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Most people experience the pleasure of driving a car, and many people like to drive at high speed, especially on motorways and highways. But for speeding in our country fines are issued in accordance with applicable law. In particular, Article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses imposes restrictions on freedom of movement, and provides for the deprivation of a driver's license for violating laws.

As for the speed limit, the legislation is regularly amended and changed. Today, a speed of 20 km per hour is considered the lowest permissible speed limit, for this indicator, the Administrative Code does not yet provide for any fines. In order to issue a fine and recognize the offense, it is necessary to fix it. The traffic police can do this with the help of radar or video cameras, which are fixed in special places.

Exceeding the speed limit: registration on the road with standard instruments

Installation of video surveillance cameras is carried out in certain areas where the rate of speed violations is the highest. Usually, warning signs are placed on the roads, this is done at a distance of 300 meters from the camera on highways and within 100 meters in the city. The cameras do not record speed violations up to 20 km per hour. By shooting video and photos on the roads, the following violations can be identified:

  • exceeding the speed limit by more than 20 km per hour, as well as fixing up to three hundred kilometers per hour;
  • moving to the oncoming lane and crossing the continuous markings;
  • non-use of seat belts;
  • moving to a dedicated lane.

Also today, cameras are placed between certain objects. These devices are interconnected and record the time during which the car moves between the specified points. The fixer program knows the distance, so the average speed of the vehicle is calculated automatically. If the movement was faster than 20 km per hour, then a resolution is formed.

Cameras can regulate the movement of cars on the highway. Moreover, the owner of the car can receive a fine not only for exceeding the regime, but also for insufficient speed. For example, if the transport moves slower than 40 km per hour or stops in the wrong place, then the legislation provides for the imposition of a fine in the amount of one thousand rubles.

Features of the government decree on speeding

Each driver receives a notice of violation of the speed limit by mail, and it is recommended that the citizen carefully study the received paper. And if you find any discrepancy with reality, then you can not pay the fine. The original document must include the following information:

  1. Speeding data (vehicle speed and the amount by which you exceeded it).
  2. Data about the registration device, its license plate and location address.
  3. Photo of a car with license plates.
  4. Extract from the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  5. Address and time of registration of the violation.
  6. Receipt and the details indicated on it. Please note that the account must begin with the numbers 401 or 407.
  7. The envelope should have a special transparent window.

Features of violations of the speed limit

The driver can appeal the decision within ten days, and only if the driver was not the owner of the car. Behind the wheel could be a person driving the vehicle by proxy. An appeal is also allowed in situations where the car was stolen, and the owner had to take the necessary measures at the time of receiving the notice of the fine. It is allowed to appeal the decision only after providing all the necessary documents.

Existing mobile speed detectors

Fixing a violation of the speed limit by the traffic police can be carried out using radar. The legislation includes prescribed conditions that allow the use of the device. Only an excess of speed of more than 20 km per hour is recorded. All other violations of drivers by traffic police officers can fix visually. The following devices are in use today:

  • "Arena". It has a sight range of one and a half kilometers, is placed on the edge of the roadway on a tripod. With the help of the device, it is really possible to fix a speed violation, as well as take a photo of the car. The snapshot automatically shows the date with time and the speed of the car. Operation with the device is also possible at night;
  • "Spark". This model is the most common. Fixes the speed at a distance of 400-800 meters, you can adjust the device manually. Very often, the radar is installed on the traffic police car;
  • "Vizir". Removes and fixes high-speed offenses. Operated in both mobile and stationary mode.

Controversial cases of speeding

When fixing a speed violation of 20 km per hour or more, the traffic police officer has the right to stop the vehicle and draw up a protocol. But in this case, there are some nuances that car owners should be aware of. They concern not only drivers, but also traffic police officers themselves. All devices that record the speed of movement differ not only in the distance of possible measurement, but also in the features of their work in a multi-lane road. For example, the Iskra device can only be used on roadways with low traffic density. It is best to operate it in one lane, where no more than three cars are moving. There should be no vehicles on the second lane.

