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A small child does not need to be specially taught language; he hears the family’s speech and begins to imitate. In the modern world, unfortunately, parents often do not devote enough time to their children, leaving them to themselves or to electronic games. This can negatively affect what and how the child says. Mastering coherent, literate speech requires effort and time, and preschoolers’ speech is best developed through daily conversations, reading and games with parents.

What factors influence speech development?

There are two main factors influencing the development of a child’s speech:

Biological factor. The likelihood that a child may have difficulties or impaired speech development is much higher if problems arose before birth: developmental delays, hypoxia, or an infectious disease suffered by the mother during pregnancy. Diseases that the child himself suffered in the first years of life can also affect speech. In this case, the development of speech abilities will be effective with the well-coordinated work of parents, a neurologist, and a speech therapist; communication with a preschool teacher will be useful.

Socio-psychological factor. The second very important aspect for the development of speech in a preschooler is the environment at home, communication with parents and peers. As a rule, parents practically do not talk to children who have delayed speech development. The more a child interacts with other people, conducts a dialogue, learns to choose the right words, and tries to understand speech addressed to him, the sooner and more fully he will master speaking skills. Improving speech skills is an important process for a child in preschool age. To understand how well your child is developed, you can do a little testing yourself. Ask him to tell a story that happened to him today, retell it, or make up a fairy tale. Pay attention to whether the sentences are related to each other, whether the words in cases and word forms are used correctly.

Typical speech development problems in preschoolers

The following speech problems are typical for many preschoolers:

Situational speech. Monosyllabic sentences depending on the child’s demands (for example, “give me the doll”, “I’m thirsty”) are the norm for a 2-3 year old child. But then children gradually increase their vocabulary. Often this happens so intensely that by the age of 5, preschoolers are already able to talk with adults almost as equals. If a child over 4 years old is not able to compose a detailed, literate sentence, this is a reason to turn to specialists.

Poor speech, small vocabulary. By the age of 5, a child has a vocabulary of 2500–3000 words; by the age of 7, the vocabulary expands by another 500 words. At this age, children easily construct phrases and maintain conversations with adults, including on abstract topics.

Inability to competently build a dialogue. The question must be formulated simply and clearly - this assumes that the answer will be appropriate, short or detailed. If a preschooler has difficulty formulating questions and answers, it will be difficult for him to communicate.

Difficulties with constructing a monologue. You also need to learn how to conduct a monologue on a given topic and retell the text. Average preschoolers under 4 years old do not really need these skills - they are not so in demand in their everyday life. But for children 5–7 years old, the ability to coherently tell a story and retell a fairy tale is necessary, otherwise they may have difficulties with their studies at school.

Inability to make an argument. The ability to explain one’s point of view, justify the conclusions drawn, give reasons in favor of one’s statement is a complex but important skill for a future student; the absence of this skill in the elementary grades can provoke the first complexes and affect the child’s academic performance.
Poor diction, speech therapy problems. Most often they are diagnosed in a preschool institution. But if the child is a “home child”, and no one takes care of his diction, by the time the mandatory school socialization begins, difficulties may begin with learning to read, with mastering the rules of the Russian language, with the development of communication skills.

How to develop a preschooler's speech?

When are specialists needed? A speech therapist will help solve a lisp, burr and other similar problems with sound pronunciation. Stuttering is treated with the participation of a neurologist, since the problem does not lie in the speech apparatus. Some structural features of the oral cavity may require consultation with a dentist or orthodontist. A psychologist will help the child cope with excessive shyness, haste, etc. characterological features.

The two most important rules for developing correct and beautiful speech in a child are regularity of classes and an integrated approach with the involvement of specialists.

But no specialist will solve the problem if parents do not take part in the development of their child’s speech. How can you help your baby?

  • Don't be lazy to repeat. If you notice that a child is pronouncing a word incorrectly, pronounce the word correctly several times, do it slowly and clearly. It is important not to criticize, but to help - the child must understand that you want to help him, then he will be happy to join in the lessons.
  • Learn to hear. It is important that a preschooler not only develop speech functions, but also learn to hear, understand the meaning of what was said or heard, and be able to answer questions. To do this, you need to communicate with your son or daughter as much as possible, read aloud, and then retell, learn poems and funny songs. Joint activities with parents will not only benefit the child’s speech development, but will also strengthen family relationships.

Useful exercises for preschooler speech development

We offer you several simple exercises that will help develop speech skills and facilitate the formation of communication skills.

"A Tale from a Picture"

This exercise is aimed at improving coherent speech. You will need a picture that the child likes. You can draw it together and then write a story based on it. Don't turn the game into a boring lesson, let your child gain knowledge in a fun way. Ask open-ended questions, push the preschooler to answer, help construct a sentence if the task causes difficulties. Praise your child for the result, he tried really hard!

“Describe the object”

The exercise will help in developing imagination and forming correct, beautiful speech. Ask your child to describe any object, relying on all his senses - sight, smell, touch, taste. For example, lemon. Determine what shape it is? What colour? Smooth or rough? What smells? What does it taste like? Ask additional questions: in what fairy tale could the child see him? Why do they use lemon at home (drink tea with it, bake lemon pie)? The more “questions and answers” ​​you can play with, the more words you will pick up for your preschooler’s vocabulary.

"Find a suitable adjective"

It will teach the child to understand how objects are similar, to look for differences, thanks to which the grammatical backbone of speech is formed, which in the future will help to assimilate information well. You can play it from the age of 3. Show your preschooler several objects that differ in size. He must not only determine which is larger and which is smaller, but also name various suitable adjectives, for example, “giant”, “tiny”, “big”, “tiny”. Try to use more different topics so that the development of speech abilities is varied.

