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If you dreamed about looking out the window- this means that in reality you often isolate yourself from your partner and become isolated if something doesn’t work out the way you wanted. In this way, you hope to keep your relationship intact. Understand that by doing this you are causing irreparable harm to this very relationship and your role in it, in particular. You cannot bear the entire burden and take on all the responsibility for what is happening. If you want to keep your relationship harmonious, divide everything in half and solve all problems together.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

The window is open to see- is a sign of the bad state of family affairs; closed window see- means a good state of affairs; climb out the window- portends bankruptcy; fall into it- foreshadows an unprofitable lawsuit.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Window- view of the world or another person, situation; expectation; state of the sleeper's eyes; premonition, intuition (depending on which side you look at, external or internal).

Climbing through the window- excessive curiosity, knowledge of something (possibly illegal) or self-knowledge.

Climb out, climb out of the window- trouble, way out of a difficult situation.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Looking out the window- calm, peace, safe situation.

To break the window- troubles.

See the bars on the window- separation.

Inserting glass into a window- take precautions.

Look through the broken, cracked- we must continue to fight, despite failure.

See an empty window frame- ridicule / your intimate life will become the subject of gossip.

See stained glass in your windows- it is futile to try to isolate yourself in the world of beauty or religion.

Close the window carefully- unclear concerns / some damage.

plow open- an expectation that seems hopeless.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Window- expectation; revealed - profit, gift, guest / bad deed, trouble, regret, sadness; closed- good / boredom; with broken glass- losses, poverty; with intact and clean glass- happiness; look out the window- news; climb out the window- ruin; knock him out and get out- implementation of plans; fall out the window- quarrel, unprofitable litigation; cover the window black- sadness due to illness in the family.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Seeing windows in a dream- a sign of the futility of your illusions. Your chosen one will not live up to the hopes that you placed on him, and will cause a feeling of resentment, hopelessness and despair in your soul.

Closed windows- a symbol of desolation and loneliness. Even if there is a loved one in your life, he does not understand you, your aspirations are alien and indifferent to him.

broken window- a sign that you will be haunted by humiliating accusations of treason, which are based on gossip.

Esoteric dream book

Many windows- from within the world of the soul and its high spaces.

Obstructed- hidden spiritual secrets, one must make an effort to reveal them. A wide open invitation to break away from earthly affairs and turn your attention to the “high” world.

View from the window- what happens in a subtle way.

Look out the window, while being outside look into the depths of consciousness- you will see something that relates to the subconscious, the psyche.

Windows round, oval, semi-oval- you have a “channel” of clairaudience. We need to use it.

Climb through the window- show self-will and excessive persistence in spiritual knowledge.

Breaking the window- to break through the line between the subtle and dense world, to break out into the vastness of the soul.

Ukrainian dream book

The window is open- guest; you will regret something; look out the window- there will be news; illuminated- sum.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Window- expectation; wide open- regret; knock out and go outside- fulfillment of desires.

Collection of dream books

Window- looking into the future or past.

If a person sees himself looking out of a window in a dream- good, this means that his call will be heard by his god.

Window- have a nice date.

Window- to complications in the family, if it is open, and to improve relations- if closed.

The window is open, or you open it- sadness, melancholy or a harbinger of the fatal end of brilliant hopes; the window is closed, or you close it- to an imminent illness.

Light in the window- the end of a long separation from a loved one.

See the window- the need to look at the world with different eyes;
Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "I see myself"

Two people were talking.

- That’s why, when you come to this money-obsessed merchant Ignat, he talks only about himself, thinks only about himself and generally sees only himself?
And when you come to poor Prokhor, he will tell you about everyone who is around, who needs to be helped, who needs to be cured, who needs to be saved?

“I think here like the principle of glass and mirrors,” one answered the other.
- Look out the window through its glass. What will you see?

- I'll see people!

- Everything is correct. And if you add silver to glass, you get a mirror.
And you will only be able to see yourself.

Find out from the online dream book what the Window is in a dream about by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you see a window in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a dreamer dream about about a window in a dream?

Seeing an open window in a dream means a gift or profit. To fall from it means a major quarrel, leading to a fight; a closed window is a harbinger of boredom.

