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Any motorist can face forced evacuation. There are enough grounds in the law for this: an inattentive motorist can stand under a stop prohibiting sign, run into a sidewalk or park in a place for the disabled. If the violation is noticed, then the further fate of the car is known - it will go to the impound. Information on how to pick up a car from a car impound is presented in this article.

To figure out how to pick up a car from a special parking lot, you need to understand why the car ends up in such a parking lot. The driver needs to know what regulations regulate forced evacuation and his rights in this situation. The main legislative document regulating the process is the Code of Administrative Offenses (FZ No. 195 of December 30, 2001), as well as regional regulations (they indicate the cost and features of the stay of evacuated vehicles in urban special parking lots). We will consider the general grounds for the detention of a car. They are listed in Art. 27.13, their list is exhaustive:

If the car was sent to the parking lot for other reasons, then this is illegal.

The law allows the driver not to help in the evacuation of the car, to demand documentary confirmation of the legality of the status of a representative of the evacuation service, to keep the keys to the vehicle, to certify the seals with his signature and, if necessary, get into the passenger compartment of his car before the evacuation begins. Note that the last paragraph belongs to the category of legal incidents: the seal cannot be torn off the car, but the driver, even if he is in a state of intoxication or does not have documents with him, can get into his car at any time. But, of course, he will no longer be able to continue moving along the road.

At the same time, the owner of the vehicle should not obstruct the tow trucks: if this happens, then Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes that such an act directed against the lawful order, while causing harm (simple special equipment), is punishable by a large fine (up to 80 thousand rubles) or arrest for up to six months. Sometimes, if the car owner, with the help of violence, tries to remove the employees of the evacuation service from carrying out the necessary actions, he may be punished under articles on causing harm to health, which, depending on the severity of the act committed, is punishable by arrest, a fine or imprisonment.

We also note the point that it is impossible to send a car to a special parking lot if there are people inside it, even if the evacuation is carried out at the request of the driver. If passengers do not want to get out and remain in the car, evacuation can be avoided, which is fraught with accusations of disobedience to police officers and, therefore, such behavior entails legal liability.

Illegal evacuation

Any Russian owner of a car may face not only lawful forced evacuation of a car, but also scammers who make money on gullible citizens. In this case, the car may not reach the specialized parking lot. We describe several well-known ways to deceive gullible motorists:

  1. The pioneers of the first method were illegal Moscow taxi drivers. They are waiting for the driver at the place where he parked the previously evacuated car, offering him services for the speedy return of transport. Such a quick rescue of a “car from captivity” is estimated at 4,000 to 6,000 rubles, but in reality, the services of scammers will cost a lot more: a taxi driver will take the car owner to the traffic police department’s reception office, which is the farthest from the impound lot, or to the special parking lot itself (the farther the place, the more expensive the trip ). As a result, the owner of the evacuated car ends up in a car impound, where he receives his transport, and at the same time receipts with a fine and a fee for evacuation, but the enterprising taxi driver is already leaving by this time, having received money for the trip.
  2. Another fraudulent scheme also originated in Moscow after tow trucks, under the pretext of interfering with a pedestrian or passage, began to take away all cars to the impound lot indiscriminately. Two or three swindlers, working together, keep track of which of the motorists has incorrectly parked their vehicles on the street, report this to their trusted tow truck involved in the scheme. He, having arrived at the place, takes the car. Then, when the owner discovers the loss of his foreign car, he is offered to return it for 3 thousand rubles. If the person agrees, the tow truck driver will leave the car nearby, for example, on a nearby avenue. The popularity of this scam is high, as the official return of the car from the impound costs twice as much.
  3. Sometimes scammers who disguise themselves as evacuation services can try to take the car away, but here it must be remembered that only the traffic police officer fixes the violation: it is impossible to take the car to the impound without his permission.

Rules for evacuating a car to a car impound

Before the car goes to the special parking lot, the traffic inspector must record the violation and call the evacuation service. These are private companies that just follow the orders of the state, they do not have the right to take anything away without the permission of the traffic police inspector. In addition, an employee of the evacuation service cannot remove the car from the platform himself after it has been entered into the database of evacuated cars.

