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The reconciling rat. Her aggressiveness is too softened.

Eastern horoscope: year of the rat
Zodiac horoscope: sign Libra

Such Rats are charming, peaceful and refined, so they almost never show aggression. They are balanced, value devotion in personal relationships and loyalty in business. Libra-Rat is a very romantic person, he loves company and music.

In ancient texts of Chinese astrology, the Rat is described as a charming and diplomatic personality. The signs of the Rat and Libra are very similar in their tactful and charismatic nature. This combination produces people who are extremely flexible, attentive and attractive. They are the kind of people who are hard to miss, as they have an alluring appearance and connections.

The aura of such people has a bright and cheerful positive character. These are not quiet people; they are smart, caring, friendly and very fair. The diplomacy of this combination is very strong. Under the influence of the impartial Rat, more than fair people are born. They always see the arguments of both sides well and provide excellent solutions to issues.

Representatives of these signs are very sociable, have excellent communication qualities that other people really like. Their ideas always find views and are fascinating. They know how to not only speak but also listen without interrupting, and then express their opinions with tactfully chosen words. These characters have quick and progressive thinking, but many do not use their intelligence to its full potential. They tend to be lazy, especially when it comes to learning. They are smarter socially than academically.

In a Rat-Libra relationship, they are trusting and respectful. They love to be spoiled and look for a kindred spirit in people to show their sensual and romantic character. These are emotionally stable people and do not suffer from mood swings. Sometimes they can be bossy, but this is usually presented in the form of a game, and not in all seriousness. They love to try new things and therefore respond well to invitations to get away on the weekends.

The personality of such a person has many outstanding and wonderful qualities, but they also have weaknesses. They tend to gossip behind their backs. This negative side appears only in small quantities and occasionally. A sense of natural justice and discernment does not turn this habit into an overly irritable one. They are most likely to talk about others when they have nothing better to do.

The zodiac sign Libra adds gloss to the rat - this combination looks very aristocratic. The Libra rat has an innate sense of harmony in everything. She knows how to build relationships with people, masterfully maneuvering among difficult situations and intricate intrigues. Absolutely all Libra rats, be they men or women, know how to implement flexible and beautiful business combinations and always finish the job they start.

The Libra Rat can be an excellent leader, since her instinct for people allows her to accurately recruit personnel for her team.

In personal relationships, Libra rats tend to exaggerate everything; they love grand gestures and beautiful deeds. However, it is difficult for such people to maintain constant connections - they are attracted by change. With age, they still come to the conclusion that it would be good to provide themselves with a reliable rear, and if they start a family, they value it very much.

People like cheerful, open-minded Libra-Rats. They are always nice and friendly, behave politely and tactfully towards everyone around them. They easily gain the trust of people and have the ability to look dignified in any situation. The diplomacy of Libra, combined with the irresistibility of the Rat, gives them an extraordinary charm. These are such interesting personalities that they invariably attract attention. Libra Rats love to be seen, people like to watch them. Communication with them leaves a pleasant impression, and they do not just reason, but express sensible thoughts. These wise people can give valuable advice and suggest a way out of the most difficult situation. You can completely rely on them.

Characteristics of Libra-Rat

The sociability and tactfulness of Libra smooth out the secrecy and commercialism of the Rat. People of this combination of signs love to make broad gestures and are not at all averse to spending time in a cheerful company. They like to attract attention to themselves, so they are ready to do crazy things and spend a lot of time on entertainment. Rats-Libra are the life of the party, the darling of society. True, this person is far from ideal: he loves to gossip, sometimes abuses people’s good attitude, and tries to burden them with his problems. In addition, he is lazy and susceptible to flattery, loves compliments. He is not indifferent to luxurious things, loves to be in the company of beautiful people. At the same time, he tries to maintain a reasonable balance and does not stoop to baseness.

Good-natured Libra-Rats are not so simple: they will not agree to unfavorable conditions for themselves. They have practical ingenuity and an iron grip, and manage their businesses quite successfully. Usually these are quite wealthy people who have achieved success in their field of activity. If, of course, they can cope with a small obstacle on the path to success - laziness. Sometimes they become so immersed in thinking about beauty that they lose track of time. They are quite capable of shifting responsibility onto the shoulders of others. They are very willing to work in pairs or in a large team. They easily adapt to new conditions, perceive any changes positively, and get along well with people. There is no doubt: Libra-Rats are a pleasure to deal with.

Libra Rat Compatibility

Cheerful Libra-Rats easily make new acquaintances and enjoy success with the opposite sex. They are not prone to hysterics, they do not like to sort things out, so it is comfortable to be with them. In addition, these are romantic, sensual natures who know how to look after beautifully. True, they expect luxurious gifts and spectacular gestures in return. They can be capricious and domineering, but they still remain sweet and charming people. They know how to build relationships competently, it’s impossible not to fall in love with them.

In family life, Libra-Rats behave almost impeccably. They run the family farm quite skillfully and try not to spend money unless absolutely necessary. They don’t lose their positive attitude, but still sometimes they get tired of everyday life. Prone to small affairs on the side, too active and sociable to settle down at home. Although over time they begin to value loved ones more and more and become exemplary family men. In general, Libra Rats are good partners, wise and non-conflict people.

Career Libra Rat

Nature has generously endowed Libra-Rats with various talents. First of all, these are intellectually developed people. They prefer to engage in mental work, but physical work seems to them too hard and a thankless task. They have excellent intuition, so they happily avoid unpleasant situations. They easily find a common language with colleagues and know how to manage people. Libra Rats are ambitious, energetic people who most often occupy leadership positions.

Thanks to their talent to subtly sense people's moods and their ability to correctly express their thoughts, Libra-Rats can become successful psychologists. They are quite capable of giving wise advice, suggesting the right decision, and have an excellent gift of persuasion. In addition, they are smart, resourceful and pragmatic. Therefore, the profession of a lawyer or journalist is suitable for them. In any field of activity, Libra-Rats will be able to achieve enormous success if they stop being lazy and scattered over trifles.

