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Drug addiction treatment

Where can you start on the road to recovery? First of all, you need to diagnose its condition, for example, view it on maps. Based on the results of the alignment, you can find out the nature of the dependence, how much the energy, the essence of a person has suffered, and clarify the degree of damage to organs. Much depends on whether the person himself is looking for help, or whether his family and friends want to help him without his knowledge.

Secondly, after clarifying the person’s condition based on the diagnostic results, you need to talk to him and discuss the situation. Explain that it was he who came for help, so he must listen to your advice and explanations, that he needs to try to do everything exactly as you tell him and consider necessary.

The third thing to do is to carry out the slander itself. For example, you can use a pin that a person can carry with them.

They slander the pin while standing behind the patient:

You'd rather chew off your nose than pour the potion into yourself. The dead man would sooner leave the coffin than the dope would enter you. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The fourth thing you do: show him from the window which path he will take, warn him that you will read his back. Tell him that you can’t look around, talk, stammer, that you need to remain silent until the very threshold of your house, until he enters the apartment.

Slander in the back:

Not a single key will open my lock, not a single key will wash away my word with water. I left the monastery, keeping the word from the troparion, there is a trap in the garden, its name is Datura. Let him sleep according to his needs,” die by the hour, melt by the minute, like every healthy servant of God. Neither the old nor the young woman wants to go to the grave, so you, the servant of God (name), did not want, did not want either a trap, or a potion, or dope. Roll down, fall down. I will give you a funeral service for the dope with all the saints. The cross is holy, the dope is removed, the cross is strong. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From drug addiction

They are treated according to gender: women on “women’s” days, men on “men’s” days, except on holy holidays.

For example, you bought a candle in church and received change. With the change you receive, you buy bread, cut it into small pieces with a knife bought on the ninth day of the month.

Then add chopped Easter bread to it, soak everything with holy water, add Thursday salt and seven eggs. You should have a dough like pancakes. Bake pancakes and give to a drug addict with the following saying:

I go, crossing myself, blessing myself with the bread, girding myself with Thursday, dissolving with salt. So the dope would go on, dissolve in the slave (name) and not return. Just as the Apostolic Church and the Holy Cross are strong, so is my intoxication strong. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Another conspiracy against drug addiction

As soon as a person begins to break down and become crippled from pain, wipe his tears with a handkerchief and ask, beg him to endure this torment for 9 days, not to inject himself.

During these nine days, try to get to the church for the funeral service of the deceased with a coffin. Before they begin to nail up the coffin, bend over to the deceased as if saying goodbye, and discreetly place the patient’s handkerchief in the coffin. Before doing this, tell the handkerchief at home the following slander:

I speak to the slave (name) so that he does not cry, does not grieve, does not yearn for the ardent potion, does not suffer from the dope. Let the handkerchief lie with the inveterate one, guarding the slave (name) from the dashing passion. Just as this dead man does not rise, so the slave (name) does not touch the dope. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

The first time, in a good and holy hour. The Mother of God walks and steps along the golden bridge. Where are you, Mother of God, going? What are you, Mother of God, carrying in your right hand? I’m going to God’s servant (name), to treat him, I want to restore his soul and heart. In My right hand is a holy golden cross. I will baptize God’s servant (name) with the cross, and I will heal him with the Word of God. Whoever drinks my water three times will stay away from intoxication forever and ever. He will be strengthened by me, saved by the Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever. I reprimand from God’s servant (name) all the sinful pain. From blood, liver, heart, from brains. My word is through God, and the Lord God is One. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Drug addiction conspiracy

For treatment, find the grave of a person who during his lifetime rejected Christ without accepting his baptism. The grave of a murderer, a man who killed people or went against God, is also suitable. You need to go after sunset, silently. Place a towel on the grave, then place three eggs, three pancakes and salt on the towel. Standing with your back to the sunset, read like this:

Along the grass carpet, late in the evening, I, God’s servant (name), came to you. You, slave (so-and-so), lived, sinned, and hastened to go to hell. You have renounced God Christ, His Holy Cross, His mercy, and the gift of eternal life. You have given yourself over to the unclean spirit, the accursed force, the one that destroyed you forever. I conjure, God's servant (name), your grave, your coffin, your ashes. The clothes that they dressed you in the coffin, The earth that they covered you with. Water from heaven that waters your grave, God's light that illuminates your grave. The mother who carried you in her arms. With her milk, which she fed you. Take, take away from the servant of God (name) all the intoxicating disease without a trace. Hold her, don't let her go. Be a nail for this illness, a heavy stone, a fire. Hold it, strengthen it, burn it, reduce it to dust. When Light, water and earth are tied in eight knots, Only then will my words be empty and useless. My word is strong, tenacious and molding. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy drug addiction

