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This manual includes training tasks, tests for self-control, independent work, tests and examples of solving typical problems. In total, the proposed set of didactic materials contains more than 1000 tasks and tasks on the following topics: “Initial information about the structure of matter”, “Interaction of bodies”, “Pressure of solids, liquids and gases” and “Work and power. Energy".
The manual is addressed to teachers and students of secondary schools and can be used when working with various textbooks that deal with relevant topics.

Which of the two bodies moves with greater speed: passing in 10 s a distance of 20 m or in 4 s - 16 m? Which of the two bodies will cover the greater distance in 0.5 hours: moving at a speed of 36 km/h or 12 m/s?

The tractor traveled a distance of 500 m in a time equal to 4 minutes, and over the next 10 minutes - 2 km. Determine the average speed of the tractor for the entire time of movement.

The motorcyclist covered the distance between two settlements in 30 minutes, while moving at a speed of 10 m/s. How long will it take him to return if he moves at a speed of 15 m/s?

The tram for the first 50 m moved at a speed of 5 m/s, and the next 500 m at a speed of 10 m/s. Determine the average speed of the tram for the whole journey.

How long will a passenger sitting at the window of a train moving at a speed of 54 km / h see an oncoming train passing by him, whose speed is 72 km / h, if its length is 150 m?

Preface 3
Training tasks
Introduction 5
TZ-1. Measurement of physical quantities. Measurement accuracy and error 5
Initial information about the structure of matter 6
TZ-2. The structure of matter 6
Interaction of bodies 8
TZ-3. Mechanical movement 8
TZ-4. Inertia. Phone interaction. Body weight 13
TK-5. Matter density 15
TZ-6. The phenomenon of attraction. Gravity 17
TZ-7. Elastic force. Body weight 19
TZ-8. Friction force 20
TK-9. Graphic representation of forces. Composition of forces 21
TZ-10. Forces in nature. Calculation problems 21
Pressure of solids, liquids and gases 23
TZ-11. Solid body pressure 23
TZ-12. Pressure of liquids and gases. Pascal's Law 24
TZ-13. Fluid pressure 25
TZ-14. Communicating vessels 26
TZ-15. Atmospheric pressure 27
TZ-16. Pressure in liquids and gases. Calculation problems 28
TZ-17. Archimedean strength. Swimming bodies 30
work and power. Energy. Simple mechanisms 32
TZ-18. Mechanical work 32
TZ-19. Power 32
TZ-20. Energy 33
TK-21. simple mechanisms. Efficiency of mechanisms 34
Tests for self-control
TS-1. The structure of matter 38
TS-2. Mechanical movement 40
TS-3. Inertia. Phone interaction. Body mass. Matter Density 44
TS-4. Forces in nature 47
TS-5. Solid body pressure 50
TS-6. Pressure in liquids and gases 53
TS-7. Archimedean strength. Swimming bodies 56
TS-8. Mechanical work and power 60
TS-9. Energy 63
TS-10. simple mechanisms. Efficiency of simple mechanisms 64
Independent work
SR-1. The structure of matter 68
SR-2. Mechanical movement 69
SR-3. Inertia. Phone interaction. Body weight 72
SR-4. Matter Density 74
SR-5. Forces in nature 76
SR-6. Solid body pressure 79
SR-7. Pressure in liquids and gases 82
SR-8. Archimedean strength. Swimming bodies 84
SR-9. Mechanical work. Power 86
SR-10. Energy 88
SR-11. simple mechanisms. Efficiency of simple mechanisms 89
Test papers
KR-1. mechanical movement. Matter Density 92
KR-2. Pressure of solids, liquids and gases 96
KR-3. Archimedean strength 100
KR-4. Mechanical work and power. Simple mechanisms 104
Examples of solving typical problems
Mechanical movement 108
Phone interaction. Body mass. Density of Matter 109
Body weight. Solid body pressure 110
Pressure of liquids and gases 111
Atmosphere pressure. Archimedean strength 112
Mechanical work and power 114
simple mechanisms. Efficiency of mechanisms 115
Training tasks 117
Tests for self-control 117
Independent work 119
Examinations 120
References 122.

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Physics. 7th grade. Independent and control work. Maron A.E., Maron E.A.

Moscow: 201 6. - 9 6 p.

This manual is intended for the organization of current and thematic control in classes studying physics according to the textbook by A. V. Peryshkin “Physics. 7th grade". The manual includes independent work in two versions for each paragraph, thematic tests and the final test in four versions. The qualitative, computational and graphic tasks given in the manual allow you to check the level of formation of the conceptual apparatus, the ability to apply physical laws in typical situations and organize the reflection of educational activities in the lesson.