Reading for speech development

Read to your child – and with your child! And not only children's poems and fairy tales: try offering him a short excerpt of a poem by Pushkin or Yesenin about nature, ask him to comment on what and how he understood, if necessary, explain all incomprehensible phrases and expressions. The simpler you can explain, the more words your preschooler will understand.
Rely on the search for books on your child’s favorite topics or characters that he will be interested in reading or listening to.

Pay attention to lullabies and nursery rhymes. This is a storehouse of interesting words, word forms that we rarely hear in everyday life (“house”, “wattle fence”, “beauty”, etc.). Nursery rhymes also help you remember the order of actions.

Repeated sound combinations, words, phrases, onomatopoeia develop phonemic hearing and logical thinking, help the child remember words, thus enriching the preschooler’s vocabulary. Under the influence of such games with sounds, the child masters sound literacy quickly and comfortably. Instead of monosyllabic sentences, he learns to use more complex ones.

Beautiful, developed speech is very important for learning at school. First grade is often accompanied by stress associated with a change in the usual lifestyle, a new team, and existing communication problems may worsen. The task of parents is to prepare the child morally, to set up a positive perception of school and the educational process, and also to choose the right school program that will be interesting and exciting for children. Parents who care about the psychological state of the child, which can affect speech development, as well as his adaptation and self-esteem, can pay attention to. It takes into account the individual characteristics of each student and allows him to develop at the pace that is most comfortable for him. At the same time, the absence of grades in the first grade stimulates the learning process, because the child is not afraid to make a mistake by speaking incorrectly. This educational system makes it possible to avoid stress in the first grade and helps to reveal the speech potential of each child.

Olga Fateeva

In order to successfully exist in society, a person needs the most important skill - the ability to communicate with other people. When communicating, a person conveys some of the information to the interlocutor using gestures and facial expressions. But the lion's share of it falls on that unique skill that is available on earth only to man. This skill is speech. Normal development of children certainly includes the acquisition of coherent speech. It is not an innate skill for people, and the child will have to master it on his own. Formed and continuously changing over many generations, speech is one of the most important components of human life. A small child faces a big, important task - to master the art of expressing his thoughts correctly and clearly, to assimilate all the richness and diversity of the Russian language. And the child, as a rule, successfully copes with its implementation.

The basics of using speech and its development occur in early childhood. That is, in the period from one year to 5-6 years, the basis is laid on which the child will subsequently build his entire life in society. Speech development is a unique phenomenon, directly related to both the intellectual development of the child and his communication skills. And, of course, during this period, a little person needs the help and support of loved ones more than ever; he needs someone who can guide his development and help him master rich and varied language material, teach him how to properly handle an amazing and complex instrument of communication - speech.

The development of coherent speech in a small person is a long and complex process. The relevance of this task for a preschool child is difficult to overestimate. With the help of speech, the child learns about the world around him, develops communication skills and associative thinking. From a scientific point of view, this process and its patterns are even studied by a separate linguistic discipline - ontolinguistics.

The child draws his first experience of reproducing human speech from his immediate environment, listening and remembering the speech of adults that he hears around him. Peculiarities of child psychology suggest imitative behavior as one of the main ones for a young child. Psychologists and sociologists have found that children who spend the first few years of life in social isolation subsequently cannot fully adapt to either language or life in society. This fact has been proven in the example of so-called wild children - children who, for some reason, were deprived of contact with people under the age of 6 years. Stories about such children repeating the fate of the hero of Kipling's fairy tale, Mowgli, periodically find documentary evidence. Only, unlike Mowgli, a child who finds himself isolated from human society at an early age cannot adapt to normal life. Such children have difficulty mastering the basics of human speech and suffer from serious developmental delays.

From this we can conclude that the early period of speech development is one of the most important in the overall development of a child, and parents should pay the closest attention to this process. Speech acquisition is a key indicator for preschool children of their overall mental development.

A child’s speech acquisition in preschool age can be divided into three stages, each of which has its own characteristics. They are closely related to both age and the general psychoneurological development of the baby.

Period up to a year

At this age, the baby is just beginning to distinguish for himself the speech of the adults around him. From the first month of life, the baby carefully peers and listens to everything that happens around him. He very quickly learns to distinguish between voices and intonations. Therefore, try to speak kindly to your baby more often, and comment out loud on your and his actions. Poems and songs are perfect for children at an early age.

If you, being next to your child, constantly contact him, talk, play, show objects and toys, then soon, already at 3-4 months, your baby will begin to engage in conversation with you, greeting you with a joyful roar.

By six months, the child gradually begins to babble, trying to pronounce syllables. At 7 months he already knows his name and turns his head when you call him by name. You can start playing “Ladushki”, “Magpie-Crow” or “The Horned Goat is Coming” with him. These nursery rhyme games will help your child better perceive rhythmically organized poetic speech, and they will simply bring a lot of joy. Try it - you'll see, the child will be delighted!

At 9-10 months, the baby can already laugh and tries to pronounce the first words, for example, “dad” or “mom”. Sing along to the music you hear. Understands the words “no”, “no”, can respond to greetings (waving a hand when saying “hello” or “bye-bye”). Your child’s vocabulary gradually begins to form, and is constantly replenished from the outside with new concepts and expressions. Poems, nursery rhymes, bedtime stories and just constant conversations with your baby will serve as an excellent incentive for him to start speaking on his own.

Initial speech acquisition

This stage of speech development occurs between the ages of approximately one and three years and has its own characteristics.

