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Thu, 01/12/2012 - 04:30 - Mega-Levi

I wanted to write a post on this burning topic, mainly to stimulate myself, but here it may come in handy for someone)

1) Evening zhor tightly chokes on sports (and not in "going to the store and back", but specifically to sweat)
2) Night zhor is filled with water
3) Interdinner zhor is poured with warm green tea (1.5-liter teapot)
4) Ask yourself "do I want to eat a stale piece of bread and nibble on a carrot now"? If the answer is: "no, I want" this "cutlet" and "this" piece of cake, then this fantasy has played out. Hunger will be happy with a piece of bread (without everything) and raw carrots (without mayonnaise)
5) Get distracted (if it is a "fantasy" and not hunger) Do-it-yourself work helps a lot: for example, around the house, sorting out clothes in the closet, peeling off something, washing, etc. Also creative work: playing music, drawing, knitting, etc. I do not advise passive distractions (watch a movie, the Internet) You need to take your hands.
6) The desire to eat is almost impossible to control in the company of other people, especially when they themselves are eating! In this case, eat "on the machine" and do not get enough. TV has the same effect. I advise you to eat in silence, alone with yourself, feel the taste of food, enjoy satiety.. From personal experience, I manage to eat breakfast and lunch in silence. For dinner, when the whole family is in the kitchen, you just want to take a huge spoon and eat everything, and right from the pan. Therefore, I take fruit, cottage cheese and run away from there quickly until this fuss subsides))
7) Coffee with cinnamon (no sugar) creates the illusion of satiety.
Mineral water with gases, if you feel like having a bite to eat on the street.
9) Buy sugar-free chewing gum if you go to the supermarket with the company and you are hungry.
10) I advise you to plan the time of breakfast, lunch and dinner, and get used to this schedule.
11) If the household in the evening prepared something very harmful, high-calorie, but you really want to try it .. then we calmly say to ourselves "I will definitely try. But IN THE MORNING!" And we set aside this portion / piece for ourselves, you can even hide it) especially for ourselves. And in the morning we enjoy it + we rejoice in a clear conscience. I even had a special locker for this) Did your family buy cookies? save some for the morning. Did a friend give you chocolate? save half for the morning. Did you make pancakes in the evening? put it off in the morning
12) Does hunger burn after dinner and sports? check hunger or "fantasy", if hunger, then take and eat. normally.
13) And the last, the most difficult. bulimic syndrome. This is when you seem to have satisfied your hunger, but you continue to eat. Moreover, through force, you stuff everything that is at home into yourself, several times you go into the kitchen and overeat .... and then you feel so disgusting and vile to yourself ... The reason is in the brain: neurasthenia, dependence on food, inadequate reaction. He is treated with serotonin (I know for myself) And serotonin is produced - during sports! That's the conclusion, do not miss the sport, less bulimia.
14) If you still can’t stand the desire to eat, feeling all day that you somehow want portions much more than usual, somehow you want bread, and something else, and none of the tips work, then you can eat in full. But the next day - on restriction, diet or unloading. Do not turn the day of gluttony into days and weeks.

Thanks to everyone who read)


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Mega-Levi - Fri, 01/13/2012 - 00:38

Exactly, at the expense of "sleep"! Somehow I forgot about that! After all, sometimes I sin with long night sittings .. Yes, you need to breathe out and go to bed!
On the water bill, I mean, BETWEEN breakfast and lunch, there's a tricky space where you crave a little snack. At this time, the tea goes well. And for breakfast, I, unfortunately, cannot follow the proverb "eat breakfast yourself", my body is in the evening: it takes a long time to accelerate. And the fact that in the daytime you need to eat the main calories, I agree.
5) It is more difficult for me to control the situation in unfamiliar places (food is far away, respectively, stress, that you cannot drown out hunger at the right moment for this, in total you will stretch out and after coming you will eat 2 times more .. it was like that. You must always be full .. well, or have your zhrachka at hand.
9) not really. if a normal dinner is waiting at home, and friends went to the supermarket, you can’t buy anything. Because you will eat it unplanned, and eat your dinner at home (out of principle)

Thanks!!! I wish you also plumb lines, both large and small)))

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Fudzivara - Fri, 01/13/2012 - 10:58 AM

9) here I do not quite agree. Usually when you go for a walk with friends, it is for the whole day. You come home after 16: oh, but in my case it turns out that I automatically stay without dinner. Therefore, in my case, it is better to eat more often, without long intervals, than to come in the evening and get drunk, even though your own, but DINNER.
At work now I eat porridge (I love this diet because I don’t have to cook). And on ordinary days, I cut salads from cabbage, carrots, chicken. Carcass of pumpkin. I make an omelet with pumpkin and meat. I take boiled chicken, fish, milk, shrimp, colmar. Hard boiled eggs sometimes. Kefir pack. Cottage cheese. Soup is a problem. With him, losing weight would be more fun. But even if I bring the soup before work, it’s sickening to eat it cold. There is no microwave (((So I survive by what you can eat cold. Plus fruits)

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Fudzivara - Thu, 01/12/2012 - 02:47 PM

