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Perhaps, for many Russian motorists, the first foreign car in their lives was a second-hand imported from abroad. In the early 2000s, almost 300 thousand used cars were delivered to our country annually (in the record-breaking 2002 - over half a million!), Which accounted for up to 80% of the total car imports. However, protective duties on used foreign cars, introduced in 2009, brought down the volume of their import by more than 40 times, and their share was reduced to only 2%. The final point on imports was put by the recycling fee established in 2012. And last year, the supply of used cars for the first time since then has risen sharply. According to ASM-Holding, in January-November 2016, 17.3 thousand used foreign cars were imported into our country, which is twice as much compared to the low base of the previous year. As a result, their share in the volume of deliveries jumped to almost 8%, although in the structure of the secondary car market it remains insignificant and does not even reach 0.5%.

According to Avito Auto experts, the growth in used car imports in 2016 is the result of several economic and legislative factors at once. This was partly facilitated by the reduction in customs duties to 23%, and partly by the preventive hype caused by the entry into force of restrictions on WTO membership obligations. In addition, positive dynamics became possible against the backdrop of a significant increase in the cost of new foreign cars, which is why motorists interested in buying Japanese or German cars were forced to go to the secondary market.

Taking into account the fact that the ruble showed a gradual recovery over the past year, the import of used foreign cars has indeed become more profitable than before. At the same time, prices for new cars, contrary to exchange rates, continued to grow - by an average of 15% in 2016, according to the data of the Avtostat agency.

“Many consumers have resigned themselves to the fact that the new pricing is not a temporary phenomenon, and began to buy cars over the hill. Basically, these are people who already have experience in operating imported cars and understand the difference between used dealer cars and imported ones,” says Denis Eremenko, director of PodborAvto.

Rudder right!

Unconditional Toyota is traditionally the favorite among buyers of imported second-hand. In January-November last year, the import of cars of this brand increased by 2.5 times, to 9.7 thousand units, which is more than 55% of the total supply. Nissan ranks second in terms of popularity with 3.8 thousand imported used cars (+77%), and Honda closes the top three with 1.9 thousand cars (+86%). In general, cars of Japanese brands occupy the lion's share in the volume of deliveries (more than 99%), while cars are also imported from brands that are not officially represented in Russia - for example, Daihatsu.

Artem Samorodov, director of the used car sales department at AvtoSpetsTsentr Group of Companies, explains that this is due to the fact that the main imports of used cars from abroad come from the Far East. Cars from Japan are still a better buy there than budget cars of domestic production or foreign cars produced in the European part of the continent.

“The dominance of Japanese women is explained by the fact that these are cars with an engine capacity of up to 1.5 liters, which means that it is more profitable to import them to Russia. For example, the Toyota Prius, which is very common in the Far East, falls into this category. Toyota and Nissan are the most popular and liquid Japanese brands, which is the reason for their popularity. Small cars, C-class cars and keikars are brought by class. At the same time, they do not go further than Primorye and Khabarovsk, because people there are already afraid of right-hand drive cars, ”says Roman Abramov, CarPrice Product Director.

Also last year, single deliveries of used cars of such premium brands as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi and Lamborghini were recorded. Exclusive cars are most often imported from Europe to the Central region of Russia.

“Deliveries of premium cars have been and will always be. There is no crisis or other obstacles for rich people, they are often ready to overpay in order to get a certain equipment or a rare car,” states Denis Eremenko.

The fact that the Federal Customs Service does not have clear instructions for issuing a Title Deed for cars imported from January 1, 2017. In fact, this implies the impossibility of importing a car from abroad, since without a title the car turns into real estate, which is in a customs warehouse for temporary storage or a private parking lot. Of course, we did not leave this issue without attention and continue to find out how to legalize an imported car. But while the first month and a half of the coming year bring very mixed news...

