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particulate filter exhaust gases - a filter element of the exhaust system of a diesel car located behind the exhaust manifold. In English it sounds like Diesel Particulate Filter, and is sometimes called sapling- designed to reduce the emission of soot particles (size from 10 nm to 1 micron) into the atmosphere together with the exhaust gas. All modern diesel cars are equipped with this filter, since the accepted environmental standards "Euro 4 and 5" require its mandatory presence.

Structurally, it can be either a simple soot filter (silicon carbide cell matrix) or quite complex. Since many are combined with a catalytic converter ().

Design and principle of operation

The particulate filter is made of a special cellular filter element, the basis of which is ceramics, placed in a metal housing. The ceramic filter system consists of a large number of microscopic channels, alternately closed from one side or the other, and the walls have a porous structure through which gas passes, but soot cannot seep through. The answer to the question of where the particulate filter is located is obvious: it is built into the car's exhaust system, but the exact location already depends on the specific model.

The principle of operation of this device is quite simple. Exhaust gases seep through the porous structure of the filter element. At the same time, almost all soot particles remain at the inlet, that is, in the form of exhaust, almost pure gas comes out of the car, devoid of heavy impurities.

The principle of operation of the particulate filter. Passive and Active regeneration.

The soot particles accumulated during filtration create resistance to the exhaust gases, which in turn leads to a decrease in the power of the car engine. In this regard, any particulate filter needs periodic cleaning of soot. This process is called regeneration.

Problems with the operation of the particulate filter

There are two types of regeneration: passive and active.

Passive regeneration occurs without the participation of the driver (occurs imperceptibly). Small deposits burn out at a temperature of about 350 degrees. Such cleaning may be accompanied by sharp smoke. But in order to achieve such a desired temperature regime, it is necessary to periodically let the diesel engine run at a speed of more than 2000 rpm. duration 5 - 10 min. This type of regeneration is performed every 500 - 700 km.

Since in urban conditions, which driving mode is not always possible, there is a gradual clogging with subsequent failure.

In this regard, drivers often periodically add special additives to the fuel that allow soot to burn at lower temperatures of about 450 ° C. The use of another type of restoration of the soot plant's working capacity is caused by the corresponding stash on the dashboard, and an error will pop up during diagnostics.

The particulate filter icon (aka exhaust system malfunction) lights up in several cases: when an active regeneration of an exhaust system element is required or if it has already become unusable.

Active regeneration particulate filter occurs at temperatures over 600 degrees (the computer for protecting data from the sensors itself performs the necessary procedures), such as:

  • late fuel injection;
  • additional injection;
  • an additional heating element is used in front of the filter;
  • fuel is injected before the filter;

It is during such procedures that the exhaust heats up to this value at the maximum load of the diesel engine. After such regeneration, the performance of the particulate filter is restored.

Emergency regeneration does not start if the filter is filled with more than a certain amount of soot (about 68 gr).

But be that as it may, the resource of the exhaust gas filter is about 250 thousand kilometers. And how long it will not be necessary to completely remove or replace the particulate filter depends on the quality of the fuel and lubricants.

Symptoms of a clogged particulate filter

When the soot cleaning filter is clogged or completely out of order, the following signs will signal its condition to the driver:

Operation features

Quite often, faulty EGR valves become the cause of a particulate filter breakdown. In modern vehicles, electronic control systems automatically count the number of completed regeneration cycles and, if necessary, notify the driver of the need to replace the filter. In any case, for the normal operation of the soot plant, it is necessary to use high-quality fuel (sulfur content should not exceed the norm) that meets the requirements of the Euro-4.5 standard. Also, owners of cars equipped with such a filter should not fill in bio-diesel.

In cars equipped with a particulate filter, it is very important to use the brand of oil that is prescribed in the instructions by the manufacturer. When it does not match, the probability of its failure due to clogging with oil waste products is very high.

It is worth remembering that a car with a particulate filter requires certain rules for maintenance and operation.

Removing or disabling the particulate filter requires software intervention.

Repair features

In most cases, diesel particulate filters are not repairable devices, but they are located under the bottom of the car or near the engine, so replacing them does not look like a difficult task, but quite expensive. That is why the majority of car owners turn to service stations in order to cut out the exhaust gas filter, thereby violating environmental standards for emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. On some machines, the particulate filter can be completely turned off (if you do not install an additional resonator, then a loud exhaust sound will appear), but only where its presence and condition is not electronically controlled. This way out of the situation is called chip tuning.