A Libra man, born in the year of the Rat, makes a pleasant impression from the first minutes of meeting him. A tactful person, endowed with strong intuition, knows how to gain trust, but will never use it for selfish purposes. Distinctive character traits: responsibility, integrity. Any field of activity is suitable for him, especially those related to constant communication with people. He does not experience financial difficulties, but tries to spend money on truly necessary things. The Libra-Rat man is a good family man and takes a responsible approach to the smallest tasks of his wife. But a boring life weighs him down, so the chosen one must be ready for an eventful married life.

The Libra-Rat woman envelops her interlocutor with soft movements and a gentle voice. Men have no chance to escape her captivity, but there is no need for this. This is the best wife: thrifty, faithful, flexible. Her only drawback is excessive talkativeness, although communicating with her is a pleasure. An intelligent, well-read woman knows how to captivate her interlocutor, but behaves tactfully and does not extol her erudition. He tries to get ahead in life and usually occupies a prestigious position. Therefore, she is financially secure, but will be glad to receive an expensive gift. She loves luxury things, travel, and never skimps on what brings her pleasure.

Natalya Boychenko

This combination includes everyone born during the period from September 23 to October 22 in 1948,1960, 1972, 1996, 2008, 2020. The fusion of these two signs gives its owners extraordinary grace and ingenuity. People born under the sign of Libra are initially attractive and have a desire to communicate. The sign of Libra gives gloss and charm to the cunning Rat, who can benefit from any situation.

With inner restlessness, men and women of this sign strive for harmony in themselves and others. Flexible, energetic, dexterous, the Rat knows how to quickly and efficiently do its work. At the same time, those born under the sign of Libra have heightened intuition, which allows them to achieve a lot in life.

Characteristics of Libra-Rat men

Men born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat are distinguished from all others unusual worldview and strong character.
They are strong physically and mentally and at the same time firmly adhere to their principles
Libra-Rat men look rationally at the processes occurring in reality, and only in extreme cases can they abandon their views. Another positive quality of these individuals is integrity and responsibility. In any situation, the Libra guy (in the year of the Rat) does not lose his composure. He keeps a clear mind and Legends are made about the intuition of people of this zodiac combination. Determination and determination allow him to achieve great heights in his career.

Most representatives of this zodiac constellation prefer to save on acquiring goods and, despite the lack of desire for material security, have ambition. They strive to gain recognition in society and often achieve a high position. They hate physical work. At their core, they are peacemakers and diplomats who subtly sense the mood of their opponent. This was given to them from the magnetic power of the constellation Libra. Men of the Libra sign, born in the year of the Rat, achieve success in the field of advocacy, journalism, and psychology.

Libra-Rat men look rationally at the processes occurring in reality

Disadvantages of the sign

Among the shortcomings of men of this sign, the main place is occupied by the arrogance that he shows towards his loved ones. They often experience physical weakness and malaise, as they tend to devote themselves entirely to work. The downside for them is that it all comes down to work and creating a career.

A man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat should succeed in his career. Otherwise, he will transfer all the troubles at work into family life, showing his the most negative quality is arrogance.

Characteristics of Libra-Rat women

A woman representative of such a zodiac constellation loves to communicate. They are not averse to showing off their intelligence. If you want to win her, learn to express your thoughts beautifully, get ready to give gifts.

The Libra-Rat girl loves traveling: there you can make new acquaintances and get positive emotions

The Libra girl, born in the year of the Rat, gets along well with others. She will not be chained to the stove, and household chores more often tire her and irritate her. Her path is traveling, where she can make new friends and get additional emotions.

A woman of this combination is characterized by impulsiveness and talkativeness. Her downside is giving away secrets that are later used against her. The constellation Libra gives its owner a dual nature:

Sociability, cheerfulness;
Grumbling and eternal dissatisfaction.

They are able to prick their interlocutor with a sharp word and a caustic phrase, which their mind dresses in special colors. Despite the practicality, Libra women of the year of the Rat can spend their salaries on an insignificant trinket just to get a moment's pleasure.

Disadvantages of the sign

Among the negative qualities of representatives of this zodiac combination is a weak instinct of compassion and empathy
They should cultivate this quality in themselves, developing sensitivity and attention to loved ones. Often the aggressive behavior of a Libra-Rat woman pushes away her interlocutor.

Love compatibility of Libra born in the year of the Rat

Men of this zodiac fusion starts new relationships very easily. But it will take a lot of effort to get his attention. Moreover, it cannot be tied with gifts or distinctive signs of attention. A woman should give compliments, give herself to him completely and completely. Libras love to experiment, so their partner should be ready for this. Such an exquisite nature as Libra should be constantly entertained, visiting exhibitions and concerts with them.

Vulgar words should be strictly excluded from colloquial speech. The problem in a relationship with such a partner is, first of all, based on the desire for constant life changes. In love relationships, they tend to be arrogant and exaggerate situations that arise. A man of the constellation Libra in the year of the Rat takes marriage issues seriously. Especially with age, the likelihood of a strong union increases. For such individuals, the family is a safe haven, so they protect it and strive for harmony in every possible way.

Such an exquisite nature as Libra should be constantly entertained, attend exhibitions and concerts with him

Representatives of the zodiac couple Libra-Rat have fairly harmonious and stable love compatibility with women born in the year: Monkey, Dragon, Ox. A good relationship can develop with a Dog, Goat or Pig woman. It is better not to marry women born in the year of the Rooster, Cat (Rabbit) and Horse. The stars promise a strong union to Libra men paired with Aquarius, Libra, and Leo women. The combination of Libra and Sagittarius will be memorable; Libra and Gemini. Astrologers consider the union of a Rat man and a Horse woman to be one of the most short-lived. For a marriage to remain strong, it is important not only to match the zodiac constellation.

Romantic relationship women under the sign of Libra, born in the year of the Rat, can be very different: from the most beautiful and gentle to unpleasantly hard. It all depends on how the woman is configured. Her other half will not always understand what a woman wants, what she means. At a young age, love relationships can lead to disappointments. In their more mature years, they know exactly what they want. But whether their partner will like it is difficult to predict. Good love compatibility is expected with representatives of the signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. Men born in the year of the Dragon, Ox or Monkey will be especially suitable for them.



