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Series ""Torpedo - fire!"" (2 books) (Pyotr Zaspa)

Format: audiobook, OGG Vorbis, 64kbps
Peter Zaspa
Release year: 2016
Genre: sci-fi action, hits
Publisher: "Absool" free book
Artist: Sergey Larionov (babau7)
Duration: 23:36:58

Nowadays. The pride of the Northern Fleet, the Russian nuclear submarine "Dmitry Novgorodsky" goes on a campaign - on duty in the middle Atlantic.
The campaign is like a campaign, if it were not for the presence on board of a military specialist with cunning equipment.
The high command ordered some secret experiment to be carried out at sea.
And spent...

The cold summer of 1942, in the midst of World War II. You will never return back.
No matter which shore you land on, strangers are everywhere.
The main thing is that their own, Soviet, will not stand on ceremony with the crew.
And the nuclear submarine "Dmitry Novgorodsky" involuntarily becomes
a kind of "Nautilus", a homeless sea wanderer.
But it is difficult to remain indifferent when your grandfathers and great-grandfathers are fighting and dying nearby.

And a requiem for the PQ-17 caravan is about to sound nearby.
The crew decides to start fighting against the fascist reptiles.
Nuclear reactor providing a virtually unlimited cruising range
and complete autonomy, excellent acoustic equipment,
jet torpedo missiles "Waterfall", the latest MANPADS - all this does
"Dmitry Novgorod" a formidable weapon in the fight against the fleet of the Third Reich.
The submarine cruiser starts a new combat campaign.
Rather, he continues what he started ...

Duration 12:18:14

She disappeared from the radar in 2011. And - appeared in 1942. The Russian nuclear submarine "Dmitry Novgorodsky" continues its military campaign - already in a different time. The submarine cruiser becomes a formidable weapon in the fight against the fleet of the Third Reich. Operation Wunderland is conducted by Professor Ernst Schaeffer.
"Wunderland" is one of the main hopes of the Third Reich to win the war. Hitler did not hesitate to provide the heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer for the operation. The secret German base "Wunderland" is located on the northern tip of Novaya Zemlya. Just so the base is not found. But by chance, the first officer of the Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker, Dolgov, ended up on the shore, in Murmansk. And there, fate pushed him against Professor Schaeffer, SS Obersturmführer, Himmler's favorite, adventurer and spy ... And the situation around the submarine is heating up. Everyone is after her. And the Soviet ships as well. Beria himself arrives in Murmansk to personally lead the hunt for the ghost submarine...

Duration 11:18:45


Spin Series (3 books) (Robert Wilson)

Author: Robert Wilson
Release year: 2016
Genre: Science fiction
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Mikhail Roslyakov
Duration: 46:40:58
Description: Book 1. One late October evening, a twelve-year-old boy, Tyler Dupree, went out into the yard and looked at the sky. As if waiting for this, the stars suddenly all at once flashed brightly and went out. Darkness consumed them. Tyler and his best friends, Jason and Diana Lawton, witnessed what became known as "Spin" and determined the course of their lives. The world has changed. The sun has almost stopped...

but I

Project "Utopian Russia". Utopia first. New uniform for the Russian armed forces from Gaddafi (Rushazh Vladimir)

Author: Rushazh Vladimir
Release year: 2014
Genre: Journalism

Performed by: Mad Man
Duration: 03:06:47

but I

Andrey Goncharov Cycle Project "Chronos"

Author: Andrey Goncharov
Release year: 2016
Genre: Fantasy, alternate history, hits
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of books: 4 books
Description: A group of scientists at the top leadership of Russia has developed a top secret project to throw an operational-investigative group into the past. Three agents, two men and one woman, must deal with the mysterious death of Emperor Nicholas I on the spot, expose the criminal and thereby change the vector of bad luck that has since haunted the Russian Empire. The task is much more difficult...


