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The car stopped right at the edge of a snow-covered cliff. Below, under the high bank, a river flows. Muscles involuntarily tensed, and a crazy thought came to my head: "Does he really want to dive off a cliff?" No, it’s like we’ll drive off, and there will be no deadly trick. Slightly backing away, the car again approaches the shore. The top view is exactly the same - dizzying. Pause. Then the driver turns on the gas, and we still fall down ...

Side-turning snow and swamp vehicle ("cheburator") A versatile highly maneuverable all-terrain vehicle for travel and expeditions. It can also be used for monitoring power transmission lines in hard-to-reach areas and clearing ice from rivers and lakes from debris.

Oleg Makarov

However, nothing that the imagination drew did not happen. The descent went softly, smoothly, we did not roll over and did not break our necks. The car is unusual. And with an unusual name - "cheburator". And behind the wheel, that is, no, behind the levers of the "cheburator" Alexey Garagashyan is a real guru among snow and swamp-going enthusiasts in St. Petersburg and other parts of our large country.

What a "cheburator" is can only be understood by taking a ride on this all-terrain vehicle. It looks like nothing special: a simple box-shaped body of an unpretentious design, a small cabin with Spartan comfort and very, very large wheels. We are driving along a snow-covered field, somewhere not far from the St. Petersburg Ring Road. The tonne machine rolls softly and smoothly, leaving a barely noticeable shallow track on the snow. But as soon as we decided to dismount, we fell into the snow almost to the waist. This is really an all-terrain vehicle!

Designer - Alexey Garagashyan. A versatile, highly maneuverable all-terrain vehicle for travel and expeditions. It can also be used for monitoring power transmission lines in hard-to-reach areas and clearing ice from rivers and lakes from debris. Alexei Garagashyan's hobby for wheeled vehicles began in childhood - with the independent design of bicycles. Then came the passion for motorcycle tourism and, finally, Aleksey began to design all-terrain vehicles on low-pressure tires. He spends more than 100 days a year traveling in an all-terrain vehicle, traveling and laying tracks for the Championship and Cup of Russia in trophy-raid.

How to catch on the ice?

To get acquainted with snow and swamp-going vehicles from St. Petersburg, we came to the Northern capital twice - both times in the spring, which came after everyone's memorable snowy winter. We wanted to catch the most "all-terrain" nature with mud, deep snow, thin crumbling ice. Now, when this nature is again approaching us together with the fall, it's time to tell how the cars look and what they are made of, which do not care where to go. Well, or almost all the same.

“The main feature of such machines is the wheels,” explains Alexey Garagashyan. - The all-terrain vehicle primarily consists of wheels, and then we can talk about the engine, transmission and chassis. The larger the wheels, the greater the cross-country ability of the all-terrain vehicle, the better it floats. With large tires, it acquires properties that are not available in other vehicles. For example, it can go out of the water onto the ice. I am not aware of tracked vehicles that can do this. "

The machine is equipped with a 1.5 liter Japanese Kubota turbodiesel. The motor has a low weight (114 kg), with a power of about 44 hp. torque of 120 Nm. A separate important detail is the absence of an electronic control unit, which increases the reliability of the engine when operating in the water environment. There are two berths in the car, a trunk of 600 liters. Fuel consumption during the hike - 30 liters. for 100 km.

The trick of getting out of the water onto the ice edge (though quite practical) is one of the most impressive capabilities of the "cheburator", as evidenced by the number of views on YouTube of the corresponding video. In this video, Garagashyan either falls into a hole in his all-terrain vehicle, then, having swum some distance in open water, again climbs onto the ice and rolls as if nothing had happened.