Approach the sleeping drug addict, cross two knives over him and read the spell:

The servant of God (name), who found seduction through the works of demons and spirits of evil. In the name of the Life-Giving God, I condemn you and sentence you through the angel of light to purification. Be gone, destructive filth created by the son of hell. Get rid, in the name of God the Father, in the name of the Son of Christ, from the servant of God (name). Sorrow of the body, pain of the body, go to hell, and you will not get closer to the soul of (name)! How these two knives form the frame of the cross. As the cross held Jesus Christ, as Christ grieved on the cross, so the servant of God (name) would endure, strengthen himself, and retreat from the intoxication forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to kill drug addiction

During the funeral service for the deceased in church, light a candle, like everyone else standing nearby. When the priest says: “Eternal memory,” and you say:

“For the repose of the intoxicated servant of God (name).”

And then add:

A dead person does not suffer from either the living or the dead, so that the servant of God (name) does not suffer from drugs. Amen.

The candle should burn out completely, and in the evening give the drug addict pancakes and jelly.

For drug withdrawal pain

A person who has come to the conclusion that it is time to stop using drugs will have to endure bodily pain, which is popularly called “withdrawal.” To ease withdrawal symptoms, healers give the patient warm grape wine while reading a spell for pain. I have already written about this in previous books. The plot given below is read on the water. Then the person in pain is washed with this water.

The coffin, you are in the ground, the dead man is in you. He sees nothing, hears nothing, does not cry for anything, does not suffer for anyone. So God’s servant (name) would not hear pain or suffer. Strengthen it, Lord, stake it out. Petrified (name), stiff. The stone does not hurt, the tree does not feel sick, the pain in the body ends. My word is strong, my deed is crowned. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

To get rid of friends who are drug addicts.

The plot is read on the threshold, immediately after the unwanted guests leave.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From the north to the south, from the east to the west, the daughters of Herod come out, carrying willow rods. Beat me, you daughters of Herod, drive me away, don’t let me in, protect my house, my threshold: from girlfriends and friends, from carnage and destruction. Inflict your punishment on them. Just as the Lord drove out demons from Himself, do the same, drive them away, do not let them near the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Amulet against temptation to drugs (for children)

My heart is in Your hand, Lord. God the Wise, God the Merciful, Everything is possible for You, for everything is in Your power. You not only heal the blind, deaf and dumb, but also raise the dead. Oh, Lord God Almighty, I ask and pray to You for the child You gave me. Help me with Your grace to raise him piously. To Your Throne, to praise and honor. My Lord, my Fortress, strengthen it with your strength Against all earthly temptations. Instill in him fear and disgust for all the Devil's attractions. Take him away from all nasty and godless deeds. Do not reject me in my tearful petition, I pray to You and I hope in You. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

In the modern world, there are problems that cannot always be solved using traditional methods. Such problems include people’s addictions. And in such a situation, magic comes to the rescue. A conspiracy against drug addiction, a ritual against drunkenness, a ritual to free yourself from smoking - these magical influences will help you cope with almost any problem. And in this article we will look at prayers and rituals for drug addiction.

Prayers and rituals that help get rid of drug addiction come in several types, depending on who is doing them:

Rituals of this type are done to heal oneself and are considered very effective when there is a great desire to get rid of the problem.

spell on a loved one.
Conspiracies of this type are considered the most common. After all, people suffering from addictions, as a rule, do not realize that it is time to change something. In addition, patients do not always seek treatment, so the help of a loved one will be most welcome.

The most effective conspiracies will be those read during the waning month.

This lunar phase is most suitable for those who perform rituals for recovery.

Ritual at night

If one of your loved ones suffers from drug addiction, then prayers at midnight at the head of the patient’s bed will help cope with addiction.

During the waning month, you need to take a church candle in your right hand, and an icon in your left.

A conspiracy is read over the patient:

“As a wild beast runs beyond the dark forests, a songbird flies across the seas,
A fish swims into distant rivers, so the terrible potion would escape
From the servant of God (name) far, far away, into the pitch darkness,
He ran away, left quickly.
May the person be alive and well,
Cured of drug addiction.
The disease is fierce, the grief is desperate, leave the servant of God (name) alone,
And if you don’t give him peace,
I'll tell the beast to drag you behind the forests,
Fish for the swamps, birds for the seas.
You will die, the disease is not good,
And the servant of God (name) will live and not grieve.
I end my prayers with this word,
And I remove the cursed disease from the servant of God (name).

The words of the prayer must be repeated three times, after which you can go to bed, extinguishing the candle and putting the icon under the patient’s bed. It is recommended to repeat the plot three more times.

Magic ritual

This ritual is considered very strong and is performed seven times in a row for a person who needs to be cured of drug addiction. Conspiracies are carried out at midnight and seven church candles are needed to carry them out. First you should write the text of the prayer on a white blank sheet of paper.

