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Dream book of the 21st century

What does a dreamer dream about about a wart in a dream?

Warts in a dream can portend you a fight for your honor and dignity, in which you will be the winner. Seeing it in your home means that one of your ill-wishers will try to make public what you are trying to hide, or a dark spot in your life. A dream in which you have warts, if they are absent in reality, can portend you wealth.

Miller's Dream Book

Wart - If in a dream you are worried that you have warts, then in reality you will be unable to successfully repel attacks against your honor. Seeing the warts on your hands disappear means overcoming all obstacles on the path to success. Seeing warts on others is a warning that your worst enemies are near you. If you bring them out, it means that you will energetically repel the dangers that threaten you and your family.

Maly Velesov dream book

What does a wart in a dream mean?

Wart – Good news // bad news; to have - wealth; for someone - benefit // threat, dangerous person; in your hands - wealth.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does a Wart mean in a dream?

Wart - Unpleasant news; in the hands - wealth; For others, seeing it is an unexpected threat.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of a dream in which I dreamed of removing a wart

If you dreamed of a wart, it means that a banal love triangle has arisen in your life. And you just can’t decide who to give preference to. The whole problem is that one partner does not suit you in your intimate life, but is a good person, with the second the situation is the other way around, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about a Wart in a dream?

Seeing warts on someone is a dangerous comrade, whether familiar or unfamiliar; to have in one’s possession is wealth, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of a wart from your dream

Wart - On the hands - for money; on the face - slander; disappointments, internal disagreements; others have enemies; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Ancient French dream book

Wart - why do you dream?

A wart dreams of secret suffering.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about a Wart?

Wart - Unpleasant news; in the hands - wealth; for others - benefit, benefit; to see is joy.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about a Wart?

Wart - Trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about a Wart in a dream?

Wart - Good news - seeing others have dangerous enemies - having wealth in yourself.

Semenova's lunar dream book

What does a wart mean in a dream?

Warts - Unpleasant news.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Wart as an image in a dream

Warts - Seen on others - dangerous enemies; to have in one's possession is wealth.

Esoteric dream book

Wart in night dreams

Warts - On your body - gifts, finds. On someone else's - a meeting awaits you, which will bring you profit or good luck in the future.

Slavic dream book

What does a wart mean in a dream?

Wart - to skin diseases. Profit. 2nd house.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Wart in a dream

Wart - You will find money where you did not expect. Visualize the wart you dreamed about and mentally touch it with your fingers. Remember this feeling.

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

If you dream of a Wart in a dream

You see a wart or many warts on your body - such a dream foreshadows a hectic life; you are not completely confident in your capabilities, in your strengths, so it will be difficult for you to resist ill-wishers; remember that one’s own honor can only be defended with a confident hand (and in a dream you are afraid to look at yourself in the mirror).

It’s as if you see warts on other people - your ill-wishers, to say the least, enemies, have dug in very close to you; they are about to move into action; There is another interpretation of the dream: you would give your life for the loved one you recently found, but your loved ones don’t like this person at all; they think you deserve the best match.

You are trying to remove a wart - in reality, you are ready to overcome all the dangers that threaten you and your loved ones; With praiseworthy vigor you enter the struggle.

Dream book for the whole family / E. Danilova

Dreaming of a Wart in a dream

Warts - the inability to successfully repel attacks against oneself. Warts on the hands disappear - overcome all obstacles on the path to success; For others, warts are their worst enemies; to bring them out is to repel the impending dangers.

Unique dream book / Tatyana Radchenko

Why do you dream about a Wart in a dream?

Wart - to see in others - dangerous friends; to notice on yourself - wealth will increase.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see a wart in a dream?

Warts - Any flaw that is drawn attention to in a dream should be taken as evidence that there are inconsistencies in our vision of the world.

Often we get stunned by what we think is unusual or completely wrong. There are a huge number of folk remedies that help get rid of warts. The dream of warts is associated with our superstition.

A distortion of a spiritual kind may give the dreamer a small insight. If this is the case, then he should live his own life and let the distortion take its course.

