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Name: Feat of the People
in the Great Patriotic War
Web address:,,
Site type: database
Date of foundation: 04/09/2010

“Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”- an electronic bank of documents relating to the period of the Great Patriotic War.

The contents of the data bank consist of documents from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (TsAMO), namely award files and documents on the operational management of combat operations. It is planned to enter data on 30 million awards from the period of military operations of the Great Patriotic War into the database; in total, access will be open to more than 200,000 archival files with a total volume of about 100 million sheets.


The initiator of the project is the Department for the Development of Information and Telecommunication Technologies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, telecommunications support is provided by OJSC Rostelecom. The creation of the database is being carried out by JSC NPO "Experience", the total cost of work on the project is 22 million rubles. The technical implementation of the project is carried out by the Electronic Archive Corporation.

On the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the project is called unprecedented and has no analogues in the world.

The site was launched in April 2010. Completion of work on filling the data bank is planned for December 2012. It is publicly available on the Internet at: To use the site, you must install Adobe Flash. The mobile version of the site is also supported at:

Access restriction problem

After June 2010, the OBD was not replenished for six months. A new update took place on December 8, 2010: data on 71,053 awards was added to the “War Heroes” section, and it was also possible to subscribe to notifications about updates in the document bank by e-mail.

At the same time, a notice appeared on the main page of the site: “Restricted access information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as part of the OBD “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” not published." The OBD denied access to information about award sheets about the military registration and enlistment offices of soldiers, as well as about the addresses of their relatives: this information in the award sheets was retouched and made inaccessible when viewed, as well as in the search form.

At the beginning of 2010, restrictions on access to previously posted information were already introduced on another resource of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Memorial OBD, but then the public managed to get all the data returned. In this case, the restriction on access to personal information (which, in the case of search teams, could significantly facilitate the identification of the remains of soldiers) also caused a negative reaction from the public. On December 12, 2010, participants in the website forum sent a letter to the President of Russia, the Prime Minister of the Russian Government, and the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia with a request to restore access to classified information. Two days later, information appeared that the President had read the letter and instructed the Russian Minister of Defense to look into the situation. At the beginning of January 2011, a representative of the Electronic Archive company reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense ordered that information about military registration and enlistment offices (but not addresses) and searches on them be returned to the site.

Good afternoon

I am the granddaughter of Dotsenko Artem Korneevich. My mother Ekaterina Artemovna Zvonareva (maiden name Dotsenko) daughter of Artem Korneevich Found it on the resource. Information that you can find your grandfather's award

Dotsenko Artem Korneevich Year of birth: __.__.1900

Place of birth: Kirghiz SSR, Osh region, Uzgen district, village. Leninskoe

Award document no.: 55

date of award document: 08/01/1986 entry number: 1514962302 Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree

But the fact is that we do not have grandfather’s documents, the award was given in 1986, according to the data, grandfather died in 1988, but no one told us this. We then still lived in Kyrgyzstan, in the Osh region, but in Kochkor-ata, and in 1993 we moved to Russia.

In 86, the grandfather and grandmother Dotsenko Irina Stepanovna lived in the village of Leninskoye near Uzgen, with their eldest daughter Sofia Artemovna, they moved to her at that time, since it was already difficult for themselves, they were very old, maybe that’s why they didn’t find her, Unfortunately, he is also no longer alive. But the award was definitely not presented. We would know, it was a holiday.

Where we live now, my mother is alive, thank God, but we left in a hurry then, we lived in the Osh region, so, unfortunately, the documents were not preserved. I hope my mother still has her birth certificate and marriage certificate; she is also already 701 years old.

And there is also an error in the birth data, the grandfather was born in Ukraine, and during the war he moved his family to Kyrgyzstan with the children, and he himself went to the front, either from Ukraine or from Leningrad, and the data indicates his place of residence after the war and before his death in 88.

