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For the best handling, stability and flotation, the tires must be suitable for the vehicle and the operating conditions.

The tire consists of: carcass, belt layers, tread, bead and side part.
Depending on the orientation of the cords in the carcass, tires are distinguished:
In radial tires, the cords are located along the radius of the wheel, and in diagonal tires - at an angle to the radius of the wheel, and the threads of adjacent layers intersect. Radial tires are more rigid, they have a longer service life, better stability of the shape of the contact patch, and lower rolling resistance.

1. Bead wire ring
2. Sidewall
3. Longitudinal groove of the tread
4. Shoulder protector
5. Central rib of a protector
6. Protector
7. Nylon belt layer
8.2nd layer of steel belt
9.1st layer of steel belt
10.2nd layer of textile frame
11.1st layer of textile frame
12. Side tape
13. Bead heel
14. Base of the bead
15. Toe board
16. Filling cord
17. Sealing layer
18. Undercut tread

The tire has the following components:
- carcass- the main load-bearing element of the tire, consisting of one or more layers of rubberized cord, fixed, as a rule, on the bead rings. Cord is a fabric consisting of thick warp threads and thin rare weft threads, made on the basis of natural or synthetic fibers, or thin steel threads (metal cord);
- breaker- the inner part of the tire, located between the carcass and the tread and consisting of several layers of rubberized metal or other cord. The breaker is designed to mitigate the shock loads on the tire that occur when the vehicle is moving on the road;
- tread- the outer rubber part of the tire cover, as a rule, with a relief pattern, which provides traction with the road and protects the carcass from damage;
- sidewall- a layer of casing rubber located on the side wall of the tire, which protects the carcass from external damage;
- tire bead- the rigid part of the pneumatic tire, ensuring its attachment to the wheel rim.
In the belt of bias tires, the cords in the adjacent layers intersect with each other at an angle of 45 to 60 °, and in the radial ones - at an angle of 45 to 65 °.
Radial tires, in contrast to diagonal ones, have a carcass with fewer cord layers, a powerful breaker (usually steel cord), which provides them with less circumferential deformation during rolling and less slippage of the tread in contact with the road. Radial tires also have lower heat generation and lower rolling losses, longer service life, and withstand higher loads and speeds.

General information

By design, tires can be chamber and tubeless, and by design, radial and diagonal. Depending on the purpose and operating conditions, tires are divided into:
road(commonly called summer), are intended for use at positive temperatures on highways. Tires of this type provide the best grip on dry and wet roads, have maximum wear resistance and are best suited for high-speed driving. They are of little use for driving on dirt roads (especially wet ones) and in winter.
winter used on icy and snow-covered roads, the grip qualities of the surface of which may vary depending on the situation, from minimal (smooth ice or porridge of snow and water) to small (rolled snow in the cold). They have good road properties, somewhat inferior to summer "rubber". Many winter tires allow or have anti-skid studs.
all-season are a compromise option between summer and winter tires, therefore they are inferior in terms of grip and the first and second in the conditions appropriate for the season. They allow the car to be operated on one set of tires all year round.
universal have properties that allow them to be used both on highways and on dirt roads. It is advisable to use them for off-road vehicles that make approximately equal mileage on highways and roads. It can be difficult to draw a clear line between them and all-season tires.
off-road designed for off-road and soft terrain. It is advisable to use such tires only when driving on the highway infrequently. Otherwise, they will wear out faster and generate high noise levels.

Main tire sizes:

bore diameter (d) on the wheel rim, indicated in inches;
profile width (s) rim-mounted and inflated tire without load, indicated in millimeters or inches. This size must correspond to the landing width of the rim (table 1, 2, 3);
series (h)- the ratio of the height of the profile to its width in percentage. If the batch is absent in the marking, then this ratio is 80% or more;
outer diameter (D) is the diameter of the rim-mounted and inflated tire without load. Indicated in catalogs;
profile height (H)- the difference between the outer and landing diameters. Not shown in tire designation.

Tire tread patterns:

non-directional pattern (photo a) - symmetrical about the radial plane of the wheel passing through its axis of rotation. It is the most versatile, therefore, most of the tires are produced with this pattern;
directional pattern (photo b) - symmetrical about the plane passing through the middle of the tread. It has an improved ability to drain water from the road contact and reduced noise;
asymmetric pattern (photo c) - not symmetrical about the central plane of rotation of the wheel. It is used to implement different properties in one bus. For example, the outside of a tire performs better on dry roads, while the inside performs better on wet roads.

