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Sometimes the appearance of the most expensive and prestigious car can be hopelessly spoiled by a large ugly scratch on the body. If you want to remove scratches from the car with your own hands without unnecessary expenses, without resorting to the services of a professional car service, then our article will certainly be very useful for you.

So, first you need to determine the depth of the damage. How deep the scratch is on the body of the car will determine whether you need to completely repaint the element or you can remove scratches from the car with your own hands.

Depending on the depth, all damage to the paintwork can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • damage to the varnish;
  • damage to the varnish coating and paint layer;
  • damage to the primer layer;
  • deep scratches (metal is visible).

In the latter case, you are unlikely to be able to completely eliminate the defect on your own, and you cannot do without professionals.

But how to paint over a scratch on a car if it is small? You can try to cope with shallow scratches on the car on your own. For these purposes today there are many special tools.

For example, a cream called "Anti-scratch". Professional repairers, of course, treat him with a great deal of irony, because he does not remove scratches on the car, but carefully masks. Therefore, it is very effective against small scratches, which do not have to be eliminated, but can be skillfully masked.

1. "Anti-scratch" - means for removing scratches from the car

"Anti-scratch" looks like a paste, which can be used to remove minor scratches on the car body, helps to avoid tarnishing and returns shine to the coating. It is worth noting that with this tool you do not remove, but simply hide all such flaws. But as we have said, it is inexpensive and therefore in demand by many drivers.

To use "Anti-scratch" you do not need a lot of knowledge, everything is very simple. The most important thing is to clean the car body well, and, of course, the place of damage. Then you need to take the paste and apply it to the scratches of the car with a damp cloth. In no case do you need to rub in, you just need to apply to the place of damage!

The amount applied depends on the severity of the damage, the deeper the scratch on the body, the more paste will be required. After applying the paste, you need to wait a minute for it to set and dry. And at the end of the procedure, it is required to polish the damaged area until shine appears.

2. Pencil for removing scratches from the car

In order to remove deep scratches on the car, "tinting pencils" are more suitable for you, as they are considered more effective and professional than the "Anti-scratch" tool. These pencils can be purchased at specialized dealerships.

"Tint pencils" are special kits that help to tint complex damage on the car body. It is worth noting that pencils are a formal name, but in fact this tool is two jars, one of which contains paint to match the color of your car, and the other contains a varnish composition. How to paint over scratches on a car, armed with these cans?

It's very simple: first you need to wash the body and the place of damage very well, then take a cotton swab and close up the scratch on the car with neat strokes of paint. It remains to apply varnish on top and polish the scratch on the machine with a soft sponge or roller.

Such tools serve not only to mask cosmetic flaws on the car body, but also to reliably protect the metal from corrosion in places of damage.

Of course, professional removal of scratches from a car cannot be compared with the effect of these funds, but if you want to save money and do not want to overpay to the masters for something you can handle yourself (remove scratches from the car with your own hands), then buying such pastes and creams is optimal solution.

There is no effective protection of the car body from damage, the advertised films, of course, reduce the number of scratches on the car, but whether it is worth the money spent - each car owner decides for himself.

Good afternoon. In today's article, I want to talk about how to repair scratches on a car. Since our site is intended for the smart and handy, we will cover up the scratches ourselves.

Before talking about the methods of repairing scratches, let's talk about what scratches are and how they differ from each other. This picture will help us with this:

What are the scratches and how are they removed?

The simplest scratches are lacquer scuffs.

In our picture, these are the two right defects. Both of these defects will be removed by means of which we have a separate article on our site.

Also, these defects can be made less noticeable with a pencil to remove scratches.

It looks like this:

It is sold in all car stores selling consumables and costs from 150 to 300 rubles, there is an option buy it from the Chinese.

If you doubt the effectiveness of these "pencils" watch a visual video:

As you can see, the pencil masks scratches quite well.

The second most difficult scratch elimination is cases of complete wiping of the varnish to the base enamel.

