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Measuring the density of the electrolyte in a battery is an essential part of battery maintenance. In order to periodically perform this check, special methods and devices are used. However, there are many things to consider in this case.

In order to verify the density of the electrolyte in the battery, it is necessary to use a device called a hydrometer. In some cases, it is called a densimeter, but this concept is not accurate enough.

Most hydrometers consist of the following parts:

It should be remembered that when checking the density of the electrolyte, the hydrometer must be at rest, not touching the glass walls, so it must be held vertically in front of the face.

Instructions: how to check the density correctly

  1. The first step is to start by assembling the device itself. The float is placed in a glass flask, on one side of which a pear is put on, and on the other, a tip and a stopper.
  2. Next, draw the liquid into the flask. Squeeze the pear, gradually loosening the grip. The result should be a float floating quietly in the liquid in a vertical position.
  3. Read the value on the scale, at the point where the device comes into contact with the liquid.
  4. The final destination will be the mandatory flushing of the device. This will not allow the readings to be mistaken during further operation of the device.

Care should not be taken when handling the electrolyte, as sulfuric acid is hazardous to health!

Principle of operation: determination of the ratio of the mass of liquid to the volume of the float-pycnometer

The density of the electrolyte, which is a sulfuric acid solution, in the battery is measured in g / cm3. It depends on the concentration of the solution itself, as well as on the degree of charge of the battery, since when the battery is discharged, a certain amount of sulfuric acid moves into the plates and the density will decrease.

For this reason, battery density must be measured at a temperature of about 25 °C and with a full battery charge. In a new charged battery, it should be 1.28±0.01 g/cm3. Depending on the climate and season, readings may vary. Standard values ​​for the density of acids and alkalis used as an electrolyte range from 1.22 to 1.29 g/cm3 at a temperature of 20 to 30 °C.

As the battery discharges, the density will decrease in readings. When the battery is discharged to half the exponential density, it will be about 1.20 ± 0.01 g / cm3. When fully discharged, the density will be no more than 1.10±0.01 g/cm3.

Density drops by 0.01 g/cm3 from normal when the battery is 5 percent discharged. Frequent recharging can harm the operation of the device, so you can normalize the density of the liquid with distilled water.

One of the varieties of a hydrometer for motorists is a device with a set of floats of different masses and with an identical volume in a glass vessel. Each of them is equipped with one label. The principle of this mechanism is that the float with the closest value will rise when the others sink.

Important! With a stable overestimated density of the electrolyte, the life of the battery is shortened.

Features and measurement accuracy

When reading indicators from a hydrometer, a small feature should be taken into account. A more accurate indicator is shown not at the point of contact between the water and the float, but from the meniscus. This is the name of the lower part of the curvature of the surface of the liquid. Indicators should be written off from this lower part, so the information will be more reliable.

Device disadvantages:

  • Somewhat large amount of fluid being measured
  • The scale is non-linear
  • A small range of values ​​that are measured is limited to the initial section of the scale.
  • The outer surface of the cylindrical float is subject to contamination
  • The capillary characteristics of liquids are different, which adversely affects the result of the test.

If the indications for the desired temperature by measuring the density of the electrolyte are not observed, it is necessary to make calculations referring to the following data:

Detectable problems

One of the advantages of a hydrometer is the safety of measuring the density of liquids with an accuracy of 0.05-0.1%. In addition, this method does not require a large amount of substance for measurement.

The battery in the car regularly performs its work with such an indication of the electrolyte: at a temperature of 25 degrees 1.28 g / cm3. A similar result in the values ​​\u200b\u200bis available for new batteries, with proper certification.

In the event that the readings on the density of the electrolyte in one of the cans of the battery are lower, this indicates a short circuit: the closing of the lead plates and, as a result, the breakdown of the battery.

If the density is below normal in the entire battery, this may indicate problems such as:

If the electrolyte density readings are incorrect, the problems should be corrected. It is worth remembering that if the density is low in only one of the cans, the battery cannot be repaired and should be replaced.

The exact cause of the problem will help to establish additional voltage measurements with and without load.

Attention! During operation, the batteries lose some of the water, thereby reducing the level of liquid above the plates, increasing the concentration of acid. For this reason, the electrolyte level must be checked before testing. The level accepted as the norm is 10-15 mm above the upper line of the separators.

Why is verification so important?

Checking the electrolyte density regularly will help you anticipate and troubleshoot problems with your device. Over time, the operation of the battery, one way or another, it will work worse than on the first day after purchase. Therefore, you should take care of him and follow him, then he can live up to 10 years.

Important! Topping up electrolyte from other batteries should be avoided, as this will reduce the life of the device.

The density of the electrolyte in winter should be 1.27 g/cm3. A lower indicator affects the operation of the device, the car will be more difficult to start, sometimes leading to freezing of the electrolyte.

Using a battery with a low charge at low temperatures can lead to the destruction of the lead plates. The density test also allows you to determine the discharge: the lower the density, the more discharged the battery.

Useful video

A simple operation for measuring density with a hydrometer is fully presented in this video.


In general, the density determines the capacity of the battery and its service life. Each device needs constant monitoring and care. One option to give your battery proper attention is to regularly check its density with a hydrometer. With this attitude, there will be no surprises in breakdowns and it will be possible to predict future problems.

Every vehicle owner wants the battery to last as long as possible. And if the resource of maintenance-free batteries is limited by the manufacturer, then serviced power sources with proper service can outlive the car. One of the most important indicators is the density of the electrolyte. To control it, you need to know how to properly use a hydrometer for a battery - a device that allows you to measure the degree of acidification of a solution in battery cells.

Density is the weight of sulfuric acid mixed with water in relation to the entire volume of the solution, in other words, it is the degree of acidification of this mixture. The law of hydrostatics states that when a body is immersed in a liquid medium, its weight is equal to the mass of the volume displaced. Based on this principle, this simple device works, which allows you to determine the acidity of the mixture in g / cm3 with an accuracy of up to hundredths.

Structurally, the hydrometer for the battery has the form of a glass float, with a measurement scale located inside. In many models, it is placed in a transparent flask (pipette) made of glass or plastic. This simplifies the procedure for collecting fluid as much as possible. When using some types of hydrometers, it is possible to measure not only acidity, but also the temperature of antifreeze. Completely assembled, the entire structure consists of the following parts:

  • Hydrometer;
  • Pear;
  • A glass pipette in which the device itself is placed;
  • Dense cork;
  • Fence.

