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Men should not give socks and shorts, and women should not give dishes and scarves. Why? Explanation - in ancient beliefs

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

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“My wife promised a gift for February 23rd. I just don’t have the patience to find out what color the socks will be this year!” This is a real life anecdote. Lovely ladies often prefer to leave their imagination on hairstyles and do not bother with gifts for the strong-sexed for Defender of the Fatherland Day. That's why they present men with standard "gentleman's sets" - socks, shorts, shaving foam. And whoever gives socks to her husband runs the risk of getting a set of frying pans on March 8! Isn't it time to break this "vicious circle"? Moreover, folk signs suggest that such gifts do not bode well. For those who listen to the wisdom of their ancestors, we decided to remind you which gifts, according to the beliefs of different peoples, you should beware of.

1) Clock.

Such a gift in many countries is not honored. The Chinese especially don't like it. They believe that the donated clock counts down the time until the death of a person. We don’t have such a gloomy superstition about watches, but still unpleasant: they say that a watch as a gift promises a quick quarrel.

2) Knives.

Among European peoples, it is considered a bad sign to give any piercing and cutting objects. Allegedly, they will bring misfortune to the house. We have the same interpretation of this gift from Western countries. But in Latin America, for example, a cutting object symbolizes the desire to break off any kind of relationship with the "gifted". Meanwhile, in the Caucasus and the Middle East, donating weapons is in the order of things. And such gifts do not bother anyone there ...

3) Socks.

It is believed that it is better for a woman not to give her husband socks, as he can leave home in them. However, some wives use this sign for their own benefit - they incite mothers-in-law to give socks to their sons so that their husbands get out of the influence of their mothers.

4) Handkerchiefs.

This sign is inherent only in Orthodox countries. They believe that giving a handkerchief is to tears.

5) Books.

Some say that a book is the best gift. And someone thinks that only if it is a gift to yourself. Or, at worst, an unmarried friend, relative. The main thing, according to popular belief, is not to a loved one. According to signs, giving a book to your soulmate is a parting.

Also, the belief says that you can not give books to married couples. Allegedly, this can provoke discord and betrayal in the family.

6) Pearls.

The sign came from Ancient Greece, where pearls were considered the tears of sea nymphs. Now, superstitious people say that pearls as a gift are a harbinger of tears.

7) Mirrors.

Many superstitions are associated with mirrors in different cultures. No wonder they are often used for divination. Therefore, it is believed that donated mirrors can bring trouble to the house.

8) Dishes.

The most important thing here is not to inadvertently give cracked or chipped dishes. Allegedly, this can “break” the life of the recipient. In this regard, I would like to recall the tradition of breaking dishes at a wedding. It is believed that the newlyweds do this to leave all the hardships outside the new family.

If you still decide to donate dishes, then you need to put something inside. For example, a coin. Otherwise, they say, empty dishes can attract lack of money into the house.

9) Figurines of birds.

It is believed that figurines of any birds can bring anxiety and fussiness to the house. Therefore, if you decide to give some figurines, it is better to do without birds.

10) An empty wallet, bag or suitcase.

These gifts are good only if they are filled with something. It is advised to put a coin in a wallet, and even a candy in a bag or suitcase.

11) Animals or plants.

If you decide to give someone a cat, a dog (a parrot and others like them) or a flower in a pot, then be sure to ask for a “ransom”. Symbolic, of course. Let it be a small denomination, for example. Otherwise, according to popular belief, the “living gift” will not be able to find a place for itself in a new house - supposedly it will look for a way to the former owner.

12) Slippers.

The belief regarding slippers remained mainly in rural areas. It is believed that giving slippers is a long illness or even death. Superstitious people are especially bad at white slippers.

13) Jewelry from amber.

They say that such a gift for parting.

14) Caskets.

Superstitious people believe that if you present a box to someone, the recipient will later hide his thoughts from the giver.

15) Hair combs.

It is believed that such a gift will help others find out your secrets.

16) Gloves, mittens and scarves.

There is no clear explanation for this sign. They just say that such gifts can quarrel people.

17) Tie.

It is believed that the tie "binds" the wearer to the donor. There are even many love spells with ties. Therefore, you can give a tie only to a very close person.

18) Knitted things.

This sign applies only to unmarried girls. It is believed that giving your loved one something hand-tied before the wedding is a betrayal.

19) Underwear.

It is believed that underwear given by a wife to her husband can push him to treason.

20) Chains.

If suddenly the donated chain breaks (and no one is insured here), then according to popular belief, this can lead to a break in relations with its donor.

21) Towels.

It is believed that such a gift can bring illness to the recipient.

22) Pectoral crosses.

