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Skopina families. Many scientists are confident that she is the best fisherman among birds, as she is able to catch fish even in rivers with very fast currents. Alas, today the life of this inhabitant of heaven can hardly be called carefree, because due to the fault of man he was on the verge of extinction. But let's talk about everything in order.


So, first, let's figure out where the eunuchs live. Photos of these birds taken in different parts of the planet indicate that these birds have settled on almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. However, depending on the season, they can migrate from one region to another, thereby avoiding the cold of winter.

Therefore, in Russia they can only be found in summer or late spring. The same applies to Iceland, Scandinavia and some states of North America. Moreover, with the arrival of cold weather, these birds fly away to warmer climes. For example, to the southern part of China, East Asia, Africa, Indonesia or Malaysia.

Skopets is a fairly large bird. On average, it grows to 50-60 cm in length, while its wingspan can reach 140-160 cm. It is noteworthy that females are always larger than their gentleman. This difference can be seen even with the naked eye, because their weight is too different.

All eunuchs wear brown or black plumage, which varies only slightly in shade depending on where they live. But the lower part (chest and belly) of the bird is white or light gray. Around the eyes there is a black edging of feathers, which smoothly turns into two parallel stripes going to her shoulders. Thanks to them, one gets the impression that the feathered predator is wearing a dark mask, hiding its true appearance.

Eunuch's diet

Skopets is a bird whose menu mostly consists of “fish dishes”. According to scientists, fish makes up more than 90% of everything eaten by the predator. That is why in the world of feathered creatures this species is considered one of the best hunter-divers. In addition, fresh fish serves as an excellent source of moisture for the predator, and therefore it rarely drinks plain water.

However, this does not mean that the eunuch does not hunt other game. If the weather or terrain does not allow fishing, the bird easily switches to other targets. For example, rodents, reptiles, insects and even other birds can become dinner for a predator. Moreover, there is evidence that eunuchs hunted animals that could become formidable opponents in their own right.

Features of behavior

Considering the diet of this predator, it is not surprising that the eunuch is a bird that is accustomed to settling near large bodies of water. Here she feels more than comfortable, because at any moment she can go hunting. At the same time, the osprey prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle, only occasionally forming strong tandems. Because of this, it is possible to see pairs of birds “in love” only during the mating period.

In hunting his favorite game, the eunuch is greatly helped by his excellent eyesight. Thanks to him, the bird is able to notice the fish while high in the sky. For example, an experienced predator can spot a carp swimming underwater from a distance of 40 meters. In addition, he ignores the distortion that water gives to an object due to the refraction of light on its surface.

After the eunuch selects its victim, it quickly parries downwards. It enters the water with its paws forward, using them like a harpoon. Often the fish does not have time to react in time and ends up in the sharp claws of a predator. And she will no longer be able to get out of them, since the eunuch grabs its prey from both sides, as if squeezing it in a vice.

Reproduction and mating games of birds

Skopets is a very amazing bird. Accustomed to living alone, she is still very sensitive to family ties. Having found its soul mate, the osprey forms a monogamous pair, which remains indestructible throughout the bird's life. And only the death of one of the partners can change this.

As for the mating season, for migratory birds it begins in April-May, and for sedentary birds - in February-March. At the same time, the males are the first to fly to the nest, thereby showing the ladies that they have not forgotten about them. If the gentleman does not yet have an established pair, then he begins to look for available females, flirting with them.

It takes about 4-5 weeks to hatch the eggs. All this time, the male takes care of his family, bringing food to the nest and protecting it from enemies. And only two months later, when the chicks learn to fly, he leaves his home.

Skopets: significance for the ecosystem and humans

Despite the fact that the eunuch eats a lot of fish, it does not cause significant damage to fisheries. But the bird itself suffers greatly from human action. The use of pesticides and herbicides has a detrimental effect on the predator population. For example, in some agricultural regions it stopped settling altogether.

Therefore, today many environmental organizations have taken the eunuch under their care. In particular, on the territory of the Russian Federation the bird is protected by the Red Book. This species is also protected by a resolution adopted by the Convention on International Trade.

— , feeds mainly on fish.

It is found everywhere, on all continents except Antarctica. The osprey nests near bodies of water that provide an adequate amount of food, in this case fish. diurnal bird of prey. The main diet of the osprey is fish, and to catch it, the osprey has all the necessary skills and physical characteristics. The feet have two toes facing forward and two toes facing backward, which is especially useful when grabbing slippery fish. Although the osprey nests near bodies of water, it is not classified as a seabird.

The biggest osprey reaches a length of 60 cm and a wingspan of 180 cm, and weighs from 0.9 to 2.1 kg. has a characteristic color, gray-brown upperside, white chest and head, another distinctive feature is a brown stripe on both sides of the head, running from the beak, through the eyes and to the back of the head. Dimensions ospreys correspond to the largest representatives of accipitridae. Females and males ospreys, are quite similar, but the adult male can be distinguished by his thin body and narrow wings. In flight, ospreys have arched wings, which gives them a gull-like appearance. These have a characteristic voice. Sound ospreys(voice) is a series of sharp whistles.