Paragraph 1. Before the evacuation of the car, the duties of the traffic inspector include filling out a protocol on the detention of the vehicle (two copies). The protocol is signed by the traffic police inspector and the motorist who violated the rules. If the driver does not want to put his signature, a corresponding mark is put in the protocol. Note that the document is drawn up in the presence of witnesses or with the help of a video recording of the evacuation process. A copy of the protocol must be handed over to the violator.

Point 2. The inspector records in the protocol the exact time of the violation, the date, the place of action, the reason for the forced evacuation of the car (this is one of the above articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses). The traffic police officer indicates his position, surnames and initials, detailed information about the evacuation service, its representative and the special equipment used to detain the car: not all tow trucks have the right to pick up a car with automatic transmission and low ground clearance. The document includes transport and technical information about the car and its owner. If the vehicle is detained in the presence of the owner, lawyers recommend requiring that information about the presence of valuables in the vehicle be entered into the protocol.

It is also worth insisting on entering information about the damage and malfunctions in the car at the time of evacuation, since later this will make it possible to apply for compensation if the equipment is damaged during evacuation or being in a car impound. The protocol must be carefully read, since not all traffic police inspectors fill it out in good faith. If the protocol is filled out incorrectly, and the employee refuses to make changes, then this must be indicated in the appropriate column of the protocol. Such a decision may subsequently be declared null and void. And here, as you know, there is no protocol - there is no violation, there is no violation - there is no fine for violation and the cost of paying for a parking lot.

Point 3. After fixing the violation, all places of access to the car are sealed with a seal. The period of detention of the car is counted from the moment the protocol is drawn up.

The nuances of moving cars to a special parking lot, organizing their storage, and paying for these actions are regulated by regional laws: today there are no identical rules that apply throughout Russia.

If someone else's car is towed...

The automotive community advises not to be indifferent in this situation. It is worth approaching the car: perhaps, on a note under the glass, the owner’s phone number will be found, by which he can be contacted and informed that the car is being evacuated. Perhaps the owner will have time to the parking lot and pick up the car before it is sent to a specialized parking lot. This will save the motorist several thousand rubles.

Representatives of the evacuation service, even if they have the specified phone number, will not call the owner themselves: it is in their interests to quickly take the car to the impound lot, since the law obliges the violator to pay the costs of moving the car in accordance with clause 11 of Art. 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If the owner of the car managed to approach before the moment the tow truck started moving and the traffic police officer had not yet drawn up a report, then the specialists of the evacuation service are obliged to return the car.

Important! When you park your car and you're not sure you did it right, write your phone number on any white paper, put a note under the windshield, and witnesses to the evacuation of your car will be able to warn you.

If the owner returned to the car before the evacuation…

If the owner returned to the car before the evacuation, then until the protocol is drawn up and signed, the act of transferring the car, the driver has a chance to pick it up on the spot. If the act is signed (even in the presence of the owner), no one will give the car to the owner - you will have to go to the impound lot for it. Also, the driver will recover behind the car to the special parking lot and in a situation if the tow truck has already moved and drove at least a few centimeters.

But as long as there is a chance to pick up the car on the spot, it is worth taking advantage of it. To do this, you need to go to the traffic police inspector, show the papers confirming the right to own the vehicle, inform the police officer that you are ready to pay a fine for the violation and eliminate the reason for the detention of the car by rearranging the car in accordance with the rules. After checking the documents and the relevant instructions of the inspector, the tow truck driver will put the car back on the road: such an algorithm of actions is prescribed in clause 1.1. Art. 27.13 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Of course, the driver will be punished for an administrative offense (improper parking, for example), but you won’t have to spend money on evacuation and storage in a parking lot. At the same time, it will be possible to pay a fine for an administrative violation at a 50% discount if this is done within the first 20 days.