1) agree!!! When you work out, you love yourself much more and you don’t want to look in the direction of the refrigerator.
2) water, tea, water ... And it's even better to go to bed so as not to get drunk) Stopudovo helps)
3) I don’t pour anything between meals and eat. Otherwise, there will be point 14)) It is better to eat in the morning and afternoon, do exercises in the evening, and not keep yourself on the water all day, and clean the refrigerator in the evening. I realized this only after the last breakdown.
4) aha!! Eyes (fantasy) they are! It is necessary to go to the refrigerator (to the kitchen) as to the store! With a list of what you are going to eat, and not fumbling with hungry eyes on the shelves in search of "something delicious."
5) and it is even better to run away from home at this moment! To stay away from the refrigerator! And without money! So as not to buy Snickersni and bounty on the way. Why I love my job: No fridge
6) I don’t have this) Yes, and with others I especially want to cut portions)
7) I am for kefir with cinnamon and red pepper!
mineral water is not good there ... I don’t remember. I always take an apple, a tangerine or a couple of hard boiled eggs with me.
9) woo! this is kinda bad. With this chewing gum, you can bring your stomach to the same state as garlic in the morning on an empty stomach. Buy a banana and eat it. Or Ayran, drink kefir.
10) I agree!!! But because of getting up at different times (especially on holidays and weekends), it’s not the regime that comes out, but hell knows what
11) The right decision. With such thoughts, on the day of the breakdown, I climbed into the refrigerator for cottage cheese, cut off a piece, put it in a miserable saucer and ... ate half of the piece remaining in the cup. And a miserable piece waited for the morning) Oh, yes, I) And also a hungry, envious, restless eye clung to fish cutlets. And a couple of them, and then another! I have only one way out: do not go to the kitchen in the evening, and if you do, then not alone.
12) if hungry, then fall asleep. And in the morning the scales will show a super-result, and the stomach will decrease by a little more)
13) I have this bulimia associated with laziness. You eat, but move vlomaaak ..
Super article! I hope the scales continue to please!

Many are familiar with hunger during or immediately after a diet, for some food is a kind of antidepressant, others suffer from an eating disorder such as bulimia. But there is another pathology - when you constantly want to eat, even if you just left the table. It is not as common as the others, and is not at all associated with either compulsive overeating, or night gluttony, or other forms of uncontrolled appetite. Doctors consider it one of the most difficult.


Overeating is quite understandable when a person after stress or a nervous breakdown simply needs to release endorphins to maintain his spirit. We perfectly understand what happens to the body after an exhausting diet, when it requires to make up for everything that it has not received during its time. To answer the question of why you constantly want to eat even after eating, it will not work right away. The mechanism of this eating disorder is not yet fully understood. It may be due to poor diet, lifestyle or diseases. And you can deal with it only by determining the cause.

Eating habits


In the hypothalamus, there are centers not only for hunger and satiety, but also for thirst. Often in this part of the brain there is confusion in the signals. It seems to you that you want to eat, but in fact, this is how the lack of water in the body manifests itself. Therefore, no matter how much you eat, the appetite returns again and again. On the one hand, this is a dangerous cause, because it can lead to dehydration and disruption of the water-salt balance. On the other hand, it is easily removed.

To remove the constant feeling of hunger in such a situation, it is enough to drink a glass of plain water, and after 15 minutes there will be no problem. In the future, you just need to establish a drinking regime (daily rate - at least 2 liters).

Unbalanced diet

The brain receives a signal of saturation when substances necessary for normal life enter the bloodstream. If the diet is poorly balanced (the same type or consists exclusively of harmful products), the hypothalamus will constantly remind you that something is missing in the body. And he does this by stimulating appetite. It seems like they just ate a whole frying pan of fried pork, but less than an hour has passed, and hunger is already undermining from the inside. The way out is to scrupulously calculate the ratio of BJU in your diet.

Wrong meal plan

If you do not have a clear meal schedule and you constantly chew something, the stomach quickly gets used to this state of affairs. Therefore, do not be surprised that he will demand food at any time of the day - it was you who spoiled him so much.

If, for example, more than 6 hours pass between breakfast and lunch without any snacks, this also leads to an eating disorder: at this time, the hormone ghrelin is released in the body, which will make a person eat 2 times more in the next meal, in reserve, stretching a stomach that will more and more often ask for as much food as possible.

In the absence of a full breakfast, blood sugar levels will fluctuate throughout the day. The result is a painful and endless feeling of hunger.


Wrong sleep pattern

Do you lead a nocturnal lifestyle, staying up late with gadgets? Do you sleep 5-6 hours on weekdays and 10-11 hours on weekends? Can you go to bed at 21:00 today because you are very tired, and tomorrow at 03:00 because you need to finish an urgent report? Even if you answered yes to one question, do not be surprised why you constantly want to eat during the day. Improper sleep patterns lead to a change in hormonal levels, which provokes uncontrolled appetite.

Taking medication

If the constant desire to eat coincided with the appointment of some new medication, most likely it is he who provokes hunger. A similar side effect is observed in contraceptive, powerful antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids, antidepressants, hormonal drugs.

Bad habits

Smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction very often cause an unbridled desire to constantly eat something. This is due to the fact that they take useful substances and energy from the body. He tries to make up for them through additional meals.


If “weight loss attacks” occur no more than 1-2 times a year and at the same time the optimal diet option is chosen (non-durable, and with a balanced menu), then this rarely causes unbridled appetite. But if a person suffers from internal complexes and tries to squeeze the parameters of his figure into the generally accepted standards of beauty through debilitating hunger strikes, it is not surprising that hunger will haunt him 24 hours a day.

Frequent stress

During a nervous breakdown, the production of cortisol occurs, which is hostilely perceived by the brain. Wanting to protect the body from it, the hypothalamus makes a person eat again and again so that a pleasant feeling of fullness arises and endorphins and serotonin begin to be synthesized. The problem is that with prolonged depression, their production slows down significantly, and appetite does not decrease.