It must be borne in mind that before the child begins to master active speech and speak himself, he learns to understand the speech of others. Until about one and a half years old, only a few basic definition words can be observed in a child’s vocabulary: mom, dad, aunt, uncle, give. His family members still serve as role models for him, so don’t forget to continue telling your child what you are doing and why. He really already understands everything.

At this age, young children are prone to generalizations. Thus, "Yum!" can mean not only the feeding process, but also a child’s plate, spoon, and even a feeling of hunger. Also, in many words they discard the endings, ignore some letters (pronouncing “Aya” instead of “Anya”, etc.), and sometimes even shorten the word to one stressed syllable. There is no need to worry about these “irregularities” - they are completely normal. Over time, the child will learn to pronounce words and sounds correctly, and the family’s task is to unobtrusively explain to him how to do it correctly.

Try to articulate more clearly when talking to your baby. Give him the opportunity to watch your facial expressions when you say a new word. Show and name objects that come into your baby's field of vision, especially while walking: a car, a dog or a crow flying past will not only entertain the child on the street, but will also help in the difficult task of developing speech.

In the second year of life, children distinguish intonation perfectly. Therefore, when reading fairy tales to your child, pay attention to the fact that a wolf or a bear, for example, speaks in a deep voice, and a little mouse squeaks in a thin voice.

After two and a half years, the child can already use simple sentences consisting of two or three words in coherent speech. In his mind, patterns begin to form in the agreement of words with each other, the difference between singular and plural. Language material acquires the features of a certain system in the child’s perception. And he begins to actively use this system, entering the next stage of speech acquisition.

Word creation

Speech development in preschool children goes through another interesting stage. At the age of about three years or a little older, the child moves from the accumulation of language material to its active development. To do this, he tries to use the patterns of language that he has managed to trace for himself at the moment. The famous children's writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky has a completely adult book, “From Two to Five.” Being a linguist, Korney Ivanovich in this work tried to determine what motivates small native speakers, every minute creating new words of their special children's dialect. And what did it turn out to be? It turns out that children do not create these neologisms by chance, but by sorting parts of words by meaning, and compose them following the grammatical structure of the Russian language. Thus, crackers turn into “bites” due to the semantic correspondence with the verb “bite”, a fan turns into “twirler”, a shaggy dog ​​with long hair is succinctly characterized as “shaggy”, and the bed rest prescribed by the doctor immediately becomes “bed rest”.

Every day, every hour, a child is bombarded with many unfamiliar words, forms, and meanings. Nevertheless, he easily navigates this diversity, classifying, distributing, altering, adapting to himself the entire vocabulary available to him. A child’s speech develops easily, with a minimum of stress on the part of a small native speaker, whose intuition in relation to his native language is simply amazing!

End of preschool: preparation for reading and writing

At this stage, the child continues to acquire grammatical norms. But now he strives not so much to create as to correspond to the coherent speech of adults, to make it as correct as possible. In the monologues of a five- to six-year-old child, complex and complex constructions and linking words begin to appear. The grammatical structure of speech is leveled.

At the same age, the child begins to master written speech. And if in the first years of life, letters and numbers were an impossible abstraction for a child, but now, thanks to the experience gained, he can already trace the relationship between the real world and written language. Since reading and writing are psychophysiological processes, their relationship with the general development of speech in preschool children is very great.

As a rule, children learn to read before they write. Speech development includes the perception of the sound composition of a word on paper; understanding the relationship between sounds and letters occurs more easily if the child has sufficiently developed attention, memory, and has the skill of systems thinking. Therefore, preparation for reading and writing includes not only the development of speech in preschool children, but also systematic thinking and imagination.

What should mom and dad do?

How can parents help a preschooler master the intricacies of his native language? First of all, as mentioned above, do not hesitate to talk with your child. You can talk on any topic, but it is better to use simple, understandable words. Your baby, like a sponge, absorbs everything you do and say and strives to imitate you.

A good developmental contribution to a child’s speech would be reading books together and learning poems and songs. You should not conduct training in the form of long lectures - play with your child, communicate with him. Your attention and care mean much more to him than a diploma in pedagogy.

Learn tongue twisters together with your preschool-age child, compete to see who knows them more and can repeat them. By learning tongue twisters, you stimulate the activity of the articulatory apparatus, the ability to distinguish similar sounds and their combinations by ear. Play riddles more often - the need to recognize a certain word through its description will develop logical and imaginative thinking in the child.

Play rhymes with your child, compose simple poems, compare different objects out loud, and invite your child to compare and describe them. Learn new words, compose fairy tales and stories with your child. This will help him express his thoughts coherently and formulate sentences correctly.

Speech and sense of rhythm

Your child’s sense of rhythm will be an indispensable assistant in speech development. Simply moving to the music, keeping in time, singing, reading poetry is very important for the psychophysiological development of a little person.

Read poetry with your child. As a rule, preschoolers enjoy repeating fairy tales by Chukovsky and Barto. Their simple, but at the same time very rhythmic structure, sound features, built on the repetition of groups of certain sounds, will be useful for articulation. There is no need to mechanically memorize poems that a child does not understand. Choose something together that will be interesting for the child. The peculiarities of the speech development of preschoolers suggest that children remember with pleasure and better assimilate the information that is interesting to them. Ask your child to choose rhymes on their own and finish the line for you. For example, the game-poem “Good Elephant” is perfect for this task:

Once upon a time there lived a kind elephant.

He wrote stories.

I wrote good books,

And I gave them away to friends.

He loved to play rhymes

So that you don't get bored with your friends.

