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Ekaterina Mikhailovna Pashkina

Chief physician of the Central Clinical Hospital of Omsk

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 05/16/2019

Children begin to explore this world from the moment they are born. They explore everything around them and develop physically and mentally at a rapid pace. By age 3, most children can speak fluently. After 3 years, active social integration begins, in which speech plays a vital role. Therefore, it is so important to develop coherent speech in preschool children.

Stages of speech development in preschoolers

Speech is not an innate, but an acquired skill. That is why it is necessary to engage in its development from an early age. Parents should know the norms and features of the speech development of preschool children in order to notice deviations in time, consult a doctor and solve problems at an early stage of their appearance. To do this, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the main stages of the development of spoken language:

Stage 1. Preparatory (from birth to 12 months). The first months of life a newborn only screams and cries. He doesn't understand words, only intonation. At about 3 months, the baby begins to make other sounds - babbling. It does not carry a semantic load, but requires mandatory encouragement, as it stimulates the speech apparatus.

After 5 months, the child tries to remember and repeat sounds heard from adults. At about 8 months he begins to understand that people are talking to him.

Stage 2. Pre-school (from 1 to 3 years). After 12 months, most already speak a few words (5 to 10). Until the age of 3, vocabulary actively grows, but children still understand more words than they can pronounce.

Stage 3. Preschool (from 3 to 7 years). During this period, colloquial speech actively develops. Children become inquisitive. They ask adults many questions, each of which must be answered so as not to discourage the child’s desire for self-development. Children who are 3 years old can describe various objects and even construct short stories. Their speech is unclear, many sounds are pronounced incorrectly: usually these are [Ш], [Ш], [Ч], [Ф], which are replaced by [С] and [З]. The sound [R] is especially difficult. It is either replaced by the sound [L] or skipped altogether. Even at 5 years old, not everyone can handle this sound.

By the age of 5, children are able to speak in a way that is understandable not only to their parents, but also to everyone else. They already know how to pronounce phrases, compose stories from pictures, and answer questions in detail.

By age 6, most children pronounce all sounds correctly. With children who distort some sounds, it is necessary to conduct correction classes. Otherwise, incorrect pronunciation will take root and it will be difficult to retrain the child.

The main reasons that have a negative impact on speech development in preschool age:

  1. Unfavorable home environment. A tense atmosphere in the family, daily quarrels and screams from parents.
  2. Incorrect speech of others, with errors.
  3. Inattentive attitude of parents to the child’s speech. Perhaps they simply do not pay attention to the fact that their child pronounces some sounds incorrectly.
  4. Defects of the speech apparatus (for example, short frenulum of the tongue).

Many preschool children have disturbances in the emotional and sensory sphere, which has a negative impact on the development of speech in preschool age. Usually the reason for this lies in the relationship with parents. This happens if mom and dad devote little time to communicating with the baby, do not engage in his development, or are engaged, but only in narrow areas. Parents are able to bring beauty and goodness into a child’s life, motivating him for creative impulses, and creating conditions for a constant desire to explore the environment.

It is worth noting that screen media (watching TV, playing on the computer), which occupy most of the leisure time, slow down the formation of coherent speech and communication skills.

To stimulate the speech development of preschool children, classes with them should be conducted not only in a preschool institution with a teacher, but also at home with their parents. Moms and dads should often communicate with their children in everyday life, stimulating the development of oral monologue and dialogic speech, and demonstrate personal examples of intonation expressiveness.

Development of a child’s monologue speech

Monologue speech is the speech of one person. A child with well-developed monologue speech is able to freely express his thoughts in an expanded form, convey them to the listener, and evaluate the events that have occurred. The development of monologue speech stimulates logical thinking. An important point is the presence of motivation, that is, the desire to tell something to someone.

Monologue speech has several functions:

  • Informational. With the help of a monologue, specific information is conveyed. This function is the most basic for children 3-7 years old.
  • Emotional-evaluative.
  • Impacted. A monologue can convince or even change your mind about something, and stimulate action.

The development of monologue speech is aimed at teaching the child the ability to clearly, distinctly and consistently voice his thoughts. This is necessary not only for preparing for school, but also for the development of the child as a full-fledged individual.

To develop monologue speech, you need to constantly enrich the child’s vocabulary, evoke the need to express his thoughts, and help him formulate the meaning of his words grammatically correctly.

Development of dialogic speech

To establish connections with other people, dialogical speech is used - a form of linguistic communication consisting of the exchange of statements. Through dialogue, contact is established and social relationships develop.

Dialogue speech is more complex than monologue speech. The child needs to be able to listen to the interlocutor, understand the idea that they want to convey to him, think about his remarks, and formulate them correctly.

Two methods are used to develop dialogical speech:

  1. Conversation is the most accessible form of communication. You need to talk with children constantly and on any topic: what they see, what they read, what they learned, etc.
  2. Conversation. During the conversation, questions are asked, answers are given, riddles are guessed, and logical problems are solved. The child learns to intuitively feel when a question needs to be answered in monosyllables, and when – in more detail.

One type of conversation is small talk, which involves dialogue on a free topic (vivid impressions, funny incidents, heard stories). In this case, the adult communicates with the child as an equal interlocutor.

The best way to improve dialogic speech is theatrical performance. Everyone tries on someone else’s role and moves away from their egocentric point of view.

Development of intonation expressiveness of speech

At the age of 5, most children already have intonation expressiveness due to regular communication with adults. But some children continue to read poems monotonously and inexpressively, and voice their roles in holiday productions and theatrical performances. Often they do not understand what an important role intonation plays in conveying the meaning of what is said and reflecting their feelings.

The development of intonation expressiveness occurs in 2 stages:

  1. Formation of the ability to perceive intonation.
  2. Learning the skills to use it in your own monologues.

The most obvious way to demonstrate to preschool children the importance of intonation is to read the same text, first monotonously, and then with expression.

The development of intonation expressiveness includes training:

  1. Speech rate(slow, moderate, fast). Various tongue twisters are used for this. At first they are spoken slowly, and then the speed increases.

Game "Carousel": kids stand in a circle, hold hands and slowly dance in a circle . The teacher says: “The carousel spun slowly, but now it’s faster!” The children speed up, and after a few laps they slow down. The gradual slowing down and stopping is accompanied by the words: “Quiet, don’t rush! Stop the carousel! One-two, and the game is over! During the next game, the children pronounce the words together with the adult and at the same time change the speed of the spoken phrases with the tempo of the round dance.

  1. Timbre of speech(high and low). For such classes of intonation expressiveness, reading the fairy tale “Teremok” is suitable. In it, the mouse speaks in a high voice, and the bear, on the contrary, speaks in a low voice.
  2. The rhythm of speech. During intonation expressiveness classes, voice phrases are accompanied by movements and gestures. Let the children stomp their feet and clap their hands to the rhythm of the words. When teaching, you can use the well-known children's song “Tra-ta-ta, we are taking the cat with us” and other similar rhythmic pieces of music.
  3. The power of the voice. All children are divided into two groups and stand opposite each other. One group loudly pronounces combinations of vowels “au”, “ou”, “ai”, “io” and others. The second one repeats after them, but much quieter. Then the groups change roles: the second speaks loudly, and the first speaks quietly.
  4. Melodike- change in voice during interrogative, exclamatory and affirmative sentences. The lessons explain that the human voice can rise and fall (go up and down). Up and down arrows are clearly drawn on the cards. The teacher calmly narrates (“There was a fluffy Christmas tree in the forest”), exclaims (“How beautifully the ice glistens in the sun in winter!”) and asks (“Where is Marya Petrovna?”).

Thus, the development of coherent speech in preschoolers is an important process that should be given maximum attention. It includes the development of monologue, dialogic speech and intonation expressiveness. Children need to be properly motivated to learn, interested in this process, selecting the most entertaining game tasks and exercises.

Dear caring adult! If you are reading this article, it means that you do not need to be reminded of how important it is for a future schoolchild to have developed speech. You yourself, most likely, try to speak correctly, without confusing the verbs “put on” and “dress”; You know in what cases a soft sign is placed in verbs ending in “-tsya”, and the word coffee for you still remains masculine. And we are very glad that we can help you in such an important matter as the development of speech in preschoolers - especially since this topic is extremely relevant: almost 60% of first-graders have various speech disorders.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Primary School describes a number of universal educational activities related to speech development. Of course, reading methodological recommendations on the development of a child’s speech and not being a specialist philologist or a preschool teacher (and this is a problem, because you have to develop a variety of aspects in a child, and parents a priori cannot be specialists in everything at once! ), it is difficult to understand all the terms and nuances of the requirements for the development of a preschooler. A wise and caring parent will definitely turn to the appropriate specialists during the development of their child in order to hear an adequate assessment of the level of readiness of their child for the next stage of life. We, in turn, will try to help you take steps independently towards the development of various necessary qualities of your children. Today we are talking - and forgive us for the tautology - about the development of speech in preschoolers.

During the first seven years of life, the baby must learn:

  • express your thoughts clearly and comprehensively, control your actions with the help of speech;
  • be able to communicate, as they say, “on topic”, speak on your own and maintain a dialogue;
  • compose oral stories on various topics, telling and describing what he sees in the picture, and express his thoughts about what he saw.

All life is a favorable period for speech development

The development of speech in preschoolers is a voluminous process: a little person is constantly learning how to express the knowledge he acquires in the process of life, emerging needs and emerging emotions. Accordingly, a person must have all this knowledge and impressions so that the basis for expression becomes as rich as possible. It is impossible to talk about anything, so we must try to provide the child with those very impressions that will awaken emotions and thoughts, and “force” him to talk about them.

This is confirmed by Dr. Pam Skiller, awarded the Outstanding Educator Award from the Texas Children's Education Association and author of the book Head Start. She reveals in her works and research the idea that the development of mental abilities (which includes speech) occurs with the direct help of emotional perception, and early cognitive experiences form the structure of the brain, laying the foundation for future abilities.