Overview of popular hydrometer models

Car owners who first encountered measuring acidity are wondering what hydrometers are for measuring electrolyte density, and what prices they have. Modern manufacturers offer several varieties of these devices, which differ in both cost and appearance, as well as functionality.

The most popular are:

  • Sparta 549125. A model with compact dimensions, a durable glass case and low cost.
  • SKYBEAR 623000. Inexpensive Chinese analogue, according to reviews a good thing for the money.
  • Orion AR-02. Density meter for electrolyte of domestic production (NPP Orion, St. Petersburg). The flask is glass, but, according to the owners, the float constantly sticks to it, which makes it a little nervous during the measurement process.
  • Refractometers (digital hydrometers). These are tools for professional use. They can measure the characteristics of many different liquids, of which the acidity of the electrolyte and the temperature of antifreeze (antifreeze) will be useful to motorists. They are expensive, but they can be adjusted using distilled water, which allows you to always correctly determine the parameters, regardless of external conditions. You can order a digital hydrometer from the Chinese.

Budget density meters can be purchased at prices ranging from 100 to 600 rubles. Professional tools cost from 800 rubles.

Important. When choosing a hydrometer, pay attention to the material of the pipette body. Poor-quality plastic can become cloudy over time, which makes it difficult or even impossible to work with the tool.

How to use a hydrometer and what to consider

To use the battery hydrometer correctly, you must observe the optimal conditions for its operation. The device is designed to test acidity values ​​ranging from 1100 g/cm3 to 1300 g/cm3. Also, some models can determine the temperature of the coolant. Its values ​​can vary, as a rule, within -20 ... +40 degrees.

How to use a battery hydrometer to always determine the parameters of the solution correctly? A simple sequence of steps should be followed.

  1. First you need to assemble the finished structure. This means placing a float in a pipette, on one side of which put on a pear, and on the other, secure a stopper with a tip.
  2. After squeezing the pear, the pipette must be immersed in a liquid medium. By gradually releasing the pressure, it is important to fill the pipette vessel so that the float floats freely in a vertical position.
  3. Correctly read the values ​​on the scale at the point of contact with the liquid.
  4. After completing the procedure, it is important to completely rinse the entire structure. This will not only prolong the operation of the device, but also help to avoid reading errors during further use.

In order to properly use a battery hydrometer and maintain the reliability of the results, some important nuances should be considered:

  • Safety precautions should not be neglected. Contact with acid on the skin will cause a burn, and if it comes into contact with clothing, it will render it unusable for further use.
  • It is important to measure the density of the electrolyte in the battery with a hydrometer correctly - so as to prevent the float from touching the edges of the container (case). Otherwise, it may "stick" and the readings will be unreliable.
  • Be careful when interacting with antifreeze. Some manufacturers use a dangerous ingredient in the composition - ethylene glycol, which (unlike propylene glycol) is very toxic and, if exposed to the skin for a long time, can lead to serious damage to it.

Knowing how to use the electrolyte density meter correctly will allow you to independently check the acidity level in the battery. Which, together with its competent adjustment, will prolong the life of your square friend for many years.

The density of the electrolyte determines the reliable operation and long life of the battery. Therefore, it needs constant monitoring, especially in the cold season. This procedure is simple and many motorists do it on their own. It is only necessary to observe safety precautions and acquire a special device in advance - a hydrometer for electrolyte. In addition, of course, elementary skills in handling it will be required.

The electrolyte is a mixture of sulfuric acid and water. They are divorced in a certain proportion. Even people with fragmentary knowledge of a school physics course know that the mass of one liter of water is 1 kilogram. This means that its density is 1 g/cm3. For acid, this indicator is 1.84, and in the electrolyte, under optimal conditions, it contains about 35%. This is about a third. Omitting unnecessary mathematical calculations here, we obtain that the ideal electrolyte density is 1.27 g/cm3. In practice, this value may vary slightly up or down. However, the readings of the hydrometer for electrolyte should be in the range of 1.26 - 1.28.

Dependence of density on the state of the battery

In a real battery, this value is not constant, strongly depending on the degree of its charge. The more discharged the battery, the lower the density of its electrolyte. The reason for this is the chemical reactions that take place in the battery. When discharged, part of the sulfuric acid turns into lead sulfate, the mass fraction of water increases, which means that the density decreases. Charging the battery is characterized by the reverse process. Thus, the density can indirectly judge the state of the battery at the moment. The higher it is, the greater the voltage at the battery terminals. True, high density is not always good. Sometimes, due to a malfunction of electrical equipment, the voltage of the on-board network rises, and the battery begins to boil. Water evaporates first, which means that the percentage of acid content increases. If the electrolyte hydrometer shows that the density is greater than 1.35, then urgent action must be taken. The high acid content causes the active layer of the battery plates to shed. This process is irreversible and will definitely lead to a reduction in battery life.

The principle of operation of the hydrometer

The importance of periodic density measurements is clear. That the device intended for this is called a hydrometer - too. Now it is necessary to briefly understand its operation, this will help with its further use. The principle of operation of the densimeter, as the hydrometer is sometimes called, is based on the well-known law of Archimedes. It is based on the equality of the volumes of the immersed body and the liquid displaced by it. However, objects have different densities. Therefore, in practice, equilibrium will come when the body is immersed to a certain depth. This is the principle of operation of a hydrometer for electrolyte and any other liquid.


A densimeter is a glass float of a certain volume and mass. When immersed in a liquid, it sinks to a certain depth: the lower the density, the lower. To read the readings on the hydrometer there is a scale. It is graduated in accordance with the density of the measured liquid. This is how a densimeter works in the general case. This method is not suitable for a battery. The float can be lowered into the battery bank, but lead plates will prevent it from sinking. Therefore, the electrolyte density hydrometer is arranged somewhat differently. It is located inside a glass flask, on one side of which a thin plastic tip is installed, on the other - a rubber "pear". With their help, the vessel is filled with electrolyte. Its volume is relatively small, but given that the diameter of the flask is small, this allows the densimeter to sink to a depth sufficient to measure the density.