If this is your case, you are also relatively lucky! In this case, it is only necessary to restore the varnish layer, i.e. no need to pick up paint.

Scratches to the base enamel can be removed in two ways.

Economy option- we cover the scratch with the pencil described above. Yes, he will mask the scratch and even cover the base enamel with the thinnest layer of nitro varnish, but the scratch will still be very noticeable.

Correct option- we purchase a minimum amount of two-component varnish, a silicone remover and a thin brush in bulk. We wash the scratch and degrease it. After that, using a thin brush (or even a match), apply a layer of varnish over the entire length of the scratch.

As a result, you get something like this:

Yes, you can still see the scratch ... but you have to wait 2 weeks, that is. until the lacquer rises, abrade the scratch according to this article. After that, the scratch will look something like this:

With due care the scratch can only be found when viewed point-blank and with bright light.

The third most difficult type of scratches is scratches to the ground.

Formally, these scratches cannot be eliminated. Those. they will be visible in any case, but you can easily reduce their visibility.

The technology is no different from the above-described touch-up of a crack in the varnish. Only here you will also have to touch up a layer of base enamel.

This is done by means of a "special pencil" with paint, it looks like this and is ordered using the paint code:

By the way, they can also be order in China... The problem is that it is not always possible to find the right pencil. Sometimes, for the places of the pencil, you can order such a bottle with a brush:

But I am of the opinion that there is no point in overpaying, since the scratch will still be visible!

Usually I go to the shop selling car paint and pick up the color by fan. Then I buy either a can of paint or the minimum selling amount of paint in the bottle (just shake the can and sprinkle it into its cap).

After that, degrease the scratch and apply a layer of paint with a thin brush. You can wipe off any paint that gets on the edges of the scratch immediately after painting.

After that, dry the paint and cover with varnish or pencil according to the method described in the previous paragraph).

After these operations, you should get something like this:

The fourth option is to scratch to metal without the formation of rust.

It makes no sense to prime the scratch, since the primer will not create additional adhesion, but will worsen the appearance, therefore we do everything the same as in the previous paragraph, i.e. degrease and apply base enamel directly to bare metal.

The fifth option is a scratch to metal with the formation of rust.

Unfortunately, nothing can be done. Definitely, the part will have to be completely repainted, but it can be made for sale according to the method described above (options 3-4). It is very important to understand that this elimination of a scratch will last for half a year at best, and then all the paint from the rusty area will begin to swell like this:

Readers, I hope that after reading the article, you understand how to repair scratches on a car with your own hands. If you have questions, or if you can supplement the article, write in the comments.

An article on how to remove scratches from a car body with your own hands. Causes of scratches, solutions to the problem. At the end of the article - a video on how to polish a car to remove scratches.

The content of the article:

Scratches on the body of a car are an inevitable phenomenon, if, of course, you actively use your car, and do not keep it in the garage for the sake of contemplation.

Possible causes of scratches

The reasons for the origin of scratches on the paintwork (paintwork) can be different. First of all, secret malefactors come to mind who are trying to perpetuate their "feat" with various kinds of inscriptions on the body of someone else's car. But, nevertheless, the main reasons for the appearance of scratches have nothing to do with ill-wishers.

"Injuries" on the paintwork often result from the impact of tree branches or shrubs in your path, as well as from the unscrupulous attitude of the car wash service personnel to their duties, when grains of sand remain on the contaminated rags, scratching the surface of the body. In the end, even a cat caught on the hood can scratch the paintwork - this is quite possible, despite the absurdity of what is happening.

In general, there are plenty of ways leading to such troubles as scratches on the surface of the car body, but there are not very many ways to remove scratches, and we'll talk about that now.

