or “Light” version (!) All added items are crafted like regular weapons and armor.(!) The work is not finished, there will be updates. For all questions and shortcomings, write to me on the soap: Screenshots:


Installer in the form of an SFX archive. Move the files from the archive (Unzip) to the folder: SkyrimData. Connect to "Skyrim Launcher" .esp files.

Let's start with alchemy, and for this reason: in the game, the buildup of this skill seemed to me the most expensive due to a number of factors.

1. The first and main factor - You can’t pump much skill with simple potions.
With simple potions, you can pump a skill for a very long time, since in the mechanics of the game, pumping a skill depends not on quantity, but on quality. Let's say the ability to wear heavy or light armor does not depend on how many times you were kicked, but how much damage this blow inflicted on you.

Banal magic regeneration potion (Salt + Garlic),

After creation, it will increase the existing level of alchemy, well, somewhere by 1-3% of the strip.

While a complex potion that has a bunch of parameters (by the way, both negative and positive),

for one bank can increase the existing level by about 10-15% of the strip.

Another omission in the game is that side effects - unnecessary alchemy effects only increase the cost of the potion. Although, logically, a poison that simultaneously deals damage and heals it is complete nonsense, but this nonsense will cost more than a poison that deals damage and takes away magic, for example.

I think you will immediately see that complex potions are much more expensive than simple potions.
Since the leveling of alchemy directly depends on the quality of the potions, I will immediately answer your question:

Yes, if you put on things for a bonus to the creation of potions, then the cost of the created potions will increase greatly, but, alas, this will hardly affect the leveling of the skill.

Here is the cost of the crafted potion without items that give a bonus to the power of crafted potions.

And here is the cost of the created potion brewed in things that give a bonus to the strength of the created potions.

2. The second factor, following from the first - to create complex potions, you need to have a lot of different ingredients available.
Therefore, we corny accumulate all the fly agarics that we collect, all the fingers of the giants, all the eggs. We save everything, everything that can be collected, stolen, bought! Yes, buy, so you need to earn sevenths. (Fortunately, this is not a problem in Skyrim)

3. The third factor - with an increase in skill in Alchemy, pumping begins to slow down.

This is expressed as follows, if with an alchemy skill of 25 you make a potion - Magic Regeneration (Salt + Garlic) and you need to make 10 cans to raise from 25 to 26, then to raise from 30 to 31 you already make 13 cans.

In view of what I downloaded alchemy in three steps:

From 1 to 40, you can pump through the creation of simple potions.

From 40 to 70-80 he studied the mind of the mind from Arcadia, in Whiterun. In parallel, he collected, bought, stole tons of ingredients.

Where all the teachers of alchemy live, I don’t remember, and it’s not necessary, just look here.

From 80 to 100 he pumped exclusively by creating complex poisons and potions.

Hint for Munchkin sufferers

If you started the game again and suffer from munchkinism, then go immediately to the second or third level in Whiterun. Kill the dragon, collect and sell all the trash that has become "white", because the Jarl has become generous. Now you can take out 90% of the junk from Whiterun and sell it. Having acquired septims, every LVL AP do not forget to learn alchemy, so, without leaving the cash register, you can raise the skill to 70 and at the same time upgrade the hero to level 20. (of course, if you have money, or if you use a hole, to return "septims" after training)

Who does not "fumble" in alchemy, I will conduct a master class.
Let's all look here
I'll show you with an example what's what.

We look at the plate here Ingredients or in the Guide about Alchemy here Alchemy

We look at what we have in inventory and select an ingredient, say Dragon Tongue. We select on the plate the property we like - Fire Resistance and Skill Up: two-handed weapons.

Now we are looking for an ingredient that has these properties, plus some other positive properties. (possible and negative) Let there be a fly agaric - our potion will have two properties. Now we need to add such an ingredient in order to "open" a couple more properties for the potion. Let's see what properties Amanita has? are Frenzy and Stamina Regeneration.

Again on the table we are looking for an ingredient that has these two properties ... yeah, this is Mora tapinella.

As a result, we get this potion:

The main required abilities in the skill "Alchemy"

Alchemist 5/5 (Potions and potions are 20% stronger (+20% for each additional ability level) - well, of course, a good potion is a strong potion.

Healer (Your potions that restore health, magicka or stamina are 25% more effective) - a passable ability to take the next ability.

Pharmacist (You can create potions that will have 25% more favorable effect)

As you can see, I took only the most necessary abilities to enhance the potions I received.

Blacksmith craft


We know that the Blacksmithing skill can be upgraded by creating something that is as simple and easy to make as possible, requiring a minimum of the most common ingredients.

I think it will come as no surprise to you that blacksmithing is the easiest skill to level in the game. (Well, if you have a lot of ingredients in stock)

Pumping to the point of banality is simple - we craft iron daggers to the point of stupidity. Why daggers? Well, when leveling a skill, it doesn't matter what you do in the forge, ebony armor or a rawhide shield. The choice of many fell on the iron dagger -> one ingot of iron + one strip of leather.

You can pump a skill in one go, having previously accumulated a large amount of the ingredients needed for this.

From 15 (racial starting bonus) to 100 it took 567 daggers to make

For this, I bought iron from blacksmiths / merchants. In the district of Whiterun, everything that ran and brought fur did not run far from me.

In choosing the abilities of this skill, be guided by only one thing - what kind of armor you want to put on your hero.

In heavy - choose the stars counterclockwise.

In the lungs - select the stars clockwise.

To do dragon armor, you will need to level up the skill to 100 anyway.