For those who have just heard about the existence of some innovations and difficulties, let us explain: from January 1, 2017, it has become impossible to obtain a PTS for a car imported from abroad without obtaining a SBCTS (certificate of safety of the vehicle structure), which indicates that the vehicle is equipped with an EEA (emergency call device). The nuance is that not a single car abroad is equipped with the required device tied to the ERA-GLONASS system - and, therefore, it is impossible to obtain a PTS without additional equipment.

And now what i can do?

Who will tell me, who will show me

Having decided on one of the main issues - the need to install a certified and functional UVEOS that works with ERA-GLONASS - we set about solving it. Of course, the first instance, which was supposed to help with the solution of this issue, was directly JSC GLONASS. In response to our request for clarification on how to install and certify the device, we were notified of the following.

Press Service of JSC GLONASS

Joint Stock Company GLONASS is not a supplier, manufacturer or installer of ERA-GLONASS equipment.

The list of manufacturers of in-vehicle emergency call devices for which certificates of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" (TR TS 018/2011) have been received,posted on the website of the Federal Accreditation Service in the section "Registers / Certificates of Conformity / National Part of the Unified Register of Issued Certificates of Conformity, issued in a single form / Manufacturer" (can be determined by the keyword "emergency" in the "Products" field).

JSC GLONASS is ready to register in GAIS ERA-GLONASS any initiative owner who installs a terminal that meets the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" (TR TS 018/2011), fills in and sends usappropriate form . Registration in GAIS "ERA-GLONASS" according to the Federal law is free.

Great, we thought - the registration issue has already been resolved. It remains only to find out where, how and for what amount you can install the necessary equipment in the car.

I must say that the list of organizations-manufacturers of emergency call devices mentioned above by JSC GLONASS turned out to be not only impressive, but also thoroughly branded.

The lion's share of organizations has a relationship to the brand clearly reflected in the name, the cars of which are equipped with UVEOS: “model 001 in-vehicle emergency call devices, in the configuration of the standard equipment of vehicles of category M1, M1G manufactured by Jaguar Land Rover Limited”, “in-vehicle emergency call devices model 8450005642 in the configuration of the standard equipment of vehicles manufactured by PJSC AVTOVAZ and so on. Nevertheless, there are also "independent" equipment suppliers - Fort Telecom responded to our request.

Vladimir Makarenko

Director of Development Fort Telecom

“The ERA-GLONASS terminal is a device mounted in a car. On passenger cars, the fact and severity of an accident is determined automatically by a special algorithm using a high-precision accelerometer and gyroscope, in addition, an emergency call can be made manually at the touch of a button. Accident data, such as severity, number of passengers, VIN-code of the car, location by GLONASS satellites are transmitted to the dispatch center via INBAND modem by means of the GSM network. The delivery set for standard systems is determined by the vehicle manufacturer.

If the system is installed on a car that has already been put into circulation, a certified set of UVEOS (in-vehicle emergency call devices) can be used, and the owner must submit an application to GLONASS JSC for connecting his car to the ERA-GLONASS base.

The procedure for connecting vehicles already put into circulation to the system is currently being specified and being worked out at GLONASS JSC to simplify this process.

For new car models, the ERA-GLONASS system is installed on the assembly lines of automakers on a regular basis. Today, the automaker does not have the opportunity to obtain OTTS (Vehicle Type Approval) if the vehicle design does not contain an ERA device.

If we are talking about used cars imported into the territory of the Russian Federation after January 1, 2017 and not having a vehicle passport (PTS), then they also fall into the category of vehicles put into circulation. Such vehicles must obtain a Vehicle Design Safety Certificate (VSCTS) and a TCP. But if before January 1, 2017, these documents did not require a mark on the presence of the ERA-GLONASS system, now it is a prerequisite for passing customs control and operating a car on the territory of the Russian Federation. The certification procedure in this case remains unchanged and is described in the technical regulation TR TS 018: the car must have a certificate for UVEOS, and if it is a car of less than 2.5 tons, then for the import of this type of vehicle, you will need to pass crash tests according to UNECE rules 94 and 95. Unfortunately, the procedures for the import of unique types of vehicles imported by units per year, according to our data, have not yet been determined.

