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Buying a used car is always a big risk for the buyer. Therefore, before signing a vehicle sale and purchase agreement, you need to check the car for "cleanliness". You need to make sure that the car is not listed in theft, is not under arrest. And even if the seller has a TCP in his hands, this is not always a guarantee that he has the right to sell the car. The document may be fake, and the information contained in it may not coincide with the real technical data of the car.

In order not to get into an unpleasant situation when a person who bought a car, upon registering it, finds out that he has acquired a stolen or arrested vehicle, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary check of the car. And you need to check the engine number with the data specified in the TCP. It is also necessary to punch this number through the road service inspection base. Only if the buyer does not find information that the vehicle is pledged or stolen, he can safely buy it, without fear that in the future he will be denied his registration or even withdrawn, if it suddenly turns out that the purchased they have a legal owner of the vehicle.

Checking the engine number in the traffic police online

A convenient way to check the engine is to use the online verification service on the traffic police website. It is called "Checking the car". To find out information about a vehicle, you will need to enter the VIN of the vehicle in the field of the verification program. It is also allowed to enter the chassis or body number into it. After that, the system will query the database and display the information of interest to the user. He will be informed whether there are restrictions on the registration of vehicles with the specified data, or they are absent.

Before checking the engine number on the base, it is advisable to see it live on the car. Some hijacking criminals may change the engine number by interrupting it. Therefore, you need to carefully inspect it, carefully wiping the place of the engine where it was knocked out. If the interruption was made, then on a clean engine it will be clearly visible.

In addition to the traffic police website, a service for checking car engine numbers is available on thematic forums, specialized Internet sites. And through them, you can also find out if there are any restrictions on the sale or registration of a car. And every buyer of a vehicle must check it for "cleanliness" before purchasing it, since every year the number of fraudsters on the auto sales market increases, and honest buyers lose their money.

Every day in the Russian Federation the number of foreign cars is growing exponentially. Russians are no longer so willing to buy domestic cars, for example, Lada Granta or Lada Kalina, preferring to choose Volkswagen Jetta or Mitsubishi Montero Sport. According to Russian legislation, the engine number, body number, VIN and other parameters are entered into the TCP.

ATTENTION: Abroad, the engine number is not monitored, referring it to the category of spare parts. Americans memorize it in order to easily service a car at a service station. Otherwise, difficulties in purchasing spare parts cannot be avoided.

Due to the different attitudes towards the motor in the West and in the Russian Federation, not a single document has yet been adopted concerning its regulation at the international level.

Meanwhile, in Russia, the engine number is a parameter that is entered in the TCP... It means the motor code in letters and the serial number. In factories, it is hammered into the dividing seam between the engine and the gearbox.

It is also duplicated on the timing belt guard. Having lifted the hood lid, they look for the above places and pay attention to the 9-digit code, consisting of 2 parts - alphabetic (ABC) and digital (123456). Sometimes the engine number looks different - 4 letters and 5 numbers, but only because the manufacturer has produced more than 999,999 engines.

How to check a car for theft by the engine number in the traffic police?

In early 2014, an online service was launched on the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate, which allows you to check the purchased car or simply find out the fine on your own. Knowing the identification numbers - the engine number, VIN, etc., they check whether the car is listed in the theft, is in pledge or not.

Until recently, we were not sure that the new online service would be popular among Russians, but they were wrong. While it was working in test mode, it was already very popular and even often "hung" due to high load.

To check the vehicle for theft, you need:

  1. Follow the link
  2. Select the "Services" tab, and in it the item "Vehicle check".
  3. Enter the engine number in the line "VIN / BODY / CHASSIS".
  4. Get acquainted with the information found in the database.

Each car owner will be able to find out when the traffic police will refuse to re-register a car for a new owner.

Where else can you find out the past of a vehicle online?

  • the databases of the Czech Republic, Italy, Romania and Slovakia);
  • against a European database and a more extensive identification procedure for cars registered in Poland);
  • this site, they are allowed to send five requests per day from one IP, and at the same time, the check will be carried out on the basis of the National Insurance Crime Bureau, having thoroughly worked out Canada and the United States).

The resources listed above are foreign, but there are enough Russian ones as well. They also provide the necessary information, but only if the service is not owned by scammers. Another good, but expensive way to check a car is to contact an expert bureau (from 2.5 thousand rubles). The experts draw up an act of forensic examination based on the results of checks in the Russian and international databases.

