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Many women dream of mastering a car, getting a license, becoming a professional on the road and behind the wheel. At the same time, women are afraid to go to a driving school and study with a driving instructor. The fear and insecurity of a woman who wants to learn to drive is justified by the fact that there are many instructors with the wrong approach to learning. What woman wants to go to training, where they will break down and shout at her because of mistakes? What should be a driving instructor?

When choosing an instructor, it is necessary to take into account not only his professional skills, which is also very important, but also human qualities. You need to choose a driving instructor with whom you will be comfortable learning to drive and spending time.

Driving instructor qualification in Moscow

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing an instructor is the length of his work in this specialty, the number of hours rolled, driving experience.

The instructor, who spends most of the time behind the wheel, has an excellent understanding of the difficulties that can arise on the road and how to deal with these difficulties. In addition, the experience of an experienced driver will be the best training, rather than quoting the text of textbooks.

Behavior of a driving instructor in Moscow

During your first practice session, pay attention to the demeanor of your driving instructor. In an hour of class, you will be able to determine the main character traits of a driving instructor, and in case of dissatisfaction, you must immediately change the instructor.

What qualities should a driving instructor have? First, he must be correct and polite. In case of a mistake, he should not shout and get angry, but should explain what was done wrong and how it should be. Secondly, your driving instructor should be easy to communicate with, have developed communication skills.

A driving instructor should not constantly scold his student and instill in him even more fear and insecurity. It's good if your teacher knows how to infect his students with confidence that everything will work out and a good attitude.

Individual approach of the instructor

A driving instructor is the same teacher at a university and a teacher at a school. Like colleagues, he must have an individual approach to learning, he must feel your weaknesses and gaps and fill them in as much as possible.

Only a good driving instructor will be able to explain the theory and practice of driving in an accessible way, even if you have no idea how to drive a car.

The right learning path

For sensible training, the route along which you will ride in practical classes at a driving school must be chosen correctly. The result of training largely depends on this.

If a person is terrified of traffic jams, sharp turns and difficult intersections, then they should be avoided at the beginning of training. It is better to contact them when a minimum driving experience has been accumulated. You can not instill fear and panic in the student from the first driving lessons.

As you get used to and adapt to the car, a variety of routes will be worked out. A good instructor will teach, prompt and prepare for the exam even that person who does not have even the slightest idea of ​​how to drive a car.

A common mistake when choosing a driving instructor

Many women first of all pay attention to the brand of the instructor's car, to its appearance, which is the main selection criterion. The main thing is not what kind of car the instructor has, but the personal and professional skills of the teacher. It is not important what car you will use to prepare for the exam, but what knowledge you will gain.