There is a belief that crosses can only be given at baptism. Otherwise, allegedly, a person transfers to the recipient a part of his “cross” - his worries, illnesses, hardships. Meanwhile, the church refutes such superstitions and does not oppose the donation of pectoral crosses in any circumstances.

23) Cosmetics for shower and washing.

There is a version that because of the donated shower gel, someone can “wash away” from your life.

24) Candles.

There is a superstition that candles are given for funerals. Alas, if you believe in omens, then you should refuse cute decorative candles as a gift.

25) Alcoholic drinks.

And this sign, perhaps, was invented by the Ministry of Health ... There is a version that a gift of alcohol can take away the health of the recipient. And here, unlike many of the previous paragraphs, you can catch at least some logic!

It is worth noting that almost any sign can be bypassed. To do this, you just need to ask the recipient for a symbolic "ransom" for the gift. Even a penny will do! And then it will no longer be a gift, but a purchase. And "gift signs" do not work on her.


Accept about good gifts, alas, less than about bad ones. But some of them can be taken into account.

1) Pillows.

Paired pillows received as a gift promise harmony and contentment to the whole family at home.

2) Carpet.

It is believed that a carpet as a gift will bring the recipient good luck in all endeavors.

3) Tablecloth.

A donated tablecloth will strengthen the friendship between the giver and the recipient.

4) Sunglasses.

If a man makes such a gift to his wife, it is believed that she will argue with him less. Because he sees the world through his eyes.

5) Pen.

Writing affiliation is advised to give bosses. They say that they will listen more to the donor.


Signs related to the method of donation

1) There is a version that money cannot be given after sunset. Allegedly, this promises a need not to the recipient, but to the donor himself. If there is a need to donate money in the evening, it is advised not to pass it from hand to hand, but to put it on the table so that the person can take it himself.

2) It is not good to re-gift gifts. And not only from an ethical point of view. According to popular beliefs, when re-gifting, the “energy of a thing” changes for the worse.

3) Do not make gifts through the threshold. It is believed that it is necessary to enter the house.

4) You can not give any presents before the person's birthday. If you have to congratulate someone in advance, you can pack a gift and give it to the birthday person on the condition that he unpacks the gift on the holiday.

5) As for flowers, the main sign here is to give them in an odd number. And lovers are also not advised to present bouquets of yellow flowers. It's supposed to be separation.


Concluding the conversation about signs, I would like to emphasize that the above is just interesting elements of the cultures of different peoples. And first of all, ours, of course. There is no scientific basis for all these signs. Therefore, to believe them or not is a purely personal matter. Most modern people consider signs to be a relic of the past. And we are sure that the main thing is to give a gift from the heart! Perhaps yes - this is really the most important thing, regardless of whether you believe in signs or not.


And what should not be given according to the rules of etiquette?

Some gifts should not be given not because of superstition, but for reasons of decency:

1) One of the main rules of etiquette in terms of gifts is to always remove price tags from any presentation. Otherwise, the recipient may get the impression that you wanted to emphasize the value of your gift.

2) It is also considered bad form to give someone hygiene products and cosmetics. First, you can not guess with the preferences of the recipient. And secondly, it can be regarded as an unpleasant hint of untidiness.

3) It is also ugly to give books with your own signature on the cover (only if you are not the author of the work). When presenting a book, do not dirty it. Better add a signed greeting card.

Do you believe in signs associated with gifts? We are waiting for your comments!

The article offers you an interpretation of signs associated with a bat, new, foreign dishes.

Human life is built on beliefs and superstitions that have been passed down through the ages from generation to generation. People came up with them, focusing on the events that occurred after some kind of incident, for example, breaking dishes.

In modern life, a person often pays attention to a suddenly broken plate or cup, as he wants to warn himself against trouble. This is what the breaking of dishes in most cases portends, however, in each case, attention should be paid to the circumstances.

Signs and interpretations:

  • The cup broke on the floor - the family will soon experience positive events, something will change for the better.
  • The cup broke on the table (other furniture) - most likely, you have envious people and ill-wishers who very often wish you harm.
  • Broken plate on the floor wait for the arrival of guests, wait for changes and feasts, wait for gifts and surprises (pleasant ones).
  • The plate broke on the table (other furniture) - unplanned expenses and fun chores await you, perhaps a holiday is approaching.
  • Broken saucer - expect a good friend to visit, pleasant conversations and meetings.
  • Broken glass (glass, glass, decanter) - most likely, you will soon be asked to borrow money, or else, significant waste awaits you.
  • The teapot, teapot (meaning ceramic) broke - wait for a distant relative to visit, or a meeting with a good old friend.
  • Dishes broke at the door, in the hallway (any: plate, cup) - such a sign indicates the presence of the evil eye, you need to put a candle in the church or limit your communication with ill-wishers and envious people.
  • A cup broke, a plate under the table - you will soon be able to lose money or lend it.
  • Break the dishes on purpose in the house - a bad omen that portends you financial instability, waste and waste of money "for nothing."
  • Broken dishes in the kitchen a good sign: a “full” house and a happy family, good changes in life.
  • Broken crockery in the bedroom bad omen, health problems or family relationships.
  • Broken baby cup says that the evil eye is present on the child or someone wishes evil to him.
Signs about broken dishes in the house: interpretations