At midnight, candles are placed in a circle around the performer of the ceremony and lit. Concentrating on the desire to heal a loved one, the plot is read:

“Poison and dope, go away!
Let the dashing illness go away from the servant of God (name),
From the head, from the blood, from the body.
So that he can overcome this passion, I will light candles,
And then in the night I will bury them in the earth.
Let the demons take both the cinders and the disease for themselves.

The plot is read seven times in a row. When the magic words have been read, you need to let the candles burn out and wrap the cinders in a sheet with the text. This bundle should be buried in the ground a day later, after reading the “Our Father” prayer three times.

Cemetery ceremony

To save a loved one from addiction, you can perform a ceremony in the cemetery. To complete it, you need to go to the cemetery late at night and find a grave with a dead person there. The name on the grave must be the same as that of the patient.

Taking a piece of earth from the grave, say the words:

“The dead man did not suffer, neither dead nor alive,
So that God’s servant (name) does not suffer,
I tell him not to cry, not to sob,
I didn’t suffer from the potion, I didn’t die from the dope,
I take the earth from the grave, and it will protect the servant of God (name) from the passions.
Just as a dead person does not rise from the earth, so does the servant of God (name)
He won't touch the potion.

The words of the prayer are repeated three times. When they are said and the earth is taken, you can go home, and the earth from the grave should be poured onto the threshold of the patient. As a rule, you can get rid of addiction within a few months.

If after a month the patient does not feel better, then the ritual can be repeated, but with another grave with an identical name. And remember that it is very important to believe in the success of your plan and the power of magic, then everything will certainly work out.

A ritual for yourself

If a person is lucky and he himself wants to get rid of drug addiction, then special conspiracies will come to his aid.

And one of them is on the water. Water has always been characterized as a substance that perfectly absorbs information and is perfect for purification rituals.

But as a last resort, you can use ordinary tap water that has stood for several days in a dark place.

Early in the morning a spell is read about water:

“Three waters, three lakes, three rivers, three living sisters,
Cleanse, wash away, calm down in me, servant of God (name)
The essence is intoxicating, the disease is dashing.
There are three holy souls in the sky, three stars:
Holy Spirit, Father God and Mother Virgin Mary,
Bless, with your hand remove the intoxicating nonsense,
Holy water came out of the ground and found my soul,
Take upon yourself, water, a stupid disease,
My God, my Father, my Mother are with me.
The Holy Spirit and earthly power are with me.
It will be as it is said.

The magic words are repeated three times, and after that you need to wash your face with water. A conspiracy against drug addiction of this type begins to take effect immediately after execution. However, for the speed of the effect, you should repeat it at least once a week until the addiction is defeated.

A conspiracy against drug addiction is a method of influence that will help overcome addiction. Rituals and prayers for freedom from drug addiction will make it possible for a person to recover and return to normal life.

Drug addiction is a terrible problem that has cut short thousands of lives and destroyed many souls. There is no need to say how loving people suffer when they see the degradation of a person close to them. Public condemnation and persecution by law enforcement agencies force relatives to hide this disease. Traditional methods of treatment, in most cases, are powerless or ineffective. The last resort is to use a drug addiction spell.

Food spell (carried out after Easter)

Buy a candle in the church and light it for the health of the suffering, and buy bread with the change from your purchase. Cut into small pieces using a knife purchased on the 9th of any month. Before the ritual, you cannot cut with a knife. Crumble the Easter bread into the same bowl and soak it in holy water, salt it with Thursday salt and add 7 eggs. Bake pancakes from the resulting dough. Give the drug addict to eat on an empty stomach, preferably 7 pieces. At the same time, read the plot 7 times:

I'm walking, crossing myself,
Blessed with the blessing of God,
Thursday, girded
Dissolved with salt.
So the intoxication would go on,
Dissolved in slave (name)
Didn't come back.
How strong the Apostolic Church and the Holy Cross are,
So strong is my intoxication.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Cemetery rituals and for the dead

In general, they are considered one of the most powerful rituals. And since drug addiction is a disease that leads to death, in this case it is one of the most effective.

