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Pyotr Afanasyevich Yakovlev(September 8, 1925 - October 18, 1944) - participant in the Great Patriotic War, commander of the machine gun crew of the 449th Kaunas Infantry Regiment of the 144th Infantry Division of the 5th Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front, Hero of the Soviet Union, Red Army soldier.


Born on September 8, 1925 in the village of Titovka, now Shumyachsky district, Smolensk region, in a peasant family. Russian. In 1939, his family moved to the village of Selyuty. Here in 1941 Pyotr Yakovlev graduated from the 8th grade of high school. During the Nazi occupation of the Smolensk region, Yakovlev was taken to hard labor in Germany, but along the way he escaped and went to the partisans. After the liberation of the area, in September 1943, Peter was drafted into the Red Army.

At the front since October 1943. As part of the 449th Infantry Regiment, he took part in the liberation of Belarus and Lithuania.

In the summer of 1944, the rifle regiment, where Yakovlev served as a heavy machine gun gunner, broke through enemy defenses in the area of ​​Vitebsk and fought forward. On the outskirts of the Bogushevsk station, the Nazis put up stubborn resistance. Our infantry lay low under heavy enemy fire. Komsomol member Pyotr Yakovlev was the first to attack and burst into the station. He quickly installed a machine gun and cleared the way for the advancing units with fire. By order of the regiment commander, he was awarded the medal “For Courage.”

Among the first, Pyotr Yakovlev crossed to the western bank of the Berezina. He especially distinguished himself in the battles for the capital of the Lithuanian SSR, the city of Vilnius. A Nazi unit, surrounded in one of the city blocks, tried with all its might to break out of the ring. Peter set up his machine gun at a street intersection and with well-aimed fire struck down the fleeing fascists. With the help of two machine gunners, he repelled several counterattacks, destroying a large number of enemy soldiers and officers. For the courage shown during the liberation of Vilnius, Pyotr Yakovlev was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Machine gunner Yakovlev performed a heroic act while crossing the Neman River. On July 25, 1944, in the area of ​​the village of Rumshishki (south of the city of Kaunas, Lithuania), enemy machine gunners from the opposite bank furiously fired at the crossing. Their fire was so dense that several boats that had already set sail from the shore had to return. Yakovlev was the first in the regiment to cross the river by boat. Having installed a machine gun, he suppressed 2 enemy firing points in several bursts, which made it easier for the remaining units of the regiment to cross. The Nazis launched several counterattacks on the machine gunners' position. Soviet soldiers repulsed the last attack with grenades. The last belt remained in Yakovlev’s machine gun, and he himself was wounded. He destroyed more than 80 soldiers and officers in this battle.

The offensive continued. On October 18, 1944, while breaking through enemy fortifications near the city of Kibartai (Lithuania), Yakovlev died a heroic death.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 24, 1945, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism displayed, Red Army soldier Pyotr Afanasyevich Yakovlev was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


  • Medal "Golden Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union;
  • The order of Lenin;
  • Order of the Red Star;
  • Medal of Honor".


  • He was buried in the city of Kybartai (Lithuania).
  • In the village of Petrovichi, Smolensk region, where the Hero studied, a memorial plaque was installed.

With the help of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, an electronic bank “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945” was created. which is located at, where you can find information about the exploits and awards of your fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers by first and last name. The search takes place using military archival documents that have been digitized and entered into the site database.

How and where to look?

The “Feat of the People” website is the most complete and up-to-date database on participants in the Great Patriotic War - there is information about almost all soldiers. At the first stage of digitization from 2010 to 2015, 30 million records were made on the awarding of orders and medals “For Courage” and “For Military Merit”, as well as information on 22 million Orders of the Patriotic War I and II degrees for the 40th anniversary of the Victory, and also 200 thousand archival files with a total volume of 100 million sheets!

Such a huge amount of work was done for the main goal of the project:

The main goals of the project are to perpetuate the memory of all heroes of the Victory, regardless of rank, scale of feat, award status, military-patriotic education of youth using the example of the military exploits of their fathers, as well as creating a factual basis to counter attempts to falsify the history of the War.

There are 3 main search options:

  1. Search for people and their awards
  2. Search for decrees and awards orders
  3. Search data by place and time

To find a person, use the first search option, to do this, open the website and go to the “People and Awards” tab and enter the last name and first name of the person whose awards you want to find.

To search for decrees and data on the location of military operations, we recommend using another site - “Memory of the People”, which will be discussed below.

If you want to search by award number, you will not be able to do this, because... Award numbers are not indicated in the award documents.

If information about a person’s fate is not known, then the “Feat of the People” website will not suit you, because... it does not contain data on the dead or missing. Such information should be searched on the website, trying different spellings of surnames and names because wartime documents may have contained errors in the name or date of birth.

Let us remind you that the initiator of this project is the Department for the Development of Information and Telecommunication Technologies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and technical support is provided by the ELAR company. Thanks to them for this site!

The information is taken from two funds: the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (CA MO) and the Central Naval Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (CVMA).

Memory of the people

Later, a more modern website was opened “Memory of the People” with documents of the Second World War, which has a more pleasant design and, most importantly, more information, maps and historical data.

With the help of the “Memory of the People” portal, it has become even easier to reconstruct the military path of your grandfather, find documents about injuries and awards.

The People's Memory project was implemented in accordance with the decision of the Russian Victory Organizing Committee of July 2013, supported by the instructions of the President and the Decree of the Russian Government in 2014. The project provides for the publication on the Internet of archival documents and documents about the losses and awards of soldiers and officers of the First World War, the development of the projects previously implemented by the Russian Ministry of Defense about the Second World War OBD Memorial and Feat of the People into one project - Memory of the People.

On the page you can familiarize yourself with the plans of 226 operations with detailed diagrams on the map. Each page about the operation contains the names of commanders and numbers of military units, as well as a description of the result of the operation.

Figure 1 - Modern map of combat operations during the Second World War.

On the page you can find military graves in your city. Just enter the name of the city and click the “Find” button. In total, it contains information about 30,588 burials around the world, except the United States.

Figure 2 - Military graves indicating first and last names.

The page about the burial contains information about its condition (good, bad, excellent), type of burial, number of graves, number of known and unknown buried. Also available on the page is a list of those buried with names and dates of birth and death.

Burachkov Petr Ivanovich born in 1918, sergeant. In the army since 1942, before conscription, he lived in the city of Irkutsk. On June 27, 1944, due to illness, he was declared unfit for combat service and removed from the register. -4;

Semyon Andreevich Burdenin, born in 1915, Red Army soldier. Upon demobilization in 1946, he left the 892nd Infantry Regiment, 238th Infantry Division for the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Burdin Alexey Andreevich, born in 1914, senior sergeant. Upon demobilization from the 1775th ZAP SD, he was sent to the city of Ufa, registered in 1946 by the Nizhneudinsky RVC. -1;

Burdin Alexey Andriyanovich Born in 1915, sergeant. Participant in combat operations as part of the 190th separate air defense armored train from January 1, 1943 to May 9, 1945. Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Defense Lane 11. -5с1; 9;

Burdov Mikhail Nikitovich Born in 1909. Participant in combat operations as part of the 309th separate rifle battalion from April 1942 to February 1944, as part of the 15th Guards Airborne Regiment, 4th Guards Airborne Division from January to May 9, 1945. He was wounded in the left hand and cheek. Lived at Sheberta station. -5s10; 9;

Burisov Mikhail Vasilievich Born in 1915, native of the village of Krasnoe Selo, Leningrad Region, senior lieutenant. Participant in combat operations as part of the communications battalion, 28th Rifle Corps from June 15 to September 27, 1941. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the Medal “For Courage”, and the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. Lived in Nizhneudinsk, Gogol Street 81-46, died in 1997. -2; 9;

Burisova Antonina Grigorievna Born in 1918. Partisan of the Suvorov partisan detachment, Minsk formation from October 20, 1942 to April 25, 1944. Awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Lived in Nizhneudinsk, Gogol Street 81-46, died in 1996. -8; 9;