Sign: wash dishes at a party, in a strange house

It is known that any actions of a guest, especially those related to dishes, portend changes in life and upcoming events to the owner of the house. That is why you should be careful about whether the guest washes the dishes in the house after himself or not, as he does on other little things.

Interpretations of signs:

  • A frequent visitor washes dishes after himself in a strange house - if this is a person whom you trust and often let into the family, the omen does not have a bad interpretation.
  • Distant relatives wash the dishes - frequent meetings, perhaps an early departure of the family or travel.
  • Wash dishes at your parents' house a good sign, portending a long and strong relationship, frequent meetings.
  • The guest washes the cup after himself - to a quarrel, to scandal and misunderstanding in your relationship.
  • The guest washes a lot of dishes after himself - it is believed that this is a bad omen, so a "stranger" person in your house "washes away happiness."
  • The guest washes someone else's dishes (not only his own) - most likely, this will be followed by a series of problems and failures in the family and home, since the “alien” person will wash away all the positive energy.
  • A young girl washes dishes at a party - to her imminent marriage or the marriage of a young guy (girl) in a house in which the dishes were washed.
  • The mother-in-law washes the dishes visiting you - to a quarrel between family members.
  • The guest washes his hands over the dishes at a party - unpleasant events, quarrels, financial problems.
  • The guest did not wash the dishes after himself - a good sign, it says that your house is reliably protected from the evil eye and "bad" people.

Signs about washing dishes away: interpretations

Alien dishes in the house: a sign

Someone else's dishes in the house has a negative meaning for a person. The fact is that any dwelling is protection and a "fortress" that protects everyone from the troubles of the outside world. By bringing someone else's thing into your home, you disrupt the energy and make it vulnerable, from which you yourself suffer.

It is also believed that someone else's dishes can be attracted to your home and to yourself troubles, damage and the evil eye. Therefore, try never to give away your personal dishes (it is advisable to have special plastic bowls that will be intended for guests and relatives). Also, return the dishes that someone gave or brought to you as soon as possible, the longer it stays with you, the worse you will feel.

Signs and interpretations:

  • Someone else's cup in the house - rival, husband's lover, secret connections of the spouse "on the side", pay close attention to the relationship.
  • Someone else's glass or glass in the house - health problems in the family, possibly related to alcohol.
  • Someone else's plate, a dish in the house - financial problems in the family, large debts and excessive spending.
  • A lot of someone else's dishes in the house - big health and relationship problems, frequent quarrels and misunderstandings, possibly a divorce for spouses and a serious illness of one of the family members.
  • Stolen plate in the house - a sign portends “theft” in your life, perhaps money will be stolen from you, or maybe your husband will be taken away.
  • Break someone else's dishes in the house - you were jinxed
  • Give away your dishes and not get it back - to energy exhaustion, you may feel bad and you will suffer a series of failures.
  • Wash someone else's borrowed dishes at home -"wash off" all the damage and the evil eye that a stranger and an ill-wisher could wish you.
  • Return someone else's dishes dirty or empty - attract “empty” energy into your life, experience health problems and disappointments.
  • Return someone else's dishes "full" - attract positive energy, improve relationships with people.

Signs about someone else's dishes in the house: interpretations

Unwashed dishes: a sign

Dirty dishes are always negative energy. Therefore, in any case, leaving dirty dishes behind for a long time, you attract negativity and problems. Dirty dishes - negative energy flows, as well as energy holes and stagnation.

Signs and interpretations:

  • Dirty cup - a quarrel with a boyfriend, husband, loved one, slander and gossip from friends, familiar women.
  • Dirty plate - an ill-wisher or a person who envies you will be able to come to your house.
  • Lots of dirty dishes health problems and problems with the material condition in the house, in the family.
  • Dirty spoons, knives and forks unpleasant events and bad relationships between family members.
  • Dirty dishes at night envy and evil eye, damage from close and familiar people.
  • Dirty dishes under the bed troubles in communication and intimate relationships between lovers and spouses.
  • Dirty dishes on the table health problems, poor health and depression.
  • Dirty dishes in the sink it is believed that such a sign is the most “sparing” only because the sink is a direct connection with the sewerage system (i.e., the place where it is customary to “release” negative energy). Such a sign will not bring much evil, but it can increase the possibility of small troubles.