Tire designations:

Contains information on dimensions, tire construction, speed and load ratings. In accordance with current standards, the size designation can be millimeter, inch or mixed.
1 - maximum load and pressure (according to the US standard);
2 - designation of the inner side of the tire with an asymmetric * tread pattern. The outer side in this case is designated "OUTSIDE";
3 - number of layers and type of carcass and belt cords;
4 - trade mark of the manufacturer;
5 - profile width;
6 - series;
7, 15 - designation of a radial tire;
8 - designation of a tubeless tire;
9 - landing diameter;
10 - index of carrying capacity;
11 - speed index;
12 - designation of the direction of rotation of the tire on the car (with a directional tread pattern);
13 - date of manufacture, for example, 28th week of 2001 (until 2000 - a three-digit number);
14 - mark of approval of the tire for compliance with Regulation No. 30 of the UNECE, conditional number of the country that issued the certificate, and the number of the certificate;
16 - model name.

Examples of tire designation according to GOST 4754-97:
1) 185 / 70R14
2) 215 / 90-15C
3) 5.90-13C
The numbers and letters mean:
185; 215; 5.90 - profile width in mm or inches;
70; 90 - series (the ratio of the height of the profile to its width in percent;
R - designation of a radial tire (in the designation of a bias tire, the letter “D” is not indicated);
fourteen; 15; 13 - landing diameter of the rim in inches;
C - an index indicating that the tire is intended for light trucks and buses of especially small capacity.

In circulation, there are tires with other designations, for example:
1) 6,15-13/155-13
6.15 and 155 - profile width in inches and millimeters;
13 - rim landing diameter in inches.
There is no R, which means the tire is diagonal. Since no profile height is specified, it is over 80%.
2) 31x10.5R15 (for off-road tires, all dimensions in inches)
31 - outer diameter;
10.5 - profile width;
R - radial tire;
15 - landing diameter.

Domestic tire marking

In accordance with GOST 4754-97, the following mandatory inscriptions are applied to the tire:
trademark and (or) name of the manufacturer;
the name of the country of origin in English - “Made in…”;
tire designation;
trade mark (tire model);
bearing capacity index (carrying capacity);
speed category index (Table 4);
“Tubeless” - for tubeless tires;
“Reinforced” - for reinforced tires;
“M + S” or “M.S” - for winter tires;
“All seasons” - for all-season tires;
the date of manufacture, consisting of three digits, the first two indicate the week of manufacture, the last one - the year;
“PSI” - pressure index from 20 to 85 (only for tires with “C” index);
“Regroovable” - in case of the possibility of deepening the tread pattern by cutting;
approval mark “E” indicating the approval numbers and the country issuing the certificate;
"GOST 4754";
national mark of conformity to GOST (it is allowed to apply only in the accompanying documentation);
serial number of the bus;
sign of the direction of rotation (in the case of a directional tread pattern);
“TWI” - location of wear indicators;
balancing mark (except for tires 6.50-16C and 215 / 90-15C supplied to operation);
technical control stamp.

Foreign tire marking

They may have some other designations:
“Tous terrain” - all-season;
“R + W” (Road + Winter) - road + winter (universal);
“Retread” - restored;
“Inside” - inner side;
“Outside” - outside;
“Rotation” - direction of rotation (for tires with directional pattern);
“Side facing inwards” - the side facing inwards;
“Side facing outwards” - the side facing outward (for asymmetric tires);
“Steel” - designation of the presence of a steel cord;
“TL” - tubeless tire;
“TT” or “MIT SCHLAUCH” - tube tire.