Burlakov Nikolai Mikhailovich Born in 1924, senior sergeant. Participant in combat operations as part of triage evacuation hospital No. 963. After demobilization in 1945, he left for the Tofalar region. Lived in the village of Ust-Kadui (Atagay), died in 2002. -1;8; 9;

Burmakin Alexey Kuzmich Born in 1901, sergeant. Called up by the Nizhneudinsk RVC, before being drafted he lived in the Nizhneudinsk district. He was wounded on January 22, 1943 by a bullet in the left foot, resulting in a broken bone. On April 20, 1943, he was declared unfit for combat service with re-examination after 6 months. -4;

Burmakin Vasily Mikhailovich Born in 1914, private. Participant in combat operations as part of the 813th separate automobile battalion, 6th Army from June 22 to November 1941. From November 5, 1941 to January 18, 1943, he was in occupied territory and in captivity. Filtration took place in Novo-Moskovsk in 1943. Lived in the city of Alzamay, Parkovy lane 29. -5с10; 9;

Burmakin Georgy Ivanovich Born in 1924, junior sergeant. Participant in combat operations as part of the 30th Cavalry Regiment, 59th Cavalry Division from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Upon demobilization in 1947, he left the 207th separate machine-gun and artillery battalion for the Uda-2 station. Lived in the village of Shumsky, Vostochnaya Street 4, died in 1996. -1; 5s12; 9;

Burmakin Grigory Semenovich Born in 1915, private, 5th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Guards Division. Called up by the Nizhneudinsk RVC, before being drafted he lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk. Wounded on April 5, 1942 in the area of ​​the right eye and left thigh. In 1942, in evacuation hospital No. 3148 in the city of Molotov, he was declared unfit for military service with re-examination after 6 months due to the absence of the right eye and weakened vision of the left eye. The certificate was added to the pension file of the Nizhneudinsk City Security Service.

Burmakin Dmitry Kuzmich, born in 1905, Red Army soldier. Upon demobilization in 1945, he left the 36th separate army base maintenance company for the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Burmakin Ivan Stepanovich born in 1912, Red Army soldier. Upon demobilization in 1946, he left the 886th Infantry Regiment for the village of Katarma. -1;

Burmakin Mikhail Semenovich born in 1923, Red Army soldier. In the army since August 1942, drafted by the Nizhneudinsk RVK, lived before conscription in the city of Nizhneudinsk, 7th Rabochaya Street 30. On December 10, 1942, due to illness, he was declared unfit for combat service and was excluded from the register. -4;

Burmakin Nikolai Vasilievich, born in 1907, corporal. Upon demobilization from the 224th howitzer-artillery regiment, 114th rifle, Svir, Red Banner division, he was sent to the Tulun district, registered in 1945 by the Nizhneudinsky RVC. -1;

Burmakin Pavel Kuzmich Born in 1903, Red Army soldier. In the army from November 5, 1941, before conscription, he lived in the village of Alzamay. Wounded on March 5, 1942 by a shell fragment in the left forearm. In October 1942, he was declared unfit for combat service with re-examination after 6 months. -4;

Burmasov Leonid Mikhailovich Born in 1923, private. Military service in the 27th reserve rifle regiment from September 15, 1942 to March 15, 1943. Awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Lived in the city of Alzamay, Melnichnaya street 11. -2; 5p; 9p;

Burmistrov Vasily Stepanovich born in 1925, soldier. After demobilization in 1947, he left for the Nizhneudinsky district. -1;

Burnaev Grigory Prokhorovich Born in 1925, private. In the army since 1943, drafted by the Nizhneudinsk RVC, before being drafted he lived in the Nizhneudinsk region. Wounded on January 14, 1944 by a shell fragment in the right leg. On May 8, 1944, he was declared unfit for combat service and was excluded from registration due to the amputation of his left leg. -4;

Burnaev Dmitry Alyappovich? Born in 1921, senior sergeant. Upon demobilization in 1946, from the 62nd separate fighter anti-tank artillery, Ussuriysk, brigade, the RGK left for the Pitaevsky Village Council. -1;

Burnashov Mikhail Ignatovich Born in 1918, senior sergeant. Participant in combat operations as part of the 1270th Artillery Regiment from September 1942 to January 1943, as part of the 290th Artillery Regiment from January 1943 to May 9, 1945. Participant in the liberation of Vienna, Prague, Budapest. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, medals “For the capture of Vienna”, “For the liberation of Prague”, “For the capture of Budapest”. Lived at Khudoelskaya station, 4721 kilometers, died in 1989. -5с17; 9;

Burov Alexander Andreevich, born in 1912, sergeant major. Upon demobilization, he was sent to the Chita region, registered in 1945 by the Nizhneudinsky RVC. -1;

Burov Ivan Ivanovich Born in 1902, sergeant. In the army since 1941, before conscription, he lived in the Valentin (Wapenrin) area. Wounded on February 9, 1942 by a mine fragment in the upper third of his left shin. On May 12, 1942, he was declared unfit for combat service with re-examination after 12 months. Upon demobilization from the 16th Army Reserve Rifle Regiment, the 36th Army was sent to the Kuibyshev region, registered in 1945 by the Nizhneudinsky RVK. Ivan Ivanovich Burov, born in 1902, is included in the book of memory of the Irkutsk region, volume 4. February 13, 1942. -1; 4;

Burtsev Alexey Ivanovich Born in 1918, sergeant major. Participant in combat operations as part of the 15th reconnaissance battalion, 57th motorized rifle division from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, medals “For Courage” and “For Victory over Japan”. Lived in the village of Porog. -5p; 9p;

Anatoly Yakovlevich Burykh, born in 1925, corporal. Upon demobilization in 1947, he left the 254th Infantry Regiment for the village of Nizhny Khinguy. -1;

Semyon Fomich Burykh, born in 1910, Red Army soldier. After demobilization in 1946, he left for the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Buryagin Vladimir Filippovich Born in 1923, native of Kazakhstan, captain. In the army since February 1942, drafted from the city of Cheremkhovo. Participant in hostilities from February 15, 1942 to May 9, 1945. Awarded medals “For Courage” and “For Military Merit”. Demobilized in 1947. Lived in the village of Podgorny, Lesnaya street 3, died in 2012. 5of;

Buryagin Grigory Ivanovich Born in 1918, native of the village of Yazovka, Smolensk region, foreman. In the army since 1939, before conscription he lived in the Nizhneudinsky region. Wounded on July 21, 1943 by a bullet in the left forearm. On October 18, 1943, he was declared unfit for combat service with re-examination after 6 months. Awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, as a disabled veteran of the Second World War. Lived in Nizhneudinsk, Lenin Street 51-18. -4

Buryagin Nikolai Ivanovich Born in 1926, native of the village of Katarbey, private. Participant in combat operations as part of the 22nd Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade, 3rd Tank Army from October 10, 1944 to May 9, 1945. Awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Pushkin Street 18-23 (Chapaeva 19). -2; 5с3; 9p;

Busarov Mikhail Nikitovich born in 1926, Red Army soldier. In the army since 1944, drafted by the Nizhneudinsk RVC. On July 26, 1944, due to illness, he was declared unfit for combat service with re-examination after 3 months. -4;

Busygin Vasily Vasilievich Born in 1918, native of the village of Shilkino, Kuibyshev region. Participant in combat operations as part of the 247th Artillery Regiment, 278th Infantry Division from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Transportnaya street 60. -2; perhaps see Vladimir.