"Enchantment" swings in the same way as "Blacksmithing". The speed of pumping enchantment is not affected by what kind of thing we will enchant, what effect we will impose, and what soul stone we will use.
To pump enchantment, we need a lot of soul stones, which we will have to buy from merchants. But do not be afraid, enchantment is the most profitable "craft" in Skyrim.

Let's get started
First we need Spell: Soul Capture.

The spell should be cast on our victim before his death, and in 60 seconds it will be necessary to have time to kill him. (Saw videos of people casting spells on corpses)

Or a weapon with such an effect.

With such a weapon, our victim should be finished off, inflicting the last or penultimate blow on her.
Then we go to the merchant, we buy soul stones from him, some will already be filled, while we will fill others during the game.

If you don't already have a few thousand septims, then it will be enough to buy the smallest soul stones.

For fastidious players who don't want to trap tiny souls in big soul gems, here's an indicative list of soul gem sizes and creatures suitable for filling them.

Tiny Soul Gem - creatures up to level 4.


Mud Crab

Draugr Thrall

frost spider

Draugr (Draugr)

Falmer (Falmer)


Lesser Soul Gem - Creatures up to level 16.

Brown Bear

Corus (Chaurus)

Wild boar


Goblin Skirmisher

Snow Saber

Ice Wraith


Saber-toothed cat (Saber Cat)

Northern Wolf (Ice Wolf)

Timber Wolf


Skeleton Guardian

Restless Draugr

Giant frost spider

Draugr Ghost

Falmer master of hiding


Common soul gem - creatures up to level 28.

Ancient Ghost

Flame Atronach

Cave Bear


Draugr Scourge

Draugr executioner

Corus Reaper

Mikrul Goldurson (draugr)

Mountain Lion

Faded Wraith

Frost Troll

Goblin Berserker

Wisp (Will-o-the-Wisp)


Headless Zombie

Black Bear

Animated Tree (Spriggan)

Mad Dog (Stray Dog)

Skeleton Hero

Large Soul Gem - creatures up to level 38.


Mother of Wisps (Wispmother)

Draugr Death Overlord

Storm Atronach

Dread Zombie

Goblin Shaman

Frost Atronach

Nether Lich

Skeleton Champion

Draugr Warlord

Sigdis Goldurson (draugr)

Spider Daedra

Dreugh (Land Dreugh)



Great Soul Gem - creatures from level 38.

Gloom Wraith

Minotaur Lord


Wild Ogre (Savage Ogre)

Goblin Warlord


Falmer master of shadows


Black Soul Gem (special meaning)

Dremora Valkinaz

bloody vampire

After filling the soul stones, after several hours of clearing and passing, we need to find somewhere or buy from a merchant a weapon with one of the following effects: Exile, Absorption of health, Frightening off the undead, Fear.

These are some of the most lucrative weapon effects.
For items, the most profitable is "Skill Up: Stealth"

The cost of an enchanted item depends on the effect applied to it.

But! Here it is worth clarifying a couple of nuances that you will encounter when enchanting things:

For things, the effect will depend, first of all, on the size of the stone! When using a tiny stone, the effect will be 3%, and when using a great 30%
The cost of such an item will fluctuate greatly, as it greatly depends on the size of the soul gem you use.

For weapons, the strength of the effect depends only on our level of enchantment skill and the abilities taken. The charge will depend on the size of the stone. The charge slightly affects the final cost of the item.

The effect will play the main role in the cost of weapons.

Above, I have listed the four most profitable weapon enchantment effects.

The most profitable is the enchantment of weapons - even when using tiny soul stones, the cost of the item increases significantly.

The main required abilities in the skill "Enchant"

Enchanter 5/5 (New enchantments are 20% stronger (+20% per additional level))

Enchant Skills (Enchant Armor 25% stronger)

Life Enchantment (Enchant health, mana and stamina on armor 25% stronger)

Additional effect (You can apply two enchantments to one item)


You have upgraded these three skills to a hundred! Hooray!

Now let's start creating the "Blacksmith Set"

What is this mysterious set? - you ask. And there is no mystery here, it's just a set of things with the enchantment effects we need, which will allow us to reveal our skills in Alchemy, Enchanting and Blacksmithing to their full potential.

It is done in three passes.

We take any ordinary things (hat, necklace, ring and gloves), Great Soul Stones and go to make a "passing", yes, "passing set" for enchantment.

Putting it on, we make a potion "Skill increase: Enchantment"

Sprigane resin

Witch's Claw

blue butterfly wing

snow berries

You should get a 30% potion.
Now let's move on to the second stage.

Having made four potions of the "Skill Up: Enchantment" potion, we take four more simple things and go to enchant the second passing set ...

Why did we have to make two walk-through sets? We need to squeeze out the maximum possible % from the potions we have prepared.
Now, having put on the second passing set, we again make potions on

"Skill Up: Enchantment", potions have already turned out by 32%

Now we take those things that we like (but preferably some rags that weigh 1 or even less.) and go to make the "Blacksmith's Set"

I have the following set.


Having put on the "Blacksmith's Set" we go and now brew potions for "Skill Up: Blacksmithing"

It is made from the following ingredients:

Spriggan resin

Saber Fang

fierce mushroom

glowing mushroom

It only takes two different ingredients to make it.

Now, having a "Blacksmith's Set" and a blacksmith's potion 130% improvement - you get the title

Skyrim Mastercraft!
Well, why are you standing, run, make your legendary Dragon / Daeric armor, I have already done everything for myself.

Enjoy crafting, I hope my instructions, tricks and tricks

will help you in Skyrim everyday life.

Have a nice game, comrades Dovakin =)

And remember, while we were suffering from crafting...


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