Mysterium Mystery Cycle (Julian Sedgwick)

Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Julian Sedgwick
Release year: 2016
Genre: Children's detective
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of books: 3 books
Description: Danny Wu is used to secrets. He - the son of an English illusionist and a Chinese gymnast - grew up in the Mysterium circus and knows how to do a lot of unusual things. Show card tricks. Hypnotize. Read the emotions of the interlocutor like an open book. Break free from shackles. It's not difficult if you learn from early childhood... But on the day your parents died, childhood ended. Now Danny lives with an aunt who is a master of investigative journalism, goes to sh...

but I

Project "Utopian Russia" (Rushazh Vladimir)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 80 kbps
Author: Rushazh Vladimir
Release year: 2014
Genre: Journalism
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Performed by: Mad Man
Duration: 04:31:09
Description: Say what you like, but Stalin managed to bring to life one interesting utopia in his time, which, perhaps, broke all records in terms of the speed of its development. The general secretaries who followed Stalin consistently dismantled this utopia, leaving Russian civilization bare-assed, and now we are facing the same problems as a century ago. Are you not interested in what a utopia might look like, which in our time can ...


Syndicate "Thunderer" (Mikhail Tyrin)

Format: audiobook, OPUS, 32kbps
Author: Mikhail Tyrin
Release year: 2016
Genre fiction
Publisher: Audioportal Andrey Kravets
Artist: Andrey Kravets
Duration: 11:29:18
Description: The police chief of the city of Zarybinsk, on duty, was ready for any surprises - but not for the fact that the mysterious events unfolding in his quiet town would be connected with a supernova explosion in opposite corners of the Galaxy. And the news that the paratroopers who came to his rescue had nothing to do with the Russian Army completely knocked him off his feet. "Destroy...


Russian-French-Uzbek phrasebook / Ruscha-fransuzcha-o "zbekcha so" zlashgich (R. Kodirova / R. Qodirova)

Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Author: R. Qodirova / R. Qodirova
Release year: 2006
Genre: Learning foreign languages
Tashkent: Iqtisod-Moliya
Language: Uzbek
Number of pages: 69
Description: Russian-French-Uzbek phrasebook


"Silver Threads" A cycle of radio programs (Danilin Alexander)

Format: audio performance, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Danilin Alexander
Year of release: 2003-2016
Genre: Psychology
Publisher: Radio Russia
Artist: Danilin Alexander
Duration: 852:11:53
Description: "Since August 15, 2016, our radio program has not been on the air. The last broadcast was on the 11th. Radio Russia closed all programs that work under the contract. I don't know the reasons. It seems to me that other sites are already writing about the reasons What a year in a row. The radio program "Silver Threads" is closed. We recorded 30 training cycles, conducted a huge number of live broadcasts in one way or another connected with the mysteries of...


Cycle "Tomorrow War" (Alexander Zorich)

Author: Alexander Zorich
Year of issue: 2005-2008
Genre fiction
Publisher: various
Artist: Valery Kukhareshin, Kirill Petrov, Nikolai Savitsky
Duration: 65:58:36
Description: 1. Tomorrow is war "Tomorrow is war" - one of the best Russian-language examples of the "space opera" genre. The action of the book takes place on the eve of a big war, against the backdrop of a confrontation between two systems of traditional human civilization with its capital on Earth, and Concordia with its caste system and the widespread use of human cloning technology. Although, it would seem, at the beginning of the novel, the sky ...


Cycle "Pilot" (Alexander Zorich, Klim Zhukov)

Format: audiobook, OGG Vorbis, 64kbps
Author: Alexander Zorich, Klim Zhukov
Year of issue: 2013-2014
Genre fiction
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Herhill
Duration: 59:08:55 Description 1. Dream PilotThe cycle about space Russia of the 27th century and its "sworn friend" - the Zoroastrian Concordia - was started by Alexander Zorich in 2003 with the novel "Tomorrow War". Following him, the books "Without Mercy", "Time is Moscow!" and "On the Ship Morning". And now a new blockbuster is coming out - "Dream Pilot"! The book was created by Alexander Zorich in collaboration with historian and reenactor Klim Zhuk...


Torpedo - pli (Zaspa Petr)

Author: Zaspa Petr
Release year: 2016
Genre: sci-fi action, hits
Publisher: "Abcool" free book
Artist: Sergey Larionov (babay7)
Duration: 12:16:32
Description: Our time. The pride of the Northern Fleet, the Russian nuclear submarine "Dmitry Novgorodsky" goes on a campaign - on duty in the middle Atlantic. The campaign is like a campaign, if it were not for the presence on board of a military specialist with cunning equipment. The high command ordered some secret experiment to be carried out at sea. And they spent ... The cold summer of 1942, in the midst of World War II. No way back...