Safety Precautions

You need to start with preparatory work. Take care of gloves and eye and respiratory protection in advance. This should be taken seriously: the electrolyte is a corrosive liquid. It is possible to take measurements on the car itself, but it is still better to remove the battery and install it on a flat surface. It is more convenient to work this way, and the paintwork of the car will not suffer. Before using a hydrometer for electrolyte, it is necessary to inspect it externally. Densimeter device is very fragile and does not forgive careless handling. In case of mechanical damage, cracks and chips may occur, which will lead to leakage of electrolyte from the flask. If all safety measures are observed, you can proceed directly to the work.

Density measurement

Measurement of electrolyte with a hydrometer is carried out in the following sequence.

  1. Unscrew the caps of all cans on the battery.
  2. Take the hydrometer with your right hand by the rubber "pear".
  3. Lower the tip of the densimeter into the controlled "jar".
  4. Enough liquid must enter the flask so that the float floats freely in it.
  5. If the first time did not work, you must repeat the operation. When doing this, try to keep the device vertical.
  6. When it is possible to collect a sufficient amount of electrolyte, it is necessary, without making sudden movements, to achieve complete equilibrium of the hydrometer. However, it should not touch the walls of the flask.
  7. Read the readings on the densimeter scale. The electrolyte surface must match one of its marks. There is one subtlety here. Between the float and the walls of the flask, spherical depressions, the so-called menisci, are formed: the readings must be counted from their lower cut.
  8. The density should be approximately the same in all "banks" and be in the range of 1.26 - 1.28 g / cm3.

It may happen that some battery cells are dry. This very often happens to owners who neglect battery maintenance. The jar, of course, is not dry in the usual sense of the word, the water just boiled out of it, and the electrolyte fell below the lead grids. This usually happens with edge elements. In this case, before measuring the electrolyte with a hydrometer, it is necessary to bring its level to normal. To do this, add distilled water to a jar. The electrolyte level should be approximately 1 cm above the surface of the jars.

Which hydrometer to choose for later use

The densimeter is a fragile thing and it is extremely reluctant to lend it. Therefore, for periodic monitoring of electrolyte density, it is better to have your own in the garage, especially since its price is low. Currently, there is a large selection of hydrometers on sale, including electronic ones. It makes no sense to overpay for unnecessary features.

For garage use, the classic float is enough. You can purchase a universal hydrometer for electrolyte and antifreeze. Its scale is calibrated to measure two liquids, which will not be superfluous when preparing a car for winter.

Hydrometer for electrolyte: how to use the site.

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Many people in our country prefer to drink home-made alcoholic drinks instead of store-bought ones. This is not just a way to save money, but a creative process that allows you to get a high-quality, tasty and original drink.

The process of determining the strength of the finished drink is very important - it is better to determine the amount of alcohol in the finished product not by eye, but using a special device - an alcohol meter. In fact, the device does not show the strength, but the density of the aqueous solution. If an alcoholic drink contains additional components other than alcohol and water, it will be difficult to determine the amount of alcohol.

In order to learn how to use an alcoholometer correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with their types, device, nuances of work - all this information is described in this article.

How to determine the strength of alcoholic beverages

Under the strength of the drink is meant an indicator of the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol contained in it. To an inexperienced layman, these words mean little. It is much easier to read the degrees indicated on the alcohol label.

Method one: classic

Measuring the strength of a drink using a hydrometer for alcohol or, in the people, an alcohol meter. This device is immersed in an alcohol-containing liquid and indicates the concentration of alcohol contained in it. Or, more simply, the percentage of alcohol. This device has several types, operating in different modes and with different liquids. For example, a vinometer determines not only the strength of a wine drink, but also the amount of sugar in it.

  • Household and glass hydrometers are good for use at home - the former are an instant mercury scale, the latter are indispensable in measuring small volumes.
  • An optical alcoholmeter is highly accurate in measuring multicomponent alcohol-containing liquids, while an electronic one and all of the above devices are good only for alcohol or water-alcohol solutions.
  • The laboratory alcoholmeter is used in production to measure the amount of alcohol in various means for household needs. The alcohol hydrometer is an extremely fragile instrument, so it must be handled with care. When shaking and some other mechanical influences, the device may give inaccurate readings, and since alcohol meters with a mercury scale are most common, damage to them can cause leakage of “liquid silver” and poisoning. Immediately before use, the device should be cleaned of stains and other contaminants, wiped dry . It is desirable to immerse the alcoholmeter in the middle of the vessel with the measured liquid, without touching its walls. For the most accurate readings, the liquid temperature should be 18-20 degrees.

  • An electronic alcoholmeter will almost immediately give out numbers, for mercury - you need to wait until the mercury takes a stable position. Then, according to the markings on the scale, it will be possible to determine the number of degrees or the strength of the drink.

Method two: obvious

Each country has its own form of indicating the strength of alcoholic beverages produced in it. Some, for example, believe that the flavor and aromatic bouquet of the drink draws the properties of the drink much brighter, and there is no digital designation of the strength.

In our country, the regulations are less democratic: as a rule, on alcohol containers, when calculating the weight percent of alcohol, the number of degrees is indicated, when calculating the volume of alcohol, its percentage in relation to the total composition of the drink. Usually both of these options are present. So to determine the strength of the drink, it is enough to carefully study its packaging.

Method three: modern

The effectiveness of the alcohol meter in alcoholic mixtures is reduced to almost zero, and since the strength of cocktails is not indicated either on the menu or on the glasses, one has only to guess about it based on the strength of the cocktail components.

However, this problem can be solved with the help of an online calculator for the strength of an alcoholic cocktail. By selecting the desired ingredients, indicating their volume, you can get the amount of alcohol (% by volume) in the mixture.

What are hydrometers

Devices are divided into mechanical and electronic. A mechanical hydrometer looks like a glass tube sealed on both sides, narrow on one side and wide on the other. A small weight (shot or mercury) is sealed in the lower thickened part, and the narrow side is equipped with a graduated scale. In part, the device resembles a classic thermometer.

An electronic hydrometer has the form of a small rectangular or round instrument, with a probe sensor that is immersed in a liquid for measurement.

  1. lactometer (lactodensometer);
  2. salt meter (TDS meter);
  3. alcoholometer (alcoholometer);
  4. saccharometer (refractometer or vinometer).

The lactometer is designed to measure the fat content of dairy products. It is legally prohibited to add water to milk, but in some cases this can happen unintentionally, for example, when washing equipment. To eliminate trouble, a lactometer is used in production.

A salt meter is needed to determine the degree of water hardness, chemical composition, and salt content. This is necessary, for example, for filling an aquarium or watering plants. With the help of the device, you can determine whether the water is suitable for drinking.