It is the second most common species after the peregrine falcon. Where does the osprey live?, the osprey has a worldwide distribution and is found in temperate and tropical regions of all continents except Antarctica. They lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle.

Nutrition ospreys. Fish makes up 99% of the osprey's diet. As a rule, it catches fish weighing 150-300 grams and 25-35 cm long, but they can also catch fish weighing up to 2 kg. Almost any type of fish in this weight range can be caught. Sometimes, osprey can hunt rodents, rabbits, hares, amphibians, other birds and small reptiles.

Reproduction ospreys builds a nest from a large pile of sticks, driftwood, turf, seaweed in tree debris, rocky outcrops, pillars, and artificial platforms. Nest ospreys can reach a diameter of 2 meters and weigh about 135 kg. Large nests on poles can be a fire hazard and cause power outages. As a rule, the osprey reaches sexual maturity and begins to breed at the age of 3-4 years. In areas with high population density, reproduction ospreys may be delayed up to 5-7 years due to a lack of suitable high-rise buildings. To solve this problem, sometimes artificial structures suitable for building nests are specially erected. Ospreys They usually mate for life. Breeding season begins in spring, female ospreys usually lays two to four eggs. Eggs ospreys They are whitish in color with red-brown spots, measure approximately 6.2 by 4.2 cm and weigh about 65 grams. Eggs osprey incubates for approximately 35-43 days until hatching. Newly hatched osprey chicks weigh 50-60 grams and fledge within 8-10 weeks.

Osprey, the sound of an osprey.


At the VIII Report and Election Conference of the Russian Bird Conservation Union, held in Moscow in February 2017, the osprey was chosen as the bird of 2018.

Osprey is an unusual bird. A magnificent flyer, a skilled fisherman, a caring parent, a brave traveler, an elegant, beautiful bird. The osprey is so unique that ornithologists have identified a separate family for it in the animal world. Osprey is widely distributed throughout the world, found on all continents except Antarctica. And at the same time, it feeds almost exclusively on fish; other prey is extremely rare in the osprey’s diet. Osprey hunting (yes, not fishing, just hunting fish) is a breathtaking spectacle. This is a calm search flight over the surface of the water, and a swift rush towards prey, when the bird instantly turns into white lightning rushing towards the water, and a sharp throwing forward of its paws just before the dive, and a sheaf of splashes, from which a bird suddenly flies out with a fish in its paws... An osprey can even grab a fish that is gaping at the surface, almost without getting its feather wet. But often you have to immerse yourself in water almost completely. And then the bird, rising heavily with its prey in its claws, shakes itself off in flight - well, exactly like a dog that has climbed onto land after a swim.

Large nests of ospreys are often far from water, and the bird has to carry difficult prey to its chicks several kilometers away. At the same time, the male feeds not only the brood in the nest, but also the female, who incubates the clutch and later continuously protects the growing chicks. And even when fully feathered chicks leave the nest, parents have to feed them for a long time until the young ospreys master the art of hunting on their own.

Rare throughout almost its entire vast range, the osprey requires especially careful treatment and protection. Its numbers depend on many factors - both on the fishiness of reservoirs and on the availability of suitable nesting sites. Water pollution and deforestation have led to a significant reduction in the number of feathered fishermen. Excessive human disturbance is also a determining limiting factor for ospreys. And where now, with a developed road network, with the active use of passable all-wheel drive vehicles, ATVs, boats, kayaks, and other yachts by vacationers, can they find a quiet river stretch or a deserted lake?

What can we do to preserve this truly unique species? In the global aspect - to ensure the cleanliness, and therefore the fishiness of our rivers and lakes, to preserve forests on their banks, in the water protection zone, in the adjacent swamps (it is the pine forests in the raised swamps that are the main nesting site of the osprey). But we ourselves can help the osprey. Maintain peace and quiet on such attractive river and lake banks, choose already inhabited, equipped places for camping in nature, and not create new bivouacs. The osprey also responds very well to artificial nesting sites. Of course, installing a nesting platform for an osprey is not an easy task, but in this way you can not only support birds in known habitats, but even attract them to new places that were previously uninhabited by ospreys.

And what is completely unacceptable is raising a gun at these magnificent birds.

We hope that 2018, the year of the osprey, will bring us many interesting observations of these beautiful birds, new data about their biology, will help us be closer to nature, and ospreys - at least a small step closer to humans.

Vladimir Melnikov

© Victor Tyakht

© Victor Tyakht

© Victor Tyakht

© Oleg Sidorov

© Oleg Sidorov

There are many animals in the world that are rarely seen in the wild. And all because they disappear. A striking example is the osprey, a fairly large bird of prey. But many people don’t even know in which natural area the osprey lives. And even what she looks like.

A few words about the appearance of the osprey

Before finding out in which natural area the osprey is located, it is worth finding out the signs by which it can be distinguished from other birds. Of course, they are noticeable in the plumage.

The gray back creates a noticeable contrast with the rest of the bird's body, which is white. The osprey's neck is decorated with a speckled necklace, which is more noticeable in females. A gray-brown stripe runs along the sides of the beak through the eye and to the wings. A black beak and lead-colored paws complete the picture.