Related terms


The consequences of malfunctioning diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration on the Nissan Qashqai

This article will be a logical continuation of the conversation about malfunctions associated with the "soot" (colloquial).

The full and correct name of this device is: diesel particulate filter (abbreviated as DPF) -( filter for purification from solid macroparticles in diesel exhaust gases); or "diesel particulate filter" or "diesel particulate filter" or "diesel particulate filter".

"What is a particulate filter, and why is it needed?"

I will not repeat myself and therefore I refer the reader to my article published on the Legion-Avtodata website:
« particulate filter » ,

Customers sometimes ask, they say, are there cars without a "soot"? The question is logical, because the cost of replacing a particulate filter with a new one is high, several hundred dollars. Yes, there are such cars without a particulate filter. And I can’t give any hope: the vast majority of diesel cars are produced and will be produced with a particulate filter. It won't get better, customers will have to accept this as a "given" and get used to the fact that in order to operate such cars, they will need to read and follow the attached instructions.( below in the text ). If you follow it, then the car will serve "happily ever after" - within the limits allotted to it by the Manufacturer.

However, drivers who have a car with a "soot" and live in big cities and use their car in the "left for work - traffic jam - traffic jam - arrived" mode should keep in mind that such operating conditions are not provided by the Vehicle Manufacturer. Of course, on-board electronics frees a person from worries as much as possible and the necessary procedure called “regeneration” occurs automatically. But regeneration requires certain conditions. And constant trips in the "traffic jam - traffic jam - traffic jam" mode lead to conditions when the regeneration is of poor quality or even interrupted.

It was this car that came to us for diagnostics and repair. At first we heard a sound, it was approaching and approaching, and then the car itself appeared around the corner. A completely new and modern car, Nissan Qashqai (Nissan Qashqai).

Better muffle it, - we asked the client, because the sound of a running engine was too terrible. This is how a tank or tractor engine can work, but not a car engine. And here is the car in the box: the last years of production, in appearance it is completely “not killed”. But what a sound! What is the reason for this sound?

Before you do something, you need to comprehend the situation. What's the motor? Looked:

How was the car used? They asked. Everything is standard, everything is normal, there are no starting points:
“Everything happened suddenly, the car was operated as standard - parents drove, middle-aged people. The soot light came on several times, they drove onto the highway, drove the car at high speed and the light went out. And at some point it caught fire and didn’t go out anymore. ”

"Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Malfunction Warning Lamp"

This warning lamp comes on when the ignition key is turned to the ON position. After starting the engine, the control lamp should go out. This indicates the health of the system.

If counter, the DPF malfunction lamp lights up when the engine is running, which means that the amount of soot accumulated in the filter has reached a certain limit. If this happens, then at the first opportunity, start driving at a speed of about 80 km / h until the counter, the lamp goes out. In doing so, the statutory speed limits must be observed. Soot particles accumulated in the DPF cannot be burned when driving at a lower speed. After the soot particles are completely burned off, the DPF malfunction indicator lamp will turn off.

Well, we continue to study the malfunction: “What about our mistakes?” Now the electronics are so advanced that the motor is only going to sneeze, and the diagnostic system is ready to throw out a fault code. What is here?

Is it clear now. Even some thoughts appeared. Well, it’s not worth asking about the soot planter and regeneration from the client, the majority doesn’t delve into all these subtleties a little and only catches on when the “rooster pecks”.

We will remember:

In the phase of exhaust gas release from the engine cylinder, an additional portion of diesel fuel is injected into the cylinders, which no longer takes part in pushing the piston - part of this fuel has time to seep past the piston rings into the engine pan

· Owners of cars with a diesel particulate filter living in megacities, with constant traffic jams, quite rarely can provide their car with such a condition, as a result of which regeneration can start much less often than necessary; it should also be taken into account that in no case should you interrupt the regeneration process by turning off the engine

Interrupted regenerations lead to accelerated overflow of the particulate filter, it is already clogged so severely that the regeneration process is not able to completely clean the particulate filter,-

The key words here are: "an additional portion of diesel fuel is injected into the cylinders, which no longer takes part in pushing the piston - part of this fuel has time to leak past the piston rings into the engine pan."