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Preface 3
Introduction 4
SR-1. What does physics study 4
Option 1 4
Option 2 4
SR-2. Some physical terms 5
Option 1 5
Option 2 5
SR-3. Observations and experiments, 6
Option 1 6
Option 2 6
SR-4. Physical quantities. Measurement of physical quantities 7
Option 1 7
Option 2 7
SR-5. Measurement accuracy and error 8
Option 1 8
Option 2 8
SR-6. Physics and technology 9
Option 1 9
Option 2 9
Chapter 1
SR-7. The structure of matter 10
Option 1 10
Option 2 10
SR-8. Molecules 11
Option 1 11
Option 2 11
SR-9. Brownian motion 12
Option 1 12
Option 2 12
SR-10. Diffusion in gases, liquids and solids 13
Option 1 13
Option 2 13
SR-11. Mutual attraction and repulsion of molecules 14
Option 1 14
Option 2 14
SR-12. Aggregate states of matter 15
Option 1 15
Option 2 15
SR-13. The difference in the molecular structure of solids, liquids and gases 16
Option 1 16
Option 2 16
Option 1 17
Option 2 17
Option 3 17
Option 4 17
SR-14. Mechanical movement 18
Option 1 18
Option 2 18
SR-15. Uniform and uneven movement 19
Option 1 19
Option 2 19
SR-16. Speed. Speed ​​units 20
Option 1 20
Option 2 20
SR-17. Distance and time calculation 21
Option 1 21
Option 2 21
SR-18. Inertia 22
Option 1 22
Option 2 22
SR-19. Interaction of bodies 23
Option 1 23
Option 2 23
SR-20. Body mass. Mass units 24
Option 1 24
Option 2 24
SR-21. Measuring body weight on scales 25
Option 1 25
Option 2 25
SR-22. Matter density 26
Option 1 26
Option 2 26
SR-23. Calculation of mass and volume of a body by its density 27
Option 1 27
Option 2 27
SR-24. Strength 28
Option 1 28
Option 2 28
SR-25. The phenomenon of attraction. Gravity 29
Option 1 29
Option 2 29
SR-26. Elastic force. Hooke's Law 30
Option 1 30
Option 2 30
SR-27. Body weight 31
Option 1 31
Option 2 31
SR-28. Units of power. Relationship between gravity and body mass 32
Option 1 32
Option 2 32
SR-29. Gravity on other planets. Physical characteristics of the planets 33
Option 1 33
Option 2 33
SR-30. Dynamometer 34
Option 1 34
Option 2 35
SR-31. The addition of two forces in the same straight line.
Resultant force 36
Option 1 36
Option 2 36
SR-32. Friction force 37
Option 1 37
Option 2 37
SR-33. Friction at rest 38
Option 1 38
Option 2 38
SR-34 Friction in nature and technology 39
Option 1 39
Option 2 39
Option 1 40
Option 2 40
Option 3 40
Option 4 40
SR-35. Pressure. Pressure units 41
Option 1 41
Option 2 41
SR-36. Ways to reduce and increase pressure 42
Option 1 42
Option 2 42
SR-37. Gas pressure 43
Option 1 43
Option 2 43
SR-38. Transmission of pressure by liquids and gases. Pascal's Law 44
Option 1 44
Option 2 44
SR-39. Pressure in liquid and gas 45
Option 1 45
Option 2 45
SR-40. Calculation of liquid pressure on the bottom and walls of the vessel 46
Option 1 46
Option 2 46
SR-41. Communicating vessels 47
Option 1 47
Option 2 48
SR-42. Air weight. Atmospheric pressure 49
Option 1 49
Option 2 49
SR-43. Why does the Earth's air shell exist 50
Option 1 50
Option 2 50
SR-44. Measurement of atmospheric pressure. Experience Torricelli 51
Option 1 51
Option 2 51
SR-45. Aneroid barometer 52
Option 1 52
Option 2 52
SR-46 Atmospheric pressure at various altitudes 53
Option 1 53
Option 2 53
SR-47. Pressure gauges 54
Option 1 54
Option 2 55
SR-48. Piston liquid pump 56
Option 1 56
Option 2, 56
SR-49. Hydraulic press 57
Option 1 57
Option 2 57
SR-50. The action of liquid and gas on a body immersed in them 58
Option 1 58
Option 2 58
SR-51. Archimedean strength 59
Option 1 59
Option 2 59
SR-52. Swimming bodies 60
Option 1 60
Option 2 60
SR-53. Sailing ships 61
Option 1 61
Option 2 61
SR-54. Aeronautics 62
Option 1 62
Option 2 62
Option 1 63
Option 2 63
Option 3 63
Option 4 64
SR-55. Mechanical work. Units of work 65
Option 1 65
Option 2 65
SR-56. Power. Power units 66
Option 1 66
Option 2 66
SR-57. Simple mechanisms 67
Option 1 67
Option 2 68
SR-58. Levers. Balance of forces on the lever 69
Option 1 69
Option 2 69
SR-59. Moment of force 70
Option 1 70
Option 2 70
SR-60. Levers in technology, live in nature 71
Option 1 71
Option 2 72
SR-61. Applying the Lever Balance Rule to Block 73
Option 1 73
Option 2 73
SR-62. Equality of work when using simple mechanisms.
The Golden Rule of Mechanics 75
Option 1 75
Option 2 75
SR-63. Center of gravity of the body 76
Option 1 76
Option 2 76
SR-64. Conditions for the equilibrium of bodies 77
Option 1 77
Option 2 77
SR-65. Mechanism efficiency 78
Option 1 78
Option 2 78
SR-66. Energy 79
Option 1 79
Option 2 79
SR-67. Potential and kinetic energy 80
Option 1 80
Option 2 80
SR-68. Transformation of one type of mechanical energy into another 81
Option 1 81
Option 2 81
Option 1 82
Option 2 82
Option 3 82
Option 4 83
CONTROL WORK No. 5 (final) 84
Option 1 84
Option 2 84
Option 3 85
Option 4 86