Here is a picture, here... (car, basket, etc.),

Here's a daisy, here... (bug),

Here is my house, here is yours (catfish, volume),

Here's the gun, here's the (mug, fly, frog, etc.),

Here's a donut, and here's (a book, a mouse...),

Here is the neighbor, and here is (clarinet, lunch, omelette).

So that we don’t get bored, we’ll start choosing rhymes!

You can play for a long time - as long as your and your child’s imagination is enough.

You can play with your child in the profession, inviting him to substitute the necessary words according to their meaning and sound: for example, a teacher teaches, a builder builds, a driver drives, but a doctor doesn’t lie at all, but heals! Take this opportunity to tell your child about words with the same root.

Formation of vocabulary

A person's vocabulary is divided into active and passive. Active vocabulary consists of those words that a person constantly uses in speech. Passive vocabulary is familiar to him, but is used extremely rarely or not at all in speech.

Vocabulary is one of the key indicators of speech development in preschool children. How to expand your child's vocabulary? Reading plays the main role here, of course. In the process of reading, the child learns new words and speech situations in which these words can be used.

If you try not only to read to your baby, but also to discuss what you read with your child more often, then some words can be transferred from passive vocabulary to active. Ask your child to retell what he read, remember what words in a story or fairy tale characterize an object or action, and come up with your own definitions. Having come up with a simple sentence, ask your child to complete it. Together with your child, come up with continuations of your favorite fairy tales and stories, developing speech and imagination.

Another effective way to expand a preschooler’s vocabulary is to memorize poetry. Poems are both memory training and an excellent tool for learning new words. By the age of six, a preschooler’s active vocabulary should contain at least 3,000 words.

What to do if the child does not speak?

The problem of speech disorders in preschoolers today is very relevant for parents, speech therapists and psychologists. If it seems to you that your child speaks worse than expected for his age, his speech is poor and incoherent, or the baby is in no hurry to speak at all, seek help from a specialist. He will help identify the cause of the disorder in the baby’s speech development and advise ways to solve this problem.

The following symptoms may indicate speech development disorders. Child aged 2-3 years:

  • does not respond to his name;
  • does not try to imitate sounds;
  • does not respond to simple words and requests voiced using simple and frequently used words;
  • does not respond to changes in intonation when you address him;
  • He speaks little himself, trying to convey information through facial expressions and gestures.

Over the age of three years, parents should be alert to the following signs:

  • the child cannot retell the content of a poem, a fairy tale, or explain what he drew or what happened in kindergarten;
  • doesn't ask questions;
  • cannot and does not want to play speech games, finish a word, describe something;
  • does not speak in sentences longer than two or three words;
  • speech is monotonous, inexpressive, strangers do not understand your child’s speech;
  • cannot maintain attention on the same topic, is quickly distracted, and loses the thread of the conversation.

In all of the above cases, it would be better not to delay the visit to a specialist. A speech therapist will help you choose the necessary exercises for speech development. Remember: the sooner you start correcting speech development, the more successfully and with less stress on the child’s part you can correct the situation.

Speech developmental disorders

The causes of speech development disorders can be divided into three groups. The first group will include problems caused by biological factors. This is primarily a lesion of the central nervous system and anomalies in the structure of the speech apparatus. These include the following deviations in child development:

  1. Aphasia. Damage to the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for speech function, resulting in damage to all components of speech.
  2. Alalia. Damage to the speech areas of the brain that occurs in the first year of a child’s life (pre-speech period), resulting in complex speech underdevelopment.
  3. Dysarthria. Disruption of the normal functioning of the muscles that provide speech, as a result of which the child cannot pronounce sounds normally. Dysarthria has several types, differing from each other by the focus of the lesion: bulbar, pseudobulbar, cerebellar, subcortical.
  4. Rhinolalia. Occurs in children whose structure of the palate is disturbed.
  5. Mechanical dyslalia. Violation of the structure of the nasopharynx, nose and mouth, leading to pronunciation defects.

The second group consists of speech disorders in preschoolers caused by psychological factors that lead to functional changes in the central nervous system. It can be:

  1. Stuttering. Disruption of the normal rhythm of speech due to involuntary stops that interrupt the utterance, or repetitions of syllables and sounds.
  2. Mutism. The child refuses to speak in the presence of strangers if he has a speech defect.
  3. Surdomutism. Hearing impairment leading to speech problems.

The third group includes speech development disorders provoked by certain unfavorable social conditions. If, for example, the parents do not communicate with the child, do not talk to him, then the baby simply has nowhere to get new language material from, and, of course, his speech will be poor and less coherent than the speech of a child whose need for full communication is satisfied in the family.

How to help a child speak?

If your child has speech problems, under no circumstances put pressure on your child or scold him. On the contrary, praise him for the slightest progress, encourage his successes, even if they do not seem too significant yet. It’s not as easy for a child as it seems at first glance.

A child’s speech development is determined by several factors:

  • the ability to correctly pronounce sounds (articulation);
  • the ability to distinguish different sounds by ear (phonemic hearing);
  • possibility of coherent speech (grammatical structure);
  • emotionality, variety in speech (active vocabulary).

In many cases, special articulatory gymnastics can help the development of correct, clear and coherent speech in preschool children. It will help your child cope with sounds that are especially difficult to pronounce.

If your child pronounces a sound incorrectly, there is no need to interrupt or correct him. This is a typical mistake of many parents. The characteristic features of speech perception in young children suggest that the child tries to copy what he hears or sees around him. Therefore, when talking with a child, use the problematic sound yourself, do it more often, try to pronounce it more clearly. This way the child will quickly remember what exactly you want to hear from him.