Well, let's see what is in the pan of this engine? And you'll excuse me that we have to show such dirty, but such is our work - it's an ordinary rag, on which they dropped what was left on the dipstick:

Yes, it is clear that we are not a laboratory and did not give “this” there for analysis, but even without sniffing much, it became clear that there was “bare diesel fuel” in the pan.

And now it’s simple and accessible: “Due to violation of the regeneration conditions, a lot of motor fuel got into the engine sump and the engine, in fact, worked on diesel fuel”.

You can listen to how it worked and its sound of work on the audio recording:

But this is already the work of the motor after a complete oil change was made, and that “tractor” sound that I spoke about earlier was much stronger and louder.

Customers ask: “How often should regeneration take place? How do you know if it's right or not?"

Here you can say this: “if regeneration occurs in the normal mode, and this is 2-3 times during the engine oil change period, then this is normal. And the amount of diesel fuel that got into the pallet is small, non-critical and is taken into account by the Manufacturer. But when regeneration starts every 100-300 kilometers due to a clogged particulate filter, diesel fuel gets into the oil often and then the amount of motor fuel in the sump increases much. An example is this car. Regeneration on it occurred so often that the amount of diesel fuel exceeded all reasonable limits - the motor “knocked” (the sound of this motor: ). This is what long-term operation with a faulty particulate filter leads to.

A device such as a particulate filter has been available in all diesel cars manufactured since 2011 (as well as on a number of models manufactured after 2000 - then it was not yet a mandatory element, but was already used by some car manufacturers) in the territories of countries included in WTO (Euro-5 standard adopted by the Customs Union).

New particulate filter
Particulate filter after working out

The main task of such an element is to maximally clean exhaust gases from impurities harmful to the environment.

The use of particulate filters has reduced the content of soot particles in the exhaust of diesel cars by almost 100% - more precisely, by 99.9%.

What is a car particulate filter and how does it work?

At the moment, two types of soot cleaners are used in cars:

The diesel particulate filter DPF (abbreviation for the words Diesel Particulate Filte) for a diesel car captures soot particles up to 1 micron in size, which are formed as a result of fuel combustion. Such a filter is simple in design, but it requires regular cleaning (regeneration) actions.

The FAP type filter (an abbreviation of the French expression Filtre A Particules) is a more complex device that does not require regular intervention. Regeneration (purification) occurs here automatically.

The location of the particulate filter (see Fig. 1) is in the exhaust system, behind the catalytic converter. In some cases, it can also be combined with a converter, and then its location is directly behind the exhaust manifold.

This is the place where the exhaust gases have the highest temperature. In this embodiment, the device is called a "catalytic coated particulate filter".

The average resource of particulate filters is designed for a mileage of 150 thousand km. But this is the European standard. On Russian fuel, according to the reviews of owners and employees of car services, this figure is almost three times lower.

At the moment when the on-board computer gives an error indicating that the particulate filter is clogged, the car owner will need to make one of the following decisions:

  1. Complete particulate filter replacement. A very costly undertaking. Of course, the price depends very much on the make and model of the car, but in any case, this action is much more expensive than all the items listed below. For example, on a BMW, replacing a particulate filter will cost approximately 1,500 euros.
  2. Physical removal of the particulate filter. The procedure is also not cheap, and has several disadvantages. It is not enough just to take and cut out the filter, replacing it with a pipe section. A number of on-board computer procedures are tied to the data coming from the particulate filter sensors, which means that it will be necessary to replace its firmware. Replacing the firmware does not always go smoothly, in some cases errors occur (false indications, other problems with the on-board computer).
  3. Diesel particulate filter sensor cheat. It consists in installing a separate device that emulates the normal operation of sensors (fakes signals) or software removal of the particulate filter from the electronic control unit system. This procedure does not relieve the owner of the car from cleaning the filter itself. However, it significantly extends its life or allows you to easily remove the particulate filter with the least errors in the operation of the on-board computer.
  4. Regeneration. The most correct procedure, because removing the filter increases emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, despite the fact that even without this element, European cars successfully pass technical inspection according to Russian standards. At the same time, the cost of filter regeneration remains acceptable in comparison with the same removal or replacement, although they require periodic repetition.


Types of regeneration - cleaning methods

In fact, a particulate filter is a container filled with a substance with a porous structure (ceramics is most often used). When exhaust gases pass through these "honeycombs", soot and fumes settle on the pores of the filler.

