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Many heard from friends, from acquaintances that milk serum very useful for the body, despite the fact that it is not specially produced. It is formed after the coagulation of milk and after the production of cheese and cottage cheese. What exactly is the value of whey? And what is the daily intake of this drink?

It is a drink, for example, in Switzerland, where cheese production is very developed, a carbonated drink is made based on exactly the same whey.

Useful properties of whey from milk.

Contains special sugar lactose. This is a healthy carbohydrate that fights fat deposition. Therefore, it is recommended primarily to those who lead a sedentary lifestyle (). But, if you also want to lose weight, you should not forget about physical activity.

In addition, whey contains low molecular weight proteins. They promote cell growth and renewal. So this drink strengthens hair well. And washing with serum will relieve you of inflammatory processes on the face.

Serum contains more than two hundred different vital substances. These are potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and a huge amount vitamins. The high content of antioxidants in this product helps to slow down the aging process and normalize liver function. And also to exclude the development and remove excess fluid, toxins and toxins from the body.

You should know that serum is an excellent remedy for burns. It also perfectly quenches thirst in the summer.

Storage and consumption of whey.

This useful product should be stored in the refrigerator. And no more than two days. And you can drink it up to three glasses a day. But not everyone can use whey. It is not recommended for people who are allergic to lactose, as well as prone to.

Treatment with whey.

Serum gained particular fame in the eighteenth century. It was then that doctors studied its healing properties and composition. It turned out that whey is indicated for the treatment of skin diseases, poisoning, dysentery and diarrhea. It is a diuretic and general tonic, has sedative properties.

Modern scientists, having studied the serum more carefully, came to the conclusion that this dairy product helps with neuroses, normalizes the neuropsychic conditions of patients. It is an excellent tool for the prevention of diseases vessels And hearts.

Serum is recommended for patients with gastritis and low acidity. Whey has the ability to normalize the intestinal microflora, eliminate the processes of putrefaction that cause low-quality products. It is used to treat urolithiasis, bronchitis, varicose veins, constipation and to strengthen the immune system. It has the ability to dissolve and remove stones from the ureter and kidneys. Milk whey is an invaluable set of various vitamins and natural ingredients that cleanses and restores all organs of the human body.

Milk serum for skin.

Very often prepared from whey cosmetical tools . They are especially useful in skin diseases caused by a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Skin diseases include: diathesis, oily skin, psoriasis, food allergies, acne and neurodermatitis.

In these diseases, serum is used both internally and externally - in the form of rubdowns, masks and compresses. For general skin cleansing, drink 1 glass of serum once a day before meals. To improve the taste, it is desirable to cool it.

With seborrhea, gauze wipes pre-moistened in serum should be applied to the affected areas. Keep this compress for at least two hours. Then wipe the skin with a decoction of calendula. The course of cleaning the skin from acne is 3-4 weeks. It is recommended to drink serum 100 ml twice a day for two weeks, then take a short break and repeat the previous serum intake in the same proportions. You can add serum to the bath, it will be of great benefit to the skin, because through the pores the beneficial substances enter the body faster and in greater quantities than through the walls of the intestines.

Milk whey for weight loss.

Whey stimulates the intestinal tract, removes excess water and toxins from the body, and improves metabolism. Wherein lactose contained in whey, is involved in fat formation. For people who are overweight or just trying to lose some weight, whey is very useful, since it does not contain fats and cholesterol. An important feature of whey is that it enriches the body with proteins that do not form fat deposits.

After drinking the serum, thirst disappears and the feeling of hunger is dulled. It has been established that three grams of whey stops the production of stress hormones in the body, and it is often stressful situations that cause overeating. Slimming whey can be drunk as an independent drink, or it can be added to prepared dishes.

Milk serum for the face.

Facial Milk Serum is a natural antioxidant that stimulates the skin system. Serum reduces the depth of wrinkles, whitens not only freckles, but also age spots, improves and refreshes the complexion, restores skin with sunburn, helps eliminate dry skin problems and deeply moisturizes it, cleanses the skin of the face.

Whey, in addition to water, contains natural chemical components that benefit the skin. Serum compresses and masks bring an excellent anti-aging effect.

When using whey, oily sheen disappears, the complexion becomes healthier, the skin is cleared of traffic jams. Serum can be used to wash the face, add it to various masks. You can also freeze the cubes in the freezer and make cosmetic ice out of it for wiping the skin of the face. Whey should be freshly prepared with each use. Do not apply it to damaged areas of the skin, with caution on the area around the eyes and eyelids.