For cars already in operation on the roads of the Russian Federation, in the event of the owner's initiative to install the ERA system in his car, a simplified procedure for retrofitting will be developed. Formally, already today, anyone can purchase UVEOS, install it on their car, and then submit a written application for vehicle registration with GLONASS JSC. However, the issue of creating authorized technical centers authorized by our company to carry out this procedure is still being discussed.

Today Fort-Telecom has a network of partners and integrators of more than 100 companies in Russia and the CIS. Now they are actively trained. These companies, which have many years of experience in installing GLONASS vehicle monitoring systems, will become a springboard for creating ERA-GLONASS equipment installation centers.

The price of equipment can vary significantly depending on the set of additional features that the device has. The simplest device with only an emergency call function can cost $100-120, while a device with the ability to connect additional sensors, integrate with the CAN bus and other functions can cost $300 and more.

Only accredited by the state, independent certification centers have the right to issue SBKTS after the examination of the vehicle.

Now, as a device manufacturer, we have to respond to hundreds of requests from vehicle owners and equipment installers, explaining the current procedure for equipping and importing cars. The main way we can help is with UVEOS certificates for specific cars. Today, more than 30% of certificates for vehicles have been issued specifically for installations with Fort-Telecom equipment.”

After studying this detailed answer, we can formulate four main theses, defining the order and existing problems:

  1. According to Fort Telecom, in order to obtain a PTS, it is necessary not only to install UVEOS in an imported car, but also to pass crash tests - of course, this fact requires confirmation from state regulatory authorities.
  2. It is possible to install and register UVEOS with the possibility of further operation of the car only for cars that have already been put into circulation - that is, those that have a PTS and are registered with the traffic police.
  3. At the moment, a full-fledged network of UVEOS installers is only in its infancy - in other words, to install the necessary equipment, you may have to work hard and travel.
  4. The issuance of SBKTS is carried out not by installers (which, in principle, was clear before), but by independent certification centers accredited by the state after the examination of the vehicle. A little later we will find out what exactly we are talking about.

Chur, not me

Having dealt with the procedure for installing and certifying UVEOS, we moved directly to the issue of vehicle legalization. Suppose we managed to import a car, clear it through customs, install UVEOS and register the device with JSC GLONASS. What to do next, and is it possible to get a TCP without breaking a couple more cars? With this question, we turned to government agencies.

News / Auto and society

Cars imported into Russia without ERA-GLONASS from 2017 will not be able to receive PTS

“The issuance of vehicle passports for single vehicles imported by individuals and legal entities that are not equipped with devices for calling emergency operational services is carried out by customs authorities ...

1369 0 0 23.12.2016

Since the new procedure for issuing vehicle passports was introduced by "Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia N 1072, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia N 3557, the Federal Customs Service of Russia N 2293 dated 11/11/2015 on changing the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia N 496, the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia N 192, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia", it would be logical to apply to these very institutions. Having discarded the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a body regulating the circulation of vehicles that already have titles, we sent inquiries to the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Customs Service.

The Ministry of Economic Development turned out to be uninvolved in the topic: we were immediately and unambiguously informed: "The question is in the Ministry of Transport." Well, the problem is small - let's turn to them.

The press service of the Ministry of Transport of Russia immediately responded to the request, briefly reporting: "On these issues, you must contact the customs authorities, as well as the traffic police." Well, this is almost logical, we decided, and finally switched our attention to communication with the Federal Customs Service.

The Federal Customs Service proved to be a tough nut to crack. After about a week of communication by email and phone, we finally got a response - but no answers to questions. The letter sent in response to our request contained, among other things, the following information.

Press Service of the Federal Customs Service

The issuance of a title deed is not a customs operation and, accordingly, is not regulated by customs legislation. This is an additional function assigned to the customs authorities by the Government of the Russian Federation. Titles are issued by the customs authorities in accordance with the Regulations on vehicle passports, approved by the joint Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and Energy and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 23, 2005 No. 496/192/134. According to this provision, the provision of documents confirming the compliance of the car with the Technical Regulations is mandatory, both for legal entities and individuals. The absence of such documents entails a refusal to issue a PTS.