It is desirable that all tires installed on the car are not only of the same size and design, but also of the same model and, if possible, of the same manufacturer. Despite the external similarity of some of the tread patterns, each tire model has a set of properties inherent only to it. When tires with a different, albeit very similar pattern are installed on different axles of a car (this is allowed by the Rules of the Road), the adhesion properties will inevitably differ, which can adversely affect handling in critical situations. In the event of a forced installation of not identical tires, the following combinations should be avoided whenever possible:
low-profile "rubber" in front and high-profile at the rear;
studded tires are installed on the drive axle of a front-wheel drive vehicle, and without studs at the rear;
new tires are installed in front, and completely worn-out tires at the rear, or vice versa, etc.
The last two options are especially dangerous, since on wet or icy asphalt the grip of the rear tires with the road is significantly reduced, which can lead to skidding and accidents.
All tires, even within the same type, differ in rubber chemistry, internal structure and tread pattern. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to make a “perfect” tire that would provide the maximum realization of the car's characteristics under all road conditions. Therefore, manufacturers produce tires:
with a certain specialization, when one (or two) properties are most developed (as a rule, to a small detriment to others). For example, a highway tire with low noise and good ride quality may not provide good stability and handling at high speeds. Or the tire has an increased resource and provides lower fuel consumption (compared to other models) due to low rolling resistance, but may not provide good comfort, stability and handling. As a rule, all large manufacturers (unfortunately, for the time being mostly foreign) indicate in their advertising brochures what exactly the best properties of this tire model has. True, at the same time they are silent about what properties they “sacrificed”;
with averaged, approximately the same in value, properties, to ensure an acceptable implementation of the characteristics of the car in a wide range of road conditions.
Therefore, before choosing tires, it is necessary to determine:
what properties of tires, in addition to reliable grip, are most important to you - "sportiness", comfort, efficiency, etc.
conditions in which the car will be used for a longer time;
maximum carrying capacity and speed, overall dimensions of the tire, which must correspond to the vehicle.
When switching to another dimension, it is desirable that the outer diameter of the tire does not change, which can be calculated by the formula: D = 25.4d + 2sh,
where d is the rim diameter of the wheel (inches), s is the width of the tire cross-section (mm), h is the tire series (the ratio of the height of the tire cross-section to its width in%). Recommended replacement options are shown in table. 5.
It should be borne in mind that the operation of tires at maximum speeds and load significantly reduces their resource.

Subtleties of tire marking

If the manufacturer of the car allows you to vary the size of the tires within certain limits, then for the summer, wider tires are preferable. On them, the car slows down a little better and slips less during intensive acceleration. But at the same time, it handles worse in tight cornering - the tire has to slip due to the fact that the opposite sides of the tread cover different paths, and the wider the tire, the greater the difference in slip. In addition, wide tires float up in puddles at a lower speed than narrow ones.
The steering and stability of the car, and the smoothness of the ride, directly depend on the series or the height of the tire profile. The high sidewall resists bumps better, but when cornering, this tire will break, delaying the reaction, and change the trajectory. But the low-profile tire is tough and does not tolerate bad roads.
A separate category of tires is "M + S" (mud and snow). These tires have mediocre performance on asphalt, but have advantages on dirt and snowy roads. However, on the latter they behave worse than real winter ones, indicated additionally by an icon with a three-headed mountain peak and a snowflake. However, there may not be a badge.
Another "semi-all-terrain" category - All season - all-season tires. To some extent, they are close to the tires of the "m + s" type, since they allow both summer and winter operation. This versatility is acceptable in warm regions, where winters are short and not cold, and summers are not very hot. Universal tires lag significantly behind summer tires in summer and winter tires in winter.
Run-Flat tires (puncture-proof due to reinforced sidewalls) have their own distinctive markings, which are shown in the table:

Other markings that can be found on tires are shown in the table:.

Marking What does Note
All season or Tous terrain All-season
R + W (Road + winter) Road + winter (all-season)
M + S, M&S or M (.) S (mud + snow) Mud and snow
XL (extra load) Increased lifting capacity The actual load capacity of a tire is determined by the load capacity index
R or Radial Radial tire design
Reinforced Reinforced
Retread Restored
Regroovable Cutting / deepening of grooves possible
Rotation (used with an arrow) Direction of tire rotation Directional tires only
Inside or Side facing inwards Inner side of the sidewall
Outside or Side facing outwards Outer side of the sidewall For tires with asymmetric tread only
C (commercial) For light trucks and vans Usually located at the end of the tire dimension marking
P (passenger) Passenger
LT (light truck) For light trucks and buses On American-made tires. Can be located in front of the tire dimension mark.
SUV For off-road vehicles
Steel or Steel belted Steel cord breaker
Tubeless or TL Tubeless
Tube type or TT With a camera
TWI (Tread wear indication) Tread depth wear indicator
The letter "E" in a circle with a digital index Confirmation of the tire type certification for compliance with UNECE Regulation No. 30. The digital index in the circle is the number (code) of the country that carried out the certification, outside the circle - the number of the certificate.
Maximum load ... Better to focus on the lifting capacity index
Maximum Pressure ... Maximum Allowable Tire Pressure, US Standard
ETRO European Technical Organization for Tires and Wheels
ECE European Economic Commission
DOT U.S. Department of Transportation
FMVSS Federal Vehicle Safety Standard