If the technical malfunctions of the car became the reason for a possible forced evacuation, then the owner has two options to avoid impoundment: until the moment the inspector discovers a malfunction and begins to draw up documents, repair the car on the spot or call a tow truck himself so that the car with a breakdown is taken to car service.

It should be noted that the situation with forced evacuation, which developed in 2018 due to changes made in 2015 and 2016, became more complicated: penalties increased, new grounds for detaining cars appeared, legislators canceled some provisions previously adopted for the convenience of drivers. For example, not so long ago, government decree No. 759 of December 18, 2013 was declared invalid, which stated that the car was evacuated to the impound lot only if it was not possible to eliminate the reason that served as the basis for the evacuation on the spot: for example, the owner who left the documents at home, had the right, by calling his relatives, to ask them to bring papers. Now this decision has been canceled, so the very possibility of eliminating violations on the spot may cause debates with state inspectors.

If the car is not in place, and the owner did not participate in the evacuation ...

If the car is not in place, and the owner did not participate in the evacuation, then it is urgent to find out what happened to the vehicle. The car could not only be evacuated, but also stolen. To clarify the circumstances, you need to call the on-duty part of the road inspectorate at a single number 112 or 02. As soon as the owner is convinced that the car was forcibly evacuated to the impound for some reason, you need to find out from the duty officer who made out the detention and where the car was moved. The information received should be written down so as not to be forgotten. Further actions depend on where the documents for the car are located - on hand or in the glove compartment.

In order to pick up a car from a car impound, you will need documents for a car

How to pick up a car from a car impound if the owner has the documents

If the owner has the documents, then the route of the owner of the car is as follows: first go to the traffic police department for a decision to return the car, then to the impound. You need to go to the department, the inspector of which issued the detention. The inspection officer will demand from the owner of the car a driver's license, title documents (certificate of registration of the vehicle) and an insurance policy, while there is no need to present a vehicle passport. If the car belongs to another person or legal entity, then you will also need a power of attorney from the owner or a waybill to receive it. On the basis of the submitted documents, the state inspectorate officer will draw up a decision on an administrative offense, which will confirm the right of the owner to pick up the detained car. The decision is accompanied by a receipt for payment of the fine for the offense committed.

All permits must be carefully examined for the correctness of the specified data, the presence of all necessary signatures and seals, otherwise problems may arise when returning the car.

The next destination is a car impound, where the car owner goes with a decision in his hands. It is recommended that you first call the evacuation service at the impound lot to clarify various nuances and requirements for returning the car in a particular city. You can find out the phone number of a parking lot of a particular city on the Internet, 2Gis, or by calling the help desk. At the impound lot, the recipient of the car must present the following documents to employees, confirm the right to receive the car:

  • certificate of registration of the vehicle;
  • certificate - permission from the traffic police to issue a car;
  • OSAGO insurance policy;
  • if the recipient is not the owner of the car, but has the right to drive it or represents the interests of a legal entity, then a notarized power of attorney.

In a situation where the car was taken away for the fact that the owner was driving while intoxicated and, accordingly, he was deprived of his rights, a sober driver with a permit to drive a car is also needed. However, you can also pick up the car on a tow truck (the law does not prevent this). After presenting the documents, the employees of the special parking lot will issue a receipt for the payment for evacuation and storage and escort you to the car. Upon receipt of the car, the owner must check whether the car was damaged during forced evacuation, being at the impound lot, then he signs the acceptance certificate and takes the car.

According to clause 10. Art. 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, it is not necessary to pay the cost of evacuation and storage before receiving the car. But, if it is decided to pay all expenses before returning the car, the owner will have a 25% discount.

Important! In order not to waste time in meaningless waiting at the closed gates in frost, heat or rain, it is recommended to go behind the car in the first half of the day - until 14:00. The workload of the specialists of the impound lot, issuing cars, is minimal at this time.