Type II diabetes

In patients with diabetes mellitus, the abundant secretion of insulin accelerates the conversion of glucose into glycogen, and later into fat. This is the main reason for the constant feeling of hunger. What diabetics eat is not converted into energy, but into fat, and the body requires an additional dose of calories.


Problems of obesity and many eating disorders are often related to the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is responsible for hormone secretion and metabolism. The hyperfunction of this organ leads to an acceleration of metabolism, a sharp decrease in body weight and uncontrolled appetite for 24 hours a day.


In common parlance, this disease is called gluttony (). It is secondary and develops against the background of other pathologies on this list. A person feels the need to absorb a huge amount of food. Such patients are most often obese, and the only way out for them is surgery to reduce the volume of the stomach.


This is a very dangerous condition, which often ends in a coma. Diagnosed when blood glucose drops to 55 mg/dL, or 3.0 mmol/L. Along with symptoms such as weakness and nausea, there is also an unbridled appetite, which is not drowned out by anything.


Most often, patients suffer from bouts of gluttony, but cases of almost round-the-clock hunger have also been diagnosed. This fact is explained very simply. A person, wanting to lose weight (even if he is not overweight), restricts himself in food, then invariably breaks down and overeats. But immediately afterwards he feels guilty about his weakness and artificially induces vomiting to get rid of food (he may also drink laxatives or enemas for this purpose). The body is starving - and hence the constant desire to eat.


A rare but severe mental illness that is practically untreatable. Such patients are usually hospitalized. Their work of the hypothalamus is disrupted, so they simply do not feel full.


An even rarer disease than acoria. Due to impaired cerebral circulation, patients feel an irresistible desire to swallow something all the time.

If you do not find out why you constantly want to eat, it is useless to fight it. First you need to eliminate the provoking factor, and with it, in 90% of cases, unbridled appetite goes away.

Accompanying symptoms

If, along with a constant appetite, some health problems appear, this is the first sign that the cause is in the disease. According to its typical symptoms, one can at least suggest a diagnosis even before going to the doctor. The sooner this happens, the sooner you can overcome the disease.

If you are constantly hungry, but no other health problems are observed, then the matter is in eating habits formed incorrectly, or in lifestyle. Both will have to be radically changed in order to reduce appetite.

What to do?

There are recommendations that are very difficult to follow, but in certain situations it is simply necessary. Otherwise, the consequences (obesity, diabetes and other concomitant diseases) will lead to a hospital bed and limited viability.

To get rid of the constant feeling of hunger, gradually implement (1-2 points each) the following settings:

  1. Get a medical examination for diseases. If you find them, treat them to the end. If not, make an appointment with a psychotherapist.
  2. Organize the correct drinking regimen. Between main meals, drink a glass of plain water every hour. The daily rate should be at least 2 liters.
  3. Refuse harmful products: first of all - fast food and soda. Limit fatty, fried and salty foods to a minimum.
  4. Make the menu in such a way that the ratio of BJU in the diet is approximately 1/1/4, although this proportion can be determined individually and differ from the generally accepted one - for a more accurate calculation, contact a nutritionist.
  5. Make a strict eating schedule: 3 main meals and 2 snacks to satisfy your hunger in between. Follow him strictly.
  6. Don't skip breakfast, which should be more than just a cup of coffee on the run. It should be full and energize for the whole day.
  7. Start normalizing your sleep. Its duration must be at least 7 hours. It must be at night (daytime is excluded even on weekends). Always go to bed and wake up at the same time. Sleep preferably before midnight.
  8. Review your treatments. What medications do you take all the time, and which ones have you recently been prescribed? Try to identify the provocateur of hunger and, with the help of your doctor, replace it with an analogue.
  9. Get rid of bad habits.
  10. Minimize stressful situations.
  11. If you want to lose weight, do not use diets as a means of combating extra pounds. Limit your daily calorie intake and exercise - that will be enough.

As you can see, in order to fight the constant feeling of hunger, you need to break your life stereotypes at some point. However, it's worth it, because all these points are a slow, difficult, but still path to a healthy lifestyle in compliance with the principles of proper nutrition. This is the universal treatment for this disorder. If you work on yourself, you can. Find yourself weak-willed - as a result, obesity and diabetes will become your scourge for the rest of your days.

Special cases

Separately, it is worth talking about how and why a constant feeling of hunger manifests itself in different categories of the population, as well as with regards to certain foods.

Among women

For the fair sex, constant hunger can be associated with certain life situations.

In the second half of the menstrual cycle, a powerful hormonal surge occurs in the female body. It is he who determines the mood swings that most people experience during this period. Much less often, the consequence of this "explosion" is a constant desire to eat, which is very difficult to cope with. Here you just need to be patient, because it does not last long (2-3 days before menstruation) and only 1 time per month. Acquired extra pounds can then be removed with the help of more intense than usual workouts.


According to statistics, about 75% of women who are carrying a child, for all 9 months or in certain periods of pregnancy, constantly want to eat and cannot do anything about it. There are several reasons:

  1. Changes in the hormonal background.
  2. Due to toxicosis, the body lacks nutrients that it asks to replenish.
  3. The expectant mother has to eat for two.

To control appetite during pregnancy, you need to obey the doctor in everything and eat right. If hunger is too annoying and prevents you from enjoying this wonderful period of life, consult a gynecologist.