ADVICE: Why is it so important to check a car for theft before buying? Because for driving a vehicle with a fake identification number, engine number, body number, etc. faces criminal punishment under Art. 326 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

If a Russian does not want to go in a roundabout way, then he has two legal ways to check the purchased car.

  • First, he can visit the traffic police post, for example, stationary, having arrived on the same vehicle and put it within the sight of the employee. The inspector will willingly send a request by entering the required data into the request window on his computer. After a couple of seconds, he will find out whether there have been any reports of the loss of the checked car or not. This method is gradually losing its relevance, as there is another.
  • Secondly, he can check a car for theft using an online service.... To do this, he will go to the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate, indicate the VIN-code and examine the information available in the database. It is updated regularly with information, errors are excluded.

If you know the engine number, you can check the car for theft, but not by the license plate. As if the possibility of such a check remains, but the information may be erroneous. Going this way, you can stay in a couple of days without a vehicle. Why?

Selling an expensive foreign car, scammers look for and find a new number that has not been spotted anywhere, which was registered for a similar car. The future owner will check, cast aside all doubts, pay money, and a little later he will find out about a fake license plate. And all because of their own indiscretion and not conducting a hijacking check through the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate by VIN-code.

What can be learned from the data on the motor?

If the engine model can be found in most cases by simply opening the hood, then only a professional can obtain any information by its number. The German carmaker Volkswagen continues to label its engines with the brand name - EA 288 or EA 888.

The Mercedes company does the same, but labeling them with other letters - OM. If the car has already traveled a couple of hundreds of kilometers, then this information about the model is unlikely to be preserved. What to do?

You will have to look for information about the motor by the number hammered into the left side of the block (in rare cases, the marking is applied to other places). According to it, you can find out the year of manufacture (if it was released after 2000, there will be not a number, but a letter designation), a modification of the unit and a climatic version.

IMPORTANT: Serial designation under it is not of interest to car owners. It is better to look for more accurate information on decoding on specialized sites or in a brochure on the operation of a vehicle.

Useful video

See more about checking a car for theft by engine number in the video below:


Why check your car for theft? In order not to face major troubles after purchasing it. After all, this is how you can lose your money by paying it to a fraudster and write an explanatory note in the office of a police officer. It is better to check it before buying either at the traffic police post, or through the online service on the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

When buying a used car, you can encounter a number of unpleasant moments concerning the technical characteristics of the car, and the pricing policy, and an obvious fraud, which consists in an attempt to sell a stolen vehicle.

We will learn what to consider when buying a used car, how to make sure the seller is honest, how to check the car for theft.

The ways

When buying a used vehicle, you should make sure that the car has not been previously stolen. Many buyers choose to ignore this rule. Don't make the same mistake.

Let's consider several ways to check a car for theft:

  1. Contacting the traffic police. The base of this organization includes all registered cars in Russia. Legal purity can be established by the identification code or by the number of the chassis, body.
  2. Expert bureau. Employees conduct research, provide a written opinion. The average cost of the service is about 5,000 rubles.

Let's consider how to check whether a car is stolen or not, using the wine code. This is a 17-digit vehicle identification number.

They contain encrypted information about the characteristics of the vehicle, manufacturer, year of manufacture. The number can be found on the upper left side of the dashboard and on the left A-pillar.

Online check:

  1. On the basis of the traffic police. In 2016, motorists were given the opportunity to check the vehicle by the VIN code on the traffic police website ( The resource opens access to the department's database with information about the registration of cars, their technical parameters, participation in an accident, theft, and restrictions. You need to press the button "Check the car" on the website in the right panel. You drive in the VIN-code and do everything according to the available instructions.
  2. Autocode portal ( For verification, you will need the state number of the car and registration on the Portal of Public Services. The service works only in Moscow and Moscow region. The only service that gives out the history of the car almost in full.
  3. Pledge registry website ( Here they check whether the car is pledged.
  4. FSSP website ( If the vehicle is arrested, you will find information about the foreclosure of the car by the name and date of birth of the car owner.
  5. And by the service you can find out who is the owner of the vehicle. The resource collects data on a machine that has ever been on the Internet. Sometimes he finds not only his full name, but also a phone number, an account on social networks, photographs of a car.

Pay attention to seller behavior... Insist on formal renewal in front of the owner. Usually, the sellers of stolen cars try to sell the car faster under the contract of sale and hide.

If the car owner begins to refuse the official renewal, but insists on signing the contract as soon as possible, refuse such a purchase.

