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We define reading speed as the number of characters read per unit of time, taking into account the quality of reading comprehension. It can be calculated using the formula

Where V — reading speed, characters/min.;

Q— number of characters in the text (volume);

T — time spent reading the text, in minutes;

TO — coefficient of understanding.

A sign means every letter and number of the text (except punctuation marks). Some textbooks measure reading speed in words. You can easily move from one unit of measurement of text volume to another, only by knowing the relationship between them.

It is known that in Russian words have on average six letters. If, for example, the reading speed in characters is 600/min., then the reading speed in words will be 100/min. (600 :6). Absolutely accurate reading time is measured with a stopwatch, or, in extreme cases, with a watch with a second hand.

What is the comprehension coefficient? We already know that speed reading is meaningful reading with deep assimilation of what is read. During the learning process, you need to constantly measure not only the speed of reading, but also the quality of assimilation. As follows from the above formula, reading speed is inextricably linked with reading comprehension. The comprehension coefficient is determined by analyzing the answers to 10 questions on the content of what was read. If the correct answer to all 10 questions is K = 1, to 8 questions - K = 0.8, etc.

We consider it advisable to limit ourselves to one indicator characterizing reading speed in accordance with the above formula. In fact, the concept of “reading” presupposes the implementation of a process associated not only with the perception of information, but also with its semantic processing. In this regard, the term “reading speed,” defined as “the volume of text read per unit of time,” loses all meaning. There is also no need for other terms - “flexibility”, "productivity reading”, etc., which only mislead inexperienced readers. You should always remember that any reading always presupposes comprehension of what you read, and if this is so, then measuring reading speed should always be associated with checking the quality of its assimilation.

What are the standards for reading speed? What should be considered slow and fast reading? In table Figure 1 shows the reading speed standards for reading foreign sources for those reading texts in their native language. In the USA and some other countries there is a national standard for reading speed. Hiring to some offices and firms necessarily includes testing, which involves measuring reading speed.

Table 1

Reading speed

Reading speed





Very low

170 — 200

100 — 140


200 — 230

140 — 180


230 — 250

180 — 220


350 — 450

400 — 500


550 — 650

600 — 800

In our country, a state reading speed standard has been established for primary school students (Table 2).

table 2


Reading speed

sl. / min.


30 — 60


90 — 110


110 —140

School reform includes as a mandatory component the improvement of schoolchildren's reading techniques. The main stages of developing reading skills are shown in table. 3. It is expected that a high school graduate should be fully proficient in speed reading. However, as experience shows, this must be taught specifically, at least as an elective. In the new school course “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science,” the methodology for teaching speed reading should be reflected.

Table 3

Skill level


Reading speed

sl. /min.


1 — 3

80 — 130


4 — 6

130 — 250


7 — 10

250 — 330

Long-term observations and learning experience make it possible to establish reading standards for adult readers (Table 4).

Table 4

Reading type

Reading speed


zn. /min.

Very slow






500 — 1000

3000 — 6000

Panoramic fast

1000 — 1500

8000 — 10 000

The proposed teaching method allows, on average, to increase reading speed by 3 times compared to the original one. As a rule, students reach a speed of 3 thousand characters or more. At this pace, you can read about 100 pages of a medium-sized book in an hour.

What is the maximum possible reading speed? Studies have shown that the maximum speed at which complete assimilation of what is read cannot exceed 1500 words/min (10 thousand characters/min). Examples of higher speeds, which are sometimes given in the foreign press, are either advertising in nature, or refer to reading such as sliding-scanning at higher speeds.

The reading speed of each person is individual and depends on many factors: activity and level of neuropsychic processes, temperament, thinking characteristics, etc. Therefore, it is more correct to increase the existing reading speed. Observations indicate that almost any healthy person can, having mastered the method of fast reading using the proposed method, increase his speed by 3 times.

Which text should I choose?

When choosing a text for a speed test, I advise you to first take into account the degree to which this text corresponds to the level of training of the person being tested.

Imagine what would happen if we forced a first-grader to read the Great Soviet Encyclopedia or a fragment of Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina” at speed? A brain explosion is guaranteed.

The text should not be too primitive if we are testing a high school student, and it should not be difficult when testing the reading technique of the youngest.

Criteria for choosing a text for students in grades 1-2:

First of all, the content must be new and unfamiliar;
Legible font, large enough;
Simple short sentences, no adverbial phrases;
Lack of dialogues;
Avoid long adjectives and rarely used words;
No drawings;
The content must be understandable to the child.
If you don’t want to experiment with selecting texts, you can take Olga Alexandrova’s manual for elementary school, which contains control texts, questions for comprehension, and a test to assess reading speed.