Cemetery Plot

Find the grave of a great sinner: it could be a criminal who killed people or who died without repentance and funeral services, who rejected baptism and the sacrament of communion. The conspiracy will gain special power if the names or date of birth on the gravestone and that of the drug addict coincide. During sunset, go to the cemetery, without talking to anyone along the way, with the last rays of the sun, put a clean towel on the grave, 3 eggs, 3 pancakes and salt, turn your back to the setting sun and read:

Along the grass carpet, late in the evening

I came to you, God's servant (name).
You, servant of God (name), lived and sinned
And he hastened to go to hell.
You have renounced God Christ,
From His Holy Cross, from His mercy,
From the gift of eternal life.
You have given yourself over to an unclean spirit,
The cursed force, the one
That ruined you forever.
I conjure, God's servant (name),
Your grave, your coffin, your ashes
The clothes that they dressed you in the coffin,
The earth that covered you,
Water from heaven that waters your grave,
God's light that illuminates your grave,
Mother, who carried you in her arms,
With her milk, which she fed you.
Take it, take it from the servant of God (name)
All the rest of the disease is intoxicating.
Hold her, don't let her go
Be a nail for this illness,
Heavy stone, fire.
Hold it, strengthen it, burn it, reduce it to dust.
When tied in eight knots
Light, water and earth,
Only then my words
They will be empty and useless.
My word is strong, tenacious and molding.

Conspiracy on a dead man

This ritual is carried out with the direct participation of the patient, if the sufferer passionately desires to get rid of drugs. The drug addict should endure 9 days without using dope, and during periods of withdrawal, you need to be next to him and wipe away sweat and tears with a handkerchief, while saying:

I speak to the slave (name),

So that he doesn't cry,
I didn't grieve
I didn’t miss the ardent potion,
I didn’t suffer from dope
Let the inveterate man have his handkerchief,
The slave (name) is guarded by the dashing passion.
How can this dead man not rise?
So the slave (name) does not touch dope.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After 9 days, go to the church where the funeral service for the deceased takes place. When saying goodbye, discreetly place a handkerchief in the coffin.

Church conspiracy against drug addiction

Over the course of one day, visit three churches and submit a registered note in each with a request “for the health of the needy.” Light a candle in each of the churches: to Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. Panteleimon the Healer. You also need to buy 4 candles and collect holy water in all churches but in one container. When leaving the last temple, say:

I beg you, All-Seeing God,

Don’t let illness come to your doorstep.
Let the insatiable dope go away!
The sick drug addict will become sober again.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

Returning home, wait until everyone has left the room, light 12 candles in a semicircle, place all three icons behind them, and a container with holy water in front and read the following plot many times:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Forgive me all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, known and unknown. Have mercy and help save your slave from drug addiction (state the name of the sufferer). Cleanse his/her soul from demonic possession and save the body from sick aches. Give strength of spirit to the sick person (again call the name of the dependent person) with this holy water. Let the life-giving moisture destroy forever the irrepressible craving for the needle. Sent the Holy Saints down from Heaven and commanded the guardian angel to protect his slave (again, mention the name of the sufferer) from destructive drug addiction. Thy will be done. May your mercy come. Let my work be done. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Read until you have enough strength and feel very weak. Burnt out candles can be thrown away, and the piece of paper with the spell and icons can be hidden in a secluded place. Add holy spoken water to any food and drink of a drug addict at every opportunity.

Creating a talisman against drug addiction

An ordinary pin can act as an item for a talisman: it can be attached to the inside of clothing, so that it touches the body and no one sees it. Standing behind the patient, we speak to the object with these words:

You'll soon bite your nose off
What potion will you pour into yourself?
The dead man will soon leave the coffin,
What potions will intoxicate you?
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Choose a road that can be seen from the window of the house. The patient must walk along it from home and return. When leaving, he should not look back or talk to anyone. When returning, you cannot talk, stumble, or stop until you enter the house. The following lapel is read in the back of the departing person:

Not a single key will open my lock,
My word will not be washed away by water.
I left the monastery
Keeping the word from the troparion,
There is a trap in the garden,
His name is dope.
Let him sleep according to his years,
Dies by the hour, melts by the minute,
Like everyone, God's servant (name) is healthy.
Doesn't want to go to the grave
Neither old nor young,
So are you, servant of God (name),
Didn't want, didn't want
No trap, no potion, no dope.
Roll down, fall down.
I will give you a funeral service for the dope with all the saints.
The cross is holy, the dope is removed, the cross is strong.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The ceremony can be performed without the patient’s consent. In this case, we read the first part behind the back of the sleeping person, standing in his head, and the second, you can read in the back of the departing person, standing on the threshold of the house. In the same way, you can charm any object: a coin pendant, etc. The coin will need to be sewn into the clothes that the patient wears most often. The effect will be somewhat weakened, but the healing process will begin.

Drug addiction conspiracy

Drug addiction is a serious disease that is associated both directly with the physiology and psyche of a person. Here, of course, the intervention of a specialist is necessary to cure a person of this addiction. But in parallel with traditional treatment, no one forbids the use of unconventional magical methods. You can try to talk to a drug addict. Drug addiction conspiracy, what is it?

Conspiracies for drug addiction

What is good about such a conspiracy?