Of all my grandfather's children, my mother and her brother Alexey Artemovich survived, but he is even older than my mother. Naturally, his last name is like his grandfather’s. Please tell me how they can receive their grandfather's award? Or at least a document confirming that he was awarded; it’s just a symbol, but a very important one. What needs to be done, I would really like to please them, I already called my mother and told her, she burst into tears. Our grandfather was a human being, but before the war in Ukraine he came under repression, he was later released and he volunteered, although they didn’t really want to take him, he broke through, returned wounded, spent his whole life with pieces of iron from wounds in his leg and arm. He was very strong. We did not even think that a reward was possible, given the repression that preceded the war. Help.

If it is possible to find some more information about my grandfather’s military path and you can help, we will be very, very grateful. There will be something to tell your great-grandchildren about your roots.

Home Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland Military Memorial Department Information service “Memory of the People”

Information service “Memory of the People”

​Portal "Memory of the People" created by the Ministry of Defense by decision of the Russian organizing committee "Victory" and supported by instructions from the President of the Russian Federation and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main goal of the project is to provide users with the opportunity to obtain the most complete information about the participants of the Great Patriotic War through new interactive tools and the development of generalized data banks “Memorial” and “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

The “Memory of the People” project is:

online access to 425 thousand archival documents of fronts, armies and other formations of the Red Army,
more than 100 thousand interactive maps with the locations of military units of the war years marked on them,
a database of more than 18 million records from award lists and descriptions of the exploits of soldiers and officers,
information about the primary burial places of more than 5 million soldiers and officers.

Development of information resources of the Russian Ministry of Defense,
as a form of perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland

The Russian Ministry of Defense continues to work on the development and replenishment of the interactive service “Memory of the People,” which united the existing public data banks “Memorial” and “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

Currently, the interactive service “Memory of the People” includes:

over 106.6 million digitized pages of archival operational documents of fronts, armies and formations of the Red Army (including 127 thousand files of staff documents, of which more than 48,600 files of combat logs of fronts, armies and divisions, documents and schemes for combat control ;

58.0 million records from 21.3 million digital copies of documents on irretrievable losses of the Red Army, military transit points and reserve regiments;

more than 42,000 passports of military graves, including 11,994 passports in foreign countries, with lists of those buried, documents on the places of primary burials of more than 5.0 million soldiers and officers, more than 1.2 million records of captured documents on Soviet prisoners of war;

more than 28.0 million records of awards documents;

about 51,800 historical maps and diagrams of combat operations of the headquarters of fronts, armies and divisions, 12.5 million records with information on maps about the accomplished exploits of soldiers and officers;

29.52 million cards about injuries and deaths from wounds in hospitals and medical battalions;

description of 227 main battles of the Great Patriotic War.

The intelligent system allows, using the archival documents available in the database, to reconstruct the combat path of associations, formations, military units and individual servicemen from the place of conscription to the place of death, the last place of service in the active army or return home. In July 2017, the interactive service was supplemented by the Internet portal “In Memory of the Heroes of the Great War of 1914-1918.” The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces, through the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory", has been tasked with digitizing authentic documents about the main battles, losses, awards and military graves of the Russian Imperial Army. The work will be completed by the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War in 2018.

The Internet portal “In Memory of the Heroes of the Great War of 1914-1918” contains information about 2,278,000 participants in the war, including 115,144 killed and missing, 3,066 awards, obtained from the collection of the Highest orders for the Military Department for 1914 , as well as 783 archival documents (historical materials with maps, photographs, documents of military units, newspapers and magazines of that time, as well as descriptions of seventy-six battles and military operations).

The general concept of resource development implies coverage of the entire history of Russian military operations, from 1914 to the present.

This project has no analogues in the world. Already now it represents an effective tool for protecting against attempts to falsify history. But the most important thing is an unprecedented opportunity to restore and preserve historical memory and connections between generations.

Currently, the Commission continues to work, determining the possibility of making publicly available information posted in the closed autonomous segment of the portal. As the Commission works, information will become publicly available.