If in a dream you look out the window, such a dream promises you peace, peace, a safe situation; you crawl out of it or fall - to failure from a frivolous undertaking, to a quarrel; if you don’t get involved, it means careless interference in other people’s affairs, a secret that can easily be discovered. Seeing bars on a window means separation.

Inserting glass into a window is a sign that you should take precautions. If you see a window frame in a dream, it means ridicule of you; your intimate life will become the subject of gossip and gossip.

If you dreamed that the wind was throwing open a window during the day, this means that you do not notice changes in life. The curtains on the window are burning - a rapid turn of events. Sealing a window for the winter, closing it with a thick curtain is a harbinger of everyday storms, the need to take precautions.

To be at an open window in a room and afraid that someone will break in means to be afraid of the future. If a woman climbs into the window, it means a new hobby (in both men’s and women’s dreams). Seeing a window in a cobweb, looking through the cracks of a shutter onto the street means feeling spiritual loneliness due to a secluded lifestyle.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Window in a dream?

Windows are the harbingers of the fatal end of brilliant hopes. You will see your most wonderful enterprise fail, leaving you in despair. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors.

Closed windows are an image of abandonment. If they are broken, then you will be haunted by miserable suspicions of infidelity.

Sitting on the window means that you will be a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, and recklessness. Entering a house through a window is a harbinger that you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve a seemingly noble goal.

A dream in which you escape through a window means that you will find yourself in trouble, which will mercilessly squeeze you in its grip.

Looking out the window while passing by and seeing strange things means that you will fail in your chosen endeavor and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream about a window?

“Window to the world”, “to open a window to Europe” - to go beyond the limited; "Wait by the window."

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which Windows were dreamed

Can be interpreted in terms of the function of a window in real life. A symbol of the desire to get a solution to a certain problem (shed light on the problem), the desire to wriggle out, to escape from an unsuccessful situation (to escape through a window), to relieve the feeling of guilt (clearing the air). A window is often a symbol of a situation still open for self-realization. Very often, the window symbolizes female genitalia and therefore it is possible to interpret this image in connection with the fear of sexual interaction. The appearance of this image is significant even on a metaphorical level.

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

The window signifies your position in relation to the world around you. If the window is open, it means that you are open and trusting. If the window is closed or curtained, you tend to be secretive and self-absorbed. If the window is dirty and cloudy, it means you are looking at the world “through dark glasses”: your anger or bad mood prevents you from seeing the world as it really is. If the glass is transparent and clean, it means that you look at the world and are aware of what is happening; circumstances and momentary moods cannot mislead you about what is happening.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about the Window?

  • A window in a dream foreshadows the collapse of hopes, despair as a result of the death of an enterprise that is important to you. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors.
  • Closed windows are a symbol of abandonment. If they are broken, you will be suspected of infidelity.
  • Sitting on a window in a dream means in reality becoming a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, and recklessness.
  • Entering a house through a window means being caught using dubious means to achieve a supposedly noble goal.
  • Running through the window means impending disaster, which will mercilessly squeeze you in its grip.
  • Looking out the window while passing someone's house and seeing strange things there is a sign of failure in something important to you, of losing the respect of others, for which you risked your health and well-being.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about a window?

Window - waiting; revealed - profit, gift, guest // bad thing, misfortune, regret, sadness; closed – good // boredom; with broken windows - losses, poverty; with intact and clean glass - happiness; looking out of the window is news; climb out the window - ruin; knocking it out and getting out is the implementation of the plan; falling out of a window - a quarrel, an unprofitable lawsuit; Covering the window black means sadness due to illness in the family.

Universal dream book for the whole family


In the subconscious, a window is associated with a way out of a situation, sometimes with the last hope. Standing in front of an open window is a symbol of change in life; if you are looking for a way out, and there is only a window in front of you, then there are fewer and fewer opportunities to change the situation; window with broken glass, a symbol of spiritual anguish and disappointment.

Gypsy dream book

Why do you dream about a Window according to gypsy traditions?