As already mentioned, you cannot rely on a conspiracy as the only means that you will use in the fight against drug addiction. But drug addiction conspiracies can help in some situations:

  • Conspiracies against drug addiction are very helpful in withdrawal situations. When a person can’t stand it and wants to break loose, that’s when you can safely use conspiracies for drug addiction. They will give willpower and help support in him exactly that subpersonality that strives for recovery.
  • Conspiracies for drug addiction work very well when a person seems to have passed the most difficult stage and drugs have no power over him. It seems to him that he is already free from drugs, so free that he can use again. Of course, this is a trick of the mind. And it is precisely at such a moment that you need to read the drug plot. It may be cruel, but it will give the person back the feeling of how bad he was on drugs. And it is precisely these negative feelings that will let a person understand that he is still weak and can fall into drug addiction at any moment.
  • It is not always possible to calculate everything in life. And a drug addict needs to avoid situations that will provoke his drug use. When he finds himself in such situations, it is very important to know the conspiracy against drug addiction. It should be read by the former drug addict himself, or, if he is no longer able to, and a loved one is nearby, then he should read the plot. Thanks to such conspiracies, the external situation changes much faster to a more favorable situation, which does not contribute to a relapse into drugs.

Conspiracy on a photograph

A loved one of a drug addict can make him addicted to drugs without his knowledge. This works too, for a while. But it is still important to understand that the most effective conspiracies against drug addiction are obtained when the addicted person himself consciously participates in them. If a loved one acts against his will, then the most powerful conspiracy is greatly devalued. Nevertheless, let us give an example of an absentee conspiracy of a person from drug addiction.

To carry out this ritual you will need knives, a photograph of a person, and three church candles. The ritual must be carried out during the waning moon, because you want to get rid of something, and not, on the contrary, acquire it.

You need to stay in the room alone, so that no one can disturb you. Light three church candles. Place them in a triangle. Place a clean kitchen knife near each candle and place a photograph of a person in the middle. It is very important that in the photo there is only the person you want to talk to from drugs. Just look at the candle for three or four minutes, this will help you enter a light trance state. Then place three knives on the photo and say the following magic words:

“You are strong, and I am stronger, you are brave, and I am bolder. I ask God himself, I ask the Holy One to save you from your illness. He doesn’t take you with affection, he doesn’t take you with tears, that means he’ll take you with a cold iron. There are knives for you, they will knock out everything unnecessary from you, they will drive out everything that smells from your blood, so they will drive you out that you will never want that infection again. You will be clean forever."

After that, take one knife and pierce the head in the photo with it, pierce the heart with a second knife, and the legs with a third. When you finish, say the following words:

“If you cure it, it won’t be from the outside, you quit it yourself, quit it yourself, your choice.”

After this, the knives and the photograph need to be put in a secluded place so that no one can find these items. There they must remain for a week. After that, you can take them out and bury them under a tree, only under one that grows far from home.

After some time, the drug addict will begin to suffer greatly; this is the result of a conspiracy. Such a ritual can be performed on a son or husband, on a blood relative. At the moment when he begins to break down badly, it is precisely when he needs to be taken for treatment, this is the most opportune moment. Such a conspiracy against drug addiction seems to prepare the person for further treatment.

Conspiracy on sensations

This conspiracy against drug addiction is built as follows. The fact is that under drugs a person gets the following sensations:

  1. He feels strong.
  2. He loves and is loved by God, the Universe, and people.
  3. He feels free.
  4. There is a lot of energy for sexual accomplishments.
  5. The beauty of the world is felt even more strongly; the addict perceives it very keenly.

This conspiracy is aimed at ensuring that the drug addict has all these sensations without drugs. This conspiracy is also carried out without the drug addict himself. But it must be said by a person who himself is on high vibrations. This requires prayers. You need to read prayers for 21 days. You can read prayers for yourself and for the drug addict himself, for his son, if it’s about him.

After this, on the day of the waxing moon, you need to go out late in the evening, when the moon will shine especially brightly, and say the following spell while looking at the moon:

“You are the moon that shines on that falcon, brighter than that sun, because that falcon did not value the sun. I am tearing myself away, for the servant of God (son’s name) I ask. So that I can see as I see, feel as I feel. He will wake up and feel such love that nothing more is needed. He will fall asleep and in his sleep he will be enveloped in universal care. Let him not need anything. I conjure his servant of God (son’s name) for an abundance of the brightest feelings. Let the world hit him in the eyes with its beauty as it has never hit him, let him not have the need to strengthen anything. I conjure him to lunar abundance, to sweet abundance. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

It is very important to read this plot and feel for yourself all the feelings that you want your loved one to experience without drugs. At this moment, you yourself must broadcast love, care, and universal abundance. Only in this case will this conspiracy work.

Such a conspiracy can be repeated as many times as you like. It will only enhance the energy of both yours and your son, if he is the one suffering from drug addiction.