Over time, the pores become clogged and the passage of exhaust gases becomes difficult, which leads to an increase in fuel consumption and a decrease in engine power, and the risk of various problems increases.

To restore the properties of the filter, a regeneration procedure is performed, which can be of two types:

  1. Active. The pores are cleaned by raising the temperature inside the filter to 600-1000 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the soot burns completely.
  2. Passive. Here, soot removal also occurs due to its combustion, but combustion occurs at a temperature of about 350 ° C (this is the normal temperature of diesel exhaust gases). Soot oxidation requires a special catalyst that lowers the reaction temperature - for example, platinum in Volkswagen filters (the same catalytic coated particulate filters that were mentioned earlier).

Active regeneration requires the implementation of special procedures by the car owner, and passive regeneration occurs without any participation of the car driver.

If regeneration does not have the desired effect, then you can always simply rinse the filter. Flushing the particulate filter performed after removing it from the vehicle. The unit is placed in a special chemical composition for a while, and then the same composition is passed through a filter under pressure.

How to start particulate filter regeneration

To increase the temperature inside the particulate filter for complete combustion of soot, you can use one of the following methods (active regeneration):

  1. The introduction of special additives into the fuel mixture (most often based on cerium), which, when passing along with the exhaust gases, continue to burn. In this case, the removal of the vehicle assembly itself is not required. The disadvantage of this method is its low efficiency - the method can give a positive effect only at the initial stage of pollution (no more than 2000 - 3000 kilometers from the moment the error indicator on the on-board computer panel is triggered).
  2. Starting a special engine operation procedure through the auto electronic control unit. In this case, the air supply is reduced, the fuel is injected on the exhaust stroke (that is, it enters the exhaust system unburned). In some car models, original technologies are used, for example, an additive is additionally introduced, or the outflow of burnt gases is reduced, etc.

If regeneration does not help, it is necessary particulate filter repair.

It will be removed, disassembled and cleaned by hand or completely replaced in the workshop. Of course, this can be done with your own hands, but it is better to trust the experts.

The regeneration procedure starts most often without user intervention:

  1. The sensor for increasing the level of soot in the filter is triggered.
  2. During the movement, the control unit will independently increase the speed, reduce the air flow and clean the particulate filter.

But, if cleaning attempts are unsuccessful, or the soot level is critical, then the control unit will refuse cleaning attempts and display an error.

In this case, you can try to start the procedure yourself through the service menu of the electronic control unit (ECU) and follow the instructions of the system (if the automatic speed control mode is not supported).

It all depends on the car model and EBP firmware. In some cases, it may be necessary to know service codes or connect external diagnostic devices.

What liquid will help to regenerate a diesel particulate filter

If you do not become the owner of a car with a particulate filter with a catalytic coating or a built-in automatic regeneration procedure, then you can always resort to the use of special additives.

You can try to restore the particulate filter, for example, using universal tools:

  1. Regeneration catalysts from ARDINA - Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration Aid (poured into the fuel tank as an additive).
  2. Liqui Moly Pro-Line Diesel Partikelfilter Reiniger is a cleaner that requires forced injection, after application it must be neutralized with another solution (Pro-Line Diesel Partikelfilter Spulung).
  3. Liqui Moly Diesel Partikelfilter Schutz is another additive that acts as a catalyst.


If an original additive is used in the car (for automatic supply from a special tank in the particulate filter regeneration mode), then it should be ordered from authorized dealers.

During operation of a diesel engine, as a rule, complete combustion of fuel does not occur. As a result, together with the exhaust (exhaust) gases, components harmful to humans and the environment, including soot, enter the atmosphere. To reduce the concentration of the latter, a particulate filter is used. In English option - Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF).

Design and arrangement in the system

The particulate filter belongs to the exhaust system and can be located next to or combined with it into a single structure (in this case, it is located near the exhaust manifold, which ensures gas filtration at maximum temperature). The device is used only in vehicles running on diesel fuel, and, unlike the catalyst, which is installed on gasoline engines, it cleans the exhaust exclusively from soot particles.

particulate filter

Structurally, the particulate filter consists of the following elements:

  • Matrix. It is made of silicon carbide (ceramic) and is a system of thin channels with a cross section in the form of a square or octagon. The ends of the passages are alternately closed, and the walls have a porous structure, due to which the soot lingers inside and settles on the walls.
  • Frame. Made from metal. It has an input and output channel.
  • Sensors for measuring pressure (differentials at the inlet and outlet).
  • Inlet and outlet temperature sensor.