Busygin Vladimir Vasilievich Born in 1918, senior sergeant. Participant in combat operations as part of the 847th Artillery Regiment, 278th Infantry Division from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, 2nd Western Street 4-2 (Kashika 61-32), died in 2009. -5с8; 9;

Busygin Egor Nikitovich Born in 1900, private. Participant in combat operations as part of the separate Caucasian Army from October 1919 to December 10, 1922, at the headquarters of the 59th Khingan Cavalry Division from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Upon demobilization in 1945, he was sent to the Nizhneudinsky RVC. Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Kolkhozny lane 5. -1; 5s14;

Butakov Pavel Gavrilovich Born in 1918, private. Participant in combat operations as part of the 1202nd Guards Regiment, 389th Artillery Brigade. He was awarded the medal “For Courage”, 2 medals “For Military Merit”, medals “For the Defense of Leningrad”, “For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic”. Lived in the village of Kaksat, left the Nizhneudinsky district. -9p;

Butanov Bertai Nurmakhaimedovich Born in 1923, private. Participant in combat operations as part of the 780th Infantry Regiment from April to August 1942. Participant in the defense of the city of Stalingrad. He was a prisoner of war, served in the Turkestan Legion of the German Army in France, had weapons and received a salary, was convicted, and rehabilitated. Awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Lived in the city of Alzamay, Pesochnaya street 6. -5с3;

Perfiy Pavlovich Butin, born in 1910, Red Army soldier. Upon demobilization in 1946, from the 67th Infantry Regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs troops for the protection of the Eastern Railway, he left for the village of Khudoelanskoye. -1;

Butina Lidia Fedorovna, born in 1923, Red Army soldier. Military service as part of the 55th separate VNOS battalion from December 6, 1942 to June 22, 1944. The WWII veteran certificate was awarded on July 12, 2007; there is no evidence of participation in hostilities. Lived in the village of Khudoelanskoye. -8; 9p;

Butlitsky Rakhmi....born in 1920, sergeant major. Upon demobilization in 1947, he left the Dnieper naval crew for the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Butuzov Vasily Ignatievich Born in 1913, sergeant. Wounded at the front on March 26, 1944 in the right shin. On February 13, 1945, in evacuation hospital No. 5866, he was recognized as a disabled person of the Patriotic War with re-examination after 3 months. The certificate was added to the pension file of the Nizhneudinsk City Security Service.

Butyrin Viktor Mikhailovich born in 1917, senior sergeant Upon demobilization in 1945 from the 180th SR (sapper company?), 7th Red Banner, fortified region, he was sent to the Nizhneudinsky RVC. -1;

Butyrin Petr Mikhailovich born in 1899, Red Army soldier. In the army from November 1943, before conscription, he lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Kashika Street 126. On April 30, 1944, due to illness, he was declared unfit for combat service with re-examination after 6 months. -4;

Butyrin Prokopiy Mikhailovich Born in 1912, native of the city of Nizhneudinsk, junior sergeant. Participant in combat operations as part of the 368th separate automobile battalion from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Upon demobilization in 1946, he left the 46th Automobile Regiment of the SVGK for the city of Nizhneudinsk. Awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Lived in Nizhneudinsk, Pobeda Lane 8-2. -1; 2; 5с2; 9p;

Butko Vasily Timofeevich Born in 1921, native of the village of Ut, junior sergeant. Participant in combat operations as part of the 293rd Motorized Rifle Regiment from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Awarded the medal "For Victory over Japan", the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Profsoyuznaya street 19. -2; 5с3; 9p;

Butko Danil Alexandrovich Born in 1927, native of the village of Orik, foreman of the 1st article. Participant in combat operations as part of the 18th detachment, 1st division, 2nd brigade of the Port Arthur naval base of torpedo boats from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Awarded the medals “For Victory over Japan”, “For the Liberation of Korea”, and the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Lived in Nizhneudinsk, Mayakovsky Street 14, died in 1999. -2; 5s10; 9;

Butko Mikhail Alexandrovich Born in 1926, senior sailor. Participant in combat operations as part of the Kirkenes Great Hunters Brigade of the Northern Fleet from January 1944 to May 9, 1945. Lived in the village of Solontsy. -5с13;

Butko Semyon Timofeevich Born in 1919, sergeant major. Participant in combat operations as part of the 74th Cavalry Border Detachment from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Awarded the medal "For Victory over Japan". Upon demobilization from the 74th border, Red Banner, detachment of troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Trans-Baikal District, he was sent to the city of Pavlodar, registered in 1946 by the Nizhneudinsky RVK. Lived in Nizhneudinsk, Alleynaya street 27-1, died in 1987. -1; 9;

Butkov Mikhail Vasilyevich born in 1892, Red Army soldier. In the army from December 25, 1941, before conscription, he lived in the Kuryat farm, MTF. On January 10, 1943, due to illness, he was declared unfit for combat with re-examination after 4 months. -4;

Bukharin Viktor Matveevich Born in 1906, Red Army soldier. A certificate of illness is included in the folder with admission certificates: in the army since 1942, wounded on August 17, 1945. Upon demobilization in 1946, he left evacuation hospital No. 3964 for the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Bukharin Leonid Viktorovich Born in 1927, captain. Participant in combat operations as part of the 12th Air Army from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Awarded the medal “For Military Merit” and “For the Defense of Leningrad”. The WWII participant certificate was issued by the Leninsky RVK of the city of Irkutsk. Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Krasnopartizanskaya street 72-51, died in 2000 -5of;

Bukhreev (Bukreev) Viktor Samoilovich, born in 1924, corporal. Upon demobilization in 1945, he left for the city of Nizhneudinsk from the 285 ORR (the stamp on the entry certificate is “1484th evacuation hospital”). -1;

Bukhtiyarov Georgy Mikhailovich born in 1914, corporal. Upon demobilization in 1946, he left the 624th artillery regiment of the ARGC for the city of Nizhneudinsk-1;

Bukhtiyarov Pavel Mikhailovich Born in 1904, Red Army soldier. In the army since 1941, before conscription, he lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk. Wounded on April 3, 1943 by mine fragments in the right forearm, right shin and abdominal cavity. On October 15, 1943, he was declared unfit for combat service. -4;

Bukhturbaev Nikolai Innokentievich, lived in the village of Alygdzher. -information from the Tofalar administration.

Buchalov (Bukalov) Ivan Yakovlevich, born in 1909, Red Army soldier. After demobilization in 1945, he left for the Alzamay station. -1;

Buchnev Nikifor Evdokimovich Born in 1897, Red Army soldier. In the army from June 15, 1942, before conscription he lived in the Nizhneudinsky region. Wounded on the Western Front on March 5, 1943 by a mine fragment in the left forearm. On July 1, 1943, he was declared unfit for combat service with re-examination after 6 months. -4;

Bush Robert Ernostovich Born in 1925, private. Participant in combat operations as part of the 113th Infantry Regiment and the 307th Infantry Regiment from May 30, 1942 to September 19, 1944. Certificate of injury from the military medical museum - he was treated in evacuation hospital No. 931 in the city of Nizhneudinsk. Lived in the village of Khudoelanskoye, 1st Lesnaya Street 38, left the Nizhneudinsky district. -5с1; 9p;

Bushin Vasily Stepanovich Born in 1919, sergeant major. Participant in combat operations as part of the 42nd separate rifle brigade from October 1941 to June 1942, as part of the 222nd rifle division from October 1942 to January 8, 1943. He had 2 wounds in his right leg and was disabled during the Second World War. Awarded the Order of the Red Star. Lived in the city of Alzamay, Nagornaya street 46, died in 2009. -9;

Bushinsky Pyotr Fedorovich born in 1909, corporal. Upon demobilization in 1945, he left the 536th Infantry Regiment for the Nizhneudinsky district. -1;

Bushmilev Nikita Fomich, born in 1905, Red Army soldier. Upon demobilization in 1945, he left the 67th regiment of the NKVD troops for the protection of railways to the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Bushmin Ivan Mikhailovich born in 1907, senior sergeant. Upon demobilization in 1946, he was sent to the Nizhneudinsky RVC. -1;

Byzov Alexey Makarovich Born in 1920, native of the city of Nizhneudinsk, senior Red Navy man. Participant in combat operations as part of the 73rd separate anti-aircraft artillery division, 300th air defense brigade from August 9 to September 3, 1945. After demobilization in 1946, he left for the city of Nizhneudinsk. Awarded the medal "For Victory over Japan", the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Lived in Nizhneudinsk, Gogol Street 87-22. -1; 2; 5s15; 9;