The development of speech in preschool children has very successful “favorable periods”: the main period lasts for a person from four to eight months; this is the time of the most rapid development of speech. “The next favorable period is when there is a new increase in the corresponding brain activity, which occurs from eight months to five years. The “further possible period”, indicating the chances of developing speech to some extent in the process of adaptation, adaptation to new life circumstances, is... any age! Which, of course, is good news - and adults have every chance of becoming Demosthenes! In this case, we are interested in immediate age. Well, the first year of a child’s education, since there is no limit to improvement!

According to the observations of primary school teachers, one of the main problems of beginning first-graders is the inability to speak coherently.

With rare exceptions, the speech of a seven-year-old child consists of monosyllabic answers, statements with little description, and undeveloped sentences. And this is even in schools considered “advanced” - lyceums and gymnasiums.

Play in its various manifestations: with dolls and board games, at home and on stage, on a walk, in a car, in nature - wherever possible.

Puppet theater as a means for speech development

And the most interesting game, of course, is in the puppet theater. Let's try to arrange such a theater at home, in kindergarten or at school! We know that the basis for the development of speech in preschoolers is the enrichment of feelings and emotions. The puppet theater influences the child’s speech with words, music, artistic images, characters, design, and the whole truly fabulous, festive atmosphere.

In preparation for participating in a puppet show, children enrich their vocabulary, gain an understanding of the literary language and norms of pronunciation, the culture of speech behavior, become familiar with monologue statements and dialogues, and learn to intonate. Young actors are working on expanding their timbral range, doing breathing and articulation exercises, and memorizing the text. Theater opens up the sound side of speech to children, they learn to highlight key words, control the pace of speech, and pauses in conversation.

It is important that the theater is a puppet theater - the child speaks indirectly, on behalf of the doll, while he himself is behind the screen at the time. The screen helps you loosen up and remove a certain pressure in front of the audience. With the help of a doll, a child will learn to gesture when speaking.

Speech development in preschoolers = socialization

At preschool age, children's social contacts expand. They begin to communicate with different interlocutors: children and adults, acquaintances and strangers. A puppet show can become a kind of communicative model for a child and teach how differently you can greet, say goodbye, thank, make a request, and how to conduct a dialogue on the phone.

By voicing a doll, the child learns intonation in accordance with a certain situation and the state of the interlocutor, and changes intonation depending on the role. By writing and acting out relevant stories with children, we can teach them how to express disagreement in a polite way, how to evaluate the actions of other people, how to get out of difficult situations with the help of speech. Since theater is a collective history, performing puppet shows also contributes to the development of children’s communicative activity in joint activities.

At the same time, the child’s hand movements also develop - after all, puppet theater actors must “revive” their glove or puppet partners in the play, transferring their energy to them. In the modern world of tablets and iPhones, there are much fewer opportunities for children to develop hand movements...

Theater as the basis of rhetoric

The possibilities of the theater are limitless - any didactic and educational task can be put into the plot of the performance, into the mouths of the characters. In the process of acting out stories and fairy tales, the child develops the ability to consistently tell a story, keeping in mind the sequence of events in the plot. When composing their own performances for the puppet theater, children learn the algorithm for creating a plot: beginning, exposition, development, climax, denouement. Any speech or performance can be structured using this algorithm.

One of the ways to create text for a puppet theater performance is to rework famous fairy tales, stories taken as the basis for your performance.

By choosing fairy tales, children learn to understand the themes of the texts, choose to systematize and synthesize material relevant to the topic, edit their own text, put emotions into the text, voicing the image of their hero.

Getting acquainted with the best speech patterns, children study the grammatical structure of speech, learn to speak in detailed sentences, rich images, use epithets, comparisons - to use all the riches of language in their speech. In addition, phonemic hearing also develops, which is very important for competent writing and mastering foreign languages.

You can make a puppet theater with your own hands, or you can use ready-made factory kits, for example, from the Kirov toy factory. They are good because they were created based on the recommendations of teachers and psychologists. The glove puppets included in the kit are suitable for acting out four to seven fairy tales. A book of fairy tales is also included. There are also puppet theaters for very young actors - made of cardboard. A convenient cardboard stage, colorful cardboard decorations, cute cardboard characters - a puppet theater based on Russian fairy tales. And for the little ones you can use a finger theater, where characters are put on their fingers. A wonderful tool for developing fine motor skills!

Competitions where everyone wins

There is an opinion that a child cannot be compared with anyone other than himself. Fair enough, considering that we are all different. But, on the other hand, competitiveness is inherent in a person from childhood. Remember a classroom being built, for example, for an excursion. "We are first!" - “No, we are first!” - there is a struggle to be the first couple in the column. There are practically no exceptions; in any children's group there will be people who strive for leadership, but have no other opportunity to prove themselves.

Give children a chance, directing their energy in a peaceful direction, hold competitions!

For example, competition "Best Speaker". Select an authoritative jury of high school students, an organizing teacher and a speech therapist; from grandmother, father and older sister. And there will be tasks for speech development. Then the lesson on speech development will not look like a lesson and will bring the children, and the organizer himself, pure joy.

Imagery of speech will help form riddles. This is a treasure trove of comparisons and allegories! Here's your first competition: for the best guesser.

The second competition is for the best tongue-twister, you need to pronounce one of the tongue twisters five times with speed. Which one is up to you to decide, because with the help of tongue twisters we also train the clear pronunciation of different sounds.

The third competition is descriptive. Who can select more interesting, unusual and accurate definitions for any word? For example, the word “cat”. Or "autumn". This is how we teach children to speak unconventionally, clearly and accurately.

Let the fourth competition be the competition of young detectives. Assignment: describe the item given to each presenter in such a way that it can be recognized. To do this, you need to say what the object is for, what it looks like, what shape it is, what it looks like, what emotions and thoughts appear when looking at it. And the task of everyone else is to guess what they are talking about.

Another version of this competition: the “detective” leaves the room for a minute, everyone makes a wish for one object. The “detective” must guess it by asking everyone leading questions that can be answered “yes” or “no.”

The fifth creative competition could be writing a short story, all words of which begin with the same letter. First, let's tell you the rules: let the story have 10 sentences, and it develops according to the scheme: beginning, climax, denouement. Of course, here the presenter can help the competitors a little at first.

If you hold these competitions at home, you can team up with people like you who are interested in the development of their children’s speech - neighbors, relatives, friends, and hold a real tournament of young rhetoricians. Of course, with prizes for a variety of victories. It is very important here that everyone wins, that the child has the joy of mastering correct speech, and that the entire process of speech development is accompanied by positive emotions. And indeed, everyone wins - by developing their speech!

“What a man is like is his speech,” said Socrates. So let’s work on developing the speech of our children so that they become wonderful people!


NOTE FOR TEACHERS - a large selection of various children's theater is sold in the educational toy store "Kindergarten" ( You can purchase ready-made fairy tales and individual characters. There are puppet, finger, table and other children's theater sets.

Development of speech skills in preschool educational institutions through play

Preschool age, as is known, is a period of intensive development of the child, and timely acquisition of correct speech, including its active use, is one of the main conditions for the normal psychophysical development of the child, the formation of a full-fledged personality, and preparation for school.
Currently, the number of preschool children who experience difficulties interacting with peers has increased. L.S. Vygotsky believed that “with the help of speech, a child for the first time becomes capable of mastering his own behavior, treating himself as if from the outside, considering himself as a certain object. Speech helps him master this object.”
In preschool age, play is the leading activity of the child, an effective method and one of the forms of teaching and upbringing that stimulates the speech activity of children.
Games with words and sounds for children are not only attractive, but also useful. Speech games are aimed at developing speech in children, clarifying and consolidating vocabulary, and developing correct sound pronunciation. At the same time, they are the basis for enhancing cognitive activity and developing mental abilities. Preschoolers develop the ability to express their opinions, draw conclusions, and apply new knowledge in various life situations.
Speech games are of great importance for the development of children's speech and thinking; they activate, enrich their vocabulary, improve phonemic hearing in children, and instill interest and love for language.

Games for developing and enriching active speech vocabulary

A) Complete the sentences
- In summer, the leaves on the trees are green, and in autumn...
- Bunny in the summer..., and in the winter...
- Mushrooms grow... and cucumbers grow on...
- The fish lives in..., and the bear lives in...
- Sugar is sweet, and lemon...
- It’s light during the day, but at night...
B) Complete the sentence
Children take turns finishing each of the sentences:
I want...
I can...
I will help...
I'll bring...
I'll sing...
B) Tell me which one
- The pencil is new, large, beautiful, ribbed, colored, thin, durable...
- Autumn leaf, yellow, large, small, fallen...
- Flower - fragrant, spring, forest, bright, small...
- The river is fast, transparent, deep, clean, wide...
- Mom is kind, gentle, sweet, affectionate, hardworking...

