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Knights of the Frozen Throne are new cards that were brought to Hearthstone along with the expansion of the same name. In total, about 135 cards were added, but you should not be scared, since only special cards are directly Knights. In the article below you will find all the current decks with the Knights of the Frozen Throne, which were compiled by top players and streamers.

It should be noted that the presented decks are subject to change in the future, as the "meta" (best decks) is constantly changing. In any case, there will be no blunders here, since, as already noted, the decks below were created exclusively by Hearthstone masters.

If you don't get to play any of the decks, don't get discouraged, as they are basically just a collection of ideas, interesting combos, and smart interactions.

It is not necessary to copy everything cleanly, since the essence of each deck is reduced to one specific idea that you should identify for yourself. Everything else that does not affect the overall course of the game can be replaced as desired.

Fight with the Knights of the Frozen Throne

Tempo Warrior

This deck is based on combining the effects of a whirlwind and units that interact with it. So, the Warrior hero will get the Death Knight Garrosh, which is just right for the above effect.

The dead man's hand will help you survive protracted battles, and special mulligan cards will help you quickly pull out the necessary things from the deck.

Combo Warrior

Like the previous one, this one focuses on Whirlwinds, but is also partly reduced to tempo combos during each turn between Furious Pyromancer and Arcane Giant.

You may have seen a similar build in the past (without Knights, of course), but now its relevance has only increased. Get ready for the fact that this deck will require a lot of effort from you to master.

Tempo Warrior #2

The second version of Tempo Warrior, offering a tougher game.

In this deck, you will not use Knights for this hero, but you will try out the king from the jungle.

Paladin with the Knights of the Frozen Throne

Midrange Paladin with Murlocs

The synergy between the Paladin and the Murlocs is unknown only to the Hearthstone beginner. This deck performed well even before the introduction of the DLC, but now that the LT Knights have appeared in the game, it has become even stronger.

Apart from the usual combos, get ready to use divine shields along with new cards. If you don't like the effectiveness of this synergy, then simply replace the cards with the corresponding trait with some other ones (like Uther the Ebon Blade, as an option).


A deck from the primordial times of Hearthstone, which has been infrequently used by players at high ranks lately.

Now that the new sample of Divine Shields has appeared in the game, you can try your luck again with it.

O hunter with the Knights of the Frozen Throne


A fascinating deck, the creator of which immediately assured that its essence was reduced primarily to fun, and not promotion in the rankings. She performs quite average even among other decks of her hero, however, she offers a completely new look at the class.

If you have always loved the Hunter, but you are tired of its standard gameplay, then it makes sense to use this assembly.

Druid with the Knights of the Frozen Throne

Rump Druid

In this expansion, Druids make do with a huge array of powerful and flexible cards.

As you can see in the screenshot, the first deck is taken with overclocking cards, which is why it was called "Ramp".

Jade Druid

The same assembly does not look like something new and its name has long been heard.

A crouching ghoul can especially spoil your blood, but if you are not afraid of difficulties, then go for it!

Aggro Druid

A common deck that has received little to no change. The build managed to do almost without the addition of maps from the new DLC, but this is primarily due to its initial strength.

The Pirate card remained the same, as well as many others, so there was not much to replace in the deck.

Shaman with the Knights of the Frozen Throne


The usual build, tied to the Evolution map, with which Shamans constantly play. It was decided to remove the thirst for blood, since Thrall does not combine well with it (so forget about standard totems).

The new Knight and Bone Mare are excellent - especially the latter, as it gives additional burst and protection.

Rogue with the Knights of the Frozen Throne

N'Zoth the Rogue

A medium-strength build that has been difficult and random in the past. LT Knight didn't turn it into a meta, but put it on the level of other interesting decks.

Tactics is reduced to the use of Deathrattles - abilities of cards that work after their death or upon activation by a special card. Also you have to combine Golems.

Miracle Rogue

If you prefer to play this class and don't want to lose, then in this case, pay attention to this build. She was already very powerful before, but now the deck can create new combos.

Umerang and Shadowblade will allow you to quickly clear the board and weaken the enemy without getting hit and without wasting the strength of your yuits.

You can also add Prince Valanar here instead of Sherazin, as this card performs well in the current build.

Priest with Knights of the Frozen Throne

OTK Kazakus-Priest

OTK is a kill in one turn, which, in fact, is what this deck is tied to. With multiple strong cards in the build, you can deal massive damage and pull off long combos.

First of all, you will have to rely on Raz the Captive and the Shadowreaper Anduin. Apart from these, you can also switch to using Dark Visions looping, which is achieved with a couple of Elementals.

With a whole galaxy of dragons and accompanying cards out of rotation after the release of Un'Goro, the priest had to look for something to replace him. I went through a lot of assemblies with the accompanying crafting of cards, but the desired results could not be achieved. I swelled a ton of dust on the popular silence priest build, but the results caused nothing but disappointment. Many of my losses ended with a full hand of spells, and there was nothing to resemble. And then I decided to return to the usual dragons, having come across several rivals with them.

Dragons have not only survived, but are doing well at this point in the new meta.

Deca (Price: 5600 Dust)

Let's take a look at the new cards. An indispensable spell in current priest decks is Dark Visions. It can be safely crafted in 2 copies if the priest is one of your main classes. Dark visions help to draw the right spell from the deck, depending on the situation on the board.

Radiant Elemental reduces the cost of spells, helping to pull off extended combos.

Lyra helps to set up comebacks, so it makes more sense to put her on the table at the end of the match, because she usually does not live more than 1 turn, being the primary target for the opponent.