Byzov Vasily Dmitrievich, born in 1921, sergeant major. Upon demobilization in 1946, from the Tambov Military Aviation School, pilots of the Red Army Air Force left for the city of Nizhneudinsk, Sovetskaya Street 52. -1;

Byzov Evgeniy Mikhailovich born in 1919, Red Army soldier. Upon demobilization in 1946, he left the 3rd separate disciplinary battalion for the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Byzov Elizar Fedorovich, born in 1904, guard junior sergeant. According to a certificate from the Nizhneudinsk RVC submitted to the city social security service, he served in the Soviet Army since May 1944. Upon demobilization in 1945, the RGK left the 55th Guards Howitzer-Artillery Regiment, Mogilev, for the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Byzov Ivan Ananyevich, born in 1899, junior sergeant. After demobilization in 1945, he left for the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Byzov Mikhail Mikhailovich born in 1922, private. Upon demobilization in 1946, he left the 153rd heavy self-propelled tank, Red Banner, regiment for the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Byzov Petr Dmitrievich Born in 1925, native of the city of Nizhneudinsk, corporal. Participant in combat operations as part of the 111th Motorized Rifle Regiment from August 9 to September 3, 1945. After demobilization in 1948, he left for the city of Nizhneudinsk. Awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Osoviakhimovskaya street 15 (Kirova 2-41). -1; 2; 5s11;

Byzova Galina Ivanovna, born in 1922, private. After demobilization in 1945, she left for the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Bykov Alexander Grigorievich, born in 1906, private. In the army since March 1942, drafted by the Nizhneudinsk RVK, before conscription he lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Dimitrova Street 36. On June 23, 1944, due to illness, he was declared unfit for combat service with re-examination after 6 months. According to the commission's conclusion, the disease is not associated with being at the front. -4;

Bykov Ivan Kharitonovich Born in 1903, Red Army soldier. In the army from November 25, 1941, before conscription, he lived in the village of Shum-Muksut. Wounded on March 10, 1942 in the South-Western direction. On June 15, 1942, he was declared unfit for combat service and removed from the register. Lived in the village of Shum. Ivan Kharitonovich Bykov was included in the book of memory of the Irkutsk region, volume 4, on February 22, 1942, the village of Kleymenogo, Kursk region. -4;

Bykov Ilya Stepanovich born in 1926, private. Military service as part of the 104th military recovery train from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Participation in combat operations has not been confirmed. Lived in the city of Alzamay, Sovetskaya street 70. -5с15;

Bykov Pavel Kharitonovich Born in 1919, native of the village of Katarbey, senior sergeant. Participant in combat operations as part of the 184th separate sapper battalion from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Upon demobilization in 1945, he was sent from the 184th separate engineer battalion to the Nizhneudinsk station to work on railway transport. Awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Lomonosova street 18. -1; 2; 5с2;

Bykov Petr Ivanovich born in 1919, private. Military service as part of the 225th separate chemical protection regiment from August 1942 to June 1946. Participation in hostilities has not been confirmed. Lived in the village of Atagai. -5с3;

Bykov Petr Ignatievich Born in 1919, private. Participant in combat operations as part of the 524th Infantry Regiment, 112th Infantry Division from January 1, 1943 to May 9, 1945. Awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, medals “For Military Merit” and “For Victory over Germany.” Lived in the village of Atagai, Nizhnyaya street 14. -5с10; 9;

Bykov Stepan Kharitonovich born in 1908, Red Army soldier. In the army from February 1943, before conscription he lived in the Nizhneudinsky region. On November 18, 1945, due to illness, he was declared unfit for combat service with re-examination after 12 months. -4;

Bykov Timofey Ivanovich Born in 1915, sergeant major. Participant in combat operations as part of the 1099th Infantry Regiment from September 1942 to May 9, 1945. Certificate of injury from EG No. 974 dated August 9, 1943. Awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad". Upon demobilization in 1945, from a separate reserve rifle battalion, the 90th Ropshinskaya Rifle Division, he left for the city of Nizhneudinsk, 13 Lomonosova Street. Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, 3 Matrosova Street -1; -5с1; 9;

Bykov Yakov Fedrovich? Born in 1916, sergeant major. Upon demobilization from the 115th separate battalion of the NKVD troops, he was sent to the Yaroslavl region, registered in 1946 by the Nizhneudinsky RVC. -1;

Bystrov Boris Lvovich born in 1910, sergeant major. Upon demobilization, he was sent to the Krasnodar Territory and registered in 1945 by the Nizhneudinsky RVC. -1;

Mikhail Stepanovich Bystrov, born in 1922, soldier. Upon demobilization in 1947, he left the 15th separate local rifle company for the Nizhneudinsky district. -1;

Bystryakov Nikolay Ivanovich Born in 1921, senior sergeant. In the army since 1940, drafted by the Nizhneudinsk RVK, before conscription he lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Nagornaya street 11. On May 28, 1944, due to illness, he was declared unfit for combat service and was excluded from the register. According to information from Belousova’s (Bystryakova) sister Liliya Ivanovna, he subsequently received severe shrapnel wounds. He was admitted to the hospital in Novosibirsk in 1945, from which his mother brought him to the city of Nizhneudinsk. He was being treated in a hospital located at school No. 3; operations to remove fragments were carried out by transport hospital surgeon K.F. Nikonova. He died after another operation on May 9, 1945. -4;

Bychkov Alexander Petrovich Born in 1913, sergeant. Participant in combat operations as part of the 1383rd Infantry Regiment from February 20 to July 26, 1943. Awarded the medal "For Courage". The documents confirming the delivery of the WWII certificate included a certificate of illness from evacuation hospital No. 1558 dated November 19, 1943, exempted from military duty No. 235 dated December 15, 1943. The certificate of war participant was awarded “due to injury.” Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street 16. -5с13; 9;

Bychkov Anatoly Nikitovich (Nikiforovich-1) Born in 1924, Red Navy man. In the army since 1942, drafted by the Nizhneudinsk RVC, before conscription he lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Komsomolskaya street 8. Military service in September-October 1943. On February 8, 1944, due to illness, he was declared unfit for combat service with re-examination after 1 year. Disabled WWII. Lived in the village of Uk, Garazhnaya street 28. -4; 9p;

Byakhirev (Vyakhirev?) Andrey Filimonovich born in 1904, Red Army soldier. Upon demobilization in 1945, he left the 377th separate horse-drawn transport company for the village of Shipitsina. -1;

Vavilikhin Alexey Nikitovich Born in 1922, native of Khingui station. Participant in combat operations as part of the 127th separate rifle regiment. Upon demobilization he was sent to the Primorsky Territory, registered in 1947 by the Nizhneudinsky RVC. He was awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” and the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, as a disabled veteran of the Second World War. Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Krzhizhanovskogo street 21-7. -1; 2;

Vavilikhin Petr Nikitovich born in 1925, Red Army soldier. Upon demobilization in 1945, he was sent to the Nizhneudinsky RVC. -1;

Vavilkina Tatyana Lvovna born in 1921, junior sergeant. Upon demobilization in 1945, the RGK left the 70th separate communications regiment for the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Vavilov Vasily Semenovich Born in 1926, private. Participant in combat operations as part of the 176th separate mortar regiment from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Awarded 2 medals “For Courage”. Lived in the village of Verstovsk. -5с3; 9;

Lidia Nikandrovna Vagaytseva, born in 1923, junior sergeant. Upon demobilization in 1945, she left for the Uk station from the 616th airfield maintenance battalion, 9th Air Army. -1;

Vasily Efimovich Vaganov, born in 1904, Red Army soldier. Upon demobilization in 1945, he left the 1st Infantry, Order of Suvorov, regiment for the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Vaganov Grigory Petrovich born in 1910, corporal. Upon demobilization in 1945, he left the 796th separate reconnaissance artillery division for the city of Nizhneudinsk. -1;

Vagin Vasily Vlasovich Born in 1907, sergeant of the 852nd Infantry Regiment. Wounded in the Stalingrad direction by a mine fragment in the right thigh, right foot, right hand with bone damage. On August 4\31, 1943, in evacuation hospital No. 3990, he was declared unfit for combat service with re-examination after 6 months. The certificate of illness was added to the pension file of the Nizhneudinsk City Security Service.