Have a stopwatch or hourglass ready!

The command “Start!” sounds. The child gathers his thoughts and begins to read (some are quicker, some slower). We record the time as soon as we hear the first word. If we make a mistake, we don’t say it out loud, we write it down. Then we count the number of incorrectly read words. If your child is a primary school student, it will be useful for him to follow the text by moving his finger or pointer.

Counting words

Let’s quickly count the number of words read, taking into account the following:

We also count prepositions and conjunctions;
Words that were transferred are considered 2 words;
Words with a hyphen are also taken as 2 words.
From the resulting number, subtract the number of incorrectly read words.

There is no need to panic if today your reading speed is 50 words, and tomorrow only 20. This is normal. This indicator can be influenced by both the child’s bad mood, fatigue, and the quality of the text. Check the child again, allowing him to rest for at least a day.

Norms of reading technique in primary grades

First grade.

Reading syllable by syllable

Second class.

At the beginning of the year
We put the accents correctly.
We read only big words syllable by syllable

By the end of the year:
We read whole words, observing stress and pauses.

Third class.

At the beginning of the year:
Conscious reading.
Accents, intonations.

By the end of the year:

Reading with expression.
Retelling the content.

Fourth grade

At the beginning of the year:
Comprehension of what you read.
Your own point of view.

By the end of the year:
Reading with expression.
Analysis and your personal attitude to what you read.
Don't take these numbers too literally - everyone develops at their own pace. Fanaticism is unnecessary here.

Considered at a meeting of the pedagogical council

Protocol No.

from "____ _"_____________20

I affirm:


MBOU secondary school No. 10

M.Yu. Morshinina

"____" ______20 g


on testing reading technique in grades 1-7

MBOU Secondary School No. 10, Voronezh

    General provisions

1.1. The regulation on testing reading technology in grades 1-7 was developed in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and the School Charter.

1.2. These Regulations determine the content, goals, objectives, and procedure for testing reading technology in grades 1-7 of MBOU Secondary School No. 10 in Voronezh, providing uniform requirements for testing reading technology at school.

1.3 This provision regulates the monitoring and evaluation of the results of the development of reading skills.

1.4 The regulations on testing reading technology are approved by the school director.

2. Goals and objectives

2.1. Testing of reading technique is organized with the aim of obtaining objective and reliable information about the state of education at school in order to monitor the level of development of reading skills and monitor the degree of progress of the student in mastering reading technique.

2.2. The objectives of testing reading techniques are to identify students’ skills and abilities related to reading activity:

The pace of reading at which the text is comprehended;

The skill of conscious reading at a certain pace;

Reading without errors.

2.3 Testing of reading technique takes place as part of intra-school control three times a year:

At the beginning of the year (introductory control);

In December (current control);

At the end of the year (final control).

3. Requirements for the level of development of reading skills

    Reading method - reading in whole words;

    Correct reading - reading an unfamiliar text in compliance with the norms of literary pronunciation;

    Reading speed - setting a fluency rate that is normal for the reader, allowing him to comprehend the text;

    Set to gradually increase reading speed.

4. Classification of errors affecting the reduction of the mark:


    distortions of readable words (replacement, rearrangement, omission or addition of letters, syllables, words);

    incorrect placement of accents (more than two);

    reading the entire text without semantic pauses, violation of the pace and clarity of pronunciation of words when reading aloud;

    inability to highlight the main idea of ​​what you read; inability to find words and expressions in the text that confirm understanding of the main content of what was read;

    violation when retelling the sequence of events in the work;

    monotony of reading, lack of means of expression.

Disadvantages :

    no more than two incorrect accents;

    individual violations of semantic pauses, tempo and clarity of pronunciation

    words when reading aloud;

    comprehension of the text read in a time slightly exceeding the established one;

    inaccuracies in the formulation of the main idea of ​​the work;

    inappropriateness of using means of expression, insufficient expressiveness in conveying the character of the character.