1. Do a mini-test while driving your car on the streets of a big city with heavy traffic: if other cars constantly interfere with you, then you are doing something wrong.
2. Proper driving position implies not only comfort and convenience for the driver, but also competent driving. Place your outstretched hand on top of the handlebars, touching the rim with your wrist, with your shoulder blades pressed firmly against the seatback. Now grab the steering wheel with both hands in the fifteen minutes to three position. The arms will be slightly bent at the elbows.
3. The times when drivers were reclining behind the wheel, barely reaching it with absolutely extended, straight arms, copying race drivers, are gone. Today, it is customary to place the back of the chair almost vertically.
4. When you depress the clutch pedal, your left leg should be almost fully extended. The right foot should rest on the floor at the brake pedal, and the upper part should lie on the brake pedal. When you press the gas pedal, simply turn the top of your foot to the right without lifting your heels off the floor. If necessary, braking - on the contrary, to the left. You will save, thus, fractions of a second, and they can become decisive. Changing your foot from gas to brake in a different way or moving it through the air, you lose time.
5. A driver passing the steering wheel from hand to hand will never be able to determine exactly what position the front wheels of his car are in, that is, whether they are turned left or right, or whether they are standing straight. And it is necessary to know this.
6. The steering wheel is turned with both hands, without changing their position on it until they cross. The hand below makes an interception at the top of the steering wheel, and the rotation of the steering wheel continues until it stops. So, when turning to the left, the right hand always remains on the steering wheel in its original position, that is, corresponding to the three o'clock position, when the wheels are straight.
7. And what to do when the driver turned the steering wheel in the direction of skidding? The answer is surprisingly simple: do not wait for the response of the car, that is, anticipate events. To do this, the steering wheel must be turned as quickly as possible in the direction of skidding and immediately returned to its original position. Repeat this several times, each time reducing the angle of rotation of the wheel.
8. Steer smoothly and softly. Do not provoke the loss of traction of the wheels with the road with sudden movements. If the car is obedient, then it must be controlled smoothly and gently, and only when it is out of obedience, the steering wheel must be acted sharply and quickly.
9. On a car without ABS during emergency braking, turning the steering wheel is excluded. It will cause the car to rotate around its axis, but will not change the direction of the car.
10. How to learn to brake correctly? It is wise to start by performing the "intermittent braking" technique. The right leg will get used to the command "slow down - release - slow down" at the level of "muscle memory", bypassing consciousness.
11. The brake pedal must be handled very correctly, if not gently. A sharp impact on the brake pedal also worsens the balance of the car on the road, sharply reducing stability, as well as a sharp release of the brake pedal.
12. If the car is equipped with ABS, in an emergency, on the contrary, you just have to kick the brake pedal with your foot.
13. It is enough to put the "automatic" selector into the downshift mode in advance - and a sharp short-term release of the gas will not lead to a direct gear shift, and when you press it again, the car will instantly rush forward, as if an ordinary manual box is installed on it.
14. The basic rule when passing at intersections, the "right hand rule", says: "The driver must always keep the starboard side."
15. It is very important to keep your distance. Someone will object: a little more distance - and immediately someone will fit in! Look at the problem calmly, without unnecessary emotions. Nothing terrible will happen - even if someone "climbed", you can slow down to restore a safe distance. Remember: moving close behind someone, you deprive yourself of visibility, the ability to perform a detour maneuver or emergency braking. The small distance to the car in front deprives you of the main weapon: the time and place for performing counter-emergency actions.
16. I advise you to stop at a traffic light as follows: smoothly turn off the speed 20-0 meters before the car that has stopped in front of you and slowly roll up to it. This technique will reduce the likelihood of a car coming from behind, as its driver will be forced to react to your braking in advance. In addition, there will be enough space in front of your car for you to react yourself.
17. The ability to always go around a car that has stopped in front of you is a necessary condition for competent driving around the city. The habit of not rolling up close to the front car will give you independence from the actions of other road users. It is to independence from circumstances that one must always strive when driving.
18. Be sure to turn on the turn signal every time you change lanes. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer drivers who comply with this rule among Russian drivers.
19. Fast driving through a busy city will bring nothing but stress, extra liters of burned gasoline, worn tires and provoking emergencies.
20. The looks thrown by the driver in the mirrors should be as short as possible. Better two short glances than one unreasonably long one. Focusing on the rear-view mirrors, the driver controls the situation in front of the car with peripheral vision. This is absolutely correct and especially important in a dense stream of cars, when the situation changes in a split second.
21. Never "lock" anyone in your car. As practice shows, even the most short-term blocking will bring nothing but trouble, even if you went away literally "for a minute". As soon as you have departed, the driver of the "locked" car appears according to the "law of meanness". The situation is always very nervous, and your fault in it is obvious. Put yourself in the driver's seat, whose car is locked, and everything will become clear to you.
22. Here is one such situation: exit to the main road at an angle. Accidents are frequent here and like two drops of water are similar to each other. They happen like this: the driver in front started moving, but doubted whether he would have time to leave, and braked. The driver behind him, seeing that the car in front of him had gone, looked to the left (to make sure that he does not interfere with those driving on the main road). At that very moment, a dull metallic thump is heard, accompanied by the sound of broken glass. We've arrived! To avoid such an unfortunate accident, you only need to remember one rule: "Do not look to the left until the car in front of you has finally left!"
23. Everyone knows that the first stumbling block is the ill-fated starting off. We are talking about that elusive moment when, gently pressing the gas pedal and simultaneously releasing the clutch pedal, you need to feel that it starts to grab, and then smoothly add gas. Is it really necessary to seize this moment?
24. Car towing. Let's remember the main rule! It brakes the towed one, and the towing vehicle slows down. This is done as follows: before slowing down or stopping, the driver of the front car raises his hand up, giving a signal to the driver of the second car, who starts to slow down. Only then can the towing vehicle slow down.
25. Maneuvering. The novice driver gets a lot of stress from the fact that maneuvering must occur at a speed much lower than that which corresponds to first gear and the gas pedal released. Let's teach the novice driver to "play" the clutch pedal in such situations. "Don't let him stop," the teacher should say at this point, asking the student to gently release the clutch again. It is absolutely not necessary to add gas, because the car is rolling and in order to maintain this rolling, the engine power at idle will be enough. The student should feel by the play of the clutch that he can drive the car slower than he is driving in first gear.
26. When making a turn in a confined space, make "sights", that is, for example, when turning left, be sure to first take a little to the right!
27. If only I could rearrange the car literally a meter to the left - and then everything would work out. It is very easy to do this if, when moving forward, turn the wheels all the way to the left, and then all the way to the right, align them and move back again. The car will move just the meter that will allow you to complete the maneuver. Before teaching a beginner to park correctly, he needs to master the permutation technique. This will save him from many stressful situations.
28. The secret of superior driving skills is simple: acceleration, braking, turns, gear changes and stops should be accompanied by a minimum movement (redistribution) of the car's weight. Smoothness, smoothness and once again smoothness - these are the three whales of the skill of an extra-class professional.
29. A professional does not make any unnecessary movements. Its actions are as smooth as possible, even if performed at a very high speed. He is able to strictly dose and coordinate his actions, predict their results.