At a briefing on February 9, 2017 in Vladivostok, an equally important issue for the public was also raised regarding the possibility and procedure for retrofitting vehicles with an emergency call system and their further certification in order to obtain a PTS. Unfortunately, this issue is beyond the competence of the customs authorities, and should be addressed to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. To date, there is no procedure for issuing PTS after retrofitting.

The main emphasis in the response of the Federal Customs Service was placed on the issuance of Title Deeds for cars imported before January 1, 2017 - such cars, which managed to receive the SBCTS last year, can receive Title Deeds "according to the old rules", without installing UVEOS and other difficulties. But these cars, obviously, do not concern burning issues, and therefore a significant part of the FCS response was of little value to us. However, we received the name of the next instance, which we should have contacted to obtain the desired information.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade received our request on 10 February. After waiting and an additional call on February 13, we received an oral message that the appeal was accepted for work, but there was no answer to it ... yet. It seems that we have finally found the ultimate authority, designed to provide definitive answers to questions of interest to all. But the answers themselves, perhaps, are not yet available not only for us, but also for those who should give them.

Meanwhile in real life

However, life and work continue not only in ministries, but also among citizens, including those who planned and plan to bring a car into the country. A message from a direct participant in the events has recently appeared on the forum of the Russian customs portal TKS. With the full text of the message, we will consider only the main facts.

A person bought a 2016 pickup truck in the USA. Having imported it to Russia in February 2017, having carried out customs clearance and paid the customs fee, he, of course, attended to the issue of obtaining a title. The path of his appeals was short: he contacted ERA-GLONASS JSC and certified installers, installed UVEOS and registered it in the prescribed manner.

However, since his car model is not sold in Russia and has not been tested in an accredited laboratory, he needs to pass this certification himself. After the question of where it can be passed, he was sent to the NAMI Testing Center in the city of Dmitrov - and at the Testing Center he was told the cost of the test report for obtaining the SBCTS was 800 thousand rubles! Such a fabulous price was explained by the need for costly bench tests, including those involving a car overturn. At the same time, the Testing Center clarified that they are the only accredited organization in Russia authorized to conduct tests of this kind.

The message became the reason not only for heated discussions, but also for the response of the NAMI representative, who, in turn, refuted the very fact of the possibility of bench tests for imported used cars in single copies and clarified that the words about the cost and the procedure were taken out of context :

Denis Zagarin

member of the TKS forum

The company I lead has never been involved in the so-called re-equipment or subsequently SBKTS. Now it is this document that is required to obtain a title for single vehicles. Our job is to test new cars entering the market of the Customs Union for the first time. You are absolutely right. This is certification, but not SBKTS.

Accordingly, since such a procedure for new types of vehicles is actually carried out once, it includes all aspects, including destructive testing. With the corresponding cost and scope of work. For example, a UN N94 frontal strike is three days of preparation, deformable barriers of 1,000 euros, Hybrid III dummies, 150,000 euros each, and five days of data decoding. I would not like to comment on the inclusion of such requirements for single vehicles. SBKTS was issued and is issued on the basis of documentation, technical expertise and, if necessary, testing. Accordingly, this is a question for those laboratories that operate on the SBCTS market. If their experts are ready to sign, it is their responsibility.

As for the news that excited everyone today - my employees honestly warned that we are not dealing with “ones”. We know how to evaluate a car undergoing a procedure for the first time. Moreover, second-hand products are not subject to certification. Nevertheless, the price of such tests was very much interested, and it was named. Although once again it was agreed that this is not an option. However, the words were taken out of context.

The problem was not created by US, but I am sure that it will be resolved in any case. Albeit with such a huge amount of money and nerves spent.

It is worth noting that the above quote is not an official answer - however, if its author is really related to the leadership of NAMI, his explanation did not shed too much light on the procedure for legalizing a privately imported car.

