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The Russian language is one of the most important subjects in the school curriculum, which is of great practical importance. Many children, not wanting to learn, argue this with the words: “but this is not useful to us in life.” In this case, all these excuses are inappropriate - a person who does not know how to write correctly and express his thoughts coherently will not be able to make a career or achieve significant success in life.

Therefore, the Russian language must be taught and it is desirable to do this not out of "under pressure", but voluntarily. A good help in this matter will be the GDZ in the Russian language grade 10-11 Grekov, which are very popular with many schoolchildren and teachers. At the same time, it must be remembered that this manual should be used not in order to diligently and thoughtlessly write off the task, but in order to check whether the mastering of new material is proceeding correctly.

In what cases it is necessary to use the Russian language solution book for Grekov's grades 10-11

In high school, many students are motivated to learn. They understand that a lot depends on the results of the exam and the scores in the certificate. Someone wants to go to study at a prestigious university or just get the opportunity to study for free at a budget department.

It should be noted that the Russian language is a mandatory subject for passing the exam, so you need to study it especially diligently.

  • Pay close attention to the teacher's explanations. If something is not clear - ask for time to this question.
  • Be responsible for doing homework. Before starting an exercise or other work, study the topic on the basis of which the task was assigned.
  • Use ready-made answers only after completing homework.
  • If you find mistakes, go back to the previously studied material to repeat it.
  • Feel free to show your teacher that you are interested in the subject.

On our website you can find a Russian language solution for 10-11 grade Greeks

We have collected on our website all the ready-made answers for various academic disciplines that are studied in Russian schools.

Among them is Grekov's solution book in Russian for grades 10-11. It was created by a team of authors who have extensive experience in developing various methods of teaching this subject at school.

All answers are available online. All features of the site are completely free for visitors. You can access it at any time using a PC or smartphone. Now the opportunity to test your knowledge is everywhere.

Popular Quests

Task number 44
44. The truth contained in the poet's verses is striking. Already the early romantic works of the writer made an indelible impression on his contemporaries. Plyushkin's peasants are dropping like flies. Throughout the work, the thought of the future of Russia runs like a red thread. Comparisons play a special role among artistic means. Immediately after the arrival of Bazarov, life on the name day of the Kirsanovs began to beat in full swing. Famusov does not like to do business for a long time, he has such a custom: Signed, and from the shoulders of the mountain. According to Chatsky, the smoke of the fatherland is sweet and dear to everyone.

Task number 369
369. The gossip pike chased the gossip carp. The strength and charm of the taiga is not only in giant trees. A poor shoemaker lived in a hut. I have a story Snow. He was unfailingly successful in all undertakings. Ivan Ivanovich and Burkinn were met at the house by the maid, a young woman. Most of all we gathered at Boris Muruzov, a zoologist. Vasilisa the cook sang on the black porch. Andrey's old uncle, Anton, dropped Pierre out of the carriage. Nnkolushka walked along the soft crackling forest carpet. Turgenev's peers, pupils of the school of the great poet, nourished by his poetry, we all retained in ourselves forever the charm of his genius. Pushkin, the father of Russian art, had two direct heirs Lermontov and Gogol in his word, who gave rise to a whole galaxy of us, figures of the 40s, 60s ... As a remarkably intelligent person, he did not meet his equal. Like a word artist. N.S. Leskov is quite worthy to stand next to such creators of Russian literature as L. Tolstoy and Gogol. Turgenev, Goncharov. The lieutenant-signalman was sitting with the driver. The wife of Nikolai Nikolaevich, a Frenchwoman, was no less distinguished by her humanity, kindness and simplicity. I saw Colonel Polyakov, the head of the Cossack artillery, which played an important role that day, and together with him I arrived at the abandoned village. I leisurely walked to the old tavern, an uninhabited ruined hut, and stood at the edge of a coniferous forest. The usual companions of my hunting excursions, foresters Zakhar and Maxim, live here. I am again a crockery on the Perm steamer ... Now I'm a black crockery or a kitchen man. In the Kitchen, the dear cook Ivan Ivanovich, nicknamed the Bear cub, rules. The girls, especially Katsnka, with joyful enthusiastic faces, look out the window at the slender physiognomy of Volodya getting into the carriage. The driver blew a siren, a postman girl ran out of the hollow. Her father, Platon Polovtsev, an engineer, was an old friend of my father. We, hunters, find our happiness by the fire. The second Chaadaev, my Eugene, fearing jealous condemnations, in his clothes was a pedant and what we called fraggs. This window looked out from the room in which the young first violinist Mitya Gusev, who had just graduated from the conservatory, lived in a summer position. Frost harbinger stars appeared in the green sky.