Speech games, many of which are listed above, can help. This includes playing rhymes, and inventing fairy tales and stories together with the child - there are a great many options. A speech therapist can advise something, but you and your child can easily come up with something yourself. Become a grateful listener for your baby, be attentive to him, and you will see how important this is for him. The child will take the task extremely responsibly if he understands that you are no less interested in it than he is, and are always ready to support him if something goes wrong.

The development of coherent speech in preschool children is a constant dynamic process. There is no need to be discouraged if your child does not succeed. A little patience, attention on your part and, most importantly, regular classes for preschoolers - and believe me, the result will not disappoint either you or the child.

The development of coherent speech in preschoolers is one of the most significant aspects of preschool education and upbringing. Based on how well a child masters speech instruments (builds phrases and sentences, correctly selects and uses word forms), teachers form an opinion about the general level of his speech development.

To better understand exactly how speech development occurs in preschool age, and how best to develop speech in a young child, it is necessary to have a general understanding of the main stages of its formation.

Stages of speech formation for a pre-teen child

3-4 years

This period is characterized by a low level of development of coherent speech. The baby answers the questions posed in monosyllables: “yes” or “no”, operates with a narrow set of signs in the description of objects or phenomena, for example, he can indicate the color or shape of an object when answering a question.

At this age, children do not yet have the opportunity to independently retell the plot of their favorite cartoon or story, or describe the proposed picture; it is much easier for them to compose a short story if their parents ask leading questions. The length of such a story will not be more than 3-4 sentences.

4-5 years

The child can retell a short story or fairy tale, and tries to reason and analyze. This is a period of active “whying”, and in order to convey to an adult the essence of the issue that worries him, kids usually try to formulate the question that interests them more clearly.

This is why the most inquisitive children develop coherent speech skills faster and more efficiently. This period is also interesting for the beginning of the active use of dialogues. The preschooler not only answers, but also asks, learns to maintain a conversation, asks relevant questions, and analyzes the answers received.

5-6 years

This age is characterized by a sharp leap in the development of coherent speech in children. They become active participants in the speech process, improve dialogic and monologue speech, and easily retell the content of a favorite fairy tale or a conversation between relatives.

When talking about something, preschoolers try to compose complex sentences, use epithets and phraseological units. It is important to monitor whether the child correctly selects the necessary word forms, puts emphasis, and uses new words.

The method of describing pictures in speech development classes at this age can no longer be the main one. It is necessary to offer other exercises that stimulate the use of logical operations in speech (analysis, generalization), as well as creative tasks, for example, to independently complete a story that has not been fully read, or to compose your own story using personal experience.

6-7 years

The preschooler becomes a full participant in the speech process. He moves from using descriptive constructions in speech to reasoning and analysis, monitors the culture of speech, and actively applies these skills in the process of everyday communication.

We develop the speech of a preschooler. How?

What does the methodology include that helps parents and teachers promote the timely development of coherent speech in children:

  • training the respiratory apparatus of a preschooler;
  • regular classes using exercises recommended at this stage that help improve coherent speech (, tongue twisters,);
  • set of measures for .

Methods for establishing correct speech breathing

It is very important to teach your child correct articulation when he speaks. To do this, you need to ensure that at the beginning of the conversation children exhale smoothly and forcefully through their mouths, while the speaking child must correctly distribute the flow of exhaled air and control the time during which exhalation occurs.

The method for training these skills involves a certain set of exercises, as well as control over the general level of development of the preschooler’s linguistic apparatus. It is also advisable to conduct timely consultations on the speech development of children with specialized specialists - a defectologist and a speech therapist.

Speech development exercises

Developing auditory differentiation

The method of training auditory differentiation presupposes the child’s ability to identify certain sounds by ear in a long stream of speech.

Say the words

  • Invite your child to name words starting with a certain letter - A, B, P, T, O, M.
  • Now let the preschooler name words ending with other letters, for example: S, T, Zh, V, K.
  • Continue experiments with words: think of letters, for example, O, E, U, L, V and ask them to name those words in which these letters are in the middle.

We train the reaction and analyze the composition of the word


Name the letter whose presence in the word the preschooler must analyze. Then, while listing the words, invite him to indicate the presence of a letter in them by clapping his hands. Let's say the letter "C" is hidden. An adult pronounces a series of words: ELEPHANT, THREAD, LIGHT, COW, MELTON, CHAIR. Each time the child hears the desired letter, he must clap his hands. Over time, the speed at which an adult speaks words can be increased.

Make up a word

In this task the child must come up with a new word. It should begin with the letter with which the word suggested by the adult ends.


We are engaged in word formation

Explain to your child how words are formed that denote the qualities of objects and indicate the material they are made from.

For example:

Glass – glass;

Wood – wooden;

Invite your child to experiment on their own, forming definition words from the following materials:

Fluff, water, sand, paper, light, firewood.

Activities with pictures

Any method of speech development requires the mandatory use of visual and didactic material. Sets of pictures depicting procedures and processes familiar to the child (getting up, washing, cleaning, dressing) will be an excellent help for mastering verbs, adverbs, participles and gerunds.

Ask the children to describe what they see in these pictures. A younger child will most likely answer in monosyllables, using only verbs. An older child will build more complex constructions, introducing parts of speech such as adverbs and adjectives. This will help them describe what they see in the picture in more detail.

Games for developing speech skills

These games can be played by the whole family; they will bring more pleasure to children aged 5-6 years.

Let's go travel

When starting the game, the adult tells the children that the whole family is going on a trip. This can be a trip of any theme: to the sea, to the village to visit grandma, on a hike in the mountains, etc.