What will happen further?

Despite the fact that by now everyone has accumulated more questions than answers, there is no doubt that the final procedure for issuing a Title Deed for imported used cars will be developed and announced in the coming months. Now, “the bottom can't until the top wants to”: organizations are afraid to issue CBKTS without receiving clear instructions from the state bodies that regulate this procedure.

We seriously hope that the answer of the Ministry of Industry and Trade will shed light on today's "secrets" - however, even after that, it will be necessary to clarify the procedure for registering the SBKTS and the final cost of "legalizing" a used car for registering it. We continue to work on this - and we hope that in the next publication we will have clear answers to all the questions raised.


Literally the next day after the publication of the material, we received information that the customs without installing UVEOS connected to the GLONASS system on them. This is a temporary measure caused by a large number of cars “stuck” at customs, waiting for specific recommendations from above - exactly those that we also requested. In order not to store cars and not provoke dissatisfaction with owners who have fallen into a “suspended” state, customs officers will issue titles “according to the old scheme” for another six months. However, during these “preferential” six months, a new procedure will be formulated that regulates the receipt of PTS after the installation of a “panic button”.

The contradiction between the requirements of the Technical Regulations and the Federal Customs Service regarding the availability of the ERA-GLONASS system is a thing of the past.

Until recently, cars produced before 2017 and purchased in the countries of the Customs Union could not be imported into Russia if they did not have an emergency call system installed, although there was no direct ban in the Union's Technical Regulations, and in fact it was optional. But the Federal Customs Service took this as a guide to action and, as a result, interpreted it as a ban on the import of cars without ERA-GLONASS, put into circulation directly in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union before January 1, 2017.

The Eurasian Economic Commission solved the problem - it convinced customs officers that when issuing a title for cars imported from the countries of the Union, it is not required to present a certificate of safety of the vehicle design. In March, the FCS sent clarifications to the regional administrations and customs, and the additional requirements were cancelled.

But that is not all! Now it will be easier to buy a used car - the process of buying a used car will be simplified for Russians. They want to give access to the register of movable property to both banks and ordinary citizens of the country.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has developed a bill according to which citizens and banks must be given access to the register of movable property using the public services portal. The department believes that it will be more convenient for all market participants to receive extracts from this register online. The bill is expected to be passed in April 2019.

To implement the initiative, amendments to Articles 34.4 and 103.1 of the law "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries" will be needed. Now a citizen who wants to buy a used car also checks it using the specified registry (whether the car is pledged or stolen). However, to obtain a confirmation statement, you need to contact a notary.

In the event that a transaction for the purchase of a car takes place between two citizens, the buyer may need such an extract on the legal cleanliness of the car if law enforcement agencies have any claims.

If the bill of the Ministry of Finance is approved, then it will take only a few minutes, not days (as it is now), to receive such extracts from the register of the Federal Notary Chamber. This will speed up the issuance of loans by banks for the purchase of used cars, and will also make it easier for citizens to sell cars to each other.

The essence of the ministry's initiative is that the extract required for the transaction for the purchase of a used car will be confirmed by the notary's electronic signature and sent to the user's personal account on the public services portal. According to the FNP, there are now more than 4.5 million notifications about cars in pledge in the register of movable property.

The number of users registered on the public services portal in 2017 increased by about 25,000,000, now it is about 65,000,000 people. Among other things, this resource allows car owners to quickly check for unpaid traffic police fines and transport tax arrears.

Earlier it became known that at the end of 2017, about 5,300,000 cars were sold in the secondary car market of the Russian Federation, which indicates a slight increase in demand (by 2.1%) compared to the previous year. The top three most popular models were: Lada 2114 (about 13,400 cars resold, decline - 0.8%), Lada 2107 (about 141,200, decline - 3.2%) and Ford Focus (about 132,700, growth - 2, 6%).

