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Teachers are dreamed of for various reasons: some cannot get enough of being happy that school and university are left behind, while for others, their student years were the best time. But we are not interested in the reason for the dream, but in the meaning that it hypothetically carries. Let's look at a dream book about teachers. (see also )

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

  • Teachers in a dream are a reflection of your inner guru, mentor, discipline and guidelines that help you improve yourself.
  • If you see a teacher in a dream, but he is not familiar to you, then it is confidence itself that teaches lessons in your dream.
  • Speaking about the place of a teacher in a dream, one cannot fail to mention the fact that this is a more figurative dream, since any aspect of life that has an impact on your progress (in knowledge, training, teaching) can appear in the form of a teacher in a dream.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

We give two values.

  • Bad meaning: to see a teacher in a dream who punishes you - you can become a participant in a scandal. You should avoid the company of elders for the next few days.
  • Good meaning: to see a teacher from school in a dream - a person may appear in life who will greatly change it. To avoid missing out on such a person, you should paint your big toes in different colors.

Noble dream book by Grishina N.

What does it mean if you dream about a teacher: you are a real pedant. Moreover, this manifests itself decisively in all areas of life. It’s worth bringing a little chaos into your life, which is common to all people. Otherwise, you will be so predictable that people will be able to turn your pedantry against you.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of a former teacher: in life you prefer to study and spend time with a book rather than party all night long and relax with extreme sports.
  • Dream Interpretation: working as a teacher in a dream means you can achieve great success in the humanities. (cm. )

Dream book of psychologist Meneghetti

Why do you dream about teachers? You have an authoritative person in your life who has a great positive influence on your life.

Dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation: a teacher of no matter what subject in a dream means a new acquaintance.

Ukrainian dream book

Dream Interpretation: a teacher in a dream means physical labor in reality.

Wanderer's Dream Book

This dream book is intended for people who have embarked on the path of research and self-improvement. Therefore, a dream about a teacher may mean that you are making some mistakes in the process of learning and you need a mentor.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

In magical sciences, a mentor is the most authoritative person. That’s why you dream of a teacher as a guideline that you need to follow. But there is also a pitfall: if things haven’t been going very well lately, then a teacher in a dream means a certain person who is secretly preventing you from showing all your talents and achieving your goals.

  • What does it mean to teach in a dream? If in a dream you yourself act as a teacher, then in life you will earn respect and recognition.
  • If in a dream a teacher gives you instructions, this means that you need to start working on yourself: change habits, improve your body and mind.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

A teacher appears in a dream as a harbinger of physical labor.

Children's dream book

A more detailed dream book that will tell children a lot of specific things:

  • Why do you dream about a labor teacher - you will participate in a school cleanup day.
  • Why do you dream about a music teacher - you should lie less.
  • Why do you dream about a geography teacher - hide your diary with deuces.
  • Why do you dream about an algebra teacher - your parents will still find out the truth about your tricks.
  • Why do you dream about a physics teacher - the summer holidays will be boring.
  • Why do you dream about a physical education teacher - the team you support will lose.
  • Why do you dream about a biology teacher - get yourself some fish, a parrot, a rat.
  • Why do you dream about a foreign language teacher - everything you teach in this subject is incomprehensible to you.
  • Why do you dream about a math teacher - you can embarrass yourself.
  • Why do you dream about a teacher of Russian and literature - you should be silent more than speak.
  • Why do you dream about a choreography teacher - don’t run on the street, otherwise you’ll break your knee.


A teacher in a dream should not be perceived specifically as a memory of past student years. Instead, focus on those aspects of yourself that are worth improving. Maybe you lack discipline, you don’t train, you don’t read at all, but you float on the waves of life, swimming neither forward nor backward?

Many people believe that dreams are simply a consequence of the brain working under the influence of daily impressions. There are others who believe that dreams are clues from the subconscious about the future. To obtain truthful information, you should correctly interpret what you saw, taking into account all the details of the plot.

Why do you dream about a teacher?

A teacher in a dream can represent a patron who in real life helps in solving problems. If the dreamer stands at the blackboard in front of the teacher and cannot remember the lesson, this is a bad sign indicating an ugly act has been committed. , in which the teacher gives some instructions, can be taken as a recommendation that it is worth changing. In one dream book, a teacher is considered a harbinger of hard work. If the teacher was kind and spoke kind words, this is an omen of a new acquaintance that can change your life. Night vision, where the dreamer himself is a teacher, means that there is a lack of followers to whom knowledge and experience can be passed on. The teacher of works is a harbinger of increased housework. If a music teacher appeared in the dream, it means it costs less and then everything will be fine. The math teacher indicates getting into an unpleasant situation that will lead to shame.

Why do former teachers and classmates dream?

If the dreamer remembers his first teacher with sadness, it means that at this moment in his life he is on the threshold of a new life stage. Classmates in a dream indicate problems that can be overcome with the help of friends.

Why do you dream about school and teacher?

Seeing a teacher at school is an indication that the dreamer is on a subconscious level preparing for changes that will eventually happen in life.

Why do you dream of a quarrel with a teacher?

If a teacher scolds because of an unlearned lesson, this is an indication that the dreamer, on a subconscious level, feels guilty for a previously committed act. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of a serious scandal.

