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People quite often encounter natural phenomena in their dreams. A thunderstorm with lightning, gusty wind, pouring rain - all these and many other symbols appear in dreams for a reason. As a rule, such visions reflect the inner world of a person and act as harbingers of important events. In this regard, it is important not to ignore such dreams, but to try to thoroughly decipher them.

Dreams involving lightning, thunderstorms and rain usually reflect a person's emotional state. Moreover, emotions can both lead to events that the interpretation promises a person, and be their consequence. When deciphering dreams about this element, it is necessary to take into account not only the main plot, but also other details: whether it rained in the dream, whether the dreamer got wet in this rain, whether lightning sparkled, etc.

Each people had their own approach to the interpretation of dreams involving this natural phenomenon. Folk dream books are based on the experience of a nation, which has been accumulated and analyzed over the centuries. This is how dreams about a storm accompanied by thunder and lightning were interpreted by representatives of different nations:

  • According to the ancient Russian dream book, a thunderstorm in a dream symbolizes rumors of an approaching war. If a person dreamed that this natural phenomenon killed him, then in real life he will be deceived by false friends.
  • Ukrainian dream book says that the element usually dreams of a quarrel with someone around you or troubles.
  • IN English dream book a different interpretation of such visions is given. Thus, a dream in which the dreamer was running away from a thunderstorm signals that in reality he chose the wrong path. If you do not turn away from it, then this choice can become disastrous for the dreamer.
  • In French dream book a thunderstorm with rain and strong wind symbolizes good luck for a hardworking and honest person. If in his vision the dreamer witnessed a bright flash of lightning that blinded him, then in reality a bright but rather short romance awaits him.

Thunderstorm according to Vanga's dream book

According to the seer, a thunderstorm in a dream symbolizes divine will. Sometimes this natural phenomenon foretells the dreamer a quarrel, conflict, fear or anger.

According to Vanga’s dream book, an element that frightens the dreamer warns that his lifestyle is not pious. As a rule, this dream warns: a person should rethink his life and try to change it for the better.

If you dreamed that the dreamer was caught in a thunderstorm with heavy rain, then one rather long conflict will soon be resolved. Moreover, this will happen faster than the dreamer himself expects.

When you dream that a house is struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, you should expect sudden news. An environmental disaster is predicted by a vision in which a thunderstorm floods a house.

Thunderstorm according to Miller's dream book

The psychologist claims that a person who dreamed of this element should be careful. As a rule, a thunderstorm in such dreams warns that danger awaits the dreamer in real life. In addition, Miller’s dream book says: if in a vision a storm caught the dreamer on the street, then he will soon receive news from the front line.

A vision in which the elements overtook a person somewhere in nature (for example, in a field or forest) speaks of an approaching danger that directly threatens the dreamer. If the person who has the dream watches the storm from the window, then one of his loved ones is in danger. Death from a thunderstorm symbolizes betrayal by a loved one.

Why do you dream of a thunderstorm with lightning?

A thunderstorm with rain and bright lightning symbolizes new strong experiences. This usually means that soon a rather bright event will happen in the dreamer’s life, which will be remembered for a long time and will add variety to the usual rhythm of life.

According to Danilova’s erotic dream book, thunder and lightning in a dream act as harbingers of loss. The dreamer will be overwhelmed by suspicions of a loved one’s betrayal, which will cause him to have a nervous breakdown. The emotional shock will be so strong that the person will need the help of others or even a psychologist.

A woman’s dream about a thunderstorm with lightning promises a relationship with a man who has been attractive to her for a long time. It is possible that this relationship will develop into a strong marriage.

In the East, it is believed that a rich man who sees a thunderstorm with lightning in his dreams may soon lose his wealth. If such a dream was dreamed by a person with an average income, then in real life he will face disagreements with colleagues and superiors. There is a possibility that these types of conflicts will lead to dismissal.

If a sick person dreamed of a natural disaster accompanied by heavy rain, then he will soon recover.

Beautiful thunderstorm, which fascinated the dreamer with its colors, indicates that in real life he experiences quite strong positive emotions. Typically such a storm is accompanied by hail and heavy rain. If in a dream lightning follows immediately after thunder, then the dreamer better think about his emotional state. Most likely, a lot of aggressive emotions have accumulated in the soul, which can “break out” at the most inopportune moment.

It’s worth talking separately about the dreams in which I was present. ball lightning. Among interpreters, there are many interpretations of such visions. For example, Nostradamus believes that such a dream foreshadows a disaster. Another dream book claims that such dreams promise the dreamer creative success. There is also another interpretation of this symbol. It is believed that a dream of ball lightning warns the dreamer about the imminent realization of hidden fears.

Other meanings of dreams about thunderstorms

The interpretation of dreams about a thunderstorm largely depends on the details that were present in the vision:

  • I dreamed of a thunderstorm with hail. Many interpreters consider such a vision to be a very good sign. It promises the dreamer the acquisition of profit. The more hailstones, the higher the income. However, if the dreamer is caught in a thunderstorm with hail, then in reality he will face a serious shock.
  • Due to the raging elements, the dreamer cannot leave the house or building. Such a dream promises that troubles and adversities will not affect a person.
  • See the storm coming. Such a vision promises a person only troubles and misfortunes.
  • The newlyweds dreamed of the elements. This dream promises them a strong and happy marriage.

The meaning of dreams about thunderstorms depending on the day of the week

Many dream books interpret dreams about this natural phenomenon depending on the day of the week. If you dreamed of a storm at night from Monday to Tuesday, then soon troubles and tears await the dreamer. Sleep in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday promises strong experiences that will suddenly fall on a person. If the elements dreamed of in the night from Wednesday to Thursday, then the dreamer has nothing to fear. Most likely, this dream will not come true. The only thing worth paying attention to in this case is family life.