For gourmets
Such people prefer to select a set of tires from the same batch, trying to avoid even minimal deviations in properties. Then you need to pay attention to the type marking: "DOT GU N4 FRVX 1908". On Michelin tires, this is collectively referred to as the manufacturer's DOT certification number, and means the following:
DOT (Department of Trasnpotation) - US Department of Transportation;
GU - manufacturer's code;
N4 - size code:
FRVX is an additional code, often including a batch or brigade number;
1908 (can be extruded separately from DOT) - the first two digits mean the week of the year (here 19), the last two - the year (2008) of the tire production.
ECE, ETRO and FMVSS certifications can be applied.
Tires of different batches, if they differ, then not so much as to be noticed by the consumer. The difference is usually negligible.
I'll reveal a little secret that many tire workers try not to advertise for obvious reasons. Vehicle manufacturers for OE tires make their own demands. Mercedes, for example, focuses on comfort, BMW on handling - as a result, the balance of properties of the tires changes slightly. At the same time, the name and tread pattern remain intact, and it is impossible to distinguish between them. Therefore, special marks are applied to them, which are shown in the table:

Additional markings on tires supplied with original equipment
Installed at the request of car manufacturers:

Note: Michelin recommends:
1. It is unacceptable to use tires without corresponding markings on cars of the brand marked in bold.
2. Tires marked in bold must not be used on vehicles of another manufacturer.

Tires without such markings are average, and are either sold or fitted to cars without special requirements for tires.
If you are looking for one tire for a BMW or Porsche, it is better to check if it has a special marking on it. If there is, look for the exact same one, ordering through a car dealer. It is clear that such a tire will cost more than a regular store tire. But only then you can be sure that in an emergency situation the car will not kick up with an "average tire". If you cannot find one, you will have to buy all four in a regular tire store.

About hernia
An increase in the speed and load ratings does not mean that the tire will be less afraid of breakdowns and rubbing against curbs. But there are still small advantages. Faster tires are structurally stronger in the radial direction. Often due to a reinforcing pad between the belt and the frame. These tires are slightly less vulnerable to impact but tend to be stiffer and noisier.
Tires with a higher load capacity index are distinguished not only by additional padding, but also by reinforced sidewalls. They are actually more durable. The shoulders are also reinforced with linings for SUV tires, so if you have to drive on bumpy roads, you can choose those that are suitable in size and speed capabilities. By the way, some imported cars for the Russian market are supplied by manufacturers with tires of obviously higher carrying capacity. Keep in mind that they are heavier, less comfortable, and increase fuel consumption. In addition, hard tires do not absorb impact energy poorly, therefore the suspension and body are more affected. A variant of a slight increase in "hernia resistance" is to increase the pressure above the recommended one by 0.3-0.5 bar. But let's not forget that this will worsen the grip of the wheels and the smoothness of the ride.

Tattoo on the shoulders

1. Recently, the sidewalls of some manufacturers' tires have been adorned with pictures of something like the following.
From left to right this means: summer, rain, snow, fuel economy, confident cornering. Others, if they introduce similar badges, try to keep them on the company's website, because this information is only needed when choosing tires.

2. Green tires have lower fuel consumption and lower noise levels. How much - only the manufacturer himself knows.
such an icon is used by Michelin. And Nokian and Pirelli - embossed leaves

3. The three-headed snow peak with a snowflake indicates that the tires are made for harsh winter conditions. It is used as an additional marking for tires of the "M + S" type

4. The most convenient wear indicator (Nokian) - just a quick glance at the tread to find out what its residual depth is (the numbers are "squeezed" to a certain depth) and whether the tires have retained the ability to remain winter (the snowflake will be erased from the tread when the depth of its grooves remains less than 4 mm)

5. Another Nokian trick is marking the position of the wheels on the car when changing tires during the season.

6. The interpretation of round and triangular color marks on the sidewalls of tires is not regulated by any international or European document. For example, Bridgestone, Yokohama, Kumho, label products in accordance with the requirements of car manufacturers. This is why color marks can be found on OE tires.
The most common interpretation of yellow markings is the lightest part of the tire. Red indicates the location of the maximum power discontinuity or the heaviest part of the tire. A white mark of any shape is a fragment of an OTK stamp.
The colored stripes in the tread grooves are usually logistic signals that make life easier for warehouse workers. To know for sure what each specific color stripe or label of any configuration means, you will have to contact the tire manufacturer.

Sergey Mishin contributed to the article

For many car enthusiasts who are faced with buying car tires, it is somewhat perplexing when sellers in specialty stores mention the designation for SUV tires (SUV). Some tire manufacturers pay special attention to such labeling so that the car enthusiast can choose the product that is ideal for his vehicle. What is SUV on tires, as well as how they differ from other models, will be discussed below.

SUV markings

The decoding of SUVs for tires lies in the modern car industry. In order to understand what the abbreviation SUV means, you need to carefully study modern vehicles.