Good day everyone!

Not long ago I tried to help an acquaintance find relatives who fought in the Second World War (1941-1945). Oddly enough, we managed to find his grandfather quite quickly, the number of his unit where he fought, and also looked at several of his awards. My friend was pleased and proud of his grandfather, but I started thinking...

I think that almost every family has relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War, and many would like to know more about them (which is why I decided to write this article). Moreover, many old people do not like to talk about the front, and often in the family they do not even know all the grandfather’s awards!

By the way, many people mistakenly believe (and I did until recently) that in order to find at least something, you need to know a lot of information about a person, know how to access archives (and where to go), have a lot of free time, etc. . But in fact, now, to try to start a search, it’s enough to know your first and last name.

And so, below I will consider several interesting sites in more detail...


If you have old photographs and you notice how they are getting worse and worse every year, digitize and restore them. Now any novice user can handle this -

No. 1: Feat of the people

A very, very interesting site created by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It is a large database in which all available documents from military archives are entered: where and who fought, what awards he received, what feats, etc. Absolutely everyone is included, regardless of rank and scale of feat. I can add that the size of the site’s database has no analogues.

Then you will see a list of found people: note that there can be a lot of them if your relative has a common first and last name. Opposite each person his year of birth, rank, order, medal (if any) will be displayed.

The card itself displays quite a lot of information about the person: rank, place of conscription, place of service, date of feat (if any), archival documents about the award, registration card, photo of a piece of paper describing the feat, medals and orders (example below).

In general, quite informative and complete. I recommend starting your search for a person from this site. If you are lucky and you find information about him here, then you will receive pretty decent information to continue the search (you will know the year of birth, the unit where you served, where you were drafted from, etc. details that many no longer know about).

By the way, despite the fact that all the basic information has already been posted on the site, from time to time it is updated with new archival data. Therefore, if you haven’t found anything, try to come back after some time and search again, also use the sites that I will give below.

No. 2: OBD Memorial

The full name of the site is Generalized Data Bank.

The main goal of this site is to enable citizens to find and learn about the fate of their relatives, find out their burial place, where they served, and other information.

The Military Memorial Center of the Russian Armed Forces has carried out unique work, as a result of which you can use a reference system of global importance!

The data used to populate the database of this site is taken from official archival documents located in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Central Naval Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Military Archive, the State Archive of the Russian Federation, etc.

During the work, more than 16.8 million documents and over 45 thousand passports of military graves were scanned and posted online.

How to search for a person in the OBD

Yes, in general it’s standard. On the main page of the site, enter all the information you know into the search fields. It would be very nice to enter at least the first name, last name, and patronymic. Then click the search button (example below).

In the data found, you will see the person’s date and place of birth, which you can use to navigate and start viewing the necessary profiles.

In the questionnaire you can find out the following information: full name, date and place of birth, date and place of conscription, military rank, reason for retirement, date of retirement, name of the source of information, fund number, source of information. And also look at the scanned sheet itself with archival data.

No. 3: Memory of the people

Another site with a huge database created by the Ministry of Defense. The main goal of the project is to enable all users to obtain information about participants in the Great Patriotic War through new web tools and the development of generalized data banks “Memorial” and “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

To start searching for a person, just enter his full name (if any, then his year of birth). Then click the "Find" button.

Next, you will be shown all found people with similar initials. By opening a card for a person, you will find out: his date of birth, place of conscription, military units, awards, dates of feats, numbers of funds - sources of information, archive, you can see scans of what awards were given for.

In addition, on this site you can see what the path along which your grandfather moved and fought was like. (example on the map below: the beginning of the journey near Novosibirsk, then Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny, etc.).

Note: the map is quite large, and the screenshot below shows a small piece of it.

Where my grandfather was and fought - the path on the map!