How to pick up a car from a car impound if the documents were left in the evacuated car

If the documents remain in the evacuated car, then the owner’s route is slightly lengthened: before going to the traffic police department, you first have to go to a special parking lot, where the car owner will write a corresponding application for opening the car and admission to the salon. Then the parking employee will draw up an act of opening the car, remove the seal (usually from the driver's seat). When the owner takes the documents, the specialist draws up an act of re-sealing the car and sealing the door again before returning for it. When the documents are in hand, the owner can go to the traffic police department, from where, having received permission to return the car according to the above scheme, back to the special parking lot.

Note that in large cities, the parking lot and the state inspection departments are usually located quite far from each other, so you should not be nervous during long trips around the settlement.

If the reason for the evacuation of the car is a technical breakdown ...

As mentioned earlier, the evacuation of the vehicle is applied until the cause of the detention is eliminated. To pick up the car from the impound lot, you need to confirm that the reason for the detention has been eliminated, that in the situation there is a technical malfunction of the brakes, steering, it cannot be done. It is unlikely that the owner will be allowed to repair the car in the parking lot, so you will have to send the car directly to the car service using the same tow truck, which is not only troublesome, but also expensive.

If your insurance has expired...

If the insurance period has expired, then there are two options. The first one works when the insurance policy has expired recently, then you can pick up the car according to the standard scheme without any problems, since under current legislation the old policy is valid for another 30 days after its expiration, provided that the car owner continues to work with the same insurance company.

The second option is used when more than a month has passed since the expiration of the insurance policy. In this case, the car can be returned to the owner with the help of a tow truck.

Video - Penalties: how to pick up a car? Protection of rights in case of evacuation

How to calculate the cost of staying a car in a car impound

The cost of car evacuation in various Russian cities and regions is not the same. If the driver picks up the car three days after the evacuation, then in Moscow for a passenger car of category B with a capacity of over 80 and up to 250 hp. evacuation costs 5,000 rubles, and storage - 1,000 rubles per day (only a full day of the car being at the impound lot is subject to payment). The total amount in the receipt will be calculated as follows: 5000 + 3 × 1000 = 8000 R. If you pay before receiving the car, you will be able to save 25% - 2000 rubles.

There are also ambiguities here: from the updated Code of Administrative Offenses, legislators removed the rule that the stay of a car in a car impound during the first day is free. But, for example, in the capital of Russia there is law No. 42, which allows the collection of payment only for a full day. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the emergence of disputable situations and the possibility of their solution only in court.

What to do if the car is damaged or scratched?

Upon receipt of the car, the owner signs the acceptance certificate. Before signing the papers, you must carefully inspect the vehicle. If the recipient has noticed new problems or malfunctions, this must be noted in the act. The owner can then evaluate the cost of the repair by filing a claim for damages with the towing and storage company.

All evacuation services are usually insured, so problems with paying money are unlikely to arise. If the employees still refuse to pay for the damage, then, having collected all the documents confirming the amount of damage, you can go to court. In addition to the repair itself, the evacuation service will be required to pay other expenses: from the repair estimate to representation expenses and state duty.

Hello everyone!
Today I did not notice the sign, I parked the car. She left for 2 minutes, came up - they began to load onto a tow truck. There is no inspector. I asked to stop the evacuation, as I can clean the car myself. The second tow truck driver went to CALL the inspector, and the one who was loading continued the evacuation and left.
I arrived at the traffic police, received permission to issue a car. According to the law of the NSO “On the procedure for moving detained vehicles to a specialized parking lot, storing them, paying for the cost of moving and storing, as well as returning vehicles (as amended on December 28, 2016) dated June 14, 2012 N 227-OZ:
1. Return to the owner, representative of the owner or a person who has with him the documents necessary to drive the detained vehicle, stored in a specialized parking lot of the detained vehicle, is made on the basis of the decision of the official to return the detained vehicle immediately after elimination of the reason for the detention of the vehicle.