Varieties of paintwork damage

So, to your displeasure, you found damage in the form of scratches on the body of the car. However, no matter how strong the stress from what you see, do not rush to immediately solve the problem - first of all, it is necessary to examine the damaged surface to the depth of the defect penetration into the paintwork, which consists of four layers:
  1. The outer layer is in the form of a high-strength varnish, which performs the main protective function.
  2. Enamel. It is she who creates the color shade of your car.
  3. Primer. Provides the strength of adhesion of the paintwork to the metal surface of the body.
  4. Phosphate interlayer. Protects against corrosion, but not available on all vehicles.
Please note that damage to the upper layers of the paintwork and the splitting of the entire coating to the metal itself are two completely different, dissimilar damage that require a different approach and perform different repair operations.

We eliminate scratches with our own hands

It is possible that the cost of car service services may not seem entirely fair to you. Why not solve this problem on your own?

The corresponding paintwork for your vehicle can be found in specialized stores using a computer. And if at the same time you know the code of your car, then the task will be even more simplified: the computer will find exactly the paint that was used for your car by the manufacturer.

It is important to know, however, that the metallic sheen of the body is achieved through a double layer of coating: a quick-drying base that is applied first. After fixing it, a second layer of paint is applied, due to which the surface will acquire a color shade of metal or mother-of-pearl.

Before starting the repair, it is necessary to determine the degree of damage to the paintwork. If only the upper layers of the paintwork were scratched, then this small problem is solved by ordinary polishing.

You can only see a superficial scratch on a dry surface - it is not visible on a wet body. But as soon as the coating dries, the scratch appears as a white line.

To "heal" such scratches, you can use a non-abrasive polish that does not damage the paint when used. We apply the preparation with a napkin and then use a polishing machine. To achieve maximum results, this procedure should be repeated at least 14-15 times. At the same time, do not forget to take breaks after each procedure to cool the treated area.

Note: To remove small scratches, you can use the Anti-Risk preparation. In addition, this product is good at removing stains that may arise after driving on roads treated with anti-icing reagents.

Deep scratches on the car body can be removed without global painting. Just cover the damaged area with colored wax or a special pencil, and then proceed to the same polishing as described above.

The main advantage of this method is that there is no need to match a color tone. Depending on the shade of the car, a dark or light pencil is selected - that's all.

The disadvantage of this method is its fragility. A few washes and the scratches will show up again. And then you will have to repeat everything again.

In case of wide and deep damage to the paintwork, it is necessary to use a special paint, which is produced in small containers. A brush is included with this paint.

Wet a soft, lint-free cloth with a degreasing agent and clean the damaged surface. After that, we apply paint with a brush and then, when the paint dries, we cover it with varnish. In this case, the main difficulty is finding the desired shade.

In what cases it is necessary to contact specialists

If the tips given by us on self-removal of scratches on the car body did not help you, then willy-nilly you will have to contact the service center. However, at the same time it will not hurt you to know how the professionals will repair the damage to the paintwork. The algorithm for these actions is as follows:
  1. At the beginning, preparation is carried out, during which the damaged area is washed, dried and then degreased, for example, with gasoline. After that, the surface is wiped first with a damp and then with a dry cloth.
  2. The next step is to cover the damaged area with an anti-corrosion primer. This must be done without fail, otherwise rust will begin to spread under the paint, and this will end with the corrosion breaking out.
  3. Next, a regular primer is applied, which provides adhesion between the paint and the metal surface of the body. If this is not done, paint may swell or fall into the groove. A large amount of paint will not help here either, so a primer is necessary.
  4. As the final step, proceed to the final painting in the color that you have chosen. And here you need a spray gun, without which the car service employees can not do. Spraying is done in several stages. After three layers of paint, your car will look like new.
Those car enthusiasts who are not familiar with the specifics of the work of car service employees may have a false stereotype that it is impossible for a “mere mortal” to return a car to its normal appearance. In fact, this is not the case.

Important advice: if you doubt your own capabilities or see that you really cannot solve the problem with your own hands, then it is most reasonable to turn to the services of specialists so as not to make things worse and subsequently not to pay twice.