Games for recognizing parts of speech, finding out the relationship between them

A) Cheerful family
Name the animals and their babies correctly.
- Mom is a fox, dad is a fox, the kids are foxes.
- Rooster, hen, chickens.
- Cat, cat, kittens.
- Goose, goose, goslings.
- Bear, she-bear, cubs.
B) Big - small
Choose an affectionate word.
- Mom - mommy,
- vase - vase,
- cat - cat,
- sun - sunshine,
- river - rivulet,
- birch - birch,
- leaf - leaf.
B) Catch the ball
The teacher names the noun and throws the ball to the child. The child forms an adjective from the proposed word and returns the ball to the teacher.
- spring - spring,
- sun - sunny,
- birch - birch,
- linden - linden,
- rain - rainy.
Speech games to develop the ability to express one’s own opinion
A) Agreement - disagreement
The teacher’s task is to develop in children the ability to assert or challenge a thesis and justify their opinion.
Educator. It will be rain today.
Children. No, it won’t, because the sky is clear.
Educator. All the birds fly away to warmer climes.
Children. No, some remain for the winter (sparrow, crow, jackdaw).
Educator. This is a fish.
Children. No, it's not a fish. This is a mouse. A fish can't run, but a mouse can. The mouse has ears. but the fish do not.
B) Fable story
The teacher’s task is to teach how to determine the topic of reflection with inserted constructions “I think”, “I know”, “it seems to me”, “in my opinion”; deny inappropriate phenomena using subordinating conjunctions “because.”
After listening to the tall tales, children identify the inconsistencies they noticed.
In summer the sun shines brightly, so the children went for a walk. They made a slide out of snow and started sledding. Then they made a snow woman out of sand. That's how much fun the kids had!
Autumn has come because the green leaves have begun to fall. The children went on an excursion to the lake. There they saw a lot of interesting things. There were two perches and a crayfish sitting on the shore of the lake. When the children came closer, the crayfish and perches fell straight into the water. Near the lake there were many birch trees, and on their branches there were mushrooms hidden among the green leaves. The children jumped up and picked a few mushrooms. That's how many interesting things they saw on the excursion!
Games to improve correct sound pronunciation and develop phonemic awareness
A) New word formation
Replace the vowel sound [у] in the word:
squirrel is a bun, river is a hand, give is blow.
Replace the vowel sound [o]:
himself - catfish, frame - Roma, cash desk - scythe, race - dew.


1. “Education of sound culture of speech in children in preschool educational institutions”
Author: L.R. Bolotina, N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.N. Rodionova.
2. Speech therapy E.N. Krause 2002
3. A.I. Maksakov, G.A. Tumakova “Teach by playing” 2005.

Anna Loginova
Speech development of a preschooler

Article by Nina Efimovna Krasnova.

Kindergarten teacher No. 19 "Cornflower" Yakutsk

Speech development of a preschooler

Speech development- an urgent task of teaching in primary school, where the foundations of a person’s future personality are laid, because speech is the basis of all mental and practical activity, a means of human communication.

Because education is comprehensive developed personality is impossible without improving such an important tool of cognition and thinking as speech, speech development students is currently one of the main tasks of school education, and, first of all, its primary level.

Preschool age is decisive for learning baby: everything that a child learned or failed to learn in these early years will significantly affect his future intellectual development development, and schooling will not be able to compensate for the gaps in child development. Therefore, the main task of educators is development cognitive abilities preschoolers.

Formation of the basis of children's intellectual abilities, cognitive development child is influenced by the social environment. In the process of communicating with others, he learns the language, and with it the existing system of concepts. As a result, already in preschool At age, the child masters the language so much that he uses it freely as a means of communication.

Speech accompanies and improves the cognitive activity of children, makes work activity more focused and conscious, enriches games, promotes the manifestation of creativity and imagination in visual, musical, and literary activities.

To carry out work on cognitive-speech development children use the following means of speech development:

1. Communication between adults and children

2. Cultural language environment.

3. Learning native speech and language in the classroom.

4. Fiction.

5. Various types of art.

The teacher helps the child achieve communicative competence by the end of preschool age by solving problems on development of different aspects of speech at all ages groups:

« Development of coherent speech»

« Dictionary development»

"Mastering grammatically correct speeches»

“Mastering sound culture speeches»

"Preparing for Literacy"

Tasks of cognitive-speech development of preschool children are solved comprehensively, taking into account the age characteristics of children and requirements “Education and training programs in kindergarten”.

Based on all this, a speech model was developed child development.

(Annex 1)

Diverse speech, rich in additions, descriptions and synonyms, in children aged 3 to 7 years is an extremely rare phenomenon. Speech development in preschoolers is of primary importance because this is the time when the child is most receptive to its comprehension.

Children master their native language by imitating the spoken language of others.

It’s a pity that constantly busy parents during this period often forget about this and abandon the formation process. child's speech on its own.

Children spend very little time surrounded by adults (most often at the TV, at the computer, or with toys, rarely hear fairy tales told by mom and dad, and planned activities for Speech development in preschoolers is quite rare.

So it turns out that by the time the child enters school, a lot of problems arise. Therefore, solving the problem, speech development in preschoolers, let’s look at what problems parents and teachers encounter most often in this area.

Typical problems speech development of preschoolers:

1. Monosyllabic speech, which consists only of simple sentences (also called “situational” speech). Inability to correctly and competently construct a common sentence.

2. Scarcity speeches. Poor vocabulary.

3. Speech in which there is an excess of slang words (the result of watching TV,

use of non-literary expressions and words.

4. Poor dialogue speech: inability to ask questions in an accessible and competent manner, to construct long or short answer, if necessary and to the point.

5. Failure to line up monologue: for example, a descriptive or plot story on a specific topic, retell the received text in your own words.

6. Lack of logical justification in your conclusions and statements.

7. Lack of culture speeches: inability to use intonation, adjust tempo speeches and voice volume, etc.

8. Poor diction.

The main task of the teacher is to explain to the child what a particular word means and its meaning.

Classes on speech development necessarily include memorizing short poems and retelling the text read by the teacher.

As a result of these classes, by the time of school the child will learn to express himself competently, will have an impressive vocabulary and correctly pronounce all the sounds of the language.

The correct speech of an adult is very important for child speech development.

That is why it is useful to extend speech rules for kindergarten teachers to parents and the child’s immediate environment.

After all, if, in spite of everything, the baby hears at home "wha" And "Nizya", then all the work on development, done in kindergarten, is gradually coming to naught. This is especially noticeable if the child is absent from kindergarten for a long time, for example, in the summer.

Teacher's speech preschool educational institution has a teaching and educational orientation. The main thing is the quality of its language content, which ensures high work results.

The teacher’s speech is a reflection of the inner world, the characteristics of the intellectual and spiritual development of his personality, an important part of professional culture, which is a universal culture.

Child- preschooler spends most of his time in the nursery garden: communicates with the teacher, learns a lot from him, including culture speeches. Therefore, the teacher should pay special attention to his speeches.

Since the child perceives an adult’s speech as a model, the teacher must speak correctly, without distorting sounds, clearly articulating each word, without rushing, without "eating" endings.

You need to pronounce unfamiliar and long words especially clearly. Liveliness and richness of intonation also play an important role - they contribute to better assimilation speeches.

In cognitive development The teacher’s task is to consistently increase children’s stock of knowledge, organize it, and systematize it.

The child must receive clear representation:

About surrounding objects and their purpose;

About qualities (color, size, shape) items;

About properties (beats, breaks, tears, pours, etc.) items;

About the material from which objects are made

Back in the old days, tongue twisters were invented - a kind of folding speeches with repetition and rearrangement of the same letters or syllables that are difficult to pronounce.

Practice tongue twisters with your child, moderate his haste speeches. He will surely enjoy these funny and short poems.

Readiness or unpreparedness of the child to start school

Determined by the level of his speech development: precisely with the help speeches he has to learn (and learn) the entire knowledge system. If a six- to seven-year-old child mastered spoken language before school, he has yet to master written language.

A simple pattern: the better developed By the time a child enters school, his oral speech is improved, the easier it is for him to master reading and writing.

Unfortunately, for various reasons, every year more and more children come to the first grade with defects in the pronunciation of sounds, a poor vocabulary, and children who cannot construct a simple narrative sentence.

Testing speech readiness for school.

Correct pronunciation.

Before learning to read and write, the child must learn to pronounce all sounds correctly and clearly. It is unacceptable to have speeches complete sound replacements (SOLNYSKO instead of SOLNYSHKO, PALTA instead of PART). Such defects in the pronunciation of sounds are usually reflected in writing.

Presence of phonemic hearing.

To evaluate it, ask your child to write down a few words - not in letters, but in circles. There are as many circles as there are sounds in a word. For example, the word “house” should be depicted with three circles, the word “mother” with four.

Check whether the child understands the task correctly, and then dictate the words to the child so that he writes them in the form of circles.

Show him pictures of animals. (eg lion, wolf, cow) and the schemes of their names are written down in the form of circles (by the number of sounds in a word). The child's task is to determine which circles go with which word.

Ability to distinguish sounds.

Clear distinction of all sounds by ear speeches is one of the necessary prerequisites for mastering literacy. Writing any word requires the ability to identify each sound included in its composition and designate it with the corresponding letter. If some sounds seem the same to a child, when writing, he will inevitably have difficulty choosing the letters that correspond to these sounds. (and make mistakes).

For example, if a baby does not distinguish between the sounds B and P by ear, he will not know what the first letter is (B or P) must be written in the word BALKA or in the word PALKA.

The study of auditory differentiation of sounds is carried out using specially selected pictures (the names of the objects depicted on them differ only in one sound being tested).

State of vocabulary.

The older child preschool age vocabulary must be at least 2000 words (for some children it exceeds 5000 words).

It should contain the main parts speeches: nouns, verbs, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

To study it, a number of special techniques are used to determine the presence or absence of certain words in the child’s “dictionary” (see below).

Formation of grammatical systems.

This is, in essence, clarifying the question of whether the child has mastered the existing patterns of inflection and word formation in the language. The grammatical system of inflection of a child with normal developing Usually masters speech by the age of four, and the system of word formation by seven.

These terms are quite arbitrary. Sometimes even a seven year old speaks: “I arrived by subway”, “there’s a sweater under my coat”, “hot coffee”, “put down my pencil”, “run faster”, “blizzard day”, “cyclist - a person who rides a bicycle”, etc. (If the parents themselves speak correctly, this practically never happens).

Checking the development of a child’s grammatical systems is important because even a very large vocabulary does not solve the problem of the usefulness of oral speeches.

It is also important to be able to actively use existing words, to construct sentences and coherent statements from them, since only under this condition can one express one’s thoughts clearly enough. And for the correct construction of sentences, you need the ability to grammatically correctly coordinate words with each other.