Many people pay attention to the fact that lately large cars, which are called jeeps, have appeared on our roads. If earlier they served exclusively for off-road driving, and did not develop high speed, then modern jeeps have various modifications, increased comfort, as well as high speed. But there are also models that serve specifically for off-road driving.

So that motorists do not get confused when choosing the right jeep, the abbreviation SUV helps them in this. The designation SUV sounds like this - Sport Utility Vehicle. It means modern jeeps, which have a wheel arrangement of 4 x 4, and can reach speeds of about 180 kilometers per hour. They differ from other vehicles with a wheel arrangement, a reinforced frame, high weight, and also the power of the power unit.

It should be noted right away that such data give them the necessary cross-country ability, but the power unit and transmission are not created to overcome large off-road conditions and heavy loads. Although the 4 x 4 formula helps to control such machines in all weather conditions.

Therefore, if a motorist comes to a specialized outlet for a choice of wheels, while he owns a Sport Utility Vehicle, the tires and tires on his car must be marked with the abbreviation SUV. That is, it indicates that the tire is designed for this type of vehicle.

It is important to remember that in addition to SUV wheels, there are other specialized products, such as friction tires. They also have a special purpose and are not suitable for all vehicles.


Although SUV tires are designed for specific vehicles, they also have their own classification. This is due to the fact that vehicles are operated in various weather conditions.

It must be said right away that they differ from ordinary tires in that they are designed for significant weight, off-road operation, and high speed, therefore the rubber from which they are made undergoes special testing, and is also reinforced with additional metal or reinforced cord. This is how these tires differ from the usual ones.

Naturally, the decoding of tire marking for SUV cars contains all the abbreviations that are also used for simple wheels, the only thing that you need to pay attention to when buying is that the SUV designation is added to them.

Now let's move on to the classification. It is of three types.

  1. Summer. Such tires are designed for operation in warm weather, when the rubber is heated up not only during driving, but also due to hot weather. Special additives are added to the material from which such tires are made, which prevent the rubber from melting under significant heating.
  2. Winter. These tires are designed for winter driving. In addition to the fact that special substances are added to the material that make the rubber soft at subzero temperatures, special metal spikes are placed in its structure, which make the grip on the road surface improved, even if the asphalt is covered with ice.
  3. All-season. Such rubber is positioned by manufacturers as universal, and is intended for use both in summer and winter. This is achieved thanks to a special tread (pattern), which is designed to provide good grip on the road in summer and in snow conditions. But such tires are suitable for those regions where the climate is temperate, and the roads are well cleared of snow and do not freeze.

Based on this, one can come to a certain conclusion. If a car enthusiast owns a modern high-speed jeep, then for the safe operation of his vehicle he needs to purchase tires with the SUV mark. Using plain tires can lead to the fact that they may not withstand the load and burst.

If the tire breaks at high speed, the car may simply roll over, or the driver will lose control. This could lead to a collision with an obstacle or other vehicle.

It is important to remember that today all self-respecting manufacturers of car tires orient their products to all car models, creating a special marking.

If SUV markings are found on car tires, then the motorist should know that they are intended for modern jeeps, which can reach high speeds, and have a 4 x 4 wheel arrangement.

Nokian tires are Finnish tires that have gained popularity around the world for their quality and reliability. Today the company is engaged in the production of tires for all types of cars.

Most modern models of the company have indicators of wear, running-in, temperature drop, which greatly facilitate the use and maintenance of tires. Additional additives in the rubber compound extend the life of Nokian tires.

Studded winter tires are one of the company's central areas of research. Work in this area has allowed Nokian's engineers to create innovative spikes that are virtually silent. Moreover, they do not lose their performance properties even after 4 seasons of continuous use. Porsche has included Nokian winter tires in the official list of basic equipment for its vehicles.

On the Express-Tire website in Moscow, you can buy Nokian tires for any car and any climatic conditions quickly, cheaply and without any hassle. Using the intelligent search on the site or by calling our managers' hotline, you will quickly find the model you need.

Alexey about the Tigar Summer SUV tire

Maybe my review will help someone, tk. I am not an "envious" of a company that was able to make wheels 235/55/19 for 6 thousand and gave a nose to all eminent brands that offer similar sets from 10-12 thousand rubles. See for yourself!

So, I really liked the rubber. Over the summer, I walked about 20 thousand km. From the tire I wanted to get silence, good stability and an adequate price. I have always been an adherent of the opinion "it is better to buy a tire at a higher price, it is better not to save on health". After moving from radius 17 to radius 19, the budget was slightly reduced and still decided to try the Tigar SUV Summer. The rubber was used on the Chevrolet Captiva 3.2. Those who know this car - it is quite good to light it up. Used tires at different speeds. It also accelerated to 180 km / h. There were no surprises. The rubber runs smoothly, confidently! In the rain and on wet asphalt, it also holds excellent. Then what else do you need from summer tires? Handling on ice or snow? Funny! As for the noise, the tires are very soft. For a very long time I was looking for tires, from which it will be really quiet in the car. I found her. I recommend Tigar to everyone. The tire is of excellent quality.