Then the presenter invites the children to help him pack the luggage he will need on the trip. It is necessary to clarify the task: exactly what letter the luggage items should be named by. For example, an adult suggests naming the things needed for a hike that begin with the letter “K” (kettle, map, karemat). When the items starting with the suggested letter are exhausted, you can offer another letter and continue the game. A great game for curious and observant children!

We build bridges

This technique wonderfully trains the child’s ability to select the right words, determine the lexical meaning of words, and develops ingenuity.

For such a game you will need children's lotto cards or self-made pictures depicting objects that children often encounter in everyday life. The task is for the preschooler to find a connection between the two proposed pictures and explain what allowed him to combine these concepts.

We show the child a picture on which a plate (saucepan, tureen) is drawn and another on which vegetables and fruits are depicted. The child must “build” a bridge between these two pictures, explaining how they can be connected: vegetable soup can be prepared in a saucepan or fruit compote can be cooked. When completing this task, children must illustrate their ideas in words, trying to fully reveal the relationship between objects.

Tongue Twisters

This wonderful and effective technique will help you learn to pronounce difficult sounds, overcome the formation of “porridge” in your mouth and just have fun, all that remains is to memorize tongue twisters.

Tongue twisters can be very diverse, but in order for the child to enjoy these activities, it is better to reinforce the lessons on learning them with bright and colorful pictures illustrating this or that tongue twister.

In this regard, the book “Try, Repeat. Russian tongue twisters”, illustrated by children's artist A. Azemsha. Huge and bright illustrations of this publication will make children's lessons in learning tongue twisters fun and long-awaited.

Speech development and communication

Parents of growing preschoolers should understand that no modern method of speech development can replace the benefits of live human communication. After all, it is everyday communication at home, within the walls of a preschool educational institution or development circles that is the key to the timely formation of speech skills.

A child who spends a lot of time in front of a TV or computer screen sooner or later has problems related to replenishing his vocabulary, the ability to clearly and clearly express his own thoughts, analyze and reason.

It must be remembered that any technique tries to actively use natural childhood curiosity, which perfectly stimulates children's craving for knowledge. That is why the cognitive and speech development of preschool children is one of the constituent elements of child development.

In the process of communicating with children, parents not only enrich their cognitive sphere, but also help them organize their knowledge about the world around them and create special conditions for the productive growth of the personality of a growing person.

Teacher, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

Delayed speech development and methods for solving it:

Development of speech skills in preschool educational institutions through play

Preschool age, as is known, is a period of intensive development of the child, and timely acquisition of correct speech, including its active use, is one of the main conditions for the normal psychophysical development of the child, the formation of a full-fledged personality, and preparation for school.
Currently, the number of preschool children who experience difficulties interacting with peers has increased. L.S. Vygotsky believed that “with the help of speech, a child for the first time becomes capable of mastering his own behavior, treating himself as if from the outside, considering himself as a certain object. Speech helps him master this object.”
In preschool age, play is the leading activity of the child, an effective method and one of the forms of teaching and upbringing that stimulates the speech activity of children.
Games with words and sounds for children are not only attractive, but also useful. Speech games are aimed at developing speech in children, clarifying and consolidating vocabulary, and developing correct sound pronunciation. At the same time, they are the basis for enhancing cognitive activity and developing mental abilities. Preschoolers develop the ability to express their opinions, draw conclusions, and apply new knowledge in various life situations.
Speech games are of great importance for the development of children's speech and thinking; they activate, enrich their vocabulary, improve phonemic hearing in children, and instill interest and love for language.

Games for developing and enriching active speech vocabulary

A) Complete the sentences
- In summer, the leaves on the trees are green, and in autumn...
- Bunny in the summer..., and in the winter...
- Mushrooms grow... and cucumbers grow on...
- The fish lives in..., and the bear lives in...
- Sugar is sweet, and lemon...
- It’s light during the day, but at night...
B) Complete the sentence
Children take turns finishing each of the sentences:
I want...
I can...
I will help...
I'll bring...
I'll sing...
B) Tell me which one
- The pencil is new, large, beautiful, ribbed, colored, thin, durable...
- Autumn leaf, yellow, large, small, fallen...
- Flower - fragrant, spring, forest, bright, small...
- The river is fast, transparent, deep, clean, wide...
- Mom is kind, gentle, sweet, affectionate, hardworking...