Milk whey for hair growth.

Due to the high content of potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamins, serum has a beneficial effect on hair growth. With its help, you can eliminate brittleness, split ends and their mass loss. Serum is one of the few products that is used for all types of hair. It eliminates the problems associated with increased dryness of hair, their fragility and excessive sebum production.

Due to its special properties and its composition, the serum nourishes the skin, reduces the formation of dandruff, eliminates irritation and itching. Thanks to the serum, the hair becomes shiny, obedient, thick and accelerates the growth process. The advantage is that the serum does not have a specific smell and can be used at any time.

In order to improve consumer properties and increase shelf life, sucrose is added to condensed whey in an amount of 12.5-30%, which makes it possible to obtain concentrates with a mass fraction of solids of 52.5-90% based on condensed to 40-60% solids. Sucrose is added to the finished product after thickening, the mixture is thoroughly mixed and cooled to 6-10 °C.

A technology has been developed for enriched whey concentrates by fermenting lactose (30, 40 and 60% of dry matter) and its hydrolysis (40% of dry matter, the degree of hydrolysis is not less than 50%).

Through targeted processing and the introduction of fillers based on condensed whey, it is possible to obtain valuable food products and fodder semi-finished products: pastes, cheeses, creams, sausages, vermicelli, fudge, honey surrogates, blocks for compound feed, salt-lick blocks, etc.

whey cheese is a whey concentrate with a content of up to 80% solids and a characteristic odor due to caramelization of lactose during high-temperature processing of the cheese mass. The production of the product is common in Norway under the name mesmor.

Whey pastes prepared on the basis of whey concentrates with the addition of fillers and aromatic substances. In Sweden, muzost paste is produced with a whey solids content of 75%, fillers: cream and beet sugar (10-12%). The technology of cheese paste "Kendilak", developed in VGTA, provides for whey thickening up to 60-65%, partial crystallization and separation of lactose (20-25%). The product contains up to 10% protein and has an acidity of 300ºT, recommended for use in bakery.

Condensed whey in blocks can be obtained by thickening it to 85-95% dry matter, followed by cooling in molds, as well as directed heat treatment to obtain a coagulation-crystallization structure, or by adding fillers (flour, bran, calcium and sodium salts, methylcellulose, lactic acid, etc.) . Block concentrates with a pasty consistency can be formed at a solids concentration of 48-52% by structuring by cooling and mechanical processing (development of the Siberian branch of VNIMI).

Condensed whey can be widely used for the production of processed cheeses, ice cream, in bakery and confectionery industries, other food products, milk replacer formulas and starter feeds.

Dry whey. Drying whey allows you to use all its components and store the hermetically sealed product for an almost unlimited time. Milk whey can be dried using one of the methods used in the dairy industry: spray, film, foam, sublimation, thermoradiation, etc. It is promising to combine the process of drying condensed whey with lactose crystallization and granulation of the resulting product.

Milk whey, as an object of drying, is characterized by a significant amount of moisture (about 2 times more than in natural milk), which is energetically more related to the dry matter, which affects the performance of dryers.

The kinetics of whey drying includes three main periods - increasing, constant and decreasing drying rate. Increasing the solids content in whey before drying due to thickening increases the amount of bound moisture, which is reflected in the drying rate:

change in drying rate, %/min 10.5 5.5 3.8 2.0 1.5

In the first period of increasing drying rate and constant temperature of the material, free moisture is removed - simple evaporation occurs. In the second period, at a constant drying rate and an increase in the temperature of the material, osmotically bound moisture is removed. In the third period of decreasing drying rate and approaching the temperature of the material to the isotherm of the heating zone, adsorption-bound moisture is removed.

The drying process is limited by the content of solids and lactic acid in whey before drying. Theoretically, it is advisable to thicken whey as much as possible before drying. The following optimum content of solids in condensed whey has been practically established without additional processing before drying (%): film drying 20; spray drying 40; foam drying 45; freeze drying 50.

Intensification of the drying process due to the introduction of fillers, for example, mixing with skimmed milk and surfactants, as well as lactose crystallization, allows increasing the solids content before film drying up to 30-40%, and spray drying 55%.