If you dreamed of a thunderstorm at night from Thursday to Friday, then the experience will come to the person on the same day. A quarrel with one of your close friends is possible. The element that came in dreams at night from Friday to Saturday, says that the dreamer’s fears are not groundless. Most likely, the management seriously thought about how suitable the person who dreamed of the thunderstorm was for his position.

When a thunderstorm dreams at night from Saturday to Sunday, the dreamer should listen to the advice that those around him give him. If such a vision came to a person from Sunday to Monday, then he should pay attention to his personal life and think about his relationship with his loved one.

Thus, dreams about the elements are often a reflection of a person’s emotional state. Moreover, emotions can both give rise to events and act as their result. According to most dream books, a thunderstorm promises the dreamer danger and trouble. However, some interpretations claim the opposite. In order to correctly interpret a dream, it is recommended to remember everything that you dreamed the night before. Sometimes even the most insignificant details can radically change the meaning of a dream.

Some dreams are remembered firmly and vividly - the events in them leave a strong emotional trace, and first thing in the morning, hands reach for the dream book.

And for good reason - vivid, memorable phenomena in dreams, such as natural disasters, violent manifestations of natural character, weather phenomena - all this is really important in dreams, and carries the deepest meaning.

Unlike many more simplified symbols, all phenomena associated with nature reflect the dreamer’s inner world and foreshadow important events. Therefore, dreams of this kind cannot be ignored.

Everything that is connected with water in dreams can be safely associated with the emotional and sensual sphere of the dreamer. These are very powerful symbols, bright and always associated with experiences.

If a thunderstorm, rain and lightning burst into your dream, there can be many interpretations - but all this must be perceived, understanding that it is connected with the emotional sphere. Emotions and experiences can be both a consequence and a cause of events that are indicated in the interpreter. This should be remembered when interpreting a dream.

Well, to explain why you dream of a thunderstorm, you should remember all the details - they are important. Eg:

  • In the dream there was rain and a strong thunderstorm.
  • Very heavy rain in dreams.
  • Thunderstorm with lightning in a dream.
  • Thunderstorm and strong gusts of wind.
  • The storm swept away everything around, overwhelmed everything.
  • During a thunderstorm, the ceiling of the house leaks.
  • You are caught in a downpour in your dreams.
  • We stood calmly under the thunderstorm.
  • The thunderstorm in your dream passed by, and you remained dry.
  • Lightning struck a house in a dream.
  • Lightning struck nearby, you were afraid of a flash or thunderclap.
  • The thunderstorm caused a flood.
  • You are caught in a whirlpool during a thunderstorm.
  • We watched the thunderstorm from the window.
  • A beautiful, fantastic thunderstorm in a dream.

All these dreams, believe me, are very significant and important - and they can promise large-scale events, significant changes, important decisions.

In addition, a thunderstorm may indicate certain mistakes or character traits of the dreamer, to which he should pay attention in reality. So, be careful.

Storm of darkness...

Just like in reality, a thunderstorm in a dream, rain, and lightning can be of different types. Moreover, in dreams there may be something that is unlikely to be seen or experienced in real everyday life - and this only expands the range of possible meanings of the dream.

It is worth interpreting what a thunderstorm means in a dream carefully - do not miss the details and do not confuse them, so as not to get the wrong interpretation.

1. As the dream book tells us, a thunderstorm and rain in a dream are a sign of an urgent need to confidently decide on something, to show strength and courage. This dream is direct advice to you. Be decisive, don’t hesitate - you will make the right decision if you do it boldly, without looking back.

2. Heavy rain and lightning in dreams are clear signs that soon in reality you will be overwhelmed by incredible emotions and experiences. You will be able to enjoy the feeling to the full - however, do not leave the ground too far, keep your common sense - it will be useful to you.

3. Rain in a dream with bright lightning is a sign of acute, new experiences. Something exciting, exciting and even frightening, but bright and memorable, will happen in your everyday life and brighten it up.

4. Such a dream, in which a thunderstorm was accompanied by strong gusts of wind, foreshadows significant changes for the dreamer. Perhaps these changes will even be more significant than you wanted or expected, but don’t worry - everything is for the better.

5. If a thunderstorm, water and wind simply sweep away everything around in a dream, not just changes await you, but a new stage in life. Everything old will go away, and you will have to build a new life, choose new paths in it - a most interesting stage of life awaits you, full of changes, surprises and opportunities!

6. If it rains in your dreams, and the roof of the house is leaking because of it, troubles await you, and you will probably be nervous about them.

The dream warns - treat your worries lightly and carelessly, there is nothing terrible in them, and if you deal with your worries calmly, playfully, then they will pass unnoticed, and joy and peace will come to replace them.

7. In a dream, being caught in a heavy downpour and getting wet to the skin is a good dream. In your reality, problems will be solved very soon, disappear without a trace, as if they were washed away with water. The conflict will be resolved, everything will fall into place.

8. Standing calmly under a strong thunderstorm in a dream is a good sign. You will soon make the right, brilliant decision on an important matter, and this will turn your entire current life in the right direction. When faced with a choice, don’t hesitate, listen to your mind and heart - you won’t go wrong.

9. If a thunderstorm in a dream passed you by without hitting you, and you were dry, in reality you will miraculously avoid any dangers and problems. Unless you see them from afar. You are in no danger.

10. If in a dream lightning struck your house during a severe thunderstorm, expect incredible news. They will be good, but very unexpected, and you will be very surprised.