Minimum Compatibility

According to the eastern calendar
Bull, Dragon, Monkey
Goat, Pig, Dog, Snake, Rat, Tiger
Rooster, Horse, Cat (Rabbit)

According to the Western calendar
Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius
Virgo, Pisces, Aries
Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer

Full characteristics of a Libra child born in the year of the Rat

Such a child loves his family with a possessive love. He is jealous of any manifestation of attention to other family members. After all, these are his parents, and they should pay attention only to their child. Often, to attract attention, he is ready to use whims and crying.

During his school years, the Libra boy in the year of the Rat proves himself to be an excellent student: he pleases his parents with good behavior and studies. At an early age, the Libra girl, born in the year of the Rat, often disappears in the kitchen. She loves to eat and loves to cook, so mom doesn't have to force her.

Children of this horoscopic combination begin to speak early. They learn to read early. If this interest is fueled and developed, little Rat can become a historian or a famous writer.

August 14, 2017, 11:14 pm

Compatibility horoscope: year of the rat, zodiac sign Libra man - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Such Rats are charming, peaceful and refined, so they almost never show aggression. They are balanced, value devotion in personal relationships and loyalty in business. Libra-Rat is a very romantic person, he loves company and music. In ancient texts of Chinese astrology, the Rat is described as a charming and diplomatic personality. The signs of the Rat and Libra are very similar in their tactful and charismatic nature. This combination produces people who are extremely flexible, attentive and attractive. They are the kind of people who are hard to miss, as they have an alluring appearance and connections.

The aura of such people has a bright and cheerful positive character. These are not quiet people; they are smart, caring, friendly and very fair. The diplomacy of this combination is very strong. Under the influence of the impartial Rat, more than fair people are born. They always see the arguments of both sides well and provide excellent solutions to issues.

Representatives of these signs are very sociable, have excellent communication qualities that other people really like. Their ideas always find views and are fascinating. They know how to not only speak but also listen without interrupting, and then express their opinions with tactfully chosen words. These characters have quick and progressive thinking, but many do not use their intelligence to its full potential. They tend to be lazy, especially when it comes to learning. They are smarter socially than academically.

In a Rat-Libra relationship, they are trusting and respectful. They love to be spoiled and look for a kindred spirit in people to show their sensual and romantic character. These are emotionally stable people and do not suffer from mood swings. Sometimes they can be bossy, but this is usually presented in the form of a game, and not in all seriousness. They love to try new things and therefore respond well to invitations to get away on the weekends. The personality of such a person has many outstanding and wonderful qualities, but they also have weaknesses. They tend to gossip behind their backs. This negative side appears only in small quantities and occasionally. A sense of natural justice and discernment do not make this habit too irritable. They are most likely to talk about others when they have nothing better to do.

The zodiac sign Libra adds gloss to the rat - this combination looks very aristocratic. The Libra rat has an innate sense of harmony in everything. She knows how to build relationships with people, masterfully maneuvering among difficult situations and intricate intrigues. Absolutely all Libra rats, be they men or women, know how to implement flexible and beautiful business combinations and always finish the job they start. The Libra Rat can be an excellent leader, since her instinct for people allows her to accurately recruit personnel for her team.

In personal relationships, Libra rats tend to exaggerate everything; they love grand gestures and beautiful deeds. However, it is difficult for such people to maintain constant connections - they are attracted by change. With age, they still come to the conclusion that it would be good to provide themselves with a reliable rear, and if they start a family, they value it very much.

Rat Combination

Libra-Rat Man

The characteristics and compatibility of the Libra-Rat man are unique.

This person will always find a common language with his interlocutor.


The sign of Libra endows men born in the year of the Rat with elegance and a desire for a luxurious life. In turn, the Rat endows the individual with the qualities of a leader - determination, calmness and attention to detail. Needless to say, a representative of this zodiac type masterfully manages to combine several tasks at once and perform them at the highest level. Men ruled by the signs Libra and Rat know how to win people over without much difficulty and feel comfortable in a large company. They are very concerned about their own image and value beauty, which is characteristic of the harmonious nature of Libra. Such a man will never miss a single detail.

The business acumen and practicality of this nature, combined with the ability to bring a job started to its logical conclusion, is the main advantage of the Libra-Rat man’s characteristics. Meanwhile, the symbiosis of these signs cannot be called simple. For all his activity and lively character, a man is forced to constantly fight laziness. On the one hand, he is attracted by peace and prosperity without much effort, but on the other hand, he always creates reasons for anxiety and tension, even where it is completely unnecessary.

Sometimes they show self-interest in relation to the people around them, characteristic of the sign of the Rat. However, representatives of this type show restraint and calmness, realizing what actions they are performing. Despite all the charm of this person, sometimes Libra-Rat can afford harsh expressions towards his interlocutor. The insight and prudence of the owners of this zodiac combination is balanced by prudence. Among other qualities of the Libra-Rat male personality, the following should be highlighted:

  • Preference for mental work;
  • Ability to quickly complete non-standard tasks;
  • High level of judgment;
  • Ability to resolve any conflicts and reconcile people;
  • Control over emotions;
  • Organization;
  • Diplomacy and loyalty in relationships and work.

A Libra-Rat man can successfully realize himself in almost any field of activity. However, his qualities and skills are best demonstrated in the field of management. He is able to become an excellent leader thanks to his ability to select the right personnel. Such a person always knows what he wants and knows how to quickly organize people to bring certain ideas to life. Often Libra-Rats are interested in psychology, which also helps them get what they need from people.

Compatibility in love

The owner of this zodiac combination starts love relationships very easily. Meanwhile, attracting his attention to one’s own person is not so easy. Gifts and attentions are not exactly what is needed to make a Libra-Rat man interested in a woman. The problem in creating strong and long-term relationships for this representative is associated, first of all, with the desire for constant changes in his personal life.