If the car is stolen, the contract is invalidated (you will pay not to the real owner, but to a stranger).

Correct car registration is the best check... Previously, the length of the procedure and the high cost of a full-fledged car re-registration service frightened off both parties.

But for more than a year, a simplified vehicle re-registration system has been in operation.... It allows you to keep old numbers and not pay a fee for their production.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • the duration of the renewal is an hour or even less;
  • the traffic police checks not only the likelihood of theft of the car being sold, but also other legal statuses;
  • You are purchasing a legally clean vehicle;
  • the buyer can order his own license plate.

The procedure is simple, does not require a long time, but the most important thing is that the buyer will not worry about possible legal problems.

This method will help to determine the legal cleanliness of the car, help save money on various checks, make sure that all the numbers on the car and in the documents for it match.

Experienced buyers have long learned how to identify a stolen car according to various criteria, dispensing with checking it on the traffic police bases.

A few minutes of conversation with the car owner and a cursory review of documents are enough. Distinguishing counterfeit from genuine paper is not difficult if you understand government requirements.

You can identify a fraudster by the manner and awareness of the characteristics of the car that he is selling. If the PTS indicates that the car owner registered the car for himself a long time ago, he should know everything about his car.

If the answers to questions are vague, evasive, you should be wary... Pay attention to the following metrics:

  • confused indications of mileage, ignorance about the quality of service, places of service repair;
  • Difficulty answering unexpected questions: for example, the cost of a car in the cabin;
  • the presence of only a copy of the TCP is one of the main warning points;
  • if there are signs of a non-original certificate of registration of a car, its fake;
  • it is very difficult to read body numbers, engine numbers or VIN-codes;
  • many different questionable points.

We will learn how to check the engine for theft by number. In some car inspectorates, when re-registering a car, they refuse to issue a vehicle because of a different engine number.

He may be stolen. Then a criminal case is started, and the car is sent for examination.

The plate is etched away by acid, revealing the original number of the engine, which was previously overwritten by intruders. Then you will have to buy a new engine to re-register. In other traffic police, they may not even look at the engine number.

Before buying, it is better to play it safe and go to the traffic police together with the seller... The engine will be checked there. If no problems arise, the engine is not on the wanted list, the car can be safely purchased.

The engine number of most machines is found on the engine housing or engine components. Embossed on a thin metal plate that is soldered to the motor housing.

Location may vary. Often located under the dipstick hole. You can also look at the technical documentation for the vehicle... Or search the Internet if the car owner hasn't saved the documentation.

Video: How to drive a car through the bases? Legal cleanliness of the car

If you want to sell a car that has been stolen and returned to you, but the factory label has been changed, what should you do then?

Not every buyer wants to buy a car with a broken VIN-code, as there may be problems in re-registration and further implementation.

But since there are a lot of such cars, the traffic police began to register the cars returned after the theft. It is necessary to conduct an independent forensic examination, which must confirm the ownership of the vehicle to the victim.

Since July 2017, we have made some changes to the car re-registration process (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 139 of March 20, 2017).

Registration may be refused if:

  • inspectors found signs of opening, forgery, alteration, destruction of vehicle numbers, assemblies, assemblies, as well as signs of forgery of the documents provided;
  • it is impossible to identify the vehicle due to the replacement of the body, frame, which resulted in the loss of the number applied by the manufacturer;
  • availability of information about the death of an individual or the termination of the activity of a legal entity that owns the car;
  • non-payment of state duty;
  • recognition of the TCP invalid.

Be sure to check the vehicle not only by the VIN code... Don't forget to check the engine number as well. Talk to the buyer, ask him various questions, inspect the glasses, all available numbers, compare them with the provided documentation.

Punch a car for theft on all kinds of databases... Only after receiving all the information about the car you are buying can you be sure of the car you like.

So you will protect yourself from possible problems and proceedings associated with the operation of the vehicle by the previous owner.

The secondary car market in recent years has become quite popular, because citizens who wish can purchase a suitable vehicle at an affordable price.

Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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But at the same time, he will have to be puzzled by the search for a decent model in proper condition. Although serviceability is far from the last criterion for choosing movable property.

Before buying, you should definitely find out the history of this vehicle: is it on the balance sheet of stolen vehicles, does it have a black credit history, and so on.

Statistics show that there are a lot of cases of fraud, and buyers need to be especially careful to find out all the nuances about the car they are interested in earlier.

Nowadays, there are several ways to guarantee accurate information: the traffic police database online or visiting their branch. But today's attackers successfully carry out fraudulent activities with numbers.