Vagin Sergey Konstantinovich Born in 1920. Participant in combat operations as part of the 5th Tank Corps, 5th Tank Army, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts from July to November 1943. Awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Lived in the city of Alzamay, Nogornaya street 3-1. -2;

Vagin Sergey Ksenofontovich Born in 1925, senior lieutenant. Participant in combat operations as part of the 5th Tank Corps, 5th Army from July to December 1943, as part of the 362nd Guards Tank Regiment from December 1, 1943 to May 1944. He had a slight wound and concussion. Awarded the medal "For Military Merit". Lived in the city of Alzamay, Nagornaya street 3. -5of;

Vagina Olga Vladimirovna Born in 1926, partisan. Participant in hostilities as part of partisan detachment No. 8 in Belarus from 1942 to 1944. She was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, the medal “Partisan of the Great Patriotic War,” and the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, as a disabled veteran of the Second World War. Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Dorozhnaya street 3a-11. -9i;

Vagurin Alexander Petrovich Born in 1926, private. Participant in hostilities since January 1944 as part of the 13th separate battalion, 16th Army. Awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, as a disabled veteran of the Second World War. Lived in the village of Shvaikina, died in 2000. -2;

Vaiko Ivan Petrovich, born in 1893, Red Army soldier. In the army since 1942, before conscription he lived in the Nizhneudinsky region. On December 17, 1942, due to illness, he was declared unfit for combat service and removed from the register. -4;

Vakin Pavel Efimovich Born in 1921, native of the village of Dolgorukovo, Penza region. Awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, as a disabled veteran of the Second World War. Lived in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Turgenev Street 28. -2;

Valdaev Alexey Petrovich Born in 1913, senior lieutenant. Participant in combat operations as part of the 96th separate anti-tank division, 12th rifle division from August 9 to September 3, 1945. Awarded the Order of the Red Star. Lived in Nizhneudinsk, 2nd Znamenskaya Street 30-8, died in 1993. -5of;

Valeev Mukhamedar Gusanovich, born in 1919, corporal. Upon demobilization in 1946, he left the 432nd separate rifle regiment for Nizhneudinsk station. -1;

Golovin Dmitry Ivanovich

1918 - 1999

Golovin Dmitry Ivanovich was born in 1918 in the city of Kupyansk, Kharkov region in the family of a railway worker. His father was a machinist. But during the Civil War, my father was seconded to the management of the South-Eastern Railway in Voronezh. There was a war with Kolchak on the Don. Afterwards the family moved to the Grafskaya station on the same road. This is where Dmitry Ivanovich studied. After finishing 10th grade in 1935, he went to study at the Voronezh Railway Technical School. After studying for 3 years, I had to quit my studies due to family reasons. He began working as an electrician at the village power plant. In 1940, when there was a war with Finland, he volunteered to join the army.

In 1941, the Great Patriotic War with Germany began. Dmitry Ivanovich served in different units: he worked as a driver, drove an ambulance train, served in air units, maintained aircraft, at radio stations, charging stations, was wounded in the leg, and got sick.

He returned from the war in August 1945, was discharged as a group II disabled person, and was not fit for physical labor.

During the raids and bombings of Voronezh and its environs by fascist aircraft in 1943, a bomb hit the parents’ house at the Grafskaya station, where there was a locomotive depot and the NKPS Bridge-train. After the bombing, a crater 2 meters deep remained in place of the house. Everything perished along with the house. The soldier returned to the broken trough. Elderly parents huddled with neighbors. There was no means of subsistence, no help. I got a job at Mosto-zavod as a mechanic at a housing and communal services station, but there was no housing. When my father died in 1946, I had to leave my homeland and go with my mother to her sister in the city of Murom, Vladimir region. He worked in Selelektro as a mechanic on the construction of a power plant for three collective farms. There is a lot of work, hard work, on your feet. They paid in kind. After working, I felt that I couldn’t cope with such work with such health. My legs stopped moving completely. I had to leave. From 1950-1955 worked in the city of Zhigulevsk on the construction of the Kuibyshev hydroelectric power station, first as a mechanic and then as a mechanic, but due to health reasons I had to leave again. 1955-1957 worked as a teacher in a high school, taught electrical engineering in high school in the village. Mekhonka, Kurgan region.

1957-1964 State farm "Pioneer" Talitsky district of the Sverdlovsk region worked as a mechanic in labor-intensive agricultural production processes. He was the inventor of a steam plant for the production of animal feed. For this, at a competition in Omsk he was awarded a valuable gift and received a patent.

1964-1979 With. Nalobikha, Kosikhinsky district of the Altai Territory, head of the VUS. While working in Nalobikha, he conducted a lot of public, patriotic work among schoolchildren and youth, where he talked about the exploits of soldiers during the Second World War, about the exploits of youth and children who also helped the army, the partisans, how the Germans dealt with them.

In the village of Nalobikha, a People's Druzhina was created, created by Dmitry Ivanovich, which gathered young people and protected the peace of all citizens at any time, all events at school, club, and at the railway station.

Working in the village council, he helped veterans who had very dilapidated housing to get an apartment in Barnaul with all the amenities. For the sick and wounded, he sought a voucher for treatment in a military hospital in the city of Barnaul. Organized Victory Day celebrations with awards for WWII participants on the 25th anniversary, 30th anniversary (1970, 1975)

A lot of work was carried out together with military commander I.V. Anikaev with pre-conscripts from the school. After finishing the 10th grade, guys who wanted to study at military schools were sent through the military registration and enlistment office: to a tank military school in Chelyabinsk and Blagoveshchensk, signalmen in Kemerovo, Letnoye in Barnaul, combined arms in Novosibirsk , pontoon boats were trained in Omsk, military doctors were trained in Tomsk. All those who entered graduated successfully and rose to high ranks, and then worked in headquarters, in military committees in regional centers and cities. And there are quite a few of them from our school; I can’t name everyone, but such as: Golovin S., Lidnev V., Levin I., Levin E., Shchukin V., Fefelov Iv., Plotnikov G., Zubov G., Polkovnikov V., Karnyushkin V., - majors, lieutenant colonels, colonels. Everyone is already retired. G. Morozov, V. Taran served in the KGB, worked in the city of Barnala.

Dmitry Ivanovich has two children: a son, Sergei, a major tank driver, and a daughter, who graduated from the Novostbirsky Agricultural Institute.

Retired since 1978, since 1979 lived in the village Zalesovo (district center) of the Altai Territory, where he was buried in 1999, lived a difficult life, full of worries and anxieties.


P Olkovnikov Fedor Ivanovich was born on August 24, 1927 in the village of Polkovnikovo, Kosikhinsky district. Education - 4th grade. Before the army, he worked as a general worker at the Ovchinnikovsky Elevator. In 1944, Fyodor Ivanovich was drafted into the army in the city of Biysk, where he was trained for the front. At the end of April, some of them were taken to the front. They took him to Novosibirsk, where he celebrated the victory over Germany. Westerners returning from Germany went to the East. Fyodor Ivanovich also went with them to liberate China from Japan. He was in the horse-drawn artillery. The war ended.

Fyodor Ivanovich took part in the artillery parade in September 1945. The parade took place in the city of Ussuriysk. After the parade, Fedorov Ivanovich was sent to replace the old soldiers. After formation, he ended up in a tank unit, where he served until 1951. In total, he served in the defense of our Motherland for 7 years. He was not wounded. He returned to his job in Zagotzerno as a carpenter. In 1967, he went to work at an oil depot, where the director was also a war veteran, Mikhail Nikolaevich Pankovsky. Fyodor Ivanovich worked as a fireman. For conscientious work he was awarded the “Winner in Socialist Competition” badge in 1975. He has medals “For Victory over Germany”, “For the liberation of Chinese lands”, and anniversary medals, as well as certificates of honor.