Signs about dirty dishes and their interpretation

Sign: leave dirty dishes overnight

You should also be careful about where you leave dirty dishes, what is in it and what kind of items you do not wash.

Interpretation will accept:

  • Dirty cup in the recreation area (bed, sofa, armchair) - to imminent troubles and problems in material terms: debts, loans, losses.
  • Dirty cup or plate on the floor the house will experience difficulties for which you will spend a lot of money: mortgage, credit, loans, repairs and the like.
  • Dirty dishes along with clean - disturbed human energy, frequent mood swings, depressive states, disappointments and apathy, problems with mental and physical health.
  • Dirty dishes filled with water energy stagnation: illness, drowsiness, fatigue
  • Unwashed dishes - unfinished business, deceit, understatement.
  • Dirty dishes in the trash can not solving problems, avoiding responsibility.
  • Dirty knives - spoiled relations with the family and between spouses, divorces, quarrels, betrayals.
  • Dirty pots and pans large and frequent losses, waste and debts, long financial difficulties.
  • Dirty china - since porcelain is a very noble material, leaving it dirty is a bad omen, attracting a series of failures and quarrels.
  • A young girl left dirty dishes - long loneliness, a sign says that she will not be able to get married for a long time
  • The young man left dirty dishes - a sign portends him to meet a "bad" wife.
  • Husband left dirty dishes a quarrel with his wife due to misunderstandings or financial problems, possibly parting.
  • Wife left dirty dishes quarrel with a loved one.

Interpretation will take about dirty and unwashed dishes

Sign: wash dishes at night

Dirty dishes left overnight are a bad omen, while clean dishes are good and auspicious. That is why washing dishes is “useful” always, even at night.

Signs and interpretations:

  • Wash dishes before dawn attract luck, get rid of the accumulated negative energy.
  • Wash dishes at night wash off the negative that has accumulated for the day and attract positive energy.
  • Wash dishes at night a bad omen, will attract quarrels and financial difficulties to you.
  • Wash dishes early in the morning a good omen, portends health and getting rid of diseases.

Signs about washing dirty dishes: interpretation

Giving dishes: a sign

It is believed that dishes are not the best gift in terms of energy. There is only one exception - dishes as a gift for a wedding or wedding anniversary. It is also good to give dishes to the parents of your daughter as a dowry.

Signs and interpretation:

  • Give a set of cups - to treason in the family, to a greater extent on the part of the woman.
  • Donate plates - to financial problems, permanent debts and loans.
  • Donate pots and pans to quarrels with parents, health and financial problems, envy and misunderstandings.
  • Give glass (cups, glasses, glasses) - to frequent meetings, to new acquaintances.
  • Give knives, forks, spoons - to scandals and spoiled relationships, to illnesses and bad changes in life.
  • Give porcelain - to improve the material condition, to recovery.
  • Give crystal - to good changes, to the normalization of the financial situation and the improvement of relations.
  • Give silver - to recovery from a serious illness, to building relationships.
  • Give broken dishes - to divorce and quarrel between lovers or spouses.
  • Give cheap dishes - to petty quarrels and scandals, to a negative atmosphere in the house.
  • Give black dishes - to sickness and separation
  • Give white dishes - a good sign, good and positive events in the family.

Signs about donated dishes: interpretations

Cracked, chipped dishes: a sign

Even if the dishes did not break, but have small chips and cracks, this is also a sign that can portend any events in a person in the future.

Signs and interpretations:

  • cracked cup- betrayal in the family, or an early betrayal (betrayal, sex) of one of the spouses, possibly a divorce.
  • Cup with a chip - husband's mistress or wife's relationship on the side (frequent and permanent), divorce between spouses.
  • Cup with a lot of cracks inside (microcracks) - problems with relationships in the family and problems with the financial situation.
  • Cracked plate - problems with money in the family, loans, lack of funds, losses.
  • Plate with microcracks - frequent and constant waste of money "down the drain."
  • A plate with a chip - loss of a large amount or something very important.
  • Crumpled pot, frying pan - problems with trust and understanding in the family, at home.
  • Curved forks, spoons, knives - damaged relationships with family and friends, neighbors or colleagues.
  • Glass with chips or cracks loss of strength, inspiration, prosperity, love.
Dishes with chips and cracks: signs and interpretations

Blue dishes or with blue flowers: signs

It is believed that the color of dishes plays an important role in predicting events in a person's life. For example, white is something pure, bright and good, black is bad events. A huge role is played by the blue color, which first appeared on the dishes in ancient China.