After buying this rubber, I decided to take a chance and change the winter tires to Chinese Velcro. Took Jinyu YW52. Later I will write a review about them, tk. I only use it for a couple of days, but the car became much quieter, especially after Nordman 4, which after 70 km / h turned into an airplane.

Anyone who wants to take a tiger - take it, you will not regret it. Not suitable for chasers, because soft and can float in turns. For ordinary drivers who have a sense of self-preservation, not a rubber wallet (although even if it is a rubber one, I still recommend a tire) and an ear for music that does not like the "hum" and "mumble" of rubber - Tigar Suv Summer is for you! Hope my review helps you with your purchase!

Car: Chevrolet Captiva

ICO Score: 4.54

Dmitry about the tire Tigar Summer SUV honest review

I purchased these tires instead of my native continental, which honestly departed 150,000 km. I have not seen rubber live, I chose according to reviews. The main criterion was price and reliability, and in these parameters I give a solid five. Rubber is soft and from this all the pros and cons - it is quiet, comfortable on uneven roads, good on clay and sand, does not float on water at speed; but at the same time slightly rolling in corners and on a straight line, softer braking and acceleration without slipping.

During installation, the maximum unbalance is 45 grams (on old discs).

High-speed h-ki on the highway 170, in the rain 130, at the roundabouts of the ring road 70 km / h

Up to 1000 km. was very quiet, then noisier.

On snow and ice without fanaticism up to 90 km / h.

It sticks on the smooth asphalt, tries to jump out of the rut.

There are no hernias or cuts in the pits and potholes yet.

I also noticed an interesting feature: after an overnight stay (+ 5C this summer), about 10 km of square rubber (beats the steering wheel by 60 km / h). then it warms up and everything is fine. During the day I did not notice this. And one more interesting detail: at a speed of 140-150 on dry asphalt, enter wet, but without puddles, the car “leads” for a few seconds, then the tires seem to adjust and go smoothly. You have to be careful - turn off the cruise in advance (slow down) on a dry surface. By wear for 7000 it is not visually visible. I think 120-140 passes.

Car: Ford Kuga

Size: 235/55 R17 103V XL

Buy it again? Definitely yes

ICO score: 4.77

Fedor about the tire Tigar Summer SUV honest review

The price is the main plus.

Nothing special - rubber is like rubber. The previous Continental cross contact was noisier, this one is slightly less noisy, but the original Dunlop was both softer and quieter. I have not traveled on ice and snow and do not plan to. On a wet road and through puddles, it drains water as expected, I did not notice aquaplaning.

There is one jamb - The wide and rather deep longitudinal grooves are very good for draining water from under the wheels, but not very small stones stick to them on the primer and when driving onto the asphalt and gaining speed they start shooting at the wheel arches.

Vehicle: Nissan X-Trail

Size: 225/55 R18 98V

Buy it again? Most likely

ICO Score: 4.38

Nikolay about the Tigar Summer SUV tire

The best summer tires in terms of price-quality ratio of ALL available on the Russian market!

Car: Nissan Qashqai + 2

ICO score: 4.31

Alexander on the Tigar Summer SUV tire

excellent rubber, not noisy, holds well. I didn’t ride on snow and ice, therefore the score is low

Car: Hyundai Starex 2.5TD 1998-2006

ICO score: 4.31

Ryabov Evgeniy about Tigar Summer SUV tire

I decided to try this rubber after use

Bridgestone Dueler H / P Sport. Took in the size 235/65 R17 108V XL.

First of all, rubber was attracted by the price.

The manufacturer Tigar, part of the Michelin group of companies, produces rubber according to their technology on relatively new equipment supplied from France in the early 2000s, which gave me reason to believe that the rubber should be of quite decent quality.

I also really liked the tread pattern because of its versatility. The drainage grooves are clearly visible, which should save from aquaplaning in the rain. The side tread elements suggest that the rubber will not be completely helpless on light off-road conditions (by the way, it is marked M + S on the side surface). A rather massive middle part with many small sipes is designed to keep the car on the asphalt during acceleration, braking and cornering.

The side of the tire looks decent enough, which is important for the appearance of the car - few people would like to have KAMA or Belshina written on the tires of their more or less decent foreign car.