Of course, to do this, the car must have a number of design features. The first of them is the ratio of the volume of the wheels and the mass of the car. If an all-terrain vehicle that has found itself in the water keeps afloat, having plunged somewhere to the line of axes, it means that it has a chance to get out onto the ice. To jump out onto the ice, you need a certain acceleration. But where to get it if the all-terrain vehicle does not have a propeller? The car will paddle with wheels, for which it needs a sufficiently embossed tread. Such a protector is also needed in order to catch on the edge of the ice. And one more important point: so that the wheel does not slip, the pressure in it must be very low, for example, 0.02 atm. If the pressure is high and the wheel is firm, not wrinkled, then driving the ATV onto the ice will be just as difficult as climbing the curb of the sidewalk with the drum of an asphalt roller.

In general, low-pressure wheels are a prerequisite for super-cross-country ability. True, such wheels have one problem: when deformed, they are easily disassembled. You can, of course, use beadlocks - special locking devices that are used, for example, on cars for a jeep trial. But the "cheburator" has its own flavor.

Big ears "cheburator"

“Instead of bedlocks, Garagashyan's machines have embodied the know-how created by the designer - disks of a special design,” says Vyacheslav Ermakov, another St. Petersburg enthusiast, head of the site dedicated to snow and swamp-going construction. These discs are very light, dirt falls off them, and ice does not freeze on them, sometimes forming lumps weighing up to 100 kg on the wheels of all-terrain vehicles. But the main feature is that the disc body is rolled onto the bead ring. The protector is rigidly attached to the disc and does not rotate, which excludes disassembly. And there is nothing low-tech about it - after all, a large wheel is in any case put on the disk for almost its entire service life, unless it suffers fatal damage as a result of an explosion or collision with a metal pin. "

The qualities and properties of tires also affect the properties of an off-road vehicle. Tires for snow and swamp-going vehicles are produced in Russia, but Aleksey Garagashyan does not consider their quality to be optimal. The rubber needs to be refined: individual tread elements are cut off from it, which makes the wheel lighter, improves its self-cleaning ability and makes it less brittle. In addition, additional grooves are cut on the surface of the wheel. "Cheburator" climbs steep slopes, and then rushes down again, dashingly rolls along the crust, successfully fights against loose snow, and on the still solid ice of a small pond arranges a real dance with drift. As mentioned above, there is no steering wheel in the all-terrain vehicle: it is controlled like a tank - by slowing down one of the sides.

Peaceful tank

“I use an onboard drive according to the simplest scheme,” says Aleksey Garagashyan, “with a large KAMAZ differential between the sides. Shafts come out of the differential, on which ventilated brake discs with a diameter of 315 mm are installed. From the shafts - a chain drive to the wheel hubs. Control is carried out using the accelerator and clutch pedals and two brake levers. The advantage of this design is high maneuverability (all-terrain vehicles with steering have a very large turning radius), relatively low weight, and overall design simplicity.

The disadvantage is that when driving, you need to slow down one side. In this case, the energy of the engine is wasted, the brakes are heated. Accordingly, a very high-torque engine is needed, and even with a good diesel engine, you have to switch to a gear or two lower to turn steeply enough. " One of the most interesting features of this side-turning "cheburator" is the lack of a suspension. Or, more correctly, a mechanical suspension. Instead, a pneumatic circulation suspension is used (this is the designer's own term). Its essence is that all four wheels are connected by a large air line - 45 mm. Therefore, when hitting an obstacle, air flows very quickly inside the system and the pressure in all wheels is equalized.

When hitting a large stone or stump, the wheel deforms almost to the disk, but the machine does not lose contact with the ground. But if the excess pressure from the compressed wheel had nowhere to “bleed”, the car would simply hang out. The suspension, which essentially consists of wheels and an air line, provides a soft, jolt-free ride, but ... at low speeds. When driving faster, the lack of shock absorbers, of course, takes its toll. By the way, the wide air line also serves for quick inflation or deflation of tires - these processes can be controlled from the cab. Pumping is carried out using the exhaust of a diesel engine, which, contrary to popular belief, does not corrode rubber at all.