Very often, the compatibility of a Libra-Rat man with a woman comes under attack due to the arrogance and tendency to exaggerate that they show in love relationships. In addition, the owners of these signs are very economical, which is unlikely to attract a partner. However, this does not mean that such a man is not capable of creating strong relationships and a family. Libra-Rat takes the issue of marriage very seriously. With age, he tries to direct all his strength to creating a strong marriage union, trying in every possible way to protect and pamper his chosen one. For a representative of this iconic combination, family is associated with security, so he is ready to make every effort to achieve happiness and harmony in family life.

In general, for a Libra-Rat man’s relationship to become strong, he needs to succeed in his career. If this does not happen, then he will begin to show his not the best qualities in the family, which will entail problems, conflicts, and, in the future, a breakdown in communication. Sometimes the arrogance of the Libra-Rat does not allow him to soberly assess the qualities of his chosen one. He can attribute negative traits to her in advance, and it is almost impossible to convince him of this. It is useless to fight the special character of the Libra-Rat man, since, most likely, this will not bring any positive results.

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Horoscope Libra-Rat

According to the horoscope, Libra-Rat is a very peace-loving person. She not only looks attractive, but also has a calm disposition. Refined and faithful individuals love consistency in love and work. Libra-Rat loves romantic evenings, chatting with friends and wonderful music.

Sociable Libra-Rats are attractive to others. They have the gift of not only listening to people, but also understanding them perfectly. They express their opinions about people in a kind tone.

Libra-Rat loves everything original and new. The downside to the character of such people is their craving for gossip. This happens absolutely by accident, and not out of malice. But, most often, this trait manifests itself at a time when they have nothing to occupy themselves with.

Aristocratic Libra-Rats are generally harmonious people. Without intrigue or discussion, they build wonderful relationships with people. A good trait in the character of such people is the ability to achieve their intended goal.

In love, they love bright changes. Libra-Rats love to give gifts, compliments and surprises to their chosen ones. Sometimes they embellish the situation, so they do not create a strong alliance right away. They begin to value constancy in relationships as adults. When getting married, Libra-Rats become faithful husbands or wives.

Horoscope for combining Libra with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Libra-Rat Man

It is always easier to build a love relationship with the right person. Libra-Rat men are not suitable for every woman in terms of characteristics and compatibility in love. You can learn about all this from astrologers.

Characteristics of a Libra-Rat man

Representatives of the strong half of humanity, who gave birth in the year of the Rat under the zodiac sign Libra, have special character traits. Their worldview is not the same as the rest of humanity. Such guys are not only strong physically, but also spiritually. Their strong principles allow them to survive any difficult situation without depression or nervous breakdowns.

Because In the life of a Libra-Rat man, he almost never deviates from his principles; many consider them too rational people. But at the same time, they can reach the top in any area of ​​life. We are always happy to give advice to people around us. They don't hide secrets about how they achieved everything. And they share information easily.

Astrologers say that Libra-Rat men are the favorites of luck. They are born with talents that later help them achieve a lot in life. Their dedication and determination helps in this. They are quite ambitious and put their personal growth first, and only then the acquisition and accumulation of material wealth. These men spend money thoughtlessly. They never have money in reserve for a rainy day. Such extravagance often attracts frivolous women to these men. They don't expect to get married. They want to go on dates and receive expensive gifts.

Libra-Rat man love compatibility

A love affair among representatives of this sign always leads to a serious relationship with a final happy ending. These are very responsible men. The girl feels protected behind their back. They never go back on what they promise to do.

The main thing that attracts a Libra-Rat man in a relationship with a woman is mutual understanding, respect and a comfortable stay in the company of his chosen one. If the representative of this sign is still young, then a protracted romantic relationship ends in friendship. In adulthood, these men more often decide to propose marriage to their beloved.

In the marriage of a Libra-Rat man, he loves to dominate. This is the real head of the family. Everyone must obey him unquestioningly. If a woman does not like such pressure on her personality and wants to engage in self-development, then they will not be able to enter into a long and reliable family union.

To avoid problems with loved ones, astrologers advise men of this sign to be softer and more attentive. You don't need to be a general. A family is not an army that needs to be led.

The strongest love unions for Libra-Rat men can be with women born in the year of the Monkey, Dragon and Rat. But representatives of the year Horse, Dog and Tiger will not suit them.

Libra-Rat Man: Characteristics of a Person

The Rat, born under the sign of Libra, gives an interesting combination. These are special men, endowed with charm, cunning and wisdom of life at the same time. The complete characteristics of the Libra-Rat man are very bright and extraordinary.

Character of the Libra-Rat man

Men born under this combination have a sense of purpose and easily achieve a lot in life. This helps them in their careers and personal relationships. The stars endowed the representatives of these signs with sociability and the ability to charm, which the Rat-Libra successfully uses.

According to the horoscope, the character shows balance, a desire for luxury and attention to detail.. This is an observant man who perfectly remembers what he sees and hears, drawing his own conclusions from it.

Easily establishes relationships, but the partner must suit him in most things, because he is very demanding, knows his worth and what he wants from life. There is prudence and planning of your life in it.

The Year of the Rat gives a man charm and diplomacy. Libra enhances diplomatic qualities in character, which gives flexibility in communication and the ability to resolve even the most complex conflicts. Therefore, they make good lawyers, mediators and businessmen.

Their character is more positive, active, giving people a positive charge. They are smiling, welcoming and friendly.

Description of behavior

Such a man manifests himself interestingly in different areas of life.

In love relationships and marriage

In love, everything usually turns out great for them. They take a responsible approach to creating long-term relationships, keep their word, thereby stimulating their partner to do the same. It is quite comfortable to live with them, so for them the basis of relationships is mutual respect for each other.

At an early age, love is often just friendship, such men get married a little later, they don’t like haste, but they value freedom.

What attracts him to a woman is her ability to give him maximum attention., give compliments and gifts.

In bed he loves romance, and at the same time strives to play the main role. A beautiful and cozy environment is important to him. He also strives for variety, so with such a man it will always be interesting. But a boring woman will sooner or later push him away.

For a Libra-Rat marriage, it is almost an ideal partner. Family is important to him, he pays a lot of attention to it and strives to create strong relationships. That is why he hesitates for so long before taking an important step and asking the lady to marry him. He loves children and is ready to have and raise them. He makes an excellent father; he sets a positive example for his children and helps them move forward in life.

