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To repair a scratch, it is not always necessary to repaint the damaged area of ​​the body. Basically, this is possible without painting the damaged area of ​​the car. With daily use of the car, scratches appear on the paintwork of the car, which worsen the appearance. Deep scratches, on the other hand, are corrosive to the metal.

Why can they appear? There can be many reasons for this. No one will doubt that during the ownership of a car, the body is exposed to aggressive influences. Driving next to a bush can damage the varnish with branches. Pebbles from under the wheels cause chips, especially the front of the car suffers from them. Minor accidents cause deep scratches. Someone ground your iron horse in the parking lot ...

It does not matter under what circumstances a scratch or chip occurred on the car body, it still needs to be removed. If this is not done, corrosion will begin to appear. And it will already be more difficult to eliminate it. Let's take a look at how to remove a scratch with your own hands.

Varieties of external damage

Each driver, if he takes a little time, is able to cope with the problem himself. Before proceeding with the elimination of scratches or chips, it is necessary to assess the damage. In other words, how deep it is.


  1. Defect in the outer layer - damage to the body paintwork. Represents small scratches.
  2. Enamel damage - deep scratches.

Thus, if a white coating is visible at the site of damage, then the base layer of the paintwork is most likely not damaged.

Shallow damage is easy to repair. In this case, it will be generally invisible, unlike situations with damage to the enamel. Each type of damage has its own method of elimination. If this is a shallow scratch without damage to the paintwork, then polishing is sufficient, otherwise a complete repainting of the area may be required.

How to remove minor scratches

If the scratch has formed only on the top layer of varnish, then the best way out of the situation is to polish the damaged area. For this it will be necessary:

  1. Sander.
  2. Machine polishing attachment.
  3. Various types of polishes.
  4. Rags.

One method to get rid of the problem is polishing. It is carried out manually, but if the depth or area of ​​damage is large, it is better to use a polishing machine.

Without a machine, polishing is carried out with a soft cloth (rag) and polish. You can buy it at any car dealership.

There are two types of polish:

  1. Abrasive - a substance with which it is possible to remove both scratches and chips. In other words, all defects of the car body that can be removed without painting.
  2. Protective - to give the body shine and eliminate minor scratches on the metal.


What does it take to remove a scratch on a car without painting? First of all, be sure to rinse the car body clean. The damaged area must be clean, dry and free from dust. Small particles on metal can only aggravate the situation. It is better to polish in a clean room, direct sunlight is excluded (it dries quickly).

A soft cloth or polishing wheel is taken, on which polish is applied. Then it is necessary to grind it in an even layer over the entire damaged area. There is no need to put excessive pressure on the body.

The sander should be used with the ability to adjust the rotation speed.

After applying the polish to the body and rubbing around the entire perimeter, you must use a clean dry nozzle or rags to continue polishing.

It should be polished until the scratches on the car body disappear completely. However, this should be done carefully, do not overdo it, so as not to remove the top layer of varnish. In order for the scratch to rub in, it is necessary to polish not only the place of the scratch, but also the area around it.

Upon completion of polishing, the body area should be rinsed again and carefully inspected the quality of work. Repeat polishing if necessary, but take care not to remove the entire varnish layer.

Using a pencil

This method is used when the traditional method of removing scratches by polishing did not give the desired effect. A special pencil is on sale in a car dealership. It must be remembered that you need to purchase exactly the pencil, the color of which matches the color of the car body paint.

The first stage of work is to degrease the damaged area, clean it from dirt and dust. It must be clean. This is very important, this stage cannot be neglected.

When applying crayon paint to the damaged area, be careful not to hit the undamaged areas of the paint. Next, you need to wait. The paint should dry out (it usually takes about a day). Then you need to clean up the scratch, for this a rubber sponge is used. Remember that you should not press hard, all actions must be performed smoothly and easily.

After sanding, a polishing paste is applied to the scratched area and the surface is polished with a soft cloth. The polish will restore the gloss to the area of ​​the body.

The disadvantage is that after a couple of washes, you will need to repeat these steps.

Deep scratches - how to get rid of them?

It is definitely not possible to remove a deep scratch with a pencil. In such a situation, an aerosol can of automotive paint is used. It is very important to know that for these purposes there is a special paint on sale for removing body defects!