Article 5. Payment for the cost of moving to a specialized parking lot
and storage of detained vehicles in a specialized parking lot
(Article as amended by Law NSO dated 03.11.2016 N 97-OZ - see previous edition)
1. Payment for the cost of moving to a specialized parking lot and storing a detained vehicle in a specialized parking lot is carried out on time and at tariffs that are established in accordance with federal law by the executive authority of the Novosibirsk Region authorized by the Government of the Novosibirsk Region.
2. Payment for the cost of moving to a specialized parking lot and storing a detained vehicle in a specialized parking lot is made on the basis of an invoice issued by a specialized parking lot to a person who, in a decision on the imposition of an administrative penalty for an administrative offense that entailed the application of the detention of a vehicle, is obliged to pay the cost of moving to a specialized parking lot and storage of a detained vehicle in a specialized parking lot.

I do not agree with the illegal evacuation, so I want to pay for the evacuation after a court decision. By law, the car must be released immediately. They refused to issue a car, called the police, he accepted the application, said that it was a civil law relationship and left. The car is not given away.
They don't leave the parking lot. They even took me for a ride in the car on a tow truck 8)

It turns out that we have a law, but no one will fulfill it and nothing will be done to them for this?

If your vehicle has been towed, call the City Vehicle Recovery Service:

  • Moscow - (495) 964–85-81, (495) 735–35-82, (495) 924–01-24
  • Saint Petersburg - 004
  • Krasnodar - 8 (861) 218–91-21
  • Yekaterinburg - 263–19-35 or 02
  • Nizhny Novgorod - 417–17-07
  • Novosibirsk - 02
  • Samara - 951–85-43
  • Rostov-on-Don - (863) 277-77-07, 249-42-77
  • Kazan - (843) 277–66-77
  • Chelyabinsk - 254–99-45 or 256–30-02
  • Or call 112

Towing a car to a car impound is a fairly popular situation for many motorists, but it is terribly unpleasant at the same time. But not every car owner is fully familiar with the rules of its implementation. Information is needed on when a forced evacuation is carried out, whether it is paid or not, and how much you will have to pay.

It is also important for any motorist to be aware of the consequences of illegal evacuation and the organization of behavior in case of damage to vehicles during their movement and being in the impound.

Tow trucks will be able to take cars to the impound lot only where the appropriate signs are installed!

Rules for evacuating a car to a car impound

Regardless of the reason for the evacuation of the car, it must be carried out in accordance with all the regulated rules, which must be observed in strict order:

  1. At the time of detention of the vehicle, the traffic police officer must draw up an appropriate protocol in two copies. In the absence of the driver or his disagreement to sign the document, a note is made in the protocol about this.
  2. Mandatory contents of the protocol:
  • exact date, time and place of evacuation;
  • the reason for the forced transportation of the car;
  • information about the car owner and vehicle registration data;
  • position and initials of the inspector issuing the protocol;
  • information about the presence of valuables and damage, in the presence of the driver. The countdown of the period of detention of the car begins from the moment the protocol is signed by the traffic police officer.
  1. It is strictly forbidden to move a car with passengers. But at the same time, to persons who refuse to leave the transport voluntarily, to apply punishment for disobedience to the authorities.
  2. If the driver appears before the start of the evacuation, he have to return the car and apply only an administrative penalty in the form of a fine for improper parking.

When is a vehicle allowed to be impounded?

First of all, the lawful evacuation of the car to the impound is spoken of in cases provided for by Article 27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

  • the driver does not have permits to drive the vehicle;
  • vehicle malfunctions in the brakes, steering or coupling department;
  • the driver has lost his license;
  • drunk driving;
  • violation of the rules of stopping, the result of which is the blocking of the movement of other participants;
  • improper transportation of bulky or dangerous goods;
  • the driver does not agree to undergo a medical examination;
  • taking drugs before the examination or after the accident.

Under other circumstances, the evacuation of the car is considered an illegal act. In other words, if a car is forcibly transported to a car impound for reasons not taken into account in the Code of Administrative Offenses, then this is not according to legislative rules.

Can I get my car off the tow truck?