Buying a new car is always a pleasant experience for a car enthusiast. Unfortunately, even the most careful use leads to large and small scratches and other coating defects. A spider web of small scratches may not pose a risk of corrosion to the body, but it may impair the aesthetic appearance of the car. Larger damage can lead to the destruction of the metal, so it is imperative to remove scratches on the machine - and as soon as possible.

Causes of scratches

During the operation of a car, the appearance of small defects in the coating is a completely natural process. They can arise for various reasons:

  • "Small scale" road traffic accident;
  • small stones and dust particles that are present on almost any road. Most often they fall on the front of the car - the edge of the hood, the radiator grill and
  • branches of trees and shrubs;
  • grains of sand on rags used by car washers to polish the body;
  • weather conditions;
  • hooligan actions and claws of animals (cats or dogs).

If a problem occurs, scratches on the car body should be removed as soon as possible, otherwise, under the influence of weather conditions, as well as an anti-ice mixture, corrosion may begin on the metal, and then it will be much more difficult.

First you need to determine how deep the damage is. It should be borne in mind that the coating of the car body usually consists of a primer, under which there is a sheet of metal (in some cars they are still separated by a phosphate layer), base enamel. High-strength varnish is applied on top. In this regard, you need to carefully examine the scratch in order to understand which layers it has affected, and then decide on the method of repair.

Damage elimination methods

You can get rid of "little blood" if polishing will help to remove small scratches from the car body. In difficult cases, you will have to repaint the entire body part. Therefore, damage inspection must be carried out in daylight, having previously armed with a magnifying glass.

Simplicity is more expensive for yourself

Repeatedly advertised "miracle pencils", which are able to remove minor scratches on a car without painting literally in an instant, in fact, can have the opposite effect. The overwhelming majority of motorists who have used this "miraculous" remedy claim that the scratch remains visible, and the paint even becomes a different color. This means that special care must be taken when choosing a pencil.

Before using it, you need to thoroughly wash the car and degrease the areas on which the pencil will be applied. A prerequisite for using a pencil is the preservation of the factory soil. If oil drips appear in the process, you can remove them with regular gasoline, anti-silicone or white spirit. After application, the paint will dry for 5-10 minutes. The pencil is filled with an abrasive varnish, it is designed not to remove a scratch, but to mask it.

There is another version of the pencil remover, which takes a day to dry, after which the scratch is cleaned with fine sandpaper or a rubber sponge. You need to clean it with smooth movements, without rushing, periodically checking the result. Then you should polish the cleaned area with a polish to restore the shine.

An even more "budgetary" option is considered to be a regular nail polish. Some people use it to remove chipped bonnet without painting. Although, despite its cheapness, there is a rather high risk of not guessing with the color. It should also be applied on a previously washed and degreased surface.

All these methods are short-lived, because after several washes, the procedure will have to be repeated.

Using spray paint

For scratches that cannot be removed with a pencil, spray paint should be used. First, degrease the damaged area with a solvent, then cut a hole on a sheet of paper that matches the damage itself. This is done to protect other body elements from paint. Place a piece of paper at a distance of several centimeters from the damage and start spraying paint from a can through the hole.

Excess paint usually flows down: in this case, it is better to stop and wait a little for it to dry. With a damp or dry fine sandpaper, level the scratch surface so that it is level with the undamaged areas it borders on. You can reapply the paint only after a day, when the first layer is completely dry.

After that, it is recommended to polish the surface with a special tool purchased from an auto parts store. It is worth taking a closer look at those products that are in the middle price range and are produced by a well-known manufacturer.

"Anti-scratch" works well, which contains abrasive elements and has a polishing effect. It is applied to a scratch, but not rubbed, and after processing, polishing is necessary.

The need for polishing

Minor damages, which are scratches that have damaged the top layer of the coating, appear as white lines on the surface. They are not even visible on a wet car, but as soon as it dries up, the treacherous streaks reappear. In the fight against such defects, ordinary polishing will help.