Features of the operation and operation of the particulate filter

Passing through the particulate filter, contaminants settle on the walls of the matrix, resulting in the formation of purified gases at the outlet. Gradually, the filter cells fill up and clog, preventing the passage of exhaust gases. This leads to a decrease in engine power, indicating that it needs to be cleaned or replaced.

The service life of the particulate filter depends on the operating conditions of the vehicle. On average, manufacturers recommend performing a condition check every 100,000 kilometers. The actual range of filter contamination is from 50 to 200 thousand kilometers. To extend the resource, it is necessary to regularly regenerate and change the engine oil in a timely manner.

Types and tasks of regeneration

The location of the particulate filter in the exhaust system

Particulate filter regeneration is a procedure for burning soot deposited in the matrix. Regeneration is of two types:

  • Passive - carried out by increasing the temperature of the exhaust gases. This can be done by accelerating the engine to maximum load (about 15 minutes of driving at 3000 rpm or more) or by adding additives to diesel fuel that reduce the temperature of soot combustion.
  • Active - performed when the main mode of engine operation does not provide the required indicators for passive regeneration. To do this, a forced increase in temperature is performed for a while. The temperature increase is achieved in various ways - due to late or additional injection on the exhaust stroke, an electric heater or additional additives to the fuel.

Frequent burning wears out the ceramic matrix and leads to its destruction. And since the cost of a particulate filter is quite high, it is necessary to find the most gentle mode. It is achieved by increasing the amount of distance traveled between regeneration procedures, as well as by reducing the temperature ranges of oil combustion.

Diesel oil selection

Unsuitable oil provokes additional contamination of the filter matrix cells and pre-wear. When the engine is running, it burns along with the fuel and, in the presence of non-combustible sediment, blocks the operation of the exhaust gas cleaning system.

For diesel engines with particulate filters, ACEA (Association of European Automobile Manufacturers) has established a certain oil standard that meets environmental standards of at least Euro-4 and the rules for operating cars in general. Motor oils for modern diesel particulate filters with ACEA approval have received the C mark (C1, C2, C3, C4). They are used for cars with exhaust purification systems, and their composition allows you to extend the life of the matrix.

Is it possible to remove the particulate filter

Many motorists, wanting to get rid of the problem of constant cleaning and replacement and the additional financial costs associated with them, decide to remove the particulate filter. You can do this in several ways:

  • Dismantling the device. Mechanical removal of the diesel particulate filter can slightly increase the power of the car. On the other hand, during the operation of the machine, the engine ECU will start to give an error, perceiving the absence of a filter as a malfunction.
  • Making adjustments to the software of the engine ECU (updating the program to a version that does not contain information about connecting a particulate filter). The software update is performed by a special device - a programmer, but you must be sure that the new firmware will work correctly, since the consequences can be unpredictable.
  • Connecting a device emulator (without changing the factory program), which sends signals to the ECU similar to the operation of a real particulate filter.

However, it should be borne in mind that the currently established Euro-5 environmental standards prohibit the operation of a car with a diesel engine without a particulate filter.

Almost all over the world there is an active struggle to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the environment. In order to reduce the negative impact of automobile exhaust on the environment, since 2000, a new component has been introduced into the exhaust gas system of passenger diesel cars - the installation of a particulate filter (SF). Thus, the Euro-4 environmental standard appeared. In January 2011, with the introduction of the Euro 5 standard, the use of a particulate filter on passenger cars with a diesel engine became mandatory. Now, many car owners are thinking about how to remove the particulate filter and whether it is worth it. To make the right decision, it is worth thoroughly understanding the topic.

General information, design features, types of devices

During the operation of a diesel internal combustion engine, diesel fuel always does not burn out completely, resulting in the formation of nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides, as well as soot directly, the particles of which have a size of 10 nm to 1 micron. The composition of each particle includes a carbon core, with which hydrocarbons, metal oxides, sulfur and water are connected. As the name implies, the task of the particulate filter is to reduce the emission of soot particles into the atmosphere along with exhaust gases.

Structurally, the device is a metal flask, inside which there are small cells, similar to a multi-level grid. Due to the porous structure of the walls, harmful substances linger and settle on them. Also, the device is equipped with sensors that control temperature, differential pressure and the amount of oxygen. The filter is located behind the exhaust manifold, not far from the exhaust pipe of the muffler. The use of SF is very effective, since it allows to achieve almost complete purification of exhaust gases - about 90 - 99% of particles are retained.