Flerdelis7 Reply

Something drew me to crime. Criminal dreams have become more frequent. This time I’m studying at a boarding school, but not in Russia, but in Brooks - in one of the most criminal areas of New York (I’ve never been there, just like in America in general). I study together with a former classmate (real). We sit at the same desk. There is a physics lesson in progress. There is zero discipline. The lesson is taught by an old teacher, he works hard, poor fellow, but no one listens to him. Suddenly he opens the magazine and decides to ask someone. I was scared because I didn't learn anything. But this fate passed me by. The teacher is very worried that no one knows anything. And it’s like I’m not me at all. In life, I studied normally at school, but here I am a fool, and my behavior also reminds me of American teenagers, whom I simply cannot stand. But, apparently, something human still remains in me. Suddenly I feel very sorry for the teacher (this happens in my life too; I usually feel even more sorry for older people than for children). I push my friend in the side and say that from now on we will teach her physics. And we begin to listen carefully to the teacher and even write everything down in a notebook. Then I am called to the board to solve a problem. I decide on, and the teacher is very happy. I'm happy for him too. After the lesson, we approach him and ask him to explain some topic. He is happy and agrees to meet us after class. But after class the following happens. I look out the window and see that a police car has driven up to the school. Our whole class with the class teacher (they were planning to go on an excursion) and the physics teacher are standing nearby. The police want to arrest him, but then their attention wanders, and he manages to leave. Somehow I know that they are going to arrest him for illegal possession of weapons, and I decide to save him. I go to his room and find a revolver in the table. I wrap it in a rag, put it in my pocket and go outside. While the police are about to search the physicist’s room, I quietly approach the class teacher and ask where he went. She speaks and even accompanies me halfway.

Alexander Reply

On the one hand, this is a modeling situation (an old teacher and ill-mannered young bastards) and the Unconscious gives the ego-dream the opportunity to try itself in it. It is no coincidence that you find yourself in the style of these very scoundrels [I am a fool, and my behavior also resembles American teenagers, whom I simply cannot stand] - this is the so-called unconscious grotesque, which would help you evaluate the situation more fully and without judgment, from all sides. But you continue to react as before [suddenly I feel very sorry for the teacher, I push my friend in the side and say that from now on we will teach physics].
On the other hand, those same teenagers you dislike are the focus of personal shadow characteristics. These unpleasant habits are unpleasant because you don’t want to admit them. Hence, apparently, the reason for modeling as a way of self-understanding. What's interesting about this option? The teacher is also the embodiment of one of your aspects, but precisely because the shadow characteristics are still not accepted, hostile to consciousness [zero discipline], his signals - and he, most likely, personifies intuition - are also inaccessible [straining, poor fellow, but no one listens to him]. Although, with some concentration, you can hear them [we begin to listen carefully to the teacher and even write everything down in a notebook, I am called to the board to solve a problem, I solve it with a “B”].
The police symbolize morality, censorship, and since the teacher is indirectly connected with your teenagers, what happens in the classroom somehow activates it [the police want to arrest him]. Or perhaps morality/censorship shows you that in fact he is not a poor fellow and is not so helpless in the face of shadow traits, because he has a revolver and his behavior cannot be explained only by helplessness.

Flerdelis_rambler_ru Reply

Dear Yaroslav! Thank you for the transcript, but let me disagree with some of its aspects regarding my shadow characteristics. I don’t want to praise myself, but I never even want to behave like the American teenagers from Brooks. Honestly, I was never drawn to it, even at a very young age. It seems to me that this is not even in my subconscious (well, if only very deeply, then, however, it will not be quite me from a psychological point of view, as it seems to me). I’m just completely uninterested in these kinds of young people. Although, maybe this has something to do with my state of anger, when I can sometimes behave, to put it mildly, very emotionally?

Flerdelis_rambler_ru Reply

Dear Yaroslav! Thank you for deciphering my dream No. 1694, but let me disagree with some of its aspects regarding my shadow characteristics. I don’t want to praise myself, but I never even want to behave like the American teenagers from Brooks. Honestly, I was never drawn to it, even at a very young age. It seems to me that this is not even in my subconscious (well, if only very deeply, then, however, it will not be quite me from a psychological point of view, as it seems to me). I’m just completely uninterested in these kinds of young people. Although, maybe this has something to do with my state of anger, when I can sometimes behave, to put it mildly, very emotionally? Can you explain please.

Mei Reply

Dear Florina! While Yaroslav has not yet answered, I will allow myself to exercise my recently acquired knowledge. By the way, I enjoy reading your dreams, they are as entertaining as a movie. As far as I understand, a shadow in a dream is often presented in a way that is most disgusting to us, with which we personally do not associate ourselves at a conscious level, as if the complete opposite of the conscious self. In real life, people often project their own shadow onto a certain type, a group of people, hence stereotypes, prejudices, etc. A person begins to fight the “external enemy,” although the real fight must take place within. Now, if something is wrong, they will correct me 80) By the way, Yaroslav probably has some article about the shadow, I’ll look now... huh, of course there is an article about the shadow. Just a very short one. To understand better, you need to read the “primary sources”. Jung, for example.

Flerdelis_rambler_ru Reply

May, thank you very much. You enlightened me. And then I thought, suddenly, in addition to teenage behavior, something else very unpleasant was hiding in me. I don't even know. May, I'm sorry for God's sake. At first I thought I understood about the shadow, then I realized that I didn’t understand everything. Shadow, some kind of complex? Or is it something that is negative in us, but which we do not notice? If the second is true, then this negative may not be at all what she is projecting onto in the dream? What does it really matter?