How to use a hydrometer correctly

When buying a hydrometer in a store, the package must include instructions. It clearly states how to use the hydrometer.

Do not underestimate the apparent simplicity of the device; if the rules are not followed, there is a high risk of obtaining unreliable results. The density meter, and the range of its scale, must correspond to the situation, that is, for alcohol - an alcohol meter, for wine drinks - a saccharometer.

Terms of use:

  • The liquid must be heated or cooled to the appropriate temperature for which the hydrometer is calibrated.
  • Before measuring, be sure to check that the tube is clean, free of grease and dirt, and completely dry.
  • During the procedure, the edges of the device should not touch the walls of the container.

All this affects the final measurement result.

Alcohol meters


The metal alcohol meter is a hydrometer of variable mass, graduated in arbitrary units.

  1. This alcohol meter (Fig. 25) consists of a brass ball, to the upper and lower parts of which rods are soldered: the upper one with a scale, the lower one with a slight thickening at the end for hanging weights.
  2. To protect against oxidation, the alcohol meter and the weights for it are gilded.
  3. On the upper rod (scale) there are 10 large equal divisions, which have the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 from bottom to top.
  4. Below, under the zero line, is the number 100.
  5. Each major division of the scale is in turn subdivided into five minor ones; therefore, each small division is equal to 0.2 large divisions. All divisions are counted from bottom to top.

Eight round (with a cutout in the middle) weights are attached to the alcohol meter, marked with the numbers 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90; the higher the serial number of the weight, the lighter it is. Previously, a set of ten weights with the designations 0 and 10 was made for alcohol meters in addition to those indicated above. When determining the weights, they are hung as needed on the lower rod of the alcohol meter using a cutout, and the put on weight should be turned with its convex side down and lie tightly on the lower thickened part of the rod.

Put the weights on the upper thin part of the rod carefully so as not to scratch the gilding of the rod, and hold it lightly until it drops to the bottom of the rod. Each alcohol meter has its own number, which is printed on all the weights to it. The weights of one metal alcohol meter cannot be used for another alcohol meter.


The glass alcoholmeter is a constant mass hydrometer.

  • It is a float of the correct cylindrical shape, consisting of two parts: the lower large diameter, where the load is placed in the form of metal shot, and the upper smaller diameter with a measuring scale.
  • The divisions of the scale at a temperature of 20 ° C show the alcohol content in the solution in volume percent.
  • The set of glass alcohol meters includes 11 alcohol meters with the following scale limits in % vol.: 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60, 60-70, 70-80, 90- 100, 95-105.
  • Alcohol meter with a scale of 95-105. used for the analysis of high-strength solutions at temperatures above 20 ° C; the scale in the range from 100 to 105 is expressed in conventional units.
  • Glass alcohol meters are produced in types A, B, C, G without thermometers and type D with a thermometer.
  • They differ in the price of the smallest division and measurement limits. Alcoholometer type A with the price of the smallest division of 0.1% vol. used in the analysis of alcohol.

Determination of alcohol content with a glass alcohol meter

The most common type of alcoholometer model is made in the form of a glass float, the wide lower part of which is filled with a weight of shot (usually lead) and filled with resin (some models use mercury).

The upper narrow part contains a paper scale with divisions.

There is a generally accepted division into laboratory and household alcohol meters.

  • Laboratory, unlike a household alcohol meter, it has a high accuracy class in determining the strength of alcohol.
  • A household alcohol meter usually consists of a single device operating in the 0-96% range. It differs from laboratory analogues in less accuracy. If all the conditions for the measurement are met, the error is up to 0.5%. More suitable for beginner moonshiners.

Let's take a closer look at a laboratory alcoholmeter (what it is for and how to use it).

In Russia, the most popular alcohol meters of this type, corresponding to GOST 18481-81, are sets

  1. ASP-1 (11 pieces in a set),
  2. ASP-2 (18 pieces),
  3. ASP-3 (3 pieces) with different gradation.

How to use the alcoholometer ASP-3

Most experienced moonshiners use the ASP-3 kit, which has a scale division of 1%. The set consists of three hydrometers: 0-40%, 40-70% and 70-100%.

Initial conditions for measurements

  • The alcoholmeter should be stored in its original packaging, not subjected to shaking and other mechanical influences that could compromise its integrity and accuracy. Glass models are very fragile and break easily. If cracks, scratches or other defects appear, the device is damaged.
  • Most alcoholmeters are calibrated to work in a solution with a temperature of 20°C (a deviation of no more than 0.5 degrees is allowed). It must be remembered that at a higher temperature the device begins to overestimate the fortress, at a low temperature it underestimates. Failure to comply with the temperature regime causes a measurement error of up to 7%.
  • The density of the liquid also depends on atmospheric pressure, the recommended figure is 760 mm Hg. Art.

How to measure the strength with an alcohol meter

1. Dilute alcohol with water, wait 5-10 minutes until the intensity of the chemical reaction decreases (a lot of heat is released at this time).

2. Wipe the alcoholmeter with a dry, clean cloth so that no greasy or dirty stains remain. The instrument must be completely dry before being immersed in liquid.

An approximate correction of the readings of the alcoholmeter depending on the temperature of the alcohol is indicated in the table.

5. Lower the alcoholometer with the wide lower part into the liquid in the middle of the vessel. If thrown too hard, the appliance may hit the bottom and break.
The alcoholmeter must not touch the walls of the vessel!

6. Wait for the alcoholometer to stabilize at one level. If he drowned, it means that he is out of order or not designed for this fortress. For example, the device operates in the range of 0-40%, but is lowered into 70% alcohol.
7. View the result. Depending on the design of the alcoholometer, readings are taken from the upper edge of the meniscus (red arrow) or from the bottom (green arrow). This point must be indicated in the instructions.
8. Remove the alcoholometer from the volumetric flask, wipe it, put it in the factory storage case.

Conditions for storage and use of the alcoholmeter

The device is stored in the package, it is advisable to put it away and do not touch until the moment of use. He does not like unnecessary shaking and turning. If a child suddenly got there, carefully pick it up and check the integrity of the packaging and contents. In case of damage, it is better to immediately throw it away.

When a crack or chip appears on the glass, the alcoholometer will not unambiguously measure.

The liquid that you plan to measure should not be lower or higher than 20+-5 degrees Celsius. If it is larger, then the fortress will show more, less - respectively, lower. You will be surprised, but even atmospheric pressure affects the density indicator. The ideal level is 760 mm Hg.

