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This is a relatively expensive product, to which the concept of "high quality" is not always applicable. You can choose an antenna (dipole) in the store at any time, but this does not make much sense if you have minimal engineering skills.

Self-made car antenna.

We will look at how to make a receiver for a car radio with your own hands. You do not need complex materials - only the desire to save money and a little time. By the same principle, you can arrange a dipole for home, office and other places where there is a signal and the FM receiver can work.

Those receivers that can be found in auto supply stores today support a fairly narrow range of frequencies. They are focused on world standards, so it will not work to the maximum out of the antenna for the car radio.

Before you start making a dipole with your own hands, decide on the purpose of the antenna:

  1. Active. This is a version of the signal receiver with a built-in amplifier. It can pick up a signal at greater distances than a passive one. If you use the car radio only in the city - get by with a simpler option.
  2. Passive. Such antennas allow you to receive the broadcast of local radio stations with sufficient power. They work without an amplifier and are easier to make with your own hands than active ones.

You can also distinguish between signal catchers according to the installation principle:

  1. Internal. They are usually located in the passenger compartment. If you need an active dipole, it's better to make it internal.
  2. External. These traps are usually located on the outside of the car body. So it is possible to compensate for the low power of passive antennas.

Advantages of a homemade antenna

  • You can fit the antenna, made by yourself, to any car body.
  • To make an FM radio signal catcher in person, you will spend much less money than buying one.
  • You won't have problems with dipole height.
  • Mounting a factory design is more difficult than making a home-made installation.
  • With a high probability you will get the best reception quality.

Required Components

To make a signal catcher for the radio with your own hands, you do not need a lot of details. You will need:

Creating an antenna

Wind the wire around the anchor bolt. Watch the smoothness of the turns, they should not overlap.

Solder a wire to the winding around the bolt that will lead to the radio. Pick up a plastic case for the resulting design.

Now you can install the antenna on the roof with your own hands. This can be done in several ways:

  • using magnets;
  • using quality suction cups;
  • clamps;
  • embedding method;
  • mortise methods;
  • with a threaded connection.

Position the wire by running it along the body, preferably along one of the car's pillars. Creating an amplifier for an active antenna with your own hands is not for a beginner. If you decide to do this, you can find materials in the radio store, and diagrams on the Internet.

  • The car body can either contribute to increasing the range and quality of signal reception, or interfere. The place where the car antenna is installed plays a big role. The ideal location is the center of the car's roof (the intersection of the diagonals).
  • There should be no foreign metal objects near the trap.
  • Do not use the above techniques if you want to make a universal receiver (for radio, mobile and satellite communications, TV). Combined dipoles are best purchased ready-made. Although they can be made by hand.
  • It is better not to install an internal dipole if you are afraid of damaging the interior of the car. The receiving strips will deteriorate during dismantling.
  • Protect the signal catcher from the environment as much as possible. Otherwise, the contacts will oxidize, all structural details may rust.


We looked at how to make a simple but effective do-it-yourself dipole for a car radio. We hope this guide will help you save time, money and nerves.

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Modern car radios, or rather multimedia systems (head units), are not always effective in terms of reliable reception over long distances. Usually they are designed to work in a small distance from large cities where radio transmitting devices and broadcasting stations are installed.

If you drive away from the settlement for 20-30 kilometers, the reception quality deteriorates sharply. If the standard antenna is not enough for reliable reception of broadcasting stations, it is time to think about installing a car antenna signal amplifier.

Signs of poor reception

Depending on the type of car head unit and the information being played back, various signs of poor reception may appear:

  • interference in the form of signal loss and a kind of "hiss" when playing a sound signal;
  • loss, "fading" of the signal;
  • decrease in the number of available channels when moving away from the city;
  • disruptions in the image, synchronization of frame and line when playing a television signal;
  • complete absence of signal on all channels;
  • reproduction of a digital television signal in the form of "squares";
  • freezing of the digital Internet channel.

If these symptoms often appear within the usual travel areas, the use of a car antenna amplifier may be recommended.

Types of antenna amplifiers for a car

Before purchasing it, you must decide on the type of device. Most merchants do not allow the exchange of electronic funds. They believe (and this is partly reasonable) that the device may become unusable as a result of its illiterate connection.