What is opened to see is a sign of the bad state of family affairs; to see a closed window means a good state of affairs; climbing out the window portends bankruptcy; falling out of a window portends an unprofitable lawsuit.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about the Window

  • In the human subconscious, a window is associated with an exit or the beginning of something. In some cases, a window appears in a dream as a last chance or hope.
  • The birth and death of a person are associated with this symbol. A popular belief says that a bird hitting a window brings with it the death of the owner of the house. In the old days, when children had toothache, their parents warned them: “Don’t spit out the window - your teeth will hurt.”
  • A dream in which you are standing in front of an open window symbolizes change and the beginning of a new life period.
  • If in a dream you are trying to find a way out and see only a window, this is a sign that you have less and less chances to change the situation.
  • To dream of a bird knocking on the window is a sign of unexpected news.
  • Seeing yourself standing at someone else's window means unexpected financial expenses due to the treachery of your imaginary friend, whose goal is to bring you to complete ruin. As they say: “You will stand under my window.”
  • A window with broken glass symbolizes spiritual anguish, illness and disappointment.
  • Seeing a closed window in a dream is a sign that you will encounter an unexpected obstacle on your way.
  • A dream in which you wash dirty and dusty windows means that your hard work will bring you success and prosperity.
  • Seeing a silhouette in a window means that something mysterious or enigmatic will happen to you in real life.
  • If you are trying to climb into the house through a window, in reality you will spend your time fun and carefree.
  • Talking to a loved one through a window in a dream is a sign that you will not be able to find mutual understanding with the person with whom all your feelings, hopes and thoughts are connected.
  • A dream in which you open a window in a window means hope for better times.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about a Window

Seeing windows in a dream is a sign of the futility of your illusions. Your chosen one will not live up to the hopes that you placed on him, and will cause a feeling of resentment, hopelessness and despair in your soul. Closed windows are a symbol of desolation and loneliness. Even if there is a loved one in your life, he does not understand you, your aspirations are alien and indifferent to him. A broken window is a sign that you will be haunted by humiliating accusations of treason based on gossip.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Window - Waiting; wide open - regret; knock it out and go outside - the fulfillment of desires.

Freud's Dream Book

Why did you dream about Windows?

  • If you dreamed that you were looking out the window, this means that in reality you often isolate yourself from your partner, become isolated if something didn’t turn out the way you wanted. In this way, you hope to keep your relationship intact.
  • Understand that by doing this you are causing irreparable harm to this very relationship and your role in it, in particular. You cannot bear the entire burden and take on all the responsibility for what is happening. If you want to keep your relationship harmonious, divide everything in half and solve all problems together.
  • Breaking a window in a dream means that in reality, intimate affairs will someday greatly complicate your life and you will be faced with a whole bunch of problems that will not be easy to solve overnight, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about the Window?

An open window means a guest; you will regret something; look from the window - there will be news; illuminated - sum.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see a Window:

Window - A symbol of a situation in which self-realization is possible. The desire to escape from the situation. Waiting for change and cleansing. Female genitalia, according to the dream book, is a predictor.

Egyptian dream book

What does window mean?

If a person sees himself looking out of a window in a dream, it means that his call will be heard by his god.

Dream Interpretation of Yogis

See Window:

One of the channels connecting the crown with the higher planes. You saw at this level what was happening.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Windows from your dream

  • Window - A look at the world or another person, situation; expectation; state of the sleeper's eyes; premonition, intuition (depending on which side you look at, external or internal).
  • Climbing through the window is excessive curiosity, knowledge of something (possibly illegal) or self-knowledge.
  • Climbing out, getting out of a window is a disaster, a way out of a difficult situation.
  • An open window - the soul is open to the world and other people; regret.
  • Breaking a window and getting out means the fulfillment of forbidden desires; way out of life's impasse.
  • Looking from the window - life prospects and plans, upcoming events, it matters what the landscape is like.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Window, what does it mean?

A look from the window of a house is a look at the outside world, a search for opportunities. Looking out the window from the street is a desire to better understand oneself or another. A beautiful view outside the window is something good next to you, but separated by some obstacle. A blank wall outside the window - loneliness and melancholy will overwhelm you.

Azar's Dream Book

Why did you dream about Windows according to spiritual sources?