11. Lightning striking next to you in a dream, or if in your dreams you were very frightened by lightning or thunder - these are very important symbols. They say that you are not behaving correctly in reality, that your actions or plans are not entirely pure and honest.

Something to think about! Without changing your behavior tactics, you risk getting into trouble.

12. A flood caused by a thunderstorm in a dream promises the dreamer serious changes in life. Getting rid of the mass of everything old, and a new life - from scratch.

13. If in a dream you yourself found yourself in the very storm of a whirlpool, and you were watered with water, carried by streams - know that you are about to plunge into an exciting passion that will consume you.

This will probably be caused by an old acquaintance who is secretly in love with you. And soon you will find out about it, and everything will change a lot for you.

14. Did you watch a thunderstorm from a window in a dream? Be convinced that in reality you will face absolutely nothing in the near future - no troubles, no anger from your superiors, no sharp tongues. Everything will be calm and good for you.

15. If the thunderstorm in your dream turned out to be incredibly beautiful, simply fabulous and fantastic, then in reality you will find great delight, happiness and endless joy. This is what the dream book promises!

An interesting, multifaceted, deep symbol is a thunderstorm in a dream. Dream books interpret this phenomenon in different ways, and be reasonable when taking into account the interpretation - think about it. This way you can take the right step and bring your luck closer!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Why does a woman dream of a thunderstorm?

We will have to urgently make a radical decision with far-reaching goals.

1 Thunderstorm Magic dream book

Seeing a thunderstorm in a dream means:

Worrying chores. To be caught in a thunderstorm is to suffer in vain.

1 Thunderstorm Russian dream book

Surprise, prosperity.

You dreamed of a thunderstorm, why is it with thunder - the anger of the authorities.

The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Thunderstorm Modern dream book

Dreaming of a thunderstorm means:

Getting caught in a thunderstorm means that you underestimate the complexity of the situation and needlessly tempt fate with frivolity and indifference.

Standing under a tree in a thunderstorm means that you need the advice of a professional, an experienced friend, you need to concentrate, otherwise the consequences may be irreversible.

To be afraid of a thunderstorm is a sign of nervous breakdown, sadness, and chagrin.

A sudden thunderstorm is a warning about possible troubles associated with new affairs or new acquaintances.

Fleeing from a thunderstorm in an unfamiliar area means that your activity will take on an unexpected scope or take a different direction, perhaps you will make a discovery.

1 Thunderstorm according to Dream Tarot

Thunderstorm dream meaning:

Thunderstorm in the Five of Swords or Knight of Swords cards denotes swiftness and destructiveness of actions.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation for Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Seeing a terrible thunderstorm in a dream means some kind of earthly cataclysm.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Thunderstorm according to Dream Interpretation of Azar

thunderstorm surprise

1 Thunderstorm according to the Online Dream Book

Thunderstorm in a dream means:

According to the dream book, a thunderstorm is a warning that there are hypocrites around you who can harm you.

It started suddenly - be careful when taking on something new, beware of unfamiliar people.

If she bypasses you, you will be able to avert undeserved punishment from yourself.

If you dream that lightning strikes your home - you suddenly learn something.

If it hits you and you die, expect betrayal.

To be alarmed by a thunderstorm in a dream means to be very upset in reality.

If you find yourself in the open air during it, you will learn about military conflicts.

A dream in which you managed to hide from a thunderstorm portends a rapid rise in your affairs.

1 Thunderstorm according to the Lunar Dream Book

Well-being, but also a lot of trouble.

1 Thunderstorm according to Dream Book 2012

Why does a woman dream of a thunderstorm?

Reflection of renewal, pay attention to accompanying feelings.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Thunderstorm Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Why does a woman dream of a thunderstorm?

Cloudy, raining, gloomy weather. - Foretells unhappy situations. On the road you get caught in the rain. - There will be food and drinks. Thunder rumbles deafeningly. - You will get a place in the service. You get scared by the sound of thunder. - Happiness is in personal affairs. Thunder rises from the ground. - Your aspirations will come true. You are struck by lightning. - Portends wealth and nobility. Lightning light illuminates the body. - It will be a happy event.

1 Thunderstorm Universal dream book

Seeing a thunderstorm in a dream means:

People often dream of a thunderstorm when in reality they are looking forward to the calm that comes after a thunderstorm.

Thunderstorm - symbolizes indignation.

Your reaction to a thunderstorm will determine how you cope with the difficulties that arise in your life. Do you feel like you're in the middle of a storm, scared and lost, or are you watching the storm from a safe distance and calm?

Thunderstorms are also associated with confusion. Do you feel like your life is in chaos at the moment? What is happening around you that you have no control over?

Thunderstorm is also associated with a flash. Does the dream symbolize an emotional outburst that quickly passes, like a storm in a teacup?

1 Thunderstorm Dream interpretation for a bitch

A dream with a thunderstorm is interpreted in the dream book as:

An unexpected event will frighten you and force you to turn to loved ones for help; who will not refuse, and everything will end well.

1 Thunderstorm Islamic dream book on the Koran and Suna

Dreaming of a thunderstorm means:

  • According to the Holy Quran and Sunnah, thunderstorm turns out to be an ambiguous symbol.
  • If a rich man dreams of a thunderstorm, this is a warning that after many shocks he will go broke and fall into poverty.
  • Why does a poor man dream of a thunderstorm - it is a good omen for him. The dream suggests that by the mercy of the supreme ruler, food and daily bread will be in abundance.