Contraceptive drugs

Most contraceptives are hormonal, and this is often the main reason for constant hunger. Moreover, the tablets do not have to be new. The body can rebel at any stage of their intake. To eliminate this factor, you need to take a blood test for hormones, change the contraceptive, or completely abandon it.

In men

Physical exercise

If a man has to do hard physical work on duty, and in his free time he additionally goes to the gym, where he exhausts himself with training, he cannot avoid a constant feeling of hunger. After all, the only way the body can require replenishment of the spent energy.

"Men's Diseases"

Prostatitis and impotence are far from the whole list of male diseases that may be accompanied by a desire to constantly eat. Cavernitis, paraphimosis, andropause, vesiculitis, orchitis - all these pathologies can be compensated by unbridled appetite.

In children

In children, the incessant feeling of hunger is most often due to two factors.


If a child has experienced severe psychological trauma (parental divorce, family or school violence), this can cause an unbridled appetite.

Why do you always want...


  • pregnancy;
  • lack of zinc or magnesium;
  • anemia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • insufficient energy intake: sedentary lifestyle, lack of sports, limitation of physical activity.


  • pregnancy;
  • accelerated metabolism;
  • sodium deficiency;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • increased sweating;
  • pathology of the genitourinary system.


  • pregnancy;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • avitaminosis;
  • lack of phosphorus and iodine;
  • violation of the water-salt balance.

... lemon:

  • pregnancy;
  • low acidity in the stomach;
  • lack of vitamin C;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • smoking abuse.


  • pregnancy;
  • depression;
  • atrophy of muscle tissue;
  • lack of calcium, protein;
  • intense sports.

Most often, a person himself understands that the constant feeling of hunger that he experiences even after the next meal and with a full stomach is a pathology. And with her, regardless of the reasons, you must first go to the doctor.

Any eating disorder is treated through psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, medications. Plus, you will have to seriously work on your own habits and lifestyle in order to improve its quality. As practice shows, those who strive for this achieve complete recovery. In the absence of motivation and the will to win, even the best doctor will not help a person.

14 reasons why you constantly want to eat

1. You're Not Eating Enough Protein

Eating enough protein is important for appetite control. Protein has hunger-reducing properties that can help you automatically consume fewer calories throughout the day. It plays a role in increasing the production of hormones that signal satiety and lowering the levels of hormones that stimulate hunger ( , , , ).

Because of these effects, you may often feel hungry if you don't eat enough protein.

In one study, 14 overweight men who received 25% of their calories from protein for 12 weeks experienced a 50% reduction in the desire to eat at night compared to the group that consumed less protein ().

In addition, people who consumed more protein reported greater satiety throughout the day and fewer obsessive thoughts about food ().

Many different foods are high in protein, so it's not hard to get enough of it in your diet. Including protein foods at every meal can help prevent excessive hunger.

Animal products such as meat, poultry, fish and eggs are high in protein. It is also found in some dairy products, including and, as well as several plant foods such as legumes, nuts, and seeds.

In addition, getting enough sleep is a factor in appetite control, as it helps regulate ghrelin, the appetite-stimulating hormone. Lack of sleep leads to higher levels of ghrelin, so you may feel hungry when you are sleep deprived ( , ).

In one study, 15 people who were only sleep deprived for one night reported being significantly hungrier and chose a 14% larger portion size compared to a group who slept eight hours ().

Getting enough sleep also helps ensure adequate levels of leptin, which is a hormone that promotes satiety ( , ).

To keep hunger under control, it is generally recommended to get at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.


Sleep deprivation is known to cause fluctuations in hunger hormone levels and can nudge a person to eat more.

3. You eat too many refined carbs.

If you have a question why you want to eat all the time, one of the reasons may be refined carbohydrates, namely their significant consumption.

Refined carbohydrates have been processed and stripped of vitamins and minerals. One of the most popular sources of refined carbohydrates is white flour, which is found in many foods such as baked goods and pasta. Also belongs to the list of products with refined carbohydrates. Foods such as sodas, candy, and baked goods that are made with refined sugars are also considered refined carbohydrates.

Since refined carbohydrates do not contain fiber, your body digests them very quickly. This is the main reason why you are constantly hungry, since refined carbohydrates do not contribute to a significant feeling of satiety ().

In addition, eating refined carbohydrates can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. This leads to an increase in the level of insulin, the hormone responsible for transporting sugar into your cells ( , ).

When a lot of insulin is immediately released in response to high blood sugar, it begins to rapidly remove sugar from the blood, which can lead to a sharp drop in blood sugar ( , ).

Fluctuations in blood sugar levels signal your body that it needs more food, which is another reason why you often feel hungry. Especially if refined carbohydrates are a significant part of your diet ().

What to do if you constantly want to eat? To reduce your intake of refined carbs, simply replace them with healthier whole foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains. These foods are still high in carbohydrates, but they are high in fiber, which is useful for keeping hunger under control ().


Refined carbohydrates lack fiber and cause fluctuating blood sugar levels, which are the main reasons why you are constantly hungry.

4. Your diet is low in fat.

Fat plays a key role in keeping you feeling full. This is partly due to its slow passage through the gastrointestinal tract. This means you need more time to digest them and they stay in your stomach for a longer period of time. In addition, eating fatty foods can lead to the release of various hormones that increase satiety ( , , ).

If your diet is almost free of fat, you may experience a constant feeling of hunger.