The first step is to degrease the area, clean it from dirt. The surface must be dry. In a situation where the defect is a round shape, you can take a piece of paper and cut a small round hole in the center. This is done in order to protect intact areas from paint.

At a distance of a couple of cm from the metal, spray paint onto the body from a canister through the hole in the paper. Do not apply too much paint, it should not drip!

The special rubber sponge will allow you to smooth out the stained area. This must be done so that there is one level of paintwork of the machine. If the first attempt is unsuccessful, you need to repeat the process again. However, it should be remembered that reapplying paint and cleaning can only be performed after 24 hours, after the first application.

After the paint layer has been leveled, the surface should be polished with a special tool. It is better not to save on it, because you can throw money down the drain.


We advise you to carry out the removal of scratches in stages. In other words, each section of the machine is divided into small sections. Part of the fender, the lower part of the doors, half of the hood, etc. The polishing compound dries quickly, even if the car is not exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, in order not to apply it in vain, the body should be visually divided into sections and polished. The largest is the roof. It is better to divide it into 4 sections.

If your tool does not have a polishing machine, it doesn’t matter. A drill with a felt nozzle with adjustable speed is a great way out of the situation. This also applies to grinders, however, in the absence of speed control, the paint can be wiped down to metal.

If as a result of the procedure you only made things worse, do not try to fix everything, it is better to contact the professionals.

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One careless movement - and a scratch appeared on your favorite thing. Do not rush to despair or throw away an object dear to your heart. Scratches that are not too deep can be removed on your own.

We are in site have compiled some tips to help you save different surfaces at home so that they shine like new again.

Glass surfaces

To remove or mask small scratches on glass surfaces, use one of the following methods.

  • Apply a little toothpaste(no granules and no bleaching effect) on a cotton pad or cotton cloth. Gently rub it into the glass in a circular motion for 10 seconds. Remove traces of paste with water.
  • If applied to a microfiber cloth or cotton wool, a thin vegetable oil layer and gently rub it in for a few seconds, you can temporarily get rid of shallow scratches. To achieve the same effect, you can use a small amount of petroleum jelly.
  • Make a polishing paste by mixing regular baking soda with a little water. Apply to glass and wipe with a cotton or wool cloth. Gently remove the remaining paste with a damp cloth.
  • Cope with scratches on glass surfaces. car glass polishes... Follow the instructions, making sure that the reagent formulation is suitable for the surfaces you are applying them to.

Leather Products

Scratches on leather products Not unusual. If the damage isn't too severe, tidy it up yourself.

  • Apply to scratch with a cotton swab vegetable or baby oil... Rub it in circular motions and let dry. Wipe off any residue with a clean cloth. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
  • You can mask damage on the leather surface with nail polish... To do this, apply a varnish of a suitable color to the damaged area with a toothpick.
  • A special tool will help to remove scratches. wax for the skin. In its absence, you can use a regular bee, for example, from a candle. Heat the wax and apply to the scratch. Wipe with a flannel cloth. Use a felt-tip pen, marker or shoe polish of the desired shade to paint over the treated areas on colored items.

Wood surfaces

Disguise or remove defects from wooden surfaces the following tips will help.

  • If scratches appear on a dark wood, help out iodine... Dilute it with water, apply on a cotton swab and paint over the defects. Cover with varnish if necessary.
  • Take half a kernel walnut and rub the damaged areas with it. When the scratch darkens, wipe with a napkin and cover with clear varnish.
  • If the wood is cracked, try using it for restoration mayonnaise... Apply it with a cotton swab to the damaged area and leave for 2-3 days, removing excess. The wood will swell a little and the crack will heal.

Plastic surfaces

Remove scratches from plastic surfaces a few tricks will also help.

  • Defects on smooth plastic surfaces will help remove regular or construction hair dryer... Turn it on at minimum power and blow hot air along the scratch. Increase the temperature as needed to smooth out the lines. Wait 10-15 minutes and polish the surface to completely hide problem areas.
  • Remove scratches from plastic will help polishes and pencils designed for cars. Remove dirt from scratch, apply product. Polish with a soft, lint-free cloth.

whitening toothpaste. Apply it to the damaged area and scrub with a soft bristled brush or soft cloth along the texture of the metal. Wipe off the paste with a clean, damp cloth.