1 Thunderstorm Tsvetkov's dream book

Thunderstorm dream meaning:

Troubles, worries.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a thunderstorm:

It is always a harbinger of open threat and danger. It means worries and troubles. Timely countermeasures will help you avoid fatal consequences.

If you yourself observe a thunderstorm, you are personally in danger.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Thunderstorm according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

What a thunderstorm can mean in a dream:

A thunderstorm seen in a dream is a sign of upcoming fun.

Seeing a strong thunderstorm and not finding reliable shelter nearby means deterioration in business, unfulfilled hopes, a thunderstorm with thunder means a quarrel.

Thunder in a dream - can be a harbinger of the boss’s anger, distant rumbles mean obstacles, bad news from afar, deafening rumbles of thunder next to you - to promotion, if at the same time you are afraid of him - to promotion and happiness in your personal life.

Seeing a lightning rod in a dream means that your work will not be appreciated; building it yourself is a warning: you need to be more careful when making serious decisions.

1 Thunderstorm Jewish dream book

Thunderstorm in a dream means:

Thunderstorm and thunder - to quarrels and all sorts of troubles. If lightning strikes a house, you can expect misfortune or a big scandal in that house. If the thunderstorm did not cause any harm, there will be fun.

1 Thunderstorm Dream book of catchphrases

If a girl dreams of a thunderstorm, it means:

THUNDERSTORM - “a thunderstorm is approaching”, especially with black clouds - trouble, misfortune; “the thunderstorm of all hooligans” - a fair leader, an avenger; “John the Terrible. Wed. words: thunderstorm - threat.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Why does a woman dream of a thunderstorm?

Thunderstorm and lightning in a dream symbolize loss and disappointment.

Such grief caused by suspicions of treason will lead you to a nervous breakdown; you may have to resort to the help of psychologists or the good advice of friends.

1 Thunderstorm Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing a thunderstorm in a dream means:

It is believed that a thunderstorm or thunder in a dream expresses divine will or a sign.

In some cases, a thunderstorm means conflict, fear, news, anger.

Hearing thunder in a dream means things are getting worse.

Hearing incessant rumbles of thunder is a sign of worries and troubles.

Powerful peals of thunder, causing the earth to tremble, portend great loss and disappointment.

If in a dream you were frightened by a flash of lightning and thunderclaps, it is possible that in reality you are leading a life that is far from righteous, and it is clearly time for you to settle down.

1 Thunderstorm Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Interpretation of a dream about a thunderstorm:

An old friend will appear in your life again, who will help you find a way out of a protracted conflict, or you will overcome undesirable circumstances thanks to the intervention of a high-ranking official. Imagine that you are in a secluded, protected place, in a house or other shelter, and from there you watch a thunderstorm begin outside. The lightning sparkles more and more brightly, the thunder booms more and more loudly, and now you see a picture of the elements raging with all their might. But you are not afraid, because you know that the thunderstorm cannot harm you, and therefore you admire this majestic spectacle. Imagine going outside after a thunderstorm and breathing in clean, fresh, ozone-rich air.

1 Thunderstorm Ukrainian dream book

Interpretation of a dream about a thunderstorm:

Quarrel, troubles.

1 Thunderstorm Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A thunderstorm in a dream predicts:

To a scandal, showdown.

1 Thunderstorm

Why do you dream about a thunderstorm?

Thunderstorm with thunder - to the guests.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

A dream in which you see a flash of lightning or hear a clap of thunder symbolizes a surge of passion on the part of a person you have known for a long time. You will be shocked by this.

1 Thunderstorm Intimate dream book

Dreaming of a thunderstorm with thunder and lightning is a sad omen of loss and disappointment in reality. You will find out that your partner is deceiving you, moreover, he has been doing this all the time while you thought that you were in a relationship with him. The thunderstorm speaks about that too. that you will have strong reasons to suspect your partner of cheating. And although you may not have 100% proof, constant doubts and attempts to find out the truth will lead you to a nervous breakdown and depression. To cope with it, you may need the help of a psychologist.

1 Thunderstorm according to Vanga's dream book

This symbol is considered in a dream to be a manifestation of the divine will, a sign. In some cases, a thunderstorm means conflict, fear, news, anger.

In a dream, you were frightened by a flash of lightning and thunderclaps - this dream indicates that you are leading a far from righteous life, so you can consider this dream a warning from above.

A dream in which you are caught in a heavy thunderstorm means that in real life a protracted conflict will be resolved sooner than you think.

The thunderstorm passed by, and not a drop of rain fell on you - in reality, thanks to your resourcefulness and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations, you will be able to avoid the unfair anger of your superiors.

If your house is struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, this portends unexpected news.

You dreamed that streams of thunderstorm rain were flooding the house, you were trying to hide from the impending flood, but all attempts were to no avail - the entire space around was flooded with water, and it was rising higher and higher. Not only your home, but also all living things around you are immersed in water.

A thunderous downpour demolishes tall houses and buildings like empty shells, and soon everything around disappears behind its curtain - this dream foreshadows an environmental disaster from which you can seriously suffer.

1 Thunderstorm Eastern dream book

A dream in which you are caught in a heavy thunderstorm means: a protracted conflict will be resolved sooner than you think.

The thunderstorm passed by and not a drop of rain fell on you - you can avoid the unfair wrath of your superiors.

If lightning strikes your house during a thunderstorm, get ready to receive unexpected news.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell

Why do you dream about a thunderstorm?

A thunderstorm has overtaken you - you are showing frivolity, believing that you can easily get out of the difficult situation that is developing around you. If you are afraid of a thunderstorm, you will experience grief; perhaps you are getting sick - your biofield has weakened; in this state you see fears everywhere; do not make important decisions in the coming days. You are hiding from a thunderstorm under a tree - you see the danger, but do not know how to avoid it; you need advice from an experienced person - an older friend or someone who has been in a similar situation; Perhaps this friend is near you now - consult him.