2017 | 12 | 07 1993

What should be a driving instructor?

If we need to learn how to drive a car, who can help us with this? Maybe, of course, dad (mother), husband (wife) or one of the relatives. But in this case, as a rule, there are too many emotions on both sides, which interferes with the process. Also, such training may omit important aspects.

That is why it is better to find a good driving instructor who will give you the knowledge and skills you need on the road. The question is different: how to find an experienced instructor or how can an instructor find a decent job? Now you will know about it.

Good driving instructor: skills and personal qualities

The main goal of the instructor is to teach you how to drive a car correctly so that you apply the knowledge of the rules of the road on the road, and at the same time be safe all the time.

  • Attention and fast response

But if a person has never dealt with a car, this will seem to him a rather difficult task. A student without experience almost immediately leaves the road as an active participant - and there are other drivers with passengers, and pedestrians. One inattentive movement of the student and the lack of an instant reaction of the instructor can result not only in a dent in someone else's car. This shows how important it is for the instructor to be extremely careful and not make mistakes.

  • Deep and correct knowledge

It is also very important that the instructor gives us the right understanding and does not misinform us, because we will then rely on this knowledge when we sit behind the wheel ourselves.

  • Pedagogical talent

It is equally important that the driving instructor be calm and polite, otherwise the student may completely abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbecoming a driver. Thus, a good instructor is not only a skilled driver, but also a teacher, and to some extent.

  • Driving experience

The required driving experience for a beginner car instructor is from 3-5 years in the category he teaches. Also a suitable candidate is someone who has never lost a driver's license for traffic violations during his driving experience, and also was not the culprit of major accidents within 5 years before working as an instructor.

What should a driving instructor know?

To become a driving instructor, a candidate must know everything about safe driving on the road and keep up with changes in traffic rules. In addition to driving experience, the candidate also needs to have extreme driving skills. Still, such a specialist must understand how weather conditions affect the driving process.

The task of an auto-instructor is to know everything about the car: how it is arranged, the principles of operation of elements and mechanisms, he must be competent in the issue of fuels and lubricants, quickly respond to a car breakdown and be able to quickly eliminate it.

Also, the instructor must know how to act in a traffic accident and in other possible emergency cases. In addition, knowledge of first aid is a matter of prime necessity for such a specialist, because situations on the road can be unforeseen.