Spell for water at the threshold

It is also important to energetically cleanse the house in which the addict lives. It must contain energy that will contribute to a person’s recovery. To do this, you can speak to the water with which you will wash the floors. Since this is a magical practice, it is very desirable that during the washing of such floors no one other than the one conducting the ritual itself should be present.

The ritual is carried out during the waxing moon, as it attracts higher energies into the house. Pour water into a bucket. At first, you can simply read your favorite prayers over it. Then you need to read the following plot:

“Water, water, clean, fresh water. Share your purity, share your freshness. Bring clarity of mind through your feet to those who walk over you. May his step on you be light and clear, may it be good after you. Let the one who toils, as he walks over you, throw off his toil. Help, dear, help, pure one. So that we too have pure thoughts, an open heart, so that we can be happy in this house.”

After this, wash the entire house with love and care with this water. Next comes an important moment. It is advisable for the dependent person to walk barefoot on a wet floor, on a floor that has been washed with enchanted water. Thus, guess the circumstances. Immediately after this, you will notice that the mood of the person who walked on the enchanted floor has improved.

This ritual can be done constantly when you start cleaning. It increases the energy of the house, cleanses karma at home. Even if a drug addict has withdrawal symptoms, it is much easier for him to endure it in a house where the floor has been washed with such enchanted water.

General rules of conspiracy

Whatever conspiracy you choose to implement, also adhere to the general rules that will increase the effectiveness of the ritual:

  • It is important to carry out a conspiracy for a desperate drug addict with a strong belief that the conspiracy against drug addiction will help. The conspiracy works on the energy of the one who reads it. And the greater the faith, the higher the energy, the correspondingly higher the result from the conspiracy. It’s not even worth making a conspiracy just for show, because it won’t work.
  • If any word in the conspiracy is not clear to you, then be sure to find out what it means. The level of awareness depends on how much you understand the text you are reading. The higher the level of awareness when reading, the more likely it is that a magical ritual against drug addiction will have a one hundred percent effect.
  • If, with the help of a magical spell against drug addiction, you attract creative energies, then perform this ritual during the waxing moon. If you see that the plot is structured in such a way that it is more likely to get rid of negative energies, then you need to read it during the period of the waning moon. This is a very important point to consider.
  • It is better to persuade a loved one who is addicted to read a drug addiction spell on himself, and you will help him. This means that during the ritual the will of the dependent person will be involved, and this gives a much greater result than acting without a piece of this will. But, if this is not possible, then read the plot without the participation of the addict himself, this will also work, but you will have to make more efforts.

Conspiracies against drunkenness, smoking and drug addiction. 01:49. �

Effective conspiracies to get rid of bad habits

But remember that getting rid of addiction to chemicals is not so easy, so don’t rely only on spells and prayer. Be sure to contact your doctors; they have a plan for solving this problem.

Conspiracy against drug addiction

Nowadays, drug addiction is a huge problem, so people actively use not only traditional medicine, but also folk remedies. Decoctions, natural herbal teas, and spells are used.

A problem like this requires immediate attention and is extremely serious. This makes people desperate to fight this disease.

Before starting treatment for drug addiction with spells, many healers conduct diagnostics using cards. Using this method, they will find out how much a person’s energy, his entire essence, has suffered.

It is important to remember that the results almost always directly depend on whether the person has a desire to get well.

After this, you need to have a conversation with the person, discuss the situation in which he finds himself. It is necessary to understand whether the person himself wants help, whether he will listen to explanations, recommendations, and advice. This is important, because it is desirable for him to do everything exactly as required by the conspiracies against addiction.

We fight drug addiction

Since ancient times, our ancestors have developed various conspiracies to combat various addictions. Including drugs. All conspiracies that have survived to this day have been tested for more than one century.

Such conspiracies have a positive effect on a person’s energy shell, cleansing it of everything negative. Thus, the spiritual connection with the astral world becomes stronger. Folk remedies will help discourage a person from using drugs. There won’t even be a thought about taking the dose again. Conspiracies against drug addiction effectively help fight those addictions that were deliberately inflicted on a person.

Many envious people deliberately cause damage and evil eyes, but this can be corrected with the help of sincere prayers and conspiracies. No one is completely protected from negativity, which obliges us to be very careful and regularly strengthen our faith. Conspiracies can also have negative consequences, so they should be used exclusively for the benefit of yourself or another person.

For example, there is a strong conspiracy against drug addiction for a pin that a person will need to carry with him.

It is necessary to speak on the pin while being behind the patient’s back.

Then pin the pin onto his clothes from the inside. After this, show him from the window which path he should take back, tell him in advance that you are going to read his back. Be sure to warn that you are not allowed to talk, stammer, or look around. The sufferer must walk in silence until he crosses the threshold of his apartment.