The Rat-Libra man perfectly sees the advantages and disadvantages of close people and relatives. He tries to behave correctly, but still wants to see an ideal next to him, so the wife and children will always have to improve.

In work and finances

Money is not the most important thing in life for them; they can spend it uncontrollably. Quite calmly they lend money or help other people financially. This can help attract not very honest people, but Libra-Rat eventually identifies them and stops communicating with them.

In a career, everything usually turns out well, since he is a purposeful person and strives for success and recognition.

The Rat can become a good leader, and the sign of Libra adds balance and the ability to solve problems fairly. However, Libra can sometimes be indecisive, so such a leader should have experienced assistants.

Rat-Libra can be successful in business, trade, law, politics.

In friendship they show themselves as interesting personalities, loyal friends and responsible people. You can always ask them for a loan. Libra-Rat is prone to gossip, and behind the person’s back. However, this side does not appear all the time, so people do not experience excessive negative feelings towards them.

They are cheerful in company and easily find a common language with completely different people., they know how to encourage and give useful advice. Their keen mind and observation skills help to identify dishonest people and weed them out from their circle of acquaintances.

Capable of harsh judgments, which sometimes turns people off, especially those who know them superficially.

What kind of woman does he need?

For such a man, a woman must be able to give compliments and give herself completely to him. She must be ready to experiment. Libras are a refined person, so they evaluate people not only by their inner world, but also by their beautiful appearance. You need to talk to him, visit interesting places, and not let him get bored. He does not accept rudeness and vulgarity.

However, the year of the Rat gives a certain liberation, so with a partner he trusts, he is ready to experiment. He will not forgive betrayal and it is quite likely that he will take revenge. Sex is important to him, but not on the first date. In general, a man under the Libra-Rat sign loves the company of women, so the chosen one may have several interesting rivals.

A man under this combination should learn to be attentive to family and friends. It is better to moderate your arrogance, this will add happiness, because then you can see that people are diverse and interesting.

Pay attention to proper rest. Not everything revolves around work and career, and the Rat-Libra man sometimes forgets about this. He tends to become workaholic even when there are problems in his personal life, instead of solving them. If loved ones are happy and not deprived of attention, then they will be happy to give happiness to their man.

Compatibility with other signs

A man with this combination can create a strong union with Monkey, Rat and Dragon. With a Dog and a Tiger, the marriage will most likely be unsuccessful. The union will be strong with Taurus, Leo and Aquarius. A bright and interesting union with Gemini and Sagittarius.

The basis of the Rat-Libra character is intelligence, wisdom, the ability to solve complex problems and responsibility.. For a family, such men are almost ideal. They will show themselves in work. Therefore, life with them, although not always simple, is interesting and prosperous.

Horoscope of the Zodiac sign Libra, born in the year of the Rat-Mouse

Both the Zodiac sign and the eastern sign of a person’s year of birth have individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in the characteristics of a person and his relationships in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people exhibit certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The Zodiac sign forms tactical abilities in a person’s character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth shapes the conditions and laws of the external environment for a person, his relationships with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the Zodiac sign. The year of birth forms for a person one of the twelve levels of his self-realization. The eastern sign is called strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person and on this field the eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around him to a person.

Libra is the tenth sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign are by nature logical, pragmatic and prudently strong-willed.

The specialty of the zodiac sign Libra is “ strategist, minister, diplomat" A person of this zodiac sign is able to dispassionately carry out his own and general tasks. Libras live by the principle: “ Everything in life will come in handy" They tend to calculate everything, benefiting from every action or relationship. Libra is capable of invisibly manipulating people and work processes. Libra is effective in self-control and control of loved ones, interacting people and their resources. Libra is demonstratively fair in words, sticking to its own interests. They communicate only on topics that are beneficial and useful to them. Libras defeat their competitors with absolute lack of perception, cold cruelty or insensitive methods.

Eastern sign year of the Rat-Mouse – 1900,1912, 1924, 1936, 1948,1960, 1972, 1984,1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, 2044, 2056.

The Year of the Rat-Mouse forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the seventh level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Rat-Mouse are surrounded by relationships with people who involve them in warlike processes and intrigues in societies. Regardless of the zodiac sign, a person born in the year of the Rat-Mouse, for his effectiveness and fruitfulness, has to participate in work processes in which the interacting people occupy more positions “ activists, agitators, deputies" Interacting people show composure and sudden harshness towards a person born in the year of the Rat-Mouse. People around, regardless of their zodiac signs and eastern years, in relationships with a person born in the year of the Rat and Mouse show increased activity and fanaticism; in current processes they are carried away by their desires and morals. People interacting with a person born in the year of the Rat and Mouse conduct relationships according to the principle of the Zodiac sign Aries: “ Obey the laws calmly ».

Horoscope of the sign Libra, born in the year of the Rat-Mouse.

This combination of signs in a person is manifested by balanced behavior, a cold sparkle in the eyes and active sociability, which benefits him in a warlike and cruel environment. Interacting people reflect their attitude and mood towards Libra. The zodiac sign Libra influences the mood of the people around them with its selfishness and indifference. Libras tend to use cruelty and “dry”, inhuman logic in relationships with people. The Year of the Rat-Mouse accompanies the fanatical hobbies of this sign, creating in the circumstances conditions of increased activity, competition with militantly minded people around them, prone to entertainment and pleasure. The Zodiac sign Libra, born in the year of the Rat-Mouse, is in circumstances in which he has to compete with cold-blooded intriguers. At the same time, Libra is able to involve the surrounding masses of people in solving their own and common problems. Interacting people tend to obey a given person due to his connections in society, power, cold, dispassionate reason and cruelty. Libras have a tendency to use other people's results and opportunities in circumstances. The Year of the Rat-Mouse promotes relationships with people of one-step actions. Libras are addicted to various pleasures, they are voluptuous, and when threatened they can immediately resort to violence. A person of this zodiac sign is an arrogant atheist. Libras are responsible to the sources of their income and are capable of breaking off if they lose benefits in a relationship. The policy of this zodiac sign is simple, it is based on advantageous/disadvantageous. The Year of the Rat-Mouse imbues this person with fundamental feelings and fanaticism of interacting people.