Possession of coherent speech.

By coherent speech it is customary to understand such expanded(consisting of several sentences) statements that allow you to clearly and consistently express your thoughts.

Without fluency in coherent speech, the process of school learning is unthinkable (just remember the usual answers in class, so its development the child needs to worry already in preschool age.

Stories are usually divided into factual and creative.

The first, as the name indicates, convey real events (data)- based on their direct perception, or from memory.

The latter are built with the active participation of the creative imagination, thanks to which they can be supplemented with some details that did not exist in the real situation.

In form, stories can be descriptive or plot.

A descriptive story is a description of real or pictured things, plants, animals. There are no characters, there are no events, but the characteristics characteristic of a given subject are simply described. For example: "The puppy is black, shaggy; he has small ears and a short tail."

In a plot story there is a plot of action, its development, reaching some high point (culmination, and completion of the “incident”, or denouement; events here must be transmitted in time sequence, taking into account cause-and-effect relationships.

Periodically offer your child tasks that test communication skills. speech:

Let him listen and retell a previously unknown story close to the text;

He will tell you how today went;

Compose a short fairy tale or story;

Describe a picture of nature;

Describe drawings in which, for example, children play, help adults, relax by the sea;

Describe your family, friend or pet;

He will tell you how, for example, the preparation for the holiday and the holiday itself went, and will try to express and describe his impressions.

consultation for parents

“Smart books for smart kids”


Fiction is a powerful, effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children; it has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of children's speech.

Books open and explain to a child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. They make children's emotions more intense, develop imagination and provide preschoolers with excellent examples of the Russian literary language. These samples are different in their impact: in stories, children learn conciseness and precision of words; the verses capture the musicality, melodiousness, and imagery of Russian speech; folk tales reveal to them the accuracy and expressiveness of the Russian word, show how rich their native speech is in humor, lively and figurative expressions, and comparisons.

Preschool children are listeners, not readers; works of art are conveyed to them by an adult; Therefore, adults’ knowledge of children’s literature and mastery of expressive reading skills are of particular importance. An adult who decides to read a book to a child or tell something about what they read has an important task - to convey what they read to children as a work of art, to reveal its intent, to infect the child with an emotional attitude to what they read: feelings, actions, lyrical experiences of the characters.

The ability to correctly perceive a literary work, to understand, along with the content, elements of artistic expression, does not come to the child by itself: it must be developed and educated from a very early age. In this regard, it is very important to develop in children the ability to actively listen to a work, to listen attentively to artistic speech. Thanks to these skills, the child will develop his own bright, imaginative, colorful, grammatically correct speech.

We, kindergarten teachers, are forced to note that modern children increasingly spend their time playing computer games, watching TV shows and reading books less and less. Today, the relevance of solving this problem is obvious, because reading is associated not only with literacy and education. It forms ideals, broadens one’s horizons, and enriches a person’s inner world. In conditions where entire electronic libraries are being created, it is difficult to force a child to pick up a book. But this needs to be done: look for interesting forms of work to introduce children to reading, involving you, the parents, in this search.

Dear parents! Remember how important your role is in ensuring the full speech development of your child. Without your help, all the efforts of educators will be insufficient and ineffective. Many parents believe that developed speech is the ability to read and write, recite a poem, and they try to teach all this to their child as early as possible. But it has long been known that reading and writing skills are not indicators of children’s speech development; they are only one of the stages of a large, complex, long-term work.

In kindergarten, this work begins with an examination of the state of children’s speech, during which the level of speech development of each child and the group of children as a whole is revealed. The examination is carried out in four sections: sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech.

During individual consultations, each of you, dear parents, was familiarized with the level of speech development of your child. We talked to you about joint actions in the development of children's speech. Please remember that this is not a one-time event, but a complex and lengthy process.


I think that many will agree with me that the traditions of reading together with a child, uniting all family members and cultivating interest in books, are becoming more and more a thing of the past. Some parents, making attempts to introduce their child to reading, are faced with the problem of holding the child’s attention and the inability to interest the child in the plot of the work. As a result, they leave this activity, believing that the child is simply not interested, and therefore he does not want to read or listen. And children's books gather dust on the shelves. Do not give up!

Regular reading to a child is a guarantee that the child will have a large vocabulary, construct sentences correctly, and speak expressively and beautifully. In addition, reading develops intelligence, gives new knowledge, develops the habit of searching for new knowledge, and develops perseverance. Turning to a book plays a very important role in the psychophysiological development of a preschooler: phonemic hearing, memory, attention, and imagination develop.

Your child doesn't want to read? And you put everything aside for 10-15 minutes, invite dad, grandmother, son and daughter to a soft cozy sofa, turn on the table lamp and open an interesting book. Who is reading today? You? Then get started! Just 10-15 minutes, and the evening will become unforgettable. Just don’t forget to talk about what you read together afterwards; this is very important for the child to form the correct idea of ​​the book and its characters.

Joint actions in the development of children's speech. Please remember that this is not a one-time event, but a complex and lengthy process.

  • advice on vocabulary work with children;
  • playing breathing exercises to develop speech breathing;
  • finger games and exercises;
  • games aimed at enriching the vocabulary and developing the grammatical structure of speech;
  • recommendations “How to read a book to children”, “How to conduct a conversation based on a work of art”, “What book to buy for a child”, etc.

Let's start our interesting conversation about the correct speech development of preschool children withTRADITIONS OF FAMILY READING.

I think that many will agree with me that the traditions of reading together with a child, uniting all family members and cultivating interest in books, are becoming more and more a thing of the past. Some parents, making attempts to introduce their child to reading, are faced with the problem of holding the child’s attention and the inability to interest the child in the plot of the work. As a result, they leave this activity, believing that the child is simply not interested, and therefore he does not want to read or listen. And children's books gather dust on the shelves. Do not give up!

Regular reading to a child is a guarantee that the child will have a large vocabulary, construct sentences correctly, and speak expressively and beautifully. In addition, reading develops intelligence, gives new knowledge, develops the habit of searching for new knowledge, and builds perseverance. Turning to a book plays a very important role in the psychophysiological development of a preschooler: phonemic hearing, memory, attention, and imagination develop.

Your child doesn't want to read? And you put everything aside for 10-15 minutes, invite dad, grandmother, son and daughter to a soft cozy sofa, turn on the table lamp and open an interesting book. Who is reading today? You? Then get started! Just 10-15 minutes, and the evening will become unforgettable. Just don’t forget to talk about what you read together afterwards; this is very important for the child to form the correct idea of ​​the book and its characters.

It is very important to choose the right books to read to children. We recommend reading “smart” fairy tales and poems by classical poets to children, and purchasing audio cassettes if possible. When a child listens to fairy tales and stories performed by masters of artistic expression accompanied by music, the impact on his imagination increases, and the expressiveness of speech develops.

  • the text in them is a condensed or incorrect retelling of the author's fairy tales;
  • illustrations do not correspond to the text or are not aesthetically pleasing;
  • the author of the book is not a children's writer, and his texts are works of fiction for children;
  • The book must be age appropriate.

On the day of the consultation in a group or in the reception area, you can arrange the exhibitions “Our Favorite Books”, “What to Read to a Preschool Child”

photo exhibition “Read to me, mother!” with photographs of family reading.

Dear parents! Please pay special attention to the presence in the houseBOOK CORNER or BOOKSHELF,where the child keeps his books with fairy tales, poems and stories. A child should grow up with the firm conviction that a book is his friend, and friends should be treated with love. Careful treatment of the book is ensured by work"BOOK HOSPITAL"in a kindergarten group where children learn how to repair books: glue torn pages together with the teacher, smooth out wrinkled sheets. If you have “sick” books at home, do not throw them away, but treat them with your child. And let the day of purchasing a new book be a holiday in the family.

I think that many parents will agree with this statement that there are situations when you decide to read to your child or tell something, but he does not want to listen to you, he is busy with something else. How to force him? Forcing you to listen will not give any benefit; rather, it will cause an aversion to reading. There are specialTECHNIQUES FOR ATTRACTING CHILDREN'S ATTENTION AND MAINTAINING INTEREST IN STORYTELLING AND READING:

  • "An unexpected start."Communication with children can take place in any environment. The main thing is the effect of surprise. When the child is not expecting anything special, suddenly an unusual story or reading of a new book begins.
  • “We expected one thing and got something else.”If the children are naughty and do not listen to the adult, instead of the traditional method - a stern shout, a serious suggestion, which children are ready (expect) - the adult suddenly sits the children around him or next to him and begins a story. The topic can be anything - the main thing is interest.
  • “Not only do, but also listen.”During the work of children (in a corner of nature, on a site, in play areas), an adult begins to talk about something or someone. The main thing is that the theme of the story must correspond to the activity in which the children are engaged. This will make the story not only an interesting message, but also much needed information.

Developing interest in books and reading, the desire to re-open a familiar book and remember its contents"BOOK HOLIDAYS". We

We conduct them in a kindergarten group and strongly recommend that they be carried out at home, in the family. They do not require any special serious and troublesome preparation. Invite your child to the bookshelf, pick up a book that has been familiar to him for a long time and say: “You know, today is your book’s holiday. Today marks a year since you and I bought it in the store and it lives on our bookshelf. Let's do something nice for her, because you like her. We will now take it off the shelf, leaf through its pages, look at the bright pictures again, and remember her heroes, let's read our favorite places from this book. She will be very pleased that we love and remember her.”

You can give gifts to your favorite books - thisCHILDREN'S DRAWINGS AND CRAFTS,made based on the works they read. In kindergarten we regularly registerEXHIBITIONS of children's drawings and crafts.

By the day of the consultation for parents, you can arrange exhibitions of children's drawings for Russian folk tales or invite parents to make crafts together with their children and also arrange an exhibition.