Universal dream book for the whole family

Wart in a dream - interpretation

A wart is good news.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Warts - To small enemies, troubles. See it on others - they don’t like you; on yourself - to illness.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Warts - If you see your body completely covered with warts in a dream, it means wealth.

Agree, there are such night visions, after which you want to go and wash your hands. They are very figurative and unpleasant. For example, why see warts on the skin? Hasse's dream book considers this image to be quite negative if the tubercles were on someone else's hands. However, viewing them on your skin is good. This is a sign of wealth. other sources about warts? Let's figure it out.

Miller's Dream Book

This wise source negatively characterizes the appearance of skin defects in the country of Morpheus. If you see warts on your hands, the dream book warns that you will end up in an unpleasant situation. Enemies will become more active, and you will not be able to repel their attacks. As a result, reputation and honor will suffer. It’s good if in night vision a person successfully removes unpleasant bumps. This means that in real life he has enough wisdom and courage to make all his enemies fear him. He, like a wonderful warrior, will force his ill-wishers to sit in the corners and keep quiet. According to the dream book, they foretell a slander leading to losses. After such a vision, you should carefully look at your rivals and listen to the conversations of your colleagues and neighbors. There is a cunning enemy around a person who seeks to discredit his good name. If warts disappear in a dream, it means that the enemy will dig a hole for himself. People will not believe his evil tales about who dreamed of such a plot. If the tubercles were on someone else's hands, enemies will attack you. If a person is known to you, it means that he is the one who is hatching insidious plans. If warts end up on a stranger's skin, you're in for an unpleasant surprise. Perhaps the enemy will be someone who was previously trusted.

Islamic dream book

This source has a completely different opinion. The dream book considers warts as an excellent omens. If they showed off on your skin, get ready to profit. Some will get it as an inheritance, others will be lucky in the lottery, and others will earn a fortune. According to this dream book, a lot of warts on the hands is a great sign. The more of them, the more serious the amount that will soon appear in your account. If your whole body is covered with warts, you will become an oligarch. How this will happen, the source of interpretation does not tell. Decide for yourself. But he warns that sudden wealth will not only cause positive emotions. The person will begin to worry no matter how someone encroaches on him. The loss of money will worry the one to whom it suddenly falls. Don’t get hung up on this, the dream book warns.

The girls are a harbinger that a very wealthy man will fall in love with her. Feel free to accept the marriage proposal. The spouse will obey in everything, trying to fulfill any desire. For a married woman, such a vision predicts a rich and generous son-in-law.

Freud's Dream Book

This source associates physical defects with intimate life. They predict dissatisfaction in this area for women. The dreamer will worry that she is no longer attracted to the opposite sex. Therefore, he will begin to make more active efforts in finding partners. Warts - the dream book is sure of this - predict promiscuity in sex. For a man, such an image comes when this person is inclined towards same-sex love. This happens because the young man considers himself unattractive to girls. This is a sign of lack of self-confidence. To reduce warts is to suppress passion in oneself. To see them on the skin of another person is to be interested in same-sex love. The dreamer, according to this source, wants to gain experience in this area. He even envies those who feel more free and do what they want. Mr. Freud associates almost any night image with physical love, so his recommendations are not suitable for all people.

Lunar dream book

This source proclaims warts on the body to be a bad sign. If you see it on yourself in night vision, do not expect good things. Some extremely unpleasant news will unsettle you for a long time. Experiences or suffering lie ahead. If you see warts on someone else’s body, the dream book recommends not taking other people’s problems on your shoulders. Someone will want to take advantage of your kindness and gullibility to solve current problems. This person will try to deceitfully transfer his “sins” onto the dreamer. You need to be careful when people ask for help. Not all of them are open and simple-minded. Some people try to ward off the anger of their superiors or the public in this way. Keep your ears open so as not to be deceived by simpletons. This is a particularly bad dream for a young lady. If she saw warts on her skin (anywhere), it means that her friends are trying to discredit her in the eyes of the young man on whose tender feelings she hopes. Look around, are these the people you trust? Try to answer this question sincerely.