A standard household or shot glass alcoholmeter is designed to work with a liquid that consists only of water and alcohol. Any extraneous additives will affect the correctness of the result. Therefore, for liqueurs, wine and other similar types of alcohol, it is better to use electronic or optical devices.

The conditions for storage and use of an alcoholmeter are, in principle, universal for any type.

What can be measured with an alcohol meter

Before you figure out once and for all how to use an alcoholmeter correctly, you should figure out what kind of device it is and what exactly it measures.

So, alcohol meters are special hydrometers designed to determine the alcohol content in a drink.

Everything is elementary - you immerse a measuring device containing a load of a certain mass into a liquid. The device pushes out part of the liquid, floating above the surface to the division that corresponds to its "degrees" - the law of Archimedes, cho.

Alcoholometers are calibrated during the manufacturing process in a water-alcohol mixture and are able to accurately determine the strength of alcohol only if the latter consists exclusively of alcohol and water.

  • Not from sugar, fruit juices drawn from berries, fermented must (there are separate vinometers for wines, we will talk about them below), but only and exclusively from alcohol and water.
  • Any additive, even a minor one - for example, essential oils in distilled sambuca or absinthe, has an unpredictable effect on measurements, as the density of the substance increases - the device shows fewer degrees than it actually is.

Accuracy of measurements

With an accuracy of a degree, you will never know the strength of the drink.

But fortunately, we are not professors writing dissertations on metrology, but home-made moonshine winemakers, who are primarily interested in the taste and organoleptic characteristics of the drink. In other words, if we are talking about the strength of tincture-liquor-liquor, approximate, calculated data will be quite enough.

So you need to focus on your own calculations and feelings - you want it to be less strong, just add water. Just do not forget to give such a drink an additional rest for a couple of weeks before drinking.

However, there is a special type of alcohol meters, which are called "optical". These are complex and expensive devices, most often with a limited range of measurements (usually 0-40 ° or slightly higher), but they can determine both the amount of alcohol and the amount of sugar in a drink. But experienced winemakers say that everything is not clean here either.

An optical alcoholmeter accurately measures only liquids consisting of water, alcohol and sugar, and other impurities seriously reduce the adequacy of measurements.

The density of the finished product is calculated based on the ingredients that make up its composition.

For example, you prepared galangal using a liter of 70-degree alcohol.

  1. Suppose the dried root of a degree almost did not steal.
  2. Then they diluted the tincture with half a liter of water - the fortress came out about 46-47 degrees.
  3. And then they sweetened it with a syrup of 100 ml of water and 100 ml of sugar - the fortress fell another three degrees from the water, the sugar "ate" about the same amount - after all, the volume of the drink increased.
  4. The estimated strength of the drink is 40-41 degrees.

Things are much more complicated with tinctures on berries - dried ones actively absorb alcohol, fresh ones contain a lot of water, reducing the alcohol strength by an average of 10-15, or even more percent, depending on the juiciness and structure of the fruit.

Does temperature affect measurement accuracy

The warmer - the less dense the distillate, which means - the more degrees the alcoholmeter will show. The error can be quite high - for example, in reality, moonshine has 90 °, and you drive in a small kitchen, and even in summer, everything is on fire, the ambient temperature has reached 40 - and the alcohol meter showed you all 95 degrees.

Of course, it is difficult to achieve 20 ° C indoors - it is much easier to take a thermometer and make a correction for the temperature using one of the moonshiner's calculators or the plate below.

Nuances in the domestic use of alcohol meters

If you are a happy owner of a high-quality alcohol meter, there are no particular difficulties in using it. Complete with the device itself, you will also need a transparent cylinder of small capacity - 100 ml will be enough. Also, a thermometer will not hurt - those that have an external probe are especially good, but any other will do - to make a correction for temperature.

  1. Pour a water-alcohol solution or moonshine into the cylinder, lower the alcoholometer into it - you can give it a slight rotation with your fingers to get rid of the bubbles.
  2. We wait until the device is leveled and look at what mark it stopped. If the "float" sank, it means it's pecking!
  3. That is, alcohol is too strong, you need to take an alcohol meter designed for a higher degree.
  4. If, on the contrary, it floats on the surface, alcohol contains too few revolutions and we need a less high-degree device.

When the hydrometer is lowered into a liquid, a meniscus is formed around the device - a kind of funnel, on the contrary, due to the surface tension of the liquid. Some models are designed to take readings along the bottom edge of this "collar", and some - along the top. This nuance must be indicated in the instructions.

How to choose an alcoholmeter for home use

If you only have a glass spirit meter, throw it away and get at least a decent household one, otherwise there will be no question of any measurement accuracy! But even household ones most often do not differ in high reliability.

Alcoholometers ASP-3 should be purchased - their set includes three devices with ranges of 0-40 °, 40-70 ° and 70-100 °, the division price is one degree. You can buy such a kit either on the Internet or in a specialized measuring equipment store - in the latter case, it is more likely that the alcoholmeter will be clearly calibrated in accordance with GOST standards.

In addition to ASP-3, there are also more accurate hydrometers - for example, ASP-1, of which 11 pieces are included in the kit, or ASP-2 - as many as 18 alcohol meters at once, with a division value of 0.1 degrees.

There is also a laboratory hydrometer ASP-T, which is able to measure both degrees and temperature at the same time - a great option if you do not have a reliable electronic thermometer. There are two last ones in the set - for 0-60 and 60-100 revolutions.

In addition to conventional alcohol meters, there are more advanced models, for example, optical ones, which are expensive and need cunning calibration, but are capable of measuring the strength of even wine or liquor.

Electronic hydrometers capable of showing the degree in an already finished product are not produced - they measure the strength only in the tank or in the cooler of a working apparatus, based on a complex algorithm, they are mainly used not for distillation, but for vacuum rectification. An example is an alcoholometer / thermometer ETS -223.

What is the difference between instruments: hydrometer, alcoholometer, vinometer

  • A hydrometer is a laboratory instrument that measures the density of liquids. The principle of its work is based on the operation of the law of Archimedes.
  • Alcoholometer and vinomer are also hydrometers, which are intended for use in home brewing, brewing, winemaking, as well as for various domestic purposes and are calibrated in the concentration of alcohol and sugar (substance dissolved in water).