To news from afar.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of Windows

  • If in a dream you watched something from the window, then in reality you value yourself too little, because of this your life becomes more and more gray and uninteresting. It is necessary to develop a sense of confidence in yourself and learn to appreciate yourself. If you neglect this advice, those around you, noticing your “spinelessness” and desire to “go into the shadows,” will begin to use these qualities of yours for their own, not always noble, purposes. As you understand, it will be difficult for you in this case.
  • If in a dream you washed a window, it means that you need to pay all possible attention to what your friends are doing. The dream probably warns of danger from some person, but it is difficult to determine who he is; you will have to limit yourself to this vague warning and try not to be too frank in the presence of friends - perhaps your own Judas will be among them.
  • Jumping out the window - someone else’s point of view is completely unimportant to you; The only thing that matters is what you think. On the one hand, such an attitude towards yourself and towards life in general is very good, but on the other hand, aren’t you afraid of falling from the high pedestal you’ve erected with your own hands? This is worth thinking about, otherwise you will really get hurt, which will happen sooner or later. Be more attentive to other people's opinions, which, strange as it may seem to you, are not always wrong.
  • Trying to open a window in a dream for fresh air means you urgently need to get rid of the harmful influence that someone has on you. Perhaps you yourself have already felt that sometimes an evil fate seems to interfere with your affairs - so many unexpected troubles happen to you. Your biofield should be dealt with by a specialist, a professional, but it is not always possible to communicate with a real magician. Then you can provide “first aid” to your soul - read any conspiracy against the evil eye and damage.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

The window is closed - courage will lead you to your goal; climbing through an open window is an untimely undertaking; look out - get news; window on the roof - well-being.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

There are many windows from inside the world of the soul and its high spaces. Hidden spiritual secrets are blocked, effort must be made to reveal them. A wide open invitation to break away from earthly affairs and turn your attention to the “high” world. The view from the window is what is happening in a subtle way. Looking out the window, being outside and looking into the depths of consciousness, you will see something that relates to the subconscious, the psyche. Windows are round, oval, semi-oval - you have a “channel” of clairaudience. We need to use it. Climbing through a window shows self-will and excessive persistence in spiritual knowledge. Breaking a window, breaking through the line between the subtle and dense world, breaking out into the open space of the soul.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Window - Melancholy, boredom - closed - the road will lead you to your goal - climb through an open window - untimely undertaking - looking out the window - get news - window on the roof - well-being.

Modern dream book

What does a window mean for a dreamer?

Open window - Boredom; closed - boredom

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about Windows?

Symbolic interpretations of signs about windows seen in a dream are united in the key idea, which is usually associated with the subtleties of the dreamer’s subconscious contacts with the outside world. At the same time, it personifies both a source of light (in an allegorical sense) and an implicit threat when events of destructive force are coming.

  • In a dream, did you see a bright window opening glowing in the darkness of the room? Accept it as a symbol of the last hope sent down to you by certain forces, when, as if by itself, there is a simple way out of the situation, the last one left.
  • If you felt a fresh breeze with an open window in a dream, this is a harbinger of positive changes in life, and this image unobtrusively invites the dreamer to look out and enjoy the prospect.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Windows

In dreams, windows often carry a special psycho-emotional load when they are considered as the only way out in emergency circumstances.

  • In a dream, a window from which you couldn’t take your eyes off? This is a reminder of mistakes: in reality, you have cut yourself off too tightly from the outside world, and your “closedness,” which creates for you the appearance of safety, only cultivates your total distrust and adds problems to you.
  • If the window in the dream was dusty and almost did not let in any light, such an image could have been dreamed of due to a rapidly diminishing opportunity.
  • Scenes with a cracked or cobwebbed window foreshadow the onset of depression and a plunge into deep spiritual melancholy.
  • You deliberately break a window - this is a sign of impending loneliness, although sometimes such a plot foreshadows separation or official divorce.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about a window?

  • After parting, some remember that the day before they saw a window in a dream that they tried unsuccessfully to open. And this is not surprising, because such a plot, according to love dream books, symbolizes the appearance of an invisible, but very strong wall between partners.
  • Did you dream about falling/jumping out of a window? This is a bad omen, promising a quick breakup, which will be inevitable if you continue to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself, trying to prolong the love affair as much as possible.
  • When in a dream you happen to break a window and get injured by the fragments, this is the personification of the harm that your unbridled passion will cause to the lives of friends and relatives.
  • A vague silhouette outside the window promises the appearance of a potential lover, and the wide-open frame and fresh wind mark the beginning of a new relationship.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

A window hammered crosswise means death.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Seeing a lighted window in a dream means hope.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Seeing a window open in an apartment means the openness of your soul.

Looking out the window means calm, peace, a safe situation.

Getting out of it or falling out of it means failure from a frivolous undertaking, a quarrel.