Another strong conspiracy is made for a church candle. Treatment must be carried out taking into account gender. Women on “women’s” days, and men on “men’s” days, except for all holy holidays.

You buy a candle in church so that you can get change.

You spend the change you receive on bread, which needs to be cut with a knife purchased on the ninth day of the month.

You need to cut it into small pieces.

After which you need to add chopped Easter bread to it, soak it all in holy water, add seven eggs and Thursday salt. The dough will be the same as for pancakes. You bake them and give them to the patient with a spell. If you believe the reviews, the results are stunning.

As soon as a person begins to experience withdrawal symptoms, as soon as he begins to feel pain, wipe his tears with a handkerchief and beg him to hold out for nine days. During these 9 days you need to get to the church when the funeral service is held for the deceased with a coffin. Before they stab you, as if to say goodbye, bend over to the deceased and discreetly leave the patient’s handkerchief in the coffin. At home, the scarf must first be spoken.

Treatment of drug addiction is often carried out using a water spell. Before reading the plot, you need to read the prayer “Our Father” over the water, and so that your breath disturbs the water surface. Give this water to the dependent person and believe that there will be only positive results without negative consequences.

Useful healing spells:

Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.

Conspiracies for drug addiction: comments

One comment

Thank you for the article! Anyone who has had to deal with this terrible misfortune knows that the key to successful treatment is the patient’s desire to cope with addiction. If there is such a desire, and a person is ready to accept the help of loved ones, then this is a huge step forward. If the patient trusts conspiracies and especially asks you to help him or find someone who knows, then please do not laugh, do not criticize or refuse. Remember that the goal (recovery) is important, not the means. Even if you don’t believe it yourself, remind yourself that it was not in vain that the tradition of conspiracies was carried through millennia, and they probably have their own power, at least, to calm a person, create the right mood and, in modern terms, support psychologically. I know many stories of people for whom one of the impetus for long-term remission was not only official medicine, but also knowledge/practices that went far beyond its scope.

On the other hand, remember that if the patient is not ready to take the path of healing and open his soul, then even the most powerful conspiracy may not achieve the goal, and in no case blame yourself for this. It is very painful to admit your powerlessness, but it is also pointless to be deceived...

Strong conspiracy against drug addiction to the Lord God

I bring to your attention absolutely free of charge a powerful conspiracy against drug addiction, addressed to the Lord God.

Drug addiction is a big problem not only for the victim, but also for those living nearby.

A heartbroken mother struggles to help her child overcome drug addiction.

But the needle pierces the veins deeper and deeper, and addiction takes hold of the lost soul more and more.

And how much money do healers ask for, promising to cope with trouble in one session?

Try to talk to a drug addict without his knowledge by tirelessly praying to the Lord God.

Drug addiction conspiracy

Before you begin performing a simple ritual, visit the Orthodox Choir and submit a registered note about the Health of the person in need.

Then go to 2 more churches and do the same.

This magical technique is called “three”.

A prayer service for Health, held simultaneously in three churches, will strengthen Orthodox power.

In each shelter you will have to not only submit notes, but also put 3 candles to the following icons: Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow.

Buy exactly 12 candles for your home.

As you leave the last and third Temple, mentally say these enchantment lines:

I beg you, All-Seeing God, do not let the disease enter your doorstep. Let the insatiable dope go away! The sick drug addict will become sober again. Amen! Amen! Amen!

And don’t forget to collect holy water in each of their churches, but only in one container!

When you arrive home, wait until everyone has left and begin the ritual.

Light the candles. Place the icons listed above and a vessel with holy water nearby.

With faith in your soul and true hope, read a strong conspiracy against drug addiction to the Lord God many times:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Forgive me all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, known and unknown. Have mercy and help save your slave from drug addiction (state the name of the sufferer). Cleanse his/her soul from demonic possession and save the body from sick aches. Give strength of spirit to the sick person (again call the name of the dependent person) with this holy water. Let the life-giving moisture destroy forever the irrepressible craving for the needle. Sent the Holy Saints down from Heaven and commanded the guardian angel to protect his slave (again, mention the name of the sufferer) from destructive drug addiction. Thy will be done. May your mercy come. Let my work be done. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Read the magic spell until you feel weak.

Extinguish the burning candles. Throw away the cinders. Take the icons to a cozy place and hide the plot away.

Add holy water discreetly to any drinks of the addict, cleansing and ridding the addict of a serious illness.

So that the Lord God can hear you, help someone else by sharing this article with your friends from social networks.

By pressing multi-colored buttons, you give hope to another lost person absolutely free of charge.

God bless you!

Nowadays, drug addiction is a huge problem, so people actively use not only traditional medicine, but also folk remedies. Decoctions, natural herbal teas, and spells are used.

A problem like this requires immediate attention and is extremely serious. This makes people desperate to fight this disease.