And if you, dear parents, hear a request from teachers to complete a drawing or craft based on a fairy tale or story with your child at home, do not refuse. Give your child the joy of joint creativity. Your children do not leave the work they brought to kindergarten and talk about what they drew with you. Even in a family setting, at home, you can also organize such an exhibition. If your child loves to draw and draws a lot, here is our advice - do not throw away his drawings, collect them, and then you can make an exhibition and invite grandparents, aunt, neighbor to look at the children's creativity. We are sure that the child will be very flattered by the attention of adults and will be happy to talk about his work.

Children's drawings can be used for another type of joint activity between a child and an adult, aimed at developing children's speech. ThisMANUFACTURING HANDMADE BOOKS.

Introduce homemade books to parents “Riddles from the Garden”, “Through the Pages of Favorite Fairy Tales”, “New Year at the Gate”.

The work of creating a book is very exciting for children. It’s one thing to read a book that adults bought in a store, quite another to make it yourself. To create such a homemade book, in kindergarten we collect children’s drawings, write down their stories, together we come up with and design the cover, and when everything is ready, we sew the leaves together. And here's a miracle - the book is ready! As a rule, for a whole week this homemade book holds the palm among all the books in the group. All children, and every day, want to look at this particular book, and not any store-bought one.

You can make such books at home with your child by collecting his drawings and recording his stories. We are sure that such a book will be in demand by your child for a very long time. The day will come when the child will have enough of playing with this book, but even then, do not throw it away, put it away... You can give it to your child again, for example, on the day he comes of age. Let him receive greetings from his distant childhood.

Another form of introducing children to books and reading isVISITING THE LIBRARY.Pupils of the older groups of the kindergarten often visit the library of the House of Culture, where a series of lessons “Through the Pages of Favorite Fairy Tales” has been developed for them, including competitions and quizzes. We donate children's drawings to the library and organize exhibitions of children's creativity in the reading room. If in your families, dear parents, someone is a library reader, then bring your children with you to the library, teach them to choose books, treat them with care, and introduce them to the work of a librarian.

Our dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers! The teachers of our kindergarten intend to turn to you with a request: please agree to fulfillHOMEWORK ON SPEECH DEVELOPMENT.We invite you to play the game with us"NEW WORD".The purpose of this game is to expand the child's vocabulary. And it's very easy to play. On a day off, parents “give” the child a new word, always explaining its meaning. Then, together with the child, you need to make a drawing on a sheet of paper that represents this new word, and write it on the back. On Monday, the children will bring the “word given at home” to the group and introduce it to their friends. We will put these “pictures-words” into"BOX OF SMART WORDS"and periodically conduct speech games with them. Such a simple game will haveGreat help for adults in replenishing a child’s vocabulary.

There is another remedy that has a positive effect on the development of a child’s speech. ThisWRITING LETTERS.Well-known specialist in the field of children's speech E.I. Tikheyeva spoke about the benefits of children writing letters as a means of preparing the child to master the art of epistolary. Involving a child in correspondence helps to develop in children moral qualities and feelings, friendliness, love and attentive attitude towards loved ones, and caring. You can practice writing a letter with your child before your favorite children's holiday - New Year. Many children in kindergarten say that they and their mother wrote a letter to Santa Claus. Why not write a letter to Cinderella or Thumbelina? In order for writing a letter to become an exciting activity for a child, it is important not to force him to do it, but to arouse interest by reading the poem “My Good Children” by Y. Tuvim, “Mail” by S. Marshak. You can take your child to the post office so that he can put the letter in the mailbox himself. When composing a letter, the child will tell the story, and the adults will write down the text. The finished letter must be read aloud. Before writing a letter, we advise you to tell your child some rules for writing it:

  • the letter begins with an address;
  • then information about yourself is provided;
  • then questions are asked, any wishes are expressed, etc.;
  • at the end of the letter you must say goodbye and write your name;
  • You can attach children's drawings to the letter, it will be pleasant for the recipient.

You can show parents children's letters that children wrote in a group, for example, a letter in the fairy tale "Teremok" to the animals, the inhabitants of a fairy-tale house, or a letter to Kolobok with children's drawings.

In order for a child’s speech to be beautiful, correct, and intonationally expressive, one more tool can and should be used - thisMEMORIZING POEMS BY MEMORY.Every parent wants their child to know a lot of poems. There is no greater joy for mothers and fathers than to see their child performing at a holiday and reciting by heart. But many of you, mothers and fathers, complain that the child cannot remember the text, and sometimes does not want to learn poetry. What then should adults do?

For children to successfully memorize poems, a combination of different types of memory should be used: auditory, visual, tactile, motor, emotional. Dear parents, when memorizing, do not use only repeated repetition of the text, but turn this process into a fun play on the content of the poem. What can be done for this? Learn by heart, play with your child. For example:

  • Game "STEPS" when a child happily stomps on bumps and recites the text of a poem;
  • Game "Loud - Quiet" when you can invite the child to pronounce one line of text loudly and another quietly;
  • A game "Fast slow",when one line of a poem is pronounced quickly and another slowly;
  • A game "We speak in turns"when a child says one line of a poem and an adult says another, then they change the order of the lines.

Conversations with the child about the content of the poem, acting it out in different ways (dramatization, finger games, dialogue), expressive reading develop figurative memory and help quickly remember the text.

Dear parents! When solving problems of your child's speech development, please do not forget about the main thing - before you is a CHILD. And the most important thing for your baby is play. After all, play is the main activity for preschool children. While playing, the child masters such an important type of activity as speech. Let's talk about GAMES, which can be used in work on children’s speech development. There are many of them: dramatization games, theatrical games, various types of theater, didactic games, finger games, games for the development of speech breathing and fine motor skills of the hands, for the formation of intonation expressiveness of speech.

Often, educators hear from parents that they simply do not have time to play with their child at home: work, fatigue accumulated at the end of the day, household chores. Therefore, very often in such families children are seated in front of the TV or computer, and the problem is solved - the child is busy.

Dear parents! You can even play with your child in the kitchen. For this, simple finger exercises can be used (sort through cereals, pasta, make a house out of matches, etc.), games to enrich the child’s vocabulary (“What words can be pulled out of soup, compote, stove?”, “Name tasty words? Sour words "Bitter words?", "Wonderful bag" (guessing fruits and vegetables by touch and naming qualities). In order to develop the grammatical structure of speech, you can play the game "Let's make jam from...." (apples - apple, cherries - cherry, etc. .d.), “What kind of dishes do we have?” (made of glass - glass, made of wood - wooden, etc.).

When working on speech development for preschool children, we recommend usingDIDACTIC GAMES.There are a lot of them, here are some: “Whose baby is this?”, “What grows where?”, “Wild and domestic animals”, “Find and name”, “Who is whose mother?”, “Where is whose leaf?”, “Whose is this a house?”, “Who’s hiding?”, “Clever fairy tales”, “Finish the fairy tale”, “Dangerous - safe”, “Who wears what”, “Memory”, etc.

One of the main tasks of speech formation is the development of speech breathing, which includes the development of a long and sufficient force of oral exhalation, the ability to silently and timely draw in air during the process of speaking. Help solve this problemGAME BREATHING EXERCISES

“Hit the gate”, “Skiers”, “Whose leaf will fly further?”, “Blow, blow, breeze”, etc. To improve speech breathing, we suggest you, parents, together with your children, pronounce small tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles on one exhale , counters.

Solving developmental problems in children THE POWER OF THE VOICE, adults should not only pay attention to the fact that the child answers loudly, but also teach him

speak in different ways: loudly, quietly, moderately - depending on the content of the text; learn to control your speech. The games “Let's Talk Quietly”, “Thunder Rumbles”, “Hush, Hush, the Cat is on the Roof...”, etc. can help teach children this skill.

If you want your child’s speech to be beautiful, then from early childhood you need to teach children to use different words in their speech.INTONATION: INTERROGATIVE, EXCLAMATIVE AND AFFIRMATIVE. And this

training can also be carried out in the game. Prepare cards with the image of a dot (“we speak calmly”), an exclamation mark (“we speak loudly, we are happy, we are angry, we are upset”), a question mark (“we ask about something”). By playing with such cards, we train children to pronounce the same phrases with the intonation of joy, surprise, request, grief or a simple message. These simple games, which can be played during any homework, on vacation, or while traveling, help develop intonation and expressive speech in a child.

Invite parents to practice this type of speech training and say several phrases with different intonations, for example: “MOM BOUGHT ME A BALL!?”, “WE ARE GOING FOR A WALK TODAY!?”

Observing the speech of children, we note that some of them speak quickly, rush, and swallow words; others, on the contrary, speak very slowly and drag out their words. Introduce children to concepts"FAST SPEECH, SLOW SPEECH,

MODERATE SPEECH" You can also use the game. For example, the game “DRUMMER”, when children practice tapping with their palms the beat set by the teacher when reading a poem.

Invite parents to play this game to gain experience in its implementation, for which they recite any short poem at a different pace.The game-exercise “Round Dance” helps to consolidate the ability to coordinate the tempo of movements and speech. Children dance in a circle, holding hands, and pronounce at a slow pace the words of any familiar nursery rhyme or small poem, for example, “THE DROPPED THE BEAR TO THE FLOOR..” As the movement accelerates, the pace of speech also accelerates. Children really like these games, and they very quickly learn the concepts of “fast and slow speech”

Since the formation of children’s speech is closely related to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, systematic work is carried out in kindergarten to train the fine movements of children’s fingers. This happens during drawing, sculpting, appliqué, working with scissors, and breaking small objects. For the development of fine motor skills of the hands, there are specialFINGER GAMES(“Building a house”, “Jump rope”,"I - artist”, “Basket”, “Bell”, “Bird” and others).