If a traffic police officer presents you with readings of the device, where the numbers are recorded more than the permissible speed limit, then you should familiarize yourself with the data provided.

Examples of Violations

The radar can record the time that has already passed since the moment of fixing the speed of movement, for example, 69 seconds. The duration of a complete stop of the car when driving at a speed of 60 km per hour is 4-6 seconds. Presentation of a certificate by a traffic police officer and taking readings from the device - another 25-30 seconds. Thus, gets 31-36 seconds. The actual duration of the movement of the machine from the sampling period will be approximately 33 seconds.

Are there any possible exceptions in 2018-2019

If you nevertheless exceeded the speed limit by 20 km per hour or more, and the registration was carried out in accordance with all the rules, then the traffic police officer must issue you a fine, which must be paid within sixty days. You can appeal the received decision in court and within the specified time frame if the inspectors have committed any offenses against the owner of the vehicle.

Most Russians are full-fledged car owners, and at the same time, many love high-speed driving, especially on highways. Unfortunately, today fines are issued for exceeding the permitted speed limit based on current legislation. In order to issue a fine for speeding, traffic police officers need to establish the very fact of the violation using video cameras or radars.

The passion of car enthusiasts for fast driving is familiar to everyone, but it is limited to a limit of 110 km / h. The existing speed limit is regularly amended and amended by legislation.

At the moment, the maximum allowable excess of speed is brought to a value of 20 km / h. That is, if the radar detected a difference in speed from the speed set above this one, the car owner will receive a fine.

Why does it depend? Everything is calculated on the basis of the excess of the maximum allowed value on the checked section of the route, as well as the method of fixing the violation.

For convenient consideration, a table of fines for speeding is provided, it is based on article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

minimum 20 km/h and maximum 40 km/h
Exceeding the speed limit Amount of the fine
500 rubles
from 40 km/h to 60 km/h from 1000 to 1500 thousand rubles
from 60 km/h to 80 km/h from 2000 to 2500 thousand rubles or deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 4 to 6 months
more than 80 km/h 5000 thousand rubles or deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 6 months
repeated violation of the permitted speed limit during the year in accordance with paragraph 3, article 12.9 from 2000 to 2500 thousand rubles
repeated violation of the permitted speed limit throughout the year in accordance with paragraphs 4, 5 of article 12.9 revocation of a driver's license for a period of one year

Important! If the excess of the permitted speed was recorded using special automatic technical installations - photo and video fixers, then the motorist does not lose his rights. Instead, he undertakes to pay a fine with a fixed amount of 5,000 rubles.

If you analyze the table, you can see that the minimum amount of the fine is 500 rubles, and the maximum is 5000 rubles. These data are published for 2017 and are valid.

In addition to the main article for this offense 12.9, the driver may be fined under one more article - 12.16. It implies the driver's failure to comply with the instructions of the sign "Restriction of the maximum speed" (3.24).

In this case, it does not matter how much the excess was made. Based on this article, the driver receives a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

What is the permissible speed limit in 2017?

Despite the fact that today fines are imposed for exceeding the permitted speed limit, few motorists can restrain themselves and not drive at least once along the highway.

Sometimes there are cases when it is necessary to exceed the speed limit, but no one wants to receive a fine. How to avoid punishment and comply with all the necessary requirements?

Based on the Rules of the Road, the speed limit on urban and rural roads is 60 km/h. Outside built-up areas, it is allowed to drive at 90 km/h, and on the motorway - 110 km/h.

Despite this, even on the tracks there are certain areas where there are signs that define the speed limits. In connection with what, it can be connected?

Several factors are noted:

  • congestion of the road section;
  • the quality of the road surface;
  • weather;
  • availability of road repair works;
  • features of the road section associated with topography (slopes, sharp and sharp turns, and others).

Due to the fact that several years ago a large number of traffic accidents were recorded, it was decided to reduce the maximum speed limit and tighten the rules.