Roman Andreevich Dremov was born in October 1908 in the village of Verkh-Bobrovka, Kosikhinsky district. He really wanted to study, but his father didn’t let him go to school: “...what’s the point of teaching you?” After joining the collective farm, Roman Andreevich began working on a tractor. For good work he was awarded 3 Certificates of Honor and a medal “For the Development of Virgin and Fallow Lands.” When the Great Patriotic War began, he worked in Chelyabinsk at a military plant where tanks were produced. In the fall of 1942, Roman Andreevich was sent to the front. After the end of the war, he returned to his native village and continued to work on a tractor. It was difficult to work, the equipment was very old, he had to be repaired often, but despite these difficulties, he tried to work well. In 1968 Roman Andreevich is retiring.

Dremov Roman Andreevich was awarded the Jubilee medals: “30 years of the Great Victory”, “60 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR”.


Bessonov Andrey Mikhailovich

Bessonov Andrei Mikhailovich was born in Chemrovka on December 22, 1901. Before the war, he worked on the collective farm “Zavety Ilyich” as a thresher driver. In 1929, he was drafted into the Red Army and served in Chita. After service, he worked until 1935 on the railway. In 1936 he moved to live in the village of Sokhorevo and worked as a mechanic. In 1941, after the start of the Great Patriotic War, he was taken to the front.

He received his first baptism near Leningrad, where he was wounded in the legs. On April 26 he was hospitalized. After recovery, he continued to fight, then due to health reasons he was in the economic company. Participated in the liberation of Warsaw and the storming of Berlin. On December 2, 1945 he was demobilized and returned to N-Chemrovka. In 1951 he moved to Prokopyevsk, where he worked in the Uyatsky quarry department until March 31, 1964. In 1968 he moved to the village of Nalobikha. Lived and worked here. He has awards: “For the victory over Germany”, received on June 22, 1948, “For participation in the storming and liberation of Warsaw”, received on March 10, 1947, as well as anniversary medals. On November 16, 1945, Andrei Mikhailovich received a Certificate of Gratitude from Stalin. For conscientious work, Andrei Mikhailovich was awarded diplomas.


Sankov Leonty Mikhailovich was born in 1905. He was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army in 1941 by the Romanov military registration and enlistment office.

Leonty Mikhailovich fought from 1941 to 1945. First he fought in the 19th Parachute Airborne Brigade, later he fought in mortar units and at the end of the war in the infantry.

Leonty Mikhailovich participated in the liberation of the hero city of Stalingrad, the Kursk Bulge, the city of Volgograd, Ukraine, Warsaw, Germany. Unfortunately, he did not reach Berlin. Leonty Mikhailovich had 3 wounds, the last time he was wounded in battle during the liberation of Frankfurt-on-Oder a few meters from Berlin. When Leonty Mikhailovich was sent to the front, he was only 36 years old. For military services to the Fatherland he was awarded “ Order of the Red Star" And 5 medals. After the war, he continues to work conscientiously. Leonty Mikhailovich was a Stakhanovite, “Shock Worker of Communist Labor,” and was awarded certificates of honor and medals.

Smyshlyaev Afanasy Spiridonovich

“HERO of the Soviet Union, during the Great Patriotic War in the battles for the liberation of Hungary”



Afanasy was born in 1918 in the village of Ovchinnikovo, Kosikhinsky district, Altai Territory, in the family of the chairman of the collective farm, Spiridon Smyshlyaev. The school where Afanasy studied was dilapidated, they studied by the light of a kerosene lamp, but this did not prevent him from studying well. Afonya studied without a “3”. This inquisitive, restless boy gave his father no rest, asking every now and then: “Dad, why is this so? Why, why...?” There is no end to them, it even irritated my father. It happened that he received a slap or a slap on the head for this.

Time flew quickly. An alarming year 1931. ...It was in this year that the boy’s fate changed. There was some kind of misunderstanding on the collective farm (the children were not told anything), and the father got involved in this matter. He was exiled to Kemerovo to work in a mine. After working for a short time in the new place, my father was caught in a mine collapse and died.

It was difficult for the mother to raise 4 children and she got married. Afon did not like his “new father, stepfather” and he went to his uncle at the station - this was the Pesterev family.

Uncle Pesterev, Alexey Maksimovich, lived at the Ovchinnikovo station. Afonya was the sixth child in his family. Here he graduated from 7th grade.

Time flew by, the boy’s consciousness grew, the boy loved school, tried to study without B grades. Everyone was amazed by his tenacity, thirst for knowledge, he was never distracted when doing his homework, “... he sat down to do his homework and you couldn’t stop him.” And then my cousin Boris pesters me with his questions and requests. But it was difficult to tear him away from his studies. Bora has a short answer: “I’ll finish doing my homework and then.....”

After graduating from 7th grade, Afonya went to work in a factory, and then at an oil depot. While working at the oil depot, one summer an incident occurred that cannot be forgotten. The workers began to open the hatch of the tank filled with gasoline (at that time it was pumped out manually) and a small mistake occurred, and gasoline poured onto the tanks and a fire broke out. Without a moment's hesitation, he rushed to the tank and closed the hole with his body. But when he returned home, he sat in the water for 3 hours, his whole body burned badly. And when asked why you climbed, he replied: “I couldn’t do otherwise.”

In 1939, he was drafted into the Soviet army. From the personal file record of participant V.O.V. Smart Afanasy Spiridonovich: participated in the V.O.V. since June 1941. Afanasy Spiridonovich fought with his fellow countryman Ivan Polkovnikov. Died on March 7, 1945. He threw himself under a tank with an anti-tank grenade. Thus, he stopped the movement of the tanks.

BY DECREE OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE USSR COUNCIL dated June 29, 1945, the title was POSTHUTHALLY conferred


Patrakov Ivan Mitrofanovich, Participant of the Great Patriotic War

Ivan Nikolaevich Borisov


Pankovsky Mikhail Nikolaevich

Mikhail Nikolaevich Pankovsky was born in 1913 in the village of Bolshoye-Ponyushova, Altai Territory (near the city of Aleysk). The family consisted of 5 children and a mother; the father died in Western Belarus or Western Ukraine, as his mother told him. In 1914, they arrived on a horse-drawn train to the free lands of Siberia and dismounted on a large plain, where they dug dugouts and in such housing all visiting families spent the winter. They worked for the rich, and the children also earned their living. We went to school after some time. We studied in the summer, went barefoot and the clothes were very worn out, in the winter we sat at home, but if there was at least one “booth” in the family, they took turns running to lessons, of course the one who wanted to learn to write and count. My dad was one of these. The children were thin, half-starved, but they also ran, frolicked, and played. But they remember that the feeling of hunger was present all the time. Mother had to help feed us, and there were all boys, so I, the youngest, when I turned 6 years old, was also sent to work for the kulak (there were no collective farms in distant Siberia yet). He worked in the field, first he drove the horse, which plowed the land, and then he plowed himself, the work began at 6 o’clock in the morning and ended until it got dark. For this I received food: a piece of black bread and a mug of milk, and spent the night in the hayloft.

I studied at school in the same village, finished 3rd grade. My mother passed away very early, my older brother took me into his family, where there were 3 children, I was the only four, in this family I graduated from 7 classes of the school for working youth, and completed courses for projectionists.

My independent life began: the collective farm gave me transport - a bicycle and I showed silent films accompanied by music played on a gramophone.

In 1931, he wrote an application to the military registration and enlistment office of the city of Aleysk

to serve in the Red Army. Served in the Far East. Malmysh got married here and stayed for long-term service. In 1940, he returned with his family to the city of Aleysk, went to work at the Aleysk oil depot, as a receptionist (deputy director), worked until 1942 (they were not taken to the front, because the enterprise had reservations and was considered a military installation), this year There were fierce battles on the outskirts of our capital. Mobilization began and the reservation was lifted, and I went to defend my homeland. The war began on the Kalinin Front in the Stalinist Altai-Sibirik brigade,

renamed the 189th Guards Artillery Regiment, as a sergeant major.