For accurate measurement of ethanol concentration in a water-alcohol solution, ASP hydrometer sets are best suited. Each hydrometer from the corresponding set measures the concentration of alcohol in a certain range (for example, the ASP-3 set includes 3 hydrometers: 0-40%, - 40-70%, - 70-100%)

For domestic determination of the concentration of alcohol exclusively in a water-alcohol solution, alcohol meters can be used - these devices do not have such high measurement accuracy, but at the same time they record the volume concentration of ethanol from 0 to 96%.

  1. A vinometer is a device designed primarily for home winemakers.
  2. It allows you to determine the initial sugar content (up to 25%) in fruit juice before the start of the fermentation process and the ethyl alcohol formed during the fermentation process (up to 12%).
  3. It can be used for multicomponent alcohol solutions - wine, beer, home brew, liqueurs, etc.

It should be noted that any hydrometer is sensitive to the measurement temperature and gives an error if it differs from the optimal one (20 °C).


How to measure the strength of moonshine

In order to determine the strength of alcoholic beverages, there is a simple and accessible device for everyone - an alcohol meter. Having it, you can always find out what kind of distillate you have. It's quite easy, all you need to do is:

  1. Cool moonshine to 20 ° C. This is an important indicator, since the accuracy of the readings depends on it.
  2. Pour the liquid into a long transparent vessel. If you have it in an almost full bank, you can not pour anywhere.
  3. Carefully lower the alcoholmeter into the liquid and see how much it "hangs" in it, and at what point on the scale is the liquid level.

Note! The home brewer does not always have the patience to cool the resulting product, you want to immediately, while it is still warm, to find out the fortress. It's possible, but it needs to be corrected. The best assistant in this is the moonshiner's calculator, which can either be downloaded to a computer (smartphone), or used online.

Alcoholometer today is not a scarce device, and it is inexpensive, so every moonshiner can buy it. You can even not one, but a couple, since it is easy to break it, because it is made of their glass. However, everyone can find themselves in a situation where there is no alcohol meter at hand.

At what degree moonshine burns

Let's talk about a method well known to everyone who drove moonshine back in the days of Gorbachev's "dry law". It is based on the fact that all alcohol, the strength of which is above 20 ° - burns. And in different ways. Verification is done in several ways:

They collect moonshine with a pipette and drip it into a spoon, counting. For example - 10 drops. Then they set it on fire, and when it goes out, the drops are counted again. If there are 5 drops left - the fortress is about 50 °, 6 - 40 °, etc.

A more reliable method than the previous one, as it has been tested by many generations. Moonshine is collected in a spoon and set on fire, while taking into account the following factors:

  • the contents of the spoon burn out almost completely, and the color of the flame is blue. In liquid 80 ° and more;
  • reddish notes appear in the flame against the background of blue (as sometimes in the burners of our gas stoves), a certain amount of water remains in the spoon. The fortress is still higher than 60 °;
  • the flame is red, does not burn for long, half of the original volume or more of the water remains. Presumably, here degrees 40;
  • burns while holding a match over a spoon - about 30 °.
  • flashes, but immediately goes out - at a level of 20 °. This is already a fortress of tails, they need to be collected separately or not collected at all. The maximum that moonshine tails are capable of is to be added to mash to increase its alcohol content.

We determine the fortress depending on the temperature in the cube

Most industrial cubes are equipped with a thermometer, which monitors the temperature of the heating of the mash. If you know a thing or two about temperature readings, you can determine when the first drops will start to drip, when you can finish the selection of "heads" and to what level to drive the "body".

  1. At 88 - 89 ° C, the alcohol begins to evaporate, that is, a trickle of pervak ​​is about to flow. As soon as you notice the first droplets in the tube attached to the coil (transparent silicone tubes are most often used now), screw on the fire or switch the stove to the lowest mode, you should not heat the mash further, otherwise there may be foam.
  2. Take away the tails (this is about 10% of the expected amount of moonshine) and start to drive the main part (body). When you see that the thermometer needle has reached the number 95, it means that now the strength of the outgoing liquid is in the region of 40 °.
  3. The arrow moves further, and somewhere at 97 ° C, you need to remove the can with the main distillate and either select the tails until the temperature rises to 98 ° C, or stop distillation.

Important. Do not forget about the possible errors of thermometers.

Having analyzed the coincidence of the temperature in the cube and the strength of the distillate several times, you will know exactly how many degrees the liquid has, which is currently flowing into the jar you have substituted.

The taste - to what degree to drive

Even if you have an ordinary home-made device that does not have a thermometer, it is also possible to approximately determine the strength without an alcohol meter. However, here you can not do without some experience in the use of strong alcohol. You just need to know how the degree "sounds" in our body.

Moonshine, in most cases, is associated with tasting the resulting product. That is, they taste it. Everyone knows how much raw alcohol should be obtained from a specific amount of mash.

Usually they start trying moonshine at the exit (“thimble” doses) when the estimated amount exceeds half. And according to their own feelings, they determine how strong the distillate is at this stage and how much more can be driven out for consumption (that is, before the “tails” start to go).

Usually the tasting method is supplemented by a combustion test.

How to recognize a fortress - a visual method

Simply put, they look at what the liquid looks like. Transparency at the level of "like a tear" is considered an indicator of good quality and strength.

Turbidity (read: why moonshine is cloudy) allegedly indicates a low degree. By the way, not a fact.

It is not recommended to use only this method, without using others. The water is also clear!

How to measure strength by weighing

Such a check can only be carried out if you have an electronic scale.

  • First you need to weigh the container (or put it on the plate of the scales, turn them on, and they will show 0).
  • Pour exactly 1 liter of moonshine into this container.
  • A measuring cup will help to measure this amount, most of which cannot claim absolute accuracy.
  • And look at the scales.

A liter of vodka with a strength of 40 ° weighs exactly 953 grams! If less - the fortress is higher (alcohol is lighter than water), the weight is greater - respectively, the fortress is lower. Yes, you probably noticed yourself: when you pick up a three-liter jar of high-grade moonshine, you feel its unusual lightness.

How to measure the strength of wine

The strength of the wine is one of the main characteristics that shape the taste and determine the richness of the finished drink. Table, dessert and fortified wines have different levels of alcohol content and its combination with other parameters. At the same time, it is impossible to measure the amount of ethyl alcohol in wine with an accuracy of 0.1%.

Not without reason, on wine labels in a store, the alcohol content in a product is indicated as an interval, such as 9-10% or 11-12%.