To date, the car owner can exceed the permitted speed by no more than 10 km / h. Thus, the authorities showed great hope that this restriction will help reduce the number of accidents on the roads.

Methods for fixing a violation of the speed limit

To date, there are several main ways to fix violations of the permissible speed limit.

This includes the following types of traffic police radars:

  • Mobile - mounted on a special footboard or patrol car, used by traffic police officers as a determination of speeding on a set section of the road.
  • Portable - as well as mobile ones, they are used by traffic police officers as a determination of speeding on an established section of the road. Such devices are manual.
  • Stationary - are traffic police video recording cameras, mounted on specially designated structures near the road with a large traffic flow. They perform automatic tracking and detection of violations, after which the vehicle is fixed and the data is sent to the information center for processing.

Which radars are allowed and which are not?

According to published data, of all types of traffic police radars, portable radars, which are a type of pistol with a reading screen, have been banned today. They are almost invisible to car owners when driving.

The traffic police officer often hid behind a certain barrier and appeared at the very last moment. If the speed was exceeded, the car stopped and the value was shown to the driver.

However, as practice shows, often the numbers on the speedometer did not match the radar reading. But arguing with a traffic police officer is very difficult.

For all the time of the practice of using such hand-held radars, a lot of complaints have gathered, both from motorists and from law enforcement agencies.

Unfortunately, the ban on use is still widespread only in a few regions. It is possible that in the future the rule will spread throughout Russia.

Can a radar detector save you from speeding?

First of all, it is worth noting that the best way to avoid a fine for speeding is to comply with the rules and allowable speed limits.

However, the human factor has not been canceled either. In this regard, there are many anti-radar in the automotive market.

According to the manufacturers, these devices are able to detect pre-installed traffic police radars and warn motorists. In practice, things are a little different.

Technology is constantly improving, radars are being modernized and getting better. In this regard, you can spend tens of thousands of rubles on the purchase of the same more advanced anti-radar. This does not guarantee success on the road.

They will install a new radar - and the driver will have to buy the device again. Perhaps the most effective way is to comply with the established speed limits, as well as remember where the stationary radars are.

Portable equipment is very difficult to detect and predict its location. Despite this, anti-radar can also be used. All the rules together will give you the best way to protect yourself from getting a speeding ticket.

Compliance with speed limits when driving various vehicles can significantly reduce the risk of accidents on the roads. As practice and statistics show, it is the violation of speed limits that is the most common cause of an accident, for which there is real administrative responsibility. These violations are regulated by the relevant chapter of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Fines for speeding

The amount of the fine for speeding in a separate section will be calculated based on how much the established speed limit was exceeded, as well as on the method by which this violation was recorded.

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, the penalties will be as follows:

  • more than 20 km/h and up to 40 km/h- fine 500 rubles.
  • When exceeding the permitted speed over 40 km/h and up to 60 km/h- fine 1000-1500 rubles. Repeat violation - a fine of 2000-2500 rubles.
  • When exceeding the permitted speed over 60 km/h and up to 80 km/h- fine 2000-2500 rubles. An alternative might be deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 4-6 months. Repeat violation threatens deprivation of rights for 1 year or a fine of 5000 rubles in the case of photography.
  • When exceeding the permitted speed more than 80 km/h- fine 5000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 6 months. Repeat violation - a fine of 5000 in case of photo and video recording or deprivation of rights for 1 year.

In addition to the established fines relating to the punishment for exceeding a certain speed limit, a penalty may be imposed for ignoring the relevant traffic sign, which limits the maximum permissible speed of movement. The amount of exceeding the speed limit, in this case, is not important, and for such a violation an administrative penalty is imposed in the amount of 500 rubles.

This is more clearly seen in the table.