When experimenting with any of the above methods, remember that none of them will help you deal with deep scratches. In such cases, it is better to contact a professional or replace the damaged product.

How to remove scratches from the body without painting? Click on the photo to enlarge.

The reason for the appearance on the car of all kinds of scratches, cracks and chips can be not only traffic accidents, but also its daily operation. Impacts of small stones, friction of tree branches against the body, sand and reagents that are sprinkled on the roads in winter, as well as aggressive driving style and sloppy parking - all this inevitably leads to the gradual wear of the factory paintwork.

Removing small and more serious scratches on a car without painting is a process that should not be put on the back burner, because these defects not only make the car's appearance unattractive, but can eventually result in more serious damage that requires more time-consuming and costly repair. If you have at least basic skills and a minimum set of tools, the elimination of local defects in the paintwork is possible with your own hands in a garage.

The main types of damage to the car paintwork

The technology, which is carried out without painting, first of all takes into account the nature of the damage.

So, if small defects appear on the car, affecting only the upper layers of varnish, do-it-yourself repairs will be limited only to thorough polishing using abrasive and protective polishing pastes.

If the scratch is short, but has violated the integrity of both the varnish and the base pigment so that the soil or even metal is visible, then not only polishing will be required, but also preliminary laying of the filler (putty) c.

If the scratch is deep, putty and local painting are indispensable. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Eliminate deep scratches

Eliminating deeper damage from the body, affecting all layers of the paintwork and the metal itself, will require even more effort, because in this case, you must first restore the geometry of the part, and then putty, primer, local painting and varnishing.

If a scratch, abrasion or chipping occupies more than 50% of the area of ​​the part, or, for example, stretches across the entire door or fender, is located in the center of the hood, etc., complete painting and varnishing of the entire body element will be required.

If the defect appeared on the car for a long time, and traces of rust and corrosion appeared around it, then it is cleaned to metal: mechanically using abrasives and hard brushes or chemical compounds for etching rust.

When can local body repairs be carried out without painting?

Protective polishes are necessary to protect the body from minor damage. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Removing scratches without painting in a garage with your own hands is possible in cases where the damaged part has completely retained its geometry, and the integrity of the paint layer is not compromised. In other words, there is no need to repaint the part if only the top layer of varnish is damaged. Such imperfections are masked by abrasive polishing and further application of protective pastes based on polymers.

It should be noted that protective polishes are automotive cosmetics, which should always be at hand at the car owner. Provided that the polish is applied to the car body regularly, it is able to protect the paintwork from damage by small grains of sand and pebbles flying out from under the wheels, as well as by the hard bristle of brushes used to clean the car from snow in winter. Thus, the body will look attractive for a longer time.

How to get rid of scratches on a car with your own hands?

Let's start with how to remove scratches without painting, if only touched. In this case, wax-based restorative agents, for example, masking sticks or polishes, will be indispensable. However, be prepared for the fact that these compositions

Shallow scratches that only affect the varnish can be removed with a wax crayon. Click on the photo to enlarge.

it is necessary to apply to defective areas not once, but constantly, after a certain period of time.

Before using the wax crayon, degrease the scratch itself and the small area around it with gasoline or thinner.

A more difficult case is the removal of deep scratches, cracks and chips. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to do without painting here. If the scratch touches the varnish and paint so that the soil or even metal is exposed, then this area is first sanded and degreased, and then puttying, priming, local painting, varnishing and polishing are carried out.

Briefly about each step of local scratch repair

Fine-grained sandpaper is used to sand the damaged area. Sanding must be done carefully so as to damage the factory paintwork around the scratch as little as possible.
After grinding, the surface is degreased to remove technological dust. A layer of filler (putty) is placed on the scratch and the part is left until the treated area is completely dry (about 20 minutes).

Further, the defective area is re-grinded in order to adjust the putty to the same level with the surface of the part. When this place becomes completely smooth, proceed to staining.
When carrying out local painting, it is necessary to be extremely careful with the choice of paint color. The number of the factory shade of the paint coating of the car can be found from the data sheet or in specialized stores and workshops, providing a small body part to identify the pigment.