Sign and interpretation:

  • Buy and accept blue dishes as a gift - good relationships, material security, a happy life.
  • Give blue dishes - build relationships, wish good and a happy life.
  • To have a service in blue or with blue flowers, patterns - wealth in the house, happy family members.
  • Constantly eat and drink from dishes with blue flowers - gain wisdom and understanding. A person will be lucky in personal and material affairs.

Signs about blue dishes and dishes with a blue pattern: interpretations

If dishes often break in the house: a sign

If you have broken dishes in your house very often, you should definitely pay attention to this fact. The fact is that if negative energy constantly reigns in the house (theft, quarrels, scandals, betrayal, betrayal), everything that surrounds you will deteriorate, break, work "against you."

IMPORTANT: Often breaking dishes (as well as those that crack from the inside) can be a harbinger of bad events: a terrible illness, divorce, loss of money and home.

Is it possible to put dishes on the floor: signs

In no case should dishes be placed on the floor, because their place is either on the table or on the shelves in the cupboard. If you leave dishes on the floor (most often dirty), you are attracting bad luck and misfortune to your home. In addition, empty dishes - will help to ensure that the house "was empty."

Why the dishes are beating at work: signs

If you began to notice that not even at home, but at work, dishes are constantly beating, this is a sign that not everything is so smooth in your professional field. Cups are beating - envious people, plates - you do not suit the authorities. Cracks and chips appear - you should pay attention to your colleagues, perhaps someone is “targeting” your workplace.

Signs about breaking dishes at work: interpretations

New dishes: signs

When purchasing or accepting new dishes as a gift, you should be aware that a number of signs are associated with it:

  • Wash after buying or handing over new dishes- wash off from it all the negative energy that has accumulated during its storage in the store.
  • Sprinkle new dishes with salt- rid new dishes from the evil eye and damage that she can bring with her to the house.
  • Sprinkle new dishes with sugar- to attract positive energy and “sweet”, full life to the new dishes.
  • Put new dishes on the table- charge the house with "fresh" and positive energy.
  • Put new dishes on the floor- a bad omen, to failure.
  • Break new dishes- a sign that the evil eye is on you
  • Store new and old dishes together- here you should pay attention to how the dishes harmonize with each other, if you don’t like it - arrange the dishes on different shelves and then everything will be fine.

Signs about new dishes and their interpretation

Folk signs about disposable tableware

Disposable tableware, from the point of view of its application and will accept, is a thing of temporary use. It is not able to accumulate favorable energy and therefore it is not worth storing and washing it. If you collect it at home, this will be able to attract negativity to you, because, in fact, such dishes are garbage.

A lot of dishes are beating: a sign

If you notice that lately you have been breaking a lot of dishes or it is breaking from someone who is next to you, this is a negative sign that indicates that negativity comes from you. Either you wish evil to a specific person, or someone has put a curse on you.

Video: “What the dishes are beating for: signs”