Participated in the liberation of the Baltic states. In 1942 he took part in the liberation of cities:

Belye Luki, on July 12, 1944, liberated the city of Idritsy, which opened the way to Latvia; on July 21, they liberated the railways of junctions and powerful strongholds in the Riga direction of the cities: Dvinsk, Rezhitsa. This is where I ended the war. But he was demobilized only in 1946, and returned home in the summer of the same year.

Awarded medals: “For Courage” No. 1189181, “For Victory over Germany” 1941-1942 and, of course, Jubilee medals.

After returning home, he returned to the Aleysk oil depot and was immediately sent to study in Tashkent

for courses for oil supply directors. After returning

supervised several oil depots in the Altai Territory. He worked at the Ovchinnikovskaya oil depot for the longest period of time, 23 years. I retired from this oil depot in 1974. Work experience as a manager from 1947-1974. For his conscientious long-term work in this system, he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and medals: “Veteran of Labor”

“For the development of virgin and fallow lands.” We raised 5 children with my wife Evdokia Mikhailovna, who was the heart and stronghold of our family.

A communist, he was accepted into the Communist Party of the Soviet Union at the front after the battle in 1942. He actively participated in the life of the village and was elected as a deputy of 14 convocations. He passed away in 2001.

Ivan Alekseevich Cherkasov


Petr Alekseevich Cherdantsev


Mikhail Sergeevich Ladygin was born on March 12, 1920 in the Cherladsky district of the Omsk region.

Mikhail Sergeevich finished 6 classes and started working. At first he worked as a laborer, and then was appointed to the position of storekeeper on Ovchinnikovsky

meat processing plant On December 12, 1940 he was drafted into the army and served in the Baltic states. When the war began, he served in howitzer artillery.

Mikhail Sergeevich was seriously wounded twice. And in 1943 he was demobilized and returned home. The homeland highly appreciated the soldier’s military merits. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree, and Jubilee medals.


Nikolaev Andrey Grigorievich was born in 1905 in the Pskov region in the village of Abizhe, Amosovsky village council.

In 1925 he came to the village of Nalobikha, Kosikhinsky district. He worked in a railway depot. He was in the Armed Forces

drafted in August 1941. He served and fought on the Stalingrad Front under the command of Marshal Chuikov in a separate battalion of machine gunners, as a foreman. He took part in the Stalingrad operation on the Kursk Bulge, reaching the city of Krakow in Poland. He was seriously shell-shocked twice and slightly wounded once.

During the war he was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the Order of Glory, 1st class.

After the end of the war, he continued to work at the railway depot, and after retiring, he worked in the grain processing plant whenever possible. For conscientious work he was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor”.


Perfilyev Ivan Alekseevich was born on February 10, 1916. He finished one grade of school, knew how to read, write, and count. Ivan Alekseevich fought in Japan. He was the commander of a mortar crew. The commander was the communist Comrade Malinovsky. Ivan Alekseevich was familiar with the division commander Kryuchkov, Marshal Vasilevsky, Votutin, the general of the army. When the city of Harbin was taken, 30 thousand Russian White Guards approached there. The Japanese and some kulaks surrendered, and the White Guards and kulaks were badly battered, their divisions fled. But Russian soldiers, risking their lives, liberated the city and the entire surrounding area. After the end of the war, Ivan Alekseevich worked in Sevastopol, and then moved to the Altai Territory. He worked on the railway as a driver for a long time. He was awarded the medal “For Victory over Japan.” For conscientious and long-term work he was awarded with certificates and thanks.


Tanygin Fedor Markelovich was born on August 25, 1924 in the village of Kontoshino, Koshikhinsky district. He graduated from 5th grade and began working as a tractor driver on his native collective farm. He was drafted into the army in 1942. In 1943, he was sent to the front as part of the 65th Tank Regiment as an anti-aircraft gunner. Went from the Oryol-Kursk arc to Orel. From Orel to Berlin with 9 battles. He ended the war in Berlin. Fyodor Markelovich received medals:

“For the capture of Berlin”, as well as “For Victory over Germany”. During the war, Poland had to be liberated from the fascist yoke. He received the medal “For the Liberation of Warsaw.”

For one of nine battles, Fedor Markelovich was awarded the Order of the Red Star. He was demobilized in 1947. After the war, he came with his family to Nalobikha. Here he got a job at the state farm “Luch of October”, as a driver. For continuous conscientious work, Fedor Markelovich was awarded the title of “Veteran of Labor”.

At the age of 60 he retired.



Shabanov Petr Vladimirovich was born in 1916 in the Novosibirsk region. He received a full 3rd grade primary education. Then he studied the profession of a railway inspector, where he worked all his life. In 1941 he was called up to the front. He served on the Korean front, passed through the whole country and ended his heroic journey in Norway. After the end of the war, he returned to the village of Nalobikha and again began working on the railway, working as an inspector.

Pyotr Vladimirovich received awards for military merits: two medals “For the Defense of Sevastopol” and 5 anniversary medals.

Antipov Nikolay Mikhailovich

Antipov Nikolai Mikhailovich was born on April 5, 1924 in the village of Parfenova, Topchikhinsky district. Graduated from 9th grade. At school he joined the ranks of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union. When the war began, he was called to the front. Nikolai Mikhailovich fought as part of the 21st Mountain Cavalry Division of the 38th Front.

From memories.....

“Once upon a time in the Voronezh region in the village of Olkhovka there was a battle. I thought... at least I wouldn’t be wounded, and then... a shrapnel hit my hand... and I continue to hit the enemy until the end of the battle.”

For his heroic deed committed in battle, Nikolai Mikhailovich Antipov was awarded the “Order of the Red Star and the Order of the Patriotic War.” After the front, he returned to Nalobikha and worked at the Luch Oktyabrya state farm as a vulcanizer. Awarded anniversary medals.


Bukhtoyarov Stepan Vasilievich was born on July 16 in the village of Vyaznovka, Voronezh region. In 1933 he was drafted into the Red Army. He served for 4 years in the Pacific Fleet as the first mechanic of torpedo boats. After finishing his service, he came to Altai to the village of Tarabu, Kytmanovsky district. From here he was taken to the front in 1941. He fought as a member of the sea hunters, as a private. After the end of the war, he continued to serve until 1945 in the Far East, participated in the war with imperialist Japan, and was demobilized in the same year.

In 1947 he moved with his family to Nalobikha, worked for a long time as a driver in the Ovchinnikovskaya Autorot, then at a grain elevator. For conscientious work during the development of virgin and fallow lands, he was awarded the medal “For the development of virgin and fallow lands.”

Stepan Vasilyevich recalls... “it turned out that I fought in the unit where I served on active duty. Due to illness he was taken ashore to Vladivostok. Here I drove the rear admiral. But the risk was great, we were under fire when we had to deliver him to the front line, but I was probably lucky, not a single bullet hit me.”


Eshchenko Maxim Dmitrievich was born in the city of Penza in 1910. Before the war he worked at a copper mine in the city of Balkhash. In August 1942 he was called up to serve in the infantry. He fought on the Kerch front, Novorossiysk, on Bald Mountain, was in Armavir, near Rostov, in the Caucasus, in Krasnoyarsk. In 1945 he served in the Moscow Engineering Regiment. In the same year he was demobilized. He has awards: medal “For Courage”, “For the Development of Virgin and Fallow Lands”, “Order of Victory”. During the battles, he was wounded twice in the arm by an explosive bullet, in the thigh, and shell-shocked. After the end of the war, he returned to the mine and worked as a mining foreman for 4 years. He lived out his life in the village of Nalobikha.