5. Grading standards level of development of reading skills in grades 1-7 .


for the beginning of the year

at the end of the first half of the year

at the end of the second half of the year

1 class

at least 10 - 15 (20 - 25) words per minute

for 2 - less than 15 words
for 3 - less than 15-19 words
for 4 - less than 20-24 words
for 5 - from 25 words

2 classes

for 2 - less than 15 words
for 3 - less than 15-19 words
for 4 - less than 20-24 words
for 5 - from 25 words

for 2 - less than 25 words
for 3 - 25-29 words
for 4 - 30-34 words
for 5 - from 35 words

for 2 - less than 40 words
for 3 - 40-44 words
for 4 - 45-49 words
for 5 - from 50 words

3 grades

for 2 - less than 40 words
for 3 - 40-44 words
for 4 - 45-49 words
for 5 - from 50 words

for 2 - less than 40 words
for 3 - 40-49 words
for 4 - 50-59 words
for 5 - from 60 words

for 2 - less than 65 words
for 3 - 65-69 words
for 4 - 70-74 words
for 5 - from 75 words

4 grades

for 2 - less than 65 words
for 3 - 65-69 words
for 4 - 70-74 words
for 5 - from 75 words

for 2 - less than 65 words

for 3 - 65-74 words
for 4 - 75-84 words
for 5 - from 85 words

at "2" - less than 85
on "3" - 85-89
on “4” - 90-100

at “5” - 100 or more

5 grades

at "2" - less than 85
on "3" - 85-89
on “4” - 90-100

at “5” - 100 or more

At “2” - less than 90

At “3” – 90-100

On “4”–101-111

On "3" -112-117

on "2" - less than 95
to “3” - 96-101
to “4” – 102-114

at “5” - 115 or more

6th grade

on "2" - less than 95
to “3” - 96-101
to “4” – 102-114

at “5” - 115 or more

At "2" - less than 100

On “3” - 101-112

On "4" -113-119

At "5" -120-125

on "2" - less than 105
to “3” - 106-112
to “4” - 113-120

on “5” - 121 or more

7th grade

on "2" - less than 105
to “3” - 106-112
to “4” - 113-120

on “5” - 121 or more

On “2” - less than 113

On "3" -113-117

On "4" -118-122

On "5" -122-129

by 2 - less than 115
at 3 - 115-121
on 4 - 122-129

by 5 - 130 or more

1st grade: no grade is given, the student “coped” or “failed.” In the first half of the year, reading technique in 1st grade may not be tested.

When checking reading technique at the beginning of the year, the reading speed indicator should correspond to the previous year’s reading standards.

6. Procedure for testing reading technique

6.1. Testing the development of students' reading technique is carried out within one day.

6.2. In the room where the procedure for testing reading technique is carried out, there must be two teachers, one who is assigned the duties of an examiner, and the other is a teacher who does not teach in this class and acts as an assistant during the testing of reading technique.

6.3. The assistant ensures discipline in the classroom and monitors the monitoring procedure.

6.4. The examiner provides the student with the necessary material on a separate sheet without notes or counting the number of words; the second copy of the text is kept by the examiner (it is from this that the number of words read per minute is counted and errors and shortcomings in the student’s reading are tracked).

6.5. Students participating in the test are not allowed to read the text that will be tested in advance.

6.6. The student reads the text offered for reading in full (to the end of the text). The teacher does not stop reading after 1 minute.

6.7. Before reading the text, the teacher-examiner records the time and gives the student permission to read the text. While the student is reading, he makes appropriate notes in accordance with the verification parameters (Appendix No. 1, Appendix No. 2). After 1 minute has passed from the start of reading the text, the teacher-examiner marks on his form the last word for which the test time has expired (1 minute).

6.8. After the student has read the entire text, the teacher-examiner asks questions about the content of the text to check the level of comprehension of the information read. When conducting a conversation on the content of the text read, the teacher-examiner can ask leading questions or other questions formulated by him that help determine the degree of mastery of the information read.

6.9. At the end of the conversation on the content of the text read, the teacher-examiner counts the number of words read by the given student in 1 minute and fills out a table to record the results of testing the reading technique, following the recommendations for assessing the reading technique of students.

7.1. During this monitoring of the development of students' reading technique, measurements are taken on several parameters, reflected in the table of reading technique test results (Appendix No. 1, Appendix No. 2), which is filled out immediately after each student reads the text.

7.2. Options:

    Reading style (determined during reading) in elementary school students.

    Reading pace (determined after 1 minute of reading the text).

    Reading accuracy (determined during reading).

    Reading expressiveness (determined during reading).

    The meaningfulness of reading (determined during a conversation based on the content of the text read).

7.3. When checking reading technique in the table (Appendix No. 1, Appendix No. 2), it is necessary to put a mark (+-) to indicate the reading method of each student. The final mark is given based on the above criteria for assessing reading technique.

7.4. The reading pace is determined by the number of words read in 1 minute. Correct reading is reading without distortion, i.e. without errors that affect the comprehension of what is being read.