There are few car antenna amplifiers on the domestic market, so first of all, you should decide on the device parameters that are best suited to your multimedia device, car operating conditions.

Antenna amplifiers differ in the way they organize power:

  • with a separate power rail;
  • powered by galvanic isolation via the signal bus.

Classic amplifiers with a separate positive power wire are easy to connect, suitable for any type of car radio, but require a separate wire to connect in addition to the signal cable. This is not always convenient, especially when the device is installed far from a place where power can be connected.

Amplifiers powered by galvanic isolation over the signal cable do not require an additional wire. In modern head units, the supply voltage is supplied through the signal cable. When connecting an amplifier, you need to delve into the settings of the radio. If this option is not provided, you will have to install an additional decoupling unit near the radio yourself. It's not that hard.

According to the reception band, amplifiers are divided into:

  • broadband;
  • narrowband.

Broadband antenna amplifiers were installed on old car radios, where it was necessary to amplify the signal of broadcasting stations in the medium wave, short wave and FM range. Nowadays, when most broadcast channels are concentrated in the FM band, there is no need to amplify unnecessary channels, reducing the noise immunity of the amplifier. In this regard, it is recommended to install more narrow-band devices - only with those frequencies that are planned to be used for reception.

The gain of the device is in the range from 10 to 30 dB. There are amplifiers with a higher coefficient. It is not always necessary to select devices with this maximum parameter.

If the receive signal is strong, it can "clog" the amplification channel, the receiver will generally "shut up". Many motorists encounter this effect when driving under high-voltage power lines, powering electric vehicles. When driving in conditions of conglomerates and at a distance of up to 100 kilometers from them, an amplifier with an indicator of 10 - 15 dB is enough.

According to the type of antenna device, they are divided:

  • for connection to whip antennas (conventional);
  • for connection to dipole (television, directional) antennas.

The second type of amplifier has a built-in matching circuit, designed to be connected to special car antennas.

By manufacturer, electronic devices are usually divided into:

  • domestic;
  • "doubtful" production.

If the first type is quite predictable, then it is difficult to predict about the second one until you open it. For example, you can look inside two externally identical foreign devices:

As they say, no comment...

How to connect

It is not recommended to connect a car antenna amplifier to an active standard antenna. It has its own amplifier. Even if it is out of order, it is necessary to technically remove it completely, only then connect an additional amplifier. Otherwise, connecting a non-standard device will not bring any benefit.

The most important rule that must be observed when connecting the amplifier is to install it as close as possible to the antenna-feeder device (in everyday life - the antenna). Whoever installed the amplifier in the country knows that it is built in at the top, in the antenna. In a car, it is better to install it near the antenna, for example, near the connection area with the signal cable.

When installing an antenna amplifier, it is important to correctly connect the signal cable. It consists of a central core and a shielding braid. Most amplifier models have a connection near the car radio, but this is not the best option in terms of noise immunity.

It is easy to connect it: remove the standard antenna cable from the radio and insert the amplifier into the gap. What's wrong here? The fact is that the amplifier will, in addition to the useful signal, amplify pickup noise from the electronic devices of the car itself. Auto itself is a source of powerful interference. Perfectly "noisy" ignition systems, CAN-bus, various auto gadgets.

It is better to organize a power connection via the antenna power bus, the output to which is in the standard connector of most car radios. Then the amplifier will turn on simultaneously with the inclusion of the head unit. You can also take power from other auto power buses, for example, from the 30th (parallel to the battery plus). But then the antenna amplifier will always be on. He consumes little. Such a connection is dangerous in that the amplifier can fail with powerful electromagnetic interference, for example, during a thunderstorm while parked. From this point of view, amplifiers powered by a signal cable using galvanic isolation are optimal.


After connecting a new device, you need to check its performance. In amplifiers with a separate power supply, this is easier to do. It is enough to enter the zone of uncertain reception. Next, the additional power bus of the amplifier is turned off. If at this moment the reception disappears or there is interference, then the amplifier gives a positive effect, or rather, it works.

It is difficult to evaluate the efficiency of the amplifier. Usually this is done by subjective methods, that is, "by eye". Antenna devices, despite their simplicity, are extremely complex elements in terms of calculation. Sometimes reception on ordinary household scissors or just a piece of wire is more effective than on a "fancy" antenna with a cool amplifier.