Torpedo - plee! History of small torpedo ships (Taras A.E.)

ISBN: 985-433-419-8
Series: Military History Library

Author: Taras A.E.
Release year: 1999
Genre: Navy history
Publisher: Harvest
Russian language
Number of pages: 370
Description: This book is about destroyers and torpedo boats - small warships whose main weapons were torpedoes. Their history spans over 100 years: from (30s of the 19th century to the end of the 70s of the 20th century. There are many interesting episodes in it, most of which are mentioned in the proposed work. The book analyzes the process of emergence, development and disappearance of this...


Series Drizzt Do "Urden (Salvatore Robert)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96
Author: Salvatore Robert
Year of issue: 2013-2014
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Mila Rad
Duration: + "Entry Fee" 00:44:54 + "Guenhwyvar" 01:04:32 + "Dark Mirror" 01:28:36 1. Trilogy "Dark Elf" 1) 14:17:15 2) 14:04 :31 3)14:34:28 2. Icewind Dale Trilogy 1) 14:43:32 2)14:39:41 3) 15:20:01
Description: +"Entry Fee" After leaving Mithril Hall, Drizzt and Catti-brie travel to Waterdeep to join the crew of Captain Deudermont, a pirate hunter. But before heading to Deudermont, they decide to...


Inter-author series Head First O "Reilly (Authors team)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Team of authors
Year of issue: 2008-2016
Genre: Computer Literature
Publisher: Piter, Eksmo
Russian language
Number of books: 18 books
Description: Head First is a rather peculiar (if not "unique") series of the so-called. "visual" books, which during its existence has found both supporters of this very "visual" teaching method, and opponents. Books contain a relatively large number of illustrations, graphs and tables, which allows you to master and assimilate the material - according to the authors of the methodology - much more efficiently. Open...


Joan of Arc (Mark Twain)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Mark Twain
Release year: 2012
Genre: Historical novel, foreign classics
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Duration: 20:26:35
Description: Mark Twain is the most curious, ironic, insightful American! But, oh, miracle! The eternal mocker was carried away by a woman! And where a woman is involved, and in addition a Frenchwoman, there laughter stops on the lips. An inquisitive Yankee plunges headlong into history. Step by step, he walks the whole path of the maiden who charmed him. He tries to comprehend the incomprehensible, invades the realm of mysticism, and now...

Petr Zaspa


I dedicate this book to Soviet and Russian submariners and bow my head before their courage! How I would like to believe that those whose hearts stopped at a military post did not leave us, but simply continue to fulfill their duty somewhere in a completely different time or dimension.

Chapter first


The crew members of the nuclear submarine, lined up in two lines, turned up their collars and huddled together, exposing their backs to the wind. May in the North is not white-blooming cherries and buzzing bees warmed up after winter, but only a weak prelude to a short and cold summer. With snow on the hills and heating turned on until June. Here, even in July, snow can fall, covering the grass bent from such betrayal.

Behind a short parade ground, leaning on the pier and crushing car tires hung along for cushioning, their boat stood like a black licked block.

Commander Dmitry Nikolaevich Zhurba, frowning, watched how, after dragging out time, the senior assistant straightened the toes of the boots of the front rank. Finally, the vibrations of the formation died out, the first mate ran back to the beginning of the formation and, putting his hand to his cap, switched to a marching step and rushed towards the commander.

Comrade captain of the second rank, the crew has been built according to your order! Reported by the captain of the third rank Dolgov!

Yes sir!

They reported that everything, - he hesitated, sensing a catch in the commander's question, the first officer.

Are these Martians?

The commander grinned sarcastically, nodding at two heads in black caps peeking around the corner of the nearest five-story building. The first mate swears savoryly, recognizing the faces of the young lieutenants from their crew.

Oh, you sleeping banderlogs! Well, run here! he gently chided the younger generation. - I'll give you a charge of vivacity now!