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    A. E. Maron E. A. Maron. Supporting notes and multi-level assignments. To the textbook for general educational training. institutions A. V. Peryshkin “Physics. 7th grade ". St. Petersburg 2009. UDC 373.167.1:53 BBK22.3 M28. A.E. Maron, Dr. ped. sciences, professor.
  26. Physics 7 Control Maroon| TEST PAPERS
  • In the 7th grade, schoolchildren begin to study another discipline of the natural science cycle - physics. As practice shows, this subject is one of the most difficult, according to the students themselves. But in the end, a significant part of graduates choose physics as an elective discipline at the final test.
  • So that experiments, experiences and tasks do not cause misunderstanding, high-quality and understandable teaching aids are needed. Not only theoretical - there are many good textbooks on fundamental disciplines. All attention is on the workshops for them. They will help to master the solution of problems, understanding the essence and principles of physical phenomena.
  • One of the effective and accessible, working on a large block of topics and sections, is the collection didactic materials in physics for grade 7, compiled by A. E. Maron. The manual understands:
    - training tasks;
    - tests that improve self-control;
    - independent, control works on such sections of basic physics as “Matter, its structure”, “Bodies, interaction of physical bodies”, “States of matter”, “Energy” and others.
  • Those who work on the collection on their own will be interested in the solution to it. Sequentially going through the answers GDZ, seventh graders will learn to find the right solution and write it down correctly.
  • Didactic in physics and solutions for them for seventh graders

  • Interesting, informative, and in some cases - extraordinary tasks that are offered in the collection of physics for grade 7 - didactic materials by the authors Maron E. A. and A. E., are especially appreciated by teachers and tutors who prepare students for subject Olympiads in the discipline held at extracurricular and school sites. Seventh-graders will be able to competently organize such preparatory events themselves. To do this, they will need the collection of the above authors and the solution books for it, where the algorithm, technology and the course of solving all the problems presented are analyzed in detail.
  • In order for the result to meet expectations and even exceed them, classes in GDZ it is necessary to carry out:
    - systematically, based on the basic level of training of a seventh grader, the depth of his knowledge acquired while studying the course of the world around him, mathematics, geography and the general level of outlook;
    - purposefully, taking into account the goals that are set as a result of this work;
    - systematically, drawing up a plan that is competent and takes into account the above individual characteristics, the amount of time that can and will be allocated regularly to work with collections of ready-made homework assignments;
    - with an assessment of the dynamics of achievements, prompt identification and timely correction of problems, adjustment of plans. Self-examination, as the basic component of this item, is the most important skill acquired at school. Self-control will be needed later, not only in high school, but also in exams, and after graduation.
  • These didactic materials completed the textbook Peryshkin A. V. in physics for the seventh grade. But, given its versatility, the presence and variety of diverse and multi-level tasks and exercises in it, it has been successfully used in combination with other theoretical textbooks and practical collections. Today it is also recommended for those who are on a family / home form of education and are mastering a difficult physics course for the seventh grade on their own or with the help of parents and specialists. Relevant for graduates of the ninth and eleventh grades, preparing for the final tests in physics and repeating the course of the subject for the seventh grade, working through the practical part of the material.