Responsibilities of a driving instructor

  • Compliance

Firstly, the driving instructor must comply with all rules and regulations, including those related to fire and sanitary safety and labor protection.

  • Vehicle condition

Such a specialist must monitor the technical condition of the car, check it before each lesson, and also refuel.

Learning process

The instructor is obliged to teach how to use the elements of the car (pedals, gearbox, turn signals and others), regulate the speed of the car, and also teach how to perform various movements of the car. In particular, the student must acquire such skills: how to smoothly start and brake smoothly, how to change gears, how to drive backwards into the garage, how to turn around in three passes, how to drive through intersections, how to overtake and others.

In addition, the instructor must undergo a basic medical examination every working day.

It is also important to consider that the instructor is responsible for the student during classes, as well as for the car itself (if the student breaks something, the responsibility will still be on the instructor).

How to write a driving instructor resume? Sample

6 years driving experience (since 2010)

Driving license category A and B (Driving experience - 8 years)

August 2014 - December 2016 - Driving instructor for company employees and individual clients (Biržai, Lithuania)


  • Learning to drive a car (manual transmission) from scratch;
  • Teaching basic motorcycle driving skills;
  • Conducting training;
  • Preparing future drivers for the exams;
  • Classes with people who want to improve their driving skills, or recovering skills after a long break.

About Me:

  • I enjoy driving and teaching others;
  • I know the techniques of effective memorization;
  • I work on the principle of finding errors to improve driving skills.

Thus, not a single relative and not a single video can replace a good driving instructor. An autoinstructor can instill in you a love of driving, or vice versa - develop phobias and complexes. Therefore, check all the details, listen to reviews, read comments about the work of a car instructor when you hire such a specialist.

Currently, there is a very high competition among driving instructors, as this type of profession is gaining popularity every year, along with an increase in the number of cars among the population. It is worth noting that it depends on this person how safely, successfully and trouble-free in the future you will drive through the streets of your (or someone else's) city - therefore, you should take the choice of an instructor very seriously - not everyone has the ability to teach other people any skills .

What are the basic requirements for a driving instructor?
- certificate of completion of special courses
- long driving experience (experience is not mandatory, the amount of experience is determined by the organization in which the instructor works)
- extreme driving skills
- the instructor must know the rules of the road, the rules of road safety
- he must know thoroughly the structure of the vehicle in use, understand the main fuels and lubricants and types of fuel - this is necessary in order to
so that in the event of a breakdown on the road, it can be quickly repaired
- the driving instructor must have the skills to provide first aid on the road

Of course, a person who has embarked on the path of an auto-instructor must be disciplined, comply with job descriptions, an employment contract, fire and sanitary safety standards, but the above requirements are basic.
Responsibility the autoinstructor is in accordance with the employment contract concluded with the employer and his job descriptions.

As for functions- the main thing is to teach your ward an accident-free and competent ride, within the framework of existing legislation.

Every person has rights from birth, and only with time does he have a lot of responsibilities. Autoinstructors are no exception, who sometimes, along with the steering wheel and their head is spinning from all these “must”, “must”, “necessary”, “do it” and “come on”. Therefore, today we will draw clear contours on a blurry picture of the duties of driving instructors.

Today it is so diverse that sometimes it is simply impossible to decide who will invest skills in your gray matter that will help you manage a hundred horses under the hood nicely in the future. That's why we place high demands on instructors, which they try their best to meet.

Every driving instructor must treat his students with understanding


Remember that your tutor's most important responsibility is to teach you how to drive and ensure maximum safety during your training program.

But if we talk about the duties of a driving instructor more broadly, then they are regulated by the employment contract concluded with the employer in accordance with the Labor Code, as well as other regulations. At the same time, the instructor must have at least completed secondary education, special training courses, as well as driving experience sufficient to play the role of a pointer for beginners. As for the length of service, it is determined by the institution that hires the auto-instructor.

Knowledge is power, knowledge of a driving instructor is power

There are special requirements for the professional knowledge of driving instructors. After all, their profession is similar to the profession of a sapper: it is enough to make the slightest mistake, and you can immediately go to the open arms of the bored forefathers.