Particulate filters of modern diesel engines can be divided into three main groups:

  • PM (Particulare Matrix) - open type filters;
  • DPF (Diesel Particulare Filter) - closed type filters;
  • FAP (Filtre a Particles) - closed-type filters with the function of active regeneration.

It is worth noting that PM, in fact, are not even filters, but soot particle traps, and are optional. Due to imperfection and the presence of various side effects, at the present time, open-type filters are practically not used and therefore do not require detailed consideration.

DPF filters have a catalytic coating and are installed on cars manufactured by the Volkswagen concern, as well as some other manufacturers. Such devices do not have the possibility of cleaning and, if clogged, must be replaced. The only way to restore and clean the filter is passive regeneration, which occurs when the engine is running at maximum loads. This is due to the fact that when the exhaust gases reach a temperature of 400-600 degrees, the accumulated soot is burned.

FAP filters are developed by the French concern PSA (Peuqeot-Citroen), and are also used in Ford, Toyota, etc. cars. The removal of accumulated soot from the device is carried out in a similar way to the DPF, however, the regeneration process is forced. The system uses a special additive containing cerium and stored in a separate tank. When burned, cerium releases a huge amount of heat - the temperature can reach 700-1000 degrees, which is not enough to destroy the device itself, but more than enough to eliminate soot. When the FAP filter is filled, the control system sends a command to inject the additive into the fuel, due to which the particulate filter is actively regenerated.

What determines the life of the filter?

According to manufacturers, the operational life of particulate filters is 100-150 thousand kilometers. However, it is important to consider that, as is often the case, the data are given with the expectation of using a car in literally ideal conditions. As practice shows, in domestic realities, the cells of the device are clogged much earlier. This raises questions about how to properly turn off the particulate filter.

The greatest influence on the duration of the "life" of the unit is the quality of diesel fuel and the quality of engine oil. The fact is that oil always penetrates the cylinders, even in an unworn engine, and it contains all kinds of additives. And if this problem can be solved by using exclusively suitable lubricants with the designation "DPF" or "FAP", then there are practically no effective ways to change the composition of diesel fuel. All diesel fuel filled at Russian filling stations has a high sulfur content. It is for this reason that the performance of the filter decreases extremely rapidly.

Signs of clogged filter

Typical symptoms of a failed diesel particulate filter include:

  • A noticeable increase in fuel consumption;
  • Increasing the level of engine oil;
  • Significant reduction in acceleration dynamics, lack of traction;
  • Unstable operation of the engine at idle;
  • The occurrence of unnatural sounds and hissing during the operation of the internal combustion engine;
  • Periodic excess causticity and opacity of exhaust gases;
  • Turn on the warning signal on the dashboard.

It must be understood that all of the above factors can be present separately and irregularly, up to the absence of any of them.

Self-cutting particulate filter

The particulate filter is certainly a useful thing for the environment, however, the inconvenience that occurs when it becomes clogged often pushes car owners to eliminate the device. One highly dubious but common way to try to fix the problem is to cut out the particulate filter with your own hands or with the involvement of "experts" from a nearby garage.

It’s worth mentioning right away that for both FAP and DPF systems, the shutdown process includes two stages. First of all, the filter is removed programmatically, that is, changes are made to the car system, and then it is already cut out physically.

Of course, it is quite simple to mechanically remove the particulate cleaner, and this procedure does not take much time. At the same time, in artisanal conditions, in place of the filter, most likely, a piece of pipe will simply be soldered. In this case, you can forget about temperature and differential pressure sensors - they will either be broken or they will not be able to connect back. But this is far from the worst. Physical removal is still only a minor part of the operation, since it makes no sense without disconnecting the device from the computer. But with changes to the software component, things are much more complicated.

There is a huge risk that private auto mechanics, who undertake to reflash the on-board computer for a modest fee, will do the owner of the car a disservice. For each car model with SF, manufacturers have developed appropriate software. Incorrect intervention in a complex system and the use of cheap software downloaded from the Internet on the principle of "approximately similar" or "like it" is a guarantee of a deplorable result and huge financial costs for correcting an error. The result of such manipulations is:

  • Inability to control the performance of sensors;
  • Incorrect engine operation;
  • Removing the error map, as a result of which the machine loses the ability to detect errors even when a dealer scanner is connected. In fact, this means the impossibility of repairing the car in the future.
  • Activation of the emergency mode "Check Engine" with limited vehicle power.