Even with very careful driving, the car body still receives minor damage during operation. Small stones flying from under the wheels of other cars, branches of bushes, protruding pieces of wire and other objects can leave their marks on the paintwork. Shallow and small defects do not cause serious harm, but at the same time spoil the appearance of the car. If the scratches are deep, the development of a corrosion process and further destruction of the paintwork may begin.

To keep the car in excellent visual and technical condition, it is recommended to periodically polish the body, as well as some other restorative operations. In this article we will talk about the types of paintwork defects, and also talk about how to remove minor scratches on your car.

The main types of paintwork damage

Before proceeding with the necessary repair operations, you should find out if existing defects can be removed. It all depends on the depth of the damage: the larger it is, the more difficult and longer the restoration work will be.

There are the following types of scratches on the car:

  • on varnish and paint;
  • to the ground;
  • to metal.

It is possible to determine the depth of damage with the naked eye, but in some cases (if the scratch is very thin) it is wiser to use a magnifying glass. In this case, the place of the defect is best viewed in bright sunlight or artificial light.

If you see a thin white coating on the edges of the scratches, then most likely the base coat of your car's paintwork is intact. This means that in order to remove defects, it will be enough to use a regular polish or a wax pencil. However, if you find a deep scratch to metal on the car, then you may not get away with self-repair. Removing such a defect requires a complete painting of the damaged body element with complex surface preparation and professional drying.

How to remove minor damage to varnish and paint?

To remove a scratch on a car, use a polishing method or a special wax pencil. The first method involves the use of special abrasive polishes that remove a thin layer of paintwork at the site of damage and compare it to the same level.

The use of this method requires accuracy and care, as excessive diligence can lead to the fact that you remove too much paint and damage the integrity of the coating. If the scratch is very minor, then you can use the so-called masking agents. They do not contain abrasive elements and allow you to hide scratches on the machine without any risk to the paintwork.

The procedure for removing defects by polishing includes several stages:

  1. Preparation. Before repairing minor scratches on the car body, thoroughly wash and dry the body. In order not to touch intact areas of the paintwork, it is advisable to seal them with masking tape.
  2. Polishing. Apply a small amount of polish to the damaged area. Next, use a terry cloth, microfiber cloth or a special machine to start polishing the surface. Do everything smoothly and constantly check to see if the scratch disappears.
  3. The final stage. After polishing, it is advisable to wash the car again, and then evaluate the quality of the work done. Sometimes, in order to completely remove a small scratch on the car, the procedure has to be repeated several times.

The use of a wax crayon is often quite effective. It contains a special active substance that fills existing cavities and compares paintwork. After complete drying, the damaged area becomes almost invisible. To achieve the best effect, the surface can be treated with a special color-enriched polish.

The procedure for removing scratches with a pencil includes several stages:

  1. Preparation. To successfully mask a scratch on the car, first clean and degrease the defect with a solvent.
  2. Application. Gently apply the pencil product to the scratch and allow it to dry (at least 24 hours). During the work, try not to touch the undamaged areas of the coating.
  3. Processing. Then you need to grind the scratch on the machine with a fine sandpaper or a rubber sponge. Perform all actions smoothly and slowly, periodically stopping to check the result.
  4. Polishing. Buff the surface (see above) to smooth and shine the body as much as possible. In some cases, it will be possible to fix scratches on the car only if you repeat all the above steps several times.

How to deal with serious damage?

If the defects are so deep that they have touched the primer layer, then you can immediately exclude options using a wax pencil - in this case it will be useless. Such damage can only be repaired with paint.

Let's take a closer look at how to remove scratches to the ground on a passenger car:

  1. Training. First of all, purchase a canned car paint to remove defects. Pay special attention to match the color of your car. If you choose how to wipe scratches on the car, pay attention to special polishing kits, which include paint, varnish, special sponges and other necessary means.
  2. Beginning of work. Degrease the surface with solvent. Then take a piece of paper and cut a hole in it in the shape of the scratch - this way you can protect the undamaged surface of the body.
  3. Painting. Holding the piece of paper a few centimeters from the body, start spraying paint through the hole. Next, try to level the treated coating level with the undamaged surface using sandpaper. To obtain an acceptable result, repeat this procedure several times (with intervals of at least a day between paints). Finally, apply varnish and polish the surface (see above).