Bortenyev Alexander Mikhailovich was born on September 23, 1924 in the village of Nalobikha. He graduated from 7 classes. Then he entered the Federal Educational Institution in the city of Khabarovsk. After studying, I stayed to live in this big city, I wanted to see the world. But he didn’t have to enjoy it for long, to tempt fate. In 1940, he was a master of industrial training. But the harsh year of 1941 came, a year of testing. They didn’t take him to the front because he was needed in the city, but they wanted him. In 1942, he voluntarily joined the navy. Served and fought in Japan in the Northern Fleet. The Japanese often carried out various tests; such as, for example, psychic attacks, hand-to-hand attacks with the use of edged weapons, the Russians liked to catch them suddenly, by surprise. Therefore, there was iron discipline here.

For courage, bravery and courage, Alexander Mikhailovich was awarded: “Medal for Courage”, “For Victory over Japan”, “For Victory over Germany”, “Order of the Patriotic War” and anniversary medals. Alexander Mikhailovich served until 1950 in the Baltic, in Leningrad . He worked as a master of industrial training for the army, passing on his experience to young people. I often thought about my native side, I was drawn to my native places. Alexander enters the agricultural school, after graduating, he moves to the village of Nalobikha, Kosikhinsky district. He worked as a veterinarian from 1951-1984 until he retired. For conscientious work he was awarded diplomas and a medal “For the development of virgin and fallow lands.”


Druzhinin Pyotr Mikhailovich was born in the village of Novaya Derevnya, Kosikha district, on December 14, 1920, and received a 2nd grade education. Even before the war, he moved to Kosikha, where he lived and worked. From Koshikha in 1941, Pyotr Mikhailovich was taken to the front. He served in the Far East, took part in battles with imperialist Japan, and was wounded there.

After World War II, Pyotr Mikhailovich remained to live in Kamchatka, working as a driver. In the 60s he moved to the village of Nalobikha. Due to health reasons, he could not work as a driver and worked as a fireman.

Pyotr Mikhailovich went into retirement in 1979. Has anniversary awards: “15 years of the Armed Forces”, “30 years of Victory over Germany”, “60 years of the Armed Forces”.

Kartashov Viktor Kuzmich born in 1927, lived on the lane. Bazarny, 29, participated in battles with Japan from July 1945 to September 1945...

1138th Rifle Regiment, military base No. 1411494, 892035


Kuznetsov Pyotr Filippovich was born on June 25, 1925 in the Altai Territory, Soloneshensky District, village of Lyutaevo. From childhood, Pyotr Filippovich helped his elders in any work, he learned to work, since he graduated from the 1st grade of school, there was no opportunity to study. In 1930, he moved to the village of Nalobikha. Pyotr Filippovich worked all his life, with the exception of 3 years of war, at the state farm “Luch of October”.

In 1941, Pyotr Filippovich was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army to defend his homeland from Nazi Germany. He fought near Staraya Russa, where he was wounded during an attack. After treatment in the hospital, a medical examination found him unfit for military service and he returned to

Nalobihu worked at his old job until he retired.

Peter Philippovia was awarded 5 Juiley Medals. For conscientious work he was awarded Certificates of Honor and memorable souvenirs. BORTENEV_ALEKSANDR_MIHAILOVICH.docx

Ivashchenko Alexander Ivanovich fought as part of the 257th convoy regiment. During the battles, he transported prisoners from near Kursk and Smolensk to Siberia and the Urals. Alexander Ivanovich fought until the end of the war.

Returned home to Nalobikha. He worked on the railroad and was the chief conductor of a train. Now he is on a well-deserved rest.

Alexander Ivanovich has government awards: “Order of Glory III degree”, “Order of Courage” and 5 anniversary medals.


Kubarev Ivan Vasilyevich was born in 1905 in the month of May, in the village of Petrovka, Troitsk region. Ivan Vasilyevich did not study at school. He went to work early on a state farm - it was a small artel.

He was called to the front in 1941 and served as a corporal in an artillery regiment.

Ivan Vasilyevich fought until victory. Returned to his homeland with awards; medals: “For the capture of Keninsberg”, “For Courage”, “For Victory over Germany”, “For valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War” and anniversary medals. He returned home in 1945, had no injuries, continued to work on his native collective farm until his retirement, and then moved to Nalobikha to his son Nikolai Ivanovich Kubarev.

Kushinov Ivan Tikhonovich born in 1926 lived on the street. Smyshlyaeva, 31.

Fought from June 1944 to August 1945, 225th regiment, military base No. 1411537. Fought with Japan. Awarded the medal "For Courage"


Nesterov Nikolai Grigorievich was born in 1925 in the Ryazan region, Shatsky district, the village of Novocherneeva. Nikolai had a secondary specialized education, then graduated from college. Before the war, he worked in Moscow as a mechanic at the ball bearing plant No. 1. He was drafted into the army on December 10, 1943 into the Air Force. He traveled through Belarus along the roads of the war, and then took part in the war with Japan. In September 1945, he was shell-shocked and was in the hospital. He has government awards “Order of the Patriotic War” and 7 anniversary medals. After the end of the war, he continued to serve in the army, and then switched to civilian life and became the head of the Kaluga regional base. Then he moved with his family to the Troitsky district and began working as a manager of a branch of the Red Banner collective farm, and then moved to the Kosikhinsky district and began working at the Luch Oktyabrya state farm. He worked here before retiring.



Ryabtsev Semyon Ivanovich was born in 1914 in the village of Polkovnikovo, Kosikhinsky district. Graduated from primary school. In 1934 he graduated from the Biysk school of car drivers. After receiving the profession of a driver and before leaving for the front, he worked in the Ovchinikovsky Automobile Motor Company.

In 1941, Semyon Ivanovich was drafted to the front. He fought in the automobile troops.

In his GAZ truck, he transported ammunition, transported infantry on the march, and transported the wounded to the rear. Three times during the war he changed the car, since two were destroyed by shells, and one simply could not withstand the front roads. Semyon Ivanovich himself, having gone through the entire war, was never wounded. And he walked along front-line roads from Moscow to Poland. After the end of the Great Patriotic War, some of them were transferred to the east. Semyon Ivanovich participated in the defeat of imperialist Japan. He returned home only in 1946. For participation in the war he received awards: medals “For Victory over Germany”, “For Victory over Japan”. After returning home, he worked as a driver in a motor vehicle fleet, and then as a driver at the Ochinnikovsky elevator.

Ryabtsev Semyon Ivanovich member of the CPSU.

He passed away on May 10, 1963.

Sukmanov Alexey Filippovich

born in 1924, lived on the street. Neftebazovskaya, 9. Fought from November 1942 to May 1945. Howitzer brigade military base №1411410


Cheremisin Ivan Andreevich was born on November 15, 1920, in the Tambov region, Tambov district, in the village of Marushenka. Before the war he worked as a driver at SHT. Ivan Andreevich was awarded medals: “For the development of virgin and fallow lands”, “For long-term work”, “For Victory over Japan” and 9th anniversary medals.

Ivan Andreevich served in the East,...., fought with the Japanese. He rose to the rank of corporal. He was wounded in the stomach; after the operation, fifty percent of the intestines remained. Having recovered a little, he voluntarily fled from the hospital to the front to destroy the enemy, in a hurry, he forgot all the documents. And later he finds out that the hospital was blown up. When Ivan Andreevich was in the hospital, his relatives received a funeral; upon returning home, they did not let him in, since his mother could not recognize him and believe that he was alive. After the war, he worked on the “Giant” collective farm as a foreman, and then as the chairman of this collective farm.

Ivan Andreevich went through the difficult roads of life. He held high positions, was the director of a creamery, the chairman of the Red Banner collective farm, the deputy director of the Luch Oktyabrya state farm and the master builder of this state farm.

Andriyanov Ivan Silatievich

Andriyanov Ivan Silatievich was drafted into the active army from the first days of the war. The first time I was in Kytlas. Then he ended up in the 363rd Infantry Regiment in the city of Smolensk. He was wounded near Vitebsk and was treated at the Rybinsk hospital. The battle near Bila Tserkva lasted two weeks. He was here until the complete defeat of the Germans. After the hospital, he continued to fight in Izhevsk, then again he suffered shell shock and went to the hospital. He was demobilized in 1943 due to illness. After the front he worked in private security.


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