But when the lieutenants realized that they were exposed, and timidly walked around the corner, the first mate's jaw dropped. An infectious neighing from a horse swept along the line. And it was from what.

Under the arms, the lieutenants dragged the doctor of the crew, Senior Lieutenant Artem Petrov, who was periodically kicking in an attempt to get on his feet. They held the doctor's cap in their hands, and in order to somehow cover the flow of spiritual outpourings that were loudly resounding throughout the entire garrison, they gagged him with his own tie, rolled into a neat roll. Artyom's gaze darted wildly around in a futile attempt to determine where he was. Tears flowed down his cheeks in five streams. The lieutenants tensed up and, trying to at least approximately give the doctor a vertical position, brought him out in front of the formation. But then Artyom finally got the hang of his tie and, vaguely seeing the commander in front of him, began to wail in a bass voice, like a hired mourner at a wake:

I loved her! I have a love-oh-oh!

So! - squeamishly grimacing and looking around in search of unwanted witnesses, said the commander. - Turn this body over to our cruise ship. Yes, hurry up. And I'll deal with him in the sea!

Dmitry Nikolaevich looked around warily: the division commander was about to arrive. And the incident with the doctor is a matter, although unpleasant, but within the crew, consider it a family affair, and it is not at all necessary for the division commander to know about it.

The doctor was dragged to the gangway, thrown aboard the boat, with a tarpaulin stretched on both sides with the inscription - "Dmitry Novgorodsky". After counting each step with the toes of polished doctor's shoes, they disappeared into the wheelhouse. And on time. The commander's UAZ rolled out onto the pier.

Become! shouted the commander. - Equalize! Attention!

The division commander got out of the UAZ, a rear admiral with the sweetest surname for a naval commander - Beloved. Behind him appeared a gray-haired old man in a civilian coat and hat that cut the eye here.

“Another special or some sort of finisher,” thought Dmitry Nikolayevich. There was just nothing unusual about this. There are plenty of them on any ship or boat in the fleet. Seconded from their factories, institutes, bureaus, as eternal appendages to the equipment or mechanics born in their depths, the finalizers were always there. They get used to them and no longer pay attention to the people in civilian shirts wandering around the ship like ghostly shadows.

The old man in the hat froze at the car and from the side watched the admiral receiving the report from the boat commander. He often had to work with the military, and he was aware that when they play dog ​​games on the topic "who will give more honor to whom," called the military ritual, it is better not to meddle with them. They will play enough, they will remember him.

How are things, Dima? Rear Admiral Beloved asked the commander.

Allows, Comrade Divisional Commander.

Alexander Sergeevich Favorite was a good commander. Moderately afraid of the higher authorities, because, like everyone else, he dreamed of a decent farewell to retirement and an apartment in the middle lane, but he was also sympathetic to his subordinates. That is why he was respected among the commanders of boats.

It's good that it allows, - he said thoughtfully, looking along the line. - That's it, dismiss the crew, and we'll talk with you here.

The admiral remembered his companion and, turning around, shouted:

Mikhail Ivanovich! You are on the boat! You will be placed there.

Wow! - thought the commander. - It's necessary, by name and patronymic! A lot of honor for a simple finisher.

Dima, send a couple of sailors to my car, I need to pick up the boxes. But tell me to be careful, otherwise the equipment there is fragile.

It was already getting interesting. The divisional commander is courting a specialist who has also appeared with his junk, as if some Muscovite who arrived from the fleet headquarters for verification. The commander glanced sideways at the civilian again. Very old. Usually younger engineers are sent from factories. Although it is clear that he is trying to look younger - a cashmere coat, a colorful scarf around his neck.

You, commander, got a dark card, - the admiral began from afar. - Maybe a trump card, and maybe a dummy.

At this point, Dmitri Nikolayevich’s thoughts completely scattered through the cracks and nooks and crannies. At the control exit, at numerous briefings, there was no hint of anything unusual or dark. A hike is like a hike. Even up to full autonomy did not reach. Just some two months. And the task is not so difficult. Watch for Americans conducting exercises in the Bay of Biscay. Not the first time, and probably not the last time either.