1 Thunderstorm Russian dream book

Lack of money and need.

1 Thunderstorm Modern dream book for 365 days by E. Goltsman

  • When you see a thunderstorm, it means that great shocks await you. Most likely, in reality some completely unexpected events will happen that will frighten you extremely.
  • If you dreamed that a thunderstorm did not harm you or you observed it from a warm and durable house, you were not injured, did not get wet in the rain and were not killed by lightning - this is a good prediction. A thunderstorm will pass over you, leaving behind clean and fresh air. Success in business and prosperity in life await you.

1 Thunderstorm Dream book of the future

Surprise; thunderstorm - the bosses will be unhappy with you.

1 Thunderstorm according to Freud's dream book

A thunderstorm is a symbol of strong passions and experiences associated with ejaculation, orgasm and fertilization.

1 Thunderstorm according to the Small Dream Book

Why do you dream about a thunderstorm?

If you dreamed that you were watching a thunderstorm from a window, then in real life no troubles or misfortunes will touch your home. If in a dream you feel afraid because of a thunderstorm, then in reality you are frightened by some unexpected troubles, which, in fact, are not worth it for you to worry so much about it. For a young woman, a dream in which she clings to her lover during a thunderstorm means that she lacks warmth and affection.

1 Thunderstorm Esoteric dream book

A thunderstorm that inspires fear - there will be joy, celebration, triumph.

Beautiful fire and rain - you will be delighted.

1 Thunderstorm Dream book of Nina Grishina

The need to decide on something in business or in relationships with people / more changes in life than I would like.

A not very strong thunderstorm - an argument, a quarrel, irritation.

Thunderstorm and storm - the need to decide on something in business or in relationships with people / more changes in life than we would like.

An extraordinary thunderstorm or storm, striking with force and swiftness, sweeping away everything in its path - the completion of a certain stage of life and spiritual development / a certain leap in knowledge / a new picture of the world will open before you / the transition from childhood to adolescence, from youth to maturity, etc. .

1 Thunderstorm Women's dream book

A dream in which you try to cuddle up to your chosen one during a thunderstorm means that you clearly need affection and tenderness. Try to tell your lover about your feelings.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Seeing or hearing a thunderstorm in a dream marks a strong outbreak of passion of a long-known person towards you. You will be very surprised by this.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about a thunderstorm?

Surprise, fear, well-being.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

You are caught in a thunderstorm - an unexpected gift.

If you dreamed that you watched a thunderstorm while in the house, you will be given a lucrative business offer.

1 Thunderstorm Imperial dream book

Thunderstorms and storms in a dream in the spring season symbolize renewal, and in the mid-summer season they show the rampant nature of the disease. Tornadoes in no case evoke pleasant associations, but the worst thing in a dream will be the image of upturned, barren earth.

1 Thunderstorm according to Miller's dream book

An approaching thunderstorm means a long illness, troubles in business, separation of friends, which will only intensify the shock. If a thunderstorm passes by, then the consequences of sleep will not be so severe.

1 Thunderstorm Old Russian dream book

1 Thunderstorm Dream interpretation for women

Why do you dream about a thunderstorm?

Seeing a thunderstorm in a dream is a warning of future misfortunes. If there is no rain during a thunderstorm or it is not felt, this means that with the right actions you can resolve your problems and safely get out of the current situation.

Seeing a dark stormy sky means feeling someone's strong pressure, and career-related troubles are possible. If lightning flashes in the dark sky, then this is a warning about possible changes. If at the same time you see rain, then the changes will be very unpleasant and will cause worries and tears. If in a dream you hear rumbles of thunder, then you should carefully assess the current situation and try to make the right decision.

If you are struck by lightning in a dream, then you will encounter some unforeseen obstacle. If lightning is accompanied by a clap of thunder, then you will have to fight with a smart and strong opponent.

If you managed to hide from a thunderstorm, then this foreshadows the protection and patronage that you really need.

If you dream of a thunderstorm from Monday to Tuesday, troubles and tears will come very soon. If from Tuesday to Wednesday, difficult experiences will come suddenly. If you see a thunderstorm in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, do not attach much importance to the dream, it most likely will not come true. A thunderstorm in a dream from Thursday to Friday indicates that your experiences will begin on this day. A dream from Friday to Saturday in which you saw a thunderstorm will tell you that your fears are not in vain and you need to be prepared for troubles. And if you see a thunderstorm in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, then in reality you should not take good advice lightly. A thunderstorm that occurred from Sunday to Monday suggests that you need to pay attention to your personal life and relationships with a loved one.

1 Thunderstorm Dream book for men

Seeing a thunderstorm in a dream means being tested. If you dream of a thunderstorm, then in reality you will face various difficulties related to your career, business communication and personal life. If you see a thunderstorm in a dream, then you will have to make efforts to correct the situation. If you are trying to hide from a thunderstorm, it means you want to avoid solving problems. But if in a dream you are walking towards a thunderstorm, it means that in reality you are striving to solve all your problems and achieve well-being.

If in a dream you hear peals of thunder, then this warns you that you have made many professional mistakes and this will negatively affect your career.

If you dreamed of a thunderstorm from Monday to Tuesday, then unpleasant news awaits you. If you dream of a thunderstorm from Wednesday to Thursday, then you should pay more attention to your family life. Seeing a thunderstorm from Thursday to Friday in a dream means a serious disagreement with an old friend. If you dream of a thunderstorm from Friday to Saturday, then your professional suitability is under the close attention of management.