No. 4: Immortal Regiment

This is the official website of the Immortal Regiment movement. Those who live in Russia probably know and have heard about it. In general, I mentioned this site for the simple reason - that you can try searching on it (to do this, simply enter the required full name into the search term of the site).

Search by movement database (from the Immortal Regiment website)

By the way, I also want to note that the site has already collected about half a million profiles and they are constantly being added. In addition, you can tell your story about your grandfather (everything you know) and his profile will be entered into the site database (what if someone adds your information?!).

Screenshot from the Immortal Regiment website

From the soldier’s profile you can find out quite detailed information about him: full name, rank, region, locality, history, etc. An example of a card is shown in the screenshot below.

What a soldier’s profile will look like (screenshot from the Immortal Regiment website)

If you are looking for the burial place of your relatives who participated in the Second World War, I recommend that you also read this article:.

In it you will learn how to correctly create a request to the archive, how to formalize it, and where exactly to send it. In general, very useful information.

Well, that’s all for me, I hope I helped, if not find it, then at least gave useful “food” to start searching...

Generalized electronic data bank "Memorial"

The main goal of the project is to enable millions of citizens to determine the fate or find information about their dead or missing relatives and friends, and determine the place of their burial.

The implementation of the technical part of the project - the creation and content of the OBD Memorial website ( was entrusted to the ELAR corporation.

The data for filling the Generalized Data Bank is taken from official archival documents stored in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Central Naval Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Military Archive, the State Archive of the Russian Federation and its regional branches, the Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland . The main body of documents are reports from combat units about irretrievable losses, other archival documents clarifying losses (funerals, documents from hospitals and medical battalions, captured cards of Soviet prisoners of war, etc.), as well as passports of burials of Soviet soldiers and officers.

OBD "Feat of the People"

In 2010, a generalized data bank “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945” was launched. ((

Generalized electronic data bank "Feat of the People"

The resource was created on the initiative of the Department of Information Technology Development of the Russian Ministry of Defense. With its help, citizens can find information about the awards of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, find out the circumstances of the feats they performed by reading their descriptions in archival documents.

The data bank contains tens of millions of records from protocols on presentation and stubs of temporary certificates for awards, as well as on the awarding of orders and medals.

The goal of the project is to provide in the public domain complete information about military awards for exploits during the Great Patriotic War, available in Russian archives.

Portal "Memory of the People"

In 2015, the “Memory of the People” portal was launched ( This resource provides for the development of projects previously implemented by the Russian Ministry of Defense about the Second World War, OBD “Memorial” and “Feat of the People,” and also contains information about the losses and awards of soldiers and officers of the First World War.

The “Memory of the People” portal was created by decision of the Russian organizing committee “Victory” and supported by the order of the President of the Russian Federation and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. The main goal of the project is to provide users with the opportunity to obtain the most complete information about the participants of the Great Patriotic War through new interactive tools and the development of generalized data banks.

Combining all the data in one project made it possible for people to search for documents themselves, create personal archives, and study the circumstances and tragic moments of hostilities.

As part of the “Memory of the People” project, 425 thousand archival documents from the fronts, armies and other formations of the Red Army were digitized and posted on the Internet for the first time. These are original documents about the course of hostilities, orders, reports from commanders, operational descriptions of the combat situation. In addition, more than 100 thousand military maps were scanned and systematized, from which the positions of all military units marked on them were subsequently entered into the database.

In addition, more than 18 million records from award lists with descriptions of feats and nominations for awards are available on the portal. Over 12.5 million numbered awards have been digitized. Information has been opened about the primary burial places of more than 5 million soldiers and officers who died in battle or died from wounds and illnesses in hospitals and medical battalions.

The curator of the project is the Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland. Technical support is provided by ELAR Corporation.

History of development


PT Application Inspector improves the security of the online archive about World War II

To automatically check web applications of information resources about the Second World War, the PT Application Inspector application source code security analyzer is used. This makes it possible to ensure an even higher level of information security for online applications: the risks of vulnerabilities in their source code are minimized, and by automating the search for vulnerabilities, the time spent on accepting the code as a whole is significantly reduced.