Before starting treatment for drug addiction with spells, many healers conduct diagnostics using cards. Using this method, they will find out how much a person’s energy, his entire essence, has suffered.

It is important to remember that the results almost always directly depend on whether the person has a desire to get well.

After this, you need to have a conversation with the person, discuss the situation in which he finds himself. It is necessary to understand whether the person himself wants help, whether he will listen to explanations, recommendations, and advice. This is important, because it is desirable for him to do everything exactly as required by the conspiracies against addiction.

We fight drug addiction

Since ancient times, our ancestors have developed various conspiracies to combat various addictions. Including drugs. All conspiracies that have survived to this day have been tested for more than one century.

Such conspiracies have a positive effect on a person’s energy shell, cleansing it of everything negative. Thus, the spiritual connection with the astral world becomes stronger. Folk remedies will help discourage a person from using drugs. There won’t even be a thought about taking the dose again. Conspiracies against drug addiction effectively help fight those addictions that were deliberately inflicted on a person.

Many envious people deliberately cause damage and evil eyes, but this can be corrected with the help of sincere prayers and conspiracies. No one is completely protected from negativity, which obliges us to be very careful and regularly strengthen our faith. Conspiracies can also have negative consequences, so they should be used exclusively for the benefit of yourself or another person.

For example, there is a strong conspiracy against drug addiction for a pin that a person will need to carry with him.

It is necessary to speak on the pin while being behind the patient’s back.

Conspiracy “From drug addiction” on a pin

“You’d rather chew off your nose than pour the potion into yourself. The dead man would sooner leave the coffin than the dope would enter you. Amen. Amen. Amen."
my words are stronger than strong iron, sharper than a sharp damask knife. Be you, my words, to help the servant of God (servant of God) (name). The key is in the sea, the lock is in the company. Amen."

Then pin the pin onto his clothes from the inside. After this, show him from the window which path he should take back, tell him in advance that you are going to read his back. Be sure to warn that you are not allowed to talk, stammer, or look around. The sufferer must walk in silence until he crosses the threshold of his apartment.

Completing the “From Drug Addiction” conspiracy

“Not a single key will open my lock; not a single key will wash away my word with water. I left the monastery, keeping the word from the troparion, there is a trap in the garden, its name is Datura. Let him sleep according to his needs,” die by the hour, melt by the minute, like every healthy servant of God. Neither the old nor the young want to go to the grave, and neither do you, slave.
God (name), did not want, did not want either a trap, or a potion, or dope. Roll down, fall down. I will give you a funeral service for the dope with all the saints. The cross is holy, the dope is removed, the cross is strong. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Another strong conspiracy is made for a church candle. Treatment must be carried out taking into account gender. Women on “women’s” days, and men on “men’s” days, except for all holy holidays.

You buy a candle in church so that you can get change.

You spend the change you receive on bread, which needs to be cut with a knife purchased on the ninth day of the month.

You need to cut it into small pieces.

After which you need to add chopped Easter bread to it, soak it all in holy water, add seven eggs and Thursday salt. The dough will be the same as for pancakes. You bake them and give them to the patient with a spell. If you believe the reviews, the results are stunning.

Spell "From drug addiction" on dough

“I go, crossing myself, blessing myself with the bread, girding myself with Thursday, dissolving with salt. So the dope would go on, dissolve in the slave (name) and not return. Just as the Apostolic Church and the Holy Cross are strong, so is my intoxication strong. Amen. Amen. Amen."
my, my archangel, save my soul, strengthen my heart; enemy Satan, give up on me. I am baptized with the cross, I protect myself with the cross, I call on the angel with the cross, I drive away the evil one with the cross. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

As soon as a person begins to experience withdrawal symptoms, as soon as he begins to feel pain, wipe his tears with a handkerchief and beg him to hold out for nine days. During these 9 days you need to get to the church when the funeral service is held for the deceased with a coffin. Before they stab you, as if to say goodbye, bend over to the deceased and discreetly leave the patient’s handkerchief in the coffin. At home, the scarf must first be spoken.

Conspiracy “From drug addiction” on a scarf

“I speak to the slave (name) so that he does not cry, does not grieve, does not yearn for the ardent potion, does not suffer from the dope. Let the inveterate handkerchief lie with him, guard the slave (name) from the dashing passion. Just as this dead man does not rise, so the slave (name) does not touch the dope. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
evening - Maremyana, take away my choking and cough, and carry them far beyond the ocean-sea. Across the sea and ocean you will be warmly received and there is something cooked and baked for you. Amen."

Treatment of drug addiction is often carried out using a water spell. Before reading the plot, you need to read the prayer “Our Father” over the water, and so that your breath disturbs the water surface. Give this water to the dependent person and believe that there will be only positive results without negative consequences.


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