Every adult has this plumage. And it appears at the age of one and a half years. Until then, they look somewhat spotty, since the tips of the feathers of young birds are colored a light brown shade.

Another difference between a young osprey is the color of its iris. She's red. An adult individual looks at the world with yellow eyes.

The body length of the osprey is slightly more than half a meter. While its wingspan reaches and even slightly exceeds one and a half meters. This is true for every bird that has the name "osprey". Where the feathered individual lives is completely unimportant. This does not affect the size much. Only females are slightly heavier (usually 0.5 kg) and larger. If we talk about weight, then for males it fluctuates around one and a half kilograms.

General information from biology

The answer to the question of what natural zone the osprey lives in is: all over the world. With the possible exception of Antarctica. However, its numbers are small. But more on that later. Now about the osprey.

She is the only representative of the osprey family from the order Accipitridae. However, this bird has several variations in colors and sizes, which depend on the latitude of its habitat.

The largest and darkest live in Eurasia and North America. Subspecies with lighter heads inhabit the seas. By the way, they lead The smallest of them are common on the coasts of large

The diet depends on the natural zone in which the osprey lives. However, some of its features make the predator an excellent fisherman. The legs of these birds are longer, and the claws are strongly curved. The outer finger is designed so that it can freely rotate back. Therefore, an osprey can easily hold slippery fish in its paws.

As for feathers, they are covered with a greasy substance. Thanks to this, the bird does not get wet. In addition, there are nasal valves on the nostrils that prevent water from getting inside.

What kind of life does an osprey lead?

Whether the osprey makes a flight depends on the natural area in which the osprey lives. Those that are common in northern latitudes fly away during the cold season. If the climate allows wintering in favorable conditions, then the osprey remains.

The construction of the nest is mostly done by the female. But both birds from the pair are busy collecting the necessary materials. And for this they need branches, grass and algae. The former form the foundation, and the latter hold it together. Typically, a pair of ospreys live in one nest for several years, repairing it if necessary.

After construction or repairs are completed, the female devotes all her time to incubating the chicks. And the male is preoccupied with getting food. First only for her, and then also for the chicks. Moreover, until the chicks are able to fly out on their own for prey.

At this time he has a lot of worries, because he also needs to protect the territory from rivals. After all, if the female does not have enough food, then she may begin to ask for it from another male.

Usually the pair is formed for a long time, such is the osprey. The natural zone in which a bird lives also affects its monogamy. If there is enough food to feed two families, the male builds a second nest. But he carries food first.

What area do you choose?

It has already become clear that the bird is found on all continents. And yet, what kind of terrain does the osprey prefer? Where does he live? She likes forest areas on the banks of water bodies. This choice is due to the fact that the bird chooses the top of a strong and broken tree for its nest. And they mainly eat fish.

On the territory of Russia, places that are located no higher than 66-67º northern latitude are suitable for them. Moreover, they are not afraid of human proximity.

An osprey's nest is usually the only one at a distance of several hundred meters to many kilometers. A small accumulation may be observed in areas that are rich in food.

Eurasian ospreys do not stay for the winter. It has been noted that those that live on European territory fly to, for example, Egypt or the Red Sea islands. And populations from Siberia winter in South Asia.

What do ospreys eat and how do they hunt?

This bird of prey eats mainly fish. It makes up almost 100% of the diet, but is not the only thing that an osprey can catch. What natural zone does this bird live in will determine its prey in case there is a shortage of fish. And these could be: other birds, smaller in size, snakes, salamanders and lizards, muskrats, squirrels and mice, frogs and baby alligators.

Osprey hunts on the fly. The bird soars at an altitude of 10 to 40 meters, and after detecting the victim it quickly flies down. At the same time, she puts her paws forward and moves her wings back. The paws plunge into the water and the osprey grabs the fish. To take off, she needs to perform a powerful wing flap, which is directed almost horizontally.

For convenience and to improve aerodynamic properties, the osprey holds the fish so that it appears to be floating in the air. One paw of the bird guides the prey's head forward, and the other moves its tail backward.

They start eating the fish from the head. If the chicks are incubating, the male eats part of the prey and takes the rest to the nest.

Natural enemies of osprey

  • Aerial birds of prey such as an owl or an eagle.
  • Terrestrial: raccoons and snakes.
  • Living in water:

Why is it protected?

Having learned that this bird is so widespread, the question may arise: “Why is the osprey a bird of prey listed in the Red Book?” There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, she is the only representative of her family. That is, the osprey is a rare species. On this basis, she can already be included in the register of those in need of protection.

Secondly, the osprey population was greatly reduced in the 19th and 20th centuries. And the tendency to restore numbers has appeared only in recent years.

Reasons why the osprey population is not increasing at a sufficient rate:

  • shooting birds despite huge fines;
  • nest predation;
  • turbidity of water spaces;
  • depletion of fish stocks;
  • water pollution.

What can you do to save ospreys:

  • create artificial nesting platforms in places with plenty of food;
  • organize a rest zone at a distance of about three hundred meters from the nest.


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