Compatibility horoscope: year of the rat, zodiac sign Libra - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Such Rats are charming, peaceful and refined, so they almost never show aggression. They are balanced, value devotion in personal relationships and loyalty in business. Libra-Rat is a very romantic person, he loves company and music. In ancient texts of Chinese astrology, the Rat is described as a charming and diplomatic personality. The signs of the Rat and Libra are very similar in their tactful and charismatic nature. This combination produces people who are extremely flexible, attentive and attractive. They are the kind of people who are hard to miss, as they have an alluring appearance and connections.

The aura of such people has a bright and cheerful positive character. These are not quiet people; they are smart, caring, friendly and very fair. The diplomacy of this combination is very strong. Under the influence of the impartial Rat, more than fair people are born. They always see the arguments of both sides well and provide excellent solutions to issues.

In a Rat-Libra relationship, they are trusting and respectful. They love to be spoiled and look for a kindred spirit in people to show their sensual and romantic character. These are emotionally stable people and do not suffer from mood swings. Sometimes they can be bossy, but this is usually presented in the form of a game, and not in all seriousness. They love to try new things and therefore respond well to invitations to get away on the weekends. The personality of such a person has many outstanding and wonderful qualities, but they also have weaknesses. They tend to gossip behind their backs. This negative side appears only in small quantities and occasionally. A sense of natural justice and discernment do not make this habit too irritable. They are most likely to talk about others when they have nothing better to do.

The zodiac sign Libra adds gloss to the rat - this combination looks very aristocratic. The Libra rat has an innate sense of harmony in everything. She knows how to build relationships with people, masterfully maneuvering among difficult situations and intricate intrigues. Absolutely all Libra rats, be they men or women, know how to implement flexible and beautiful business combinations and always finish the job they start. The Libra Rat can be an excellent leader, since her instinct for people allows her to accurately recruit personnel for her team.

Rat Combination

year of the rat zodiac sign libra

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Those born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat are charming. The Rat knows how to please, and Libra is so elegant - this type is admired everywhere. Libra’s ability to find a common language with absolutely everyone makes representatives of this sign sensitive diplomats - it’s only a pity that the Rat-Libra often uses this gift for selfish purposes. She knows how to exploit those around her without them noticing - her interlocutors are sure that the desire to help this cunning beast is their own. The eternal nervousness of the Rat is slightly softened by the even temperament of Libra, but still this is a rather restless sign. Libra is very harmonious, so any imbalance is intolerable for the Rat-Libra sign - both in business and in personal relationships.

Libra born in the year of the rat

The Rat is cunning, so it loves to live at the expense of others. The Rat-Libra does not tolerate hard physical labor, trying in every possible way to avoid it. This sign, possessing an amazing gift of persuasion, perfectly resolves any conflict situations, and therefore is very successful in areas of application related to human communication. He is insightful, has a great sense of people’s thoughts and moods - the professions of a psychologist, teacher, and lawyer are ideal for the Rat-Libra. The Libra Rat is often gifted creatively - she can become a good writer, given her ability to penetrate the souls of people. She loves money very much and tries to accumulate a fortune, but she does not always succeed. The fact is that the Rat-Libra loves her own pleasures even more - she buys beautiful things with pleasure, since she has a certain tendency to squander. This sign knows how to move forward, and he would be great at any project if not for the innate laziness of the Rat. Nevertheless, the Rat-Libra knows how to rise to certain heights in life - Libra is lucky, and the Rat is cunning. Representatives of this sign make good leaders - the Rat-Libra is smart, diplomatic, and in addition, she has a highly developed sense of partnership inherent in Libra.

In personal relationships, this sign is not particularly constant. The Libra Rat is charming and therefore attractive to the opposite sex. She is characterized by numerous novels - she is frivolous, but at the same time pragmatic. The Libra Rat loves expensive gifts, restaurants and exotic travel, so he often chooses fans in accordance with this criterion. In the family, this sign treats its children touchingly - the Rat-Libra loves them very much and in return receives the most tender recognition from loved ones.

Horoscope Libra-Rat

According to the horoscope, Libra-Rat is a very peace-loving person. She not only looks attractive, but also has a calm disposition. Refined and faithful individuals love consistency in love and work. Libra-Rat loves romantic evenings, chatting with friends and wonderful music.

Sociable Libra-Rats are attractive to others. They have the gift of not only listening to people, but also understanding them perfectly. They express their opinions about people in a kind tone.

Libra-Rat loves everything original and new. The downside to the character of such people is their craving for gossip. This happens absolutely by accident, and not out of malice. But, most often, this trait manifests itself at a time when they have nothing to occupy themselves with.

Aristocratic Libra-Rats are generally harmonious people. Without intrigue or discussion, they build wonderful relationships with people. A good trait in the character of such people is the ability to achieve their intended goal.

In love, they love bright changes. Libra-Rats love to give gifts, compliments and surprises to their chosen ones. Sometimes they embellish the situation, so they do not create a strong alliance right away. They begin to value constancy in relationships as adults. When getting married, Libra-Rats become faithful husbands or wives.

Horoscope for combining Libra with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Rat - Libra

Russian writer-historian and playwright Edward Radzinsky. Soviet historian, archaeologist, orientalist Lev Gumilyov. Turkish singer Tarkan Tevetoğlu. Italian politician Silvio Berlusconi.

The Rat-Libra man does not like hard physical work; for him, the optimal direction would be any area related to human communication. He is essentially a peacemaker and diplomat, he knows how to capture the thoughts and moods of people, so he is able to deftly resolve any conflict situation. The Rat-Libra man will be successful in the field of lawyer, psychologist, and journalist. In personal relationships, such a man is capricious, loves variety and will almost certainly escape the routine in any way.