You need to prepare a polish with non-abrasive properties, a napkin and a polishing device, as well as be patient. The polishing itself will have to be repeated many times (up to 15) in order to achieve a good result. You will need:

  • wash the car and seal the undamaged parts of the body with masking tape;
  • with a microfiber cloth, apply a little polishing agent to the damaged area;
  • carry out polishing work with a dry cloth or a special tool;
  • make sure there is an effect, and repeat the polishing steps several times - if necessary.

An alternative option is abrasive polishing. It helps to achieve the best result, because it removes some of the varnish, but it will be possible to apply it on a specific area only 2-3 times during the entire life of the machine. Experts advise using this method no more than once every five years. The correct approach to business ensures the disappearance of not only scratches, but also the "cobweb" that spoils the exterior of the car in bright sunlight.

The abrasive wheel or rag used for polishing must be clean: any grain of sand or a particle of dirt will certainly ruin the whole work, leaving its mark on the treated area. It is better to use several attachments or rags.

Retouching and painting

To remove chips on different parts of the body, touch-up paint is used. The defect is tinted with it, although the purpose of such a paint is not to hide it, but simply to protect the damaged area from corrosion. The color of the paint is selected by number, and the sets usually consist of two jars, one of which is paint, and the other is varnish.

One of the more serious ways to "fight" car scratches is to paint with repair paint. In this case, the damaged area is treated as usual and painted with a paint of the appropriate color. Upon completion, this place should be varnished, but if the damage is deep and penetrated through all layers of the paintwork - to the metal, then corrosion will not take long, so repairs need to be planned.

When painting, it is important not only to choose the right shade, but also to keep in mind that if the color of the car is pearlescent or metallic, then the body coating will be two-layer. First, a base is applied, which dries quickly, and then a new layer is applied, due to which the effect of a metallic sheen is achieved. This adds additional complexity with painting work and is a motivation for contacting specialists.

Whether to remove scratches from the car body with their own hands or contact a specialized workshop - each motorist chooses for himself. If, when dealing with damage to the bodywork, the owner of the car relies only on himself, he must be prepared for possible risks and the result, to put it mildly, far from ideal. Although those who want to save money, of course, will like this option.

If the scratches on the body are not just available, but have already rusted, then the first step is to treat them with a rust converter, which after application. "Harmful" rust turns into a useful zinc body protection. Then the coating is prepared for painting as usual - sanding and priming is performed. Then paint is applied using a spray gun, and the final stage will be varnish application. The whole procedure may be too complicated for a beginner, so it makes sense to entrust it to professionals.

How do specialists work

In a car service, everything happens in approximately the same way. The specialist workflow to get rid of scratches on the car body also begins with an expert examination of the damage.

Then the work may include the following stages:

  • preparatory (washing, drying and degreasing the damaged area);
  • applying anti-corrosion primer, and then a primer;
  • painting with the selected color (for this, a spray gun is used) is carried out in three layers.

It is often more profitable to pay for the work of professionals than to carry out the entire procedure yourself, without the appropriate skills, especially when it comes to an expensive car, which no adequate owner wants to spoil the appearance of.

Therefore, chips, scratches and many other damages are not inevitable. What to do? Do I need to contact a specialist in a car service to repaint damaged parts? Are you willing to pay a decent price to paint chipped parts? Or you

Of course, everything depends on the nature of the damage and the depth of the scratch or chip, but in most cases, each driver can independently remove many scratches and other defects without recourse to repainting the damaged body elements. Yes, each of you, spending a little time, will be able to make chips, scratches almost invisible.

How to determine if it is possible to remove a chip or scratch on the body by yourself?

Before you start removing scratches,. The point is that there is a scratch to a scratch. It all depends on the depth of damage to the paintwork.

For example, if you see a thin white coating on a scratch or chip, then most likely the scratch has not damaged the base coat of the paintwork.

But if the depth of the scratch reached the metal, then it can become a more serious problem for self-elimination of the defect. Remember that if the damage to the body has damaged the paintwork to the metal, then a complete painting of the body element is necessary, with preliminary surface preparation and professional drying.