Compiled by: physics teacher
DSOSH №3 Eremeeva O.A.

Dictations that contribute to the development of associative thinking and better assimilation of educational material.

Physical dictation type I

Select from the listed concepts units of measurement, physical quantities, devices, phenomena. Present your answer in the form of a table:

meter, length, path, ruler, m/s, kilogram, scales, inertia, speedometer, speed, time, interaction;

force, dynamometer, diffusion, Newton, force meter, dyne, mass, gravity, kilogram, kN, weight, gravity;

density, beaker, volume, kg / m 3, mass, scales, kilogram, ruler, g / cm 3, inertia;

pressure, Pascal, area, ton, dynamometer, N, diffusion, m 2, Newton, force, kilopascal, Pascal's ball;

barometer, altitude, manometer, hectopascal, density, communicating vessels, altimeter, Magdeburg hemispheres, g/cm3;

swimming, Archimedean force, volume, newton, kg / m 3, density, mass, weight, hydrometer, hydraulic press, brakes, beaker;

work, joule, dynamometer, force, path, N, kJ, time, second, power, kilowatt, gravity;

lever, moment of force movable block, shoulder of force, meter, scales, milligram, ruler, cm, screw, inertia, A;

work, force, kinetic energy, mass, kg, E p, kJ, pendulum, F, lever, barometer, aneroid;

Physical dictations type II

1) Select from the listed concepts, words, phrases related to the phenomenon of diffusion and inertia. Present the answer in the form of a table:

2) Select from the listed concepts, words, phrases related to the phenomenon of gravity and wetting.

Isaac Newton, "water off a duck's back", body weight, 9.8 N/kg, ebbs and flows, Galileo Galilei, Leaning Tower of Pisa, dew, soap, "wet like chicken", apple.

3) Select from the listed concepts, words, phrases related to the phenomenon: pressure, swimming.

Pascal's ball, "torricious void", "a stone to the bottom", submarine, "Magdeburg hemispheres", waterline, lifting force, "Eureka!", Archimedes, artesian well.

4) Select from the listed concepts, words, phrases related to: work, power.

Path, horsepower, force, negative, speed, positive, time, watt, joule, motor,

5). Select from the listed concepts, words, phrases related to: energy, simple mechanisms.

Strung bow, pendulum, hydroelectric dam, ball, conservation law, Archimedes, fulcrum, arm of force, pendulum, block, rigid body, potential, kinetic

Physical dictation type III

Complete the sentence or fill in the missing words.

Topic: The structure of matter

    Molecules are made up of … (atoms)

    The molecules of all bodies are moving ... (continuously and randomly)

    The molecular structure of a substance is confirmed by the phenomenon ... (diffusion)

    Molecules of the same substance ... from each other. (they do not differ)

    When a substance is heated, the volume of molecules ... (does not change)

    Molecules of cold and hot water ... apart. (they do not differ)

    The penetration of molecules of one substance into the spaces between the molecules of another substance is called ... (diffusion)

    At the same temperature, the diffusion rate is minimal in ... (in solids)

    The molecules of a solid do not fly apart due to the action of intermolecular forces ... (attraction)

    The movement of paint particles in water is an example of ... (Brownian motion)

Topic: Interaction of bodies.

Inertia, density

    The phenomenon of maintaining the speed of a body in the absence of the action of other bodies on it is called ... (inertia)

    If other bodies do not act on the body, or the action of other bodies is balanced, then the body moves ... (uniformly)

    When a person stumbles, he falls ... because his legs ... and his torso ... (forward, stop, continue to move by inertia

    From ... the boat is easier to jump off the shore. (with loaded)

    The value equal to the ratio of body mass to its volume is called ... (density)

    The closer the molecules are in a substance, the denser it is ... (more)

    If the hay is pressed into a bale, then the mass of hay contained in the pile is ... (will not change)

    If two immiscible liquids are poured into a glass, then ... a dense liquid will be at the top. (less)

    Of two bodies of the same mass, the volume of the body whose density is greater ... (less)

    Of two bodies of the same volume, the mass of that body is less, whose density is ... (more)