Getting into it is careless interference in other people's affairs, a secret that can easily be discovered. The desire to return to oneself, to become the same, to forget something. A secret from the family, incestuous attraction.

Breaking a window means trouble.

Looking out of the dormer window is hope.

Seeing bars on the window means separation.

To install bars is to deprive yourself of joys out of fear of life. Avoid interesting ventures.

To climb into a dark room through a window is to experience a passionate desire.

If you break a window outside in a dark room, you will lose your innocence, and you will also have to remember this for some reason.

Inserting glass into a window means taking precautions.

Looking through the broken, cracked one, we must continue the fight, despite the failure.

Seeing an empty window frame is a mockery; your intimate life will become the subject of gossip.

The wind throws the window open during the day - something new comes into life, but you don’t notice.

It opens at night - something new and important is clearly entering your life, but the consequences of this are still unclear.

The wind blows something away - something new will invade your life and confuse all your plans.

And he extinguishes the candle - news of death, thoughts of suicide.

The wind throws open the window, and you try in vain to close it - you feel fear of the world.

Seeing a bright window with tulle curtains means harmony of the outside world in your spiritual life.

Hanging them means embellishing your ideas about the world for the sake of peace of mind.

The curtains on the window are burning - some rapid turn of events.

Sealing the window for the winter, drawing a thick curtain - a premonition of everyday storms, the need to take precautions.

The window in your room seems too big - to feel insecure, to be afraid of someone.

Too small - suffocation, heart attack, captivity.

There are pink glasses in the window - you are imposing other people’s ideas about the world on yourself.

Green glass - something urgent and painful comes from outside into your soul.

With yellow glasses - irritation and envy prevent you from seeing things correctly.

With blue glasses - melancholy and sadness.

With red glasses - hatred and vindictiveness dangerously distort your ideas about the world.

Seeing stained glass in your windows means trying in vain to isolate yourself in the world of beauty or religion.

Close the window carefully - unclear fears, some damage.

To open is an expectation that seems hopeless.

To be near an open window in a room and be afraid that someone will break in is to experience fear of the future.

A thing, an animal or a flying bird thrown through your open window are messengers of the future, they speak about its character.

Someone climbs through the window - an important acquaintance for your future, dark forces awaken in you.

To watch for him and hit him is a sign of inner, hidden despair in relations with the world.

A woman climbs into a window - a new hobby.

Locking shutters in a dream is a futile precaution.

The window is in the cobwebs, in the cracks; Looking outside through the shutter means feeling spiritual stagnation due to a secluded lifestyle.

To be in a room without windows and doors means to look in vain for the way to people; you will have to grieve alone.

The window is the entire wall, behind it there is light and greenery - harmony of the external and internal world.

Behind it there is darkness and monsters - you live, turning your face exclusively to your inner world.

The view from the window, there is a snowstorm outside the window, to see a storm - the storms of life will pass by.

Heavy rain is something good and joyful.

Desert - taking an irreconcilable, uncompromising position in relation to the outside world, trying to subjugate it to your will and suffering from it.

Destruction, ruins outside the window - to destroy something in your relationships with people, to be left alone.

The sea is outside the window - you need to strictly control your actions.

If it is peaceful - great happiness, joy.

Seeing a big river outside the window means living away from the flow of life and yearning for the bustle and noise.

You can see the landscape open to the horizon from the window - its details symbolize your worldview.

Pitch darkness outside the window - an unknown future, an incomprehensible present, you are turned to the world of magic and dark forces.

The blank wall of another house outside the window - someone is influencing your destiny, trying to drive it into a certain framework.

The street outside the window - trouble hangs over you, seeing the world from the outside.

Garden, trees outside the window - living immersed in memories, perceiving the world through the eyes of another person, not having your own opinion.

Outside the window, to see a strange perspective of buildings directed directly at your window - to completely immerse yourself in the life of your body, to rob yourself spiritually.

To see demonic hari outside the window - your passions are blocking the world from you, you see only them.

Fixed faces - someone is watching you intently.

Teasing faces - someone wants to force you to act according to their will.

The unbearable light outside the window is an invasion of unknown forces into your life.

To see a window with an empty room outside means to experience a strong longing for another person.

With a room where people walk around - yearning for a person who doesn’t need you.