You can achieve better reception by shifting the signal cable routing, changing the installation location of the amplifier, even moving it a couple of centimeters to the right or left.

In most cases, if the amplifier is connected correctly, then no additional configuration is required.

Overview of some models of car antenna amplifiers

Domestic broadband amplifier "Triad-304" with a gain of 16 dB. Operating bands - AM and FM. Has a power off function. This is very useful if the car is operated in a big city with occasional out-of-town trips to the country.

In the city, such an amplifier should be turned off to provide protection from interference.

Antenna amplifier broadband ANT-208 is designed for installation in most vehicles. Has a separate power rail. Gain - 12 dB.

LADA antenna amplifier with 12/25 dB gain switching and LED level indication is convenient for operation in commercial trips over different distances.

An antenna radio amplifier is necessary in order to ensure reliable and uninterrupted reception of radio waves without interference in all directions. Despite the fact that in recent years, car audio manufacturers have been producing car radios with high functionality, this is not enough for high-quality radio reception, especially outside the city limits.

1 What properties should a good amplifier have?

Very often, motorists, succumbing to advertised brands, seek to purchase a "super-sophisticated" antenna, the manufacturer of which claims the high capabilities of the device for receiving a radio signal. As a rule, the real operation of the device is far from the promises of commercials.

In order to catch the radio in the entire frequency range, a high-quality antenna amplifier is enough. When choosing it, one should focus primarily on the maximum possible reception of a high-quality signal in a certain area. In addition, it is assumed that the power of the radio signal amplifier will completely cover the entire broadcasting frequency range.

A high-quality antenna amplifier for a modern car radio should:

  • maintain the operating mode even in a wide range of capacities and temperatures;
  • have a high dynamic range to prevent overloading due to a large input signal level;
  • be characterized by a minimum noise figure;
  • have a gain coefficient of the order of 15-25 decibels;
  • cover the entire range of existing frequencies with the operating band of the amplifier.

Thus, when purchasing a device or making an antenna amplifier with your own hands, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the possibility of installing it on the antenna itself or in its immediate vicinity.

If you install the part in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe antenna input, this can provoke an increase in the "noise-signal" coefficient, while high-quality reception of frequencies can even be difficult in some areas.

2 How to choose the right antenna amplifier?

Amplifiers offered on the market from various manufacturers, as a rule, are assembled according to a two-stage scheme, however, their operation in different ranges may differ from each other. Such devices are designed to increase the signal, and almost all car owners who have installed this part on their car note a significant improvement in reception.

All antenna amplifiers found on store shelves must comply with communication system standards and be certified in accordance with GOST.

Regardless of the quality and cost of the device, there are a number of side factors that, under certain circumstances, can affect radio reception. Among them are the following:

  • Signal overload in the city. To avoid radio interference, it is recommended to turn off the amplifier or set the gain to minimum.
  • Using an amplifier with an active antenna. This combination leads to the opposite effect and worsens the level of reception.

3 Overview of popular antenna amplifier models

Perhaps the most popular option for an amplifier for a car radio among domestic manufacturers is the Triada 304 model. Among the advantages of the device, one can single out a relatively low price, decent quality and optimal functionality, the ability to turn off the gain in the zone of a confident signal.

As for foreign-made amplifiers, the most popular are devices manufactured by Prology. For example, a model such as the TFB-100 is able to work simultaneously with several antennas and qualitatively amplify digital and analog signals with the same accuracy.

In addition to the presented models, there is still a huge number of manufacturers of similar devices, each of which seeks to surprise car owners with its "chips". However, many motorists prefer to make a radio antenna amplifier with their own hands, using the classic two-stage circuit and special self-assembly kits. Such kits are manufactured by Master Kit and others.

4 Making an amplifier according to a two-stage scheme with your own hands

Do-it-yourself amplifier for a car radio is performed according to the classical scheme with eight main resistors. Thus, the resistors R1, R2, R4 and R6 are designed to stabilize the changes in transistors like VT1 in the event of a change in voltage or temperature. The elements in the circuit are chosen to provide the maximum amplitude and frequency response of the amplifier.