Esoteric dream book

The authors of this collection have a completely different assessment of the warts that appear on the skin in the land of Morpheus. They are sure that skin defects are signs of gifts. And the more there are, the more pleasant the surprises will be. If you see warts on your hands, you will be thanked, so to speak, financially. On the body of other people - you will meet a person who will subsequently bring profit. According to the dream book, it means a successful business. What you are doing now will lead to great profits.

Modern dream book

This source also considers warts a bad sign. If they show off on your skin, expect trouble. Someone is taking active steps to damage the dreamer’s honor. If skin defects cause concern, it means that you will have to fight for your good name with an unpredictable result. Your strength is not enough, but the enemy is strong. It is urgent to seek support from an influential person who can stop his enemies. If you saw untidy bumps on someone else’s body in a night scene, keep your secrets from prying ears. There is a cunning person nearby who can turn any secret to his advantage. Beware of blackmail. It is especially bad to see this as a harbinger of loss of honor due to one’s own blunder. Your enemies will definitely use your mistake to their advantage. It will be a shame that they could not foresee and prevent such a turn of events. Try not to make important decisions in the near future. Behave modestly so that no one can cling to any word. There is danger ahead.

Family dream book

This source interprets our image in two ways. One wart is a nuisance. And if there are many of them, it means good events are coming. You will receive a fairly large amount, which in itself will please you. But, in addition, expect news of the complete failure of the enemies. To worry about skin defects spoiling your appearance is to find yourself in a situation that threatens dishonor. However, if the warts disappear during sleep, you will celebrate your victory. A very good omen. An unexpected danger will loom over those who, in a night vision, examined warts on someone else’s body. You should not trust anyone after such a dream. There is hatred lurking in your environment. Someone is just waiting for the moment to launch an attack. Don't give this person the opportunity to set you up.

As the dream book says, a wart on the nose promises the young lady a jealous gentleman. Take a closer look at the one with whom you decide to connect your destiny. This person will turn out to be not at all as kind and trusting as it seems at first glance. A relationship with him can turn into a real punishment. He will control every step, gesture and glance, tormenting you with his unreasonable jealousy.

Dream book of the 21st century

If there are warts on your body, an unfortunate misunderstanding will occur. If the lump is on your ear, do not listen to gossip. This is a sign of false news that you will naively believe. Warts on the legs mean complications on the way to your goal. In your hands - to misunderstandings caused by the actions and initiatives of the dreamer. On the nose - something strange is happening around, but you prefer not to notice the obvious. It is necessary to remove and understand the situation. If the warts disappear, it means that all misunderstandings will be resolved in your favor.

Eastern dream book

Here it is recommended to quickly destroy the love triangle formed through your fault. If you see a wart on yourself, it means that you either cannot or do not want to choose between two candidates for your heart. And the gentlemen are nervous, casting jealous glances at each other. You need to give preference to one person, otherwise there will be a scandal. And if you drag it out, both will leave. If warts were on the body of another person, you yourself will find yourself in the position of one of the applicants. Moreover, the one to whom your heart is given will think for a long time about whom to choose. The situation is extremely unpleasant and tense. It will be resolved in your favor only if the warts disappear in the dream.

Dream interpretation of papilloma

When you are interested in why you dream of papillomas on the body, then get ready for the fact that you will not receive a definite answer. Predictions can be radically opposite.

Much will depend on the dream interpreter you choose as your starting point.

Seeing growths on the body in a dream

Papillomas on the body can promise you financial well-being. At the same time, the dream book also talks about misfortunes that may happen to you.

To make his own unique prediction, a sleeping person should remember everything: from sensations to accompanying signs in a dream.

Part of the body

Dreamed of viral warts

It is important to indicate where exactly the papilloma occurred in the dream. The direction of the prediction will depend on its location.

All over the body

According to the dream book, if in a dream you have papillomas all over your body, it means that evil tongues are slandering you with might and main. Many real acquaintances will believe the gossip.