But the legislation provides other ways to protect citizens, which will be discussed in this article.

How to view the number

VIN code is a unique number that is assigned to a vehicle at the time of its release from the conveyor. As a rule, it is stuffed onto the engine and other especially important parts of the vehicle.

Most of the car inspections during the re-registration of the car can refuse citizens to carry out this procedure due to the mismatch of the code on different units of the car.

Because this may indicate that the vehicle is being searched for. When this fact is established, a criminal case is initiated, and the car is confiscated and taken away for examination.

Competent traffic police officers process the numbering table with acid, from which the primary number, hidden by the attackers, appears. In this case, re-registration will require the purchase of a new engine.

Although it happens when the traffic police inspectors are not vigilant and do not check all the codes on important parts of the car.

The engine number can be found directly on the unit itself. Before buying, you should definitely inspect the vehicle, verify all the data, or better, go with the car seller to the nearest convenient traffic police department. There, experts will check the motor.

If the wine number did not show anything, then the vehicle can be bought and operated.

The engine number plate on most vehicles is located on the body of this unit itself, or on its individual parts.

The number is stamped on a thin plate during the production of the car and soldered onto the engine body. The location of the code is, of course, different, but most often it is located near the dipstick hole.

The technical documentation for the car will certainly help you find the numbers you are interested in, so do not be too lazy to find it. Also on the Internet you can find scans of technical passports for the car model you are interested in.

Where can you check the engine for theft

Earlier it was said that law enforcement agencies, namely the traffic police, help to check the car for theft.

But nowadays, there are several options for checking before motorists: by visiting a law enforcement department or using a special database server that provides information about registered cars.


Stationary traffic police posts are equipped with computers and the Internet, which allows inspectors to carry out any search operations within a few seconds on the available database of statements about the loss of a vehicle.

Of course, this search path is considered less relevant in our time, because it requires a personal visit of a citizen to the traffic police department, and modern people value their time and comfort.

But still there is a sufficient number of motorists, especially older ones, who prefer the traditional way of visiting MREO.

It is enough for them to tell the authorized inspector the license plate of the vehicle and the code from its engine. And after a short time, he can receive information.

It is worth noting that traffic police officers often show reluctance in such a check, because there are many who wish, and no one pays extra for this. Therefore, they strongly recommend using virtual servers.


In 2020, virtual databases are not new. There is such a server in the traffic police, with the help of which a free car theft check is carried out.

Law enforcement agencies opened access to it back in 2014 so that citizens can find out the information they require about the vehicle when they buy it.

The server will show the following information:

  1. Did the car participate in.
  2. Whether a specific vehicle has been seized.
  3. Is the car listed as missing?

The traffic police website is simple to use - you just need to find the tab you need, open it, enter the car's VIN code in the appropriate field. Press the test key and wait for the result.

This method of obtaining has become quite popular among users, because it does not take a lot of time from citizens, but at the same time it is prompt and comfortable.

At the same time, the traffic police base is absolutely safe, because the attackers have not yet found a way to manipulate the server.

The database is regularly updated with up-to-date information, so all kinds of errors are also minimized. That is, any fraud when buying a car can be exposed by this database.


Let's show in detail the algorithm for using such a server. Although the traffic police website has many sections, they are organized in such a way that each user can easily find the information that interests him.

First, you need to download the server from any available gadget with an Internet connection.

After that, a new window is loaded in front of the user, in which it is already necessary to fill in the data, namely, to indicate the wine code of the car, which is indicated on its engine.

To confirm that the search is carried out by a real person and not a bot, you will need to specify the characters from the picture. The check will start from the moment you press the "Check Constraints" key.

The completed form looks like this. As a rule, the wine code is not a simple combination, because it is a set of more than ten characters.

As a result of the check, the user can get one of two answer options:

  1. The car is on the list of missing (stolen).
  2. There are no restrictions imposed on the vehicle.

In the first cases, in addition to theft, the server can show other information about the car, for example, if it is fined for the owner's offenses.

The server shows the "passport" data of the car, as well as the specifics of the case - the verdict and the authority that established it.

But it will no longer be possible to find out all the details, the reasons for the offense with the help of the database, because such information cannot be publicly available.

In this database, vehicles are recorded when registering, when the car owner gives law enforcement officers a statement about the loss of his movable property.

For easier identification of the car, he indicates its state number and the wine code from the engine, which must also match with similar plates on other parts of the car.


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