7.5. Groups of typical errors:

    distortion of sound-letter composition:

    omissions of letters, syllables, words and even lines;

    rearrangement of reading units (letters, syllables, words);

    insertion of arbitrary elements into reading units;

    replacing some reading units with others;

    presence of repetitions (syllables and words);

    violation of literary pronunciation norms:

    spelling errors (incorrect stress), which are associated with ignorance of pronunciation norms or ignorance of the lexical meaning of the words being read;

    errors associated with the so-called “spelling reading”, when reading units are pronounced in strict accordance with spelling, and not with pronunciation, as well as errors in the pronunciation of word endings.

7.6. The reading accuracy assessment is also noted in the table for recording the results: if there are errors indicated in the table, then their presence is marked in the table with signs (+-).

7.7. Expressive reading is understood as correct, meaningful and emotional (when appropriate) reading of a text. It is this kind of reading that significantly contributes to the understanding and comprehension of textual material.

7.8. The examiner’s conclusion that a given student is characterized by thoughtless (mechanical) reading is made based on an analysis of the students’ answers if it is revealed:

    failure to understand the general meaning of the text read within the prescribed reading time;

    incorrect answers to questions about the content of the text;

    inability to highlight the main idea of ​​what you read;

    inability to find words and expressions in the text that confirm understanding of the main content of what was read;

    violation when retelling the sequence of events in the text.

8. Teacher's work

Based on appendices No. 1 and No. 2, the teacher analyzes the effectiveness of the reading technique of the class as a whole, identifies students who do not have the skill of fluent conscious reading, formulates tasks and draws up a work plan to improve the reading technique. A brief self-analysis of the work is placed by the teacher in Appendix No. 3 (conclusions about whether there was an increase/decrease in the % quality and % completion of this work compared to the previous inspection and what objective reasons preceded this).

How to check your reading technique?

The main task of elementary school is to develop the ability to read texts quickly, accurately and meaningfully. This is necessary for the successful mastery of all academic subjects.

The reading technique includes several elements, namely:

Reading awareness (the child’s understanding of what he read);

Reading speed (characterized by the number of words read in a certain period of time);

Method of reading (the child reads syllables, only difficult words syllables, or the entire text in whole words);

Expressiveness of reading (manifested in the use of pauses, finding the right intonation, correct stress placement);

Correct reading (expressed in the fact that the student avoids, or, conversely, makes mistakes).

In accordance with the new educational standards, reading pace is not the main criterion for assessing reading skill. Reading speed is only a separate component of reading technique.

One of the questions that interests parents is: why check children’s reading technique? Reading technique in primary school should be checked more than twice a year. This should be done in order to monitor the dynamics of the formation of reading skills - this is the purpose of testing reading technique.

How to choose a text to test your reading technique?

To test reading techniques, special texts are selected according to the recommendations of methodologists. The text should be unfamiliar to the child, but understandable. Sentences should be short, without any complicating structures or signs.

It is better if the reading test text does not contain illustrations or dialogues, so that children are not distracted while reading.

The text must be placed on one page.

Before starting the test, you should set your child up to read calmly so that he does not worry or worry. While reading the text, you must not interrupt the child or correct mistakes. After completing the reading, you need to return to those words that caused difficulty or were read incorrectly and ask the child to read them again.

If the child completed the tasks incorrectly, then read the text aloud with him to reveal the reasons for the misunderstanding of the content. There may be several of them, for example:

There are unfamiliar words in the text;

Inattentive reading and poor memorization of content;

Insufficient reading skills, leading to errors and distorted understanding of the text.

Depending on the identified reasons, it is necessary to organize work to enrich the student’s vocabulary or further develop the skill of fluent, attentive reading aloud.

The teacher needs to use text material to organize individual work or differentiated questioning. Taking into account the different levels of reading, intelligence and other thought processes of schoolchildren, it is possible to offer each student individually the most accessible tasks for him. Thus, it will be possible to create a situation of success in learning, using a person-oriented approach that underlies the psychological comfort of students. If necessary, you can adjust the tasks or supplement them at your discretion. An oral conversation on questions will develop the monologue speech of younger schoolchildren.

It is very useful to use reading simulators. Systematic work with the simulator will help the student develop a strong skill of fluent silent reading, which is especially relevant during further education in middle and high school, when the volume of oral subjects and educational articles increases annually.

To check your reading comprehension, you need to ask several questions about the text.

If the child is nervous and often stammers during the test and his voice breaks, then the reading technique test should be rescheduled for another time and the test should be organized in the form of a game.