There is another room right outside the window - love and harmony will replace the entire outside world for you.

Seeing a staircase leading up from a window means hope for relief, deliverance, liberation.

In an apartment, having a window only between rooms means being locked in the world of your family and being burdened by this.

Outside the window, the road stretching beyond the horizon hangs in the air - one feels burdened by oneself, strives to break away from everything familiar.

Outside the window there is a burning house - peace and happiness.

The skull looks out the window - to realize that in the outside world there are no people dear to you, to yearn for the deceased.

They knock on it, but it is not clear who it is - a warning of misfortune, an imperious demand to fulfill one’s duty, greetings from the afterlife.

Someone in the dark is knocking - an obligation that conscience does not allow to fulfill.

To look into a dark window from the street is in vain to try to understand someone else’s soul and someone else’s life.

Seeing your family sitting peacefully through the window is a premonition of separation.

If you are sitting there with them, leave it of your own free will.

Seeing someone else's family means yearning for peace and quiet.

To see scenes of love in the window is to feel your spiritual cold and suffer from it.

Seeing a murder or a fight means discord within your “I”, misfortune in your environment.

Looking at an abandoned room through a window means feeling useless.

To see a dead person in her is to live automatically, without putting inner fire into your actions.

Seeing animals instead of people means you are tormented by passions and will be led astray from the right path.

Seeing unusually illuminated windows, a ball outside the window - all sorts of things are going on, something is being planned against you.

Seeing dinner being prepared outside the window - depending on the circumstances: something pleasant or evil is being prepared for you.

A ghost sticks out in a white window - you can’t recognize yourself, you can’t be surprised at your thoughts or actions.

People are frightening you from behind the window; you should be interested in someone else's life.

They throw a net at you from the window - fear of addiction.

A pot is being poured out or slop is being poured on you - you are about to experience kindness from someone else’s family.

A person falls out of a window on you - to suffer for someone else, to be guilty without guilt.

A pole sticks out of the window - if you quarrel, you will be refused the house.

The pig's snout sticks out - this is your home and your image, you have to reproach yourself.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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Looking out the window means calm, peace, a safe situation.

Getting out of it or falling out of it means failure from a frivolous undertaking, a quarrel.

Getting into it is careless interference in other people's affairs, a secret that can easily be discovered. The desire to return to oneself, to become the same, to forget something. A secret from the family, incestuous attraction.

Breaking a window means trouble.

Looking out of the dormer window is hope.

Seeing bars on the window means separation.

To install bars is to deprive yourself of joys out of fear of life. Avoid interesting ventures.

To climb into a dark room through a window is to experience a passionate desire.

If you break a window outside in a dark room, you will lose your innocence, and you will also have to remember this for some reason.

Inserting glass into a window means taking precautions.

Looking through the broken, cracked one, we must continue the fight, despite the failure.

Seeing an empty window frame is a mockery; your intimate life will become the subject of gossip.

The wind throws the window open during the day - something new comes into life, but you don’t notice.

It opens at night - something new and important is clearly entering your life, but the consequences of this are still unclear.

The wind blows something away - something new will invade your life and confuse all your plans.

And he extinguishes the candle - news of death, thoughts of suicide.

The wind throws open the window, and you try in vain to close it - you feel fear of the world.

Seeing a bright window with tulle curtains means harmony of the outside world in your spiritual life.

Hanging them means embellishing your ideas about the world for the sake of peace of mind.

The curtains on the window are burning - some rapid turn of events.

Sealing the window for the winter, drawing a thick curtain - a premonition of everyday storms, the need to take precautions.

The window in your room seems too big - to feel insecure, to be afraid of someone.

Too small - suffocation, heart attack, captivity.

There are pink glasses in the window - you are imposing other people’s ideas about the world on yourself.

Green glass - something urgent and painful comes from outside into your soul.

With yellow glasses - irritation and envy prevent you from seeing things correctly.

With blue glasses - melancholy and sadness.

With red glasses - hatred and vindictiveness dangerously distort your ideas about the world.

Seeing stained glass in your windows means trying in vain to isolate yourself in the world of beauty or religion.

Close the window carefully - unclear fears, some damage.

To open is an expectation that seems hopeless.

To be near an open window in a room and be afraid that someone will break in is to experience fear of the future.

A thing, an animal or a flying bird thrown through your open window are messengers of the future, they speak about its character.