As for the issue of removing your own car from a tow truck, the main focus should be on the content of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Article 27.13 states that the car is returned to the owner subject to two conditions:

  1. The tow truck did not move.
  2. The reason for the delay of the vehicle has been eliminated.

According to the law, the traffic police inspector must be at the place of evacuation until the start of the movement of the vehicle moving the detained car to the impound. Therefore, the driver who appears makes an unspoken deal with him, which in a short time will eliminate the violation of traffic rules and is ready to answer for him. In this case, the car is returned to the driver, and the traffic inspector writes a fine of 500 rubles.

What to do when towing a car in the presence of a driver?

When the car is evacuated in the presence of the driver, then theoretically, this situation represents the moment the traffic inspector stops the transport in case of violation of an accident. At that moment, a decision on an administrative offense is issued and a fine is issued. The car is returned to the driver, even if it is already on a tow truck.

But in practice, most often, the driver cannot do anything, and the vehicle leaves before his eyes to the impound lot. In order to avoid illegal evacuation or further holding the employee liable for violation of legislative norms, the injured person must:

  • require the inspector to present a certificate and rewrite all personal data from it;
  • take into account the number of his badge;
  • fix the license plates of the patrol car and the tow truck;
  • if possible, shoot a video of the ongoing situation, and involve witnesses in it;
  • note in the protocol the desire to eliminate the violation on the spot.

When can I pay the fine? Is it necessary to pay the fine immediately?

The amount of the fine for violating traffic rules during the evacuation of the car is issued by the traffic inspectorate in the form of a unified receipt and paid after the driver receives permission to remove it from the impound lot. In the case when the vehicle did not have time to evacuate, then the financial sanction is paid in the usual way according to the details specified in the copy of the decision on the offense. Payment is made through bank terminals.

What to do if the car was taken to the impound - an algorithm of actions?

The evacuated car is transported to a special parking lot, from which the driver picks it up on his own. Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses allows regional authorities to establish their own rules and procedures for the evacuation of vehicles. The absence of clear rules gives inspectors more freedom of action and allows them to come up with schemes of operations that are convenient for them. The driver has to put up with such a situation.

In order to pick up your car from the impound lot, within the framework of the law, the driver must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. The driver manages to get to the parking lot of the car before the tow truck started moving. Request a return of the vehicle. Next, take a copy of the decision from the inspector and pay the fine.
  2. If an employee refuses to remove the car from the tow truck, record his bib number and complain about his actions by calling 102.
  3. The tow truck has already started moving or the car is not at the place where you left it, then call 112 to find out the number of the evacuation inquiry service in your area. A call to the specified number should allow you to get information about the location of the vehicle and the number of the inspection unit whose employee filed the violation.
  4. Next, you should go to the specified unit, where you can pick up a copy of the offense report, permission to remove the car from the special parking lot and a fine receipt.
  5. Do not issue a permit, demanding payment of a fine, complain about misconduct at 102.
  6. With the permission obtained, go to the impound. Before picking up the car, you will have to pay for the services of a tow truck. It is also important to inspect the condition of your car.
  7. In the absence of damage, the car is picked up and the previously issued fine is paid.
  8. If you find damage and scratches, file a claim against the tow truck and parking workers. File a lawsuit for damages.
  9. If the driver is sure that the evacuation is illegal, then he should use the services of a qualified lawyer and write a statement of claim for the return of the costs of evacuation and impounding.

How to pick up a car from a car impound without an owner?

According to the current legislation, it is possible to pick up a car from a car impound without the owner, by any person who has the right to drive this vehicle. It is important that the applicant has the following documents available:

  • power of attorney or OSAGO policy, where his data is entered;
  • insurance policy form;
  • vehicle certificate;
  • rights of the corresponding category;
  • keys.

The listed list of documents is necessary for the collection of your own transport from a car impound located in any region of the country. In other words, the package of documentation is the same throughout Russia, as it is enshrined in the Code of Administrative Offenses.

How much does it cost to pick up a car from a car impound in different cities of Russia?

In case of violation of traffic rules, as a result of which the car is evacuated to a special parking lot, the car owner will have to pay a fine. In fact, the amount of an administrative sanction consists of several indicators:

  • a fine issued by a traffic inspector;
  • evacuation payment;
  • parking costs.