The Rat-Libra woman is just as diplomatic and non-conflicting as the man of this combination. She will be successful in creativity, especially in the writing field. The Rat-Libra woman knows how to please men with her innate intelligence and sophistication. Sometimes she can be frivolous, but at the same time she is a pragmatic person. The Libra woman, born in the year of the Rat, loves expensive and original gifts and travel. Such a woman has a weakness for wastefulness, capable of spending everything she earns on a beautiful trifle or for momentary pleasure.

The Rat-Libra is an interesting type: with the laziness of the Rat and the diplomacy of Libra. This person will not go to success by waving his fists and smashing his forehead on closed doors. The Rat-Libra will always find a workaround, a more civilized way, where they can come to a peaceful agreement and calmly discuss everything.

year of the rat zodiac sign libra

The reconciling rat. Her aggressiveness is too softened.

Zodiac horoscope: sign Libra

Such Rats are charming, peaceful and refined, so they almost never show aggression. They are balanced, value devotion in personal relationships and loyalty in business. Libra-Rat is a very romantic person, he loves company and music.

In ancient texts of Chinese astrology, the Rat is described as a charming and diplomatic personality. The signs of the Rat and Libra are very similar in their tactful and charismatic nature. This combination produces people who are extremely flexible, attentive and attractive. They are the kind of people who are hard to miss, as they have an alluring appearance and connections.

The aura of such people has a bright and cheerful positive character. These are not quiet people; they are smart, caring, friendly and very fair. The diplomacy of this combination is very strong. Under the influence of the impartial Rat, more than fair people are born. They always see the arguments of both sides well and provide excellent solutions to issues.

Representatives of these signs are very sociable, have excellent communication qualities that other people really like. Their ideas always find views and are fascinating. They know how to not only speak but also listen without interrupting, and then express their opinions with tactfully chosen words. These characters have quick and progressive thinking, but many do not use their intelligence to its full potential. They tend to be lazy, especially when it comes to learning. They are smarter socially than academically.

In a Rat-Libra relationship, they are trusting and respectful. They love to be spoiled and look for a kindred spirit in people to show their sensual and romantic character. These are emotionally stable people and do not suffer from mood swings. Sometimes they can be bossy, but this is usually presented in the form of a game, and not in all seriousness. They love to try new things and therefore respond well to invitations to get away on the weekends.

The personality of such a person has many outstanding and wonderful qualities, but they also have weaknesses. They tend to gossip behind their backs. This negative side appears only in small quantities and occasionally. A sense of natural justice and discernment does not turn this habit into an overly irritable one. They are most likely to talk about others when they have nothing better to do.

The zodiac sign Libra adds gloss to the rat - this combination looks very aristocratic. The Libra rat has an innate sense of harmony in everything. She knows how to build relationships with people, masterfully maneuvering among difficult situations and intricate intrigues. Absolutely all Libra rats, be they men or women, know how to implement flexible and beautiful business combinations and always finish the job they start.

The Libra Rat can be an excellent leader, since her instinct for people allows her to accurately recruit personnel for her team.

In personal relationships, Libra rats tend to exaggerate everything; they love grand gestures and beautiful deeds. However, it is difficult for such people to maintain constant connections - they are attracted by change. With age, they still come to the conclusion that it would be good to provide themselves with a reliable rear, and if they start a family, they value it very much.

Libra – Rat

TO Libra-Rat sign includes people born from September 23 to October 22 in 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020.

This is a very interesting combination, giving people sophistication and charm, ingenuity and aesthetics. Libra is always attractive and sociable, they give gloss to the practical Rat, who is cunning and can always take advantage of any matter or circumstance.

The sign of the Rat endows a person with the ability to please others, and Libra gives her an innate taste and elegance. The Rat-Libra easily fits into any company and simply amazes with its ability to find a common language with other people, at any level and in any situation. True, the Rat-Libra often uses its ability to easily come into contact with people for selfish purposes.

Libra – Rat characteristics

People born under the sign of Libra-Rat, despite their inner restlessness, strive for harmony in everything. Libra-Rat is ambitious and always longs for a better life. Thanks to her energy, dexterity, agility, flexibility, she manages a lot and does all the work efficiently. Another advantage of this combination of signs is practical savvy and business acumen, combined with the ability to bring things started to completion. People born in the year of the Rat are playful and active, they like communication, beautiful things, profitable connections, and the flexibility and understanding of Libra allow them to achieve really high results in different areas of life. Libra-Rat is endowed with excellent intuition. Her trained eye, remarkable sense of smell and ability to navigate help her always be at the right time and in the right place. At the same time, Libra-Rat knows how to maintain balance, both in personal relationships and in the workplace. A person born in the year of the Rat, under the sign of Libra, can be an excellent leader. And this is largely due to his ability to accurately select people for his team. Libra-Rat knows how to achieve their goals and knows how to organize a team to implement their ideas. She knows how to be both an effective leader and a responsible subordinate, but most of all she prefers to work in pairs.

But, with all this, Libra-Rat is not the simplest combination of signs. For all its liveliness and liveliness, Libra-Rat is forced to constantly fight laziness. One part of her wants peace and prosperity without making much effort. On the other hand, she looks for and even creates for herself reasons for concern and tension where it is not at all necessary. True, in difficult situations she gets some satisfaction and feels like a fish in water. Having run around and done a bunch of things, Libra-Rat can suddenly turn off from the general flow of life, and the longer such a person remains inactive, the sooner the blues will begin and laziness will completely overcome. People born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat live like this: on the one hand, there is a reluctance to do something and a desire to shift their responsibility onto the shoulders of other people, and on the other hand, constant internal anxiety forces them to roll up their sleeves and immediately get to work.

The emotional sphere of people born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat is unstable. The problem lies in the desire for change in your personal life. Long-term relationships are depressing; it is difficult to be with the same person for many years, so frequent changes of partners are possible. In love, Libra-Rat is somewhat arrogant; she is easy to conquer with expensive gifts and manifestations of the breadth of her soul. She is not attracted to thrifty and stingy partners. But, due to the fact that Libra-Rat really needs a secure and reliable rear, she is able to create and maintain a large and strong family. The desire to live in security intensifies with age, so such people over the years will make more and more efforts to achieve family happiness.