The prehistoric dragon is good for dragon synergy + deals AOE damage and is a provocateur, which will allow you to pull time for one more turn in the end.

Elise the trailblazer comes in here for a possible trump card at the end of the match.

Let's not forget the old useful cards. Netherrage Historian can draw some great dragons. Draconid spy has a good carcass + buffs you with opponent's cards. The Booksnake will help you destroy the opponent's pesky creature with high health. Keep in mind that these cards require a dragon in hand to activate their effects.

Dragonfire Potion cleans the table well. He is especially good against fat provocateurs and creatures with which the robber fills the table after completing his task.

It's time to update the decks. I don't play much lately, but I crafted something. Let's go with the priest. I have enjoyed playing this class ever since it rolled out on dragons last year. I crafted Corridor Horror for this theme.

Deca (Price: 3320 Dust)

### Priest January
# Class: Priest
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (1) Northshire Cleric
# 2x (2) Netherrage Historian
# 2x (2) Shadow's Servant
# 2x (3) Talon Priest from Cabal
# 1x (3) Cabal Courier
# 2x (3) Pitch Guardian
# 2x (4) Herald of the Dusk
# 1x (4) Spellbreaker
# 1x (4) Twilight Dragon
# 2x (5) Draconid Spy
# 2x (5) Cobalt Bane
# 2x (6) Evil Summoner
# 2x (7) Corridor Horror
# 2x (7) Bone Mare
# 1x (8) Grand Archivist
# 2x (8) Something of Amber
# 2x (10) Mind control

Corridor horror you can safely craft in 2 copies. This is an elite neutral that goes into a lot of decks. It will definitely come in handy for the next couple of years.

Take everything else to your liking. In the original deck, it contained 2 copies of Miraculous Sparkling. But I replaced it with Spell Breaker and Cabal Courier. This is a profitable replacement, given the fact that I had to craft 2 more dubious elites for scrap. A wonderful sparkling in the arena can increase the pace, but in ranked it is not worth crafting. Dropped to you in a booster = feel free to take it to the deck. Did not fall out - you can craft something more interesting, unless you are an avid fan of the priest.

Hello dear subscribers and site visitors

Knights of the Frozen Throne is already close to stagnation: the meta has been studied, the strongest decks have been identified, optimal builds have been found or are close to being found. So on the site you could already find a significant number of guides to the strongest archetypes of the meta. In such a situation, it remains to turn to not so popular, but still interesting and potential decks. Today we will talk about the Priest on dragons.

Dragon Priest, of course, is in the shadow of other most popular decks of the class: Priest and Big Priest, however, there is still interest from players in him, as evidenced by the voting for the following guides on the site, in which some of the readers took part. It showed that the Dragon Priest is interesting to the community, the deck overtook even Miracle Rogue and Control Paladin.

So what about the Dragon Priest in the Knights of the Frozen Throne meta? Unfortunately, not as much as, for example, Tempo Rogue or Token Shaman. The archetype is so unpopular that many meta-reports simply do not mention it. Despite this, there is enough information for a detailed and interesting guide: both the best current builds and the best/worst confrontations are known. Sometimes you can also see famous streamers addressing the Priest on dragons.

The archetype's main bet in the current meta is a good chance against other class decks: Priest and Big Priest. In addition, the matchup with Jade Druid or Token Shaman is also pleasing. That's why you should pay attention to the Dragon Priest: if performed well, he can lead you to the coveted high ranks, and also distract you from the notorious meta, bring variety to it.

In the guide you will find the following sections:

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Dragon Priest "Knights of the Frozen Throne". This deck is back in business, delighting all its fans. How has she changed in the new expansion?

Dragon Priest with Knights of the Frozen Throne cards

Code for importing a deck into Hearthstone:

The Dragon Priest, after the release of a huge number of dragons in wild mode, is floundering at the bottom of the Tier 2 list according to many sources. It's not a bad deck, but it lacks a little bit of everything.

  • Would like a little more confident early game
  • Would like a little more value in the late game
  • Wish there was a little more pace

And now, in the new addition, it seems that the meta has mercy on the Dragon Priests. The nightmare of tough, aggressive decks is over, the meta has slowed down significantly, so it's possible to drop two copies of [Madness Potion] from the deck at once and get something more interesting.

Dragon Priest is another tempo deck, already the third in a row on our site, but there is absolutely nothing surprising here, the new addition has added a lot of usefulness to such decks.

  • [Cobalt Destroyer] has great stats, and it can turn useless [Netherrage Historian] into a great trade tool. In addition, the opponent simply cannot ignore this creature, he has to spend precious removals, which is very good.
  • [Bone Dragon] is a good card, but there was simply no room for a second copy. It primarily works as a 6 mana slot filler that Priest has issues with, generally works better than [Book Serpent] due to being much less situational.
  • [Bone Mare] is a phenomenally strong tempo card, an absolute must-have in any tempo deck.

To be honest, I'm not sure if Dragon Priest is a Tier 1 or even Tier 2 deck, it's still looking for itself, but its potential is felt.

game plan

In your starting hand look for:

  • [Northshire Cleric]
  • [Shining Elemental]
  • [Voidfury Historian]

If you got one or more of these early creatures, you can also search for [Power Word: Shield].

The main game plan is to gradually pressure the opponent with your creatures and finish with [Divine Spirit] + [Inner Fire].

Never underestimate the value of draw, it is very high, draw cards whenever you can. The sooner you find the combo pieces, the sooner you can complete the match. There are almost no cards in the deck for the late game, your time is the midrange stage.


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