Federal legislation determines that the amount of penalties depends on the region where the offense was committed. Also, in each subject of the Russian Federation, the cost of a tow truck and work is different.

Consider how much it costs to pick up a car from an impound lot in several large regions of Russia:

  1. Moscow. Tow truck rates vary from 3 to 47 thousand rubles. The cost of parking for the first day is not paid, and then it is considered in the range from 500 to 3000 rubles per day. Prices depend on the capacity and category of the vehicle.
  2. Saint Petersburg. The cost of a tow truck depends on the weight of the vehicle, up to 3.5 tons - 4200 rubles, over 19000 rubles. There is an hourly fee for the parking lot, depending on the category and weight and ranging from 22 to 132 rubles per hour.
  3. Voronezh. For moving on a tow truck, from 1,700 to 2,200 rubles are paid, and for a car impound - an average of 50 rubles per hour.
  4. Yekaterinburg. The cost of a tow truck is from 40 rubles per kilometer, a minimum of 1,400 rubles, and a car impound is 33 rubles per hour.
  5. Novosibirsk. The minimum cost of a tow truck is 1,200 rubles, a car impound is 26 rubles per hour.
  6. Vladivostok. A tow truck will cost from 1500 to 2200 rubles and 30 rubles per km outside the city. The average price of a parking lot is 38 rubles per hour.

What to do if the car is damaged - crushed or scratched?

When picking up a car from a car impound, it must be thoroughly inspected. Having discovered damage, you will have to conduct an independent examination at your own expense, which should evaluate them in monetary terms.

Further, the injured person has the right to demand compensation for damages and expenses for the examination from the guilty party by filing a claim with the carrier or the owner of the parking lot. In case of illegal evacuation, the traffic police compensates for all damage.

At the stage of detecting dents and scratches on your own car when removing it from the impound lot, the question arises of making demands on the tow truck, or rather, of evidence of his guilt. It is important to consider two points here:

  1. The inspector is obliged to record the appearance of the transport before loading it onto a tow truck.
  2. If necessary, an independent examination can determine the statute of limitations for damages.

In practice, the claims of the participants of the evacuation are not fulfilled and the owner of the car does not receive compensation for the damage suffered on a voluntary basis. In such situations, it is better to seek help from competent auto lawyers and resolve the issue through the courts.

How to protect yourself from illegal actions of traffic police officers?

Often the evacuation process is accompanied by a conflict between the driver and the traffic police officer, and the latter is not always right. Very often, inspectors do not comply with the law and ignore the rights of the opposite side. And then the question arises, how to protect yourself from illegal actions of traffic police officers?

In this situation, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  1. The first step is to indicate your disagreement in the protocol.
  2. Further, you can call a higher traffic police officer to the scene of the incident.
  3. Complain about the illegal actions of the inspector by contacting:
  • to the court;
  • at the place of service of the employee;
  • by telephone helpline.

Regardless of the place of filing a complaint, when writing it, it is recommended to adhere to a number of requirements:

  • avoid excessive emotionality;
  • after drawing up, consult on the content with a lawyer or a person competent in this matter;
  • a printed version of the document is desirable;
  • do not use insults in the opposite direction;
  • to support the evidence base or a petition for the reclamation of evidence in the case.

If the applicant goes to court, then the package of documents may include written testimonies provided both by the passengers of the car and by other persons. Also, the complaint is supported by a receipt for payment of the state duty, which is 15% of the minimum wage.

In conclusion, considering the issue of how to pick up your car from the impound, you can add a few tips:

  1. Follow the rules for stopping and parking a car, as the most common reason for its evacuation is stopping in the wrong place.
  2. If it turned out that there was no car in the parking lot, then most likely it was evacuated. The easiest way to find out if this is so is by number 02.
  3. It is possible to avoid the evacuation of the car if the passengers do not get out of it. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to stumble upon responsibility for disobeying the police.


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