We all like to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at a beautifully set table. Table, tea and coffee sets make any feast refined and enjoyable. The good mood of the companions, caused by the aesthetic decoration of the table, saturates the aura of the room with even positive energy, which has a beneficial effect on the health and mood of the household. But it often happens that some items from the service become unusable - they break, crack, etc. Connoisseurs of household magic tell us: “A meal at a table set with items from various sets leads to discord in the family. Children begin to become stubborn and act directly opposite to the wishes of their parents, the spouses become dissatisfied with each other, that is, what is called family discord occurs. Esotericists argue that food intake affects not only a person’s health, but also his activity. The type of court from which a person eats is of great importance, since the most delicious dish will not give pleasure if it is not beautifully presented. And eating without positive emotions leads to the following: a person begins to get irritated for no reason, is constantly out of sorts, that is, exudes vibes of negative emotions, which in turn not only hinder his undertakings, but also gradually destroy what a person managed to achieve. .
Many peoples of the world have signs associated with incomplete service:
"Drinking tea from different sets - forget about prosperity in the house" (English omen).
“Those who eat from assorted dishes do not argue and life is not built” (Portuguese sign).
“A plate from the service away - the daughter will not marry her husband. The cup from the service is broken - the son will have to be beaten ”(German sign).
“A complete set of dishes is a full bowl in the house, an incomplete set is ruin” (Hungarian omen).
“Putting objects from different sets on the table is driving good luck and success out of the house” (Bulgarian sign).
“A beautiful service is a good companion for love, a scattered one is an evil lovebird” (Italian proverb).
So what to do if some item from the service is broken, and it’s a pity to throw out the remaining items, it’s impossible to donate, and it’s problematic to sell? To begin with, it should be noted: if the family consists of four people, and a plate broke at the service for six people, you should get rid of the items that have become superfluous, leaving the number of dishes according to the number of households. Having thus compiled a new complete set, you need to read a “cleansing” plot over it:
“In the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, lies the white-combustible Alatyr-stone. Under that stone, two trickles-rivulets flow, not simple trickles, but charmed ones. One jet is dead water, the other jet is living water. I'll pick up two jugs from the jets. One with dead water, the other with live water. I will sprinkle dead water on what is to be thrown away and demolished, and live on what I leave in the house. May my cups not yearn for sisters in separation, let my plates not grieve for brothers, but serve me faithfully, for many years, for many years. Amen, amen, amen."
This plot will be most effective if you read it while washing the items left from the service. But if it so happened that there were fewer items of some kind left in the service than household members, it should be thrown out.
Of particular danger is the last item from the service left by the owner.
Esotericists say that such an object “forges” over broken relatives and “is indignant” at negligent people who have deprived it of its usual “society”. They warn that the last item from the service can cruelly "revenge people" for their loneliness. There are two ways to protect yourself from his revenge. The first way: if the item is of value, for example, it is handmade or made of expensive material, you need to do the following with it. At night, pour a small amount of silver water into it and pour fresh rose petals (you can use dried lavender herb). About whispering three times: "Forgive me, goodbye, promise not to harm." In the morning (before noon), leave the house and give the item to the first old woman you meet, saying: “Take a plate (cup), grandmother, let her make you happy. Eat (drink) from it, remember me (name) with a kind word. The main condition of this ritual is that the old woman should never be in your house.
There is no need to be afraid that a single object will harm an elderly woman. When changing "habitats", dishes have the property of "losing memory". Appearing in an unfamiliar place, your item will “forget” everything that happened to it before and will become completely safe.
The second way: the last item from the service must be broken, the fragments carefully folded into a box and buried as far as possible from the house. In no case should fragments be thrown into a trash can or garbage chute (the negative energy of a single object will affect a person from there as well).
Some people collect porcelain coffee or tea cups. As a rule, various single items are purchased for the collection. Displayed in a cupboard or on shelves, they are not dangerous, unless a person begins to use them for their intended purpose.
It should be remembered that a single object will bring loneliness to a person, therefore, no matter how great the desire to drink tea from such a cup is, it is better not to do this (especially this advice applies to single or childless women). Single cups should not be served to guests. According to esotericists, such items can destroy the strongest friendly ties and "set" the guest against the host.

Not a single housewife can do without dishes, and it has been used almost since ancient times, so a lot of signs and superstitions associated with it have appeared. Consider the most famous of them.


So, what are the signs associated with dishes?

  • Many people associate broken dishes with happiness, but in fact, initially, on the contrary, they personified troubles. So, among the Slavs, a clay pot was a symbol of well-being, which was given by the god Yarilo (this is the pagan god of the sun). And if such an object was broken, then it was believed that Yaril was shown disrespect, for which he could punish. And the phrase “for good luck” was probably some kind of protection from troubles, a conspiracy from adversity that the sun god could bring to the house of a sloppy housewife who broke dishes.
  • Why can't you store broken dishes at home? Its energy is negative, it is associated with losses, destruction. Therefore, if in your closet there is a very expensive and beautiful cup with a chip, which is very expensive for you, then in this way you literally scare off well-being and good luck, therefore it is advisable to get rid of such items. By the way, it is especially important to throw out all the dishes broken during a quarrel, since its energy is especially dangerous and strong.
  • A person who eats from a knife can become harmful and evil. This is probably due to the energy of aggression that all sharp objects carry (after all, they are usually used for fighting).
  • If a knife fell from the table, then a man will come into the house soon, and if a fork or spoon, then you need to wait for the woman. If the guests are unwanted, then the object must be knocked on the floor three times, then no one will come.
  • When laying the table, first of all, a salt shaker should be placed on it in order to avoid disagreements and quarrels.
  • There is a belief that the hostess should put a knife under the tablecloth. In this case, all guests will be satisfied and well-fed.
  • It is customary to break dishes at weddings. But why do they do it? It is believed that such a gesture will leave behind all hardships and troubles and start family life from scratch so that it is long and happy.
  • If a girl who really wants a child drinks from a glass or mug from which a pregnant woman drank, then soon she will also become pregnant, since this object is “charged” with special energy, and it can be transmitted.
  • If some piece of utensil suddenly cracked, and for no apparent reason, this may portend some disagreements in the family, quarrels, or financial difficulties. But in order to avoid all this, such dishes should be thrown away.
  • If a woman broke a filled glass, then she should be more attentive to her other half. Probably, the man has another, or he admits the possibility of betrayal.
  • If a man breaks a glass, then this can promise him success in business, material well-being, good luck in business or profitable transactions.
  • You can’t stick a knife into bread, and even more so leave it in this position, it is believed that due to such a manifestation of disrespect for food, in the future it may become much less in the house.
  • If you accidentally dropped a cup, then a good person will probably notice you in the near future.
  • If you accidentally broke a plate, then this can bode well.
  • Suddenly a glass breaks? This may indicate that you may soon begin a romantic relationship.
  • Never leave dirty dishes overnight. There are several reasons for this. The first and most obvious: the next day, food residues on the surface will dry out, and it will be much more difficult to wash them off. The second reason is the brownie's discontent. Most of these creatures love order in the house, and punish negligent owners, for example, with the help of missing things and other minor dirty tricks. The third reason is that dirt, in principle, carries bad energy, it can attract trouble to the home.
  • Do not leave a knife on the table at night, this can attract misfortune and provoke the intrigues of enemies.
  • In ancient times, people believed that dishes could attract evil spirits, so it was customary to turn them upside down at night, this would scare away evil spirits.
  • During the holidays, there are usually a lot of bottles on the table. So: be sure to remove the empty ones and immediately throw them away, otherwise you may run out of all the money.
  • If you took a plate from someone, then return it filled with something, otherwise in the future you will be hungry because of your greed, and the one who borrowed the dishes will refuse to help.
  • It is considered a bad omen to break glassware, as glass has long been considered a symbol of purity, sincerity, and innocence. And if you break it, then all this can leave you and your home.
  • Any utensils should only be used for their intended purpose. So if, for example, you keep pencils in a glass or some things in a plate, then this can be perceived as disrespect for old traditions, the violation of which can lead to trouble.