I'll tell you one piece of information, but don't brag to anyone. The commander loves surprises. You know, but pretend to be astonished when, upon your return, along with a roasted pig, Kapraz's epaulettes will be handed over.

All books by Zaspa Petr

Author: Petr Zaspa
Genre :
Format books: Awb 8.85kbps

Release year: 2016
Playing time: 12:16:32


Torpedo - oh!

Wunderland promised

Playing time: 11:17:11


List of changes:
Wunderland promised

-AikoN73- -AikoN73-

2016-02-02T18:58:51Z 2016-02-02T18:58:51Z

Author: Petr Zaspa
Genre : Historical fiction, Popadantsy
Format books: Awb 8.85kbps
Reader: Sergey Larionov (babay7)
Release year: 2016
Playing time: 12:16:32


Torpedo - oh!

Nowadays. The pride of the Northern Fleet, the Russian nuclear submarine "Dmitry Novgorodsky" goes on a campaign - on duty in the middle Atlantic. The campaign is like a campaign, if it were not for the presence on board of a military specialist with cunning equipment. The high command ordered some secret experiment to be carried out at sea. And spent...

The cold summer of 1942, in the midst of World War II. You will never come back. No matter which shore you land on, strangers are everywhere. The main thing is that their own, Soviet, will not stand on ceremony with the crew. And the nuclear submarine "Dmitry Novgorodsky" unwittingly becomes a kind of "Nautilus", a homeless sea wanderer.

But it is difficult to remain indifferent when your grandfathers and great-grandfathers are fighting and dying nearby. And a requiem for the PQ-17 caravan is about to sound nearby. The crew decides to start fighting against the fascist reptiles. A nuclear reactor that provides an almost unlimited cruising range and complete autonomy, excellent acoustic equipment, Vodopad jet torpedo missiles, the latest MANPADS - all this makes the Dmitry Novgorodsky a formidable weapon in the fight against the fleet of the Third Reich. The submarine cruiser starts a new combat campaign. Rather, he continues what he started ...
Wunderland promised

Playing time: 11:17:11


She disappeared from the radar in 2011. And - appeared in 1942. The Russian nuclear submarine "Dmitry Novgorodsky" continues its military campaign - already in a different time. The submarine cruiser becomes a formidable weapon in the fight against the fleet of the Third Reich. Operation Wunderland is led by Professor Ernst Schaeffer.
"Wunderland" is one of the main hopes of the Third Reich to win the war. Hitler did not hesitate to provide the heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer for the operation. The secret German base "Wunderland" is located on the northern tip of Novaya Zemlya. Just so the base is not found. But by chance, the first officer of the Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker, Dolgov, ended up on the shore, in Murmansk. And there, fate pushed him against Professor Schaeffer, SS Obersturmführer, Himmler's favorite, adventurer and spy ... And the situation around the submarine is heating up. Everyone is after her. And the Soviet ships as well. Beria himself arrives in Murmansk to personally lead the hunt for the ghost submarine...

Nowadays. The pride of the Northern Fleet, the Russian nuclear submarine "Dmitry Novgorodsky" goes on a campaign - on duty in the middle Atlantic. The campaign is like a campaign, if it were not for the presence on board of a military specialist with cunning equipment. The high command ordered some secret experiment to be carried out at sea. And spent...

The cold summer of 1942, in the midst of World War II. You will never come back. No matter which shore you land on, strangers are everywhere. The main thing is that their own, Soviet, will not stand on ceremony with the crew. And the nuclear submarine "Dmitry Novgorodsky" unwittingly becomes a kind of "Nautilus", a homeless sea wanderer.

But it is difficult to remain indifferent when your grandfathers and great-grandfathers are fighting and dying nearby. And a requiem for the PQ-17 caravan is about to sound nearby. The crew decides to start fighting against the fascist reptiles. A nuclear reactor that provides an almost unlimited cruising range and complete autonomy, excellent acoustic equipment, Vodopad jet torpedo missiles, the latest MANPADS - all this makes the Dmitry Novgorodsky a formidable weapon in the fight against the fleet of the Third Reich. The submarine cruiser starts a new combat campaign. Rather, he continues what he started ...

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