To restore your reputation, you need to be consistently friendly and calm. Only this can save the situation.

Papilloma on the back predicts difficulties at work. Colleagues will get on your nerves. It is possible that the cause will be someone close to you, you should be patient.

Often a wart on the hand is considered a harbinger of unexpected wealth. This is what the esotericist Tsvetkov thinks.

In the face area

Seeing defects on your face in a dream

If you dream of papilloma on your face, you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation. The dream book believes that the people around you will begin to despise you, and this will significantly pull the ground from under your feet.

The main thing is that the situation will eventually stabilize, this is only a temporary phenomenon, you just need to be patient.

A cheek with moles and warts - the dreamer will work hard to get rich, alas, this will not bring results.

Are papillomas located directly under the eyes or on the forehead? Your ill-wishers have tried their best, now your reputation is completely ruined, and nothing can be done.

Many warts

You saw a lot of papillomas in your dreams - you have a difficult path ahead. It is believed that the dreamer will encounter obstacles and difficulties that will have to be overcome.

Dream about a lot of warts

You should be consoled by the fact that your efforts will not be in vain, and all the accumulated experience will still be useful to you.

Some details

Try to remember what you did in your dream. Was your first thought to get rid of them? Then the dream book will predict the onset of a bright period in life.

It is believed that all troubles will soon leave your life, and good luck will illuminate it. It will concern absolutely all areas of a sleeping person’s life:

  • the dreamer will be promoted at work;
  • there will be complete order with the household;
  • health returns to normal;
  • your financial situation will improve.

Getting rid of cosmetic defects in a dream

Among the positive predictions are the following: if you have seen papilloma on yourself, then soon you will receive a pleasant gift. But on the body of another person there is a dream that promises you a meeting that will become significant and will give you not only pleasant moments, but also open new horizons.

Papillomas according to Freud

Sigmund Freud believed that papilloma in a dream is a symbol of sexual intercourse. For a woman, such a dream means that she is ready for an active sex life and frequent changes of partners. The trouble is that the dreamer considers herself not very attractive to men, and this holds her back.

A man who sees papillomas, warts, and other neoplasms on his body considers himself not entirely attractive to women. He firmly believes that nothing will work out for him, and does not risk getting close to the opposite sex.

I happened to see a papilloma on my body in a dream and thought for a long time about whether to remove it? In reality, you will be faced with difficult choices, for example, you will have to choose between a good friend and an ideal lover.

I dreamed of a huge wart

Predictions of other interpreters

The seer Vanga believed: if in a dream you saw papillomas on your body that do not exist in reality, then you will soon be greatly surprised.

In the night vision, the body was simply covered with huge papillomas? This means that you will become the cause of another person's misfortune. He will have trouble in his life because of your rash action.

Gustav Miller believed that when you removed warts or papillomas in a dream, then in reality you would be able to protect not only yourself, but people close to you. Did the growths disappear on their own? Then Miller’s dream book says that everything in life will work out.

Seeing another person who is covered in papillomas means you will suddenly have enemies.

Small Velesov's dream book says that the appearance of papilloma in your dream means receiving news. If it is visible to everyone and causes you inconvenience, then the news will not please you. Do you know where it is, this place is covered with clothes, and it doesn’t bother you at all? The news will please you.

Your mark:

Did you happen to see warts on your hands in a dream? In reality, an unfortunate misunderstanding will occur due to your fault. The dream book will tell you in detail why you dream about this unpleasant image?

Miller's note

Did you dream about warts on your hands? The interpretation of the dream is strictly negative. Mr. Miller argues that in real life you will not be able to repel the attacks of enemies and ill-wishers.

Wealth or enemies?

Did you happen to observe papillomas in other characters in your dream? There is a person next to you who is your worst enemy, and you don’t notice it.

If acne appears on the palms of a relative, then there will be trouble in the family. An ugly sore on a friend means that you will have to borrow a large amount of money without repayment.

Seeing your own hands covered with ugly marks is a sign of gifts, finds and wealth in general. A wart on someone else's palms is a sign of a meeting that will bring benefits in the future.