Predicted winner of the Ministry of Defense tender

The company "Elar" ("Electronic Archive") will predictably begin to replenish the interactive service "Memory of the People" with information about the losses and injuries of soldiers during the Great Patriotic War and modernize the special software of the "Memorial" data bank containing information about those killed and missing during war and post-war period. She became the only participant in the Ministry of Defense tender with a starting price of 932.38 million rubles.

In the absence of competitors, the competition was officially declared invalid, but this will not become an obstacle to concluding a contract with the applicant, as stated in the protocol of the competition commission.

Elara's price offer amounted to 930.91 million rubles. Now the company has until November 24, 2017 to complete all the work, the stated purpose of which is to increase the completeness and visibility of information about the fate of front-line soldiers, “visually reflect the results of the work of the Ministry of Defense” in this area, as well as solve the problems of patriotic education of the younger generation.

Cancellation of tender

Tender for replenishment of the “Memory of the People” service and modernization of the “Memorial” data bank

The Ministry of Defense will add information to the interactive service "Memory of the People" and modernize the "Memorial" data bank. The corresponding competition with a starting price of 932 million rubles was announced on March 20, 2017.

The Ministry of Defense will replenish the “Memory of the People” service and modernize the “Memorial” data bank

The project requires increasing the completeness and visibility of information about the fate of front-line soldiers, including those killed and missing during the Great Patriotic War (WWII). It is also necessary to reflect the results of the work of the Russian Defense Ministry to perpetuate the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland.

The contract executor will have to develop the “Memory of the People” interactive service, based on operating results and user feedback. The result of this should be an increase in functionality, improved ergonomics of the web interface, increased relevance of search results for user requests, easier navigation of historical documents by users while simultaneously increasing their type and volume.

In addition, the customer expects to analyze information security events and optimize the software and hardware complex that ensures the functioning of services and databases.

The main part of the work is related to the processing of archival documents and the creation of an electronic information resource to replenish the existing sections of the “Memory of the People” service. In particular, documents clarifying losses (burial books, files with ZSP information), as well as documents about injuries and deaths from wounds in hospitals and medical battalions must be processed. Additionally, the service should be supplemented with information from captured documents and documents contained in foreign archives about Soviet prisoners of war and those buried abroad.

In addition to this tender, on March 20, the Ministry of Defense announced two more similar competitions. The first requires supplementing the data bank “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” of the interactive service “Memory of the People”, containing information about awards and military operations during the Great Patriotic War. The work is estimated at 328 million rubles.

The second competition involves filling the Memorial data bank with personal information and electronic images of documents on losses during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period. The works for this competition are valued at 15 million rubles.


Modernization of the "Memory of the People" portal

The portal, which contains the most complete database and documents about the course of hostilities and participants in the Great Patriotic War, has an updated interface and is fully adapted for use on mobile devices, as well as an improved search system.

In addition to modernizing the site interface, the ability to search for information on the portal has been improved. For example, it is now possible to more accurately determine the circumstances of the end of the combat path of war participants. Data on places of disposal and places of primary burials are distinguished, as well as lists of those who died in a particular hospital at the time of its location in a certain place and lists of those who died in the same hospital in other territories.

During 2015, data from geographic maps during the war were correlated with modern maps, which now show recruiting sites, military transit points, and deployments of military units. By tracking the combat path of a soldier or officer on a map, the visitor studies in detail the history of military operations of specific units using combat logs and unit documents - the system links all documents relating to a particular person automatically. In 2015, data on the place and time of feats were also introduced, and lists of awards, sorted by date, appeared on the search results page in the “War Heroes” section. Thus, users immediately get an idea of ​​the chronology of heroic milestones in the fate of their grandfather or great-grandfather, and then can find out the circumstances of the exploits.