Mei Reply

Let's continue the enlightenment. (In fact, I’m enlightening myself 80) In general, all these shadows, animuses and animas are very conventional things. Those. You can’t touch them with your hands, you can’t measure them with a ruler, and in general, go figure out where they are and what they are, and I, as a non-specialist, speak about them very carefully. As far as I understand, the shadow is not a complex, but a normal part of the human psyche. It’s like if there is an object and light is directed at it, that is, shadow too. The object in this case is the conscious Ego, and the shadow is everything suppressed, animal, dark, in short, located in the shadow, like the other side. There is no way to get rid of it, you can only become aware of it. If a person stubbornly denies the presence of such a dark side, this leads to mental disorders and disharmony. And vice versa, if a person surrenders to the power of his own shadow, he turns into an animal. In short, you need to recognize the shadow and live in harmony with it, but not allow it too much 80) That’s how I understand it. Again, let the oracles correct me if anything is wrong.

Mei Reply

For some reason, it became very difficult for me to remember my dreams.
Everything is slipping away somewhere... Maybe I’m looking too long and too closely
am I considering them? Yesterday I also had a wonderful long dream, but
Almost all the details and the outline of events - alas, disappeared in the morning. Okay at least
I remember the main event. In a dream, I visited my choreographer-teacher.
I wrote about her before, I already dreamed about her. In a nutshell, I have a very special relationship with her.
I think her work is unique. It may not be perfect in some ways, but it is unique and complete
in an aesthetic sense. In some ways, she remains a Teacher for me, although I haven’t physically learned anything from her for 6 years now.
So, I, along with my old dancing friends, find myself visiting her apartment. The mood seems very festive
she learned something about my own work and liked it. Our meeting has something to do with this. The only details that remain
in memory - the choreographer herself was in the shower, and we were waiting for her in the kitchen. She put some food on the table for us. I was terribly glad that
There were my favorite delicacies there - fresh raspberries and Rocher sweets, and I ate them with pleasure while waiting for the hostess to come out of the shower. The rest is a complete failure.
How I would like to believe that this dream is a good sign and says that circumstances are favorable for the realization of my desires!

Alexander Reply

We have already discussed that dancing in a dream can reflect several things: the ability to achieve a goal (this puts it on a par with bicycles, cars and other movements), creative aesthetic potential (through the design of the dance), and - literally - self-control (since the body sleep represents waking consciousness). The expressiveness and harmony of these abilities must be assessed by the subjective impression of the dance.
In this sense, getting close to a dance teacher who has a positive unconscious potential behind him, and especially receiving some nice things from him [she put out treats for us - my favorite treats] is a good sign. It is not so much the circumstances that are favorable as your capabilities in these circumstances.

Malishka Reply

I dreamed that my teacher was in the hospital. I saw a room with windows with white hospital curtains. In the dream I was very worried about her. I talked to her, but I don’t remember what. I was glad to see her, since she really went on maternity leave. I waited for her for 1 year, and now she is my diploma supervisor.
I am 22 years old, female, I associate the dream with the fact that this woman and I have some kind of connection, SHE is like a guardian angel for me, she helps me and takes care of me like a mother. I love her so much!

Alexander Reply

Despite such a warm, conscious attitude towards this woman, the true inner understanding of her role in your life is being rethought [my teacher is in the hospital]. In this dream, there is a noticeable congruence (coincidence) between the true (active behavior in the dream) and conscious attitudes [I was very worried about her in the dream, I talked to her]. You are right, you have some kind of connection and I think that soon - in your dreams - she will recover, that is, the rethinking of her role for you will be completed.

Daria-rylova Reply


Kalinin-sergey Reply

They knock on the door for a long time and break in. At first I try not to notice, but then I can’t stand it and get up. I don’t feel comfortable, I’m half naked, I’m lying in the same bed with a girl, we work together, there was nothing between us, we were just lying together. But no one will understand this. We quickly get dressed and I open the door. This is my teacher Natalya Pavlovna. I haven't seen her for 15 years. She is very upset, and because of her problems, she does not notice our awkward, spicy situation. She was fired, she was late from vacation due to illness, and that’s it. I can’t immediately get into her problems, and I don’t know how to help. I find myself at a large hangar, this is my school, I look around, look into the windows, this is where we lived and studied. Small neat rooms. There is not enough space for a school. Only one class can fit here. There must be more hangars, and of course more hangars appeared. Now the school looks more complete, several hangars, a canteen, more buildings, apparently a gym and others. But something is wrong. My hangar is second and my class is second, and the first is already sold. It was bought for three hundred thousand dollars. Mine costs about the same. No, I won’t sell, the Hangar belongs to me, and I’ll figure out what to do. But two guys, they apparently lived and studied in the first one, they felt the taste of selling. Apparently they got a portion of the proceeds. Now they want to sell my hangar and my school, my classroom. But for this you need to kill me. At the beginning they tried to convince me, the guys came up with hints and this and that. But now one guy is flying on skis, he wants to shoot me down. I stand taller, spread my legs, and he rushes between my legs. I smile, okay, he has two more attempts, I’m stronger. The guy is riding for the second time, and now he’s trying to hit me with his ski poles, like spears. This is already more difficult, I try to dodge, turn around, but I have to parry the blow with my bag and hands, a little more and: The third attempt may end sadly for me, what else will he come up with, There shouldn’t be a third attempt. Now the enemy is knocked down and felled, I decide to beat him down harder so that he won’t get up again. I hit him with my bag. What’s in my bag, I remember how I collected it. There are nails there, I also put iron parts, I imagine the fallen enemy and report a couple more heavy metal parts, just to be sure. I return to the present and finish off the enemy. The hangar will remain with me, I will make a big profit from it, maybe I will open a store or rent it out as a warehouse. Or maybe I’ll make a school, in the image of the physics and mathematics school in which I studied, and gather the best guys: This dream, apparently, can describe my mental anxiety. My teachers were fired, my school was partially sold. Often my peers sell what doesn’t belong to them, using not always honest methods, but here I am sitting in my warm place and don’t hear a knock on the door: but I could:

21 Reply


Sinbad7-yandex-ru Reply

I think this dream could mean the following:

1. I am concerned about the Teacher’s problem, but for now the Teacher and I are the same person

2. To be worthy of the Teacher you need to become empty like a balloon so that the Teacher can inflate it

3. Consequently, all people who receive teaching receive a certain AIR that passes to them from the Teacher, but they add something of their own to it, otherwise how could the Teacher inflate the balloon.

Innaju-inbox-lv Reply

I’m leaving the store, crossing the pedestrian crossing and seeing familiar teachers on the hill - two men. One, I know for sure, lives in our microdistrict, the other was sure that he does not live here. But what is he doing here? She came up and talked, both were happy, one smiled and left. We talk to the second one, it turns out that he is also from this microdistrict, and I think why did I leave him the necessary documents at the institute, we could have agreed to meet here in the area

Mashky-rambler-ru Reply

I dreamed that I was at my institute, and suddenly I decided, out of the blue, to attract the attention of the teacher I liked, he was much older than me, so he never paid any attention to me. And so I pretended to lose consciousness. I fell to the floor, but I felt that I was falling in a very picturesque, feigned manner. When I fell, he ran up to me, then called someone, but no one came, and he put me on some kind of sofa that came from nowhere, and covered me with a blanket. I was incredibly pleased, I simply melted with happiness that he was there to take care of me. I lay there for some time as if unconscious, but then I came to my senses and he began to constantly come up and ask how I was feeling and touch my forehead and cheeks. I was in seventh heaven. And then he suddenly turned into my cousin, and I found myself already at home in my bed, next to me were my cousins ​​and brother. And my uncle was holding a vacuum cleaner in his hands and was about to vacuum, I said, I don’t need to do it myself now, but for some reason I couldn’t get up, I didn’t have any strength. Yes, and my uncle didn’t want to give me the vacuum cleaner. Then suddenly I found myself at the window, my sister was nearby, I asked her where you were going, she replied that they would leave early in the morning because she had to go to school. I was very upset, because I am always happy about her visits. Then the dream just ended

Matrosova Reply

I dreamed that I was walking along the 2nd floor of the school where I work in real life. Ahead of me is walking an unfamiliar, as it seemed to me, elderly woman. And the moment I find myself next to her, I recognize the literature teacher from the school where I once studied. We get to know each other, and she takes my arm. At this moment I begin to feel the cold from her body and understand that she is dead. (The main thing is that this teacher actually died several years ago.) I pull her hand away from mine and ask why she came. In response, I hear that she came for me! What happened next was incredible. I experienced fear, panic and protest at the same time. She told me that they (the teachers) had been fighting among themselves for my love since my childhood!??? I won’t go with her, that she can get away from here and never appear, etc. Then I walked along the corridors of the school and began to tell my colleagues about what had happened (physical education teachers from other schools, it’s not clear how they ended up there) and ask them for advice , what to do. They tried to express their opinion, but didn’t really advise anything. Leaving the school, I noticed that the staircase leading to the second floor became the same as it was at the school where I studied, and not where the events described above began to occur. Further, together with my real daughter, who is 10 years old, on the way from school I met a young, beautiful, smiling woman who said that she loved Nadyusha (my daughter) very much and wanted to adopt her! I found out from the woman that she was a teacher from the children’s camp that my daughter went to, told her that she could give birth to a child herself and said goodbye to her. Then I woke up, experiencing a feeling of unreality and surprise. But after a couple of minutes of being awake, I, being an impressionable and slightly superstitious person, began to be afraid that I was called “there”. Deciphering the dream is still hampered by the prejudice that the dead call with “themselves” on the eve of a person’s approaching death. So now I’m in a panic... It’s also surprising that despite my respect for this teacher, during my studies I was not her favorite student , and my favorite teacher was another woman. I am 36 years old, I am a woman, I work at a school as a physical education teacher. Thank you! I hope that somehow you can clarify what I saw. Goodbye!


I had this dream at a time when I was actively involved in and was a devotee of a certain religious-philosophical society. Those were good times for me - I accepted and shared the philosophical idea, practiced it, and this path gave me enormous strength to live freely, to realize myself creatively, to have that job that I liked, a new circle of friends appeared, people who were also creative, interesting to me, and I was interesting to them. In general, life was filled to the brim with variations and possibilities. This was my Golden Age. “In theory” the relationship with my friends was also wonderful, warm; many have remained my friends, although I left this community long ago. She left it when a sectarian spirit appeared, from which a huge social system then grew, which had little to do with the original idea. But this is all prehistory, as it seems to me, necessary to understand the essence of the dream. We, in our community of that time, had one Teacher for all of us. This was (and is) a real person, only he lived abroad and his visits were infrequent and with great difficulties, given those times. And each of his visits was like a holiday and was always awaited with great impatience and hopes for personal communication. And then, finally, a dream. It goes like this: The Guru must arrive, everyone is looking for a room where they can receive him. There are great difficulties with this, there are refusals all around, and there is turmoil, search and sometimes despair that nothing is working out with the premises. Somehow I manage to negotiate and find a room - it’s a large hall, like a theater. I enter, the hall is already filled, the Guru is sitting in the center and giving a lecture. I stand in the doorway, looking for a place where I can sit. Suddenly the Guru stops the lecture, there is a pause-silence... and in this silence he says, without addressing me: “And this girl must leave.” All. The door slammed shut. Abandonment, trouble, bitterness. It was especially depressing that even the Guru kicked me out. What kind of a worthless, damaged person am I then, it turns out, that even the Guru... I remembered this dream for the rest of my life.