Libra – Rat woman

A woman born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat is smart, sociable and practical. She loves gifts, knows how to speak beautifully and express her thoughts on paper. Therefore, she can easily achieve success in the literary field. The Libra-Rat woman loves to travel and make new acquaintances. Routine and being tied to the kitchen stove and household responsibilities tires and irritates her. He always achieves success thanks to his diplomacy and ability to get along with people.

The Libra-Rat woman is emotional and impulsive, sometimes too talkative. In moments of frankness, she often reveals information that ill-wishers then use against her. The nature of these women is dual, and their character is very contradictory. On the one hand, these are sociable and cheerful women, and on the other, grumbling old women who are dissatisfied with everything. Their behavior is often considered by others as unnatural, since they are capable of the most unexpected actions. They are characterized by causticity and sarcasticness, which acquires especially bright colors thanks to their intelligence.

The Libra-Rat woman attracts the eyes of men with her intelligence and sophistication. Sometimes she can be frivolous, but at the same time she is a pragmatic person. The Libra woman, born in the year of the Rat, loves expensive and original gifts and travel. Despite her practicality, she loves to shop and is able to spend everything she earns on a beautiful trifle or for a moment of pleasure.

The love relationships of a woman born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat can be beautiful, unpleasant and even tough. Everything depends only on her, and on her desire to paint her feelings in a certain color. It is almost impossible for the partner of such a woman to understand her. If a Libra-Rat woman engages in self-development, she will be able to properly build relationships and create a happy family. In this case, the spouse will always experience only positive feelings, and the birth and raising of children will further strengthen the relationship.

Libra – Rat man

Men born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat differ from the general mass in their special worldview. Moreover, these are spiritually and physically strong men, endowed with strong principles. They always rationally assess reality and rarely change their beliefs. Responsibility and integrity are two more qualities inherent in these individuals.

There are no barriers to anything for the Libra-Rat man; he perfectly manages any situation, has a flexible, clear mind and excellent intuition. Thanks to his determination and purposefulness, he can achieve a lot in life; moreover, the Libra-Rat man has numerous talents that he knows how to use. This is fortune's favorite. Complete indifference to material wealth is balanced by ambition and most often he strives for a good social position. The Libra-Rat man does not like hard physical work, and for him the optimal direction would be any area related to human communication. He is essentially a peacemaker and diplomat, he knows how to capture the thoughts and moods of people, so he is able to deftly resolve any conflict situation. Success can be achieved in the field of lawyer, psychologist, journalist.

In love relationships, the Libra-Rat man is capricious, loves variety and will almost certainly escape the routine in any way. But, he is very responsible and always keeps his word, thanks to which the woman next to him will feel confident and protected. It is worth noting that the Libra-Rat man is power-hungry and tends to suppress his partner, dealing exclusively with his own problems. But, due to the fact that a man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rat has an excellent sense of people and knows how to choose the right submissive and humble partner, his family life, most often, develops well. But, nevertheless, the Libra-Rat man should be more attentive with loved ones so that happiness is mutual.

Rat – Libra: horoscope for the curious

Even in childhood, these people picture in their imagination an ideal person (wife or husband), whom they then search for all their lives. With age, Libras, born in the year of the Rat, understand that there are no ideals; they get married for love or for convenience to people who do not quite meet their childhood dreams, but deep down they always hope that their “half” can still to appear. However, Libra is not very upset that the depicted ideal has not been realized in life. They will occupy their imagination with something else.

In life, Libras are lucky, first of all, in that they cannot suffer for a long time over something. Having been disappointed, offended, or betrayed, Libra quickly recovers morally, understanding like no one else that everything in life passes. Their whole life is aimed at finding a balance of emotions and sensations within themselves. Suffering is replaced by happiness, and sadness is replaced by joy. In order not to go to extremes, Libras adapt and, as a rule, become very balanced people with age, incapable of emotional overstrain.

Libra-Rat people have characteristics characteristic of both signs, but with a bias toward those of the rat. Friendliness, resourcefulness, flexibility and intelligence make the Rat popular in society. She is talented, sometimes even brilliant, but always a little lazy to work on developing her extraordinary abilities. She doesn't need much from life. She will never covet someone else's property, but if someone encroaches on hers, she will take revenge with all the cunning and cruelty of which she is capable. Rats, like Libra, do not know how to get angry. But they know how to take revenge by serving this dish, as it should be, cold.

Rat-Libra: man

This man is active and mobile, but despite this, he always remains in the peace of his inner world. His balanced character and the frantic pace of life that he chooses for himself allow him to achieve great success in his career. He will be lucky if he tries to realize himself in sports, gambling, or politics. His calm character, bordering on composure, helps him not only in work, but also in his personal life. The male rat, born under the zodiac sign of Libra, chooses as his life partner extraordinary, bright women, life with whom cannot be calm and easy a priori. For Libra, such a choice is uncharacteristic, because in their personal life, as elsewhere, they seek peace and harmony. But the rat's liveliness and sociability makes him look for women with whom, first of all, he is interesting.

This man is ambitious, loves wealth and, as mentioned above, knows how to earn money. The problem with such a stellar combination is that, on the one hand, such a man wants everything at once, without making much effort, and on the other, his energy constantly calls him into battle, to new exploits.

Rat-Libra: woman

The peculiarity of women who were born in the year of the rat under the Zodiac sign of Libra is that they never know what they really want. Moreover, their problem is that they always want, as it seems to them, what they do not currently have. That is, they are always dissatisfied with the circumstances in which they find themselves, and therefore with their lives. In a merry company, the Rat-Libra may suddenly become sad or bored; at a picnic, she will be incredibly drawn to a fashionable restaurant; finding herself in Egypt in the midst of the Russian winter, she will miss the frost.

Perhaps, in this way, she is looking for harmony, trying to combine the incompatible. However, among friends and relatives, sooner or later she acquires a reputation as an eccentric, which over time becomes the “highlight” of the Rat-Libra woman.

The horoscope advises such women to devote more time to their profession. It is here that they can realize their eternal dissatisfaction and desire for change to search for new ideas and non-standard solutions. Such women make successful careers in advertising and PR, politics and journalism.


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