One study including 270 obese adults found that those who followed a low-fat diet had a significant increase in carbohydrate cravings and preferred high-sugar foods compared to a group that followed a low-carb diet ().

In addition, people in the low-fat group reported more persistent hunger, as opposed to the low-carb group ().

There are many healthy high-fat foods you can include in your diet to increase your fat intake. Certain types of fats, such as medium chain fats (MCT) and , have been studied the most for their effect on reducing appetite ( , , , ).

The richest source of MCTs is coconut oil, and omega-3 fatty acids are found in, such as, and. You can also get omega-3s from plant foods like and.

Some other high-fat sources of healthy foods include eggs and full-fat yogurt.


You can be constantly hungry if you don't eat enough fat. This is because fat plays a role in slowing down digestion and increasing the production of hormones that stimulate satiety.

5. You don't drink enough water.

Proper hydration of the body is incredibly important for your overall health. Drinking enough water has several health benefits, including being important for improving brain and heart health and optimizing exercise performance. In addition, water keeps the skin and digestive system healthy ().

Water is also quite good at inducing a feeling of fullness in the stomach, and has the potential to reduce appetite when consumed before meals ( , ).

In one study, 14 people who drank two cups of water before meals consumed almost 600 fewer calories than those who did not drink water ().

If you don't drink enough water, you may notice that you often feel hungry. It is also known that the feeling of thirst can be mistaken for the feeling of hunger. If you are always hungry, it may be helpful to drink a glass or two of water to find out if you are thirsty ().

To properly hydrate your body, simply drink water when you feel thirsty. Eating plenty of water-rich foods, including fruits and vegetables, will also help meet your water needs ().


You can always get hungry if you don't drink enough water. This is due to the fact that it has properties that reduce appetite. In addition, it is possible that you confuse the feeling of thirst with the feeling of hunger.

6. You eat little fiber

If your diet does not contain fiber, you may often feel hungry. Eating plenty of high-fiber foods is helpful in keeping hunger under control. High-fiber foods slow down the rate of gastric emptying and take longer to digest than low-fiber foods ( , ).

In addition, high fiber intake affects the release of appetite-reducing hormones and the production of short-chain fatty acids, which have been shown to promote satiety ().

It is important to note that there are different types of fiber. Some of these types of dietary fiber are better than others in maintaining satiety and preventing hunger. Soluble fiber (dietary fiber that dissolves in water) has been found in several studies to be more satiating than insoluble fiber ( , , ).

Good sources of soluble fiber include foods such as:

  • flax-seed
  • oranges
  • Brussels sprouts

A diet high in fiber not only helps reduce hunger, but is also associated with a number of other health benefits, such as reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity ().

To ensure you get enough fiber, choose a diet rich in whole plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains.


If your diet does not contain fiber, you may find yourself always hungry. This is because fiber plays a role in reducing appetite and making you feel full.

7. You don't focus on food while eating.

Why do you always want to eat? It may also be due to the low concentration on food during meals.

If you live a busy lifestyle, you can often eat while doing or thinking about other things. While this can save you time, eating while you're busy can be detrimental to your health, as it increases appetite, calorie intake, and therefore body weight.

The main reason for this is that by distracting yourself while eating, you reduce your awareness of how much you are actually consuming. This prevents you from recognizing satiety cues, which is not the case when eating food with a focus on food.

Several studies have shown that those who are distracted while eating are more hungry than those who concentrate on eating ().

In one study, 88 women were instructed to eat either distractedly or sitting silently. Those who were distracted were less full and had an increased desire to eat more during the day compared to those who ate in silence ().

Another study showed that subjects who were distracted by a computer game during lunch were less full than those who did not play the game. In addition, distracted people were found to consume 48% more food later in the day ().

To prevent constant hunger, you need to avoid distractions while eating. This will allow you to enjoy the food you eat, helping you better recognize your body's satiety signals.


Lack of concentration on food can be the reason why you are constantly hungry, as it makes it difficult for you to recognize the feeling of fullness.

8. You exercise a lot

Persons who exercise a lot (go in for sports) burn a large amount of calories. This is especially true if you regularly expose your body to high-intensity physical activity or exercise for long periods of time, such as training for a marathon.

Studies have shown that those who exercise regularly tend to have faster metabolisms. This means that they burn more calories at rest than those who lead a moderate or sedentary lifestyle ( , , ).

In one study, 10 men who engaged in a vigorous 45-minute workout increased their total metabolic rate by 37% per day, compared to another day when they did not exercise ().

Another study found that women who exercised daily for 16 days burned 33% more calories during the day than the non-exercising group and 15% more calories than women who exercised moderately. The results were similar for men ().

Although several studies have found that exercise is beneficial for appetite suppression, there is some evidence that vigorous, sustained exercise causes an increase in appetite, in contrast to those who do not exercise ( , , , ).

You can prevent the constant hunger that comes from exercise simply by eating more calories and nutrients to cover your energy expenditure from exercise. It is best to increase your intake of foods that are high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats.

Another solution is to reduce the amount of exercise or reduce the intensity of your workouts.

It is important to note that this mostly applies to those who are active athletes who often work at high intensity or for long periods of time. If you exercise moderately, you probably don't need to increase your calorie intake.


Individuals who exercise regularly at high intensity tend to increase their appetite and have a faster metabolism. Thus, they may experience frequent hunger.

9. You drink too much alcohol.

Alcohol is well known for its appetite stimulating effect ().