The Summer SUV model is a novelty of 2015, the actual manufacturer's marking on the sidewalls confirms this fact - the tire production date is 2015.

At the balancing stage, the rubber proved to be normal, the amount of balancing weights for this standard size is within reasonable limits. Far from ideal, but waiting for a miracle from rubber costing less than 5,000 rubles is stupid.

What immediately caught my eye - the tires are quiet and moderately soft. The softness was very noticeable to the touch on non-installed tires.

When entering a corner at a speed slightly above reasonable, the rubber continues to hold, but lateral roll begins to be felt - this is a consequence of 235 width. I can advise you to look in the direction of 255 tires, but, alas, they already go to the 18th rim, but they have a higher speed and load index. Well, or you can put spacers and increase the outreach, if you do not mind the wheel bearings.

Braking. If you are switching from more expensive tires, be sure to try decelerating more energetically from speed on an empty stretch of road to understand the rubber. She stands up, but not as confidently as she would like (although this is not reasonable to expect from her).

Unfortunately, I have not yet driven much on this rubber and therefore there have not been any tests on soil and water. It will handle water well, I'm sure. I think I should also cope with light off-road conditions, especially considering the four-wheel drive and locks.

In conclusion, I can say the following.

Tigar SUV Summer is an excellent all-round rubber in the lower price segment for crossovers and SUVs, designed for use on asphalt and dirt roads in everyday use. It has a good indicator of quietness and softness of the ride, while it feels quite confident with moderately aggressive driving and does not save in the rain, including on a dirt road. But do not expect a miracle from her - rubber is not suitable for high-speed operation and will not cope with serious off-road conditions.

An excellent choice in terms of price / quality in the category of universal summer tires.

(Estimates for wear, ice and snow are not relevant)

Car: Volkswagen Touareg 3,2L 2003-2007

ICO score: 3.92

Today the car tire market is very diverse and is able to satisfy the needs of any client and his car. Tires are produced not only for specific road conditions or seasons, but also for vehicle classes. Usually, all rubber has its own markings, consisting of letters and numbers in a specific order. This is a unified system for all manufacturers, the marking of car tires Kama, Nokian, Michelin, Bridgestone, Continental, Dunlop, Pirelli, Yokohama is based on the same principles. Designations and indices are able to tell about the type, size, values ​​of permissible speed and load (see table), and even the purpose of a particular tire (for example, passenger tires, for suv, winter, all-season, etc.). It is useful for every driver to know what the marking of the tires of the car means, the decoding of the designations, and to understand this fairly simple code. Only then will he be able to pick up and buy tires that really fit his car. The defining parameter for absolutely any tires is, first of all, their standard size. Let's try to understand in detail what is the matter with a simple example: the tire size is 205/55 R16 91V.

What does marking car tires mean?

So, the first number is 205. It indicates the width of the tire in millimeters. The next number is 55, this is the profile. This value may seem at first incomprehensible - it is the percentage of the profile height to its width. In the analyzed example, it is equal to 55%. There is an option when this number will not be in the marking. This means that the "rubber" is full-profile and the ratio is approximately 80-82%. In our case, it would be correct to call tires low-profile, because 55% is a fairly small percentage. Next in any record of the standard size is usually the English letter R. Most motorists mistakenly believe that R in this case is the radius of the tire. In fact, this is not the case. This letter indicates the type of tire cord. Considering the fact that today almost all manufacturers produce tires with a radial cord structure, it is quite possible to make a mistake in the interpretation of R. However, this does not mean at all that the diagonal type cords have sunk into oblivion. Sometimes on the market you can find a budget "rubber" with the letter D in the marking.
The next number (16) is the so-called tire rim diameter. It is customary to measure it in inches (by analogy with the diagonals of TV screens or screens of multimedia systems). In our example, the tires are designed for 16-inch rims.

It is worth noting that this part of the marking (205/55 R16) is usually called European, however, on the domestic market there are wheels produced, for example, in the USA. The Americans have adopted two types of tire markings. The first is almost a complete analogue of the European one: Р 185/60 R14, or LT 215/70 R16. As you may have noticed, only a letter appears in front of the name. It indicates the type of car on which the tires will be installed. The English letter P is a derivative of passanger (passenger), and implies that the vehicle belongs to passenger cars, but LT (Light Truck) is a light truck, for example, the familiar Gazelle. The second type of "tire designations" looks a little different: 32x10.5 R14. If everything is clear with the last letters and numbers (cord, bore diameter), then what do the first ones mean? Number 32 is the outer diameter of the wheel, as usual, in inches, and 10.5 is its width (also in inches).