Designer - Denis Globin. The funny name "mymyklovoz" comes from the Internet nickname Denis Globin. The car can safely run over a person, and he will remain safe and sound: thanks to the low tire pressure, the weight of the all-terrain vehicle is distributed over the huge contact patches of the wheels.

Prong and six hunters

When spring took its toll and water splashed on the shores of water bodies that were still tightly frozen by ice, we again came to St. Petersburg to get acquainted with another car, created by St. Petersburg enthusiasts, and test it in action. The snow and swamp-going vehicle "mymyklovoz" boldly rushed into the water of the lake, most of which was still covered with a translucent crust. In order to understand how cool this car is, just a trip to the place of our tests would be enough for us.

The engine used is from Daewoo Matiz, but any subcompact engine can be used. Transfer case from "Niva", two bridges from the UAZ car. "Trekol" tires are protected from disassembly by beadlocks. Steering gear from Tiyota Land Cruiser. The technical solutions used in such all-terrain vehicles sometimes contradict the classical principles of the automotive industry. Can tractor wheels be adjacent to the transmission brake from a moped? In the "mymyklovoz" - yes.

An all-terrain vehicle weighing a ton with an engine capacity of about 50 hp. jokingly drove along a bumpy forest path at once about six people. In the cab, in the rear cargo area and in the roof rack. Experienced hunters said that when hunting (and hunting in the distant wilds is one of the main purposes of the "mymyklovoz"), bulky equipment is added to the crew of the same size, and if they are lucky, the carcass of an elk.

The owner and author of the "mymyklovoz" is Denis Globin, and his creation is somewhat different from the on-board "cheburator" Alexei Garagashyan. “That car is a professional, super-maneuverable all-terrain vehicle,” explains Vyacheslav Ermakov. - And "mymyklovoz" is a car for outdoor activities. She has conventional steering, she also has a high cross-country ability, knows how to swim, travels to steep banks, has a higher cruising speed and is more aesthetically interesting. "

While we look at how the "mymyklovoz" cheerfully whips up the lead water of the lake with its protectors, the color of the sky, storming the already thinning ice edge, I remember that these machines were not created for demonstration performances at all. They are built for long trips through forests and swamps, for example, on the Kola Peninsula. Urcha, cars march over the marshes, and then stop. To communicate with each other, to plan a further route or to organize a tea party, the crews get out of the cabins and stand on huge wheels. In no case should you go down - you can get pretty wet, or even perish in the swamp. But the car will survive everything, you can completely trust it.

A distinctive feature of this Cheburator-type all-terrain vehicle is its independent suspension. The all-terrain vehicle has a quick exhaust pumping system. A special place in the all-terrain vehicle is given to comfort, this applies to both the suspension, steering, and the actual placement of goods and passengers in the car.

Materials and parts used to create this all-terrain vehicle:
1) Kubota turbocharged diesel engine with a capacity of 44 hp and a volume of 1500 cc.
2) Radiator vaz 2108
3) 40 A generator
4) 75A battery per hour
5) gearbox from VAZ 2108
6) Brakes and caliper from VAZ 2108
7) Gazelle reducer
8) Metering pump 100 cm cube
9) Power steering pump ZF
10) Power cylinder from GAZ 66
11) Fuel tank 63 liters
12) Electric winch.
13) LED headlight 120 watts
14) Tires 1300 to 700 to 21 Arctictrans
15) cardan joints from Kamaz

Let us consider in more detail the main elements of the schemes of the mechanisms of the all-terrain vehicle.

The all-terrain vehicle has the following dimensions: width 240 centimeters, base width 210 centimeters, weight under a ton.
the machine is capable of carrying loads of up to 400 kilograms. also the all-terrain vehicle has a trunk with a volume of 400 liters.
The disc is 55 centimeters wide and weighs 15 kilograms.

The cubot engine has a torque of 120 Nm and a fuel consumption of about 2 liters per hour.

This is how the engine compartment of an all-terrain vehicle looks like:

The holes are designed to switch the winch lock, as well as to lay the cable correctly.