Why dream of dishes? Here are the most common interpretations of such dreams:

  • If you dreamed of a large number of broken dishes, expect conflicts in the family.
  • If the dishes were clean and shiny, then prosperity awaits you.
  • If the dishes fell from your hands and broke, then your efforts will be in vain, your plans will not come true.
  • If you buy dishes, then, probably, big changes await you soon, something in your destiny will change dramatically.
  • If you are standing in a store and choosing dishes, looking at some beautiful objects, then a long and happy family life awaits you.
  • If in a dream you are washing dishes, then you are probably nervous a lot in real life, you often experience stress and want to get rid of something.
  • If you give dishes to your relative, then family relations will soon improve. If your boss receives such a gift from you, then career advancement awaits you.
  • If you remove the dishes from the table, then you need protection, at the moment of your life you are very vulnerable and subject to negative influences.
  • If you dreamed of plates with chips and cracks, then some trouble awaits you.
  • If you dream of crystal dishes, then you have to make a choice, make some important decision.
  • Porcelain tableware can promise the one who dreamed of it a pleasant pastime with relatives or friends.
  • New packaged dishes - problems in personal life.
  • Unwashed dishes - psychological stress.
  • Empty dishes on the table - lack of money.
  • Silver dishes - timely help in solving problems.
  • White dishes - promotion.

What omens do you believe in?

A person spends half of his life in his home. Therefore, it is not surprising that so many signs are associated with the house, family affairs, household items.


A large knife should be stuck into the door jamb with the tip, then the sorcerer will not be able to go into the house.

If the door suddenly creaks, unfortunately.

Buckthorn is considered a good amulet at home from witchcraft and the evil eye. Being hung on doors and windows, the buckthorn destroys the intrigues of sorcerers and demons.


In order to prevent evil spirits from entering the house and to avoid the evil eye, simple pins are inserted into the door lock with the sharp end outward.


The curtain was torn - to a quarrel between friends.


Scatter ashes - to a quarrel.


If something obscene happens in the house, the images are closed.

The icon fell - to death.


The picture fell - unfortunately.


Books must be kept in a closed cabinet, otherwise the head will hurt.

indoor flowers

Indoor flowers affect the situation in the family in different ways: ficus brings prosperity and family happiness; climbing plants (ivy, liana) lead to contention.

You should not keep a palm tree in the house - unfortunately, to illness.

A plant with narrow leaves with a white vein in the middle (chlorophytum) is popularly called “Man, get out of the house!”, It provokes divorces.

Geranium protects the house from insects (moths, bedbugs). A geranium leaf placed in the ear relieves headaches and earaches.

It is good to plant a juniper bush at home or store some thing made from a juniper tree. This plant drives out evil spirits from dwellings and protects against all sorts of magical slander.

If a flower pot is broken, be in trouble.

Flowers in the house grow well in the world family: the flowers wither - the house is restless.


Arshin (or ruler, centimeter) do not put on the bed - to the deceased.

Garlic, hung at the head of the bed, helps with headaches and evil spirits.