Show parents two or three finger games.These games do not require special long-term preparation; you can play them with your child at home in the evenings, gathered around the TV, or in the kitchen, with the whole family. Dear parents, we invite you all to our kindergarten for our classes so that you can watch joint finger games and breathing exercises. In kindergarten there are selections of such games, there are many of them in magazines on preschool education that we are ready to offer you for your reference.

In order for our kids to learn bright, expressive speech, we, adults, have a lot of work to do to enrich the vocabulary of our preschoolers, develop

grammatical structure of speech. And here, too, games for consolidating speech skills, selecting figurative language means (“Which one? Which one?”, “Comparisons”, “Why did they call it that?”), for describing a variety of objects (“What is made of what?”, etc.) will also come to the rescue. “What color?”, “Who can name the most?”, “Where is whose house?”, “Who gives their voice?”).

Offer parents 2-3 games for training.In such games, adults involve children in a playful dialogue, thereby creating an atmosphere of common interests between the adult and the child.

A special place in the work on children’s speech development is occupied byTHEATER GAMES.Theatrical activities not only introduce children to the world of beauty, but also awaken in them the ability to compassion, empathy, and activate thinking, imagination, attention, and memory. But the theatrical game will not take place if the speech of the participants is not expressive. Even children 3-4 years old, for whom the visual and figurative range is more important, listen to the words of the artists, perhaps not fully understanding what they mean. Theatrical games unite children, instill in them a sense of partnership, mutual assistance, accelerate the process of mastering public speaking skills, help them step over the “I won’t, I’m shy!”, and believe in themselves.

Dear mothers and fathers, grandparents!Let's play theater with the children. Our kids should begin their “stage activity” with toys: learn to talk with a toy, perform certain movements, and only then move on to fairy tales and dramatization of individual passages. Fairy tales have always had enormous power over children's hearts. A wise fairy tale teaches our children to live and believe in goodness.

You can play with children only well-known fairy tales, based on the content of which the child can easily and willingly answer questions. Dramatization games should be based on simple dialogue that is easy for children to remember and reproduce. And if you also dress up the little actors in costumes, then the success of the performance is guaranteed.

Children enjoy playing “theater”; they like to transform into fairy-tale characters. First, children learn the role by playing with a toy (fox, bunny, bear). It seems to us, adults, that portraying a fox or hare is very simple. But all this is difficult for children and does not come right away: after all, they need to learn to speak in the voice of the one who needs to be portrayed, and to move like a fairy-tale hero.

Having learned to play with a toy, children get acquainted with the table theater. Each group has the following fairy tale theaters: “KOLOBOK”, “TEREMOK”, “THREE BEARS”, “ZAYUSHKINA IZBUSHKA” and other fairy tales. Teachers use them in speech development classes, and children play with them in their free time. Now in the store you can buy bright, homemade cardboard books based on various fairy tales familiar to children. These are ready-made infusions l ny theaters, all you have to do together with your child is cut out the fairy tale characters, glue them together, decorate the scenery - and the theater is ready. You can play this tabletop theater with the whole family.

After making sure that the kids have mastered the table theater, the kindergarten moves on to the “mask theater.” If in the tabletop theater the child manipulated toys, now he himself is an artist: a bunny, a bear, a fox, etc. In kindergarten, each group is equipped with a theatrical corner, where you can find masks of many fairy-tale characters, they are available to children. Teachers are happy when children are passionate about the theater, help them learn the role, teach them facial expressions and gestures. Children in kindergarten get acquainted with BI-BA-BO dolls, finger theater, and shadow theater. Classes in the TEREMOK (theatricalization of Russian folk tale) circle help preschoolers improve their speech through theatrical activities.

Theatrical games and dramatization games are not just fun and entertainment, it is not just an opportunity to prepare a performance and demonstrate the achievements and talents of children, but also to open for them the complex world of the native Russian language, the richness of their native speech.

Dear parents! You were shown various means by which you can activate your child’s speech. But let me tell you that all of them may turn out to be ineffective and not bring any positive results if one more factor is missing -COMMUNICATION OF A CHILD WITH PEOPLE,and, first of all, with PEERS. No matter how expensive toys we fill a child with, if he is isolated from the children's world, loneliness will leave a terrible imprint on him - he will grow up silent, unable to ask and answer. Take care of your child’s childhood environment, rejoice in his ability to talk and play with others like himself: after all, it is in play that the child’s communicative sphere is formed, a certain value system is developed, a sense of responsibility for a common cause, and a desire to express oneself among peers and adults. Children acquire an additional opportunity to consolidate such skills as the ability to clearly express their thoughts, intentions, emotions to others, and the ability to understand what others want from you.

Your baby will grow up and go to school. One of the conditions for his successful education at school is the full formation of speech in preschool age. Adults are the main “guides” of the child into the world of speech culture - speech thinking and communication. The organization of meaningful children's communication depends on us, adults. In communication with adults, the child masters speech norms, learns new words and thereby expands his vocabulary. And so that new words are not quickly forgotten by the child, children need to communicate with each other. The desire to be understood, heard and to receive an answer makes the preschooler’s speech in communication with peers coherent and complete. Their mutual connections are more emotional, which creates conditions for versatile speech development. This is why it is so important to encourage children's play communication.

Dear Parents! Only together with you, trying to find different forms of introducing children to speech development, will we be able to overcome the complex process of forming correct figurative speech, which begins in the preschool years and improves throughout life.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Anzhero-Sudzhensky urban district "DS No. 31"

“Speech development of middle preschool children in the process

Teaching storytelling"

teacher of preschool educational institution No. 31

Rasskazova N.S.

  1. Introduction
  2. Theoretical background
  3. Practical part
  • Content module
  • Diagnostics
  1. Used Books
  2. Applications


A story is a relatively complex type of coherent speech, since creating a new text is more difficult than reproducing a finished literary work. The development of children's coherent speech is carried out primarily through teaching storytelling, which begins with a simple retelling of short literary works with a simple plot and is brought to the highest forms of independent creative storytelling.

Target: teach children different types of storytelling.


1. Teach children to use different parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives) in:

  • descriptive stories based on the painting
  • description of the toy

2. Teach children to use monologue speech when telling descriptive stories.

3.Continue to teach children to use diagrams when telling stories.

4. Constantly enrich children's vocabulary.

5. Teach children to listen carefully to each other (complement).

6. With the help of storytelling, develop the following mental functions: speech, memory, thinking, attention.

7. Work among parents on the development of children’s speech (consultations, individual conversations, parent-teacher meetings)


1. Speech impairment.

2. Individual characteristics of children.

3. Non-systematic visits by children to kindergarten.

Overcoming risk:

1. Individual work of the teacher with children.

2. Individual work of teachers with parents.

Relevance of the project:

To successfully master the school curriculum, kindergarten graduates must develop the ability to coherently express their thoughts, build a dialogue and compose a short story on a specific topic. The development of coherent monologue speech is the central task of children's speech education. This is due, first of all, to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in coherent monologue speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized. Therefore, I believe that teaching storytelling will contribute to the development of coherent monologue speech, and the sooner children begin teaching storytelling, the better the result will be.

Based on the above, I decided to develop a project

"Teaching storytelling as a means of developing the speech of children 4-5 years old."


I assume that after a series of activities on teaching storytelling, the vocabulary will expand, children will be able to write simple stories, describe toys and pictures. Children will develop the ability to coherently express their thoughts and build a dialogue.

Theoretical justification of the project.

The development of coherent speech is the central task of children's speech education. This is due, first of all, to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized. Connected speech is the highest form of speech of mental activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development of the child (T.V. Akhutina, L.S. Vygotsky, N.I. Zhinkin, A.A. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, F. A. Sokhin and others). Mastering coherent oral speech is the most important condition for successful preparation for school.

The psychological nature of coherent speech, its mechanisms and developmental features in children are revealed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.A. Leontyeva, S.L. Rubinstein and others. All researchers note the complex organization of coherent speech and point to the need for special speech education (A.A. Leontyev, L.V. Shcherba).

Teaching coherent speech to children in the domestic methodology has rich traditions laid down in the works of K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy. The fundamentals of the methodology for developing coherent speech in preschoolers are defined in the works of M.M. Konina, A.M. Leushina, L.A. Penevskaya, O.I. Solovyova, E.I. Tikheyeva, A.P. Usova, E.A. Flerina. The problems of content and methods of teaching monologue speech in kindergarten were fruitfully developed by A.M. Borodich, N.F. Vinogradova, L.V. Voroshnina, V.V. Gerbova, E.P. Korotkova, N.A. Orlanova, E.A. Smirnova, N.G. Smolnikova, O.S. Ushakova, L.G. Shadrina and others. The features of children's coherent speech and methods of teaching different types of texts based on different sources of statements were studied. The authors defined the goals and objectives of the development of coherent speech, methodological principles, created systems of training sessions for various types of coherent statements, and considered the specific conditions for children to master coherent speech.

Most pedagogical studies are devoted to the problems of developing coherent speech in children of senior preschool age. Further development requires questions of the formation of speech coherence in the middle group, taking into account the age and individual differences of children in the fifth year of life. The fifth year of life is a period of high speech activity of children, intensive development of all aspects of their speech (M.M. Alekseeva, A.N. Gvozdev, M.M. Koltsova, G.M. Lyamina, O.S. Ushakova, K.I. Chukovsky, D.B. Elkonin, V.I. Yadeshko, etc.). At this age, there is a transition from situational to contextual speech (A.M. Leushina, A.M. Lyublinskaya, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin).

In modern pedagogical practice, there is a very contradictory picture of the state of teaching children of this age coherent speech. On the one hand, in many preschool educational institutions, the capabilities of children from 4 to 5 years old in mastering their native language are underestimated; learning coherent speech is limited only to the framework of dialogue or retelling of well-known fairy tales and stories, descriptions of individual objects, on the other hand, they are unjustifiably transferred content, forms and methods of teaching coherent speech to older preschoolers in secondary groups. This approach is reflected in a number of numerous variable programs.