Steering knuckle mechanism:

The metering pump is installed:

Driver's seat:

The steering is made according to the hydrostatic scheme, without mechanical connection.
Thanks to this control scheme at low speeds, the effort on the steering wheel is almost not, but when you try to quickly turn the steering wheel, there is noticeable resistance.

Instead of a differential for the axle, a special part of a one-piece layout was made, which is sharpened for native bearings and to which the driven gear will be screwed, and oversized half-shafts are inserted into the ends.

The all-terrain vehicle is equipped with a quick pumping system, which increases the overall cross-country ability of the vehicle.
Thanks to the use of the suspension, it becomes possible to develop high speed while remaining in comfort.

Thanks to the width of the all-terrain vehicle of 2 meters 40 centimeters on the wheels, the all-terrain vehicle has excellent stability on the water. When overcoming rivers and lakes, the all-terrain vehicle sinks along the axis. Also, thanks to the large size of the wheels, the all-terrain vehicle travels quite easily through swamps.

The author paid special attention to the easy accessibility to any mechanisms (generator, power steering pump, metering pump) of the all-terrain vehicle in case of repair. even the gearbox and clutch can be changed directly from the car. It is possible to get the engine oil dipstick, but it is more convenient to do this not from the passenger compartment. But in order to change the air filter, it is not at all necessary to leave the car. the fuel sump is clearly visible from the outside and is serviced without special tools, and to replace fine filters for fuel and oil, you do not even need to remove the hood.

To clean the radiator, it is enough to unscrew only two M6 bolts and remove the protective shield.
It is impossible to remove a diesel engine without special tools, but this is unlikely to be required, because diesels have excellent reliability.

Kubota diesels are made only in Japan, which is an additional guarantee of the quality and reliability of the engine. This in-line injection pump is considered one of the most reliable in the lineup and has long been loved by most off-road vehicle builders. there are three filters that protect against water and dirt.

Even if you fill in low-quality diesel fuel with impurities of dirt, then only the first of the three filters will clog, after cleaning or replacing which you can start the engine again. There will be no consequences for the engine itself.

Installed wheels with arktiktrans tires:

A 120-watt headlamp is installed, which at night turns into a firing position, and in the daytime comes back so as not to reduce the driver's view, which is quite convenient.

Below you can see the exit, as well as the fixation of the winch cable:

Here is the left steering knuckle, top view:

And this is how it looks from below:

From what is not visible behind the upholstery of the car, I would like to note the presence of the power part of the frame. Also hidden are the gearbox, the winch, the power relay from the winch. The all-terrain vehicle has a hydraulic handbrake and a transmission brake in a single copy.

The all-terrain vehicle does not have a muffler as such, the exhaust pipe is simply insulated with thermal insulation.
Also, the all-terrain vehicle is equipped with a short propeller shaft, which is hidden behind the all-terrain vehicle skin and a hose for pumping the rear wheels.

In the front panel, you can see the air filter hatch:

Since there is no way to weld the rods to the bridge due to the strong possibility of deformation with such a fastening, the author decided to use silent blocks:

Wheeled all-terrain vehicle on low pressure tires DIY: a photo of the building with a description of the all-terrain vehicle.

Handyman Andrey from Vologda, assembled a homemade all-terrain vehicle for off-road trips, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the design of the vehicle in more detail.

Building materials:

  • Wheels Trekol 1310 x 490 x 20.
  • Engine and gearbox from VAZ 2108.
  • Cardan drives for bridges, as well as bridges from UAZ.
  • Steering from UAZ.
  • Hydraulic brakes with vacuum booster.
  • Suspension rear springs lightweight UAZ.
  • Steering worm gear UAZ.
  • Other spare parts from VAZ.

The frame of the all-terrain vehicle was welded from shaped pipes.

We made wheel rims for low pressure tires.

The bipod was lengthened to reduce steering effort.