Table with fines for speeding

Types of speed limits

It is worth noting that speed limits are regulated by the tenth chapter of the SDA. The variety of these modes will depend on several factors:

  • From the location of road surfaces (within settlements or not), as well as their varieties - roads, highways, etc.
  • From the types of vehicles (trucks, cars, motorcycles, etc.).
  • From those tasks that a particular vehicle performs (transportation of goods, passenger transportation, towing other cars, etc.).

These are fairly general characteristics, but for the sake of completeness, it is worth considering each individual vehicle and the speed limits that are provided for them in the table.

According to the decree, these standards may change, in accordance with various factors that do not affect the overall safety of traffic on the roads. These changes can be directed towards increasing the permissible values ​​​​of the permitted speed, with the installation of appropriate signs. At the same time, the speed should not exceed the indicators that are prescribed for driving on motorways.

Limitation speed (km/h)
vehicle type In residential areas and yard areas Settlements Outside built-up areas on highways Outside built-up areas on other roads
Passenger cars and trucks with a maximum authorized mass of not more than 3.5 tons On one's own 20 60 110 90
Trailer towing 20 60 90 70
20 50 50 50
Intercity, small-seat buses and motorcycles On one's own 20 60 90 90
Vehicle towing 20 50 50 50
Transportation of a group of children 20 60 60 60
Other buses On one's own 20 60 90 70
Vehicle towing 20 50 50 50
Transportation of a group of children 20 60 60 60
Goods vehicles with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 3.5 t On one's own 20 60 90 70
Trailer 20 60 90 70
Vehicle towing 20 50 50 50
Transportation of people in the body 20 60 60 60
Vehicles carrying bulky, heavy and dangerous goods are allowed to move at a speed not exceeding the speed established when agreeing on the conditions of transportation.

Other Features of Liability

It happens when several violations of the current legislation are visible in the actions of the driver. If this issue is considered more carefully, then the following case can be described:

On a certain section of the road, which is located on the territory of a certain settlement, there is a speed limit sign - no more than 40 km / h. The driver was driving on this road at a speed of at least 85 km/h. His actions were recorded, as a result of which he committed the following offenses:

  • Ignoring the requirements that were indicated on the road sign.
  • Exceeding the maximum allowable speed limit by 45 km / h on this section of the road.

Thus, ignoring the information indicated on the road sign will be punished by a fine of 500 rubles, and exceeding the permissible speed limits - by an administrative penalty in the amount of one to one and a half thousand rubles. According to the Code, the commission of several offenses implies responsibility for where a more severe penalty is imposed. In this case, the driver will be punished with a fine of one to one and a half thousand rubles.

If a person is convicted of a repeated violation of the speed limit for the current reporting period, then an administrative penalty in the amount of 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles will be imposed on him.

How is a speed violation detected?

To date, the main methods for fixing cases of exceeding the speed limit are:

  • portable radars.
  • Mobile type radars.
  • Stationary type radars.

Radars of portable and mobile types are used to control a certain section of the road. At the same time, mobile-type radars are installed on certain stands or traffic police vehicles, and portable radars are manual structures.

If a violation has been recorded, the traffic police officer must take the following actions:

  • Familiarize the driver with the speed indicators recorded by the device.
  • Provide the driver with evidence that it was his car that was driving at the speed indicated on the device.
  • At the request of the driver, the employee must provide all the documentation for the radar used, which indicates its technical characteristics and possible errors in operation.
  • If the driver agrees with the claims made, then the employee writes him a fine directly at the scene.
  • In cases where the driver does not agree with the arguments of the traffic police officer, or the driver’s actions fall under the deprivation of his driver’s license, it is necessary to draw up a protocol, which is subsequently sent to the district traffic police department, or for consideration by the judicial authorities.

Stationary type radars are installed on those sections of roads where the most rapid traffic is observed. Such devices carry out fixing the excess of the speed limit, at the same time taking into account the numbers of those cars that committed this offense.

The information obtained with the help of such radars is sent to the traffic police department, where a decision is drawn up to collect an administrative fine from the owner of the car that was recorded on the device. Within a few days, this decision is sent to the owner of this vehicle at the address indicated in the unified information base. At the same time, there is no difference who was driving the car in this particular case - the owner of the car will still have to pay. He can send all claims regarding this decision to the court no later than ten days from the date of receipt of the registered letter.