Someone climbs through the window - an important acquaintance for your future, dark forces awaken in you.

To watch for him and hit him is a sign of inner, hidden despair in relations with the world.

A woman climbs into a window - a new hobby.

Locking shutters in a dream is a futile precaution.

The window is in the cobwebs, in the cracks; Looking outside through the shutter means feeling spiritual stagnation due to a secluded lifestyle.

To be in a room without windows and doors means to look in vain for the way to people; you will have to grieve alone.

The window is the entire wall, behind it there is light and greenery - harmony of the external and internal world.

Behind it there is darkness and monsters - you live, turning your face exclusively to your inner world.

The view from the window, there is a snowstorm outside the window, to see a storm - the storms of life will pass by.

Heavy rain is something good and joyful.

Desert - taking an irreconcilable, uncompromising position in relation to the outside world, trying to subjugate it to your will and suffering from it.

Destruction, ruins outside the window - to destroy something in your relationships with people, to be left alone.

The sea is outside the window - you need to strictly control your actions.

If it is peaceful - great happiness, joy.

Seeing a big river outside the window means living away from the flow of life and yearning for the bustle and noise.

You can see the landscape open to the horizon from the window - its details symbolize your worldview.

Pitch darkness outside the window - an unknown future, an incomprehensible present, you are turned to the world of magic and dark forces.

The blank wall of another house outside the window - someone is influencing your destiny, trying to drive it into a certain framework.

The street outside the window - trouble hangs over you, seeing the world from the outside.

Garden, trees outside the window - living immersed in memories, perceiving the world through the eyes of another person, not having your own opinion.

Outside the window, to see a strange perspective of buildings directed directly at your window - to completely immerse yourself in the life of your body, to rob yourself spiritually.

To see demonic hari outside the window - your passions are blocking the world from you, you see only them.

Fixed faces - someone is watching you intently.

Teasing faces - someone wants to force you to act according to their will.

The unbearable light outside the window is an invasion of unknown forces into your life.

To see a window with an empty room outside means to experience a strong longing for another person.

With a room where people walk around - yearning for a person who doesn’t need you.

There is another room right outside the window - love and harmony will replace the entire outside world for you.

Seeing a staircase leading up from a window means hope for relief, deliverance, liberation.

In an apartment, having a window only between rooms means being locked in the world of your family and being burdened by this.

Outside the window, the road stretching beyond the horizon hangs in the air - one feels burdened by oneself, strives to break away from everything familiar.

Outside the window there is a burning house - peace and happiness.

The skull looks out the window - to realize that in the outside world there are no people dear to you, to yearn for the deceased.

They knock on it, but it is not clear who it is - a warning of misfortune, an imperious demand to fulfill one’s duty, greetings from the afterlife.

Someone in the dark is knocking - an obligation that conscience does not allow to fulfill.

To look into a dark window from the street is in vain to try to understand someone else’s soul and someone else’s life.

Seeing your family sitting peacefully through the window is a premonition of separation.

If you are sitting there with them, leave it of your own free will.

Seeing someone else's family means yearning for peace and quiet.

To see scenes of love in the window is to feel your spiritual cold and suffer from it.

Seeing a murder or a fight means discord within your “I”, misfortune in your environment.

Looking at an abandoned room through a window means feeling useless.

To see a dead person in her is to live automatically, without putting inner fire into your actions.

Seeing animals instead of people means you are tormented by passions and will be led astray from the right path.

Seeing unusually illuminated windows, a ball outside the window - all sorts of things are going on, something is being planned against you.

Seeing dinner being prepared outside the window - depending on the circumstances: something pleasant or evil is being prepared for you.

A ghost sticks out in a white window - you can’t recognize yourself, you can’t be surprised at your thoughts or actions.

People are frightening you from behind the window; you should be interested in someone else's life.

They throw a net at you from the window - fear of addiction.

A pot is being poured out or slop is being poured on you - you are about to experience kindness from someone else’s family.

A person falls out of a window on you - to suffer for someone else, to be guilty without guilt.

A pole sticks out of the window - if you quarrel, you will be refused the house.

The pig's snout sticks out - this is your home and your image, you have to reproach yourself.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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Do you often meet old acquaintances? Most often, such meetings are very pleasant, but sometimes they cause very negative emotions. In dreams, people see various people, including their friends. Why do you dream about a guy you know from various dream books? To understand this, you need to remember the man’s actions, his appearance, what emotions he evoked, etc.