The author of the all-terrain vehicle provided for the installation of various wheels in the all-terrain vehicle, for this it is enough to change the gear ratio from the checkpoint. Thus, when installing the Trekol wheels, the main pair in the checkpoint changes from 3.8 to 5.1, the maximum speed is cut, but the minimum speed is 1 km / h.

The differential was welded, because if not welded, the permeability will be poor. Sometimes this is solved by installing self-locking, but it works only at a moment at high engine speeds, at low speeds its usefulness is questionable.

There is a preload clutch, it connects the axle shafts with a certain force, and when the force is exceeded, the axle shafts rotate relative to each other, and the mechanism works like a conventional screw lock, that is, it eliminates the occurrence of peak loads in the vehicle's transmission and on the steering wheel, as well as allows the self-locking to be triggered earlier at low revs.

And in a situation where there is no moment on one rotating wheel, it is guaranteed to connect the second wheel of the same axle to work, that is, for example, when one wheel is in the air due to terrain conditions and does not experience a load. Basically, such specialized self-blocks are installed only on the rear axle of the all-terrain vehicle.

The turning radius on the outer track of the wheels is 6 meters.

Gear shifting was implemented in a similar way.

Overall dimensions of the all-terrain vehicle:

  • Length - 255 cm.
  • Width - 203 cm.
  • Height - 227 cm.
  • Length from an all-terrain vehicle with a trailer - 595 cm.
  • The ground clearance is 50 cm.

  • The mass of the all-terrain vehicle is 1050 kg.
  • Loading capacity on land is 500 kg.
  • Carrying capacity on water 300 kg.
  • The number of passengers is 5 people.

Fuel consumption ranges from 15 to 30 liters per hundred kilometers, depending on conditions and road surface.

The homemade all-terrain vehicle has a top speed of 60 km / h. The minimum speed is 3 km / h. When driving on water, the speed of the all-terrain vehicle is 4 km / h.

The approximate cost of all costs for the construction of the all-terrain vehicle was 500 thousand rubles.

The premiere of a new all-terrain vehicle designed by Alexey Garagashyan will take place at the "Vezdekhoder" exhibition on October 26-27. The name of the military all-terrain vehicle is "AG-20".

Overall dimensions of the AG-20 snow and swamp-going vehicle: length 3980 mm, width 2530 mm, height 2580 mm, tires "TROM-16" measuring 1650x570 with a landing dimension of 25 inches. The suspension is pneumo-circulating, it works by transferring air from one tire to another, all tires are connected by air channels. The declared lifting capacity is 1000 kg. The volume of the fuel tanks is 400 liters for the main tank and 220 liters for the additional ones. The power reserve is about 2000 km, the average fuel consumption is 2-3 liters per hour, the engine model is similar to the Sherpa all-terrain vehicle. Hydraulic planetary swing mechanism. Two planetary swing mechanisms are driven by cardan shafts, then from the swing mechanisms, chain drives transmit torque to the wheels. The chains are in an oil bath and the chains are tensioned from the passenger compartment.

The Sherpa all-terrain vehicle is a stage already passed, and there is no doubt that the "AG-20" surpassed the previous all-terrain vehicle in many respects, especially considering the thorough preparation of all all-terrain vehicles created by Alexey for multi-day travel. We will compare in detail the "AG-20" and the Sherpa and describe its unique technical solutions.

Video of the new all-terrain vehicle "AG-20" designed by Alexey Garagashyan

Technical characteristics of the Aleksey Garagashyan AG-20 snow and swamp-going vehicle

Tire of the snow and swamp-going vehicle Garagashyan AG-20

Snow and swamp-going vehicle Garagashyan AG-20

Comparing the dimensions of the new AG-20 all-terrain vehicle with the Sherp all-terrain vehicle, there are very big differences, the Sherp seems like a midget, getting into the AG-20 salon is no longer as easy as in the Sherp. Although it seemed difficult to climb into the Sherpas, everything is learned by comparison. The weight of the new all-terrain vehicle is practically the same as that of the Sherpa, the difference in weight, depending on the configuration, can be 50 - 100 kg, but at the same time, the inside of the all-terrain vehicle is much more spacious and warmer. All windows, except for the windshield with double glazing, all-terrain vehicle cladding is aluminum, insulated. On the front of the all-terrain vehicle frame, there are places for quick installation of special technological equipment, a blade, a bucket, etc. Accordingly, the design provides for the installation of hydraulic equipment to drive the attachments.