So, the instructor undertakes to perfectly know the rules of road safety and be able to apply extreme driving skills in an emergency.

The instructor must be proficient in extreme driving


In addition, the auto instructor is required to have perfect knowledge of the structure of the operated car, the principles of operation of all mechanisms, assemblies and devices of the machine.

Also, a driving teacher should know everything about the main varieties of fuels and lubricants, be able to understand the types of fuel and be competent in its characteristics.

The teacher must do everything to ensure that the student does not forget about the rules of the road


The instructor should not give up even if a breakdown occurs on the way: he must be able to identify the malfunction and eliminate it.

In addition to all of the above, the driving instructor has the following requirements: he must know everything about the impact of different weather conditions on the situation on the road; know how to provide first aid for injuries, poisoning, as well as a sudden deterioration in health; clearly know the procedure for emergency evacuation in the event of a traffic accident. And most importantly - he is obliged to fulfill absolutely all job instructions. This is not all, but the main requirements for a driving instructor.

Responsibilities of a driving instructor

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach once said that even the most extraordinary person must perform the most ordinary duties. Drivers are a prime example of this. They have more responsibilities than teeth in the jaws of a bloodthirsty shark.

A good instructor can teach anyone


One of their main responsibilities is the tool that the instructors' superiors like to use. The fact is that a driving teacher is obliged to be guided not only by the regulations and internal regulations of the organization that hired him, but also by the instructions of his direct supervisor. But this is only the beginning. What follows is a list of duties that the job description of a driving instructor describes.

The driving instructor undertakes, and if desired, solemnly swears:

▪ comply with sanitary and fire safety, as well as comply with all rules related to labor protection;
▪ repair and maintain the car, maintaining it in proper technical condition;
▪ independently refuel the vehicle with fuel and lubricants;
▪ check the technical condition of the car before the trip;
▪ teach students how to drive and drive a vehicle;
▪ monitor students' knowledge and compliance with traffic rules;
▪ accompany the student on trips, even if he perfectly owns a car and knows;
▪ carry out briefings on labor protection and safety against signature;
▪ undergo a mandatory medical examination at the beginning of each working day.

Instructor responsibility

The autoinstructor is liable if he is guilty of causing material damage. However, the responsibility of a driving instructor occurs only in cases specified in civil and labor legislation.

Like every hard worker, the instructor is responsible for the improper performance of his direct job duties, which are specified in the employment contract and job description.

No simulator can replace "live" trips with a driving instructor


The last point of responsibility concerns car designers exactly as much as all other citizens of Russia who are responsible for those offenses that were committed in the course of their work. Depending on the situation and the severity of the offense, you will have to answer in accordance with administrative, civil or, God forbid, criminal law.

Instructor duties and some innuendo

Taking any ad from any driving instructor as an example, you will find phrases like “professional driving”, “make a racer in a week” or “with cars on you” in it. But at the same time, for some reason, almost no one promises 100% fulfillment of their duties and responsibility.

When choosing a driving instructor, it is necessary to clearly realize that his most important duty is to instill in his student driving skills, which will be enough to pass without problems not only at school, but also in an unfriendly traffic police.

The auto-instructor must teach the student everything that he knows himself.


What does it mean? Are we dealing with vague wording again? No, everything is very clear with the job responsibilities of a driving instructor. He is obliged to teach his ward to move off, drive back and forth into the box, park in reverse between cars, be able to make a U-turn in a limited space, perform slalom, tacking between cones, drive through intersections and turn around on them, make turns, change lanes lane while driving, pass a stop and a pedestrian crossing in compliance with traffic rules and overtake. If you master all of the above, you can not be afraid of either evil examiners or money-loving state traffic inspectors.

The main duty of a mentor is adequacy


What we talked about today is far from a complete list of the duties that any more or less competent driving instructor must perform. If you want to know more, you can familiarize yourself with the employment contract and the internal documentation of the driving school, in which all the provisions of interest to you are spelled out in more detail.


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