Games for recognizing parts of speech, finding out the relationship between them

A) Cheerful family
Name the animals and their babies correctly.
- Mom is a fox, dad is a fox, the kids are foxes.
- Rooster, hen, chickens.
- Cat, cat, kittens.
- Goose, goose, goslings.
- Bear, she-bear, cubs.
B) Big - small
Choose an affectionate word.
- Mom - mommy,
- vase - vase,
- cat - cat,
- sun - sunshine,
- river - rivulet,
- birch - birch,
- leaf - leaf.
B) Catch the ball
The teacher names the noun and throws the ball to the child. The child forms an adjective from the proposed word and returns the ball to the teacher.
- spring - spring,
- sun - sunny,
- birch - birch,
- linden - linden,
- rain - rainy.
Speech games to develop the ability to express one’s own opinion
A) Agreement - disagreement
The teacher’s task is to develop in children the ability to assert or challenge a thesis and justify their opinion.
Educator. It will be rain today.
Children. No, it won’t, because the sky is clear.
Educator. All the birds fly away to warmer climes.
Children. No, some remain for the winter (sparrow, crow, jackdaw).
Educator. This is a fish.
Children. No, it's not a fish. This is a mouse. A fish can't run, but a mouse can. The mouse has ears. but the fish do not.
B) Fable story
The teacher’s task is to teach how to determine the topic of reflection with inserted constructions “I think”, “I know”, “it seems to me”, “in my opinion”; deny inappropriate phenomena using subordinating conjunctions “because.”
After listening to the tall tales, children identify the inconsistencies they noticed.
In summer the sun shines brightly, so the children went for a walk. They made a slide out of snow and started sledding. Then they made a snow woman out of sand. That's how much fun the kids had!
Autumn has come because the green leaves have begun to fall. The children went on an excursion to the lake. There they saw a lot of interesting things. There were two perches and a crayfish sitting on the shore of the lake. When the children came closer, the crayfish and perches fell straight into the water. Near the lake there were many birch trees, and on their branches there were mushrooms hidden among the green leaves. The children jumped up and picked a few mushrooms. That's how many interesting things they saw on the excursion!
Games to improve correct sound pronunciation and develop phonemic awareness
A) New word formation
Replace the vowel sound [у] in the word:
squirrel is a bun, river is a hand, give is blow.
Replace the vowel sound [o]:
himself - catfish, frame - Roma, cash desk - scythe, race - dew.


1. “Education of sound culture of speech in children in preschool educational institutions”
Author: L.R. Bolotina, N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.N. Rodionova.
2. Speech therapy E.N. Krause 2002
3. A.I. Maksakov, G.A. Tumakova “Teach by playing” 2005.

Anna Loginova
Speech development of a preschooler

Article by Nina Efimovna Krasnova.

Kindergarten teacher No. 19 "Cornflower" Yakutsk

Speech development of a preschooler

Speech development- an urgent task of teaching in primary school, where the foundations of a person’s future personality are laid, because speech is the basis of all mental and practical activity, a means of human communication.

Because education is comprehensive developed personality is impossible without improving such an important tool of cognition and thinking as speech, speech development students is currently one of the main tasks of school education, and, first of all, its primary level.

Preschool age is decisive for learning baby: everything that a child learned or failed to learn in these early years will significantly affect his future intellectual development development, and schooling will not be able to compensate for the gaps in child development. Therefore, the main task of educators is development cognitive abilities preschoolers.

Formation of the basis of children's intellectual abilities, cognitive development child is influenced by the social environment. In the process of communicating with others, he learns the language, and with it the existing system of concepts. As a result, already in preschool By age, the child masters the language so much that he uses it freely as a means of communication.

Speech accompanies and improves the cognitive activity of children, makes work activity more focused and conscious, enriches games, promotes the manifestation of creativity and imagination in visual, musical, and literary activities.

To carry out work on cognitive-speech development children use the following means of speech development:

1. Communication between adults and children

2. Cultural language environment.

3. Learning native speech and language in the classroom.

4. Fiction.

5. Various types of art.

The teacher helps the child achieve communicative competence by the end of preschool age by solving problems on development of different aspects of speech at all ages groups:

« Development of coherent speech»

« Dictionary development»

"Mastering grammatically correct speeches»

“Mastering sound culture speeches»

"Preparing for Literacy"

Tasks of cognitive-speech development of preschool children are solved comprehensively, taking into account the age characteristics of children and requirements “Education and training programs in kindergarten”.

Based on all this, a speech model was developed child development.

(Annex 1)

Diverse speech, rich in additions, descriptions and synonyms, in children aged 3 to 7 years is an extremely rare phenomenon. Speech development in preschoolers is of primary importance because this is the time when the child is most receptive to its comprehension.

Children master their native language by imitating the spoken language of others.

It’s a pity that constantly busy parents during this period often forget about this and abandon the formation process. child's speech on its own.

Children spend very little time surrounded by adults (most often at the TV, at the computer, or with toys, rarely hear fairy tales told by mom and dad, and planned activities for Speech development in preschoolers is quite rare.

So it turns out that by the time the child enters school, a lot of problems arise. Therefore, solving the problem, speech development in preschoolers, let’s look at what problems parents and teachers encounter most often in this area.

Typical problems speech development of preschoolers:

1. Monosyllabic speech, which consists only of simple sentences (also called “situational” speech). Inability to correctly and competently construct a common sentence.

2. Scarcity speeches. Poor vocabulary.

3. Speech in which there is an excess of slang words (the result of watching TV,

use of non-literary expressions and words.

4. Poor dialogue speech: inability to ask questions in an accessible and competent manner, to construct long or short answer, if necessary and to the point.

5. Failure to line up monologue: for example, a descriptive or plot story on a specific topic, retell the received text in your own words.

6. Lack of logical justification in your conclusions and statements.

7. Lack of culture speeches: inability to use intonation, adjust tempo speeches and voice volume, etc.

8. Poor diction.

The main task of the teacher is to explain to the child what a particular word means and its meaning.

Classes on speech development necessarily include memorizing short poems and retelling the text read by the teacher.

As a result of these classes, by the time of school the child will learn to express himself competently, will have an impressive vocabulary and correctly pronounce all the sounds of the language.

The correct speech of an adult is very important for child speech development.

That is why it is useful to extend speech rules for kindergarten teachers to parents and the child’s immediate environment.

After all, if, in spite of everything, the baby hears at home "wha" And "Nizya", then all the work on development, done in kindergarten, is gradually coming to naught. This is especially noticeable if the child is absent from kindergarten for a long time, for example, in the summer.

Teacher's speech preschool educational institution has a teaching and educational orientation. The main thing is the quality of its language content, which ensures high work results.