    Milk whey is very rich in calcium and phosphorus, proteins and vitamins, so it is very useful to drink it. It also removes toxins from the body. If you have whey prepared at home, then You can store it in a glass jar for a long time - up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

    We often make homemade kefir, fermented baked milk and so on. In general, what you ferment homemade milk with. Which is brought to us in the area. sometimes there is some serum left. Depending on how to ferment, e will remain more or less. It's good for digestion and a lot more. Contains vitamins, micro and macro elements. Many do not like the taste of whey, and many adore it. But what is there to be surprised if They don’t argue about tastesquot ;. But it is useful for almost everyone unambiguously. Of course, there may be some contraindications, you need to familiarize yourself with the Internet or with a doctor if you are going to drink it often, but there are doubts ... Of course, it is better to drink it fresh, within a week. At the very least, two. And store strictly in the refrigerator.

    Shelf life of homemade whey depends on storage and preparation conditions.

    To begin with, it would be wiser to take some measures to increase the shelf life of homemade whey, at the level of its chemical composition. At the cooking stage, add lemon juice to a container with boiling yogurt (about one tablespoon per liter of yogurt), remove from heat and leave to cool. Squeeze the cottage cheese and whey enriched with lemon juice is ready. This action has two very significant advantages - the serum is saturated with vitamin C and last much longer.

    Now about storage conditions for whey:

    It is better to store whey in enamel or glassware.. In the light, the serum does not feel very comfortable, the processes of decay and oxidation are accelerated - you need to store it in a dark place. home serum, even under the best storage conditions and proper preparation, remains capacious with useful substances for no more than 5 days. After that, it can be used for cosmetic purposes, and after fifteen days serum is not suitable.

    With a refrigerator, everything is easier - serum can be stored in a glass jar on the bottom shelf. The temperature is constant there and there is no sunlight.

    More difficult stores whey in the summer heat without a refrigerator. The shelf life of serum in this case is drastically reduced. But even in the heat, you can do the following -

    Serum, in an opaque container without a lid, put in a basin of water, cover with gauze so that the gauze, rounding the edges of the container with the serum, sinks into the water. According to the wick principle, the gauze will get wet and moisture will begin to evaporate from its surface, removing heat from the serum. So whey can not spoil at room temperature for up to three days.

    In the spring-autumn period, the serum can be stored on the balcony (also in an opaque container)

    But in winter it is better to refrain from this - frozen whey loses all its beneficial properties.

    Ideal place to store whey is the cellar, here nature itself creates a balance of humidity and temperature.

    Such a product as homemade whey has practically fallen into disuse, but in vain, because whey is very useful, especially for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Like any product, whey has its own expiration date, and it is clear that the longer the whey is, the less beneficial properties it becomes. In general, when stored in refrigerators, whey can be stored for up to two weeks. But I can say for sure that you can get the most useful from the serum during the first week.

    Homemade whey, the one that remains after the preparation of cottage cheese, is undoubtedly much more useful than store-bought. Serum must be stored in the refrigerator. Glass is considered the best container for storing this useful liquid, since plastic can emit various harmful substances. Homemade whey can be stored for up to two weeks, but it is better to try to use it before this period, within three days, so that the beneficial properties do not disappear.

    Homemade whey is a very useful, but, unfortunately, almost forgotten product. The ancient Greeks knew about its healing properties. Serum has been used to treat the liver, kidneys, it is a strong, but very mild remedy for constipation.

    According to recent studies, those who regularly consume whey increase the level of the hormone motilin, which leads to an improvement in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. There have even been speculations that whey can be seen as a new (in fact, very old) way to solve the problem of constipation.

    The most useful serum is freshly made, over time its beneficial properties are lost a little, but in any case, two weeks in the refrigerator is the maximum shelf life.

    Usually on the serum that is sold in the store, the shelf life is indicated - two days. But homemade whey can be stored for up to two weeks without problems. Naturally, it should be stored in the refrigerator, preferably in a glass, not plastic container, with a lid.

    However, - this does not mean It is best to consume it while it is fresh, as some of the beneficial properties of whey weaken over time.

    Store-bought serum has a two-day shelf life. But if you have prepared fresh homemade whey, then you can store it longer - a maximum of 2 weeks. It is better, of course, to use it immediately, it is not necessary to use it for okroshka, you can just drink it.

    You can store homemade whey for weeks. But what's the point? She loses her original properties. It is recommended to drink homemade whey no later than 5 hours after its preparation (information from the book Eco-cooking).

    Oddly enough, homemade whey can be stored longer than store-bought. Unlike the store it can be stored for up to two weeks in the refrigerator. But this is if you did not buy it at the bazaar and it is not known where and how long it was stored, but you did it yourself (for example, it was left over from making homemade cottage cheese).