1 Thunderstorm Dream book alphabetically

Seeing a thunderstorm in a dream is a harbinger of an obvious threat or danger. If a thunderstorm catches you on the street, it means that in reality you will hear details about a war going on somewhere. Being caught in a thunderstorm in a forest or field means danger threatens you directly. Watching a thunderstorm from a window while in an apartment means that one of your loved ones will be in danger. Being killed by a thunderstorm portends deception of friends.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

The arrival of a long-time friend or the intervention of a high-ranking official will help resolve a protracted conflict.

Imagine a severe thunderstorm, with thunder, lightning and heavy rain.

1 Thunderstorm Dream book of the 20th century

It speaks of your nervous tension, which you may not notice in reality.

Hearing thunder in a dream, but not seeing clouds or lightning: a sign that in reality you have no reason to worry and you should relax and unwind.

Storm clouds above your head: usually reflect a premonition of a certain conflict situation that has already matured and threatens you with some kind of trouble.

Seeing thunderclouds from the outside means that your fears about possible troubles are hardly justified.

At the same time, if you saw a fire starting from a thunderstorm, this is a harbinger that some kind of conflict threatens to ruin your business and plans. After such a dream, it will be better for you to avoid any confrontation as much as possible, especially with your superiors.

1 Thunderstorm according to Rommel's Dream Book

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • When you dream of a thunderstorm, this portends considerable troubles for the dreamer. It is likely that significant problems will arise in his affairs, which will require a lot of effort to overcome them.
  • Hearing thunderclaps means receiving unexpected news.
  • If you saw that you were killed by lightning during a thunderstorm, this is a warning that you are in vain to trust the person around you. The person you think is your friend is not really one and intends to deceive you. Be careful.

1 Thunderstorm Idiomatic dream book

  • To figure out what a thunderstorm means when you see it, you need to remember common expressions - idioms - with this word. Why do you dream of a thunderstorm, with black frightening clouds - a thunderstorm is approaching - a sure sign of approaching misfortune, some kind of misfortune.
  • If you dream of a thunderstorm - there will be a thunderstorm - the dream often foreshadows reprimand from your superiors or troubles, the dissatisfaction of a person on whom you depend for some reason.
  • Sometimes, a dream about a thunderstorm can promise that you will be able to carry out fair retribution against a person.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

If a child dreams of a thunderstorm, the dream has a completely unambiguous character. Obviously, your tricks will be discovered, and a “thunderstorm” awaits you - scolding from your parents or very unpleasant conflicts with teachers, perhaps a call to the school principal and everything that can follow. After all, you didn’t really think that you would be able to hide your sins for a long time? Get used to it - in life you always have to answer for what you have done. However, this storm will not be the last.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • Thunderstorm is a multi-valued symbol. A thunderstorm may portend you a quarrel, troubles with loved ones. When you dream of a thunderstorm, this often foreshadows scolding from your superiors with dire consequences. A thunderstorm is also a symbol of receiving threats from someone in reality.
  • You dreamed of a thunderstorm that passed by or did not cause you harm - this may portend receiving unexpected news or participation in a fun holiday.
  • When it seemed to you that the thunderstorm had killed you, the dream warns that in reality you will suffer from deception on someone’s part.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • Thunderstorm - thunderstorm from Monday to Tuesday, troubles and tears will come very soon.
  • Thunderstorm from Tuesday to Wednesday - difficult experiences will come suddenly.
  • If you see a thunderstorm from Wednesday to Thursday, do not attach much importance to the dream, it most likely will not come true.
  • A thunderstorm from Thursday to Friday suggests that your worries will begin on this day.
  • A dream from Friday to Saturday in which you saw a thunderstorm will tell you that your fears are not in vain and you need to be prepared for trouble.
  • And if you see a thunderstorm from Saturday to Sunday, then in reality you should not take good advice lightly.
  • A thunderstorm that occurred from Sunday to Monday suggests that you need to pay attention to your personal life and relationships with a loved one.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • A thunderstorm symbolizes the troubles and worries that lie ahead for you in reality. Much will depend on what kind of thunderstorm it was, whether it caused you harm or passed you by.
  • So, if you dreamed that you were caught in a thunderstorm, it was raging around you - this predicts a significant conflict with management at work.
  • But if you observe a thunderstorm from a safe shelter, for example, from home, then the dream suggests that although some kind of nervous, tense situation will develop near you, it will not affect you, you will only observe it from the side.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

You dream of a thunderstorm, you see or hear it - this symbolizes that in reality you will unexpectedly have to observe a flash of passion towards yourself on the part of one of your long-time acquaintances. You don’t even suspect that this person has similar feelings for you, so you will be quite surprised. And perhaps they are annoyed. Seeing a thunderstorm means experiencing a stormy and passionate explanation on the side.

1 Thunderstorm Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • Thunderstorm - thunderstorm? To correctly understand what a thunderstorm portends for you, remember other details and circumstances of your dream. If it seemed gloomy to you, it was cloudy outside, the weather was damp and joyless, it was raining - then in reality you will also experience joyless and unhappy events, gloomy situations.
  • Dreaming that you were somewhere on the road and got caught in the rain is a good sign. Expect rich food and drinks.
  • Hearing deafening rumbles of thunder - this portends a rise up the career ladder.
  • Being afraid of thunder is a good omen, promising you good luck in love and success on the personal front.
  • If in a dream it seemed that thunder was coming from somewhere underground, your dreams will definitely come true.
  • Dreaming of flashes of lightning and yourself in its light - to happy events in reality.
  • When you dream that you are struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, this is a very good dream that predicts nobility and the acquisition of wealth.