Possible changes

The State Duma already has a draft law that regulates the amount of fines for exceeding speed limits on ordinary roads by more than 71 km/h, as well as on highways - more than 12 km/h. While all this is still in development, but it is definitely worth waiting for changes in this matter.

In addition, exceeding the permissible speed parameters on the roads, even if these acts are not regulated administratively, is still considered an offense. If an emergency occurs on the road, the driver who exceeded the speed limit will be considered the culprit of this accident. Which will inevitably entail the denial of insurance payments to this person.

Yuri, by scoreboard do you mean signs with changeable images?

If so, please attach a diagram of the location of the scoreboard and road signs (limiting speed) along your route.

Unfortunately I don't have a diagram. These are information boards above the Ring Road, which indicate the speed and various notifications such as road repair, slippery road.

Yuri, do the values ​​on the scoreboard contradict the usual road signs?

Of course, they contradict - according to the Ring Road, the allowed speed is 110 km / h.

Yuri, after each "110" sign you can drive at a speed of 110 km/h. You can be fined at 130 km/h.

After each "70" board you can drive at a speed of 70 km/h. You can be fined at 90 km/h.

The scoreboard is essentially the same signs. Each next sign (board) cancels the action of the previous one.

Good luck on the roads!

Thank you, but there are no 110 km/h signs on the Ring Road. I doubt, however, that the electronic signs over the Ring Road have legal force. I think that these are still informational values ​​\u200b\u200band recommend this speed, and do not oblige.

Thank you, but there are no 110 km/h signs on the Ring Road.

And why then do you think that it is possible to move at that speed there?


Good luck on the roads!

Yuri, in this case, the maximum speed is set by the display. I don’t think these signs are fake, the traffic police would not mess with such people.

Those. the board is similar to sign 3.24 and sets the maximum speed. If you exceed it by 20 km / h or more, you can get a fine.

Good luck on the roads!

wowick, in this case the following logical chain is used.

1. Images are not used in the text of the rules of the road. The text of the document is simply text with numbers and descriptions of the characters. The published texts of the rules contain signs to make it easier for drivers to understand the rules.

2. At the beginning of Appendix 1 there is the following sentence:

The numbering of road signs corresponds to GOST R 52290-2004.

Those. a description of the images of signs can be found in this GOST.

3. GOST itself contains the following paragraph:

5.2.1. Signs are made using retroreflective materials, with internal lighting, with external lighting. Image elements of black and gray colors of signs should not have a retroreflective effect.

It is allowed to produce signs with light indication with designations of inscriptions and symbols in matrix form. At the same time, it is allowed to replace black inscriptions and symbols with white or yellow, and the white background of signs with black in cases where this does not lead to their erroneous perception. Replacing the red color of the background, symbol and border of signs and sizes of their images is not allowed.

So the scoreboard signs are also road signs.

Good luck on the roads!

Based on all of the above, I propose the other extreme: - so that people on the roads do not violate the speed limit, make cars moving at a speed of 60 km / h and the problem of speeding will be solved. The rest of the vehicles with a higher speed in the country to ban forever. Thus, we will solve the problem with speed on the roads. But then there will be nothing to rob people for? yes gentlemen in power)

This was already many years ago (in the last century). Everything worked. And in this century, the speed limit has increased, and the roads have become worse than in the last century.

I think it's better to do it differently. Cars exceeding 60 km/h are prohibited from driving on roads, but only on sports tracks.


What relevant signs are mentioned in the note to paragraph 10.2? If about the sign 3.24 which is used as an example at the beginning of your article, then in my subjective opinion this is not correct, because the sign 3.24 is prohibitive, here is an example: on a section of the road we see sign 3.24 (90), this sign prohibits exceeding the speed indicated on the sign, which means that the speed above that indicated on the sign 3.24 was allowed earlier. You see, you can't ban something that's not allowed.