Force, pressure

    The force with which all bodies are attracted to the earth is called ... (gravity)

    changes the direction of movement of a stone thrown horizontally. (gravity)

    Gravity is directly proportional to ... (body mass)

    The force with which the body acts on a horizontal support or vertical suspension due to the attraction of the body to the ground is called ... (weight)

    Ebb and flow are proof of the phenomenon ... (gravity)

    A physical quantity equal to the ratio of the force acting perpendicular to the surface to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis surface is called ... (pressure)

    If you increase the surface area, with a constant force, then the pressure ... (decreases)

    To reduce the pressure on the soil in cars, tractors, combines, they make ... (wide wheels and tracks)

    To reduce the force when cutting, you need ... pressure, for this you need ... the area of ​​​​the blade, i.e. ...(increase pressure, decrease, sharpen)

    To help a person falling through the ice, you need to crawl up to him in order to ... pressure on the ice. (Decrease)

Topic: Pressure of liquids and gases.

    The pressure exerted on a liquid or gas is transmitted... (without change to each point of the liquid or gas)

    The dimensions of the soap bubble under the pressure of the air blown into it increases equally in all directions, as a result of which the bubble takes the form of a ball. This phenomenon confirms the law ... (Pascal)

    Liquid pressure at the same level at all points ... (same)

    In communicating vessels of various shapes, a homogeneous liquid is installed at ... (same level)

    In zero gravity, toothpaste is squeezed out of a tube ... (will be)

    In sea water ... swim than in river water. (Easier)

    Two weights of equal mass are suspended from the scales - one is aluminum, the other is iron, if you simultaneously place the weights in a vessel with water, then the balance of the scales ... (disturbed)

    The buoyant force is always directed ... (up)

    When a ship moves from a river to the sea, its draft ... (decreases)

Subject: Work and power.

    The value equal to the product of force by ... is called work. (path)

    The SI unit of mechanical work is called ... (joule)

    Work can be ... and ... (positive, negative)

    When a body moves horizontally, then the work done by gravity is … (equal to zero)

    The weight hangs motionless on the wire, while mechanical work ... (not done)

    The barrel is filled with water. Using a bucket, the girl scooped out half of the water from the barrel, the boy who was left behind. The boy did ... work. (large)

    Power is a value that shows ... (how fast work is done)

    Watt - the unit of power in SI is equal to the ratio of ... (joule to second)

    The more work is done per unit of time, the ... power. (More)

    mechanical work is done by boys of equal weight, running up the stairs to the same height, one in 1 minute, the other in 40 seconds? (unequal)

Topic: Simple mechanisms and energy.

    A rigid body that freely rotates around a fixed fulcrum is called ... (lever)

    The movable lever gives a gain in strength by ... times. (two)

    the lever does not give a gain in strength. (fixed)

    The lever is in equilibrium if the moment of force ... (rotating it clockwise is equal to the moment of forces rotating it counterclockwise)

    To reduce the applied force required ... the arm of the force. (increase)

    None of the simple mechanisms gives a gain in ... (work)

    The potential energy of a body raised above the ground can be increased if: ... (increase body weight or raise the body to a greater height)

    If you reduce the speed of the body, then its energy will decrease. (kinetic)

    The potential energy of the water of the river ... at its source than at its mouth. (more)

    Energy does not disappear anywhere and does not arise from anything, it only ... from one type to another. (turns)

Topic: Initial information about the structure of substances

There are three types of tasks that can be done with crossword puzzles:

I type.

Arrange numbers according to the completed crossword puzzle and unnumbered questions for the crossword puzzle.

    abbreviated record of one fraction of a meter is 0.01 meters. (one)

    a science that studies the general patterns of natural phenomena, the properties and structure of matter, the laws of its motion (3)

    the smallest particle of a given substance. (4)

    temperature unit. (nine)

    This is due to the fact that the molecules of a liquid are more strongly attracted to each other than to the molecules of a solid. (6)

    the most amazing substance on earth. (2)

    the physical phenomenon of the adhesion of molecules of a liquid and a solid. (5)

    one of the research methods is a source of physical knowledge. (7)

    particles that make up molecules. (ten)

    shorthand for 0.001 meters. (eleven)

    mutual penetration of contacting substances of each other, occurring due to the random movement of particles of a substance. (eight)

II type.

Fill in this crossword puzzle

    The abbreviated notation for one fraction of a meter is 0.01 meters.

    The most amazing substance on earth.

    A science that studies the general patterns of natural phenomena, the properties and structure of matter, and the laws of its motion.