This variation is due to many factors, ranging from the characteristics of the grape variety used for preparation, ending with the duration of the must fermentation. There are several ways to find out the strength of wine at home:

  1. use a wine meter;
  2. use hydrometer;
  3. apply a special calculation.

Using these devices or making calculations makes it possible to check the alcohol content in the finished wine. At the same time, each of them gives certain deviations, which cannot be completely avoided.

Using a wine meter

Homemade wine can be made from various raw materials and using different recipes. At the same time, the taste characteristics of such drinks, even prepared according to the same recipe, can have significant differences. They are due to many factors, among which the alcohol content is far from the last.

You can determine the strength of wine using a special household appliance called a wine meter. It is necessary to use the wine meter correctly in this way.

  • Fill a clean measuring cup with a sample of the resulting wine and set it on a hard and level surface. For example, on the table.
  • Being careful, lower the device into a measuring dish.
  • Remove your hand and wait until the wine meter stops and does not touch the walls of the measuring cup.
  • Take readings at the bottom cutoff.

The values ​​obtained in the process of working with a wine meter have a slight error. Nevertheless, its use still makes it possible to determine the approximate alcohol content in homemade wine.

Hydrometer Application

A hydrometer is a device whose purpose is to determine the density and viscosity of a liquid. At the same time, the use of this device makes it possible to find out how many degrees of alcohol are contained in homemade wine.

The use of a hydrometer is best when working with dry wines, as they contain a minimum amount of impurities and have a low sugar content. The listed parameters affect the density of the finished drink, increasing it and thereby reducing the accuracy of measurements.

To determine the alcohol content of wine using a hydrometer, proceed as follows.

  1. Up to 200 ml of wine is poured into a glass. It is important that the temperature of the drink is 19-20 degrees Celsius. This requirement is due to the fact that most hydrometers are calibrated to work in solutions with such temperature values.
  2. After 30-60 seconds, the vibrations of the wine will subside. The liquid will be opposite a certain value on the flask of the device. The resulting indicator reflects the degree of immersion of the device in water and characterizes the density of the drink.

Features of the calculation method

The best way to determine the strength of homemade wine is a simple mathematical calculation. This technique makes it possible to obtain the most truthful values. The winemaker can use the calculation method already at the stage of making wine.

The method is based on the immutable laws of chemistry. The bottom line is that after the start of the fermentation reaction, every 22 grams of sugar per 1 liter of liquid provides 1% ethyl alcohol.

Thus, the main parameter that determines the strength of the wine is the sugar content of the grapes used. It depends on it the amount of sugar that needs to be added additionally. If the values ​​of sugar content are known, then it will not be difficult to determine the final strength of the wine.

How to make an alcohol meter yourself

Do-it-yourself alcoholmeter

To buy it, you need to either go to the city and look there, or write it out via the Internet and wait for delivery for several days. We offer a simple scheme for self-manufacturing alcoholometer.

You will need:

  • two flasks, and in the absence of such, two transparent tubes (for example, from used ballpoint pens). You can also use two pieces of silicone tubes;
  • store-bought vodka (not scorched!), the strength of which is the well-known 40 °;
  • pure medical alcohol, the well-known fortress of which is 97 °. In the most extreme case, you can take an alcohol preparation (for example, camphor or salicylic alcohol). Its strength is 70°, which is written on the bottle label. That is, in this case, you will not be able to accurately determine the degree above 70 °, but you will know that it is higher. Moonshine rarely has more than 55 °;
  • adhesive tape (duct tape) or gum;
  • marker or nail polish;
  • a small piece of lead or a metal ball (weight);
  • plugs for sealing the lower ends of the tubes.

First, two tubes (flasks) are interconnected with adhesive tape, the bottoms are isolated. A weight is placed in one of them. The device is ready, it remains to make a scale. First, it is dipped into vodka and a mark is made at the place to which the tubes have descended. Obviously, it's 40°.

Then they are lowered into alcohol, the second mark is made in the same way (70 or 97 °). And between the two marks, other indications are calculated. It is possible, however, not to draw, all the same, the definition will be “strictly by eye”, that is, approximate.

Attention! This device cannot claim to be a real alcoholmeter, as it can give serious errors.

But if you do not need accurate - flow indicators, he will do. At the very least, you will not lower the degree of expelled moonshine below 40 °! However, if possible, buy a real device.

other methods

If you do not want to spend money on a factory device, then you can make it yourself. There is nothing difficult in this. And even despite the fact that this device is homemade - it has a high accuracy of readings. There are several ways to produce such a useful household item:

  • With a ballpoint pen;
  • With the help of a float;
  • With the help of a test tube.

To make such an alcoholometer, you need to prepare a case from an ordinary ballpoint pen, into which the paste is inserted.

We also need a plastic container for nasal drops. The case should be more than 14 cm long and wide enough for the neck of the nasal drops.

  1. In a bowl of hot water, we hold a bubble from drops so that it becomes more pliable and easier to let the pen case into itself.
  2. Gently and tightly screw the pen case with the lower part (after cutting it by 0.5 cm) into the neck of the nasal drop bottle.
  3. Now you need to weight the future alcoholmeter with shot or steel wire scraps.
  4. We put our workpiece in a jar of warm water and add a little bit of shot through the top hole. As a result, the alcoholometer should be immersed in water 2 cm from the neck.
  5. Using a pipette, carefully dig in the glue inside to immobilize the shot. After that, tightly twist the cap from the pen.
  6. With the help of a knife, we mark our first mark on the case. This mark should be at the water level. Its value is zero.
  7. At the next stage, you need to immerse a home-made alcohol meter in a glass of 40 degree vodka.
  8. With a knife we ​​make a notch at the top level of alcohol. It will have a value of 40 degrees.
  9. Next, using a ruler, measure the length of the resulting segment from 0 to 40 and divide it by 40. We put notches with a knife. Each division will have a value of 1 degree.

You can simplify the task and put marks every 5 degrees.

We need a loaded float, which has a long six.

  • Dip it in a jar of water at room temperature and mark the water level. It equals zero.
  • If necessary, you can add a weight so that the float sinks to the desired level.
  • If you have a variety of alcoholic drinks in your home, you can use them to apply precise notches. Naturally, if their fortress is already known.
  • Make marks with a knife.

We take a glass test tube 7-9 cm high.