Studies have shown that alcohol can inhibit hormones (such as leptin) that reduce appetite, especially when consumed before or with meals. For this reason, if you drink too much alcohol, you may often feel hungry ( , , ).

In one study, 12 men who drank 40 ml of alcohol before dinner ended up consuming more than 300 calories more from food than the group who drank only 10 ml. In addition, those who drank more alcohol consumed 10% more calories throughout the day compared to the group who drank less. They were also more likely to consume large amounts of high-fat and salty foods ().

Another study showed that 26 people who drank 30 ml of alcohol with a meal consumed 30% more calories than the group who avoided alcohol ().

Not only can alcohol make you hungrier, but it can also impair the functioning of the part of your brain that controls judgment and self-control. It can make you eat more, no matter how hungry you are ().

To reduce the hunger-causing effects of alcohol, it is best to consume it in moderation or avoid it completely ().


Drinking too much alcohol can often make you feel hungry due to its role in reducing the production of hormones that promote satiety.

10. You drink your calories.

Liquid and solid foods affect your appetite in different ways. If you consume a lot of liquid foods, such as shakes, meal replacements, and soups, you may be hungrier than if you were eating more solid foods. One of the main reasons for this is that liquids pass through your stomach faster than solid foods ( , , ).

In addition, some studies show that liquid foods do not have as much of an effect on suppressing hunger-stimulating hormones as compared to solid foods ( , ).

Eating liquid foods also takes less time than eating solid foods. This can make you want to eat more, just because your brain has not had time to process satiety signals ().

In one study, people who ate liquid foods reported less satiety and more hunger than those who ate regular food. They also consumed 400 more calories during the day than the solid food group ().

To prevent constant hunger, you need to eat more whole, solid foods.


Liquid foods do not have the same effect on satiety as solid foods. For this reason, you may often feel hungry if fluids are a major part of your diet.

11. You are under significant stress.

Excessive stress is known to increase appetite. This is mainly due to its effect on increasing levels of cortisol, a hormone that has been shown to promote hunger and food cravings. For this reason, you may find during stressful situations that you are constantly hungry ( , , , ).

In one study, 59 women who were stressed consumed more calories throughout the day and consumed significantly more sugary foods than women who were not ().

Another study compared the eating habits of 350 young girls. Those with elevated stress levels were more likely to overeat, in contrast to those with lower stress levels. Girls exposed to significant stress also reported higher requirements for unhealthy snacks such as potato chips and cookies ().

There are many strategies you can use to reduce your stress levels, for example, you can start exercising or practicing deep breathing ( , ).


Excessive stress is the reason why you want to eat all the time. This happens due to the increase in cortisol levels in the body during times of stress.

12. You are taking certain medications

Several drugs can increase appetite as a side effect. The most common appetite stimulants are antipsychotics such as Clozapine and Olanzapine, as well as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, corticosteroids, and contraceptives ( , , , ).

In addition, some diabetes medications such as insulin, insulin stimulants, and thiazolidinediones are known to increase hunger and appetite ().

There is also some overwhelming evidence that birth control pills have appetite-stimulating properties, but this is not supported by large scientific studies.

If you suspect medications are causing your persistent hunger, try talking to your doctor about other treatment options. There may be alternative medications that will not cause this side effect.


Some medications cause increased appetite as a side effect. In turn, they can make you constantly hungry.

13. You eat too fast.

The speed at which you eat can play a role in how hungry you are. Several studies have shown that fast eaters have significantly higher appetites and tend to overeat compared to slow eaters. They are also more likely to be overweight or obese ( , , , ).

In one study, 30 women who ate fast consumed 10% more calories with meals and reported significantly less satiety compared to women who ate slowly ().

Another study compared the effects of food intake on diabetic patients. Those who ate slowly began to feel full faster and reported less hunger 30 minutes after eating, compared to those who ate quickly ().

These effects are partly explained by insufficient chewing of food and decreased awareness during eating too fast, both of which are necessary to reduce hunger ( , , ).

In addition, eating slowly and chewing thoroughly gives your body and brain more time to produce hunger-reducing hormones and signal satiety ( , ).

If you are constantly hungry, slowing down your food intake may help. You can achieve this by simply chewing your food longer.


Eating food too quickly does not give your body enough time to feel full, which can contribute to a constant desire to eat.

14. You have a certain disease or condition

Constant feeling of hunger is a symptom of several specific diseases. First, frequent hunger is a classic sign of diabetes. It occurs as a result of extremely high blood sugar levels and is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as excessive thirst, weight loss and fatigue ().

Hyperthyroidism, a condition characterized by an overactive thyroid gland, is also associated with increased hunger. This is because it causes excess production of thyroid hormones, which are known to promote appetite ( , ).

In addition, excessive hunger is often a symptom of several other conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and premenstrual syndrome ( , ).

If you suspect that you may have one of these conditions, it is important that you talk to your doctor about the correct diagnosis and discuss treatment options.


Excessive hunger is a symptom of several specific diseases and conditions that should be ruled out if you are often hungry.


  • Constant hunger is a sign that your body needs more food.
  • This is often the result of imbalanced hunger hormones, a condition that can occur for a variety of reasons, including an unhealthy diet and certain lifestyle habits.
  • You may be constantly hungry if your diet lacks protein, fiber, or fat. All these components have properties that contribute to the feeling of satiety and reduce appetite. Extreme hunger is also a sign of lack of sleep and chronic stress.
  • In addition, some medicines and illnesses are also known to make you crave something to chew on frequently.
  • If you often feel hungry, it may be helpful to evaluate your diet and lifestyle to determine possible causes of this condition. Once you identify the causes, there are some changes you can make to help you feel less hungry.
  • Your hunger can also be a sign that you are not eating enough - this can be solved simply by increasing the amount of food you eat.