The most common methods of medical research that determine the presence of various diseases in a person are blood and urine tests. Changes and deviations in the composition of the blood make it possible to diagnose the state of the whole organism, and the physicochemical parameters of urine reveal problems associated with the genitourinary system. The expiration date and storage conditions of assays are of the utmost importance. If they are not observed, the information ceases to be reliable - this can lead to erroneous medical diagnosis.

How much and how to store a blood test

When storing blood, as well as other biological material, it is important to strictly follow the established rules in order to obtain truthful test results. At the point of blood sampling, under the influence of a centrifuge, it is separated into cellular and liquid contents, the resulting serum is stored in test tubes in a refrigeration unit for no more than one week. When saving samples, their sterility is ensured, temperature conditions are observed, and the necessary records are kept.

Each type of blood test has its own expiration date for the biomaterial, during which it is suitable for laboratory research:

  1. General blood analysis. When examining blood microelements, the shelf life of the material is more than 4 days, in order to determine the amount of hemoglobin and erythrocytes, the serum is stored for exactly one day. The specimen may be stored up to four hours at room temperature for information on clotting. From the moment the sample is taken to its delivery to the laboratory (excluding blood clotting tests), no more than 6 hours should elapse at a temperature of +18.0-25.0°C and no more than 24 hours at a temperature of +2.0-8.0°C FROM. During transport, sterile glass tubes should only be kept in an upright position.
  2. Blood chemistry. Research is ideally best done immediately. Biomaterial can be stored at room temperature for 6-8 hours. Upon receipt of the serum, this material can be stored in the cold (+4°C) for a week.
  3. Blood test for RW. In this study, the patient's blood sample is valid for 12 hours. The plasma isolated from it can be stored under laboratory conditions in a refrigerator at a temperature of +4 °C for up to 7 days.
  4. HIV testing. Blood for this testing can be stored at room temperature for up to 12 hours. Biomaterial can be stored in a refrigerator at temperatures up to 5°C for 24 hours. The blood serum obtained after taking the material by centrifugation does not change its properties for up to seven days in conditions from 4 to 8°C.
  5. Hepatitis blood test. The blood taken for this test has the same shelf life and storage conditions as the samples for HIV testing.
  6. Research on sugar. In the laboratory, a sample is taken from a finger (sometimes from a vein). The blood that appears is applied to the glass, and the rest is collected in a flask with a pipette. The amount of glucose in the sample remains unchanged during its storage in a vacuum tube for 8-10 hours and in a refrigeration unit at a temperature of +4°C for up to three days.

How much and how to store a urine test

Urine is recommended to be collected in sterile or dry and clean glassware. In order for the results of the analyzes to be reliable, it is necessary to follow the rules for storing biomaterial. If the time and temperature conditions are not respected, the organic substances contained in the urine begin to decompose, changing its composition and properties - the processes of cell destruction and the reproduction of various bacteria occur, the urine becomes unsuitable for research.

For each type of urine test, there are certain requirements for its preservation:

  1. . For general analysis, morning urine is used. It is allowed to store the biomaterial for no more than two hours in the refrigerator at a temperature of +3-4°C. The material should be transported only at a positive temperature, with “frozen” urine, a precipitate of salts falls to the bottom of the liquid, which is unacceptable, therefore, in this case, the analysis will have to be repeated.
  2. . In this case, morning urine is examined in the middle of urination. It is stored and delivered to the laboratory under the same conditions that are observed in the general examination of urine.
  3. . Samples are made in eight separate portions of urine, which are collected during the day with an interval of 3 hours. All containers for collecting biomaterial have numbered labels with information about the time of receipt of this portion. Samples in sterile glassware must be placed in a dark, cool place with a temperature regime of + 4-8 ° C, in no case allowing them to freeze. The container with the collected liquid must be tightly closed with a lid. After filling the last container, urine is immediately recommended to be sent to the laboratory in order to obtain high-quality test results.
  4. . The total collection time for this test can last from 10 to 12 hours, depending on the start of the collection. You need to store it in a cold place at a temperature of + 4-8 ° C. All urine, without exception, should be collected in one sterile dry jar with a volume of 0.8-1.0 liters, which is marked with the direction and the time of the first and last collection of the analysis. After the last urination, it is necessary to deliver the collected urine to the laboratory as soon as possible, since already two hours after this, the result of the study may be invalid.


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