In addition, special bipolar transistors of the 2SC29 type with a frequency of less than 1 GHz are also used in the circuit. This allows you to minimize the degree of noise that is produced by the amplifier itself. All elements of the two-stage circuit are mounted on a special board using soldering. You can solder the elements yourself or contact an electronics specialist who will connect in the correct sequence according to the diagram. The board can be purchased from a set of parts from the same Master Kit company. You can find the part in specialized stores.

After assembling a homemade radio amplifier, it is necessary to connect the contacts: the input of the amplifier with the input of the antenna, the output using a special cable with a resistance of at least 75 ohms goes to the radio receiver. The cable can be additionally insulated and fixed directly on the board with clamps, threading them through specially provided holes. It is very important to strictly observe the polarity when connecting the amplifier to the power supply of the car itself.

For power supply with the network, it is better to use a voltage of 12 volts and connect the board to the ANT radio output. In this case, the voltage will be applied when the car radio is turned on. If you install the device from the outside of the car, you should take care of additional insulation and tightness of the case, but it is better to install the radio signal amplifier in close proximity to the antenna.

The advantage of making the part yourself is that if necessary, you can change the circuit and get a clearer signal at the output and minimize the amount of interference that occurs.

An antenna amplifier is necessary if you want to improve the sensitivity and significantly improve the quality of the received signal from radio stations broadcasting on the VHF and FM bands.

It is important to note that the device does not solve the problem if the antenna built into the car is broken. For the correct operation of the device, the antenna will need to be changed. You can do it in another way: disconnect the broken one from the radio, in its place connect a new passive antenna already with the signal amplifier connected.

Antenna signal booster

When using an antenna booster, the following guidelines must be observed:

  1. You need to try to install the signal amplifier closer to the antenna. Connecting a car radio at the input increases the level of the received signal, but nearby electrical equipment provokes noise and interference;
  2. Compliance with the operating band for the required frequency range should be observed;
  3. It is important to pay attention to the gain and give preference to parameters of 15-25 dB;
  4. It is better to choose a model that is capable of ensuring uninterrupted operation in the event of a spread in the supply voltage;
  5. The best option is an amplifier with a high dynamic range. This parameter contributes to overload protection;
  6. It is necessary to focus on the indicated noise figure. It must be below the declared signal-to-noise ratio.

FM Antenna Amplifier for Car

The signal amplifier is designed to efficiently and efficiently receive broadcasts of radio stations. Using it in a car leads to an increase in the power of the received signal by more than two times. The advantage of the device is also the simplicity and ease of connection.

It is worth paying attention to the existence of negative factors that affect the quality of the received signal:

  • urban saturation and broadcast power often add congestion to the received signal level. Manufacturers prescribe to turn off or reduce the gain in the urban area;
  • the use of an amplifier together with an active antenna is strongly discouraged. This leads to distortion and deterioration in signal reception;
  • the presence of failures in signal reception, after replacing and connecting the head unit, may occur due to the absence or incorrect connection of the power supply of the active antenna. The problem will help to solve the purchase or manufacture of a special adapter.

FM signal booster for home

The FM signal amplifier for the home is a device that allows you to qualitatively improve the signal at a distance of 60-120 km to broadcasting radio stations. The main buyers are residents of rural areas and suburbs who want to improve the quality of the signal received in the VHF and FM bands.

The use of an amplifier is justified in case of poor reception, noise, signal loss or swimming. If the distance of 150 kilometers to the broadcasting radio station is exceeded, the antenna amplifier will not be able to help.

Manufacturers of antenna amplifiers

Among domestic manufacturers, one can distinguish the companies of NPF "Triada", in the line of which there is a large selection of antennas and signal amplifiers. For example:

  • "Triada-301" is a car antenna amplifier of the initial price category, operating in the VHF and FM bands;
  • "Triada-302" - a device with gain control;
  • Triada-304 Dalnoboy is a powerful AM, VHF, FM car antenna amplifier with the ability to turn off the gain.

Also on the market are models of Chinese manufacturers.

Antenna Signal Booster Suppliers Wholesale

The supply of antenna signal amplifiers in bulk can be ordered on the websites of companies selling this type of equipment. Electronic components are offered by CJSC "CHIP and DIP" and trading and manufacturing company SPIN. Wholesale is carried out by the Musical Instruments online store in St. Petersburg and the Aksnot website in Novosibirsk. Deliveries of any parties can be ordered in China.


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