EDUN, eduna, husband. . 1. The same as the eater in 2 meanings. 2. Strong desire to eat, voracity. Edun attacked him...

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - gon m. unfold - lower. 1. One who eats; eater II 1.. 2. One who has a good appetite, who loves to eat; eater II 2....

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - ed "un, -" ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - on whom. Region Shuttle. I want to eat all the time. - to Ustya, he eats everything, he drags everything into his mouth, like a small child. After vodka, Kholin and I were, as they say, “attacked by a junkie” - we energetically worked with our jaws ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Edun attacked. Prost. Shuttle. About the appearance of increased appetite, a strong desire, someone has. BTS, 295; POS 10, 114; F 1, 183; Mokienko 2003, 30; Glukhov 1988, 72. Jedun stuck to someone. Psk. The same that the edun attacked. POS 10, 114...
  • - Simple. Shuttle. About the appearance of increased appetite, a strong desire, someone has. BTS, 295; POS 10, 114; F 1, 183; Mokienko 2003, 30; Glukhov 1988, 72...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - to whom. Psk. The same that the edun attacked. POS 10, 114...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - 1. go, s, a, ov, y, am, go, s, om, ami, e, ah 2...

    Word forms

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 eater zhrun ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - greedy, insatiable, zhor attacked, ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • "edun" in books


    From the book Memory of a Dream [Poems and Translations] author Puchkova Elena Olegovna

    Hunchback Ask or don't ask, - the silent man spoke. In the midnight zenith shines Ten bright moons. Sharpen your knives on the neighbor - After all, the neighbor is wild, like a Hun ... In Hellas, in India, on Crete The hunchback lived calmly. We opened our arms to him And loudly admired the article, As if a hump


    the author Tsenev Vit


    From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit


    From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit


    From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit


    From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit


    From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit

    Stomenov (Hunchback)

    From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit

    Stomenov (Hunchback)


    From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit


    From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit


    From the book Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov part II the author Tsenev Vit

    The huntress and the hunchback

    From the book of Diane de Poitiers author Erlange Philip

    The Huntress and the Hunchback All we know about Diana's mother is that she gave birth to two sons and three daughters14 and died young. From the earliest years, the one who


    From the book At the beginning of life (pages of memories); Articles. Performances. Notes. Memories; Prose of different years. author Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich

    Hunchback And not far from us was a church, high, white. She called loudly several times a day. Her ringing seemed to fill the entire space between heaven and earth. And our place was quiet. Only the roosters sang in the yards, and the people were talking across the street, and the kite

    The hunchback climbed the ladder

    From the book Wow Russia author Moskvina Tatyana Vladimirovna

    The hunchback climbed the ladder And the sun went out... Christ walked through the dark lanes yesterday, He asked everyone about someone, He carried something to someone... What a miracle, what a charm these Russian intelligent ladies, born in the second half of the nineteenth century and


    From the book Proverbs-motivators for every day for happiness and good luck author Tsymburskaya Elena V.

    Hunchback A man lived in a village. He was a walking kindness. His life's work was to help others. But he had one defect. Under the long black cloak, which he wore without taking off all year round, there was a large hump on his back. His face was beautiful, but the hump deformed

    an urgent desire to eat

    Alternative descriptions

    unrequited love stomach

    They say he's the best cook

    The best seasoning for food

    Acute need for food, strong desire to eat, malnutrition

    Feeling the need for food

    Enterprise Shepherd

    Roman by K. Hamsun

    Tantalum flour

    A frequent consequence of crop failure in an underdeveloped country

    That the cannibal satisfies the little man

    There is a feeling of desire

    One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

    Which feeling is not the sister of the father or mother, according to popular wisdom?

    According to Miguel Cervantes, it is "the best condiment in the world, which the poor never lack"

    What feeling in a person characterizes the expression "gut gut hits on the head"?

    What does the ancient Slavic word "alch" mean, from which the word "greedy" comes from?

    He makes himself felt with a growl in his stomach.

    best cook

    . “grumpy godfather, gnaws until she gets it” (riddle)

    Antonym of satiety

    What can you satisfy with food?

    Oversaturation is exactly the opposite

    What did Socrates consider the best seasoning for food?

    The feeling of a person when sucking in the stomach

    Feeling undernourished

    Cause of death of a Buridan donkey standing between two bales of hay

    Feeling of an empty stomach

    Thirst for food

    Feeling of lack of food

    . "... not an aunt"

    A poem by the Russian poet V. Khlebnikov

    There is nothing

    Emptiness in the stomach

    I really want to eat

    Prolonged malnutrition

    Feeling urgent to eat

    Following the appetite, if not to eat

    He is fed with food

    The best seasoning for food

    Premonition of gluttony

    Acute desire to kill the worm

    What can be quenched with food?