Information update from 27.02.2017.-

Somehow, all this is imperceptible against the general background of more “interesting” and “important” news given by the press in Russia and around the world, many media outlets broadcast about them to us every day and hourly. For many motorists and entrepreneurs, the X hour is approaching. So, according to the new Technical Regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles in the Russian Federation and orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 1072, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia No. 3557, the Federal Customs Service of Russia No. automakers to install the ERA-GLONASS system (device for calling emergency in-vehicle services) on cars. As a result, it turns out that starting from the new year, all cars manufactured in our country, and at the same time imported into Russia, must be equipped with such devices.

Thus, starting from the new year 2017, if the car is not equipped with an ERA-GLONASS device, then the Customs authorities or the traffic police will not issue vehicle passports (PTS) for vehicles. Accordingly, this will mean that in the absence of a PTS, owners or importers will not be able to register cars with the traffic police, which means they will not be able to get license plates for a car.

This mandatory requirement is also contained in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (order No. 496 dated July 23, 2005, as amended on November 11, 2015), which approves the regulation on vehicle passports and vehicle chassis passports (PTS), which are issued on the territory Russian Federation. This is also indicated in the joint orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2015, No. 1072/3557/2293).

Here is the text of clause 19.1 of the Regulations on Vehicle Passports and Vehicle Chassis Passports (PTS), which must be followed after the entry into force of the law on the territory of Russia from January 1, 2017:

  • 19.1. In case of issuance of a vehicle passport or a duplicate of the passport for a vehicle or chassis equipped with an in-vehicle emergency call device, information about the identification number of the in-vehicle emergency call device shall be entered in the "Special Marks" section.

The most wrong and worst thing here is that, according to the requirements of the New Legislation, from January 1, 2017, entering information about the identification number of the In-Vehicle Emergency Call System/Device in the "Special Marks" section is a requirement is mandatory for all newly put into circulation vehicles in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations, where it comes to the safety of wheeled vehicles.

The obligatory requirement for the identification number of the ERA-GLONASS device, which must be entered into the special marks of the TCP by the Customs authorities of the Russian Federation or the traffic police, puts virtually all cars manufactured in the country and also imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, but currently do not have this emergency call device (ERA-GLONASS), as if outside the law, since for such vehicles from the new 2017, their owners will not be able to get a title.

At first glance, this innovation affects only new vehicles produced in Russia or imported from abroad through the customs authorities of the Russian Federation. But in fact, such a requirement to install the ERA-GLONASS system on a car applies not only to new cars, but also to all used cars that, after January 1, 2017, will be imported into the Russian Federation and go through the customs clearance procedure.

Is it possible to independently equip a car with the ERA-GLONASS system in order to receive a TCP?

Theoretically, any owner of the car can do this. But in practice, i.e. in fact, it would not be economically viable. Judge for yourself. The average cost of in-vehicle emergency call devices available for sale for individuals is about 20 thousand rubles. But installing the block itself will not be enough to bring your car into Russia and get a TCP.

Let's remind our readers. A few years ago, in order to clear a vehicle and obtain a TCP, it was necessary to obtain a safety certificate for the design of the vehicle (SBKTS).

Such a certificate is a confirmation that the car imported into the territory of the Russian Federation is in good order, it has no violations and it is allowed for operation in road traffic both on the territory of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union.

To our deep regret, starting from the New Year 2017, it will be simply impossible to obtain such a vehicle design safety certificate (SBKTS) for a car that does not have an emergency call device (ERA GLONASS). Accordingly, from here we conclude that without obtaining a certificate of safety of the vehicle, the issuance of a TCP is not provided.

How, then, to obtain a certificate of SBKTS, if you independently equip the car with an ERA-GLONASS device?

In order to obtain an SBCTS for a vehicle, the owner of which independently installed ERA-GLONASS on it, it is necessary to conduct at least two crash tests in a specialized organization. It is noteworthy here that in these crash tests, these specialists must smash at least two cars to smithereens, and all this in order to specifically find out the performance of the in-vehicle emergency call device unit installed by you in case of an accident.