    The smallest particle of a given substance.

    The physical phenomenon of the adhesion of molecules of a liquid and a solid.

    This is explained by the fact that the molecules of a liquid are more strongly attracted to each other than to the molecules of a solid.

    One of the research methods is the source of physical knowledge.

    Mutual penetration of contacting substances of each other, occurring due to the random movement of particles of a substance.

    Temperature unit.

    The particles that make up molecules.

    Abbreviated 0.001 meters.

III type.

Based on the completed crossword puzzle, define each term.

    cm - (abbreviated record of one fraction of a meter - 0.01 meters.)

    water - (the most amazing substance on Earth)

    physics - (a science that studies the general laws of natural phenomena, the properties and structure of matter, and the laws of its motion)

    molecule - (the smallest particle of a given substance)

    wetting - (physical phenomenon of adhesion of liquid and solid molecules)

    non-wettability - (explained by the fact that the molecules of a liquid are more strongly attracted to each other than to the molecules of a solid)

    observation - (one of the research methods is a source of physical knowledge)

    diffusion - (mutual penetration of contiguous substances of each other, occurring due to the random movement of particles of a substance)

    degree - (temperature unit)

    atom - (particles that make up molecules)

    mm - (abbreviated 0.001 meters)

2. Interaction of bodies

    The action of one body on another.

    One way to gain knowledge

    Finding the mass of a body using gravity.

    An imaginary line along which a body moves.

    A physical quantity equal to the ratio of a body's mass to its volume.

    A physical quantity equal to the ratio of the distance traveled to the travel time.

    The phenomenon of maintaining the speed of a body in the absence of the action of other bodies on it.

    For kilogram, meter and other units of measurement of quantities is stored in the city of Sevres near Paris

    A value measured in seconds, minutes, and other units.

    Trajectory length.

3. Pressure of solids, liquids and gases

    [capacity] - the weight of the cargo carried by the vessel.

    [aeronautics] - the state of equilibrium of a body immersed in gas.

    [Lift] is the difference between the weight of air and the weight of the same volume of gas.

    [displacement] - the force of gravity acting on a ship with a load.

    [Blaise Pascal] - French scientist, mathematician, physicist, philosopher.

    [Otto Guericke] is a scientist who conducted an experiment with the “Magdeburg hemispheres”.

    [waterline] - a line on the hull showing.

    [atmosphere] - the air envelope of the earth.

    [barometer] - a device for measuring atmospheric pressure.

    [ Archimedes ] - Ancient Greek scientist, physicist and mathematician.

    [ draft ] - the depth to which the ship is submerged in water.

    [volume] – physical quantity.

    [ meter ] is the basic unit of length in SI.

    [weight] - the force acting on a horizontal support or vertical suspension due to the body's attraction to the Earth.

    [ Pa ] is the basic unit of pressure in SI.

    [N] is the basic unit of force in SI.

work and power. Energy.

    [potential energy] - energy, which is determined by the mutual position of interacting bodies or particles of the same body.

    [mobile block] - a block that gives a gain in strength by 2 times.

    [block] - a kind of lever.

    [power] - a value that characterizes the speed of doing work.

    [mechanism] - a device that serves to transform force.

    [shoulder of force] - the shortest distance between the fulcrum and the straight line along which the force acts on the lever.

    [Watt] is the SI unit of power.

    [James Joule] is an English physicist, one of the discoverers of the law of conservation of energy.

    [moment of force] is the product of the modulus of the force that rotates the body and its shoulder.

    [lever] - a rigid body that can rotate around a fixed support.

    [EFFICIENCY] - the ratio of useful work to spent.

    [statics] - a section of mechanics that studies the condition of equilibrium of bodies under the action of forces.

    [law] - internal and necessary essential connection of objects and phenomena of objective reality.

    [kJ] - 1000 J.

    [s] – time unit in SI.


    [scale] - a device for measuring body weight by using gravity.

    [friction] - the interaction between solid bodies that occurs when moving and touching bodies, along the surface and contact.

    [dynamics] - a branch of physics that studies the movement of bodies under the action of forces.

    [dynamometer] - a device for measuring force.

    [Isaac Newton] - English scientist, creator of classical physics.

    [elastic force] - the force that occurs in a solid body during deformation.

    [gravity] - the force with which the Earth attracts a body to itself.

    [deformation] is a change in the shape or size of a solid body.

    [movement] is the mode of existence of matter.

    [Newton] - SI unit of force

    [force] - a vector quantity - a measure of the interaction of bodies.


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