AnaLitik Reply

Let’s start from the image of “the door slammed.” The door symbolizes the state of indecision at the moment of choice between the vital and the mechanical (between the “divine” and the “devilish”). Religious quests greatly sharpen this moment, the moment of choice. Let’s take, for example, such a phenomenon as “blasphemous thoughts”: the more frantically you begin to pray, the louder voices sound in your head, blaspheming what is most holy and pure. And the dream is about this: I give my last strength to my Teacher, but do I really believe in his teaching? And then comes the blasphemous thought: No, I don’t believe it. I am a worthless, spoiled, vicious person. (To get rid of blasphemous thoughts, there is a special technique called paradoxical intention. I will not dwell on this in detail now. If you are interested, search the Internet for articles on this topic, download books by Viktor Frankl).

But if we return to the discussion of that idea that runs through many of your dreams (the idea that I want to get rid of something, but I can’t do it completely), that is, to the idea of ​​“indecisiveness at the moment of choice,” then behind it There is a feeling that there is something “bad” in me that is “good”. People prefer bad to good only when they are sure that this bad once saved their life. Like in the movies: a girl marries a villain because the villain pretends to be her savior. I have already given examples about mother and revolution, that is, people suffer from mechanical devotion to a certain sign and are ready to die for their love for this sign. How to teach a person that a sign is not so important, what gives birth to it is much more important? Christ said: it is better to lose everything, but save your soul. The soul is not a sign, but a creative potential: we always retain either the soul or the sign. And if the soul is at stake, then you need to, without focusing on it, throw out all the signs: both the water and the child. This is what determination is all about.

26 Reply

I have an art teacher. A very ambiguous, demonic personality. She is a talented artist, but a bad teacher. She does not know how to set a task, break it down into stages, etc., her demands are inconsistent, and her explanations are very chaotic. She is demanding and believes that praise can ruin things. She lives in her own world, the world of luxury of a beautiful spoiled woman. She is used to being obeyed and indulged in her whims, forgetting that she is no longer 17, but 60... I decided for myself that she is a demon with whom you need to communicate on an irrational level, and not try to reach her mind with logical arguments. I just wait for her to explain all the cause-and-effect relationships to herself (and she always does), and in the end I just nod and thank her. I act as if she were some kind of sphinx guarding a tower or Baba Yaga from whom I need to get an amulet of strength. And, I must say, with this look at her, communication with her even becomes interesting (you can watch and have fun), and also effective (I use this method when communicating with all officials, security guards and tax inspectors). IN A DREAM, she came to spend the night with me on Thursdays (it’s on Thursdays that I have her classes). This was necessary for learning. It’s not clear what we did, she just spent the night with me. The apartment was my parents’ apartment, but I slept there in the nursery, on the same bed with my children. All this was necessary in training. The parents were not there; they went somewhere else for the whole night. She slept in their room. In the evening she informed me that it was absolutely necessary that her good friend should spend the night with us. I nodded (and I always nod when she says something, that’s my practice with her). A friend arrived (by the way, he looked like the principal of my child’s school, like that “nerd with a microphone” who was broadcasting when I met Inga). My teacher carefully explained to me that there was no ambiguity or “dirt” here, that a friend would sleep in the kitchen. I nodded and pretended to believe it, spreading a thin foam mattress on the kitchen floor. In my mind I already imagined how she would gallop to him as soon as she decided that the children and I were sleeping. In fact, I was going to fall asleep so as not to disturb this adult woman who behaves like a girl. “Let him be happy,” I thought. Suddenly my husband called me on my mobile and said that the “Leninist mafia” was chasing him (this is a type of gangster group in our city), he gave an address in the depths of the most criminal area, said that he was sitting there in some apartment converted into club with children's clubs. At the first moment, when I heard that bandits were chasing him, I was consumed by horror. I screamed hysterically, which is actually not typical for me, but I was so scared that I lost control of myself. My teacher and her friend joined in, surrounded me and looked at me with concern. Seeing their worried faces, I pulled myself together, and sobriety instantly returned to me. “Have you tried calling the police?” - I asked my husband. He asked for help to be called to this address and said that he could no longer talk, this was the only call he could make. The minutes counted down; the bandits were about to come there and overtake them. For some reason, calling the police did not seem like a suitable solution to the problem. I thought hard, tried to quickly calculate the situation, make the only right decision. My teacher delved into the situation in an unusually intelligent and mature way, and her speech no longer seemed childishly naive to me. Out of the corner of my mind I touched on the fact that our problems prevented her from spending the night with her lover. The fact that she was not irritated about this gave rise to inner gratitude in me. Due to her emotional nature, she immediately connected to someone else’s grief and tried to help as best she could. Her friend also expressed some advice and suggestions. I had already decided to call the police at the address given by my husband, but then my husband himself called and said that the danger had passed.