    Satisfied with food

    The right way to lose weight

    . “I paid all my taxes, but I can’t sleep peacefully - ... they don’t let me”

    Need for food

    When you want to eat

    When you want to eat

    The antipode of satiety

    Need for food


    severe malnutrition

    Feeling the need for food

    Thirst for food

    . "Thirst" for edibles

    . "... not an aunt"

    . "I paid all my taxes, but I can't sleep peacefully - ... they don't let me"

    . "grumpy godfather, nibbles until she gets it" (riddle)

    Which feeling is not the sister of the father or mother, according to folk wisdom

    What feeling in a person characterizes the expression "gut gut beats on the head"

    M. hunger, urge to eat, insatiability, need for food, satiety; natural feeling of urge to eat; lack of food, need, lack of food, poverty in bread. there was then a famine, a disastrous, hungry time. We endure hunger and cold. Hunger will take its toll. Hunger is the best cook translated. german Eat hungry and love young. Hunger is not an aunt, the soul (conscience) is not a neighbor. Hunger is not an aunt, the belly is not a basket. Hunger is not an aunt (not a mother-in-law, not a godfather), she will not slip a pie. Hunger will pass, a voice will appear. Hunger grumpy godfather: gnaws, as long as it does not catch. Hunger is not a neighbor: you can't get away from it. Hunger drives the world. Hunger drives the wolf from the forest (to the village). Drives hunger and the wolf from the peg. Itching from hunger, shivering from the cold. Cold and need, there are none worse; cold and hunger, no easier than that. Cold does not tolerate hunger. For seven years, the poppy did not give birth, but there was no hunger. hunger Malashka and alashki in honor. hunger will not burst the belly, it will only wrinkle. they don’t die, they just swell, and burst with gluttony. In Russia, no one died of hunger (did not die). Owns the city, and is dying of hunger. The treasury will not starve to death, but it will not feed you enough. With satiety, remember hunger, with wealth, squalor. Hunger will pass, you will eat what God gives. Not hunger for a cow if there is straw underfoot. The stomach does not feel hungry. Hunger, hunger, golenduha. hunger, hunger, hunger, hunger, more in the sense of poverty in food. hunger and the dog will run away from the yard. The belly of the hungry will take out, and pain and vorogush will come. Poverty, poverty, need, hunger and nakedness; but the last one is more correct. Hunger, hunger Sib. sleet. The golendukha people call the day of February Agafya golenduhi, because last year's stocks are already running out around this time. Hungry, hungry, desiring food, feeling compelled to eat. hungry kuma (Novg. kuma) bread on the mind. Sweet conversation, but hungry. Neither full nor hungry: neither warm, nor cold. Even though it's cold, it's not hungry. Cold, hungry, not a servant of the king, soldier. He's drunk and the kids are hungry. It takes away both the hangover and the hungry. Where it is cold, here it is hungry. Hungry is always half a day. God will pay for the hungry. A hungry man would take a bite from a stone. A hungry Frenchman is happy with a crow. Hungry, and the lord (and patriarch) will steal bread. There is a lot of grass in the field for a hungry horse. There will be work for the worker, there will be a case for the hungry. They gave the hungry Malanya pancakes, and she says: they were baked wrong. The clerks eat hot, the hungry eat cold. Hungry Fedot and cabbage soup in the hunt. A hungry wolf is stronger than a well-fed dog. Do not let the hungry cut the bread, it will deprive you. hungry bird and goiter on the side (on the side). You can't overwhelm yourself with a hungry (criminal) chamber. you can't tear the bones out of the teeth of a hungry wolf. Hungry wolf, yes click teeth. The hungry one sighs, and the full one burps. The well-fed does not understand the hungry. The full on the hungry does not cry. The people are hungry, and the cous is habitual. Hungry piece for a whole slice. Walk on bread, but be hungry (or: yes, don’t eat bread)! Poor, insufficient to satiate. Hungry year. Hungry edge. Hungry table. Stretched out that hungry summer. Skinny, on an empty stomach, before meals. Anoint the lichen with hungry saliva. Skinny, generally poorly fed, thin, skinny, frail. The bird is thin, you know it is hungry with you. Greedy, insatiable. The belly is full, but the eyes are hungry. Hungry, hungry, hungry; somewhat hungry. Hungry, hungry, very hungry. Hungry man m. old. rebel? homeless, idle rod, bean? The hunger strike hungry or scarce time. Spasovka is a lasovka, and petrovka is a hunger strike. hunger to play, starve. To starve someone, to starve, to deprive of food, food, nutrition; more used. with prepositions you, oh. Starve, hunger, feel hungry, want to eat: suffer from lack of food, endure hunger. Better starve, and sow good seed. Though to starve, but to sow a good seed. Where the trouble did not starve, but to us for a feast. Starved, hungry, starved for a day. Hungry for a star. So we were hungry, we were completely hungry, we were hungry enough. Hungry, the bread will sing. Quite hungry. To starve, to starve for a long time, to endure hunger, need. cold, and hungry, and knew the need. Hungry arch. go hungry psk. endure want, lack of something. We are starving for gunpowder, there is nowhere to take it: we are scarce, we are in need. To starve, to be poor, to become impoverished, to grow poorer, to impoverish gradually. Starvation, starvation, starvation cf. comp. by value the corresponding verbs. Hungry, starving, starving, hungry, hungry, hungry, glutton. Hungry and hungry. hunger, hungry time. The starving man of the south. always hungry, insatiable, glutton, insatiable

    According to Miguel Cervantes, it is "the best condiment in the world, which the poor never lack"

    What did Socrates consider the best seasoning for food

    What can be eaten

    What can be quenched with food

    What does the ancient Slavic word "alch" mean, from which the word "greedy" comes

    The feeling that urges you to eat

    Extreme desire to eat

    not aunt

    . "Need and ... driven into the cold" (last)

    . "Need and ... driven into the cold" (last)

    Unlike appetite, it is quenched


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