The driver's and front passenger's seats are very spacious, you can stretch your legs, like in a passenger executive Lexus. The width of the cabin is also impressive, despite the fact that larger tires are used and the all-terrain vehicle remains no more than 2550 mm in width for free transportation on public roads.

The all-terrain vehicle is side-turning, controlled by the steering wheel by means of a hydraulic drive. A Windows-based tablet computer is installed between the handlebars.

15 "touchscreen navigation tablet, rotates with steering wheel.

Pressure gauges in off-road vehicle systems

All the main control buttons of the all-terrain vehicle are located on the steering wheel, almost everything is controlled by push-button and remotely, there are a minimum of mechanical levers. Wheel pumping is controlled by buttons, on the first Sherpas everything is done manually, mechanically.

If we compare the Sherpa salon and the AG-20, then the Sherpa is a one-room apartment, and the "AG-20" is a two-room apartment, with the reclining beds you can accommodate almost in full growth.

The all-terrain vehicle has several boxes for "gloves":

The all-terrain vehicle is equipped with two fuel tanks with a total capacity of 400 liters, plus cans can be installed in the rims, totaling more than 600 liters of fuel. The estimated average fuel consumption will be 35 liters / 100 km, thus the cruising range is about 1700 km. Fuel filler caps are located at the front and rear of the vehicle.

The bottom of the all-terrain vehicle "AG-20"

Duralumin badlocks, on the first Sherpas were steel, heavy and very durable.

The pumping pipe for the wheels of the AG-20 all-terrain vehicle, the diameter of the pipe is impressive, visually the cross-section seems to be larger than that of the Sherpa, which means that the pneumatic circulation suspension will work better and the tire pressure can be adjusted faster.

Double glazing with polycarbonate.

All the lighting equipment of the all-terrain vehicle is LED, 6 headlights, each of which has a power of 90 watts

All-terrain vehicle lighting equipment marking

Alexey Garagashyan's all-terrain vehicle AG-20

An interesting documentary film: "There, where there are no roads | The story of the inventor Alexei Garagashyan"

Fri, 10/25/2019 - 12:10

It was created by the author for simple pokatushki, special purposes, except for entertaining ones. Although in the future, the author does not exclude possible modernization for various whims. In addition, already at the moment, this machine is capable not only of moving on land, but also of swimming.

Materials involved in the creation of this all-terrain vehicle:
1) Oki engine
2) gearbox from the Dnieper
3) VAZ classics gave a differential.
4) Side brakes and transmissions from the ATV.
5) Wheels are also removed from the ATV 25 12.5 12.
6) clutch from 2101
7) Brakes from 2108
8) Chains with a pitch of 19.5 are made in Germany.

The maximum speed of the all-terrain vehicle is about 40 km per hour.

Consider the construction progress of the all-terrain vehicle and the problems the author faced.

A drive from 2121 was used, from which the SHRUS glass was separated. As a result, a shaft with an end part was obtained, to which the VAZ hub flange was welded, and there were already made holes for fastening the wheels. Then all the elements were turned on a lathe. The shafts of the drive sprockets, like the brake discs, are fastened with ordinary wheel bolts.

A bearing was made from the semiaxis of the field for spline connection of the stars and the semiaxis. Part of the bridge of the same Niva is used as a clip. Below is a photo of the parts before assembly:

The author then proceeded to assemble the frame.

First step:

Frame bottom made:

Differential installed:

Dashboard made:

Then there were work with flywheels. They are lightweight. The brake discs are made of them, by grooving to the required thickness. the brake discs are quite flat due to the vehicle's layout specifications.