It follows from this that disabling the particulate filter with your own hands, unprofessional and hardly of high quality due to the lack of serious knowledge in programming, is the right step towards problems and constant headaches. In order to return “as it was” later, incredible efforts, a lot of time and solid financial investments will be required.

Diesel particulate filter replacement

Before you turn off the particulate filter, you must definitely take into account that the most correct way to solve the problem is to simply replace the device. Installing a new original product with an international quality certificate is an ideal way to deal with a SF malfunction. The key disadvantage in this case is only the high cost of the spare part. Depending on the make and model of the car, the price of the part can range from $1,000-$3,000. Such a repair turns out to be, if not unbearable, then at least undesirable for most domestic drivers. The situation is also overshadowed by the fact that the replacement of the filter will not affect the quality of the diesel fuel being poured. Therefore, it will be possible to forget about the difficulties only for the next 100-150 thousand kilometers.

Optimal compromise

The problem of the particulate filter on diesel cars has become widespread in our time. This was the reason for the development of a really effective solution, which involves the physical removal of the device, the EGR valve plug and a delicate software flashing.

Only highly specialized specialists know how to properly remove the particulate filter, since working with an electronic control unit requires conscious actions, certain experience and skills, as well as certified software. The whole operation consists of:

  1. Computer diagnostics (error reading). First of all, the true cause of the malfunction, the disappearance of traction, the increase in smoke, etc. is determined. If the problem lies precisely in the SF, the procedure continues.
  2. ECU reprogramming. The file is read from the car ECU (via the OBD connector or by soldering the chip), the necessary files are changed in it, the data is corrected, after which the resulting software is installed on the car.
  3. Mechanical cut filter, EGR valve plugs. Depending on the specifics of the machine, this step can take from 1 to 6 hours. Then all sensors are connected back.
  4. Erase errors and control computer diagnostics.

When the filter is turned off by professionals, the control unit is reflashed in such a way that the device itself and the USR are completely extracted from the software algorithm of the car. In parallel with this, the standard injection map is edited, which allows you to remove fuel injection and the regeneration function, and reconfigure the sensors.

Advantages and disadvantages of removal

Like any compromise solution, removing a reflashing soot has its strengths and weaknesses. The most significant disadvantages of removing the particulate filter are:

  • Problems with the operation of the vehicle in countries with mandatory compliance with environmental standards. If, upon entering Europe, border or patrol services want to check the condition of the internal combustion engine for its compliance with the Euro-5 class, then the absence of a filter will immediately be detected and such a car will not enter the European Union. In extreme cases, you will have to go to the service station to carry out an expensive installation of equipment.
  • A sharp deterioration in environmental performance, an increase in the amount of harmful emissions, a detrimental effect on the environment. The level of soot emissions into the atmosphere will indeed rise sharply, but it will still be possible to pass a technical inspection.

The list of benefits of disabling the particulate filter looks more impressive. This should include:

  • Avoid similar problems in the future. The need to replace the device will disappear forever;
  • Restoration of the dynamic characteristics of the engine, as excess resistance to the exhaust system will be eliminated;
  • Reducing the average fuel consumption, reducing the sensitivity of the engine to fuel of second-class quality;
  • No need to use special expensive motor oils;
  • There will be no black or gray smoke when driving in heavy traffic, since regeneration is no longer activated;
  • The cost of the removal and reprogramming procedure is many times lower than the price of a new filter.

With the correct shutdown of the device, a serviceable diesel engine runs as stably as with it. Most of the world's car manufacturers have exported modifications of diesel engines without a particulate filter. With a competent shutdown of the unit, specialists take factory samples as the basis.

If you have made the decision to remove your particulate filter and want to get rid of the problems associated with it forever, we know how to help you. Our company has developed advanced technical and software solutions that allow you to quickly make the computer "forget" about the existence of an anti-particulate cleaner. In their work, our experienced craftsmen use only licensed equipment and strictly compatible software. We can professionally disconnect and cut the particulate filter of almost any car, without any unpleasant consequences throughout the entire period of operation. Both passenger cars and diesel trucks are accepted for work. Our prices are affordable and all work carried out is guaranteed. You can find out the cost of the procedure for your make and model of car on the page.


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