  1. We place a weight in the form of a fraction inside it, or you can take a fishing one. After that, close the cork.
  2. We insert a rounded wooden rod into the center of this cork. Its length should be about 12-15 cm.
  3. And then we make notches on the rod according to the principle of the previous two methods. The maximum value is 96 degrees, the starting value is zero.
  4. To mark 96 degrees, use a container with alcohol. Divide the segment from 0 to 96 by 10 and put labels. The value of 1 division will be 9.6 degrees.

As you can see, making an alcohol meter is very simple. Such a device will become a faithful assistant to winemakers and moonshiners. A distinctive feature of a home alcoholometer is its accuracy. But the Chinese counterparts very often sin with this quality.

Do-it-yourself vinomer

The design of the wine meter is so simple that it allows you to make the device at home.

  • To do this, you need to take a float with a sealed bottom, even a regular test tube will do. Lower it into water at a temperature of 20 ° C, loading it with a load, make sure that it floats freely, a little before reaching the bottom. A mark is placed on the water cut - 0.
  • Then take 25 grams of dry sugar, dissolve in water, and bring the volume to 100 ml. Immerse the tube into the liquid and label. The density of such a solution is theoretically 25.
  • Remove the test tube from the solution and apply an equal graduation between the two marked points.

A saccharometer (a hydrometer for determining the concentration of sugar) is a device that makes life easier for moonshiners and winemakers, as well as for brewers, because it makes it possible to control the sugar content in the wort, which in turn allows you to make drinks with a predetermined strength and density. Having a sugar meter in the arsenal of a home distiller is optional, but highly desirable, and for brewers it is one of the most important devices for sticking to the chosen recipe (style) of beer. Often, a saccharometer is bought by those who decide to engage in the preparation of alcohol more or less constantly.

Principle of operation. All hydrometers, including the saccharometer and vinomer, work on the basis of the hydrostatic law (Archimedes' law), according to which the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the displaced liquid, which means that the volume of the immersed body is equal to the volume of the liquid displaced by it. Since the densities of liquids are different, the same body is immersed in them to different depths.

A saccharometer (vinomer) is a glass tube, the lower (wide) part of which is filled with mercury or shot to create the required mass, and the upper (narrow) part of the tube has a scale with a gradation of the density of the solution or the concentration of the substance being measured.

The vinomer differs from the saccharometer only in the presence of another scale that shows the strength (concentration of ethyl alcohol) in the wort. But due to their versatility and small size, the accuracy of domestic wine meters is often lower than that of saccharometers. At the same time, knowing the initial density of the wort, it is not a problem to determine the strength with a saccharometer at any stage of fermentation.

Types of household hydrometers

In home distillation, 2 types of hydrometers are common:

Saccharometer AS-3 – designed to measure the concentration of sugar in aqueous solutions by weight of dry matter. It is the most accurate household appliance. To determine the strength, it is required to compare the result with tabular values ​​and carry out calculations.

Measuring range: 0-25%.

Scale division value: 0.5%.

Limit of error: ±0.5.

A household wine meter is a device for determining the sugar content and strength of mash, wine or beer. It has two scales applied on different sides, which allows you to simultaneously find out the sugar content and the strength of the wort without calculations. The disadvantage is lower accuracy compared to AC-3.

Measurement range: the first scale - 0-25% (for sugar), the second scale - 0-12% (for alcohol).

Scale division value: 1%.

Margin of error: ±1-2% for sugar and ±2-3% for alcohol.

How to use a sugar meter and wine meter

It is correct to measure the initial and final density of the wort, since based on the difference obtained, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the nature of fermentation (ended or not) and the strength of the drink.

Initial density- sugar content before fermentation. Measured before adding yeast. The recommended values ​​depend on the type of drink.

The optimal sugar content in mash before fermentation is 18-20%, in the case of alcohol yeast - 20-30%.

The initial gravity of the wine is 10-31%, while remembering that most strains of wine yeast can completely ferment juice with a maximum of 20% sugar content (12% of the final strength), and the remaining sugar will not be processed and will determine the type of wine (dry, semi-sweet, sweet etc.).

The initial density of beer depends on the variety, this figure is in the range of 5-18% (for most varieties popular in Russia - 11-12%).

Final density- the sugar content in the wort after fermentation.

If the readings do not change within 24-48 hours and are below 2-2.5% sugar, fermentation is considered complete.

How to calculate the fortress on a sugar meter

To determine the strength with a saccharometer, you need to convert the readings of the initial and final density into units of alcohol according to the table (see figure), then subtract the final value from the initial value.

Table for converting saccharometer readings into fortress

For example, if the initial gravity is 18.5%, then this corresponds to 9.25% alcohol according to the table, and for the final gravity of the wort of 2.5%, the equivalent strength is 1%. The final strength of the drink \u003d 9.25 - 1 \u003d 8.25% vol.

Instructions for taking measurements

1. Fill the measuring container (flask, cylinder or beaker) with enough wort at +20 °C. When measuring the final density, agitate the liquid slightly to get rid of residual carbon dioxide, which reduces the accuracy of measurements.

Attention! Due to non-compliance with the temperature, an error of up to 7% is possible!

2. Wipe the hydrometer with a clean, dry cloth. Before diving, the instrument must be completely dry.

3. Gently immerse the saccharometer (vinomer) with the lower part into the liquid.

The device must not touch the walls and bottom of the vessel.

4. Wait until the hydrometer stabilizes at the same level.

5. Take readings. Position the eyes just below the liquid level so that the elliptical base of the meniscus is clearly visible, then slowly raise the head until the ellipse becomes a straight line.

Depending on the design, the values ​​​​are taken from the upper or lower edge of the meniscus (this point is necessarily described in the instructions for a particular model).

The red arrow is the upper meniscus, the green arrow is the lower one. If the original instructions for the device are not left, take readings along the lower meniscus

6. Remove the saccharometer (vinomer) from the flask, wipe it dry and put it in the original storage case. At least once every couple of months, check the readings and calibrate the device if necessary.

Checking and calibrating the hydrometer

To check the saccharometer or wine meter, it is enough to lower the device into distilled water at a temperature of +20 °C. When working correctly, a zero value should appear (on the vinomer sugar scale).

If the hydrometer floats too high, increase its mass by applying nail polish or tape to the top of the glass tube until the scale returns to zero.

If the saccharometer (vinomer) sinks too much, you need to reduce its weight by shaving off part of the glass at the top of the tube with a blade.


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