Before looking for information on the meaning of a dream, you should remember the entire dream down to the smallest detail, and only then turn to dream books for help. It is possible that the dreamer’s subconscious simply projected this person in a dream. This may be caused by the fact that the person often thinks about this guy.

The man is upset about something

According to the dream book, a familiar guy who is upset or upset about something serves as a symbol of unfavorable news. Perhaps your loved one needs help.

Happy guy

Seeing a guy you know in a dream in this situation means mutual sympathy.

A guy I know - interpretation of sleep for girls

  • If a man appeared naked in front of a girl in a dream, then this man is the object of sexual fantasies on a subconscious level. For a married woman, such a dream marks the appearance of a lover in her life. This relationship will be short-lived, but it will bring a lot of positive emotions;
  • The man is drunk - the girl is subconsciously very afraid of losing her reputation. Married women who see such a dream will soon find themselves in a very unpleasant situation.

Drunk man

This image foreshadows an unpleasant meeting or news. If your friend appeared drunk in a dream, then he needs your help and support.

Also, such a dream signifies attending a boring event, but it will be impossible to refuse.

The guy climbs into the dreamer's window

Such a dream is a sign that a person will soon appear who may negatively affect future relationships with your partner.

Interact with a man in a dream

  • A pleasant conversation in a dream marks an easy solution to any issues in reality;
  • A quarrel with this person in a dream suggests that in order to achieve your goals you need to think through your plans more carefully;
  • If a guy confesses his love, in reality you will meet an unpleasant person who can bring a lot of troubles to life;
  • The guy hugs you - to mutual sympathy. For loving couples, this dream marks the strengthening of relationships;
  • Dancing with a man - in reality you do not feel satisfied sexually;
  • When a guy you know gives flowers to a married woman in a dream, first of all, you need to look at the condition of the bouquet. If the flowers are dried out and limp, this is a symbol that the husband is insincere with his wife. When the bouquet is large and beautiful, the person who came in the dream feels secret sympathy for this woman;
  • If a guy hugs you but you feel hostile, then you should expect work-related problems. But when in this scene the dreamer is overwhelmed with joy, this is a good sign that means good news at work and in personal matters.

A guy passes by

Soon you will encounter difficulties that cannot be solved without the help of loved ones.

A guy I know - interpretation from various dream books

Miller's Dream Book

  • An attractive and handsome man means success. Good luck will follow you in your career and personal affairs;
  • In a dream, to see a guy you know beaten up, you should expect a quarrel with loved ones. The reason for this will be the financial situation;
  • A dream where a guy you know meets a girl you know marks an acquaintance with useful people.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • If a guy you know invites you to start a romantic relationship, then expect good news from your relatives;
  • A guy kisses a girl - an unexpected journey;
  • When a man gives you a bouquet of flowers in a dream, then you should not quarrel with your loved ones. It is worth reconsidering your attitude towards all people. But at the same time, you shouldn’t let your guard down and be a less trusting person.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Seeing a guy you know beaten or in torn clothes in a dream means improving your financial situation;
  • A man in a tailcoat - expect a good job offer. Perhaps it will be a business trip or important assignments that will help you climb the career ladder;
  • A dream where a guy gives you a gift marks the betrayal of friends or the betrayal of a loved one;
  • In a dream, a man you know is holding scissors in his hands - in reality, an accident may happen to you or a loved one. For some time it is worth being extremely attentive and careful.
  • I dreamed of a guy who is no longer alive in real life - this means serious changes in life. These changes can bring both positive and negative changes in a person’s life.

Freud's Dream Book

  • If a girl in a dream finds her acquaintance naked in bed, in reality the fairer sex cannot experience sexual satisfaction and realize her fantasies;
  • A naked man in a dream of a married woman can be interpreted as dissatisfaction with her spouse;
  • An acquaintance in a dream is trying to meet a girl - the dreamer is ready to do anything for his partner.

Loff's Dream Book

  • A kiss with a familiar man in a dream, according to Loff’s dream book, is a sign of sexual attraction to this person. This may be hidden deep in the dreamer's subconscious;
  • Communicating with a man you know in a dream means trouble at work.


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