Garden tools (shovel, chopper) should not be kept in the house - a fire may occur


Soap in the bosom saves from spoilage. Love conversations are slandered on soap: “As soap clings to the body, so the husband would cling to his wife.”


Scissors that fell so that the blades stuck to the floor portend a quarrel. If such a case is repeated two or more times within a month, a divorce or adultery is possible in the family.

A blanket

The blanket has fallen - a good guest is in a hurry.


You can’t spit through the window, throw garbage, pour out slop - there is a guardian angel under the window.

At the commemoration, a towel or a piece of cloth is hung out of the window, and a vessel with water is placed on the windowsill so that the soul of the deceased comes to wash.

Accidentally seeing the light in the window of your house is good luck.

Until dawn, do not look out the window - you will see the unclean.


If someone carries firewood for the stove and one log falls - to be guests, the same if the brand falls out of the stove by itself. If a burning coal falls out - to an angry guest.

Aspen firewood destroys stove soot.

You can’t spit on the fire - blisters will jump up on your tongue.

While bread is being baked in the oven, do not sit on the oven - the bread will be thin.

A brick fell out of the oven - not good.

If the oven sweats - to the tears of the hostess.

Buzzing in the chimney - someone's soul is tormented.

If there is some rustling or ringing in the pipe, there will be a trial over a trifle.


Through the threshold you can neither greet, nor say goodbye, nor pass anything - to a quarrel or loss.

If a young guy is sitting on the doorstep, then not a single girl will marry him - so a bachelor will die.


If a church candle burns unevenly in the house, leaves a lot of soot - the house is unclean.

You should not blow candles on fire - acne will jump on your tongue, you need to extinguish the candle by licking your fingers

Flame with soot - unfortunately. When you put a candle in a church, and it does not burn for a long time, leans or goes out - unfortunately.


Do not put the keys on the table - not good. Hat and keys on the table - to a quarrel.

An inkwell and a knife are also a quarrel.

You shake the crumbs off the table with your hand - there will be no money.

You can’t sit on the dining table - one of the parents will die. v Clock

The wall clock will fall - to the death of the owner of the house. They will stop on their own - to a change in life. After the death of the owner, the clock stops or it needs to be stopped on purpose. eight

The clock strikes at the wrong time - to trouble.

Fur coat

The fur coat fell - to a big quarrel in the family.

lucky omens

Accidentally scatter boxes of matches (by the way, you need to collect them one at a time and take only the “leg” of the match, and not the “head” - so for a penny, for a ruble you will collect wealth in the house);

Spill wine during a toast - Fate will appreciate your grand gesture and compensate for the spilled a hundredfold (only, of course, you need to spill the wine by accident).

Unlucky omens

If someone goes into the house with an open umbrella, all that remains is to wait for misfortune;

Drop a raw egg (it doesn't matter where, on the floor or a soft chair). If it remains intact at the same time, failures will accompany you all day.

Signs for happiness and good luck

Thread with a needle

Buy a needle on Monday, and on Thursday stick it with a thread into a blouse on your chest, so go - it will be good.

If you sew and the thread gets tangled, you will live a long time.

Before the wedding, the bride and groom need to stick pins into their clothes so that they do not jinx them.

A pin on clothes and a needle and thread above the door of the dwelling are protected from the evil eye.


If you don’t recognize a familiar person - be rich for him.

Take money with your left hand, and give it with your right - there will always be.

If, having sold the first thing of all those intended for sale, you touch it with money, then you will easily sell all the goods.

At the table

He who eats stale bread swims well and is not afraid of lightning.

Feed the extra bread to the birds - fortunately and prosperity.

At the beginning and end of dinner, eat a piece of bread with salt - fortunately.

An apple fell from the table - to a meeting with a lover.

A teaspoon floats in a glass - for a gift.

If bread and salt are offered, the more you bite off, the more luck.

You sit between people with the same names - make a wish. Will come true.

Signs - rules

Aim not to the threshold, but from the threshold, otherwise you will sweep away wealth.

A woman salts food - it means that she has fallen in love.

The broom must be held with the handle down - money will be found and the house will be protected from misfortunes.

Sweep the house with a broom made of wormwood - the unclean one will not start.

When moving to a new house, carry an old broom with you to take a good brownie with you.

Do not stir coffee or tea in the cup of a partner or relative - you will "stir" a quarrel.

Something broke - do not worry, fortunately. At weddings, it is generally recommended to beat the dishes so that the spouses have a happy life.

Finding a horseshoe is lucky. Hang found over the door - to long-term happiness.

Never pour boiling water into an empty cup or glass (first pour tea, coffee or at least sugar into it) - you will call yourself poverty.

Leaving the scissors open is a quarrel.

Don't sit on the windowsill - you won't get married.


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