AnaLitik Reply

The plot focuses on the communication between two women, one of whom acts as a teacher or even a parent (sleeping in her parents' room). These women provide each other with certain services that fall within the scope of their individual relationships with men. The heroine provides the teacher with premises to meet her lover, and she, in turn, gives valuable instructions to the heroine on how to “save her husband” (well, that is, get him out of a dangerous situation). In my opinion, this is a dream that the old lady is not so bad, in some situations you can completely rely on her. She can give good advice. And against the background of this, all the sexual details of the plot should, for good, go into the shadows: “An individual can experience jealousy, possess a woman or be a homosexual: this is a private matter of his smallest, most insignificant individuality. What is important is the functional ability of his mind to be free from such problems in order to perform the highest function.”

26 Reply

My Guru was Grebenshchikov. I followed on his heels as the most faithful student, caught his every word, wrote it down, became his shadow, accepted Knowledge with every cell of my being as the greatest grace. He seemed to teach me music, but not in the school sense, but rather in a sacred, higher sense, he taught me the most important thing that a Teacher can teach his student. We took drugs, hovered in a meditative trance, and the world opened up to me in all its grandeur and completeness: beautiful and perfect. Because of these trance states, I could not remember some fragments of our meetings with BG, or rather, I did not remember any facts at all, only a huge wonderful feeling remained that gave meaning to everything. I came to him once again and modestly stopped at a respectful distance. BG was sitting at the drum kit. Seeing me, he smiled and stood up to meet me. We ended up in his room. I suddenly noticed that I had already been here, but had forgotten. Then I remembered my painting teacher (see dream 16511). I remembered that I had wanted to call her for a long time. As soon as I thought about her, she appeared. There were three of us - me, her and BG. BG oozed love. I was attracted to him, I wanted sex with the Teacher to complete the experience. But is it possible? He hugged me very naturally, squeezing me tighter. Realizing that anything was possible, I slipped under him, melting with passion. Suddenly the door opened and some aunties looked into the room. It was like being a teenager and making out with a boy in his room and suddenly his mom stopped by. We looked back at my art teacher. BG nodded to her, saying: “Will you watch?” She was bright and very beautiful, younger than in life. She nodded kindly in agreement and sat down by the door. I hesitated a little about whether it was good to have sex with the Teacher in front of her, because she is an artist and will now look at us as models, we will only have to take beautiful poses. But I immediately forgot about it. His body was huge and hot, just a bear. It was especially burning in the groin. I slid lower, trying to move more deftly under him and stick him into myself. I tried to feel if he was wearing a condom. And suddenly it dawned on me: But this is not the first time!!! We already had sex, I just forgot about it because of drugs or meditative trance. I asked him: “Boris Borisych, last time I also didn’t forget about condoms, right?” I was a little funny, but also happy that even in a state of altered consciousness, I remember about safety. It’s good that it’s like this now, otherwise in my youth you used to have fun carelessly, take risks, then get afraid and curse yourself... I looked at the teacher again. She played the role of guard seriously and responsibly. Her presence no longer bothered me. It was hot under the BG. I touched his penis and slid down it, letting him inside me. The world became brighter, more juicy, everything took on meaning and became sharpened into one hot pulsating point.

Metla Reply

Here it is necessary to tell a story that happened to my teacher. As I already wrote, she doesn’t know how to behave: she acts like a little girl in her imagination. She made a lot of enemies among her colleagues. She directly told them that they were “fools and did not understand anything.”

People haven't forgotten that they were poked and humiliated. Having waited for a convenient scandal with the student, she was fired (the student ended up in a psychiatric clinic with a nervous breakdown, citing a relationship with our teacher as the reason). I keep wanting to call the teacher, but for some reason I forget.

She was fired unfairly, of course. It’s stupid to blame the teacher for “pushing” the girl. We have lost in her a person from whom we can learn directly (that is, at a close glance). As a teacher, she doesn’t know how to convey information, but she herself knows how to do everything she teaches and very well, and you can just watch and learn. With her departure it became much calmer, less hassle, less passions and scandals. She pulled us into the depths of her dark unconscious, and we played her damn games with her. Her disappearance was a release and relief for many. However, along with it, a certain charm in our works disappeared - colorful, light, toy-like.

I saw Grebenshchikov a month ago at a concert. He is the one who goes one step ahead, his light illuminates the path. He exudes love that is enough for everyone.

Metla Reply

Another interesting thought occurred to me during orgasm: sex and food are of the same nature. I directly felt how he physically saturates me. If I hadn’t been so full, I might as well have eaten something and been full too.

AnaLitik Reply

If you know from your In-self that Grebenshchikov is a natural genius, and not an idol of the crowd, then such eroticism has all the external signs of positivity. And if this is confirmed by your inner evidence, then you can say that this is a positively transformative act. Or - peak experience as the limit of sacredness, the ultimate limit of possible perfection. It seems that the teacher also deserves gratitude, she helps remove some obstacles. And negative people (I mean the scandal with the student) always behave like suicide bombers. They are all in a hurry to “explode” near the great man in order to inflict maximum damage on positive humanity.