Thunderstorm according to Mlady's dream book

  • A thunderstorm in a dream speaks of changes that will soon occur in your life. Sometimes a thunderstorm is a symbol of impending danger.
  • An impending thunderstorm is a dream warning. Take urgent measures to prevent a storm from breaking out in your life.
  • If in your dream after a thunderstorm you saw a clear sky, it means you will successfully overcome life’s difficulties and soon everything will get better in your life.
  • A dream of a thunderstorm with lightning suggests that impending troubles will come as a complete surprise to you.
  • If you watch a thunderstorm from the window of your house, it means a major scandal will happen in your environment, but it will not affect you.

Thunderstorm according to Vanga's dream book

  • Why do you dream of a thunderstorm - conflict, fear, news, anger.
  • To be afraid of a thunderstorm with thunder and lightning means that you are leading a far from righteous life, so you can consider this dream a warning from above.
  • If you get caught in a strong thunderstorm, a protracted conflict will be resolved sooner than you think.
  • If in a dream a thunderstorm passed by and not a drop of rain fell on you, you, thanks to your resourcefulness and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations, will be able to avoid the unfair anger of your superiors.
  • During a thunderstorm, your house was struck by lightning - unexpected news.

Thunderstorm according to an intimate dream book

  • Seeing or hearing a thunderstorm marks a strong outburst of passion of a long-known person towards you. You will be very surprised by this.

Thunderstorm according to an intimate dream book

Thunderstorm according to the folk dream book

  • Seeing a thunderstorm in a dream means prosperity, but also a lot of trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

  • A thunderstorm portends trouble.

Thunderstorm according to Schiller-Shkolnik's dream book

I dreamed of a thunderstorm with thunder and lightning - surprise, fear and well-being.

Chinese dream book

  • Cloudy, raining, gloomy weather - the dream foreshadows unhappy situations.
  • There will be a thunderstorm on the way - there will be refreshments and drinks.
  • Thunder rumbles deafeningly - you will get a place in the service.
  • If you are frightened by the sound of thunder - happiness is in personal affairs. Thunder rises from the ground.
  • If lightning strikes you in a dream, the dream foretells wealth and nobility.

Russian dream book

  • If you dreamed of a thunderstorm, poverty awaits you.

Dream book for men

  • Seeing a thunderstorm in a dream means being tested.
  • If you dream of a thunderstorm, then in reality you will face various difficulties related to your career, business communication and personal life.
  • If you see a thunderstorm in a dream, then you have to make efforts to correct the situation.
  • If you are trying to hide from a thunderstorm, then you want to avoid solving problems.
  • But if in a dream you are walking towards a thunderstorm, it means that in reality you are striving to solve all your problems and achieve well-being.
  • If in a dream you hear peals of thunder, then this warns you that you have made many professional mistakes and this will negatively affect your career.

Dream book for men

Family dream book thunderstorm

  • If you dreamed of a thunderstorm from Monday to Tuesday, then unpleasant news awaits you.
  • If you dream of a thunderstorm from Wednesday to Thursday, then you should pay more attention to your family life.
  • Seeing a thunderstorm in a dream from Thursday to Friday means a serious disagreement with an old friend.
  • If you dream of a thunderstorm from Friday to Saturday, then your professional suitability is under the close attention of management.

Thunderstorm according to Freud's dream book

  • If in a dream you happen to see a thunderstorm or hear its sounds, such a dream indicates a powerful passion that a person you have known for a long time can suddenly feel towards you. And this fact may not only surprise you, it may shock you.

Thunderstorm according to the Muslim dream book

  • If a rich man sees a thunderstorm in a dream, he falls into poverty, and if a poor man sees it, then, by the mercy of the king, his food and daily bread will be in abundance.

Thunderstorm according to the Ukrainian dream book

  • I dreamed of a thunderstorm - troubles.
  • If with thunder and lightning - to a quarrel.

Miller's Dream Book

  • If you dreamed that you were watching a thunderstorm from a window, then in real life no troubles or misfortunes will touch your home.
  • If in a dream you feel afraid because of a thunderstorm, then in reality you are frightened by some unexpected troubles, which, in fact, are not worth it for you to worry so much about it.
  • For a young woman, a dream in which she clings to her lover during a thunderstorm means that she lacks warmth and affection.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation - thunderstorm

  • A thunderstorm is a dream of some kind of surprise, prosperity and fear.

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according to Tsvetkov's dream book

troubles; care; for the poor - to prosperity; for the rich - to ruin; with thunder (to a prisoner) - to liberation; to the sick - to healing.

The meaning of a dream about a thunderstorm

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing or hearing a thunderstorm in a dream marks a strong outbreak of passion of a long-known person towards you. You will be very surprised by this.

Why do you have a dream about a thunderstorm?

according to Vanga's dream book

This symbol is considered in a dream to be a manifestation of the divine will, a sign. In some cases, a thunderstorm means conflict, fear, news, anger. In a dream, you were frightened by a flash of lightning and thunderclaps - this dream indicates that you are leading a far from righteous life, so you can consider this dream a warning from above. A dream in which you are caught in a heavy thunderstorm means that in real life a protracted conflict will be resolved sooner than you think. The thunderstorm passed by, and not a drop of rain fell on you - in reality, thanks to your resourcefulness and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations, you will be able to avoid the unfair anger of your superiors. If your house is struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, this portends unexpected news. You dreamed that streams of thunderstorm rain were flooding the house, you were trying to hide from the impending flood, but all attempts were to no avail. The entire space around is filled with water, and it rises higher and higher. Not only your home, but also all living things around you are immersed in water. A thunderous downpour demolishes tall houses and buildings like empty shells, and soon everything around disappears behind its curtain. This dream foretells an environmental disaster from which you could suffer seriously.