After such tests (we note, successful tests), you will be issued a certificate, on the basis of which the PTS will put a mark on the identification number of the in-vehicle emergency call device. But this is all in theory. In practice, for such a test, you will need at least 30 million rubles. Thus, we can conclude that only large importers of foreign cars in Russia can afford to spend such amounts.

What information about the ERA-GLONAS system is entered in the PTS in the "Special Marks" section?

In accordance with the law, from January 1, 2017, when issuing a PTS for vehicles put into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation, the number of the emergency call device (ERA-GLONASS) is put in the special marks column.

In conclusion, dear readers, I would like to note the following. After the introduction of a mandatory requirement for the presence in all newly imported or manufactured cars with the ERA-GLONASS system, the import of foreign cars imported from abroad, which has already fallen in recent years, will significantly decrease in the country. It is quite possible that due to an idea not thought out to the end, our car market will again lose many car models.

We do not want to hide the fact that several well-known foreign car brands have already announced that since 2017 they have been withdrawing some car models from the market, since, for their part, they consider it inexpedient and economically unprofitable to install this ERA-GLONASS system on their car brands.

Naturally, they can be understood, because the costs of certification alone of such emergency call devices installed on cars may not be comparable to their small profits received from the sale of rare or not in great demand car models in Russia.

Many global automotive companies refused to contact this ERA-GLONASS system at all; they actually completely stopped importing many models of cars sold in Russia.

Unfortunately, there is nothing good in this and there will not be, because over the past 3 years it has become very narrowed and not interesting for many global automotive companies. Yes, we all understand perfectly well that the less competition there is in the car market, the better it will be for the same AvtoVAZ.

We admit to ourselves honestly that without competition in the automotive market, not a single company in the world would have achieved the success it needs. Therefore, we believe that in the interests of our authorities it would be desirable to do the opposite, take and support all automakers in our country and postpone, as far as possible, all those mandatory requirements related to the installation of the ERA-GLONASS system on cars that they recently adopted. After all, this will directly affect the entire pricing of selling factory prices for cars that are not only imported from abroad, but also produced on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The media reported that the customs will stop issuing import documents for cars imported into Russia if a “panic button” is not installed on them. From January 1, 2017, information about the in-vehicle emergency call device for newly put into circulation vehicles will be entered in the "special marks" section of the PTS without fail. This requirement also applies to used vehicles equipped with an in-vehicle emergency call device, information about which is contained in the vehicle design safety certificate (SBKTS), RSN reported with reference to the Federal Customs Service.

Until recently, we recall, it was assumed that on the territory of the customs union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan from January 1, 2017 it would be impossible to sell new cars without the notorious ERA-GLONASS block. In this regard, many automakers, mainly premium brands, have announced that from the beginning of next year they will stop selling models that are not in significant demand on the domestic market. It was mainly about convertibles, two-seat coupes and similar types of cars. The fact is that in order to obtain official admission to the Russian car market since 2017, it is required in advance, using a crash test of two copies of the model at the Dmitrovsky training ground, to prove that the car is equipped with a block, and this device works.

For models of premium brands rarely bought in Russia, such a procedure is simply not profitable from an economic point of view. In particular, that is why everyone from Lamborgihni and Bentley with Rolls Royce also did not contact the Russian system of emergency response. Apparently, they decided to get around this requirement with the help of a scheme that involves the formal purchase of a car of interest to the client outside the borders of the customs union and its import into Russia as it already belongs to him. In the light of the details that have come to light, it turns out that in general no one will be able to bring a car into the Russian customs territory without a “panic button” of the emergency response system.

How domestic admirers and Aston Martin will get out of the situation is, of course, an interesting question. But a much more pressing problem concerns not a handful of moneybags, but millions of Russian car owners. And it sounds like this: if the authorities continue to implement the GLONASS tracking system for everyone and everything at such a pace, how soon will it become clear that all the vehicles already on hand should be self-equipped with these “black boxes”? Under the threat of a ban on resale, for example ...


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