26 Reply

When I was at university, I had a young German teacher. He made a strong impression on me. This is an unusually handsome man, bright, brilliant, intelligent, with refined manners. There would even be too much glitz and chic in it if nobility and down-to-earth rationalism did not balance its heavenly beauty. We were planning an office romance, but at the last moment I got scared and ran away. He was angry with me for a while, then he cooled down and the flirting continued and his passion for the teacher transferred with great success to German grammar. I liked this kind of fuel for studying. Then I found out that he was a poet, I became one of his first readers. We recently met by chance, decided to take a walk and wandered through the forest for several hours, drank tea with him, and he gave me his new books with poems. His poems are great. I was inspired to write a few of my own after this meeting. Now somehow the poetry has stalled again. The routine of everyday life dragged on. I really like his poetry a lot, I think I'm nowhere near his level, he's great. But this only spurs me on, makes me want to grow. In a dream, we talked with him and he told me the following phrase very meaningfully: “You write beautifully and smoothly, it’s easy to read, because the verse is musical, but you lack innovation. When I write, I look for new means of expression, since no one has written before me. You have to write boldly, boldly.” In a dream, I was overcome by melancholy from the fact that all I can do is sweetly, evenly put words into rhymes, comb my hair, but at the same time I cannot hurt anyone with them, amaze anyone, move the starting point, even slightly change the weather in the world of emotions .

Metla Reply

Poems by my teacher:

You know, tenderness sometimes goes away

Like water into sand

And then he wanders like a mangy dog

But there was a puppy!

He remembers how he was caressed,

Saucers with milk,

How they carried him everywhere with them,

Yes from house to house

And now - cold feather bed

Forests in December

Well, be patient, because the reason for tenderness is

In someone else's yard!

Of course it will snow, of course it will fall

Of course, until unconsciousness Then

Everyone will paw at a sheet of snow

With your dark hospital number

This is the beauty we don’t notice

She's like manna falling from heaven

Cold, beyond understanding

Straightforward as a plumb line

AnaLitik Reply

The teacher should be more careful in expressing himself in relation to his students. I, too, was raised by a professional poet. When the teacher brought me to the drunken slums of the Khabarovsk Writers' Union, people raised their red faces over their glasses and asked him: “Who is this boy with you?”, then the teacher proudly answered: “Oh! In ten years, this boy will rape you all." Since the prophecies of teachers come true, ten years later - after the death of the teacher - I was drawn to perversion. I quit medical practice and worked as the head of the department of prose and poetry and "raped" all the poets and prose writers of our region as much as I wanted. Unfortunately, I could also “rape” your teacher a little as an expert, but I won’t do that (The second poem - about whiteness - is very deep) However, he should not criticize you, if you yourself, of course, do not need it

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Teacher in a dream?

Teacher - Dance - This dream signifies your refusal to do important things in favor of frivolous entertainment. For a young girl to dream that her lover is a dance teacher, means that she will gain a friend with similar views on life and entertainment.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Teacher dreamed

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Teacher - New acquaintance.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Teachers - Earning money through physical labor.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Teachers?

Teacher - as you dream about a teacher - difficult physical work. Teacher: you will receive honor and respect.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Teacher from your dream

Teacher - To mistakes, blunders; responsible event; acquaintance, test. See Dictionary “esoteric” (spiritual teacher).

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about the Teacher?

Teacher - New acquaintance.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To have a dream about a Teacher, what does it mean?

Teacher - symbolizes the dreamer’s own wisdom. This is a voice that needs to be listened to. It can also personify a person who limits your initiative and interferes with individual expression. To be a teacher yourself in a dream means to receive recognition and respect. You will receive an invitation to the society. Seeing a teacher giving you instructions is a sign that you need to change something about yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

A teacher earns money through physical labor.

Mythological dream book

Teachers' Interpretation

Teacher – (spiritual) – It is always doubtful that a real teacher appears to a dreamer from the dream world; most likely, this is self-deception, temptation, a projection of insidious Lucifags. In another psychological aspect, such a teacher is the sober, wise, creative part of the dreamer himself, expressed by corresponding wise motives, decisions and actions (depending on the image).

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about the Teacher in a dream by day of the week?

Teacher - To trouble.

Dream Book of Calvin Hall

If you see the Teacher, what is it for?

Teacher - calm entertainment, moderate joy. Seeing yourself as a teacher means discovering a talent or gift in yourself.

Teacher - see also Education and School 1. For many people, a teacher is the first representative of authority with whom he meets outside the family. This person has a huge influence on the child and therefore often appears in dreams in later years. Teachers can also create conflict if the points of view they express are very different from what the child was taught at home. This is something that needs to be resolved in dreams later. 2. When we search, the Masculine or Feminine principle (see Introduction) may appear in dreams as a teacher. Often his image will be the director or headmistress of the school (the one who “knows everything best”). 3. A spiritual mentor usually appears in dreams when the dreamer is ready for development. There is a saying: “The student is ready, the teacher is right there.” Most likely, this teacher will not appear as a Sage (see Introduction) or a woman, but as a person corresponding to the dreamer’s level of understanding.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet with the Teacher:

Teacher - Meet a wise person who will give you valuable advice. Imagine that you are shaking hands with the teacher, having a friendly conversation with him, appearing, drinking tea or even wine. LEARN Learn something new that will give you new ideas. Imagine that you are an excellent student, grasping knowledge on the fly.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Interpretation of more than 1000 characters: Teacher:

A teacher is a vital profession that allows us to train and shape a new generation, and at the same time it is a calling. When you decide to become a teacher, you accept a serious responsibility. Dreams about teaching, even if you don't actually do it, can indicate that you have skills that you can pass on to others. If the dream becomes too realistic and you believe that this is your subconscious mind telling you to become a teacher, make sure that all the facts are in favor before taking the necessary action. Also consider other ways to fulfill the dream, such as training colleagues in certain areas of your work or volunteering.