I dreamed of rain

according to Miller's dream book

If you see a downpour in a dream, it means that you will soon experience great anxiety.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Predicts great danger to life. Hitherto loyal friends will abandon you. If in a dream you hear thunder somewhere in the distance, then this indicates that you will cope with difficulties.

I dreamed of thunder

according to Miller's dream book

Hearing thunder in a dream means deterioration in your affairs. Hearing incessant thunderclaps means worries and impending disaster. Powerful peals of thunder, causing the earth to tremble, foreshadow great loss and disappointment.

Seeing thunder in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Sound effects in dreams have an effect much like that of movie soundtracks. Thunder in dreams can sound in scenes that in reality exclude any possibility of a storm or thundery weather. When this happens, it indicates that there is a psychological imbalance, a concern that things may not be as smooth as they seem. Such a dream can occur if in reality your relationships with others are destructive.

Why do you dream about thunder?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

distant, muttering - warning, change; a strong clap of thunder - fulfillment of desires; thunder - unexpected and quick prosperity, a sign of the messenger of fate; If you get scared, happiness is personal.

The meaning of a dream about lightning

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing flashing lightning in a dream means something will soon happen in your life that you do not expect. Most likely this will be an acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex with whom you will spend a lot of time together. At the very beginning, you may not see anything particularly attractive in him; you may even think that this is “not the hero of your novel.” If in a dream you stand in the place where lightning struck, then this is a symbol of new love, which, moreover, will arise as unexpectedly as lightning struck in the dream. Most likely, it will be passion at first sight. Don’t try to predict events; insight will come very unexpectedly. If lightning struck where one of your loved ones was (especially your partner), then such a dream suggests that this person may have a problem in their sex life in the near future and you will play an important role in this. This will not happen soon, so be careful how you behave - perhaps complications can be avoided. If in your dream lightning destroyed an object, then this is a symbol that your future love will not only become all-consuming, but also something that will make you want to give up everything in the world. Try to ensure that as few of your loved ones as possible suffer from your passion.

Why do you dream about lightning?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

incredible news, dangerous situation.

Lightning in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Seeing a bright flash of lightning in a dream means that in reality you will receive unexpected news from afar. If you were hit by lightning in a dream, then try to show more restraint in reality, as they will try to drag you into a conflict. A dream in which you saw ball lightning descending from the sky means an invasion from outer space. Seeing people die from burns from ball lightning in a dream is a bad sign. Due to environmental pollution, an environmental disaster is possible. A dream in which you saw a flash of lightning and heard a clap of thunder is a warning. Perhaps you should reconsider your positions in life.

I dreamed of lightning

according to Miller's dream book

Lightning in your dreams foretells happiness and prosperity for a short period of time. If lightning illuminates some object near you and you feel shocked, then you will be excited about the good fortune of a friend or, on the contrary, tormented by gossip and gossip. Seeing black lightning among dark clouds is a sign that sorrows and difficulties will haunt you for quite a long time. If lightning illuminates you, then unpredictable grief shakes your soul. Seeing lightning above your head is a good sign, promising joy and lasting income. Lightning flashing in the dark among ominous clouds always portends threats, losses and disappointments: businessmen should do more about their business, women should be near their husbands and mothers, children and the sick require supervision after such a dream.

Why do you dream about lightning?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

near a sleeping person with a flash - warning, expulsion; in the sleeping person - honor; into the house - incredible news or changes; illuminated clouds, objects - help in trouble, in a difficult situation, see Light.

Seeing lightning in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The image of lightning in a dream is interpreted in different ways. Some people like zippers - and don't mind this element. Others are frightened by its strength and unpredictability. However, there are many other manifestations of power that deserve attention. You can control lightning - this is an attempt to cope with real problems. In this case, lightning is a valuable weapon in the fight against disappointment and relapse. Sweep them out of your way with lightning speed. Lightning also serves as a warning. If you are afraid of it in life, the lightning effect can be caused by a person nearby or a building you enter. In this form, the mind provides a visual warning. In this there is the presence of an element of punishment, divine wrath, which manifests itself in the form of lightning bolts and is personified by the Greek god Zeus and the Nordic god Thor. Where did lightning strike? Was anyone seriously injured in this? Where did the lightning come from and at what moment?

Why do you dream about lightning?

according to Vanga's dream book

Lightning is a sign of destruction and misfortune. Seeing lightning in the sky in a dream means fires, which will not only cause destruction and leave many homeless, but also bring death and respiratory diseases. If you dreamed that lightning struck a house or tree and set it on fire, then this means that you are about to witness heavenly wrath, which will punish many people for their sins - ungodly thoughts and deeds.

Why do you dream about rain?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

makes noise - a waste of time, gossip; quiet - justification; strong is a big failure for the prosperous; to the poor - to money; for patients - recovery; get wet - stagnation, illness; to division of inheritance; with the sun, blind rain - a pleasant change; wet your head - passion; with sand (quiet rain) - to abundance.

Seeing rain in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Weather in a dream is usually not of interest for analysis, unless for some reason it comes into the sleeper’s field of vision. Rain is one such notable exception. The reason lies in the direct relationship between water and fertility, which is recognized by many cultures. In dreams where there is an equal sign between rain and fertility, rain is endowed with special qualities. It may simply end the drought or go indoors, and only on certain people. Is rain a source of your anxiety or a pleasant addition to your dream scenario?


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