Polishing scratches on the body

Minor body scratches, i.e. those that have not damaged the layer of paintwork to the metal, as a rule, can be polished with the help of special agents. Here's what you need to do:

Step 1

Before proceeding with the removal of the scratch, it is necessary to remove the dirt from the surface of the body. Next, you need to polish the defective body element with a car polishing agent.

In order not to touch the undamaged parts of the body, it is advisable to seal them with masking tape or tape, leaving only the defective element.

Apply a small amount of polish to the damaged area. Next, use a terry cloth (a terry towel may work) or a microfiber cloth (microfiber) to polish the surface. You can also purchase a special tool (for example, as in the photo).

Step 2

Apply polish evenly to the body, then use a dry cloth to further polish. After that, check if there is an effect. Repeat the entire process if necessary. Do everything slowly and smoothly. Check constantly to see if the scratch disappears. If after your actions the scratch does not disappear, and there are no external signs that polishing helps, stop polishing the body.

Pencil for removing scratches from the car body

Step 1

Clean the scratch with a solvent to degrease and remove foreign chemical elements from the surface. When applying paint to the body with the scratch remover, be careful not to apply a chemical coat to intact areas of the paintwork.

It is worth noting that by using a pencil, you will nevertheless touch some of the undamaged area of ​​the paintwork. Don't worry, this is normal. True, we advise you to still minimize the ingress of paint from a pencil on normal body elements.

Step 2

After applying the product from the pencil, allow time (at least 24 hours) for the product to dry. Next, you need to clean up the scratch with a rubber sponge or fine sandpaper. Remember to strip slowly and smoothly. Stop periodically and check the result of your actions. Remember that all actions must make progress for the better.

Step 3

Next, apply the polish to the damaged surface and use a microfiber cloth, terry towel or special tool to polish the surface. The polish will restore the shine of the cleaned body surface.

Step 4

Most likely, after the first application of the pencil, then cleaning and polishing the scratch, you will see the remaining damaged areas. In this case, repeat the process again, applying even more paint with the pencil.

Your task is with the help of a pencil, cleaning and polishing to completely fill the scratch with paint, leveling it with the rest of the undamaged surface. If the scratch is not deep and has not damaged the layer that reveals the metal, then using this procedure you will be able to remove the damage to the paintwork yourself.

Removing a scratch with automotive spray paint

If the scratch is deep enough, then it will not work to remove it with a special pencil. In this case, it is necessary to use a spray paint can. To do this, purchase a special paint in a bottle, which is designed to remove defects on the body. Attention! paint should be only automobile!

Here's how to use a can of paint to repair damage to a car's paintwork:

Step 1

Degrease the surface of the damaged area of ​​the body with solvent. Take a piece of plain paper and cut a round hole in the center (if the defect on the body is round). If the damage to the paint on the machine has a different shape, then cut a hole on the paper that matches the shape of the defect in the paintwork as much as possible. In this way, you will protect undamaged body parts from the paint applied.

Step 2

Keep a piece of paper a few centimeters away from the defect and start spraying paint from a spray can through the hole you cut out. If the applied paint starts to drip down, it means that you have applied too much of it. In this case, stop and let the paint dry.

Step 3

Your task is to level the defective surface on a level with the intact paintwork of the car. Usually you won't be able to level the surface the first time. Therefore, it is necessary to repeat the whole process over again. Attention! It is necessary to start reapplying paint and cleaning no earlier than 24 hours after the first application of paint from a can. Remember to completely dry the first coat before re-applying paint.

Step 4

Polish the treated surface with a special agent that is sold in car dealerships. We advise you to choose not cheap products and only promoted brands. Otherwise, you not only run the risk of wasting money, but also worsen the body defect.

We advise you to pay attention to the polishing kits that are available for sale at auto dealerships (sold in specialized car paint stores). The kit usually includes paint, polish, sandpaper and special sponges or rags.


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