Norms of reading technique in primary grades according to the Federal State Educational Standard (tentatively)

Reading technique in 1st grade

In 1st grade, reading technique is checked especially carefully.

1st half of the year

Reading should be smooth syllabic, conscious and correct, with clear pronunciation of syllables and words.

Reading speed is 25-30 words per minute.

2nd half

The child reads whole words correctly and consciously. Words with a complex syllabic structure are read syllable by syllable.

Reading speed is 30-40 words per minute.

Reading technique in 2nd grade

1st half of the year

Reading correctly, consciously, in whole words. Logical stress is observed.

Reading speed is 40-50 words per minute.

2nd half

Meaningful, correct reading in whole words, observing pauses, intonation and logical stress.

Reading pace is 50-60 words per minute.

Reading technique in 3rd grade

1st half of the year

Reading speed is 60-70 words per minute.

2nd half

Conscious, correct reading in whole words. With the help of observed pauses and intonations, the student expresses understanding of the meaning of the text read.

Reading speed is 70-80 words per minute.

Reading technique in 4th grade

1st half of the year

Reading speed is 80-90 words per minute.

2nd half

Conscious, correct reading in whole words. With the help of observed pauses and intonations, the student not only expresses an understanding of the meaning of the text, but is also able to express his attitude towards it.

Reading speed is 100-120 words per minute.

Reading technique in 5th grade.

Observation of reading technique is recommended to be carried out in 5th grade. However, such a check is no longer in the nature of control, since it pursues completely different learning goals. In grade 5, when testing reading technique, the emphasis should be placed not on reading speed, but on productivity (technique and meaningfulness).

Assessment of reading technique according to Federal State Educational Standards standards

What grades should I give for reading technique?

Reading technique in 1st grade according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Reading technique in 2nd grade according to Federal State Educational Standards

Reading technique in 3rd grade according to the Federal State Educational Standard


1st half of the year

2nd half


More than 75 words

More than 90 words


60-75 words

75-90 words


45-59 words

60-74 words


Less than 45 words

Less than 60 words

Less than 90 words

How to train reading technique

You can develop your reading technique with the help of special games. Here are some of them:

Buzzing reading.

Daily reading in class where all students read in a low voice for 5 minutes.

Reading before bed.

Repeated reading of the text. The essence of this exercise is as follows: students read the text at the same time, but each at their own pace. After a minute has passed, the teacher stops the children, and they note the word they have read up to. Next, the teacher asks the children to read the text spellingly. Then, re-reading the same passage involves orthoepic reading (as we say). And again, the guys note the word they read up to and compare it with the previous result.

Reading in reverse. This method involves reading words not from left to right, but from right to left. This kind of reading is useful because it regularly trains the child in merging letters and reading words without tension.

Tops and roots. The children are asked to read the words by covering the upper or lower half of the letters with a long opaque ruler.

There are many words written on the board. The guys must find the word that the teacher calls.

Self-metering reading. At the end of the lesson, leave a few minutes to self-measure your reading and record the results in a special diary.

Reading upside down. Children will enjoy reading text in a book that will be held upside down.

Work on developing reading techniques in primary school is extremely important. After all, it is fluent and meaningful reading that activates the processes of thinking, attention, memory and is the key to a successful educational process.

Reading speed is an important indicator not only for schoolchildren, who are regularly tested. It is very important for an adult in the modern world to be able to navigate huge flows of information. A reading speed test will help you determine your current level and determine whether you need to work on improving this skill or whether you are reading fluently enough.

How to check reading speed?

The easiest way is to take a stopwatch (you can use an app on your phone), a text to test your reading speed, and read it at a normal pace for one minute. It is important that the text is not technical, does not contain highly specialized terms and concepts, and is not familiar to the reader. The text should not be too primitive. The person being tested must see the text for the first time so that the results are not artificially inflated.

But what do you care about speed if you don’t understand with what awareness you absorb the text? :)

A much better way to find out what your reading speed is is to take a free online test. To do this, make yourself comfortable, enter your name in the form above, press the button and immediately see the text that you need to read, slowly, trying to understand everything that is written.

When the entire text has been read, click on the button at the very bottom. The program will automatically determine your reading speed and prompt you to answer several questions to understand the degree of mastery of the material. As a result of testing, you will receive not only the result of your reading speed and awareness, but also recommendations for improving your reading technique in the format of the book “Everything you wanted to know about speed reading, but were afraid to ask.” Enter your name. Click on the button and find out your real reading speed. Have a good day.


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