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Russian language grade 10-11

Grekov, Kryuchkov, Cheshko


High school students are aimed, as a rule, at getting good results in their studies, because it is at this time that it is determined by what grades their certificate will be full of. But it happens that many seemingly familiar topics turn into a completely unexpected side, as a result of which you can make a mistake. To avoid these moments and get a comprehensive development in the subject, you can use Reshebnik to the textbook "Russian language grades 10-11" Grekov, Kryuchkov.

What is included in it.

Five hundred and nine exercises included in this collection will explain to the children a lot of useful things and teach them how to use many speech turns correctly. GDZ in Russian 10-11 grade contributes to better memorization, systematization and subsequent use of knowledge.

Do you need a solver?

There are always tasks that cause difficulties for students. And it doesn't matter what class the student is in - it's just inevitable. Only a complete understanding of the subject can significantly improve the learning process. But sometimes it is not possible for teenagers to get all the information in the lesson, because even teachers sometimes face simply insurmountable tasks: to explain in one lesson what is designed for at least a week-long course. Therefore, it is often necessary to turn to additional sources. Handbook for the textbook "Russian language grade 10-11" Grekov helps to cope with the lack of knowledge and better understand the meaning of spelling rules.

"Enlightenment", 2017

Russian language. 10-11 grades. Textbook. Grekov V.F., Kryuchkov S.E., Cheshko L.A.

2nd ed. - M.: 2017 - 368s. 4th ed. - M.: 2011 - 368s.

The textbook will help students systematize and generalize their knowledge of the Russian language.

In the book, a significant place is given to working with texts from works of art, which are currently studied in literature lessons and are included in the school curriculum.

Format: pdf(2017, 2nd ed., 368s.)

The size: 3.5 MB

Watch, download: november

Format: pdf(2011, 4th ed., 368s.)

The size: 3.5 MB

Watch, download:november .2019, links removed at the request of the Prosveshchenie publishing house (see note)

Format: djvu

The size: 2.1 MB

Watch, download: november .2019, links removed at the request of the Prosveshchenie publishing house (see note)

Preface 3
§ 1. Russian language in the modern world 4
§ 2. Styles and types of speech 5
§ 3. The concept of the norm of the literary language. Norm types. 17
§ 4. The word and its lexical meaning. Verbal Accuracy 22
§ 5. Polysemantic words and their use 25
§ 6. Tropes as expressive means of language 28
§ 7. Homonyms and their use 33
§ 8. Use of synonyms and antonyms 35
§ 9. The use of stylistically limited vocabulary. 42
§ 10. Borrowed words and their use 47
§ 11. The use of obsolete words and neologisms .... 52
§ 12. The use of phraseological units 57
§ 13. Figures of speech as expressive means of language. . 62
§ 14. Dictionaries of the Russian language 67
§ 15. Orthoepic norms of the Russian language 74
§ 16. Principles of Russian spelling 79
§ 17. Use of capital letters 82
§ 18. Use of ъ to indicate softness of consonants in writing 85
§ 19. The use of ь to denote grammatical forms 86
§ 20. The composition of the word. The use of cognate words 88
§ 21. The main ways of forming words 93
§ 22. Spelling of vowels in the root of the word 97
§ 23. Spelling of vowels after hissing and c 105
§ 24. Spelling of consonants in the root of the word 110
§ 25. Double consonants 113
§ 26. International word-building elements. . 115
§ 27. Spelling of prefixes that do not change and change in writing 118
§ 28. Spelling of prefixes pre- and pre- 120
§ 29. Combinations of consonants at the junction of a prefix and a root. 123
§ 30. The use of dividing b and b 124
§ 31. Letters ы и и after prefixes 126
§ 32. Letters e vt o after hissing and c -
§ 33. General rules for spelling compound words .... 128
§ 34. Rules for word hyphenation 130