According to a representative of ELAR, during the May holidays of this year, the portal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “Memory of the People” was visited by almost 1 million people, and more than 9 million documents were viewed.

The People's Memory portal has been updated with 3 million new pieces of information

The ELAR Corporation, together with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, completed in the spring of 2016 the next stage of entering records from documents of military transit points and military commissariats into the data banks of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: the Memory of the People portal and the Memorial OBD website were replenished by more than 3 million information.

During 2015, information on 15 million records of fates, places of disposal and primary burials was plotted on modern maps. More than 250 thousand documents were entered to clarify losses. Added 6 million records of awards for the defense, capture and liberation of cities and territories. As a result of the digitization of case files, 500 thousand data were identified about awards not given to heroes with the history of their exploits. 12.5 million records are supplemented with the place and date of the feat. Data and documents “In Memory of the People” are also available on the portals “Memorial” and “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” accordingly,” Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Dmitry Bulgakov, commented on the current results of the work.

The speaker recalled that the “Memory of the People” portal was opened exactly a year ago to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The project of the Russian Ministry of Defense is based on the use of new IT tools based on the combined data banks “Memorial” and “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,” as well as the digitization and placement in the public domain of new archival documents and data.

Thanks to the pooling of resources, users search for information in a consolidated manner using the tools of an intelligent search system. The “Memory of the People” portal system automatically displays a selection with similar data about a war participant about his awards, exploits, place of death or burial. Moreover, now users can see the entire combat path of a WWII participant. Places of conscription, participation in military operations, military transit points, and deployment of military units are marked on a modern map, correlated with maps from the war. The portal contains more than 100,000 original battle maps. By tracking the combat path of a soldier or officer on a map, the user has the opportunity to study the history of military operations of specific units in detail - the portal system automatically displays a selection of combat logs and operational management documents. The portal has published more than 425 thousand documents from armies and fronts on 216 military operations. The resource developers have recreated the structure of the Red Army on a given date.

Today, the portal has collected and made available information about the primary burial places of more than 5 million soldiers and officers who died in battle or died from wounds and illnesses in hospitals and medical battalions. Relatives and friends, having learned the address of the primary burial and finding this place on historical and modern maps, will be able to bring back the memory of the feat of their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, noted Maxim Bayuk, Deputy Director of the Projects Department of the ELAR Corporation.

On the portal you can see the lists of those who were conscripted in one or another military registration and enlistment office, find out how the roads of battles of fellow countrymen crossed. Users can save the found data in the “Personal Archive”. “Personal archive” can be supplemented independently with documents, photographs, letters - everything that is stored in home archives, and accessed from any electronic devices.

2014: Development of data banks and creation of the “Memory of the People” service

In 2014, the Ministry of Defense held a competition for the development and replenishment of publicly available data banks “Memorial”, “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” and the creation of an interactive service “Memory of the People”.

As part of the project, it was necessary to modernize the software of generalized data banks and develop the “Memory of the People” service.

In addition, it was necessary to carry out work on processing documents from the period of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, replenishing sections of the system with new documents related to irretrievable losses and awards, and operational actions.

The new service “Memory of the People”, based on interactive wartime maps and modern navigation systems, was supposed to be filled with archival documents on decision-making to control combat operations, on the results of major military operations, allowing one to visually trace the movement of units during combat operations and link specific episodes these operations with the corresponding documents from the Memorial ODB and the Feat of the People ODB.

The winner of the competition and the executor of the contract was the ELAR Corporation. All work cost the ministry 1.1 billion rubles.

2007: Creation of OBD "Memorial"

In 2007, on the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Generalized Data Bank "Memorial" was created.

The Military Memorial Center of the RF Armed Forces carried out work that was unique in scale, technology and timing, as a result of which an information and reference system of global significance was created, which, according to the project developers, has no analogues in world practice.

The OBD was created by scanning, processing and entering archival documents stored in the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defense and in the Military Memorial Center of the Russian Armed Forces into an Internet information retrieval system.


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