But we digress from the more familiar to us, the European version. In addition to the main part, in our example there were several more numbers and letters. The number 91 is a load index that denotes the maximum permissible load that a tire can withstand without the appearance of deformation and microcracks. Let's make a reservation right away that this parameter is not as important for passenger cars as, for example, for trucks. Usually, tires are made of the same type for all passenger cars and immediately have a certain margin of this characteristic. The situation is completely different with trucks and minibuses. If for some reason this number was not in the passport data, then there is a special table that will help to calculate the load index with a known mass of the vehicle (the maximum is taken - in the loaded state). It should be noted that in tables of this kind, the load index is indicated per wheel. Therefore, do not forget to divide the resulting value by 4.

Next comes the letter that shows the speed index. In the example above, this is V (up to 240 km / h). This parameter indicates the maximum permissible machine speed, at which the best grip, durability and no excess heat is guaranteed. If the driver exceeds this speed "limit", then this is fraught not only with the loss of the necessary qualities, especially adhesion, but also with a general destruction of the tire structure.

Perhaps the XL code will also be present - this is a small addition to the description, but it may not be. In the domestic market, XL can replace the words Reinforced or Extra Load. All this indicates a reinforced tire structure that is more resistant to any external influences. In addition to this code, there are other similar markings. Tubeless rubber is usually labeled Tubeless, TL or TUI. Chamber tires - TT, MIT, Tube Type - it all depends on the manufacturer. Winter sets are usually referred to as Winter, M + S or M.S. "All-season" is usually called Tous terrain, All Seasons. The SUV code on the rubber indicates that it belongs to an off-road type of car and is suitable for use on difficult roads, and the universal models are called R + W or AW.
As for large vehicles (trucks, buses), their tires receive a C index, as well as a PSI (pressure index). If the tire has a wear indicator, its location is marked with the letters TWI. Special tire models that are able to keep driving when punctured are called RF, RFT, ZP, EMT or RunFlat. Tires designed for wet and rainy weather are labeled Rain, Water or the Latin word Aqua. Compliance of products with standards can be checked by the presence of the letter E in the circle (European canons). If the wheels were brought from America, then you should look for the DOT code with your eyes.

In addition to the above codes, the side parts of the tires in most cases are supplied with information labels that tell about additional parameters, functions and properties of the rubber. Many wheels have a specified direction of rotation (Rotation). There are usually corresponding arrows. The outer and inner parts are distinguished by the Outside / Inside inscriptions. If the tire has received a metal cord, then the phrase Steel can be found on it. Some tire models have a mandatory location. Therefore, they are divided into left (left) and right (right). Pressure limit - MAX Pressure shows how many atmospheres the wheel can withstand. If rubber is forbidden to "spike", then it has the inscription Studless. Sometimes on tires you can find such inscription as Traction (clutch). This is a conditional coefficient usually having the value A, B, C. The highest is considered A. The manufacturer can also provide its tires with information on the wear resistance of the tread. If so, look for Treadwear or TR. The indicator, most often, is from 60 to 620. The higher the number, the longer the tread will keep its ideal shape. Honest firms will install a DA stamp on their rubber, which means that the tire has received minor defects in production, but they do not affect performance in any way.
Among other things, there are also other types of markings, for example, color. A yellow dot or triangle indicates the lightest spot on the tire. This is where the heaviest part of the disc needs to be adjusted for balancing. The red dot is located in the place where the non-uniform connection of the rubber layers occurs. It is advisable to combine it with the white mark on the disc (the place closest to the center).

If you find colored stripes on your tires, then we hasten to upset you, this does not mean anything. Usually they are used for simplified "orientation" in the warehouse. There are also a number of special pictograms, which, for the most part, duplicate inscriptions, markings, etc. These can be small pictures "summer tires", "for wet roads", "winter", "fuel-saving tires", "improved tread design ", etc.

There are also original methods of graphic marking. A prime example is the expensive tires from the Finns from Nokian. The most sophisticated models of tires have a wear indicator, which shows in numbers the degree of "killed" rubber. This is achieved by indenting the numbers to different depths. Also on these wheels there is a "snowflake", which, if not erased, indicates the possibility of using the tire in the winter season.

There is also a special digital code that will tell you about the date of manufacture of the rubber. This is a four-digit digital designation, usually taken in an oval (example in the photo -1612). The first two digits are the week of release and the other two are the year.

Older tires had slightly different date markings. It was only three digits. The first, as now, indicated a week, and the third - a year, but there were some difficulties with the definition. For example, if it's 109, which year? 95 or 99? The driver should have been assisted by special symbols, such as a triangle or quotation marks, indicating the very last possible one (99).


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