Independent parts of speech
noun 133
§ 35. Gender and number of nouns -
§ 36. Spelling and and e in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of the singular 134
§ 37. Nominative plural of some masculine nouns 137
§ 38. Spelling of nouns in the genitive plural 138
§ 39. Spelling of surnames and names of settlements in the instrumental case 141
§ 40. Spelling of suffixes of nouns. . 142
§ 41. Spelling of compound nouns. . . 148
Adjective 152
§ 42. The use of certain forms of adjectives ... -
§ 43. Spelling of the endings of adjectives. . . 153
§ 44. Spelling of suffixes of adjectives. . . 156
§ 45. Spelling of compound adjectives. . . 163
Name numeral 168
§ 46. Spelling and use of numbers .... -
Pronoun 171
§ 47. Features of the use of pronouns -
§ 48. Spelling of indefinite and negative pronouns 173
Verb 177
§ 49. Conjugation of verbs -
§ 50. Spelling of verbs 180
Communion 191
§ 51. The formation of participles -
§ 52. Spelling of participle suffixes 195
§ 53. Short and complete passive participles .... 199
§ 54. Spelling n and nn in adjectives and participles 200
General participle 204
§ 55. The meaning and use of gerunds -
Adverb 209
§ 56. Spelling of adverbs -
§ 57. Spelling n and nn in words of different parts of speech. 220
Service parts of speech
Prepositions 223
§ 58. Features of the use of certain prepositions. . -
§ 59. Spelling of prepositions 226
Unions 227
§ 60. Spelling of unions 228
Particles 231
§ 61. Separate and hyphenated spelling of particles -
§ 62. Spelling not with words of different parts of speech. . 232
§ 63. Spelling of the particle neither 239
§ 64. Basic principles of Russian punctuation 246
Simple sentence
§ 65. Sentences are narrative, interrogative, motivating. exclamatory sentences. . . 249
§ 66. Two-part and one-part sentences. Incomplete offers 250
§ 67. Dash between subject and predicate 254
§ 68. Some cases of agreement among the predicate with the subject 255
Features of the use of secondary members of the sentence 258
§ 69. Complement in the form of the genitive case with verbs with negation -
§ 70. Management with words close in meaning ... -
§ 71. Case of adjectives included in a combination consisting of the numeral two, three or four and a noun in the genitive case 261
Offers with homogeneous members 262
§ 72. Punctuation marks between homogeneous members. . -
§ 73. Homogeneous and non-homogeneous definitions 268
§ 74. Agreement in sentences with homogeneous members 270
Sentences with isolated and clarifying members of the sentence 272
§ 75. Separation of definitions 273
§ 76. Construction of turnovers with common definitions, expressed participles and adjectives 277
§ 77. Separate applications and additions 279
§ 78. Separation of circumstances 284
§ 79. Clarifying circumstances 290
§ 80. Comparative turns 292
Introductory words, appeals and interjections. . . 295
§ 81. Introductory words, introductory sentences and plug-in constructions 296
§ 82. Conversion. Interjections in the composition of the sentence and the word-sentence yes and no 301
Difficult sentence
Compound sentence 305
§ 83. Punctuation marks in a compound sentence -
Complex sentence 311
§ 84. Complex sentences with one subordinate clause 312
§ 85. Synonymy of complex sentences and sentences with participial and participle constructions 316
§ 86. Complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses 318
§ 87. Some shortcomings and errors in the construction of complex sentences 324
Associative Compound Sentence 326
§ 88. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence -
Complex sentences with different types of communication 330
§ 89. Punctuation marks in complex sentences with different types of connection -
Direct and indirect speech 334
§ 90. Direct speech -
§ 91. Replacing direct speech with indirect speech 337
§ 92. Punctuation in citations 341
Code of punctuation rules 345
Control-generalizing exercises 358
List of conditional abbreviations 363


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