Two gearboxes were made, the material was an old bridge from a classic VAZ.

After test drives, it was also decided to lower the gear ratio from the differential by 2.5. After that, the author proceeded to install the gearbox and began the final work on the transmission and wiring.

The main problems of side turning on the differential are the difficulty of turning in place and the life of the differential itself.

Turning is easier with gas, as it requires a lot of effort on the spot. Therefore, the author proceeded to solve this problem. The differential was welded on and one side was unhooked, thanks to which the car became easier to drive. Even in the first gear on the spot, the all-terrain vehicle turns with ease, so it was decided to abandon side turning due to the differential in favor of more convenient handling.
before that there was a four satellite, which was made of a self-blocking disk.

However, the new turning scheme also showed drawbacks. In the transmission, housing bearings with a cast-iron case were involved, this very case was not designed for overloads and burst with a sharp maneuver.

Therefore, the author decided to replace such a case with steel. The author advises to be especially attentive to the selection of bearings. In the light of all the alterations that have been made, the transmission scheme has become much more complicated: a gearbox is attached to the engine, then it is divided into two clutches from the VAZ 2110 by stars and chains, then there is a gearbox from the VAZ 2101, in which the differentials are welded, and each one has left brakes and starboard. the control itself is realized due to the working cylinder from the VAZ 2101 with a vacuum booster.

However, despite the apparent complexity of the design, the control itself has become much easier, it is certainly difficult to catch the clutch moment, but this does not cause problems on the go.

The Oka engine is installed with its own clutch and gearbox, and only then there is a transition to the Dnieper gearbox, and from the 2101 axles, reduction gears by 3.5 turned out, from which the onboard drive comes.

The master cylinders have been replaced with 2108 to facilitate clutch operation.
Of course, the Dnepr box takes quite a lot of effort, but when driving at 30-35 km and engine speed under 3000, it keeps quite well.
The chains are imported and durable, they were ordered from Moscow at a price of one thousand per meter.

As for the dimensions of the all-terrain vehicle:
Width 160 cm
Length 280 cm
The weight of the car is up to 600 kilograms, but if you wish, you can throw it off, since there was no saving work in this regard.

Since the body is made hermetically sealed, the all-terrain vehicle is able to overcome water obstacles, although the speed is not high enough, since the wheels are small. In addition, a fairly large clearance of about 45 centimeters to the bottom was made, so the wheels are quite high on the water and row poorly, but if you reduce the clearance, then there will be problems with movement along the rut.

Separately, I am pleased with the reliability of the car, even if one side breaks down, this all-terrain vehicle continues to go almost straight, which does not cause inconvenience to the driver.

Disassembling the entire transmission to get to the damaged parts is unnecessary, and replacing the clutch, for example, can take only half an hour.

For 300 km of operation, only two breakdowns were noticed.

The fan switch has failed, but in this case, the author prudently installed a forced switch on.

And also during the cleaning of snow with a bucket, the drive sprocket was damaged, it simply could not withstand the load of the weight of the snow + bucket during a sharp maneuver.

By the way, here is the same bucket that was made by the author for the all-terrain vehicle:

For himself, the author made the following conclusions:
In the future, it is worth seriously considering the possibility of lightening the all-terrain vehicle, as this will significantly reduce the load on the chassis.
Sometimes there are problems with the chains, unfortunately it has not yet been possible to find out the cause.

Some of the joints were made with an excessive margin of safety, and in particular, it is from them that it is worth starting to lighten the all-terrain vehicle. Even so, the engine power is sufficient.

Perhaps a variator should be installed, but for this you need to take a gearbox from an imported ATV model. Again, in order to save weight, it is worth revising the gearbox scheme, since the bridges from the VAZ are quite heavy.

The installation of tracks, especially will not play on cross-country ability, since the all-terrain vehicle is quite nimble.

Video materials of machine tests.


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