A new sign is needed, used separately or in conjunction with signs 5.1 and 5.3, and put in order the 10th section, otherwise it turns out that: The speed of movement on the motorway is regulated by the clause on the speed of movement OUTSIDE the settlement, and the note of clause 10.2 regulates the speed of movement IN THE SETTLEMENT at the speed set for the motorway, but this speed is allowed on the motorway OUTSIDE of the settlement.

I rented a car for 5 days, I returned it in a short time. 3 days after the delivery, the owner of the car asked me to pay a fine for speeding fixed by technical means (the camera took a picture). I decided to act according to my conscience and was going to pay. And again a complaint was received that another fine had come, in it the amount was already 2000 rubles for a repeated offense. I looked at the fines and it turned out that before the first fine I received, the owner of the car had 2 more unpaid fines also for exceeding, and the fine for repeating "me" issued to me was already the fourth in a week. But the previous 2 are not mine! How to arrive in the given situation???

Ruslan, fines for violations that you have committed must be paid. Fines for other periods should not be paid, let the owner of the car deal with them.

Good luck on the roads!

I have a question. The car is registered to me. The first time speeding was my wife, and the second time (within a year) already me and what to do? How to be?

and what to do? How to be?

Comply with traffic rules. Or not get caught.

Ildar, the fine is imposed on the owner of the vehicle. If, after the first violation, the wife did not contact the traffic police to "rewrite" the fine for herself, then both fines are imposed on you. In the second case, punishment will be imposed for repeated violation of the rules.

Good luck on the roads!


Question - I exceeded the speed limit in the city by 20-40 km. After 4 months, a bailiff 500 rubles was taken from my card and passbook. The most interesting thing is that I did not receive a letter and did not know anything at all. The violation was recorded on camera (tripod). You might be better off with 100% payment.

Eugene, I'm not going to collect fines from car owners, so it's absolutely not profitable for me.

Better yet, just follow the rules of the road. As practice shows, it is not difficult at all.

Good luck on the roads!


Maxim, hello!

2 days ago I immediately received 2 fines for speeding (I was driving within the city at a speed of 88-90 km / h), and it turned out that the cameras (tripods) recorded me on the same day and almost in the same place (the time difference in the photo is 1.5 minutes).

The question is: is it legal to demand 2 fines from me for the same violation, if Article 4.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses says that "No one can bear administrative responsibility twice for the same administrative offense."

Article 4.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses says that "No one can be held administratively liable twice for the same administrative offense."

Evgenia-24, why do you think that speeding with an interval of 1.5 minutes is one violation?

Evgenia, Hello.

Specify whether the fines came from one camera or from different ones? Did you pass them 1 time or 2?

I increased the speed in the city by 40 km / h, but the owner of the car is the father. He received an SMS, they say so and so, pay. There are no questions, I'll pay, because my cant. BUT! If during this week that I went and did not know about the fine, I hit more fines, then what will be the consequences for my father? Suppose (roughly speaking) I increased the speed there 2 more times by the same 40 km / h. Repeat fines (2000-2500)? Or is it deprivation?

Suppose (roughly speaking) I increased the speed there 2 more times by the same 40 km / h.

In order not to be deprived during the second one - do not exceed more than 60 km / h (if the camera captures - only a fine of 5 tr). Repeated from 40 to 60 costs 2 - 2.5 tr.

Pauline, if at least one of the violations is speeding by 60 km / h or more, then warn the father about this. The fact is that if he repeatedly exceeds the speed limit by 60 km / h or more and the violation is recorded by employees (not cameras), then he will be deprived of his rights.

Good luck on the roads!

Received 2 fines for speeding in the city (84km / h) from cameras (tripods) within 1 minute with a time difference in seconds ... Is the 2nd fine with a difference of 20 seconds legal?

Elena, if the fines are recorded by different cameras in different places and at different times, then everything is within the framework of the law.