Thus, there is a contradiction between the needs of mass practice in the methodology of forming the coherence of speech in children of middle preschool age and its insufficient development.

This circumstance led to special work, the purpose of which was to solve the following problem: under what pedagogical conditions is it possible to more effectively develop speech coherence in children of the fifth year of life.

With the help of cross-sectional experiments, the features of coherent utterances of children of the fifth year of life were identified, depending on the nature of the visual material and the communication situation, the most effective methodological techniques for forming speech coherence were determined, and situations were selected in which the development, coherence, and compositional completeness of children's utterances are better ensured .

In modern methods of speech development, coherent speech is considered as the central task of children's speech development. Most studies are devoted to the problems of developing monologue speech in children of senior preschool age. The issues of speech development in children of middle preschool age remain insufficiently studied.

In the training system, it is important to use special speech exercises aimed at developing all aspects of speech, especially its semantics, and mastering the methods of intra-textual connections; variable visualization, enriching the content of the children's monologue, ensuring the dynamics of actions and allowing children to master the structure of a coherent statement (series of pictures with a developing plot, sets of toys, figures for flannelgraph).

The teacher must teach children to talk about events from their own lives; describe things, plants, animals or toys that replace them; talk about what is depicted in pictures, static and moving (series of pictures on one plot, filmstrips, slides), films.
Depending on this, children's stories can be classified as follows:
1) story about events:

a) happened just now, b) happened much earlier;
2) a story about objects (things, plants, animals):

a) observed at the moment, b) from memory;
3) story based on the picture:

a) static, b) moving - a series that develops the plot (done in a typographical way, like a slide, a filmstrip, or a similar positive);
4) a story based on a movie.
All of the listed types of stories, depending on the purpose of learning, can be performed as a description, narration or elementary reasoning.
Children are prepared for a story in the same way as for a conversation: children must imagine the subject of the story in all its vital fullness, accessible to sensations (size, shape, color, smell, taste, sound, nature of movements, etc.); To name all the signs of an object, actions and their relationships, children must already have words and grammatical forms in stock. Therefore, storytelling exercises should be preceded by lexical, grammatical (if necessary, phonetic) exercises, as well as interview exercises. The special task of the story (as well as the task of retelling) is the development of monologue speech in children.
The teacher teaches storytelling using chains of questions, i.e., a plan that provides for guiding the logic of the child’s narration, description, or reasoning.
The story plan can be simple, that is, a linear chain of questions, or complex, that is, branched out with additional chains of questions (prompting or just leading). Naturally, classes are held differently with children of different age groups, and the requirements for children in these classes are also different.
Discussions on this topic can also be offered to children in the middle group if they are well prepared.
During a story lesson, it is always advisable to recall poems, fairy tales, proverbs, and riddles already known to children: this increases the emotional mood of children and makes their stories more expressive.
Children learn to tell a story from a picture by looking at the corresponding pictures: static or moving. Static paintings are didactic material for descriptions: the story about the objects or actions depicted on them is told in one time plan.
Movable pictures (typographic series, filmstrips, code positives, etc.) are didactic material for narratives: a story about objects or actions depicted on them is a reproduction of successive situations.
Any picture can provide material for reasoning; you just have to ask the question why? (this or that action occurred) or under what condition? (the object receives one or another attribute).
So, teaching storytelling is carried out using techniques of relying on real objects, relying on memories, relying on pictures. The process of teaching a monologue (narration, description, reasoning) is that the teacher, firstly, helps the child, with the help of a plan (chain of questions), not to deviate from the topic, to present events in a logical sequence, and secondly, takes care of the emotional expressiveness of speech the narrator, prompting him with appropriate intonations and offering excerpts of poems, fairy tales, riddles, stories suitable for the given topic


Event name




Looking at the painting “Rabbit with Little Rabbits”


Rasskazova N.S.

Lesson "Visiting a squirrel"

Rasskazova N.S.

Reinforcement lesson “Visiting a squirrel”

Rasskazova N.S.


Looking at the painting “Cat with Kittens”


Rasskazova N.S.

Complex “Visiting the Hedgehog”

Rasskazova N.S.


Lesson “A wizard came to us” (children’s creative work)


Rasskazova N.S.

Lesson “Tell about birds, big and small”

Rasskazova N.S.


Lesson from the series “Forest Dwellers” (Writing a story about a bunny)


Rasskazova N.S.

Lesson “Birds in winter”

Rasskazova N.S.


Compiling a story using given words (children’s creative work)


Rasskazova N.S.


Looking at the painting “Winter Fun”


Rasskazova N.S.

Lesson “Bring the Picture to Life”

Rasskazova N.S.


Lesson “Description of the characters in Grandma Dasha’s fairy tale”


Rasskazova N.S.

Compiling a descriptive story “My favorite toy”

Rasskazova N.S.


Consideration of the plot painting “Spring has come”


Rasskazova N.S.

Compiling a descriptive story “Family”

Rasskazova N.S.


Compiling the story “Me and my family”


Rasskazova N.S.

Compiling a story on the topic “The house where I live”

Rasskazova N.S.

Final lesson

Rasskazova N.S.

Diagnostics to identify the level of composing a creative story in children of the middle group

1st level – high

The topic has been resolved. The stories are compositionally complete. The text consists of 10-12 sentences, the text is presented sequentially. Various types of communication are used. The number of pauses and repetitions is no more than two. The story is independent.

2 oh level – above average

The narrative is compositionally complete. The content is revealed partially and presented sequentially. Children use different types of communication. But the dominant one is the chain - pronominal. The number of pauses and repetitions is 2-3. The story is independent. The text contains 6-8 sentences.

3rd level – intermediate

The narrative is characterized by partial compositional completeness (no beginning or end). The content is partially disclosed, there are violations of the sequence. Mainly formal and chain-pronominal connections are used. Repetitions of words, phrases, and sentences are observed. The story was written with the help of an adult. The text contains 4-5 sentences.

4th level – low

Children try to compose a story, but are limited to individual sentences without a beginning or end. There is only a formal connection. The number of repetitions and pauses is more than five. The text contains 1-3 sentences.

Diagnostics to identify the level of composing a descriptive story based on a toy in children of the middle group

1st level – high

The description is complete. The stories are compositionally complete. The text consists of 10-12 sentences and is presented sequentially. The number of pauses and repetitions is no more than two. A descriptive story is self-contained.

2 oh level – above average

The description is compositionally complete. The content is revealed partially and presented sequentially. The number of pauses and repetitions is 2-3. A descriptive story is self-contained. The text contains 6-8 sentences.

3rd level – intermediate

The description of the toy is characterized by partial compositional completeness (no beginning or end). The content is partially disclosed, there are violations of the sequence. Repetitions of words, phrases, and sentences are observed. The story was written with the help of an adult. The text contains 4-5 sentences.

4th level – low

Children try to write a descriptive story, but are limited to individual sentences without a beginning or end. There is only a formal connection. The number of repetitions and pauses is more than five. The text contains 1-3 sentences.


1. Alekseeva M.M., Ushakova O.S. Interrelation of tasks of speech development of children in the classroom // Education of mental activity in preschool children. - M., 1983. - P.27-43.

2. Arushanova A.G. On the problem of determining the level of speech development of a preschooler // in collection. scientific articles: Problems of speech development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren / Responsible. ed. A.M. Shakhnarovich. - M.: Institute of National Problems of Education MORF, 1993. - P. 4-16.

3. Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in the middle group of kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1983.

4. Diagnostics of mental development of preschool children / Ed. L.A. Venger, V.M. Khomlovskaya. - M.: Pedagogy, 1978.

5. Elkina N.V. Formation of speech coherence in children of the fifth year of life: Author's abstract. diss. ...cand. ped. Sci. - M., 1999. - 16 p.

6. To prepare this work, materials from the site were used


Topic: “Describe the toy”

Target: Coherent speech: teach children to write descriptions of toys;

Grammar: practice agreeing nouns, adjectives, pronouns in gender and number. Activate adjectives in children’s speech

Sound culture of speech: reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound (c). Teach children to pronounce this sound for a long time in one breath.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, I was going to kindergarten today and on the way I met a bunny, he was also going to kindergarten. Here he is. How can you call a hare affectionately? (bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny - go run)

Children, what is this from the bunny? (ears)

What kind of ears does he have? (long)

That's right, the bunny's ears are long.

What is this? (tail)

What kind of tail does a bunny have? (short)

The bunny has long ears and a short tail. What can a bunny do? (Run, jump, jump, bite carrots)

Bunny - go run, you had a bag. Where is he? Bunny takes out a bag

This is the kind of bag the bunny has. Is there something in the bag? I wonder what’s in the bag? (takes out carrots)

What is this? (carrot) what kind of carrot? (long, orange)

It is long, orange (we repeat all together)

And what's that? (cucumber). What cucumber? What color? (long, green)

It's long and green

What tomato? (round, red, large)

Well done, bunny! Made the guys happy.

Who knows where the bunny lives? (In the woods).

It’s cold in the forest now, and the wind blows often.

How does the wind blow? (V-v-v-v-v...)

Game “How the bunnies were afraid of the wind”

(The teacher puts vegetables and fruits in a bag)

And now the little bunny will play with you. He will take some object and, without removing it from the bag, tell you about it, and you must guess what it is. Listen carefully.

It is long and orange. What is this? (carrot)

It is green and long. What is this? (cucumber)

It's round and red. What is this? (tomato) Children talk while holding the guessed vegetable in their hands

“This is a carrot, it’s long and orange,” etc.

Well done! All the riddles were solved. And you can guess another one

“Long ears, short tail” Who is this?


Topic: “Compiling a descriptive story “My Doll.”

Target: Teaches children to carefully examine the subject. Teaches the simplest comparisons with different objects, and composes descriptive stories.