The teacher’s speech is a reflection of the inner world, the characteristics of the intellectual and spiritual development of his personality, an important part of professional culture, which is a universal culture.

Child- preschooler spends most of his time in the nursery garden: communicates with the teacher, learns a lot from him, including culture speeches. Therefore, the teacher should pay special attention to his speeches.

Since the child perceives an adult’s speech as a model, the teacher must speak correctly, without distorting sounds, clearly articulating each word, without rushing, without "eating" endings.

You need to pronounce unfamiliar and long words especially clearly. Liveliness and richness of intonation also play an important role - they contribute to better assimilation speeches.

In cognitive development The teacher’s task is to consistently increase children’s stock of knowledge, organize it, and systematize it.

The child must receive clear representation:

About surrounding objects and their purpose;

About qualities (color, size, shape) objects;

About properties (beats, breaks, tears, pours, etc.) objects;

About the material from which objects are made

Back in the old days, tongue twisters were invented - a kind of folding speeches with repetition and rearrangement of the same letters or syllables that are difficult to pronounce.

Practice tongue twisters with your child, moderate his haste speeches. He will surely enjoy these funny and short poems.

Readiness or unpreparedness of the child to start school

Determined by the level of his speech development: precisely with the help speeches he has to learn (and learn) the entire knowledge system. If a six- to seven-year-old child mastered spoken language before school, he has yet to master written language.

A simple pattern: the better developed By the time a child enters school, his oral speech is improved, the easier it is for him to master reading and writing.

Unfortunately, for various reasons, every year more and more children come to the first grade with defects in the pronunciation of sounds, a poor vocabulary, and children who cannot construct a simple narrative sentence.

Testing speech readiness for school.

Correct pronunciation.

Before learning to read and write, the child must learn to pronounce all sounds correctly and clearly. It is unacceptable to have speeches complete sound replacements (SOLNYSKO instead of SOLNYSHKO, PALTA instead of PART). Such defects in the pronunciation of sounds are usually reflected in writing.

Presence of phonemic hearing.

To evaluate it, ask your child to write down a few words - not in letters, but in circles. There are as many circles as there are sounds in a word. For example, the word “house” should be depicted with three circles, the word “mother” with four.

Check whether the child understands the task correctly, and then dictate the words to the child so that he writes them in the form of circles.

Show him pictures of animals. (eg lion, wolf, cow) and the schemes of their names are written down in the form of circles (by the number of sounds in a word). The child's task is to determine which circles go with which word.

Ability to distinguish sounds.

Clear distinction of all sounds by ear speeches is one of the necessary prerequisites for mastering literacy. Writing any word requires the ability to identify each sound included in its composition and designate it with the corresponding letter. If some sounds seem the same to a child, when writing, he will inevitably have difficulty choosing the letters that correspond to these sounds. (and make mistakes).

For example, if a baby does not distinguish between the sounds B and P by ear, he will not know what the first letter is (B or P) must be written in the word BALKA or in the word PALKA.

The study of auditory differentiation of sounds is carried out using specially selected pictures (the names of the objects depicted on them differ only in one sound being tested).

State of vocabulary.

The older child preschool age vocabulary must be at least 2000 words (for some children it exceeds 5000 words).

It should contain the main parts speeches: nouns, verbs, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

To study it, a number of special techniques are used to determine the presence or absence of certain words in the child’s “dictionary” (see below).

Formation of grammatical systems.

This is, in essence, clarifying the question of whether the child has mastered the existing patterns of inflection and word formation in the language. The grammatical system of inflection of a child with normal developing Usually masters speech by the age of four, and the system of word formation by seven.

These terms are quite arbitrary. Sometimes even a seven year old speaks: “I arrived by subway”, “there’s a sweater under my coat”, “hot coffee”, “put down my pencil”, “run faster”, “blizzard day”, “cyclist - a person who rides a bicycle”, etc. (If the parents themselves speak correctly, this practically never happens).

Checking the development of a child’s grammatical systems is important because even a very large vocabulary does not solve the problem of the usefulness of oral speeches.

It is also important to be able to actively use existing words, to construct sentences and coherent statements from them, since only under this condition can one express one’s thoughts clearly enough. And for the correct construction of sentences, you need the ability to grammatically correctly coordinate words with each other.

Possession of coherent speech.

By coherent speech it is customary to understand such expanded(consisting of several sentences) statements that allow you to clearly and consistently express your thoughts.

Without fluency in coherent speech, the process of school learning is unthinkable (just remember the usual answers in class, so its development the child needs to worry already in preschool age.

Stories are usually divided into factual and creative.

The first, as the name indicates, convey real events (data)- based on their direct perception, or from memory.

The latter are built with the active participation of the creative imagination, thanks to which they can be supplemented with some details that did not exist in the real situation.

In form, stories can be descriptive or plot.

A descriptive story is a description of real or pictured things, plants, animals. There are no characters, there are no events, but the characteristics characteristic of a given subject are simply described. For example: "The puppy is black, shaggy; he has small ears and a short tail."

In a plot story there is a plot of action, its development, reaching some high point (culmination, and completion of the “incident”, or denouement; events here must be transmitted in time sequence, taking into account cause-and-effect relationships.

Periodically offer your child tasks that test communication skills. speech:

Let him listen and retell a previously unknown story close to the text;

He will tell you how today went;

Compose a short fairy tale or story;

Describe a picture of nature;

Describe drawings in which, for example, children play, help adults, relax by the sea;

Describe your family, friend or pet;

He will tell you how, for example, the preparation for the holiday and the holiday itself went, and will try to express and describe his impressions.


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