Since the beginning of 2019, changes in traffic rules have come into force in the country, relating to new penalties and rules for motorists. You can find out what changes have taken place in the traffic rules since January 1, 2019, what is the system of fines, what is the new procedure for monitoring the conduct of technical inspection, etc., in this article.

Many mistakenly believed that in 2019 fines for traffic violations would increase by several times. In fact, the size of the fines remained unchanged.

The amendments made include the system for tracking offenses. Now the traffic police inspector can issue a penalty based on the video. This applies not only to surveillance cameras that are located on the roads, but also to simple video recordings that are provided by third parties. At the same time, video materials must be provided from devices that have an official program. Carrying out an upgrade should be of interest to car drivers, since drivers, in case of disputable situations, will be able to prove their rights more easily.

This year, the coefficient in the event of a restart was lowered. Work on the bill was carried out a year ago. The changes are interesting, especially for those drivers who drive heavy trucks.

If the technical characteristics are violated, the risk of accidents increases, for example:

  • breaking pavement on old roads and bridges;
  • making the stopping distance longer than advertised, thereby increasing the risk to other motorists who participate in traffic;
  • frequent overturning of an overloaded car, since the latter skids easier when cornering;
  • Faster vehicle wear.

For the same reason, the penalty for overloading has been tightened and amounts to:

The legislation provides for punishment for overload also for passenger cars. The motorist will be fined even if the weight of their vehicle exceeds 250-600kg. Traffic inspectors also carefully monitor how many passengers are in the car, whether they are fastened.

It should be noted that for each unfastened person a fine is provided (1000 rubles), and for violation of the rules of transportation, drivers are obliged to pay a fine of 500 rubles.

One of the new changes is the imposition of a fine in a certain amount for:

  • for 20-40 km / h - 500 rubles;
  • for 40-60 km / h - 1000 rubles;
  • for 60-80 km / h - 2000-2500 rubles or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months.

For repeated exceeding the speed limit, a fine of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles is also provided if the speed limit was exceeded by 40-60 km/h. And if the driver exceeded the speed by 60 or more kilometers per hour, then this threatens to deprive the VU of 12 months.

Write-off of fines

A new collection system through a banking institution will soon work. This will apply to those amounts, the amount of which will not exceed 3 thousand rubles. If the motorist does not pay the amount of the fine within a 2-day period, then the latter will be collected by force. It turns out that the money will be debited from the bank account. In addition to the main penalty amount, the driver will also have to pay 1000 rubles. executive fee.

It should be noted that the legislation provides an opportunity for motorists, for example, on the website of the State Service.

Thanks to the above area, the percentage of penalties will be increased. The legislation also provides an opportunity for motorists. This is possible if the driver pays the fine within 20 days from the date of imposition of the penalty, and not from the moment the decision comes into force.

Changes were also made in the system of distribution of received fines. These funds should be directed to road funds and the purpose of use should be the repair and modernization of the pavement.

Cyclists are now full members of the road. For them, special road signs have also been developed under the numbers 5.33 and 5.34. Only being in the “bike path” zone, cyclists have a privilege over motorists.

In the case of movement on the roadway (this right is included in the SDA), citizens driving bicycles must obey the general rules that are established for vehicles. Bicyclists are now prohibited from parking in the bike lane, as this would be equivalent to parking on the sidewalk.

Technical inspection control

Starting from 2019, there has been a revision of the procedure for monitoring technical inspection. The changes should come into effect in 2020. At the same time, motorists are expected to undergo changes related to the imposition of penalties:

Now motorists can count on passing technical inspection in any point of the population. It does not matter where the vehicle is registered. The main condition is the accreditation of the company that issues the diagnostic card.

So, motorists, in order to avoid the imposition of penalties, are also required to inquire about the latest additions to the traffic rules that have been introduced into the legislation since 2019.

Changes in traffic rules from January 1, 2019 updated: February 4, 2019 by: admin


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