Children, the doll Nastya came to visit us. Nastya met a girl, she lives in another city. The girl asks Nastya to tell her about herself, but she finds it difficult to do so. We will help her.

Children, can we help Nastya?


First, we must take a close look at Nastya.

What is the doll's name?

What material is it made of?

Name the parts of the doll's body? (head, torso, legs)

How are you dressed?

What color eyes does the doll have?

What can you compare them to? (blue like the sky)

What kind of hair does the doll have? What color are they? What can they be compared to?

(light, like ears of wheat)

Writing a descriptive story.

The doll's name is Nastya. It is made of plastic. The doll is large and has a round face. Oval body, long legs. Nastya has big blue eyes like the sky. Her hair is as light as ears of wheat.

She is wearing a yellow hat and white shoes. The Nastya doll is very beautiful.

Children's stories.

The lesson is complex.

Topic: Examination of a painting from the “Wintering Birds” series.

Target: Teach children to carefully look at the picture and write a short story based on the picture. Repeat the names of the birds with the children.

  1. Submit a painting.

Conversation: 1. Children, what time of year is shown in the picture? How did you guess? What birds are shown? What are they, migratory or not? What other birds do you know?

  1. I put a branch of dried rowan, bread crumbs and millet in the bird feeder, hung a piece of lard and began to observe.

First, small gray birds flew in. They chirped happily and pecked at crumbs of bread and millet. Birds with yellow breasts and black ties flew after them. They sat funny on a stick with pieces of lard hanging from it. When there was only one rowan left in the feeder, the birds scattered. And then fluffy grayish-brown birds with red breasts flew up to her. The ends of their tail, wings and head were black and blue, and on the wings there were white stripes. After their visit, there were no berries left on the branch. And after everyone else, two large, almost black birds flew to the feeder, who, with their curious eyes, looked at everything around and shouted: “Kar-kar!” What birds did we feed?

3. Compilation of stories by children.

Lesson Complex

Topic: “Visiting the Bunny.”

Target: Continue to introduce children to the inhabitants of the autumn forest. How does a hare prepare for winter? Who are his enemies? Who are your friends? Learn to write short stories.

Children, today I received a letter from the forest, a magpie brought it to me. This is a letter from a bunny, he invites us to visit.

Let's go.


The forest is far away, let's go by train

Here comes the forest, where is the bunny?

Oh here he is

Looking at the painting, conversation:

Why does a bunny need long ears?

Does a bunny change his fur coat?

Why does he need a white coat in winter?

Who are the bunny's enemies?

Who are his friends?

Does the bunny make provisions for the winter?

What does he eat?

Teacher's story.

The bunny lives in the forest. It has long, long ears and a short tail. The hare has a fur coat, it is gray in summer and white as snow in winter. The cowardly bunny is afraid of everything. He will curl up into a ball, prick up his long ears and listen, afraid that a fox or a wolf will suddenly find and catch him. The bunny eats grass, leaves, and in winter gnaws the bark of trees. This is how a bunny lives in the forest.

Children's stories using cards.

Topic: “Visiting the squirrel.”

Program content :

  1. Introduce children to the inhabitants of the autumn forest: where they live, what they eat, how they prepare for winter, practice writing descriptive stories
  1. Looking at the painting “Squirrels in the Forest”

Conversation: “How to prepare a squirrel for winter?”

What is the squirrel doing? (stocks)

Where does she hide them? (in the storage room)

Where does the squirrel live? (in the hollow)

Who makes the hollow for her? (woodpecker)

Who are the squirrel's friends? (woodpecker, hare, hedgehog)

Who are the squirrel's enemies? (owl, eagle owl, marten)

Does a squirrel change its coat? (changes to gray)

Why is the squirrel not afraid of the fox and the wolf? (because they don't know how to climb trees)

What does a squirrel like to eat? (nuts, cones, mushrooms)

2. Compiling a story according to the scheme.

The lesson is complex.

Topic: Writing a story from the perspective of the hero.

Target: Teach children to get used to the character and compose a connected story in the first person, using different pictures.

Children today we will try to get used to the image that you choose and tell us about ourselves.

I imagined myself as a little puppy.

I'm a little puppy, my name is Bim. I have a brother, Druzhok, he is as small as me. Our mother Palma is big and fluffy. We live in a booth. There is a bowl near the booth. The hostess pours milk in there for us. My brother and I love to walk in the yard and play. We have a very close-knit family.

Children's stories.

Lesson Complex

Topic: “Tell us about the birds: big and small...”

Target: Help children remember the names of some birds of prey and insectivores. Practice writing stories.

Strengthen children's ability to work with bricks and bars, improve their ability to make floors.

Progress of the lesson.

There are pictures of various birds on the board. How to name in one word everyone you see in the pictures.

These are birds

Take a closer look. Are all birds the same?

No, they are all different

What do birds look like?

They can fly

Their body is covered with feathers

How are they different?

They eat differently and live in different conditions.

Where do these birds live? (In the forest, in the meadow, in the swamp, next to a person, in the mountains)

Guys, their appearance depends on the lifestyle of birds. For example, birds that live in swamps have very long legs. For what? (To walk on water and not get your feathers wet). They have a long beak, and some even have a pocket, like a pelican. For what? (To catch fish and frogs)

But why does an owl have very big eyes? (To see clearly at night.)

Sharp, curved beak? (Catch and eat its prey. An owl is a bird of prey. It feeds on other animals).

Why do you think an owl needs huge wings and sharp, tenacious claws? (To grab your prey, lift it into the air and float with it. Sometimes this prey can be very heavy).

What about the titmouse? Why does she need a small sharp beak? (So ​​that they can crawl into every crevice under the bark of trees and pull out cleverly hidden bugs, worms, and larvae from under the bark.

Why does a woodpecker need its large and sharp beak, reminiscent of a hammer? Why does it need a huge tail that looks like a fan? (With its beak, the woodpecker chisels the bark of trees and takes out harmful insects from under it, and with its tail it rests against the tree so as not to fall, and sits on it like on a chair.)

Birds that feed on insects are called insectivores, and birds that feed on other animals and catch them as prey are called carnivores.

Write a story about any bird.

The titmouse is an insectivorous bird, it is small, its eyes are like beads. The titmouse gets its food during the day - it snoops through cracks, in the bark of trees and takes out bark beetles from them, and in winter, when insects are hiding, it flies closer to human habitation and feeds on bread crumbs, seeds and fruits of trees.

Children's stories.

Lesson Complex

Topic: “Visiting the hedgehog.”

Target: Continue to introduce the children to the inhabitants of the autumn forest: where the hedgehog lives, what it eats, why it needs a prickly coat, what a hedgehog does in winter.

Continue to learn how to compose stories according to the scheme.

1. Children today we will go by train to the forest to see a hedgehog.

Sit down and let's go

And here comes the forest

Look, here comes the hedgehog

What hedgehog?

What kind of fur coat does he have?

Why does he need such a fur coat?

Who are the hedgehog's enemies?

Who are his friends?

What does a hedgehog eat for lunch?

Teacher's story:

A hedgehog lives in the autumn forest. He is small, round, his eyes are like beads, and his coat is prickly, covered in needles. She protects the hedgehog from enemies,

for example from a fox. The hedgehog curls up into a ball, puts out its needles and puffs menacingly. The fox cannot turn it over because the prickly coat protects the hedgehog.

The hedgehog also has friends: a squirrel and a bunny. They don't hurt him. The hedgehog loves to eat mushrooms, apples, and catch mice. This is how a hedgehog lives.

Children's story according to the scheme.

The lesson is complex.

Topic: Compiling a story using given words.

Target: Compose creative stories of 3-4 sentences, practice monologue speech.

Fluffy came to visit and brought pictures about winter. And he also brought an envelope, in the envelope there was a piece of paper, and on it the words: winter, snow, frozen, warm, ride, a lot, fly, good, fun.

Children Fluffy wants us to come up with a story about winter and use these words.

Repeating words

Example: Winter has come. White, fluffy snow fell, puddles and rivers froze. The children put on warm jackets, hats, and boots.

There is a lot of snow outside, you can sled, ski, or skate. Children make a snowman, play with snowflakes, they have a lot of fun. It's a good winter.

Children's stories.

Lesson Complex


Do you want to hear


Children's stories.

Lesson Complex

Topic: Composing a creative story “A wizard came to us: I can only hear”

Target: - Learn to imagine different sounds and convey your ideas in a finished story.

Encourage imagination by constructing supposed dialogues between living and inanimate objects based on the plot of the picture.

Children, a wizard came to us today, he has a magic wand, if he touches you with his magic wand, a miracle will happen. You will hear birds, animals, animals, plants speaking.

Do you want to hear


Prepared (The Wizard touched)

Now look carefully at the objects shown in the picture, imagine what they are talking about, and then make up a story.

I hear the hedgehog joyfully shouting: “Wow, what a mushroom.” I found a big, big mushroom." I hear the squirrel say to him: “I found it ahead of you.” I hear the hedgehog say: “Well, will you give me at least a piece?” I hear the squirrel say, “Okay, we’ll divide it equally, we’re friends.”

Children's stories.

Lesson Complex

Topic: Compiling a story based on the painting “Cat with Kittens”

Target: Teach children to compose short stories based on a familiar picture that reflects the content of the picture, according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

Conversation about the painting.

Who is in the picture? Look at the mother cat, tell us what she is like, how she looks at the kittens. (The cat is big, fluffy, gray in color, and her paws are white.. The cat looks affectionately at her kittens). What is the ginger kitten doing? What other kitten do you see? What can you say about him? What is the third kitten doing?

Now let’s talk about the cat and kittens together.

This is the cat Masha. She is large, fluffy, gray in color, and her paws are white. The cat Masha has three kittens: gray, red and black. A red kitten plays with a ball, a gray one with a red kitten's tail, and a third black one drinks milk from a bowl. Mom, the cat looks affectionately at her kittens.

“”Ž• –


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