As for damage to metal, their elimination requires a specially equipped room, as well as the use of a large number of special tools and consumables. In order to find out how to remove deep scratches on the body of a passenger car, contact the Autoscratch company.

Every car owner has faced such a nuisance as the appearance of scratches on the car. Such damage can occur as a result of an accident, careless handling (a car can be scratched with keys, nails, metal items of clothing), and a scratch can also form due to small pebbles flying out from under the wheels of a car driving in front. There are two ways to deal with this nuisance:

  • seek help from a car service;
  • do it yourself.

The first option is good because all operations will be carried out by professionals and the result will most likely be excellent. But on the other hand, you will lose a significant amount of money, as well as a large amount of time. Self-polishing will cost several times less, however, the result may not meet your expectations. In this article we will talk about and discuss what is required for this.

Removing scratches on the car body by polishing

Preliminary stage

Before starting work to eliminate a scratch, you need to determine the degree of damage to the paintwork on the car. First, you need to thoroughly wash the car and visually assess its condition:

  • If the scratch is a paint mark from another car, you can simply do with white spirit.
  • If there is indeed damage, then you need to determine its depth. To do this, you need to run your fingernail perpendicular to the scratch. If the nail clings to the edges, the damage is quite deep, if not, then you are lucky and you can repair such a scratch quite quickly. You can also just wet the car, if the scratches are not visible on a damp surface, then they are shallow.

Determining the depth of scratches

Removing shallow scratches

If your car has small scratches, you can do with light abrasive polishing. In a car service, a special tool is used for this, but buying it for one time is impractical. So, we need:

  • abrasive paste (it is better to use a fine abrasive);
  • cloth napkin;
  • wax polish.

Your salesperson may offer you a pigment paste to help buff up deeper scratches on your car. Here, you don't have to worry too much about matching the color of the pigment to the car paint. In any case, the pigment will be washed out after several washes.

To remove minor scratches:

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash the car body, let it dry and make sure that there is no dirt, sand and dust left on the car. It is necessary to polish in a garage or outdoors, but only in calm weather.
  2. Now you need to apply a small amount of abrasive paste on a napkin and treat the damaged area in a circular motion with light pressure. Do not rub one place for too long - this way you can erase all the varnish in this area.
  3. The abrasive paste must be thoroughly rinsed off after polishing.
  4. Then apply wax polish on a damp surface, let the machine dry a little, and then wipe the polished area dry with a clean soft cloth.

Eliminate deep scratches

If the paintwork on the car has received significant damage, it will not be possible to do with only polish. The easiest way to remove such scratches on a car is to use markers. All you need to do is paint over the damaged area with a marker, and then polish it in the same way as in the case of shallow scratches. This method is quite cheap and simple, but its effect is not long-term, so this operation will have to be repeated regularly.

The second method is DIY repair touch-up. To carry out this operation you will need:

  • base paint;
  • primer;
  • alcohol;
  • thin brush with soft bristles;
  • kit for removing shallow scratches.

Most modern cars are sold with a repair kit that includes base paint and varnish. If the kit was not included in the package of your machine, then you need to select consumables.

To remove deep scratches:

  1. The first step is to thoroughly wash the car and let it dry. The damaged area on the machine should be treated with alcohol to completely degrease it. All work must be carried out in a dust-free environment.
  2. Then you should apply a primer to the scratch and wait a little.
  3. Now you can start painting. It is necessary to apply paint with a thin brush to the damaged area, trying not to go beyond its borders. After that, the paint should be allowed to dry. The drying time is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.
  4. The next step is to apply varnish. This process is carried out similarly to the previous one. Only the varnish needs to be applied, going beyond the boundaries of damage and with a small margin, which will be erased during subsequent polishing. Now you just need to wait for the varnish to dry, after which you can use the vehicle for its intended purpose.
  5. Not earlier than a month after tinting, it is necessary to polish the treated area on the car. To do this, use a paste with a fine abrasive and wax polish. The process is no different from polishing shallow scratches.

After completing all of the above procedures, the elimination of the scratch on the car can be considered complete. In some cases, it is easy to do without a primer (if the scratches are not very deep), but it is better to play it safe to avoid paint shrinkage during drying.


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