Great modern dream book

Teacher - why does the dreamer dream?

Teacher - You saw a teacher in a dream - in the coming days you will significantly expand your circle of acquaintances. You dream of a dance teacher - this is a warning dream: you are too carried away by fun and have forgotten about the main thing; what is the use of good manners if there is sackcloth on your shoulders?.. A girl dreams that she fell in love with a dance teacher - the dream promises this girl great personal happiness; the person she will love and with whom she will connect her life will be kindred to her in spirit; next to her beloved, every day will become a holiday for her.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does it mean if you dreamed about a Teacher?

Teacher - you will meet a wise person who will answer your questions and give advice that is very important to you. Imagine that you are entering a school classroom where a lesson is about to begin. You see there a very wise, respected teacher, a true master of his craft. This is your good friend. You came to attend his lesson and learn a lot from him. When the lesson ends, you go up to him to shake his hand, express your admiration and have a heart-to-heart talk. The teacher invites you to visit, and you drink tea together and have a friendly conversation.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing a teacher in a dream, what does it mean?

Teacher - by work - Soon you will have to work hard cleaning the apartment or the school yard.

Music teacher - Tell less lies and everything will go well.

Algebra teacher - No matter how much you fool your mother, she will still find out the truth.

Physics teacher - The holidays will be boring.

Physical education teacher - Your favorite football (rhythmic gymnastics) team will lose in the near future.

Biology teacher - You should get a parrot or fish, but you'll have to wait for a dog.

Foreign language teacher - What they tell you in class is Chinese literacy for you.

Math teacher - Soon you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation or disgrace yourself.

Russian or literature teacher - Watch what you say.

Choreography teacher - Run less on the street, otherwise you will hurt your knee.

Dream Interpretation Feng Shui

Trainer: interpretation of the image

Trainer - Warning about the possibility of not making a profit in a transaction.

The newest dream book of Georgy Ivanov

Why do you dream and what does a coach mean to the dreamer?

Trainer - you need professional knowledge. You need to improve your skills in reality.

The dream that you had on the 22nd carries a lot of useful information: it can foreshadow a new round of development of serious illnesses and suggest possible ways of healing in its plot, talk about upcoming changes in your financial situation and warn about what steps in business you should not take undertake.

Teacher as interpreted by experts

Meeting a teacher in a dream means that uncertainty has appeared in your life and you need advice. Try to remember the vision as accurately as possible. After all, by doing so, higher powers suggest what lies ahead and what to do in a difficult situation.

Miller's interpretation

Why does a woman dream of trying on the image of a teacher? The psychologist is encouraging; in reality, success awaits.

Miller, when compiling a dream book, deciphers a meeting with his school teacher as follows: in reality you will be criticized and set on the right path.

But if in the vision, a classy lady had a beard, a certain period of life has come to an end.

Primary school teacher heralds changes

Meeting your first mentor in a dream, who in reality died long ago, is an indication that it’s time to move on and make changes in life. If this is your child’s first teacher, he has problems that cannot be solved without the help of an adult.

But if you had to become a teacher in primary school, the Islamic dream book says somewhat the opposite. Surrounded by running children - enlightenment will come in reality, your ideas will be simple and original. Perhaps it will be possible to make a discovery.

Pleasant meeting or conflict

A scandal with a teacher or listening to her angry swearing. The dream book warns that when performing your duties, be extremely careful. There is a great risk of making a mistake.

Humanitarian subjects

Why do you dream of teaching Russian language and literature? Expects to meet a person who is a master at negotiating. Thanks to advice and assistance, you will conclude several profitable contracts.

Answering in a dream in a Russian language lesson, you received two points, do not rush to start negotiations. It's better to entrust this matter to professionals.

Loff’s dream book, if you happen to teach children a foreign language, suggests that you have a poor understanding of the problem that has arisen and it will be extremely difficult to resolve it.

Precision items

Why do you dream about a math teacher - the secret will become clear. It is better to admit to deception yourself than to wait for the truth to come out. In a dream, answering at the board, they earned “Excellent!” - your efforts will bear fruit and you will be rewarded as you deserve. But if the assessment is bad, make a mistake when making plans.

The Lunar Dream Book deciphers the physics teacher as follows. Finding yourself in an awkward situation will change your views on life values.

Chemistry. This vision predicts an interesting project at work.

Natural science

The teacher who taught geography at school predicts a trip. Is he cheerful and jokes a lot? The trip will be great. But if in a dream you were gloomy and grumbled, expect trouble.

A former history teacher foretells that in reality you will “get caught up in an adventure.” To avoid trouble, control your words and actions. It is especially important to pay attention to the vision if in a dream the teacher scolded you for your low level of knowledge.

Additional items

We met a music teacher. The dream book foretells, do not try to deceive others, otherwise you will create many problems.

Why do you dream about a physical education teacher? Meeting with friends will be fun and soulful. But if you are an active sports fan, then your favorite will lose in the next competition.

Labor teacher - a difficult task awaits you.

We met a dance instructor - a trip to the cinema or theater is ahead, the dream book predicts.


A young classroom teacher means a difficult situation. Take your time before making a final decision; the dream book advises you to check everything again.

And if in a dream the mentor is alive, but aged, as if she had lived a long life, she is unable to cope with difficulties on her own. Seek help from experienced people.


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