Show restraint!

Why does a woman dream of warts on her hands? The dream book suspects that she is quite frivolous in relationships.

For a man to see such a vision means that he deliberately avoids communicating with the fair sex, citing mental fatigue.

Take action!

Why do you dream that your hands are covered in scary bumps? Alas, some business will fail due to lack of self-confidence. The dream book calls on you to get together and act assertively.

Sometimes in a dream this is a hint of an unpleasant illness that will drain your finances and last strength. Moreover, the appearance of a wart can mark the beginning of the disease long before its actual manifestation.

Some specifics

Did you dream that all your hands were covered in sores? A whole chain of events awaits you, the nature of which can be judged by the appearance and color of the growths.

  • One is a long, but not burdensome, nuisance.
  • Many – skin/venereal disease.
  • One big one is profit, inheritance.
  • A lot of big ones - troubles due to relatives.
  • Red is danger.
  • The usual one is experiences.
  • Black is trouble.

What are you afraid of?

Why do you dream of a mark on your right palm? You will soon receive pleasant news from a friend or close relative.

If you dreamed that a pimple on your right hand caused discomfort, then the dream book is sure that you are afraid of possible failures. A particularly large growth in a dream marks an addition to the family.

Drop it!

Sometimes warts on the hands warn of difficult choices in a romantic relationship. The dream book suspects that you will choose between two fans. But the only sure way out is to leave them both.

Take your time!

Why do you dream of different methods of elimination? If you tried to remove the growths yourself, then in real life you will get help from friends.

Warts are not a very pleasant phenomenon, but they do not cause any particular inconvenience to a person. Despite this, many still try to get rid of them. Why do you dream about warts? What do they portend to the dreamer?

The meaning of a dream often depends on its details. For example, in order to correctly interpret a dream about warts, you need to remember what part of the body you saw them on, who had them, and what you did.

As the dream book writes, warts often promise a successful combination of circumstances, wealth and peace in the family. But sometimes these growths are harbingers of unexpected, contradictory, interesting events.

If you see sores on someone else, then contact with this person is possible in the near future. Most likely, this will be business cooperation or a joint trip to interesting places.

According to the dream book, seeing huge warts in a dream means unexpectedly making a profit. It is possible that money will come to you from where you did not expect it at all. Experts recommend using them wisely.

Many small growths usually dream of pleasant troubles. You will be preparing for a significant event, a long trip, a long-awaited meeting with old friends, etc. You will have the opportunity to relax from the heart.

If you dreamed of any warts on a child, then soon you will want to commit an act that is unusual for you. But such growths do not mean that you are inattentive to the problems of others.

Be a participant in a dream

As the dream book suggests, having warts on your body usually means having a fun time. And the more of them there were, the brighter the impressions will be. Also, such a dream often foreshadows a meeting with old acquaintances.

Be sure to remember if you saw warts on yours in a dream. If yes, then you will have to go somewhere you have never been before. Most likely, this will be a business visit, the consequences of which will affect your career.

In addition, such night dreams promise the dreamer good income. But to do this, you need to forget about rest for a while and do only work. You will be able to relax only after its completion.

Dreaming of sores on your cheeks means your superiority over your competitors. And to see them on your own means to be too curious. Above the lip - for a romantic date. And on the chin - to hard work.

According to the dream book, seeing warts on your head in a dream means thinking a lot. Perhaps these will be thoughts about the future. Now you have every chance to choose the right behavior model to achieve success.

Why do you dream about a wart? Such a dream suggests that soon you will accidentally find out someone’s secret. It will be better if the information you receive remains with you. You should not divulge other people's secrets.

If the warts in the dream were of an unusual color, then the dream book foretells you a bright, memorable adventure. And the dream interpreter explains the dream of a sore with an unpleasant odor as your special approach to life.

Never neglect the details seen in your night dreams. If you had a dream about warts on your leg, arm, body, face or head, be sure to look into the dream book and find out what awaits you in the near future. Author: Vera Drobnaya


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